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IRC: #techbytes @ FreeNode: November 29th, 2015-December 5th, 2015

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*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Nov 29 00:38
schestowitz 29 00:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sdpp99: @schestowitz <xcom salute>Nov 29 00:58
schestowitz 29 01:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JackRathborn: Mayweather backed @Tyson_Fury to win big (via @fighthype) 29 01:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JackRathborn: Mayweather backed @Tyson_Fury to win big (via @fighthype) 29 01:19
schestowitz 29 01:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: I wouldn't put any faith in that 8,000 figure. "ISIS fighters" = new WMDs 29 01:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "bombing of the 600,000 population of Raqqa, in the hope of hitting 8,000 ISIS personnel carefully dispersed" 29 01:24
schestowitzCould mean sympathisersNov 29 01:24
schestowitz[01:32] <schestowitz> i think varnish just crashedNov 29 01:37
schestowitz[01:35] <schestowitz> wait, it's low memory, I managed to get inNov 29 01:37
schestowitz[01:36] <schestowitz> it's back now, I restarted httpd and varnishNov 29 01:37
schestowitz 29 01:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: @schestowitz The bombing is a war crime. Admitting such a definition of target would seal it as such.Nov 29 01:37
schestowitz 29 01:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Nov 29 01:53
schestowitz 29 01:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Reddit_Tech_New: European Patent Office attempting to censor journalists uncovering alleged corruption. 29 01:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | What Everyone Needs to Know About the EPO’s New War on Journalism | TechrightsNov 29 01:53
*oiaohm has quit (*.net *.split)Nov 29 05:24
*XFaCE has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Nov 29 07:20
*XFaCE (~XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #techbytesNov 29 07:25
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Nov 29 08:24
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Nov 29 08:24:53 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Nov 29 08:25:21 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesNov 29 08:25
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 29 08:25
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 29 08:25
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesNov 29 08:38
schestowitz 29 09:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@aebadirad: @schestowitz @clmerle Thankfully coalition forces are insanely accurate statistically and actually try to solve these issues instead of talkNov 29 09:05
schestowitzWhose statistics?Nov 29 09:05
schestowitz 29 09:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Charu_ip: @schestowitz I've read your articles about EPO. Very nice and brave.Nov 29 09:06
schestowitzThanks you, much more to come...Nov 29 09:06
schestowitz*Thank you, much more to come...Nov 29 09:06
schestowitz 29 09:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Nov 29 09:08
schestowitz"What the hell makes people believe they actually can intimidate anyone in a world where everyone can publish and paste to their hearts content? If youre going to act dirty, you are dirty, and the world will know in hours! Amazing that they think they have any say at all, patents are practically a dead institution."Nov 29 09:08
schestowitz 29 09:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@aebadirad: @schestowitz @clmerle I know your political agenda rules the mindset, but really? REALLY? You can't do basic research on NATO operations?Nov 29 09:17
schestowitz 29 09:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@aebadirad: @schestowitz @clmerle 30 seconds of research: 26,000 civilian causalities in Afghanistan from 2001 to today. Coalition responsible for 14%Nov 29 09:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@aebadirad: @schestowitz @clmerle Or about 260 a year (a bit heavier from 2001-2004). Coalition forces fielded 10-12 bombings a day from 2001-2011Nov 29 09:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@aebadirad: @schestowitz @clmerle That's .07 civilians killed per airstrike, in a war zone. Many weren't killed due to airstrikes, too.Nov 29 09:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@aebadirad: @schestowitz @clmerle Out of a country of 30 MILLION. With over 41000 taliban/associates killed and you're suggesting they just carpet bomb?Nov 29 09:32
schestowitzI don't have time to counter BS, but the way they classify civilian is wrong. Same as in drone strikes.Nov 29 09:33
schestowitz I'd politely recommend you read up on now NATO misclassified its victims to game the numbersNov 29 09:34
schestowitz 29 09:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@aebadirad: @schestowitz @clmerle Thank god the numbers don't come from HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH.Nov 29 09:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | War in Afghanistan (2001–14) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaNov 29 09:34
schestowitzHRW is connected in many ways to the CIA. Look it up.Nov 29 09:34
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Nov 29 09:59
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesNov 29 10:00
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesNov 29 10:33
*oiaohm is now known as mhoaioNov 29 10:35
*mhoaio is now known as oiaohmNov 29 10:36
schestowitz"Nov 29 10:49
schestowitzThanks Roy for alerting me.Nov 29 10:49
schestowitzWhat did you make of IAM's report?Nov 29 10:49
schestowitz"Nov 29 10:49
schestowitzScumbagsNov 29 10:49
schestowitzEPO mouthpieceNov 29 10:50
schestowitzIAM:Nov 29 10:51
schestowitz>> As discussed on Twitter can you send me the PDF of the xxxxNov 29 10:51
schestowitz>> > email as I'd like to link to it in the report I am putting together.Nov 29 10:51
schestowitz>> >Nov 29 10:51
schestowitz> Here is the PDF (please don't publish, for your eyes only), in case of meta/watermarking that jeopardises the source...Nov 29 10:51
schestowitz> It’s Tim Lince at /IAM/. Joff is putting together the article forNov 29 10:51
schestowitz> publication this afternoon, so any help with the original PDF would beNov 29 10:51
schestowitz> appreciated.Nov 29 10:51
oiaohmschestowitz: so someone does not know how to process PDF files.   Its very easy to strip sourcing information from them.Nov 29 10:53
schestowitzyeah, I knNov 29 10:54
schestowitzbut this wasn't supposed to be for publicatioNov 29 10:54
schestowitzthey published it anywayNov 29 10:54
schestowitzdays later there was thisNov 29 10:54
schestowitz"Nov 29 10:54
schestowitz> Totally off the record (I won't mention you): EPO is trying to silenceNov 29 10:54
schestowitz> me and discourage me from writing about their corruption, whichNov 29 10:54
schestowitz> thousands of EPO employees know about and complain about (the EPO'sNov 29 10:54
schestowitz> management is very unpopular right now). Should I take this public,Nov 29 10:54
schestowitz> comply, tell them to withdraw or else I'd take this public? Mike hasNov 29 10:54
schestowitz> been in this situation many times before, so I'm not sure what the bestNov 29 10:54
schestowitz> path is. I can defend the claims that I made and defend them.Nov 29 10:54
schestowitz>Nov 29 10:54
schestowitz> This weekend I was going to publish a similar case where they tried toNov 29 10:54
schestowitz> gag a critic but he refused to comply, so EPO just sort of went away andNov 29 10:54
schestowitz> let it be...Nov 29 10:54
schestowitz>Nov 29 10:54
schestowitz> Any opinions appreciated (don't worry, I won't involve you in any way)...Nov 29 10:54
schestowitz"Nov 29 10:54
schestowitz"Nov 29 10:54
schestowitz> I really don't know enough about the specifics of defamation law in theNov 29 10:54
schestowitz> UK to give you a valid opinion on what to do.  I'm very comfortable withNov 29 10:54
schestowitz> the US specifics (and things like anti-SLAPP laws), and have lawyers INov 29 10:54
schestowitz> know I can count on to help me out.  So unfortunately, I don't have muchNov 29 10:54
schestowitz> in the way of advice for you.  Are there good like-minded lawyers youNov 29 10:54
schestowitz> can reach out in the UK for their thoughts?Nov 29 10:55
schestowitz"Nov 29 10:55
oiaohmUK and Australian deformation laws don't have the 100 percent truth defence as absolute.Nov 29 10:55
schestowitzwell, it's out in the public now...Nov 29 10:55
schestowitzFrom back THEN:Nov 29 10:57
schestowitz(over a month ago)Nov 29 10:57
schestowitz"Nov 29 10:57
schestowitzSorry not to have replied sooner, only picked this up now.Nov 29 10:57
schestowitzThis is pretty awful, although given EPO's track record, no surprise.Nov 29 10:57
schestowitzYou really need to talk to a good lawyer.  I'll ask around to see if INov 29 10:57
schestowitzcan get a name for you quickly.Nov 29 10:57
schestowitz'Nov 29 10:57
schestowitz"Nov 29 10:57
schestowitzOK, I've got a couple of leads.  I've not passed on your email yet, norNov 29 10:57
schestowitzgiven any details - just said legal advice needed - but at some point itNov 29 10:57
schestowitzwould be simpler if you communicated with them directly.Nov 29 10:57
schestowitz"Nov 29 10:57
schestowitz> OK, there's this:Nov 29 10:58
oiaohmDeformation can be pushed in the UK and Australia if the action is deem malice  even if the facts are true.Nov 29 10:58
schestowitz>Nov 29 10:58
schestowitz> " If must be completely free, best to approach Bar Pro Bono unit, whoNov 29 10:58
schestowitz> will appraise it, then approach chambers to find a barrister who can doNov 29 10:58
schestowitz> it for free. Alternatively, my chambers (which specialises inNov 29 10:58
schestowitz> defamation) has 'Direct Access' (straight to barrister, no solicitor)Nov 29 10:58
schestowitz> for initial advice, which keeps initial costs to an absolute minimum.Nov 29 10:58
schestowitz> …. The other top tierNov 29 10:58
schestowitz> chambers who do defamation are One Brick Court and Matrix, and I'm sureNov 29 10:58
schestowitz> some of their barristers will do Direct Access/Public Access too. INov 29 10:58
schestowitz> haven't yet done the Direct Access training, otherwise I'd offer myself.Nov 29 10:58
schestowitz> If he doesn't get some help by mid next week, come back to me."Nov 29 10:58
schestowitz>Nov 29 10:58
-TechBytesBot/ | Public access | 5RB Barristers | Media and Entertainment LawNov 29 10:58
schestowitz> That's from xxxxxx, who is a barrister and on twitter (obviously).Nov 29 10:58
schestowitz>  I suggest you look up some of the people he mentions, see if you canNov 29 10:58
schestowitz> contact them.Nov 29 10:58
schestowitz>Nov 29 10:58
schestowitz> If I get any more suggestions, I'll send them through.Nov 29 10:58
schestowitz"Nov 29 10:58
schestowitzoiaohm: but not from public bodyNov 29 10:58
schestowitzonly individualsNov 29 10:58
schestowitzor maybe corporationsNov 29 10:58
schestowitz"Nov 29 10:59
schestowitz> OK, Mxxxwrites thus:Nov 29 10:59
schestowitz>Nov 29 10:59
schestowitz> "Happy to help - there's some lawyers I can recommend - so yes introduceNov 29 10:59
schestowitz> away.Nov 29 10:59
schestowitz>Nov 29 10:59
oiaohmschestowitz: Australia and UK law make no difference between individuals or corporation when it comes to deformationNov 29 10:59
schestowitz> It's worth noting the new Defamation Act 2013, which I campaigned for,Nov 29 10:59
schestowitz> gives significantly better protections for free speech than itsNov 29 10:59
schestowitz> predecessor so any publication after 1 Jan 2014 is more protected.Nov 29 10:59
schestowitz>Nov 29 10:59
schestowitz> All the best, xxxxNov 29 10:59
schestowitz>Nov 29 10:59
schestowitz>Nov 29 10:59
schestowitz> I suggest you contact him immediately, sounds like he knows what to doNov 29 10:59
schestowitz> in these cases.Nov 29 10:59
schestowitz"Nov 29 10:59
oiaohm2013 improves things but the malice cause still exists.Nov 29 10:59
schestowitz> OK, this is xxxx who's a lawyer and well-known blogger.  If youNov 29 11:00
schestowitz> are happy to give him some info, he'll try to help:Nov 29 11:00
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:00
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:00
schestowitz> "xxxxx. Anything sent will be treated in strictNov 29 11:00
schestowitz> confidence and will have legal professional privilege."Nov 29 11:00
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:00
schestowitz> As he says, everything will be confidence.  Would be a good idea to getNov 29 11:00
schestowitz> as much advice as you can.Nov 29 11:00
schestowitzoiaohm: but there are exceptionsNov 29 11:00
oiaohmschestowitz: But I don't believe you have done enought o trigger maliceNov 29 11:00
schestowitz> Great.  These are all very able people, so you should be able to getNov 29 11:00
schestowitz> some tip-top advice from them - really necessary for this kind ofNov 29 11:00
schestowitz> situation.  I urge you to find out as many options as you can.Nov 29 11:00
schestowitzoiaohm: indeedNov 29 11:00
schestowitzI highlighed abuse by public instituitonNov 29 11:00
oiaohmI just thought I would warn you to watch hard you push if they are going to attempt to use UK law.Nov 29 11:01
oiaohmIts the malice section of the deformation laws of UK and Australia is a trap that catchs those from overseas.Nov 29 11:01
schestowitzoiaohm: for more context:Nov 29 11:02
oiaohmschestowitz: mind you malice also works both ways.Nov 29 11:02
schestowitz>>> Great.  These are all very able people, so you should be able to getNov 29 11:02
schestowitz>>> >> some tip-top advice from them - really necessary for this kind ofNov 29 11:02
schestowitz>>> >> situation.  I urge you to find out as many options as you can.Nov 29 11:02
schestowitz>>> >>Nov 29 11:02
schestowitz>>> >> Good luck.Nov 29 11:02
schestowitz>> > I asked a food friend of mine this morning (he's a 50-y-o professor, we do shotput training together) and he seems to agree that this is a muzzling attempt.Nov 29 11:02
schestowitz> That's for sure.Nov 29 11:02
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:02
schestowitz>  I will consult people who know the law, as per your advice, beforeNov 29 11:02
schestowitz> taking any further action (I only removed the post).Nov 29 11:02
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:02
schestowitz> That's good.Nov 29 11:02
schestowitz>> >Nov 29 11:02
schestowitz>> > Based on the wrong name being in the letter (the address me by the wrong surname), they're on some kind of a new campaign to silence the media. I'm not the only target. I was warned about this recently.Nov 29 11:02
schestowitz>> >Nov 29 11:03
schestowitz>> > There is a lot more that I could say, but in short:Nov 29 11:03
schestowitz>> >Nov 29 11:03
schestowitz>> > - this is intended to discourage writing (they start by nitpicking on one article, can try others later)Nov 29 11:03
schestowitz>> > - this is action from the EPO itself, not just an individualNov 29 11:03
schestowitz>> > - SUEPO was also recently silenced, probably using a similar kind of letter, maybe from the same firmNov 29 11:03
schestowitz>> > - yesterday, by replying to my allegations (in IAM) they (SPO spokesperson) said something which only serves to further support my allegation. This whole program was created for Microsoft because of Microsoft (EPO changed its rules in exchange for Microsoft paying a lot more money in the form of patent applications)Nov 29 11:03
schestowitz>> > - bring this to light at this stage would be unwise before legal advice is pursuedNov 29 11:03
schestowitz>> > - as posted last night, there is a long history to it. The story of may be one of very manyNov 29 11:03
schestowitz>> >Nov 29 11:03
schestowitz>> > I often wonder if, after you had said you would write about this, it was your publisher that got cold feet and didn't want to touch the subject. This in itself is part of the problem. Journalists and publishers are made afraid to the point where very serious violations can go on and on. And people commit suicide...Nov 29 11:03
schestowitz>> >Nov 29 11:03
schestowitz> No, not at all; I haven't submitted my proposal yet, still gathering info.Nov 29 11:03
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:03
oiaohmThe malice section of the deformation law also means they have to prove the damages you have caused them to follow that case schestowitzNov 29 11:03
schestowitz>> > I have more damning information about the EPO but I keep it under the wraps because it's so damning that it would put people at risk if published. There is an atmosphere or fear and terror. I can't help but think of FIFA and VW.Nov 29 11:03
schestowitz> Arguably it's worse since, as you know, the EPO enjoys diplomaticNov 29 11:03
schestowitz> immunity - they are literally untouchable....Nov 29 11:03
schestowitz> Hi RoyNov 29 11:04
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:04
schestowitz> Am happy to see if I can help.  I understand from xxxx that you have aNov 29 11:04
schestowitz> number of offers of assistance.Nov 29 11:04
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:04
schestowitz> Have you had a formal legal threat of any kind? If so, can you considerNov 29 11:04
schestowitz> sending it to me as the next step, as that will help me work out whatNov 29 11:04
schestowitz> can be done.Nov 29 11:04
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:04
schestowitz> Anything you send to me will in strict confidence and is under legalNov 29 11:04
schestowitz> privilege.Nov 29 11:04
oiaohmschestowitz: this is the other trap "English defamation law puts the burden of proving the truth of allegedly defamatory statements on the defendant"Nov 29 11:04
oiaohmSo even if you know something is a lie and you call them out and you cannot prove it the English defamtion laws traps you.Nov 29 11:05
schestowitz> Dear RoyNov 29 11:06
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:06
schestowitz> Thanks so much for your email. I'll give it some careful thoughtNov 29 11:06
schestowitz> tomorrow and get back to you again.Nov 29 11:06
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:06
schestowitz> In the meantimeNov 29 11:06
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:06
schestowitz> (i) don't panic.  When WIPO tried to silence the IPKat with legalNov 29 11:06
schestowitz> threats some years ago, he received a phone call from one of the DeputyNov 29 11:06
schestowitz> Directors-General followed by two legal letters before action, only toNov 29 11:06
schestowitz> discover that, as a body established under an international convention,Nov 29 11:06
schestowitz> WIPO didn't have the legal power to sue or be sued in any nationalNov 29 11:06
oiaohmschestowitz:  there is a fairly good write up on the wikipediaNov 29 11:06
schestowitz> court. This may be so for the EPO, one way or other. It's worthNov 29 11:06
schestowitz> investigating;Nov 29 11:06
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:06
schestowitz> (ii) you are not the only person coming under pressure from the EPONov 29 11:06
-TechBytesBot/ | English defamation law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaNov 29 11:06
schestowitz> right now;Nov 29 11:06
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:06
schestowitz> (iii) do assume, if you are not already, that your privateNov 29 11:06
schestowitz> e-correspondence is being monitored and read.Nov 29 11:06
schestowitzoiaohm: it doesn't apply in this caseNov 29 11:06
schestowitzas I am likely to show in an article layerNov 29 11:06
oiaohmOnly issue UK style law can be used in the EU for site blocking.Nov 29 11:07
schestowitzblocking?Nov 29 11:07
oiaohmBut even reading the UK law I don't see any EU judge ruling that your domain should be blocked.Nov 29 11:07
schestowitz> good to see you're getting advice from various sources.Nov 29 11:08
oiaohmschestowitz: the fact your site is a USA domain hosted out side the EU kinda restricts what laws can be applied.Nov 29 11:09
oiaohmschestowitz: only attack I can see attempted if they are serous is domain blocking.   But I don't see that working.Nov 29 11:09
oiaohmschestowitz: but it is something to monitor in case they find some suspect person who passes it.Nov 29 11:11
schestowitzI don't think it's applicable hereNov 29 11:11
schestowitzanyway, EPO already blocks techrights internallyNov 29 11:12
schestowitzand has for quite some timeNov 29 11:12
schestowitz> Is there a number on which I can call you?Nov 29 11:12
schestowitz> Please send:Nov 29 11:12
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:12
schestowitz> 1. a copy of the post;Nov 29 11:12
schestowitz> 2. a copy of your reply email to the law firm.Nov 29 11:12
schestowitz> thanks - very glad to hear it was just bullying.Nov 29 11:13
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:13
schestowitz> don't worry, I won't mention any of this until you decide to write aboutNov 29 11:13
schestowitz> it publicly.Nov 29 11:13
oiaohmschestowitz: deformation case can attempt to get the same blocks as what were attempted against piratebay.Nov 29 11:13
oiaohmOk not very effective.Nov 29 11:13
oiaohmschestowitz: basically that is worst case of what they can attempt.Nov 29 11:14
schestowitz> Dear Roy,Nov 29 11:14
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:14
schestowitz> Shall we speak at 9am tomorrow morning -Nov 29 11:14
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:14
schestowitz> This is not legal advice, and I would speak to a lawyer as a matter ofNov 29 11:14
schestowitz> urgency, but it's worth noting if the European Patent Office wish to sueNov 29 11:14
schestowitz> you, then they ought to be aware of the Derbyshire judgment which makesNov 29 11:14
schestowitz> it hard for public bodies from suing individuals for libel.Nov 29 11:14
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:14
schestowitz> All the best,Nov 29 11:14
oiaohmProblem is since you are running a site they can argue that you are not a pure individual.Nov 29 11:14
oiaohmThat is why the Derbyshire judgement is limited.Nov 29 11:15
oiaohmschestowitz: I don't see any major possiblity of harm to you.Nov 29 11:16
oiaohmPossible annoyance and high costs to them.Nov 29 11:16
schestowitz> Dear RoyNov 29 11:16
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:16
schestowitz> Glad you've been able to take legal advice.  No-one in my team ofNov 29 11:16
schestowitz> writers knows much about defamation, though there is a feeling that anNov 29 11:16
schestowitz> action would be hard-pressed to succeed under UK defamation law givenNov 29 11:17
schestowitz> the public interest dimension and the problems that the EPO would faceNov 29 11:17
schestowitz> in showing any loss. In addition, the EPO would expose itself to a goodNov 29 11:17
schestowitz> deal of unwanted publicity and to the disclosure for the purposes ofNov 29 11:17
schestowitz> litigation of information which it has not hitherto been willing to makeNov 29 11:17
schestowitz> available. This latter consideration might reasonably lead one to thinkNov 29 11:17
schestowitz> that the EPO will not want to have its bluff called and face realNov 29 11:17
schestowitz> litigation in England and Wales.Nov 29 11:17
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:17
schestowitz> The IPKat's Around the Weblog item tomorrow will be leading with someNov 29 11:17
schestowitz> comments about the EPO's reluctance to foster sensible discussion andNov 29 11:17
schestowitz> debate.Nov 29 11:17
oiaohmShowing any lose is proving malicous damage.Nov 29 11:17
oiaohmThat I don't think at this stage the EPO could pull off.Nov 29 11:17
schestowitz 29 11:18
-TechBytesBot/ | European Patent Office attempting to censor tech journalists uncovering alleged corruption. : KotakuInActionNov 29 11:18
schestowitz"I've no clue what this is about, but the patent office sending cease and desist letters to some blogger on a site ranked at around 285,000 (for comparison, that's 100k lower than the ralph retort) sounds incredibly suspicious all on its own."Nov 29 11:18
schestowitzoiaohm: no, they can'tNov 29 11:18
schestowitzI am preparing a post about itNov 29 11:18
schestowitzjust strolling through some old mailNov 29 11:18
schestowitz> yes, these legal aspects are fascinating - and importantNov 29 11:18
oiaohmschestowitz: Its just to watch that you don't push too hard to cause malicous damage.   My best advice is keep a cool head and only report on what you can prove.Nov 29 11:19
oiaohmThey should not be sending out badly formed taken down requests.Nov 29 11:19
schestowitz> Dear Roy,Nov 29 11:21
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:21
schestowitz> This could make the news - maybe, if you don't think the threat isNov 29 11:21
schestowitz> credible - I could put you in touch with a journalist who would beNov 29 11:21
schestowitz> interested in this story?Nov 29 11:21
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:21
schestowitz> All the bestNov 29 11:21
schestowitz> Dear RoyNov 29 11:21
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:21
schestowitz> I will email you later this evening with my suggested text.Nov 29 11:21
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:21
schestowitz> Having read about the subject, I am very concerned about what the EPO is doing, and I am now going to see if I can take this case on formally on a pro bono basis.Nov 29 11:21
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:21
schestowitz> Best wishesNov 29 11:22
oiaohmForming a reporter storm and giving a lot of interviews could be some that runs on on the wrong side of malicous damage.Nov 29 11:22
schestowitz> Dear RoyNov 29 11:22
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:22
schestowitz> I am checking with my firm if I can help "on the record" on this.  I will find out overnight. If I can, then I will reply to this lawyer's letter.Nov 29 11:22
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:22
schestowitz> Best wishesNov 29 11:22
schestowitzoiaohm: not if there's no case to be madeNov 29 11:22
schestowitz> thanks, I'll bear that in mind.Nov 29 11:22
oiaohmmalicous damage clause of deformation laws in the UK means you have to give them chance to say sorry before pushing too hard.Nov 29 11:23
oiaohmSo if they send you an letter saying it was a error you have to back up.Nov 29 11:23
oiaohmup/off.Nov 29 11:23
schestowitz > RoyNov 29 11:23
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:24
schestowitz> I should be able to do this one pro bono; still finding out.Nov 29 11:24
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:24
schestowitz> Pending this, can I have your permission to respond to the lawyers as follows:Nov 29 11:24
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:24
schestowitz> 1. the letter sent was not in accordance with the pre-action protocol;Nov 29 11:24
schestowitz> 2. it is denied EPO has capability to sue;Nov 29 11:24
schestowitz> 3. the posts were taken down without any admission of liability;Nov 29 11:24
schestowitz> 4. you require 14 days to provide a substantive response.Nov 29 11:24
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:24
schestowitz> Please confirm by return; happy to deal with any queries.Nov 29 11:24
schestowitz> Here you go.  DO NOT FORWARD THIS TO A THIRD PARTY – either in full orNov 29 11:24
schestowitz> by extract. This is because it would open us up to potential satelliteNov 29 11:24
schestowitz> threats.Nov 29 11:24
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:24
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:24
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:24
schestowitz> Are you free later to discuss?Nov 29 11:24
oiaohmworst thing you could do is do interviews over this issue at this case.Nov 29 11:25
schestowitzDidn't do anyNov 29 11:26
schestowitzBut I wrote about itNov 29 11:26
schestowitzwithout naming peopleNov 29 11:26
schestowitzor quoting their lettersNov 29 11:26
schestowitzI have good people defending my side:Nov 29 11:27
schestowitz> Dear RoyNov 29 11:27
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:27
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:27
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:27
schestowitz> I now need to sign you formally as a client.Nov 29 11:27
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:27
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:27
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:27
schestowitz> Can I please have your full address and a copy of your main passport page.Nov 29 11:27
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:27
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:27
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:27
schestowitz> I will then send you an engagement letter which will need to be signed.Nov 29 11:27
schestowitz> that's great news - I'm glad that's working out.  he has strong opinionsNov 29 11:29
schestowitz> on many things, but he's very able, I think.Nov 29 11:29
schestowitzregarding someone else:Nov 29 11:29
schestowitz> if he is a real whistleblower, could make a big difference: there areNov 29 11:29
schestowitz> increasing numbers of structures to help whistleblowers - I know some,Nov 29 11:29
schestowitz> and might be able to contact them if you can confirm he is indeed a bonaNov 29 11:29
schestowitz> fide whistleblower and is being pursued as a result.Nov 29 11:29
schestowitz> ah, right. yes, I saw the SZ piece; pretty extraordinary.Nov 29 11:31
schestowitz> More fun; see my reply below.Nov 29 11:36
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:36
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:36
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:36
schestowitz> Can we speak?Nov 29 11:36
schestowitzsomeone told meNov 29 11:37
schestowitz:Nov 29 11:37
schestowitz> incredible; don't worry, not mentioning this to anyone currently...Nov 29 11:37
schestowitz> Dear RoyNov 29 11:37
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:37
schestowitz> I am going to tell them to wait to the 30 October 2015.Nov 29 11:37
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:37
schestowitz> There is nothing in their letter which warrants you to take it downNov 29 11:37
schestowitz> urgently.  If you believe you can substantiate the post then you shouldNov 29 11:37
schestowitz> not have to take it down.Nov 29 11:37
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:37
schestowitz> Can I have you permission to reply accordingly?Nov 29 11:37
schestowitz> Further to our phone call, this is the holding response I sent at yourNov 29 11:39
schestowitz> instruction.Nov 29 11:39
schestowitzoiaohm:Nov 29 12:20
schestowitz> Dear RoyNov 29 12:20
schestowitz>Nov 29 12:20
schestowitz> The previous firm's attempt did seem somewhat amateurish.Nov 29 12:20
schestowitz>Nov 29 12:20
schestowitz> Who is replacing fieldfisher?Nov 29 12:20
schestowitz>Nov 29 12:20
schestowitz> Best wishes for your continued success!Nov 29 12:20
schestowitzoiaohm: I also have sources relating to USPTONov 29 12:22
schestowitzbut too afraid to expose itNov 29 12:22
schestowitz"Nov 29 12:22
schestowitz> Thank you for getting back to me. I think it would make sense to showNov 29 12:22
schestowitz> evidence of prior art that the USPTO examiner had missed. And also showNov 29 12:22
schestowitz> the patent that should have never been approved based on this prior art.Nov 29 12:22
schestowitz> I do want to be anonymous as USPTO may used information they findNov 29 12:22
schestowitz> against me if I expose their wrongdoing and corruption. How can I makeNov 29 12:22
schestowitz> sure I am protected? Are there any agencies that can protect me in theNov 29 12:22
schestowitz> US? Thank youNov 29 12:22
schestowitz"Nov 29 12:22
schestowitzmarketing spamNov 29 12:30
schestowitz> Roy,Nov 29 12:30
schestowitz>Nov 29 12:30
schestowitz> Are you attending Tectonic Summit in New York on December 2 and 3? If so, might you like to meet with Andy Randall, lead evangelist for open source layer 3 virtual networking solution Project Calico to discuss  the latest release? Calico 1.2 includes a number of performance and occupancy improvements, as well as a new status reporting capability, and is now fully-integrated with OpenStack.Nov 29 12:30
schestowitz>Nov 29 12:30
schestowitz> Please let me know if you are attending and if you interested in speaking with him and we will make the arrangements.Nov 29 12:31
schestowitz>Nov 29 12:31
schestowitz> Thanks,Nov 29 12:31
schestowitzoiaohm: just got something more about thisNov 29 12:51
schestowitzmost of the above is oldNov 29 12:51
schestowitzoiaohm: others self-censor too:Nov 29 12:51
schestowitz> Hello Roy,Nov 29 12:51
schestowitz>Nov 29 12:51
schestowitz> It's David from World IP Review. This is my personal account.Nov 29 12:51
schestowitzHi David, totally understand! Until around 7-8 years ago I wrote for a publication which paid me up to $200 per article, but I felt too limited in what I could say and the editor sometimes censored my articles before publication. This kind of dependability, or the man behind the curtain, is something that I no longer have. It helps me express myself without self-restraint. Some bodies such as the Free Software Foundation and Linux FoundationNov 29 12:51
schestowitzdo have financial strings (members of sponsors). I worry that it made them too limited in what they can publicly state.Nov 29 12:51
schestowitz Nov 29 12:51
schestowitz> I want to thank you again for sharing your exchanges with the EPO on itsNov 29 12:51
schestowitz> threats of legal action. I appreciate the delicate position that you areNov 29 12:51
schestowitz> in with the EPO and I hope you are successful in your case. I believeNov 29 12:51
schestowitz> the baffled response everyone had to the threats will hopefully mean theNov 29 12:51
schestowitz> EPO will back down. Their claims are absurd.Nov 29 12:51
schestowitzGoing to the WIPR web site right now, I see that this is still the most popular topic/article.Nov 29 12:51
schestowitzI am preparing up to 3 articles today, containing a lot more details. I hope these will show the public just how absurd the EPO's situation is.Nov 29 12:51
schestowitz Nov 29 12:51
schestowitz> You correctly pointed out the deletion of the paragraph. This was a moveNov 29 12:51
schestowitz> of self-censorship and I was very sorry this had happened. Between youNov 29 12:51
schestowitz> and me I wanted the paragraph to remain, because I felt it was extremelyNov 29 12:51
schestowitz> important to the article. The editor did as well.Nov 29 12:51
schestowitzSometimes removal of something gives it even more attention. This is why I can't recall ever deleting (maybe just strikethrough'ed) anything in Techrights. The EPO article that was unpublished is the only currently-unpublished item in the site (with almost 20,000 blog posts). At a later point I might add to it the EPO's response/comments and republish, but not yet... and not without some legal advice on the matter.Nov 29 12:51
schestowitz Nov 29 12:51
schestowitz> I am telling you this from my personal email because passing on thisNov 29 12:51
schestowitz> information would risk my job. But I felt you deserved a properNov 29 12:51
schestowitz> explanation. Needless to say this cannot be published (because it'll beNov 29 12:51
schestowitz> too obvious that I passed it on).Nov 29 12:51
schestowitzLater I hope to show, with a lot of legal details, why EPO is unfit to sue. It's all just a bark, no bite...Nov 29 12:52
schestowitz Nov 29 12:52
schestowitz> I am 100% behind you in your battle with the EPO. My many exchanges withNov 29 12:52
schestowitz> union staff leads me to believe there is something truly rotten at theNov 29 12:52
schestowitz> centre of the system. I would suggest contacting the Private Eye. TheyNov 29 12:52
schestowitz> will definitely cover it.Nov 29 12:52
schestowitzShouldn't the unions considering making contact first? I can try if you think it's the best course of action. Merpel could too... or others who write on the matter. I will consider doing so when I'm done writing about the EPO chilling effect... I hope by the end of today. Maybe the censorship.threat scandal isn't the biggest scandal but a bit of a distraction from far bigger issues.Nov 29 12:52
schestowitz> I am in Manchester from Dec 27th to Jan 2nd. It'd be good to meet up forNov 29 12:52
schestowitz> a coffee and discuss this further.Nov 29 12:52
schestowitzYes, but all means, which part of the city will you be in? I don't live far from the centre... just a 20-minute walk.Nov 29 12:52
oiaohmschestowitz: with OSPTO stuff buck pass to bigger parties. 29 12:55
-TechBytesBot/ | Contact Us - Open Invention NetworkNov 29 12:55
schestowitzyeahNov 29 13:02
schestowitzoiaohm: we'll get to it tooNov 29 13:02
schestowitzoiaohm: just got another scandal regarding EPO in mailboxNov 29 13:02
schestowitzencrypted:Nov 29 13:02
schestowitz"Nov 29 13:02
schestowitzI got your message and I thank you for the condolences.Nov 29 13:02
schestowitzI wish to publish some important articles today and start a new series of posts tomorrow (a Spanish EPO scandal). I hope we can then agree on what can be safely published, when and how... in the interest of showing the world the abuse and the abuser/s. It sounds like a new kind of abuse (new category in the Wiki too), relating to medical/health...Nov 29 13:02
schestowitzI've been advised to speak to Private Eye less than an hour ago. It's a very influential British publication which already covered the EPO scandals (leaked documents I showed).Nov 29 13:02
schestowitzNow only 'mere mortal' are nervous and suffering right now. So do high-level EPO managers. It all comes back to haunt them...Nov 29 13:02
schestowitzLet's keep this secure exchange of information and form a strategy of disclosure to maximise public awareness, public sympathy, and hence pressure on the culprits.Nov 29 13:02
schestowitz"Nov 29 13:02
schestowitz-meNov 29 13:02
oiaohmThe problem here is where that data is coming from they are facing EU deformation laws.Nov 29 13:04
oiaohmOSPTO you have the freedom of the press protection to partily fall back on.Nov 29 13:05
oiaohmschestowitz: cases of confirmed cases of patent grants with existing prior art should be directed in this project locations no matter the EPO it is.Nov 29 13:09
-TechBytesBot/ | Linux Defenders | Linux DefendersNov 29 13:09
schestowitz> Hi RoyNov 29 13:10
schestowitz>Nov 29 13:10
schestowitz> Am happy to see if I can help.  I understand from xxxx that you have aNov 29 13:10
schestowitz> number of offers of assistance.Nov 29 13:10
schestowitz>Nov 29 13:10
schestowitz> Have you had a formal legal threat of any kind? If so, can you considerNov 29 13:10
schestowitz> sending it to me as the next step, as that will help me work out whatNov 29 13:10
schestowitz> can be done.Nov 29 13:10
schestowitz>Nov 29 13:10
schestowitz> Anything you send to me will in strict confidence and is under legalNov 29 13:10
schestowitz> privilege.Nov 29 13:10
oiaohmschestowitz: linuxdefenders is part of oin.   So places like EPO's deepend on the companies that make up OIN for their income.   Yes give the information to a group that it biting the hand that feeds them.Nov 29 13:11
schestowitz> This is the only legal advice that I got, from another blogger who isNov 29 13:12
schestowitz> covering the EPO saga... (very few blogs are focused on these abuses)Nov 29 13:12
schestowitzoiaohm: how are they relevant to this?Nov 29 13:12
oiaohmschestowitz: for people who don't want to be exposed.Nov 29 13:13
schestowitz> If you can write an article about it, I would be greatly helped, forNov 29 13:13
schestowitz> reasons that will become evident next week.Nov 29 13:13
schestowitz>Nov 29 13:13
schestowitz> Just published (after much work):Nov 29 13:13
schestowitz> 29 13:13
schestowitzoiaohm: I see...Nov 29 13:13
-TechBytesBot/ | EPO is Trademark-Bullying Its Critics, Trying Repeatedly to Remove Bad Publicity With Help From Menacing Legal Threats (SLAPP) | TechrightsNov 29 13:13
schestowitz> For your eyes onlyNov 29 13:14
schestowitz>Nov 29 13:14
schestowitz> By the way, I have been speaking to David for advice, still work inNov 29 13:14
schestowitz> progress...Nov 29 13:14
oiaohmalso they might be useful if you need some legal protection in patent cases.Nov 29 13:14
oiaohmOIN operates against all the patent offices around the world.Nov 29 13:15
schestowitzOLD:Nov 29 13:15
schestowitz> Spoke to the lawyer today. First assessment: the letter I received isNov 29 13:15
schestowitz> basically "prank letter" (his words), not written by a professional,Nov 29 13:15
schestowitz> complete "bullshit" (his words). The lawyer is a renowned libel attorneyNov 29 13:15
schestowitz> and journalist.Nov 29 13:15
schestowitz>Nov 29 13:15
schestowitz> It looks like another new scandal in the making as I'm not the onlyNov 29 13:15
schestowitz> target of such letters. Let's not mention anything publicly just yet.Nov 29 13:15
schestowitz> I spoke to a fellow blogger who has been covering the EPO scandals forNov 29 13:16
schestowitz> a couple of years and she says something similar -- that they don'tNov 29 13:16
schestowitz> have the power to bring legal action. Judging the letter itself, aNov 29 13:16
schestowitz> professional said it's more like a "prank letter" (his words) writtenNov 29 13:16
schestowitz> in an effort to intimidate (SLAPP), apparently not just me but otherNov 29 13:17
schestowitz> people too.Nov 29 13:17
schestowitz>Nov 29 13:17
schestowitz> I believe that some time later this month this will go public; peopleNov 29 13:17
schestowitz> who have receive such threats (not just myself) need help from legalNov 29 13:17
schestowitz> professionals here, as the EPO is clearly misusing its legal immunityNov 29 13:17
schestowitz> (they are exempted from European law) to bully dissent/critics, evenNov 29 13:17
schestowitz> outsiders.Nov 29 13:17
schestowitz>> > This could make the news - maybe, if you don't think the threat isNov 29 13:17
schestowitz>> > credible - I could put you in touch with a journalist who would beNov 29 13:17
schestowitz>> > interested in this story?Nov 29 13:17
schestowitz> Yes, please, I'd be able to provide a lot of supportive information,Nov 29 13:17
schestowitz> having written about this daily for over a year.Nov 29 13:17
schestowitz>> Dear RoyNov 29 13:17
schestowitz>> >Nov 29 13:17
schestowitz>> > I am checking with my firm if I can help "on the record" on this.  INov 29 13:17
schestowitz> will find out overnight. If I can, then I will reply to this lawyer'sNov 29 13:17
schestowitz> letter.Nov 29 13:17
schestowitz> Thank you, I really appreciate everything that you do.Nov 29 13:17
schestowitz>> yes, these legal aspects are fascinating - and importantNov 29 13:18
schestowitz> Something to be prepared for when writing about EPO, even as anNov 29 13:18
schestowitz> outsider. They have been spying on me extensively (sources close to itNov 29 13:18
schestowitz> told me) for quite some time. I would LOVE to know if they use againstNov 29 13:18
schestowitz> journalists and bloggers the same sort of tools (maybe intercepts fromNov 29 13:18
schestowitz> mates in government/CRG) that they got caught using against staff andNov 29 13:18
schestowitz> visitors to EPO (hidden cameras and keyloggers).Nov 29 13:18
schestowitz>> Dear RoyNov 29 13:18
schestowitz>> >Nov 29 13:18
schestowitz>> > I will email you later this evening with my suggested text.Nov 29 13:18
schestowitz>> >Nov 29 13:18
schestowitz>> > Having read about the subject, I am very concerned about what the EPONov 29 13:18
schestowitz> is doing, and I am now going to see if I can take this case on formallyNov 29 13:18
schestowitz> on a pro bono basis.Nov 29 13:18
schestowitz> Thank you, sir. :-)Nov 29 13:18
schestowitz>Nov 29 13:19
schestowitz> I'd be able to provide a lot of supportive information, having writtenNov 29 13:19
schestowitz> about this daily for over a year.Nov 29 13:19
schestowitz> Thank you for this very good response. I will be away (gym with wife)Nov 29 13:19
schestowitz> from 1:30 to 5:30 (pm) today. After that I will be more than glad toNov 29 13:19
schestowitz> discuss over the telephone. I have neither publicly shared informationNov 29 13:19
schestowitz> about this, nor will I share the letter below.Nov 29 13:19
schestowitz>Nov 29 13:19
schestowitz> Unless instructed otherwise, later this week I will move on to coveringNov 29 13:19
schestowitz> other EPO scandals (sources passed me some information).Nov 29 13:19
schestowitzOLD:Nov 29 13:19
schestowitz> Just to let you know, Techrights is now under DDOS attacks right nowNov 29 13:19
schestowitz> (since around 11am). See my twitter feed @schestowitz for more details.Nov 29 13:19
schestowitzoiaohm: > I have only just learned who my lawyer is (in the professional and background sense ) and he offered to represent me pro bono, perhaps taking action against the EPO for "legal bullying"Nov 29 13:20
-TechBytesBot/ | David Allen Green - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaNov 29 13:20
schestowitz> "would not only be a first-grade scandal, but also amount to aNov 29 13:21
schestowitz> criminal act against the concerned employee."Nov 29 13:21
schestowitz>Nov 29 13:21
schestowitz> seeNov 29 13:21
schestowitz> 29 13:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ )Nov 29 13:21
schestowitz> .html?showComment=1445111456491#c3277379579085893429Nov 29 13:21
schestowitz> andNov 29 13:21
schestowitz> 29 13:21
schestowitz> .html?showComment=1445166085513#c3930514936237552539Nov 29 13:21
schestowitzoiaohm:Nov 29 13:27
schestowitz> It sounds as though they try to personify the EPO, in the form ofNov 29 13:27
schestowitz> Battistelli. I don't think they realise what kind of "blowback" (fromNov 29 13:27
schestowitz> EPO staff) their client is stepping into... Battistelli is the mostNov 29 13:27
schestowitz> hated person, even among his own staff.Nov 29 13:27
schestowitz>Nov 29 13:27
schestowitz> I'll be home most of the day tomorrow and happy to discuss.Nov 29 13:27
schestowitzThe International Labour Organisation Highlights Problems of BroaderNov 29 13:28
schestowitzDimensions at EPONov 29 13:28
schestowitz 29 13:28
-TechBytesBot/ | The International Labour Organisation Highlights Problems of Broader Dimensions at EPO | TechrightsNov 29 13:28
schestowitz> Hey there. You free about 1400 to chat?Nov 29 13:29
schestowitzYes, of course. I am about to publish today's 4th article about the EPO,Nov 29 13:29
schestowitzand I still have some new information in my inbox (haven't had time toNov 29 13:29
schestowitzreview that material yet). The EPO is having a very tough week, so INov 29 13:29
schestowitzexpect reckless finger-pointing from them.Nov 29 13:29
schestowitzPatent lawyers in Europe have told me that I "must" fight the EPO overNov 29 13:29
schestowitzthis. They too are curious about the outcome.Nov 29 13:29
schestowitz 29 13:29
-TechBytesBot/ | EPO - TechrightsNov 29 13:29
schestowitz>> > A bit of a surprising neutral tone from the Eye and the opening lineNov 29 13:29
schestowitz>> > says they "are to be offered preferential treatment". They already haveNov 29 13:29
schestowitz>> > been since April!Nov 29 13:29
schestowitz> This is great news, thank you. I have some more articles lined up. TodayNov 29 13:29
schestowitz> alone I will have published at least 4 on this topic. 3 so far...Nov 29 13:29
schestowitz> 29 13:29
schestowitz>Nov 29 13:29
schestowitz> Did you know that EPO now threatens with lawsuits that it cannot evenNov 29 13:29
schestowitz> file JOURNALISTS and BLOGGERS? Don't publish anything about this yet...Nov 29 13:29
schestowitz> please.Nov 29 13:29
schestowitzOLD:Nov 29 13:30
schestowitz"Not sure why? Can you please dial again?"Nov 29 13:30
schestowitz"My lawyer sends a response to them this evening."Nov 29 13:30
schestowitz"Nov 29 13:30
schestowitzThis is a very high qualify response. It rightly puts the burden on theNov 29 13:30
schestowitzclaimant, which is clearly upset about hundreds of articles, not one orNov 29 13:30
schestowitztwo (cherry-picked or nitpicked). I hope you can give me the go-ahead toNov 29 13:30
schestowitzpost two articles at 5pm. One is about the former German ConstitutionalNov 29 13:30
schestowitzCourt judge and another is just publicising the article from the PublicNov 29 13:30
schestowitzEye. Nothing potentially harmful here, I think.Nov 29 13:30
schestowitz"Nov 29 13:30
schestowitz> If this became necessary, I suppose you know how to script wget to fetchNov 29 13:49
schestowitz> all pages from the EPO Wiki. For now, however, we seem to be safe... myNov 29 13:49
schestowitz> lawyer is fighting for it.Nov 29 13:49
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Nov 29 13:55
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Nov 29 13:55:15 2015
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*Now talking on #techbytesNov 29 13:55
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 29 13:55
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 29 13:55
schestowitz> WIPR has just taken down the story.Nov 29 14:05
schestowitz>Nov 29 14:05
schestowitz> Did someone make a phonecall or send a nasty letter?Nov 29 14:05
schestowitz>Nov 29 14:05
schestowitz> I wouldn't be shocked if BB resorted to this kind or thing...Nov 29 14:05
schestowitzmmmm... logger was downNov 29 14:05
schestowitz[13:52] <schestowitz> > Please make a mirror of all my articles about EPO... just in case. MakeNov 29 14:05
schestowitz[13:52] <schestowitz> > it known to EPO that it exists (e.g. in Twitter), to discourage themNov 29 14:05
schestowitz[13:52] <schestowitz> > from thinking they can suppress information.Nov 29 14:06
schestowitz[13:53] <schestowitz> >>> Please make a mirror of all my articles about EPO... just in case. MakeNov 29 14:06
schestowitz[13:53] <schestowitz> >>>> >> > it known to EPO that it exists (e.g. in Twitter), to discourage themNov 29 14:06
schestowitz[13:53] <schestowitz> >>>> >> > from thinking they can suppress information.Nov 29 14:06
schestowitz[13:53] <schestowitz> >> > Do you have a list of articles which could be mirrorable?Nov 29 14:06
schestowitz[13:53] <schestowitz> >> >Nov 29 14:06
schestowitz[13:53] <schestowitz> >> > I will take care of the rest.Nov 29 14:06
schestowitz[13:53] <schestowitz> >> >Nov 29 14:06
schestowitz[13:53] <schestowitz> >> > I thought filtering by tags with "Europe" + "Patents" would make it,Nov 29 14:06
schestowitz[13:53] <schestowitz> >> > but there are articles which have nothing to do with the EPO.Nov 29 14:06
schestowitz[13:53] <schestowitz> > Just got back home, I think we're safer now. The EPO can probably see,Nov 29 14:06
schestowitz[13:53] <schestowitz> > in due course, that articles are being mirrored. Thanks.Nov 29 14:06
schestowitzoiaohm: sorry for the messNov 29 14:06
schestowitzI am preparing some articles about itNov 29 14:06
schestowitzcheck out later todayNov 29 14:06
schestowitzyou will see...Nov 29 14:06
schestowitzoiaohm: there if coverage and chats about this onlineNov 29 14:07
schestowitzbut the biggest details I'm about to reveal...Nov 29 14:07
schestowitz"Maybe because it's awful? I mean, look at that tl:dr. It isn't about having any tl:dr, it's about having one that accurately explains the piece you can't be assed to read."Nov 29 14:08
schestowitz"The EPO has been controversial for years. The common workers, despite their salary, are treated like slaves, the chance for smaller firms to get an entry is negligible, and the management are a bunch of overpayed, corrupt assholes who managed to get legal immunity from all wrongdoings, across all member states."Nov 29 14:08
schestowitz> WIPR has just taken down the story.Nov 29 14:09
schestowitz>Nov 29 14:09
schestowitz> Did someone make a phonecall or send a nasty letter?Nov 29 14:09
schestowitz>Nov 29 14:09
schestowitz> I wouldn't be shocked if BB resorted to this kind or thing...Nov 29 14:09
schestowitzoiaohm: In mediaNov 29 14:11
schestowitz 29 14:11
schestowitzoiaohm: did you read it?Nov 29 14:11
-TechBytesBot/ | Another Court Logically Concludes That Linking To Allegedly Defamatory Content Isn't Defamation | TechdirtNov 29 14:11
schestowitzFOSS Patents blog mentioned hereNov 29 14:11
schestowitz 29 14:11
-TechBytesBot/ | European Patent Office Threatens Blogger With Defamation Lawsuit For Criticism | TechdirtNov 29 14:12
oiaohmschestowitz: remember we have had courts rule both ways on linking.Nov 29 14:26
schestowitz>>Nov 29 15:37
schestowitz> I've just got this from one of my sources, who think EPO merely usesNov 29 15:37
schestowitz> "scare tactics", based on the legal circumstances, as explained below:Nov 29 15:37
schestowitz 29 15:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: don't miss this brilliant pro bono work from @DavidAllenGreen in response to clumsy #EPO bullying 29 15:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @glynmoody How the #EPO Twisted Defamation Law in a Failed Bid to Silence Techrights more to come...Nov 29 15:39
schestowitz 29 15:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FreeOpenSouRRce: How the EPO Twisted Defamation Law in a Failed Bid to Silence Techrights 29 15:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Right Relevance : Influencers, Articles and ConversationsNov 29 15:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FreeOpenSouRRce: How the EPO Twisted Defamation Law in a Failed Bid to Silence Techrights 29 15:58
schestowitz> I am happy to have helped; but can I please see what you will be postingNov 29 16:02
schestowitz> before you post it about the exchange with EPO.Nov 29 16:02
schestowitz>Nov 29 16:02
schestowitz>Nov 29 16:02
schestowitz> Many thanksNov 29 16:02
schestowitzCertainly, I basically finished writing about that. It was all in one single post and I didn't name names in it. Anything to follow does not involve exchange with EPO but rather interpretation of the situation and what they may be trying to hide from the public.Nov 29 16:02
schestowitz> Dear RoyNov 29 16:03
schestowitz>Nov 29 16:03
schestowitz> I'll keep this under my hat, as requested.Nov 29 16:03
schestowitz>Nov 29 16:03
schestowitz> Can you tell me if Mr Capone is on the EPO staff or if they haveNov 29 16:03
schestowitzengaged an outside firm? It might be worth investigating the nature ofNov 29 16:03
schestowitzhis previous practice record.Nov 29 16:03
schestowitzIt's some firm in London, based on my searches. He's a "disputeNov 29 16:03
schestowitzresolution" person (this kat, me, can't help but think of the Mafia). :-)Nov 29 16:03
schestowitzCapone looks young to me, maybe just a few years afterNov 29 16:03
schestowitzuniversity/academy. These are low level staff and they make many seriousNov 29 16:03
schestowitzerrors in the way write the letters.Nov 29 16:03
schestowitz> Hi Roy,Nov 29 16:11
schestowitz>Nov 29 16:11
schestowitz> I noticed this morning a link section on Openwashing on Tux Machines.Nov 29 16:11
schestowitz> I'm wondering if you're thinking on making this a regular part of theNov 29 16:11
schestowitz> site, alongside Today's Howtos and the like? I think this is a greatNov 29 16:11
schestowitz> idea and would help people in the community identify non-free "free"Nov 29 16:11
schestowitz> products. Let me know on this because I'm doing an article on what youNov 29 16:11
schestowitz> call "Fake FOSS" to run later in the week.Nov 29 16:11
schestowitzOpenwashing is a term I thought I had coined myself (a very long time ago), but cannot prove it. Openwashing is now a term I see in lots of place, but I thought of it myself around 7 years ago...Nov 29 16:11
schestowitzOpenwashing was a term I've used regularly in Techrights, but not usually in Tux Machines. I try to be very neutral there.Nov 29 16:11
schestowitz> FYI, we've instituted a FOSS News Wire on our site -- pulling togetherNov 29 16:11
schestowitz> constantly updated items from the RSS feeds of numerous sites. We have,Nov 29 16:11
schestowitz> of course, included Tux Machines in the mix.Nov 29 16:11
schestowitzExcellent!Nov 29 16:11
schestowitz> Can you use this as the link, not the Wikipedia page.  And also mention my firm, Prieskel & Co.Nov 29 16:29
schestowitzSure, I will add that.Nov 29 16:29
schestowitzBTW, since the story went public I got a lot more whisleblowers coming out and I'm drowning in material (regarding EPO).Nov 29 16:29
schestowitz 29 16:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Preiskel & Co | David Allen GreenNov 29 16:29
*oiaohm has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Nov 29 16:43
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*XFaCE has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Nov 29 17:06
*XFaCE (~XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #techbytesNov 29 17:09
schestowitz"Nov 29 17:32
schestowitzThis just in.  It could be serious.  Mishcons are an aggressive firm.Nov 29 17:32
schestowitz Nov 29 17:32
schestowitzDon’t Panic. Let’s see if anything comes of this. Not clear at this stage who they are acting for.Nov 29 17:32
schestowitz"Nov 29 17:32
schestowitz"Nov 29 17:35
schestowitzA legal firm (as above) said it had taken control of the matter, which probably meant the previous firm got dumped. It has been over 3 weeks now, as far as I can tell (if memory doesn't fail me), and not a word. I did notice that one secretarial (I think) member of staff of that firm was 'checking me out' in LinkedIn; that was almost two weeks ago, maybe an effort to get some additional 'info' on me or just innocent curiousity. I haven'tNov 29 17:35
schestowitzadded anything meaningful to LinkedIn since 2006 when a 'friend' had me set up an account there.Nov 29 17:35
schestowitzGiven what I've been writing recently and also 'spontaneous protests' I hope they'll realise that going after bloggers isn't a wise decision. The math doesn't add up as they have more points to lose than to gain, over the long run.Nov 29 17:35
schestowitzA journalist wants to cover this incident some time this week. No idea when and how (what tone/balance)....Nov 29 17:35
schestowitzIf there is something about it at some stage this week (it'll come from WIPR), I'd appreciate some supportive coverage from IP Kat as that would help raise awareness among EPO staff, which in turn can protect me (in the form of backlash) from retaliatory tactics, SLAPP, etc.Nov 29 17:35
schestowitzI very much enjoy IP Kat's coverage and I hope we can 'protect' - so to speak - one another by challenging the 'single point of failure' situation/narrative -- one where EPO criticism is perceived as coming from one single source rather than many which can be blocked, chilled (as in chilling effect), etc. It has been made clear to EPO that Techrights is now being mirrored in several places including Github -- surely as a result of theirNov 29 17:35
schestowitzthreatening letters. I was advised to do this 6 years ago, so this is well overdue. Some said I should mirror in Wikileaks, Internet Archive etc. but that seems like a step too far.Nov 29 17:35
schestowitzAnyway, I have some more interesting stories about the EPO coming this week. Don't be put off by the critical tone in my articles. I'm a lot nicer in person. ;-)Nov 29 17:35
schestowitz"Nov 29 17:35
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Nov 29 18:53
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Nov 29 18:57:38 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesNov 29 18:57
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 29 18:57
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 29 18:57
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesNov 29 19:02
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schestowitz> Don't bother with the log files. I'll put something up on this MondayNov 29 19:08
schestowitz> afternoon.Nov 29 19:08
schestowitzThank you.Nov 29 19:08
schestowitzSend my regards to Ken by the way. Some person keep sending me nasty letters about him, and I disregard them...Nov 29 19:08
schestowitz> ps: Glenn Greenwald doesn't seem to be too fond of your counsel becauseNov 29 19:10
schestowitz> of his opinion on Assange.Nov 29 19:10
schestowitzyes, I spoke to him about this on the phone... I do support Assange.Nov 29 19:10
*r_schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesNov 29 20:41
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*Now talking on #techbytesNov 29 21:27
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 29 21:27
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 29 21:27
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Nov 29 22:24
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Nov 29 22:24:41 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Nov 29 22:42:17 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesNov 29 22:42
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 29 22:42
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 29 22:42
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Nov 29 22:45
*r_schestowitz has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)Nov 29 22:45
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r_schestowitz[22:09] <r_schestowitz> 29 22:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@derpity_11: @schestowitz @glynmoody Fight the good fight! #tppworsethanwethoughtNov 29 22:46
r_schestowitz[22:33] <r_schestowitz> 29 22:47
r_schestowitz[22:33] <r_schestowitz> hmmm... netsplits... and I can't loginNov 29 22:47
r_schestowitz[22:33] <r_schestowitz> total fuckup... freenode still under ddos attacksNov 29 22:47
r_schestowitz[22:37] <r_schestowitz> > I'll tell him you said hello. :-)Nov 29 22:47
r_schestowitz 29 22:47
-TechBytesBot/ If the #nsa tracked actual terrorists, there would be major cutbacks, a lot less private profit (e.g. Booz Allen), layoffs...Nov 29 22:47
r_schestowitz 29 22:49
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Read it for yourself: Enlarged Board decision Art 23 1/15Nov 29 22:49
r_schestowitz"Nov 29 22:49
r_schestowitzThe Cat that Walks by Himself said...Nov 29 22:49
r_schestowitz    Article 12aNov 29 22:49
r_schestowitz    Proceedings under Article 23, paragraph 1, first sentence, EPCNov 29 22:49
r_schestowitz    (1) A request that the enlarged Board of Appeal make a proposal for the removal from office of a member under Article 23, paragraph 1, first sentence, EPC may be made to the Enlarged Board either by the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation or [...].Nov 29 22:49
r_schestowitz    I was thinking quite a while about this provision, and, today, while reading a work of a very very respected author, I dare to share the following thought.Nov 29 22:49
r_schestowitz    The cited wording of Article 12a(1) seems to violate the European Patent Convention since it allows the Administrative Council to make "a proposal for the removal from office of a member of the BoA" BEFORE the Enlarged Board of Appeal decided on existence of the act that would justify the removal.Nov 29 22:49
r_schestowitz    The Administrative Council is a supervisory body, but not a judicial or quasi-judicial body. There is no legal basis in the EPC for exercise of judicial or quasi-judicial duties by the Administrative Council by evaluating validity of evidences and their legal effects.Nov 29 22:49
r_schestowitz"Nov 29 22:49
r_schestowitzRead the hilarious exchange between the Lawyer of Dr. Schestowitz of Techrights and the one acting for the "EPO" and accusing him of "defamation":Nov 29 22:50
r_schestowitzHow the EPO Twisted Defamation Law in a Failed Bid to Silence TechrightsNov 29 22:50
r_schestowitz(a little down the page)Nov 29 22:50
r_schestowitzNote the striking similarity with the case of the member of the Board of Appeal. As Schestowitz's lawyer says:Nov 29 22:50
r_schestowitz"You have now – desperately – come up with “malicious falsehood” and “confidentiality” – but you do not set out the bases of your claims in respect of either claim."Nov 29 22:50
r_schestowitzLooks like they did not learn anything from Art 23 1/15, didn't they?Nov 29 22:50
r_schestowitzSource: 29 22:50
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Read it for yourself: Enlarged Board decision Art 23 1/15 [ ]Nov 29 22:50
r_schestowitzWowNov 29 22:50
r_schestowitzSame tricksNov 29 22:50
r_schestowitzlinks to 29 22:51
-TechBytesBot/ | How the EPO Twisted Defamation Law in a Failed Bid to Silence Techrights | Techrights [ ]Nov 29 22:51
r_schestowitz 29 22:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Twpalovi: @schestowitz This is quite remarkable.Nov 29 22:59
r_schestowitzWhat is? (no context)Nov 29 22:59
r_schestowitz 29 22:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@paulhindes: @schestowitz His release as part of the Iran deal was as expected, given MSM's bringing him up while 5+1 was in process.Nov 29 22:59
r_schestowitz 29 22:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@paulhindes: @schestowitz Also as part of the Iran deal were the weapons deals w/Israel & Saudi Arabia. Seems likely other side-deals made, yet unknown.Nov 29 22:59
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesNov 29 23:00
r_schestowitz 29 23:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: The FBI Refused Our FOIA Request for Information About Its Attack on Tor @schestowitz 29 23:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The FBI Refused Our FOIA Request for Information About Its Attack on Tor | MotherboardNov 29 23:00
r_schestowitz 29 23:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@retroDoomer: Was just wondering why I couldn't connect. Not good 29 23:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #freenode under #ddos while #joindiaspora barely accessible at the moment (maybe overload). The Web and Net domain isn't improving.Nov 29 23:00
r_schestowitzNice to see others noticing...Nov 29 23:00
r_schestowitz 29 23:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FrancisJeffrey7: @schestowitz This is about the EPO threatening to sue you for criticizing their operations...?Nov 29 23:00
r_schestowitzyesNov 29 23:00
r_schestowitzThe words regarding this needs to spread for them to stop this madnessNov 29 23:01
*r_schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Nov 29 23:50
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesNov 29 23:51
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Nov 29 23:51
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesNov 29 23:51
schestowitz> Hey there. You free about 1400 to chat?Nov 30 01:25
schestowitz>Nov 30 01:25
schestowitz> Yes, of course. I am about to publish today's 4th article about the EPO,Nov 30 01:25
schestowitz> and I still have some new information in my inbox (haven't had time toNov 30 01:25
schestowitz> review that material yet). The EPO is having a very tough week, so INov 30 01:25
schestowitz> expect reckless finger-pointing from them.Nov 30 01:25
schestowitz>Nov 30 01:25
schestowitz> Patent lawyers in Europe have told me that I "must" fight the EPO overNov 30 01:25
schestowitz> this. They too are curious about the outcome.Nov 30 01:25
schestowitz>Nov 30 01:25
schestowitz> 30 01:25
-TechBytesBot/ | EPO - TechrightsNov 30 01:25
schestowitzme: This is a very high qualify response. It rightly puts the burden on the claimant, which is clearly upset about hundreds of articles, not one or two (cherry-picked or nitpicked). I hope you can give me the go-ahead to post two articles at 5pm. One is about the former German Constitutional Court judge and another is just publicising the article from the Public Eye. Nothing potentially harmful here, I think.Nov 30 01:26
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Nov 30 02:13
schestowitz 30 09:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@profBury: Did you see it? Today’s hottest tweet among people I follow by @schestowitzNov 30 09:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Saudi Cables - Linkis.comNov 30 09:27
schestowitzwife and I stayed up till 1:30Nov 30 09:27
schestowitz 30 09:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FrancisJeffrey7: @schestowitz 3h ago here musta'been about Midnight in the Midlands...Nov 30 09:27
schestowitz 30 09:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: @schestowitz Good, we might as well meet then.Nov 30 09:29
schestowitz> We heard back, but so far no publicly available comment from the EPO.Nov 30 12:12
schestowitz>Nov 30 12:12
schestowitz> And sorry just one more point: what was the gist of the blog post inNov 30 12:12
schestowitz> dispute? I may have read it (have read near enough all your posts on theNov 30 12:12
schestowitz> EPO), but I would not want to work from memory and put it in the article.Nov 30 12:12
schestowitz>> I have  a new problem with techrights as of the past week. Thousands ofNov 30 12:37
schestowitz>> > Drupal accounts are being created by spammers every day, sending outNov 30 12:37
schestowitz>> > vast amounts of email in the process and making my webhost concerned.Nov 30 12:37
schestowitz>> > Not sure how to stop these other than by blocking new signups.Nov 30 12:37
schestowitz> Can the captcha module be changed out for another one?  Or a second oneNov 30 12:37
schestowitz> added in addition to what's already there?Nov 30 12:37
schestowitzI've just disabled new signups altogether (for Drupal)Nov 30 12:37
schestowitz>>>> >>> I have  a new problem with techrights as of the past week. Thousands ofNov 30 13:07
schestowitz>>>>> >>> > Drupal accounts are being created by spammers every day, sending outNov 30 13:07
schestowitz>>>>> >>> > vast amounts of email in the process and making my webhost concerned.Nov 30 13:07
schestowitz>>>>> >>> > Not sure how to stop these other than by blocking new signups.Nov 30 13:07
schestowitz>>> >> Can the captcha module be changed out for another one?  Or a second oneNov 30 13:07
schestowitz>>> >> added in addition to what's already there?Nov 30 13:07
schestowitz>> >Nov 30 13:07
schestowitz>> > I've just disabled new signups altogether (for Drupal)Nov 30 13:07
schestowitz> That probably works as a stop-gap measure.  What are the options forNov 30 13:07
schestowitz> fighting that, aside from modifying or changing the captcha?Nov 30 13:07
schestowitz>Nov 30 13:07
schestowitz> Are these accounts actually sending e-mail spam or just comment spam?Nov 30 13:07
schestowitzThey maybe try scatterback.Nov 30 13:07
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesNov 30 17:30
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesNov 30 17:33
schestowitz 30 17:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FrancisJeffrey7: @schestowitz Quality Time~~~~~~Nov 30 17:56
schestowitzhi Roy! Thx for listening to me for a whileNov 30 18:06
schestowitzXGCCCCCXXXNov 30 18:06
schestowitzi´ve been trying to use your pgp key F129 D6C5 8763 2660 C86A BDFF 298D E3EB 880A 3EC9Nov 30 18:06
schestowitzXGCCCCCXXXNov 30 18:06
schestowitzbut i cannot find the email associated with it. I´ve only managed to get this results:Nov 30 18:06
schestowitzXGCCCCCXXXNov 30 18:06
schestowitz29m 3 minutes agoNov 30 18:06
schestowitzXGCCCCCXXXNov 30 18:06
schestowitzXGCCCCCXXXNov 30 18:06
schestowitz26m 53 seconds agoNov 30 18:06
schestowitzXGCCCCCXXXNov 30 18:06
schestowitzthey pgp key on your twitter profile doesn´t seem to be useful (at least for me) to find an email address to which send u a request/infoNov 30 18:06
schestowitz25m 3 seconds agoNov 30 18:06
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzNov 30 18:06
schestowitzthat's the old sigNov 30 18:06
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzNov 30 18:06
schestowitzto to 30 18:06
-TechBytesBot/ | Roy Schestowitz - PGP KeyNov 30 18:06
schestowitz25mNov 30 18:06
schestowitzXGCCCCCXXXNov 30 18:06
schestowitzisn´t that a revoke signature?Nov 30 18:06
schestowitzXGCCCCCXXXNov 30 18:06
schestowitzwhat email of yours should i use for the pgp link you point me to?Nov 30 18:06
schestowitzXGCCCCCXXXNov 30 18:06
schestowitzthanks in advance for any guidance you can provide meNov 30 18:06
schestowitz23m 5 seconds agoNov 30 18:06
schestowitzXGCCCCCXXXNov 30 18:06
schestowitzr@schestowitz ??Nov 30 18:06
schestowitz21mNov 30 18:06
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzNov 30 18:06
schestowitzyesNov 30 18:06
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzNov 30 18:06
schestowitzor, fetch from server or importNov 30 18:06
schestowitz10mNov 30 18:06
schestowitzXGCCCCCXXXNov 30 18:06
schestowitzok. I´m now writting something to that address with that PGP. I hope it helps. Thanks again for listening to me. You should receive my mail in aprox 10 min.Nov 30 18:06
schestowitz3m 2 minutes agoNov 30 18:06
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzNov 30 18:06
schestowitzthanks :-)Nov 30 18:07
schestowitz----------Nov 30 18:07
schestowitzmaybe something related to the spain scandalNov 30 18:07
schestowitz:)Nov 30 18:07
*Disconnected ().Nov 30 20:35
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Nov 30 20:35:08 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Nov 30 20:35:24 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesNov 30 20:35
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 30 20:35
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 30 20:35
*liberty_box has quit (Read error: Connection timed out)Nov 30 20:47
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schestowitz> As far as I can tell, the only way to get the latest code (5.3) is to download the evaluation VM and copy it from there. If you want any previous versions, you need to contact them directly and ask for access to the git repository. I got this info from:Nov 30 21:18
schestowitz>Nov 30 21:18
schestowitz> 30 21:18
schestowitz>Nov 30 21:18
-TechBytesBot/ | Manual Installation Guide for Matrix 5 - Squiz Matrix User Manual LibraryNov 30 21:18
schestowitz> OTOH, if it's just a clean copy of the one they have, and the code hasn't been hacked to pieces, you could just copy the existing code, minus any data, and point it to a new blank database.Nov 30 21:18
schestowitzI remember the days when I was able to get all of their files copied over CVS. They decommissioned that exactly one year ago, based on their public Web pages.Nov 30 21:18
schestowitzI guess they're not feeling so 'open' anymore. You have to ask them for permission to get into their GitHub repo (I can hypothesise what kind of marketing advantage they would derive from it, including access to newer versions, perhaps conditionally).Nov 30 21:18
schestowitzLooking at their GitHub account and navigating around it, I can see one project under and it's not Matrix, it's, last updated about 2 years ago (see dates in ).Nov 30 21:18
-TechBytesBot/ | Squiz · GitHubNov 30 21:18
-TechBytesBot/ | squiz/ · GitHubNov 30 21:18
schestowitzI remember Squiz competing to have a contract with Leicester City/County Council (LCC) almost at the same time and definitely the on same month as their public repo being decommissioned, long before losing to Drupal and LCC having just bidders that build and support Drupal sites (LCC told me this). The selling points made by Squiz at the time don't withstand scrutiny given this apparent closing down of access/channels to their underlying codeNov 30 21:18
schestowitz including upgrade limitations (they spread this FUD against Drupal when speaking to LCC).Nov 30 21:18
schestowitzBack in 2006-2007 I posted online many links to articles about Squiz (mostly published in the Australian press). They used to talk all about how they're open and used all the selling points of "Open Source". I don't know if they're basically moving away from all that... our client/s might want to be aware of it. I'm not too optimistic, so if some time in the future client/s want to explore an alternative CMS (project work) we at least haveNov 30 21:18
schestowitzsome facts in our hands.Nov 30 21:18
schestowitzHas anyone contacted Squiz yet (for access to the code)?Nov 30 21:18
schestowitz 30 21:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@OpenSourceOrg: via OSI Affiliate @opendocument 30 21:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #LibreOffice Has About 1,200 UI-Related Reported Bugs, Come and Help Fix Them #odfNov 30 21:22
schestowitz 30 21:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TokyoRose_01: #USA 🎯🎯🎯 #ASSANGE US INVESTIGATION ACTIVE #auspol #nzpol #ukpolitics #svpol #cdnpoli #uspoli #WikiLeaks 30 21:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: If the 'final destination' for #assange (the "decapitation strategy" target) was Sweden, US would not have pursued Grand Jury InvestigationNov 30 21:22
schestowitz 30 21:23
-TechBytesBot/ Remember what #clapper said when asked if #nsa spies on US citizens 30 21:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The NSA Says It Will Finally Stop Spying On Millions of Americans at Midnight on Saturday [ ]Nov 30 21:23
schestowitz"Yay! Time to pack up and go home everyone. Politics really pulled through for us on this one."Nov 30 21:23
schestowitz"I’m done now…"Nov 30 21:23
schestowitz 30 21:31
-TechBytesBot/ Saying that we need mass #surveillance to defend our freedom is like saying we need to 'discipline' (hit) our children for social peaceNov 30 21:32
schestowitz"Terrorism only strengthens the state. It seems to serve everyone’s interest but the people’s."Nov 30 21:32
schestowitz"I’d have favored to base that sentence on the old lighter’s saying “Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.”"Nov 30 21:32
oiaohmschestowitz: yep the reality is peace normally comes when at least one side loses the ablity/will to fight.Dec 01 00:22
oiaohmFighting to destroy the supply routes can be effective.Dec 01 00:23
MinceRworld peace comes when there are no more humans leftDec 01 00:23
oiaohmMinceR: no animals war with themselvesDec 01 00:24
MinceRthen once the earth is sterilizedDec 01 00:24
oiaohmPossibility when earth is like mar and irradiated to hell.   But of course there is always a chance humans would find a method to reverse the sterilization.Dec 01 00:26
MinceRnot if they're extinctDec 01 00:29
oiaohmMinceR: basically sterlized and extinct will work.Dec 01 00:32
MinceRsterilized implies extinctDec 01 00:33
oiaohmMinceR: note you said earth sterilized that did not allow for the case that any of the humans sneaked off the earth at the time of sterilising.Dec 01 00:34
oiaohmThe reason why race wars in humans go for so long at times is a percentage sneeks away.Dec 01 00:35
MinceRsomebody did a half-assed job?Dec 01 00:35
MinceRhumans have better tools available for self-exterminationDec 01 00:35
oiaohmHistory says humans do half-assed job a lot.Dec 01 00:35
oiaohm    Someone has not checked Windows 7/8.1 EULA there is a anti class action clause.Dec 01 00:37
-TechBytesBot/ | Windows 10 Users Considering Class Action Lawsuit Against Microsoft for Poor System PerformanceDec 01 00:37
MinceRthey'll just keep trying until they succeedDec 01 00:41
MinceRsuch clauses should be illegalDec 01 00:42
oiaohmThere does need to be changes to class action  cases as well.Dec 01 00:44
schestowitzMinceR:Dec 01 01:32
schestowitz 01 01:32
-TechBytesBot/ | European Patent Office fires up lawyers over claims of cosy love-in with Microsoft • The RegisterDec 01 01:32
schestowitzThis explains the reporting I've been up to and the comments say more. The EPO has the audacity to claim it respects freedom of the press, after SLAPPing me. :-)Dec 01 01:32
schestowitzMicrosoft declined to comment :-)Dec 01 01:32
MinceRnastyDec 01 01:34
MinceRalso, what happened to the love affair between the register and m$?Dec 01 01:41
MinceRis m$ not paying them enough anymore?Dec 01 01:41
schestowitznoDec 01 01:41
schestowitzmaybe not like beforeDec 01 01:41
schestowitzMinceR: did you see what I wrote back to someone recently about themDec 01 01:42
schestowitzi pasted it in IRCDec 01 01:42
MinceRnot sureDec 01 01:42
schestowitzthey're not as bad right nowDec 01 01:42
schestowitzthey attack vista10 a lotDec 01 01:42
schestowitzA LOTDec 01 01:42
schestowitzmore so than any other news siteDec 01 01:42
MinceRmaybe it annoys them personallyDec 01 01:42
schestowitzso I can credit them for that one at least...Dec 01 01:42
schestowitzSimon Sharwood joked that they bite the handDec 01 01:42
schestowitzso that it'll feedDec 01 01:42
MinceRor they're pivoting to someone elseDec 01 01:42
schestowitzmaybe they want MS $Dec 01 01:42
schestowitzto help silence themDec 01 01:42
schestowitzthis too is a business model sometimesDec 01 01:43
MinceRicDec 01 01:43
schestowitzlike Florian's business modelDec 01 01:43
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 01 01:43
schestowitzanyhoo, I have a megapost comingDec 01 01:43
schestowitzmassive protest toiomorrowqDec 01 01:44
schestowitzI'll add fuel to the fireDec 01 01:44
MinceR:)Dec 01 01:44
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Dec 01 02:07
schestowitz 01 02:59
schestowitz"Dec 01 02:59
schestowitzThe volume of information involved must be staggering - it is a librarians' task squared with all human sciences - law, medicine, technology. The miracle is the fact that the patent office is still in business. I would guess that people actually working there are incredibly bright.Dec 01 02:59
schestowitzIf they were not so bright the guy just moved in for my neighbor would own hundreds of patents in law, medicine and sciences.Dec 01 02:59
schestowitzI would not last a day before my house is his house, my wife is his bitch, and my hand-gun is to my head.Dec 01 02:59
-TechBytesBot/ | European Patent Office fires up lawyers over claims of cosy love-in with Microsoft • The Register ForumsDec 01 02:59
schestowitzThis is not yet happening, correct?Dec 01 02:59
schestowitz""Dec 01 02:59
schestowitz"Dec 01 03:00
schestowitzThe US patent system is indeed a positive model.Dec 01 03:00
schestowitzWho else would even think of this being legit: and call it the a real McCoy?Dec 01 03:00
-TechBytesBot/ | 1-Click - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaDec 01 03:00
schestowitzThe US patent system is NOT broken.Dec 01 03:00
schestowitzThis is a fact, patents are researched and granted or denied every day in the US. Dysfunctional - yes, broken - NO.Dec 01 03:00
schestowitzIt is the experts about patents who are broken or otherwise compromised.Dec 01 03:00
schestowitzYou do realize: Benjamin Franklin, if he lived today, SHOULD NOT last the night as a free person. Before claiming all his patents and goods he should answer for all his bads.Dec 01 03:00
schestowitzI do admire billionaires - once they poisoned all the water, burned all the lands, claimed all the rights and fucked all the brides - they turn old and human.Dec 01 03:00
schestowitz"Dec 01 03:00
schestowitz 01 03:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Charu_ip: @schestowitz @FOSSpatents "strict"means only applying a patent,not law suit. Relative to JPO,USPTO,it seems strict.Dec 01 03:19
schestowitz 01 03:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Patentingenieur: Lego für Patentingenieure..? Wieder so'n infantiles Hipsterding? Nee, witzige Apps: 01 03:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: 8 projects with LEGO: plastic bricks meet open source #freeswDec 01 03:35
schestowitz 01 03:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Patentingenieur: Paar coole Lego Apps (nicht infantil): 01 03:44
schestowitz 01 09:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheRegister: @schestowitz We can't make this, but thanks for the tip.Dec 01 09:17
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesDec 01 10:15
schestowitz 01 10:46
schestowitz 01 10:46
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 01 10:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KevinJRawlinson: @schestowitz Roy, would you mind following me, so I can DM you?Dec 01 10:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ACROPOLITESSE: "I don’t see how Turkey can attack the organisation too hard. There are shared interests " via @martinchulov 01 10:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "direct dealings between Turkish officials and ranking Isis members was now “undeniable”." #turkey #isisDec 01 10:46
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesDec 01 10:46
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Dec 01 10:46
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 01 10:46
schestowitz 01 10:47
schestowitzwork in prgress, techrights in BBC:Dec 01 10:52
schestowitz=========================Dec 01 10:52
schestowitzHi, thanks! I'm writing a piece for the BBC on the EPODec 01 10:52
schestowitz1h 21 seconds agoDec 01 10:52
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:52
schestowitzexcellent, thank youDec 01 10:52
schestowitz1hDec 01 10:52
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:52
schestowitzAnd its treatment of you and another website that wrote about its relationship with Microsoft. It all seems very strange...Dec 01 10:52
schestowitz1hDec 01 10:52
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:52
schestowitzThere is a protest in one hour in HollandDec 01 10:52
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:52
schestowitzEPO does a lot of censorship, at many levelsDec 01 10:52
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:52
schestowitzDid you see my lastest big leak?Dec 01 10:52
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:52
schestowitz 01 10:52
schestowitz1hDec 01 10:52
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:52
schestowitzThe latest EPO staff protest -- the EPO too tried to "censor", say the staff representatives 01 10:52
schestowitz1hDec 01 10:52
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:52
schestowitzOk, thanksDec 01 10:52
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:52
schestowitzLet me have a read of thoseDec 01 10:52
-TechBytesBot/ | Leaked: EPO Award of €880,000 “in Order to Address the Media Presence of the EPO” (Reputation Laundering) | TechrightsDec 01 10:52
schestowitz1hDec 01 10:52
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:52
schestowitzThis deserves coverage in English, more of itDec 01 10:52
schestowitz1hDec 01 10:52
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:52
schestowitzIn the meantime, can you shed any light on why the EPO decided to threaten you with legal action?Dec 01 10:52
-TechBytesBot/ | Željko Topić Tries to Do to EPO Staff What He Did in Croatia, Now Crushes Staff Assembly in The Hague | TechrightsDec 01 10:52
schestowitz1h 6 seconds agoDec 01 10:52
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:52
schestowitzThe Croatian media has been on it for years (Uralian language I think), recently the mainstream press in Germany and the NetherlandsDec 01 10:52
schestowitz1hDec 01 10:53
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:53
schestowitzAre you able to say what, specifically, they took issue with?Dec 01 10:53
schestowitz1h 4 seconds agoDec 01 10:53
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:53
schestowitzThey decided to threaten after they blocked my siteDec 01 10:53
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:53
schestowitzAnd they found it insufficientDec 01 10:53
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:53
schestowitzAs this merely legitimised me further and motivated more sources to leak material to meDec 01 10:53
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:53
schestowitzThey took issue not with one single articleDec 01 10:53
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:53
schestowitzas they sent letters repeatedly, about further articlesDec 01 10:53
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:53
schestowitzPrivate Eye covered the story at the timeDec 01 10:53
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:53
schestowitzWithout me knowingDec 01 10:53
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:53
schestowitzPrivate Eye 01 10:53
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:53
schestowitzTheir applicants, patent lawyers in Europe, were fuming at them, some publiclyDec 01 10:53
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:53
schestowitzSome have waited for longer than 10 years for applications to be dealt with, I can find you some articles about thatDec 01 10:53
schestowitz1hDec 01 10:53
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:53
schestowitz"We have a patent application which has been sitting untouched on an examiner’s desk in the EPO"; Source: 01 10:53
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:53
-TechBytesBot/ | Private Eye Covers the EPO Scandals, Says EPO Hired ‘British Snooping Firm Global Risk Consultants’ | TechrightsDec 01 10:53
schestowitz" [...Dec 01 10:53
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:53
schestowitz"for over 10 years [this is ten; t-e-n. Not a typo] prior to the initiation of examination – we just received the first office action. The glaring conflict of interest is astounding."Dec 01 10:53
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Plunging off the abyss -- or merely grinding to a halt? More bad news from EponiaDec 01 10:53
schestowitz1hDec 01 10:53
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:53
schestowitzIn the case of the article you wrote alleging that Microsoft was given preferential treatment...Dec 01 10:53
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:53
schestowitzCan I get the facts straight on that one?Dec 01 10:53
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:53
schestowitz1. You wrote a story based on a leaked emailDec 01 10:53
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:53
schestowitz2. the EPO's lawyer told you to take it down?Dec 01 10:53
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:54
schestowitzWhat was their specific reasoning for that?Dec 01 10:54
schestowitz48mDec 01 10:54
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:54
schestowitzThat it was not accurateDec 01 10:54
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:54
schestowitzBut they could ask for update/amendmentDec 01 10:54
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:54
schestowitzInstead they threatened with legal actionDec 01 10:54
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:54
schestowitzTo be frank, they were using spin to claim it was not accurateDec 01 10:54
schestowitz47mDec 01 10:54
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:54
schestowitzDid they say what was inaccurate about it?Dec 01 10:54
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:54
schestowitzOr what they thought was inaccurateDec 01 10:54
schestowitz47m 7 seconds agoDec 01 10:54
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:54
schestowitzI had (previous to that) explained why it didn't stand up to scrutiny (their spin)Dec 01 10:54
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:54
schestowitzThey said that giving priority to Microsoft was designed to SPEED UP the systemDec 01 10:54
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:54
schestowitzWhich is ludicrous at bestDec 01 10:54
schestowitz46mDec 01 10:54
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:54
schestowitzBut you amended the story?Dec 01 10:54
schestowitz45mDec 01 10:54
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:54
schestowitzThe analogy I use it, it's like calling check-in desk for First or Business Class a system for making check-in collectively faster for everyoneDec 01 10:54
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:54
schestowitzI didn't amend the story, I contacted lawyers at Friday night when they sent this to me (nastygrams sent by legal first at 22:57)Dec 01 10:54
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:54
schestowitzDavid Allen Green explained what they tried to achieveDec 01 10:54
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:54
schestowitzThey also threatened damages proportional to response timeDec 01 10:54
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:54
schestowitzSo the first step I took, without legal advice, is unpublish the story (which I believe we'll restore in the future)Dec 01 10:54
schestowitz44mDec 01 10:54
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:54
schestowitzThis is not the first time EPO management does thisDec 01 10:54
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:55
schestowitzSee how they libel-trolled a blogger. He told me about it around the same time: 01 10:55
schestowitz42mDec 01 10:55
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:55
schestowitzWould you mind showing me their correspondence with you?Dec 01 10:55
schestowitz42mDec 01 10:55
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:55
schestowitzI mean, they trademark-trolled himDec 01 10:55
-TechBytesBot/ | EPO is Trademark-Bullying Its Critics, Trying Repeatedly to Remove Bad Publicity With Help From Menacing Legal Threats (SLAPP) | TechrightsDec 01 10:55
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:55
schestowitzSame thing they did in CroatiaDec 01 10:55
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:55
schestowitzYes, I can send you legal docs if you give me your E-mail addressDec 01 10:55
schestowitz41mDec 01 10:55
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:55 01 10:55
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:55
schestowitzThanks!Dec 01 10:55
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:55
schestowitzFor the moment, I need to get my head around this very specific and narrow case - before looknig deeper afterwardsDec 01 10:55
schestowitz40mDec 01 10:55
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:55
schestowitzI never published their legal docs (I mean, publicly) because i am trying to be respectful, not go down to their levelDec 01 10:55
schestowitz40mDec 01 10:55
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:55
schestowitzI'm coming at this completely from scratchDec 01 10:55
schestowitz40m 6 seconds agoDec 01 10:55
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:55
schestowitzThank you for taking on this caseDec 01 10:55
schestowitz40mDec 01 10:55
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:55
schestowitzSo, forgive me for being very methodical and ploddingDec 01 10:55
schestowitz40mDec 01 10:55
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:55
schestowitzMany examiners, many of whom British (maybe 1000+) count on youDec 01 10:55
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:55
schestowitzThe suspended judge that the EPO is witchhunting is IrishDec 01 10:55
schestowitz40mDec 01 10:55
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:55
schestowitzI have to write something very quickly. But, if you can send over their correspondence now, I'll give it a read and start working on a story asap today...Dec 01 10:55
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:55
schestowitzAh, it's just arrived. ThanksDec 01 10:56
schestowitz37m 7 seconds agoDec 01 10:56
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:56
schestowitzI have just sent you three more E-mailsDec 01 10:56
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:56
schestowitzI'm going to be home all day, I can provide further information. Overview can be found here 01 10:56
-TechBytesBot/ | EPO - TechrightsDec 01 10:56
schestowitz35mDec 01 10:56
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:56
schestowitzI have three from you in totalDec 01 10:56
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:56
schestowitzThanksDec 01 10:56
schestowitz35mDec 01 10:56
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:56
schestowitzYes, threeDec 01 10:56
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:56
schestowitzA lot of people are eager to make the public aware of it, I estimate that at least 95% of staff at the EPO is unhappyDec 01 10:56
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:56
schestowitztwo groups: those who speak out and those too afraid to (mortgage to pay)Dec 01 10:56
schestowitz34mDec 01 10:56
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:56
schestowitzIf you want a comment from my lawyer, you can contact him on xxxxDec 01 10:56
schestowitz22mDec 01 10:56
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:56
schestowitzAh, David acts for you, does he?Dec 01 10:56
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:56
schestowitzOur paths have crossed before. I'll send him a messageDec 01 10:56
schestowitz21m 3 seconds agoDec 01 10:56
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:56
schestowitzThank you, yes, DAG is very upset at what EPO did to me, he said he had become a fanDec 01 10:56
schestowitz 01 10:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TangibleIP_: @FOSSpatents @TheRegister I thought this blog had an interesting and enlightening debate on the subject. 01 10:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The IPKat: EPO queue jumping part 1 - Don't be an SMEDec 01 10:56
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 01 11:01
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 01 14:11
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesDec 01 14:12
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Dec 01 14:12
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 01 14:12
schestowitz 01 16:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SeaH2ONymph: @schestowitz #AyCaramba - what Business Insider really means: #US to send 'more' special forces. Pity #Iraq having to work w/them.Dec 01 16:01
schestowitz 01 16:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SeaH2ONymph: @schestowitz #MI6 never this naive: 'We were small animals in a dark wood with the wind getting up and changing direction the whole time.'Dec 01 16:08
schestowitz 01 16:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SeaH2ONymph: @schestowitz I recall ex-PM at time #JohnMajor warning them not to stir up a hornet's nest in #Iraq. 01 16:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Former PM John Major Dismisses Iraq War GoalDec 01 16:08
schestowitzBBC almost done with the article nowDec 01 17:01
schestowitzJust sent some more materialDec 01 17:01
schestowitzI felt like I had forgotten something, but thought only 3 letters were received, not 4. This one is the first (see time, day of week, threat of damages proportional to speed).Dec 01 17:01
schestowitzDAG advised me only the following day and he was not surprised that the post was unpublished, due to lack of access to a legal adviser (which is probably as they intended).Dec 01 17:01
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesDec 01 17:31
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 01 18:13
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesDec 01 18:13
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Dec 01 18:13
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 01 18:13
schestowitz 01 18:34
schestowitz"Meet Mr Blatterstelli"Dec 01 18:34
-TechBytesBot/ | European Patent Office fires up lawyers over claims of cosy love-in with Microsoft • The Register ForumsDec 01 18:34
schestowitzLOL 01 18:37
-TechBytesBot/ | EPO Rejects Accusations of Special Treatment for Microsoft CorporationDec 01 18:37
schestowitz"Dec 01 20:06
schestowitzDear Technology Guardianistas,Dec 01 20:06
schestowitzHaving followed Alex and his work for quite a while, I deem him quiteDec 01 20:06
schestowitzlikely the most suitable person for this story.Dec 01 20:06
schestowitzSeveral months ago the media covered my story, which I broke in my siteDec 01 20:06
schestowitzTechrights, using leaks from the European Patent Office (EPO). ItDec 01 20:06
schestowitzreached a lot of the mainstream media at the time, all around the world.Dec 01 20:06
schestowitzAttached is a photo of a Private Eye article from that time.Dec 01 20:07
schestowitzI would like to urgently notify you that there's a major new developmentDec 01 20:07
schestowitzin this story, as the EPO threatened me for revealing this gross abuse.Dec 01 20:07
schestowitzThis will be the subject of a BBC report today or tomorrow and it wasDec 01 20:07
schestowitzcovered by The Register less than a day ago, among other media (alsoDec 01 20:07
schestowitzoutside the UK and outside Europe). See for instance:Dec 01 20:07
schestowitz 01 20:07
-TechBytesBot/ | European Patent Office fires up lawyers over claims of cosy love-in with Microsoft • The Register [ ]Dec 01 20:07
schestowitz 01 20:07
-TechBytesBot/ | European Patent Office Threatens Blogger With Defamation Lawsuit For Criticism | Techdirt [ ]Dec 01 20:07
schestowitz(among others)Dec 01 20:07
schestowitzA lot of people still don't know about this...Dec 01 20:07
schestowitzI think it would be worthwhile for your readers to know about this asDec 01 20:07
schestowitzthings are getting worse. Today there was a massive EPO staff protest inDec 01 20:07
schestowitzthe Netherlands and this Friday there will be an even biggest protest inDec 01 20:07
schestowitzMunich, the EPO's main site (where perhaps a majority of the staff willDec 01 20:07
schestowitzprotest against the management over abuses)Dec 01 20:07
schestowitzI will gladly provide any documents, information, links and so on toDec 01 20:07
schestowitzassist you in producing a report on this SLAPP action against EPODec 01 20:07
schestowitzcritics. My lawyer, David Allen Green, can provide input as well.Dec 01 20:07
schestowitzI hope to hear back from you,Dec 01 20:07
schestowitz"Dec 01 20:07
schestowitz 01 20:42
-TechBytesBot/ ‘They’re Not Americans’: CNN Guest Justifies Massive Attacks on Civilians #exceptionalism #cnnDec 01 20:42
schestowitz"The surprising part is the ones being attacked and considered lesser humans keep buying US products."Dec 01 20:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | ‘They’re Not Americans’: CNN Guest Justifies Massive Attacks on Civilians — FAIR [ ]Dec 01 20:42
schestowitzIndeed, it's marketingDec 01 20:42
schestowitz 01 20:44
-TechBytesBot/ "The Spanish EPO Scandal – Part II" postponed due to lack of time (must go to work soon, lost too much time to cyber attacks)Dec 01 20:44
schestowitz"You work hard."Dec 01 20:44
schestowitz 01 20:45
-TechBytesBot/ Those who aren't careful enough will fall for the illusion that Visual Studio, Windows, OOXML etc. are "open". They're all proprietary.Dec 01 20:45
schestowitz"MAD AS HELL'Dec 01 20:45
schestowitzAnd I can't take it anymore!Dec 01 20:45
schestowitz 01 20:46
schestowitz"Maybe they're pro-money."Dec 01 20:46
-TechBytesBot/ #Springer and #Elsevier are not pro #science at all. They're just opportunist raiders of other people's work. They're like 'pirates'.Dec 01 20:46
schestowitzAgree, except the "maybe"Dec 01 20:46
schestowitz 01 20:47
schestowitz"What I like about US holidays is that my workload goes to almost zero. =)"Dec 01 20:47
-TechBytesBot/ We don't celebrate #thanksgiving here, but this morning we had some turkey for breakfast. A little symbolic. Bought it last night.Dec 01 20:47
schestowitzApplicable here when it comes to news coverage in English, and new collection/analysis/syndication...Dec 01 20:48
schestowitz 01 20:49
-TechBytesBot/ When spies and chickenhawks talking about "prevention" of terrorism they don't talk about preventing hatred. Root causes.Dec 01 20:49
schestowitz"Killing people overseas and stealing their resources tends to make them angry and more willing to seek revenge using violence. The recent short-sighted foreign policies of the US and NATO countries have created an environment that breeds terrorism. This plays right into the hands of the major weapons makers, whose profits then soar."Dec 01 20:49
schestowitzDouble-dipping, action and blowback retaliationDec 01 20:49
schestowitz 01 20:49
schestowitz"Dec 01 20:49
schestowitzA better question might be: do you really need a “modern” desktop?Dec 01 20:49
schestowitzGnome reminds me of modern cars: more complexity, less resilience and riddled with software bugs for no good advantage.Dec 01 20:49
schestowitz"Dec 01 20:49
-TechBytesBot/ Will You Be Able To Run a Modern Desktop Environment In 2016 Without Systemd? #systemd #redhatDec 01 20:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Will You Be Able To Run a Modern Desktop Environment In 2016 Without Systemd? - SlashdotDec 01 20:50
schestowitz 01 20:50
schestowitz"Definitly yes'Dec 01 20:50
schestowitz"I can bet most people buy Chinese smartphones. I have an Alcatel and is not made in France for sure."Dec 01 20:50
schestowitz"No, they would have to be stock, and have full source available, and use drivers that have been properly unstreamed for all vital functions."Dec 01 20:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Not a Diaspora post?Dec 01 20:50
schestowitz 01 20:51
schestowitz"Yeah. I thought Mozilla did abandon Thunderbird, which then became a community project, years ago.'Dec 01 20:51
schestowitzSo there's no real news thenDec 01 20:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Not a Diaspora post?Dec 01 20:51
schestowitz 01 20:51
schestowitz"Cry me a river."Dec 01 20:51
schestowitzCry on top of the towel on one's head...Dec 01 20:52
-TechBytesBot/ " Whom to waterboard? Which village to drone? A bizarre documentary explores the spy elite's secret 'suffering'" 01 20:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Oh, the suffering of the CIA: In Showtime’s “The Spymasters,” America’s chief spooks bare their souls on the pain of the terror war - [ ]Dec 01 20:52
schestowitz 01 20:58
-TechBytesBot/ #Microsoft Lobbying Group Forces 'Pirate' To Get 200,000 Views On Anti-Piracy Video... Whole Thing Backfires 01 20:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Microsoft Lobbying Group Forces 'Pirate' To Get 200,000 Views On Anti-Piracy Video... Whole Thing Backfires | Techdirt [ ]Dec 01 20:58
schestowitz"Dec 01 20:58
schestowitz“noting that they’re watching the video to help the accused be let off the hook”Dec 01 20:58
schestowitzI had the same idea but was too lazy to click it.Dec 01 20:58
schestowitz"Dec 01 20:58
schestowitz 01 20:58
-TechBytesBot/ #microsoft #propaganda site #winbeta is trying to cause FOSS brain drain say no 01 20:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Microsoft continues to offer open source professionals positions within Azure [ ]Dec 01 20:58
schestowitz"On his Mac with OS X?"Dec 01 20:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | At All Things Open (ATO) Microsoft is Embracing, Extending, Extinguishing GNU/Linux, Hopes to Do the Same to Android (Updated) | Techrights [ ]Dec 01 20:58
schestowitz 01 20:58
-TechBytesBot/ #MakuluLinux Aero Edition now Live ! #gnu #linux distribution release...Dec 01 20:58
schestowitz"Makulu is the most interesting distro i don’t use … yet."Dec 01 20:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | MakuluLinux Aero Edition now Live ! | MakuluLinux [ ]Dec 01 20:58
schestowitz 01 20:58
-TechBytesBot/ In one month from now #suse agreement with #microsoft expires. What will happen then? Remember #novell deal? What a shame that was...Dec 01 20:58
schestowitz"That must be the reason for all the Suse articles. It was like a media blitz for a while.'Dec 01 20:58
schestowitzBecause of a release and anniversary, I think..Dec 01 20:59
schestowitz 01 20:59
-TechBytesBot/ In New York Times, Blue Eyes ‘Wince and Cloud’ at the Terror of a ‘Gentle Loner’ #nytimes on white terroristsDec 01 20:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | In New York Times, Blue Eyes ‘Wince and Cloud’ at the Terror of a ‘Gentle Loner’ — FAIR [ ]Dec 01 20:59
schestowitz"Sounds like more and more state propaganda to me. If the terrorist is a crazy right wing Christian they go out of their way to make him seem human. Any other terrorists - monsters and less than human - burn them all!!! Makes me sick! This guy was a known abuser and most likely has a criminal record. You can’t tell me local law enforcement had no idea what this guy was capable of. They let it go because, well, he’s a crazy WHITE CHRISTIANDec 01 20:59
schestowitzMALE!!! And they always get another chance."Dec 01 20:59
schestowitzWhen police arrives at the scene of the crime it doesn't even shoot to kill (remember Roof?)Dec 01 21:00
schestowitz 01 21:01
-TechBytesBot/ Economics 101: when a company is buying back its shares (as Apple and Microsoft do), there are fewer shares, hence artificially higher priceDec 01 21:01
schestowitz"but they believe in themselves at least then ;)"Dec 01 21:01
schestowitz"Dec 01 21:01
schestowitzNo, shares are the same but ownership changes. When shares of one company are deep undervalued that company might buy shares in the hope those shares will rebound later, or also in the rare case that a company is so good that expects its shares to keep gaining value. Buyback also might be used to avoid paying some dividends (or to pay some to itself), or to shift power from shareholders to company officers or few owners, like Dell’sDec 01 21:01
schestowitzprivatization.Dec 01 21:01
schestowitzIn the case of Apple it might have sense since it has truckloads of money and have no idea what to do with it, and its shares have been performing fine. In the case of Microsoft I do not consider that as a wise idea.Dec 01 21:01
schestowitzMost buybacks are financed with borrowed money and shares have low value because the company is really underperforming, therefore most buybacks backfire.Dec 01 21:01
schestowitz"Dec 01 21:02
schestowitzWhen you get debt to sponsor buybacks, then it isn't a sign of health. It's done for superficial showing of "demand".Dec 01 21:02
schestowitz 01 21:02
-TechBytesBot/ Financial sanctions for pornographic #censorship 01 21:02
schestowitz"By the way, they did it with #Wikileaks, too :( 404 - #Freedom not found :-…"Dec 01 21:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Secret Censorship of Online Porn | MotherboardDec 01 21:02
schestowitz 01 21:02
-TechBytesBot/ How EU nations are being sued for billions by foreign companies in secret tribunals 01 21:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | How EU nations are being sued for billions by foreign companies in secret tribunals | Ars Technica UKDec 01 21:02
schestowitz"We have the full-blown #TTIP to look forward to too. :-("Dec 01 21:02
schestowitz 01 21:03
-TechBytesBot/ 01 21:03
schestowitz"Well, we will see how long this last. And how much that rule is going to be broken."Dec 01 21:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Thomas_Drake1: Collection kabuki. Only tiny shell 215 bulk phone prgm ends. USA FREEDOM Act bigger shell&EO12333 continues unabated 01 21:03
schestowitz 01 21:03
-TechBytesBot/ I am about to publish only legal documents from my side to the #epo goons. Not the other side, because they strictly want "confidentiality"Dec 01 21:03
schestowitz"Do they want to harass you confidentially? What considerate."Dec 01 21:03
schestowitzyeahDec 01 21:03
schestowitz 01 21:05
-TechBytesBot/ "direct dealings between Turkish officials and ranking Isis members was now “undeniable”." #turkey #isisDec 01 21:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Turkey sends in jets as Syria’s agony spills over every border | World news | The Guardian [ ]Dec 01 21:05
schestowitz"Dec 01 21:05
schestowitzIf UK press says this I guess now it’s official that Turkey profited from ISIS oil. Now a new question, is the US asking Turkey like this?Dec 01 21:05
schestowitzUS: Please cease dealings with ISIS. wink winkDec 01 21:05
schestowitzTurkey: My bad, I’ll do that. wink winkDec 01 21:05
schestowitzBecause as I see it, the US, Europe, Turkey and Ukraine are profiting directly or indirectly from ISIS running amok; the only ones that have nothing to win are Syria and Russia.Dec 01 21:05
schestowitz"Dec 01 21:05
schestowitz 01 21:05
-TechBytesBot/ Days ago I was called "purer than the FSF" by a famous blogger, who was referring to the fact I don't accept any influence from companiesDec 01 21:05
schestowitz"Welcome to the club. The newsletter is available under the GNU FDL (with no un-modifyable sections)."Dec 01 21:05
schestowitz 01 21:06
-TechBytesBot/ David Cameron, there aren't 70,000 moderate fighters in Syria #tories love #warDec 01 21:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | David Cameron, there aren't 70,000 moderate fighters in Syria - and whoever heard of a moderate with a Kalashnikov, anyway? | Voices | The Independent [ ]Dec 01 21:06
schestowitz"Politicians are people with very special skills, like uttering patent lies with a straight face."Dec 01 21:06
schestowitzTools of MI6 in this case...Dec 01 21:06
schestowitz 01 21:07
schestowitz"Why would the judge prohibit Cox from making allegations that Rightscorp violates debt collection or private investigation laws, unless Cox has insufficient evidence to back its allegations?"Dec 01 21:07
schestowitzTwisted 'justice'Dec 01 21:07
-TechBytesBot/ Cox Can’t Describe Rightscorp As “Extortionists” and “Trolls” During Trial #cox fights a good fightDec 01 21:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Cox Can't Describe Rightscorp As "Extortionists" and "Trolls" During Trial - TorrentFreak [ ]Dec 01 21:07
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 01 21:23
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 01 21:33
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 01 21:33
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesDec 01 21:34
schestowitzGot a fan...Dec 01 23:35
schestowitz"Dec 01 23:35
schestowitzPD: I followed you today for first time from XXXXDec 01 23:35
schestowitzbut i´ve been following you all along for long time and I admire yourDec 01 23:35
schestowitzwork. I´m XXXX_  and some other accounts too  ;) Plz keep this infoDec 01 23:35
schestowitzto yourself.Dec 01 23:35
schestowitz"Dec 01 23:35
schestowitz"Kindly and sincerelly,"Dec 01 23:35
schestowitz [sic]Dec 01 23:35
schestowitz00:55Dec 02 01:15
schestowitz(00:58:35) xxxxxxxxxxx: HiDec 02 01:15
schestowitz(00:58:42) xxxxxxxxxxx: i gotta reboot my pc is all messed upDec 02 01:15
schestowitz(00:58:59) xxxxxxxxxxx has signed off.Dec 02 01:15
schestowitz01:00Dec 02 01:15
schestowitz(01:04:00) xxxxxxxxxxx has signed on.Dec 02 01:15
schestowitz(01:04:33) xxxxxxxxxxx: right that is betterDec 02 01:15
schestowitz01:05Dec 02 01:15
schestowitz(01:05:05) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: did you update before booting?Dec 02 01:15
schestowitz(01:05:16) xxxxxxxxxxx: might a while agoDec 02 01:15
schestowitz(01:05:17) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I always try to use the opportunity to get kernel updatesDec 02 01:15
schestowitz(01:05:25) xxxxxxxxxxx: yeahDec 02 01:15
schestowitz(01:05:29) xxxxxxxxxxx: it was too messed upDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:05:46) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: kde framework 5 is a messDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:05:52) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: been using it for 8 months nowDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:06:35) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: systemd isn't helping, eitherDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:07:53) xxxxxxxxxxx: no kernel updates avalibleDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:08:02) xxxxxxxxxxx: so guess i was already up to dateDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:08:36) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: the deployment went OKDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:08:55) xxxxxxxxxxx: coolDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:09:03) xxxxxxxxxxx: i am not caught up so did not know we had 1Dec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:09:16) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: that's okDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:09:17) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: trivialDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:09:24) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: BTW, tomorrow I'll be in BBCDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:09:29) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: yesterday El Reg 02 01:16
-TechBytesBot/ | European Patent Office fires up lawyers over claims of cosy love-in with Microsoft • The RegisterDec 02 01:16
schestowitz01:10Dec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:10:55) xxxxxxxxxxx: are you going to jail?Dec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:11:07) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: lol, of course notDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:11:21) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: they're not even suingDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:11:28) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: they just tried to silence bloggersDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:11:30) xxxxxxxxxxx: are they going to send a hit squad after you?Dec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:11:37) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: maybe :-)Dec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:11:43) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: But not a wise moveDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:12:03) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: tyson fury is from manchesterDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:13:08) xxxxxxxxxxx: i have a cat where my keyboard should beDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:13:31) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: nice one, never heard this one beforeDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:13:39) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: be carefulDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:13:45) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: there's a screenlock bugDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:13:53) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: and it required a catDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:13:58) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: can force a rebootDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:14:02) xxxxxxxxxxx: yeah i saw that oneDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:14:17) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I saw the original before the press covered itDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:14:24) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: it was funnyDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:14:31) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: anyway, on to my handoverDec 02 01:16
schestowitz"so were they trying to sue you over a screen shot you should't have had"Dec 02 01:22
schestowitz(01:17:36) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: No, they just made a threatDec 02 01:22
schestowitz(01:17:42) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: to compel me to self-censorDec 02 01:22
schestowitz(01:17:56) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: it backfired on them because now it gets even more coverageDec 02 01:22
schestowitz"but did you have to take down your post?"Dec 02 01:22
schestowitzI couldn't seek legal advice yetDec 02 01:22
schestowitz 02 01:23
-TechBytesBot/ | EPO - TechrightsDec 02 01:23
schestowitz 02 01:23
-TechBytesBot/ | EPO Did Not Want to Take Down One Techrights Article, It Wanted to Take Down Many Articles Using Intimidation, SLAPPing, and Psychological Manipulation Late on a Friday Night | Techrights [ ]Dec 02 01:23
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 02 01:26
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 02 02:12
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Dec 02 02:39
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*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 02 05:39
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesDec 02 10:05
schestowitz 02 11:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MariusNestor: @schestowitz Correct URL :)Dec 02 11:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Debian-Based Q4OS Linux Distro Gets New Update Notifier, Better Support for Android DevicesDec 02 11:53
schestowitz 02 11:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@01micko: @schestowitz yes I agree, but Claws is very good and if you can handle lack of HTML support Sylpheed is even better. #pgp #gpg #freesoftwareDec 02 11:54
schestowitz 02 11:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@innova_scape: RT : Fashions Open Source Platform for 02 11:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #IBM Fashions Open Source Platform for #MachineLearning 02 11:54
schestowitz 02 11:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fannarfreyris: @schestowitz @ppinternational @eff should fork thunderbird for crypto.Dec 02 11:58
schestowitz 02 12:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Twpalovi: @schestowitz Have you upset anyone?Dec 02 12:36
schestowitzNobody newDec 02 12:36
schestowitz 02 12:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kstallett: @KevinJRawlinson @schestowitz @Independent I assume he doesn't mean being shot for showing dissent against the current government.Dec 02 12:36
schestowitzEven N. Korea doesn't do it so cheaplyDec 02 12:36
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)Dec 02 14:35
*ChanServ has quit (*.net *.split)Dec 02 15:34
*schestowitz has quit (*.net *.split)Dec 02 15:35
*oiaohm has quit (*.net *.split)Dec 02 15:36
*MinceR has quit (*.net *.split)Dec 02 15:38
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*XFaCE has quit (*.net *.split)Dec 02 15:38
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 02 16:12
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*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techbytesDec 02 16:28
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*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 02 16:46
schestowitztestDec 02 16:55
schestowitz> I am sorry there are some quite stupid mistakes, looks like I had itDec 02 16:55
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesDec 02 16:55
schestowitz> translated by google, but those strange words come from my stoopidDec 02 16:55
schestowitz> dictation tool?.Dec 02 16:55
schestowitz>Dec 02 16:55
schestowitz> I?ll correct that for you ok?Dec 02 16:56
schestowitzI'll wait then for a solid translation that I can publish.Dec 02 16:56
schestowitz 02 16:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@baumchristel: @schestowitz or maybe moving on to a new #email client..? I am with @mailbird now. There is still room for improvement, but happy so far;-)Dec 02 16:58
schestowitz 02 17:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Brainiarc7: #Linux ##SysAdmin feel 02 17:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #debian "attempt to cut down on the 400+ spam-registrations it receives every day." had the same problem todayDec 02 17:03
schestowitz 02 17:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AndreasCLemke: #Thunderbird is a critical open source tool for secure email. What else to use? 02 17:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: If #thunderbird isn't kept alive, a lot of less technical people who already use #encryption will be left exposed. Society unable to leak.Dec 02 17:04
*ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) has joined #techbytesDec 02 17:04
* gives channel operator status to ChanServDec 02 17:04
MinceRthey should learn mutt :>Dec 02 17:07
schestowitz>> I'm going to just carry on writing (big backlog here). <Dec 02 17:10
schestowitz> Guess you can do more for the cause writing than watching a demo. Those demos are usually short and not spectacular. And I guess SUEPO wouldn't let you do a keynote address because the EPO oligarchs would freak out completely :-)Dec 02 17:10
schestowitzThat would do a disservice to SUEPO anyway, by creative a narrative as SUEPO messenger/minion. I don't know if I ever spoke to ANYONE from SUEPO...Dec 02 17:10
schestowitzquote above from F.M.Dec 02 17:10
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesDec 02 17:32
schestowitz 02 18:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Zeipt: What are #SafeUM talking about??? )) @schestowitz @ppinternational @PrivacyCamp @PrivacyMatters @AnonyOps 02 18:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SafeUM: @Zeipt Atually, open source is not safe by default. And opensource availability never added extra security.Dec 02 18:46
MinceRyet another person who doesn't understand free softwareDec 02 18:48
schestowitzyeahDec 02 18:49
schestowitzbetter to ignoreDec 02 18:50
schestowitzesp. if it's not some high-profile accountDec 02 18:50
schestowitzin which case mentioning it wouldn't work to the accounts benefitDec 02 18:50
schestowitz 02 19:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ErieShoresCoun: @schestowitz thanks for sharing Dr. Roy Schestowitz, have a great Wednesday :) (insight by 02 19:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Twitter Community Management Dashboard | Twitter Marketing Tool | Commun.itDec 02 19:06
schestowitzyayDec 02 20:35
schestowitzreceived a translation of an article about techrightsDec 02 20:36
schestowitzit's spread across europe at the momentDec 02 20:36
schestowitz"I can throw down a quick translation of the article in Punto Informatico," told us one person, "if you haven't got one yet. I'll send it to you in a while."Dec 02 20:36
schestowitz> I am sorry there are some quite stupid mistakes, looks like I had itDec 02 20:36
schestowitz> translated by google, but those strange words come from my stoopidDec 02 20:36
schestowitz> dictation tool?.Dec 02 20:36
schestowitz>Dec 02 20:36
schestowitz> I?ll correct that for you ok?Dec 02 20:36
schestowitz>>> Excellent, thank you!Dec 02 20:36
schestowitz>>> I'll wait then for a solid translation that I can publish.Dec 02 20:36
schestowitz> Here we go. Please check because the encriptyon/decription often causesDec 02 20:36
schestowitz> strange changes of letters and symbols. But the language, as far as theDec 02 20:36
schestowitz> translation of the sense and gist of it is concerned, should be ok.Dec 02 20:36
schestowitz>Dec 02 20:36
schestowitz> Ask me if any problem,Dec 02 20:36
schestowitz> Punto informatico.Dec 02 20:36
schestowitz6 countries, I thinkDec 02 20:36
schestowitz"Dec 03 01:03
schestowitz(01:01:54) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: works wellDec 03 01:03
schestowitz(01:02:04) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: but not if you use Vista 10 [sic]Dec 03 01:03
schestowitz(01:02:54) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: two tickets related to this and we don't have the malware (Vista 10) installed on our network anywhere, AFAIK, so I cannot test itDec 03 01:03
schestowitz"Dec 03 01:03
schestowitzSome idiots 'upgrade'Dec 03 01:03
schestowitzand now our site breaks. Grrrr...Dec 03 01:03
schestowitz(01:01:54) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: works wellDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:02:04) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: but not if you use Vista 10 [sic]Dec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:02:54) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: two tickets related to this and we don't have the malware (Vista 10) installed on our network anywhere, AFAIK, so I cannot test itDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:03:57) friend: :(Dec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:04:06) friend: i think my wife's pc is windows 10Dec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:04:14) friend: but i don't know her passwordDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:04:24) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: J3ssi3Dec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:04:39) friend: might get her to give me an account when she come home at 7Dec 03 01:31
schestowitz01:05Dec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:05:09) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I really can't do much except view it via browsershots, and even they don't have the malware for testingDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:06:34) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: tickets like these leave me stuckDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:06:52) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I think the issue reported isn't intended for GLA or Sirius but for MicrosoftDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:07:05) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: because the browser they impose on people via OEM secret deals are brokenDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:07:15) friend: lolDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:07:20) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: and I read articles about this -- about how Vista 10 browsers cause issues like IE6Dec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:07:26) friend: i don't think they are very secretDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:08:07) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: And they're evidently right, The Register did some articles about it and I joked that as soon as people adopt (by buying a PC) Vista 10 it'll cause headaches for all webmasters -- a 'gift' from Bill's lackiesDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:08:36) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: The OEM deals are always secretDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:09:03) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: so that they can charge them separately and negotiate on discriminatory  termsDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:09:18) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: my site has some old OEM deals subpoenaed forDec 03 01:31
schestowitz01:10Dec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:12:52) friend: can't fight big buisnessDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:12:57) friend: or the EPO it seemsDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:13:00) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: canDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:13:04) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: and they're losingDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:13:08) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: already defeated NovellDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:13:13) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: and EPO is burningDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:13:19) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: that's why it became so viciousDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:13:40) friend: well forget microsoftDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:13:44) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: But anyway, about the browserDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:13:46) friend: go after the real bad guysDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:13:49) friend: apple!Dec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:13:57) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I don't know even how to reproduce the issueDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:14:04) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I go after Apple tooDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:14:12) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: got email today telling me to go after themDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:14:19) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: but it was mail from a crazed patent trollDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:14:31) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: ended up sending me abusive mailsDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:14:39) friend: lolDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:14:51) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: maybe he tried a day off his medzDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:14:53) friend: you make some wierd sDec 03 01:32
schestowitz01:15Dec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:15:02) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: no, my s are awesomeDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:15:11) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: but there are also enemies out thereDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:15:22) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Private Eye will cover my work again very soonDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:16:25) friend: you think? or they have told you?Dec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:16:34) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: YesDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:16:48) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: they covered the scandal you saw in The Reg a few months agoDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:16:53) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: now there's the new oneDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:16:58) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: several new ones in factDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:17:22) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: The campaign is going very well, about half of the EPO staff reads my articles dailyDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:17:32) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Big protests this weekend, and staff petitionDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:17:38) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: almost half of all staff to signDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:17:59) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: French Assembly mentioned my blog todayDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:18:18) friend: clearly you have been busyDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:18:35) friend: have you still been finding time for the gym?Dec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:18:46) friend: i joined one a couple of weeks agoDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:18:53) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Not busy buying Vista 10 and installing it, I'll have to ask someone to put it on the networkDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:19:03) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: then I can try tweaking the CSS to make it workDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:19:15) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: yes, gym 3 times a week, and poolDec 03 01:32
schestowitz01:20Dec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:20:07) friend: there are dev aws accounts i think, although i am not sure if they are live yet or just plannedDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:20:15) friend: but i presume they are for this sort of thingDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:20:30) friend: although no idea if aws does windows desktops, but i assume it doesDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:21:06) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I'd create one if it's possible, then allow remote access and access over rdesktop to reproduce the issueDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:21:27) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I can't do so without seeing the issue to begin with thoughDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:21:39) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: so these tickets are hard to even get stated onDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:22:22) friend: i know they do windows server but not sure about windows 10 and the likeDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:22:41) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I think the browser, if any is preinstalled, would be the sameDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:22:46) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: ewww... browser on a serverDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:22:55) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: no wonder these have so many security holesDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:22:58) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: or bug doorsDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:23:07) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: even MEDIA player... on a serverDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:23:14) friend: not sure the latest server is new enoughDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:23:20) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: as if sysadmins would have headphones to listen to CDs while they use a rackDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:24:05) friend: no idea why they need a desktop on it really, well i do because most sysadmins only know how to point and clickDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:24:31) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: also cheaper to package it like thisDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:24:38) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: which I assume is the real motivationDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:24:44) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: 1. make it look consistent w/ desktopDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:24:58) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: 2. don't change/deviate much from desktop, just cjange the label and the.... wallpaper!Dec 03 01:32
schestowitz01:25Dec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:25:06) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Voila! We have a new "server" OS.Dec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:25:24) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Where 10% of performance wasted on redrawing windows, not processing requestsDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:25:53) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: On the bright side, you can play solitaire if you're bored babysitting the serverDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:26:11) friend: i am surprised that don't have an option to run them without a guiDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:26:22) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I think they promised there would be one...Dec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:26:27) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: .... like 7 years agoDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:26:33) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I don't think this ever materialisedDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:26:37) friend: probably don't want people to learn to use the command lineDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:26:41) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Now they have more functions in their "console"Dec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:26:45) friend: it's too easy to lose them to linux thenDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:26:54) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Soon they will have -- GASP -- opensshDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:26:57) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: welcome to the 90sDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:27:39) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: they only now, in 2015, decided to work on ssh clientDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:27:48) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: rather, to pay openbsd foundationDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:27:56) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: a million dollars to do this for themDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:28:04) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: anyway, I'll write my handoverDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:28:32) friend: okDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:28:41) friend: you on tommorow?Dec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:28:48) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: no, xmas partyDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:28:50) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: for the gymDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:29:14) friend: have funnDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:29:16) friend: funDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:29:34) friend: i don't get invited to parties :(Dec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:29:49) friend: well i could have gone to xxxx christmas drinks, but it was tonightDec 03 01:33
schestowitzwe might be able to install a VM on AWS to help us debug what's basically a bug in Microsoft's Web browser (welcome back to IE6 and millennial bugs).Dec 03 01:37
schestowitzI think we'll need to create a new machine with Microsoft's latest version of Windows (see below).Dec 03 01:37
schestowitz"Dec 03 02:06
schestowitz<em>"Why does the EPO need an investigator performing forensic activities?"</em>Dec 03 02:06
schestowitzBecause the EPO is not a public body, it's a sordid mess run by vicious people.Dec 03 02:06
schestowitzThanks, I already got it earlier from another source and wrote an article to be published later tonight.Dec 03 02:06
schestowitz"Dec 03 02:06
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Dec 03 02:09
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesDec 03 10:03
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 03 13:10
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 03 13:11
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesDec 03 13:12
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Dec 03 13:12
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 03 13:12
schestowitz> Would you have the EPO flag in SVG?Dec 03 15:58
schestowitz>Dec 03 15:58
schestowitz>>From the banana union era, this one helped a lot:Dec 03 15:58
schestowitz>Dec 03 15:58
schestowitz> 03 15:58
-TechBytesBot/ | File:Banana republic.svg - Wikimedia CommonsDec 03 15:59
schestowitzThe only flag I can think of was the cartoon in unitary patent dot eu.Dec 03 15:59
schestowitzI have some logos of the EPO around, with transparency.Dec 03 15:59
schestowitzRead your message. Will respond properly soon.... due to urgency (protest).Dec 03 16:03
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)Dec 03 17:50
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesDec 03 23:27
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Dec 04 01:24
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Dec 04 05:08
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*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 04 07:51
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesDec 04 07:52
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Dec 04 07:52
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 04 07:52
schestowitz> Roy,Dec 04 14:54
schestowitz>Dec 04 14:54
schestowitz> I have been quite busy the past couple of days, and I will be on theDec 04 14:54
schestowitz> road today. Will revert later.Dec 04 14:54
schestowitz>Dec 04 14:54
schestowitz> Have a look at this redacted e-mail and its PDF attachments.Dec 04 14:54
schestowitzThe witch-hunt obviously carries onDec 04 14:55
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 04 15:53
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesDec 04 15:53
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Dec 04 15:53
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 04 15:53
schestowitz"Since September, the daily emissions in Indonesia have exceded theDec 04 16:16
schestowitzdaily emissions of the entire US economy. "Dec 04 16:16
schestowitz 04 16:16
schestowitzIndonesia also has some of the tightest censorship on foreign reporters.Dec 04 16:16
schestowitz> "the largest came from financial institutions whose risky practices ledDec 04 16:16
schestowitz> up to the 2008 financial crisis and collapse of the U.S. housing market,Dec 04 16:16
-TechBytesBot/ | The High Cost of Indonesia’s Fires | Latest News | Earth Island Journal | Earth Island InstituteDec 04 16:16
schestowitz> including..."Dec 04 16:16
schestowitz>Dec 04 16:16
schestowitz> 04 16:16
-TechBytesBot/ | Justice Department Collects More Than $23 Billion in Civil and Criminal Cases in Fiscal Year 2015 | OPA | Department of JusticeDec 04 16:16
schestowitz 04 17:50
schestowitz"Heaven forbid some government agency might try to find a way to operate more efficiently. Okay boys, go back to the bureaucratic process and leave me alone, it's time for my coffee break and then I need to check my Facebook page. Don't worry, I won't give anyone special treatment. Take a number and go sit in a pool of your own piss. But you will be treated fairly."Dec 04 17:50
-TechBytesBot/ | EPO Rejects Accusations of Special Treatment for Microsoft CorporationDec 04 17:50
schestowitz 05 00:14
-TechBytesBot/ #newscorp agenda: "Interesting isn’t it that they didn’t publish it before the parliamentary debate on Syria?" #syriaDec 05 00:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Craig Murray » Blog Archive » Murdoch Trails Behind MurrayDec 05 00:14
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesDec 05 01:00
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 05 07:05
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesDec 05 07:06
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Dec 05 07:06
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 05 07:06
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 05 09:42
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesDec 05 14:40
*liberty_box_ ( has joined #techbytesDec 05 14:40
*liberty_box has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 05 14:44
schestowitz 05 15:06
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Boards of Appeal tell AC: we were never consultedDec 05 15:06
schestowitz"    Do we know if the Presidium and AMBA actually met with Board 28?"Dec 05 15:06
schestowitz"Dec 05 15:07
schestowitzAmicus Curiae wondered: "If for every request of the President the AC has to seek independent external advice, what's the point of having a President"Dec 05 15:07
schestowitzSubsidiary question: an what´s the point of having a DG5 Legal/International Affairs? What are these people doing? Is their job an illustration of the EPO´s high quality services?Dec 05 15:07
schestowitz"Dec 05 15:07
schestowitz"Dec 05 15:07
schestowitzClooney comments:Dec 05 15:07
schestowitzIn this final phase, Board 28 has met neither the Presidium nor AMBA. There is no need: they have been heard before and what they have to say doesn't matter any way. Battistelli goes ahead with his plan. He doesn't care about right or wrong. He must dispose of the boards which are disturbing the whole process of UPC. They should disappear or be reduced to the level of an internal opposition division. Their present independence is a highlyDec 05 15:07
schestowitzdisturbing factor.Dec 05 15:07
schestowitzWhat matters is the future Court in Paris which - once created - he will occupy with his team (Lutz, Bergot, Regis-Hannard, Rechema etc.). EU Institution >>> benefits >>> tax free pension >>> making history >>> perhaps even a "place Battistelli" .Dec 05 15:07
schestowitzSad, very sad.Dec 05 15:07
schestowitz"Dec 05 15:07
schestowitz"Dec 05 15:07
schestowitzIt's christmas soon... USA for EPODec 05 15:07
schestowitzThere comes a time when we need a certain callDec 05 15:07
schestowitzWhen the staff must come together as oneDec 05 15:07
schestowitzThere are people dyingDec 05 15:07
schestowitzOh, and it's time to lend a hand to endDec 05 15:07
schestowitzThe greatest scam of allDec 05 15:07
schestowitzWe can't go on pretending day by dayDec 05 15:07
schestowitzThat someone, somehow will soon make a changeDec 05 15:07
schestowitzWe're all a part of the EPO's great familyDec 05 15:07
schestowitzAnd so the truth - you know the truth is all we needDec 05 15:07
schestowitzWe are the staff, we're still producingDec 05 15:07
schestowitzWe are the ones who make a brighter dayDec 05 15:07
schestowitzThat's why we're leakingDec 05 15:07
schestowitzThere's a choice we're makingDec 05 15:07
schestowitzWe're saving our own livesDec 05 15:07
schestowitzIt's true we'll make a better dayDec 05 15:08
schestowitzJust you and meDec 05 15:08
schestowitzWell, send'em to ViennaDec 05 15:08
schestowitzand they'll know we just don't careDec 05 15:08
schestowitzAnd our decisions will be no longer freeDec 05 15:08
schestowitzAs the office keeps showing usDec 05 15:08
schestowitzhiding behind immunityDec 05 15:08
schestowitzAnd so we need Article 4a EPCeeeeeeeeDec 05 15:08
schestowitzWe are the staff, we're still producingDec 05 15:08
schestowitzWe are the ones who make a brighter dayDec 05 15:08
schestowitzThat's why we're leakingDec 05 15:08
schestowitzThere's a choice we're makingDec 05 15:08
schestowitzWe're saving our own livesDec 05 15:08
schestowitzIt's true we'll make a better dayDec 05 15:08
schestowitzJust you and meDec 05 15:08
schestowitzWhen you're down and outDec 05 15:08
schestowitzThere seems no hope at allDec 05 15:08
schestowitzBut if you just leaveDec 05 15:08
schestowitzThis way it will all fallDec 05 15:08
schestowitzWell, well, well, let us realizeDec 05 15:08
schestowitzThat one change can only comeDec 05 15:08
schestowitzWhen we stand together as oneDec 05 15:08
schestowitz...Dec 05 15:08
schestowitz"Dec 05 15:08
schestowitz"|    USA (Who is there) for EPO - You are a GENIUS man.|"Dec 05 15:08
schestowitz"    My president, Mr. Batistelli, is consumed with the ambition to do a great thing, to break the illegitim resistance of the EPO staff to the drastic curtailment imposed to their professional dignity and employment conditions. This is his legitim vision, his vision as an outstanding manager and charismatic leader, to push things hard, to achieve whatever his convictions tell him to be right, deliberately accepting the risk of damaging orDec 05 15:08
schestowitzpossibly even destroying the European Patent Organisation, which thrived too much over decades. I admire my cute leader and great manager and love the chaos he produces. He makes everyone happy. God save the King!"Dec 05 15:08
schestowitz"Dec 05 15:09
schestowitzWhy writing about all this, Merpel? Why telling us how wrong things are at the European Patent Office when nobody seems to really care? Cui bono, Merpel? Cui bono?!Dec 05 15:09
schestowitzStop it.Dec 05 15:09
schestowitzIt's just not worth.Dec 05 15:09
schestowitzNeither you nor the "Enlarged Board of Appeal, epi, CIPA, EPLAW, CCBE, BusinessEurope, CNIPA, AMBA and most of the patent judges across Europe" can do anything anyway. Anything.Dec 05 15:09
schestowitzDid you read above Clooney's comment? " Board 28 has met neither the Presidium nor AMBA".Dec 05 15:09
schestowitzStop it.Dec 05 15:09
schestowitzYou are only taking the risk of being sued for "defamation" by the "EPO".Dec 05 15:09
schestowitz"Dec 05 15:09
schestowitzLOLDec 05 15:09
schestowitz 05 15:10
schestowitz"Dec 05 15:10
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Keeping PACE with the European Patent OfficeDec 05 15:10
schestowitz @Garfield @Meldrew (also @ding dong merrily on high)Dec 05 15:10
schestowitzIf "Old man of EPO" is right, then it won't help (neither you, nor the public) to know where a case lies in a division's workload. If the "queue" is indeed dynamic, and your case is 99th, then it won't take 98th cases before it is processed (as already discussed), but:Dec 05 15:10
schestowitz- it doesn't even have go down the list over time (it could be 123th, rather than 49th, a year later);Dec 05 15:10
schestowitz- it could well become 1st within a day (depending how often workloads are updated over there).Dec 05 15:10
schestowitzIf that's so, then there is no queue, just an ordering updated with every addition or removal of cases. That could explain why "ding dong etc" had to follow-up his/her cases: you were given a date, while the employees are given e.g. the top 10 cases of the workload (which may not include your case). Is that so?Dec 05 15:10
schestowitz"Dec 05 15:10
schestowitz 05 16:03
schestowitz"without a modern GUI no way …"Dec 05 16:03
schestowitz"Imitation like Kylin does will work'Dec 05 16:03
schestowitzUbuntu has an OK GUI...Dec 05 16:03
-TechBytesBot/ Does #Ubuntu stand #vista10 and #OSuX ? on freedom? Hands down!Dec 05 16:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Does Ubuntu stand Windows 10 and OSX? | Fabrizio BallianoDec 05 16:03
schestowitz 05 16:04
schestowitz"Dec 05 16:04
schestowitzHi, do you still need translation of the letter at ?Dec 05 16:04
-TechBytesBot/ | Diaspora* - Sign inDec 05 16:04
schestowitzI can do it in a few hours (something like 3hours from now on) and get reviewed before sending it. I got a first draft but I'm at work and I need to get stuff down, so I can't commit to it right now.Dec 05 16:04
schestowitz"Dec 05 16:04
-TechBytesBot/ | French Member of Parliament Reacts to EPO Management Amidst Ongoing Attacks on Staff Representatives and Facts-free Information War | TechrightsDec 05 16:04
schestowitzyes, a translation would be very good and worthy of a whole article dedicated to it.Dec 05 16:04
schestowitz 05 16:05
-TechBytesBot/ Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between our foreign policy and our corporate oil objectives? One is a cover for another...?Dec 05 16:05
schestowitz" "Dec 05 16:05
schestowitzI didn't know...Dec 05 16:05
-TechBytesBot/ | Bank of North Dakota - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaDec 05 16:05
schestowitz 05 16:06
-TechBytesBot/ #nsa doesn't need to "keep bulk records of telephone calls", the phone companies/carriers will (can be approached) 05 16:06
schestowitz"lol"Dec 05 16:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | At midnight, the NSA will no longer keep bulk records of telephone callsDec 05 16:06
schestowitz 05 16:06
-TechBytesBot/ Microsoft's Mouth actually says "GNU" impressedDec 05 16:06
schestowitz"They’re starting to look positively cuddly next to the merchants of ‘do no evil’ ;)"Dec 05 16:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Debian GNU/Linux now supported on Microsoft's Azure | ZDNetDec 05 16:06
schestowitzIt's Microsoft running a PR campaign against Google to paint Google as "Evil"Dec 05 16:07
schestowitz 05 16:07
-TechBytesBot/ #linkedin - like #twitter (increasingly) - tries to emulate the world's worst spying engine. 05 16:07
schestowitz"I have never seen an application so intrusive as LinkedIn’s one."Dec 05 16:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | LinkedIn's revised Android app emulates Facebook | ITworldDec 05 16:07
schestowitzEven your pageviews get broadcast to other usedsDec 05 16:07
schestowitz 05 16:18
-TechBytesBot/ #gop #propaganda Media React To San Bernardino Mass Shooting With Evidence-Free Solution Of More Concealed Guns #nraDec 05 16:18
schestowitz"Excellent idea! What about allowing gun sales on McDonald’s and KFC?'Dec 05 16:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Conservative Media React To San Bernardino Mass Shooting With Evidence-Free Solution Of More Concealed Guns | Research | Media Matters for AmericaDec 05 16:18
schestowitzSurplus on meal charges...Dec 05 16:18
schestowitz 05 16:18
-TechBytesBot/ How to Fix a Windows Infection Using Linux simplest: put it in the CD tray, install it to driveDec 05 16:18
schestowitz"My friend is fighting a case against this."Dec 05 16:18
schestowitzWhich country?Dec 05 16:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | How to Fix a Windows Infection Using Linux | PCWorldDec 05 16:18
schestowitz 05 16:18
-TechBytesBot/ Embrace, extend #debian for those stupid enough to believe #microsoft respects #privacy #independence & #autonomyDec 05 16:18
schestowitz"You have to see what companies do for money."Dec 05 16:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Microsoft brings Debian Linux to AzureDec 05 16:19
schestowitzThey'd even embrace "cancer"Dec 05 16:19
schestowitz 05 16:19
-TechBytesBot/ Due to the latest #ddos all visitors using "Windows" blocked. #microsoft #windows botnets attack my network.Dec 05 16:19
schestowitz"Based on user agent?"Dec 05 16:19
schestowitzYesDec 05 16:19
schestowitz 05 16:20
-TechBytesBot/ In terms of world domination, #linux already won the "war" because of #android (more so than other platforms, based on # of users)Dec 05 16:20
schestowitz"Desktop is where it counts. I use Android mainly for media consumption. When I develop, it’s on my laptop or desktop. Fortunately the Android SDK works great on Debian."Dec 05 16:20
schestowitz"Not to mention servers.Dec 05 16:20
schestowitz'Dec 05 16:20
schestowitzOut of sight, out of (public) mindDec 05 16:20
schestowitz 05 16:21
-TechBytesBot/ Itty bitty ARM module starts at $27 but can they compete with C.H.I.P. and Pi Zero? #linuxDec 05 16:21
schestowitz"C.H.I.P. seem to be more thought on BoM level, wrt to TCO"Dec 05 16:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Itty bitty ARM module starts at $27, runs Linux ·  LinuxGizmos.comDec 05 16:21
schestowitzThey're both bad. Microsoft does more to ACTIVELY sabotage FOSS.Dec 05 16:23
schestowitz 05 16:31
-TechBytesBot/ People who believed they'd have a stellar career at the #epo must quickly realise that it's not a job at Legoland but work for SatanDec 05 16:31
schestowitz"The one that gives you can also take it away from you, and that applies to almost any company, organization or group of people."Dec 05 16:31
schestowitz 05 16:36
-TechBytesBot/ Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between our foreign policy and our corporate oil objectives? One is a cover for another...?Dec 05 16:36
schestowitz"It’s a weird situation. I would be hard pressed to believe that they act any differently than the central bank minus the fact that they don’t have as much power. Centralization is always a problem."Dec 05 16:36
schestowitz 05 16:37
-TechBytesBot/ The #syriaVote is really more like, "we want to replenish stocks of bomb-making companies and need to make room by disposing of old ones"Dec 05 16:37
schestowitz"Dec 05 16:37
schestowitzThis reminds me.Dec 05 16:37
schestowitz 05 16:37
schestowitz"Dec 05 16:37
-TechBytesBot/ | Pentagon supplying Kiev military with ‘junk’ Humvees from 1st Gulf War era – report — RT NewsDec 05 16:37
schestowitz 05 16:37
-TechBytesBot/ The toxic combination of #kt5 and #systemd in #kubuntu clearly make these recent distro releases the worst I ever used. Since the 90s...Dec 05 16:37
schestowitz"s/kt5/qt5 ?'Dec 05 16:37
schestowitzI meant KF5Dec 05 16:37
schestowitz 05 16:38
-TechBytesBot/ When you stop maintaining or developing software because "there's no money in it" you're pulling an Oracle (OOo). Come on, #mozilla ...Dec 05 16:38
schestowitz"I really feel your frustration - worrying looking at financial problems in GNOME too, I’m wondering how long the standalone model in OS will survive - which is worrying as I like to have a local client and encrypt end-to-end."Dec 05 16:38
-TechBytesBot/ | Why There Will Never Be Another RedHat: The Economics Of Open Source | TechCrunchDec 05 16:38
schestowitzThe danger is that non-technical people will struggle even more to encryptDec 05 16:38
schestowitz 05 16:41
-TechBytesBot/ 'IP has benefits for EU citizens' only if #epo stops favouring large foreign corporations 05 16:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@IP_IdeasMatter: Ideas Matter's Allen Dixon at @EPOorg ‘IP Essentials’ event in Brussels: 'IP has myriad benefits for EU citizens' 05 16:41
schestowitz"Ideas are a dozen a dime, what matters is execution."Dec 05 16:41
schestowitzyesDec 05 16:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Leaked: EPO Prioritises Work for Large Foreign Corporations, Discrimination Not Accidental But Centrally Planned | TechrightsDec 05 16:41
schestowitz 05 16:42
schestowitz"It’s terrifying when people do not pay taxes. I mean peasants, not billionaires."Dec 05 16:42
schestowitzExactlyDec 05 16:42
-TechBytesBot/ IRS says it will get a warrant before using cell-site simulators Now #irs pretends that it's against terror...Dec 05 16:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | IRS says it will get a warrant before using cell-site simulators | Security | Computerworld UKDec 05 16:42
schestowitz 05 16:43
-TechBytesBot/ 05 16:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BillJ_McroApple: Another obvious ploy to bring down tech business organizations by denouncing their profits #followup #copyrightDec 05 16:43
schestowitz"Another obvious Apple fanboy."Dec 05 16:43
schestowitzA dime a dozen as you say...Dec 05 16:43
schestowitz 05 16:43
-TechBytesBot/ 05 16:43
schestowitz"This seems fair to me."Dec 05 16:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fakedansavage: The @NYDailyNews isn't fucking around: calls @NRA's Wayne LaPierre a terrorist, lumps him in with mass killers. 05 16:43
schestowitzRestoring meaning of wordsDec 05 16:44
schestowitz 05 16:44
-TechBytesBot/ Does #Ubuntu stand #vista10 and #OSuX ? on freedom? Hands down!Dec 05 16:44
schestowitz"I don’t understand the question."Dec 05 16:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Does Ubuntu stand Windows 10 and OSX? | Fabrizio BallianoDec 05 16:44
schestowitz 05 16:44
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: **Hannah Arendt** October 14, 1906 - December 4, 1975 #HannahArendtDec 05 16:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- Photo by 05 16:44
schestowitz"subtle analysis but true nevertheless, a common mistake"Dec 05 16:44
schestowitz 05 17:04
-TechBytesBot/ #ClamAV 0.99 Free AntiVirus Released for #GNU #Linux and #Microsoft Windows for Windows clients in networkDec 05 17:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | ClamAV 0.99 Free AntiVirus Released for GNU/Linux and Microsoft WindowsDec 05 17:04
schestowitz"Dec 05 17:04
schestowitz    an antivirus for linuxDec 05 17:04
schestowitzfor what purpose.Dec 05 17:04
schestowitz"Dec 05 17:04
schestowitz 05 17:04
-TechBytesBot/ Bulk Collection Under Section 215 Has Ended… What’s Next? private companies will covertly continues programmesDec 05 17:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Bulk Collection Under Section 215 Has Ended… What’s Next? | Just SecurityDec 05 17:04
schestowitz"Bulk Collection under Section 216?"Dec 05 17:04
schestowitzyes, basically..Dec 05 17:04
schestowitz> *Yes! I follow when the subject matter is not over my head*.Dec 05 17:58
schestowitzTry 05 17:58
-TechBytesBot/ | Gates Foundation Critique - TechrightsDec 05 17:58
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 05 18:25
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesDec 05 18:36
-NickServ-schestowitz! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz)Dec 05 18:36
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Dec 05 18:36
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 05 18:36
*liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Dec 05 21:51
schestowitzBacking up data is funDec 05 22:20
schestowitz 05 22:21
-TechBytesBot/ I lost a lot data (dead hard-drive), but nothing too invaluable, in 2001. It was a faulty hard-drive's fault (IBM/Hitachi). I still have it.Dec 05 22:21
schestowitz"Backing up data is fun"Dec 05 22:21
schestowitz"Dec 05 22:21
schestowitzAt my home servers I have three discs for each server, two in RAID 1 and the other for on-site, automated backups. And an extra USB disc for off-site backups. So I have 4 Tb. of storage but only one Tb. available for use.Dec 05 22:21
schestowitzI have been thinking if my home servers are too enterprisy or this is what I really need.Dec 05 22:21
schestowitz"Dec 05 22:21
schestowitzbackups a boring nuisance to me, I need to manually invoke them and swap drives (3TB each)Dec 05 22:21
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Nov 29 08:37
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Nov 29 08:37:48 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Nov 29 08:38:11 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesNov 29 08:38
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 29 08:38
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 29 08:38
schestowitz 29 09:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@aebadirad: @schestowitz @clmerle Thankfully coalition forces are insanely accurate statistically and actually try to solve these issues instead of talkNov 29 09:05
schestowitzWhose statistics?Nov 29 09:05
schestowitz 29 09:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Charu_ip: @schestowitz I've read your articles about EPO. Very nice and brave.Nov 29 09:06
schestowitzThanks you, much more to come...Nov 29 09:06
schestowitz*Thank you, much more to come...Nov 29 09:06
schestowitz 29 09:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Nov 29 09:08
schestowitz"What the hell makes people believe they actually can intimidate anyone in a world where everyone can publish and paste to their hearts content? If youre going to act dirty, you are dirty, and the world will know in hours! Amazing that they think they have any say at all, patents are practically a dead institution."Nov 29 09:08
schestowitz 29 09:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@aebadirad: @schestowitz @clmerle I know your political agenda rules the mindset, but really? REALLY? You can't do basic research on NATO operations?Nov 29 09:17
schestowitz 29 09:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@aebadirad: @schestowitz @clmerle 30 seconds of research: 26,000 civilian causalities in Afghanistan from 2001 to today. Coalition responsible for 14%Nov 29 09:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@aebadirad: @schestowitz @clmerle Or about 260 a year (a bit heavier from 2001-2004). Coalition forces fielded 10-12 bombings a day from 2001-2011Nov 29 09:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@aebadirad: @schestowitz @clmerle That's .07 civilians killed per airstrike, in a war zone. Many weren't killed due to airstrikes, too.Nov 29 09:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@aebadirad: @schestowitz @clmerle Out of a country of 30 MILLION. With over 41000 taliban/associates killed and you're suggesting they just carpet bomb?Nov 29 09:32
schestowitzI don't have time to counter BS, but the way they classify civilian is wrong. Same as in drone strikes.Nov 29 09:33
schestowitz I'd politely recommend you read up on now NATO misclassified its victims to game the numbersNov 29 09:34
schestowitz 29 09:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@aebadirad: @schestowitz @clmerle Thank god the numbers don't come from HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH.Nov 29 09:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | War in Afghanistan (2001–14) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaNov 29 09:34
schestowitzHRW is connected in many ways to the CIA. Look it up.Nov 29 09:34
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Nov 29 10:04:38 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesNov 29 10:04
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 29 10:04
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 29 10:04
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesNov 29 10:33
*oiaohm is now known as mhoaioNov 29 10:35
*mhoaio is now known as oiaohmNov 29 10:36
schestowitz"Nov 29 10:49
schestowitzThanks Roy for alerting me.Nov 29 10:49
schestowitzWhat did you make of IAM's report?Nov 29 10:49
schestowitz"Nov 29 10:49
schestowitzScumbagsNov 29 10:49
schestowitzEPO mouthpieceNov 29 10:49
schestowitzIAM:Nov 29 10:51
schestowitz>> As discussed on Twitter can you send me the PDF of the xxxxNov 29 10:51
schestowitz>> > email as I'd like to link to it in the report I am putting together.Nov 29 10:51
schestowitz>> >Nov 29 10:51
schestowitz> Here is the PDF (please don't publish, for your eyes only), in case of meta/watermarking that jeopardises the source...Nov 29 10:51
schestowitz> It’s Tim Lince at /IAM/. Joff is putting together the article forNov 29 10:51
schestowitz> publication this afternoon, so any help with the original PDF would beNov 29 10:51
schestowitz> appreciated.Nov 29 10:51
oiaohmschestowitz: so someone does not know how to process PDF files.   Its very easy to strip sourcing information from them.Nov 29 10:53
schestowitzyeah, I knNov 29 10:54
schestowitzbut this wasn't supposed to be for publicatioNov 29 10:54
schestowitzthey published it anywayNov 29 10:54
schestowitzdays later there was thisNov 29 10:54
schestowitz"Nov 29 10:54
schestowitz> Totally off the record (I won't mention you): EPO is trying to silenceNov 29 10:54
schestowitz> me and discourage me from writing about their corruption, whichNov 29 10:54
schestowitz> thousands of EPO employees know about and complain about (the EPO'sNov 29 10:54
schestowitz> management is very unpopular right now). Should I take this public,Nov 29 10:54
schestowitz> comply, tell them to withdraw or else I'd take this public? Mike hasNov 29 10:54
schestowitz> been in this situation many times before, so I'm not sure what the bestNov 29 10:54
schestowitz> path is. I can defend the claims that I made and defend them.Nov 29 10:54
schestowitz>Nov 29 10:54
schestowitz> This weekend I was going to publish a similar case where they tried toNov 29 10:54
schestowitz> gag a critic but he refused to comply, so EPO just sort of went away andNov 29 10:54
schestowitz> let it be...Nov 29 10:54
schestowitz>Nov 29 10:54
schestowitz> Any opinions appreciated (don't worry, I won't involve you in any way)...Nov 29 10:54
schestowitz"Nov 29 10:54
schestowitz"Nov 29 10:54
schestowitz> I really don't know enough about the specifics of defamation law in theNov 29 10:54
schestowitz> UK to give you a valid opinion on what to do.  I'm very comfortable withNov 29 10:54
schestowitz> the US specifics (and things like anti-SLAPP laws), and have lawyers INov 29 10:54
schestowitz> know I can count on to help me out.  So unfortunately, I don't have muchNov 29 10:54
schestowitz> in the way of advice for you.  Are there good like-minded lawyers youNov 29 10:54
schestowitz> can reach out in the UK for their thoughts?Nov 29 10:54
schestowitz"Nov 29 10:55
oiaohmUK and Australian deformation laws don't have the 100 percent truth defence as absolute.Nov 29 10:55
schestowitzwell, it's out in the public now...Nov 29 10:55
schestowitzFrom back THEN:Nov 29 10:57
schestowitz(over a month ago)Nov 29 10:57
schestowitz"Nov 29 10:57
schestowitzSorry not to have replied sooner, only picked this up now.Nov 29 10:57
schestowitzThis is pretty awful, although given EPO's track record, no surprise.Nov 29 10:57
schestowitzYou really need to talk to a good lawyer.  I'll ask around to see if INov 29 10:57
schestowitzcan get a name for you quickly.Nov 29 10:57
schestowitz'Nov 29 10:57
schestowitz"Nov 29 10:57
schestowitzOK, I've got a couple of leads.  I've not passed on your email yet, norNov 29 10:57
schestowitzgiven any details - just said legal advice needed - but at some point itNov 29 10:57
schestowitzwould be simpler if you communicated with them directly.Nov 29 10:57
schestowitz"Nov 29 10:57
schestowitz> OK, there's this:Nov 29 10:58
oiaohmDeformation can be pushed in the UK and Australia if the action is deem malice  even if the facts are true.Nov 29 10:58
schestowitz>Nov 29 10:58
schestowitz> " If must be completely free, best to approach Bar Pro Bono unit, whoNov 29 10:58
schestowitz> will appraise it, then approach chambers to find a barrister who can doNov 29 10:58
schestowitz> it for free. Alternatively, my chambers (which specialises inNov 29 10:58
schestowitz> defamation) has 'Direct Access' (straight to barrister, no solicitor)Nov 29 10:58
schestowitz> for initial advice, which keeps initial costs to an absolute minimum.Nov 29 10:58
schestowitz> …. The other top tierNov 29 10:58
schestowitz> chambers who do defamation are One Brick Court and Matrix, and I'm sureNov 29 10:58
schestowitz> some of their barristers will do Direct Access/Public Access too. INov 29 10:58
schestowitz> haven't yet done the Direct Access training, otherwise I'd offer myself.Nov 29 10:58
schestowitz> If he doesn't get some help by mid next week, come back to me."Nov 29 10:58
schestowitz>Nov 29 10:58
-TechBytesBot/ | Public access | 5RB Barristers | Media and Entertainment LawNov 29 10:58
schestowitz> That's from xxxxxx, who is a barrister and on twitter (obviously).Nov 29 10:58
schestowitz>  I suggest you look up some of the people he mentions, see if you canNov 29 10:58
schestowitz> contact them.Nov 29 10:58
schestowitz>Nov 29 10:58
schestowitz> If I get any more suggestions, I'll send them through.Nov 29 10:58
schestowitz"Nov 29 10:58
schestowitzoiaohm: but not from public bodyNov 29 10:58
schestowitzonly individualsNov 29 10:58
schestowitzor maybe corporationsNov 29 10:58
schestowitz"Nov 29 10:59
schestowitz> OK, Mxxxwrites thus:Nov 29 10:59
schestowitz>Nov 29 10:59
schestowitz> "Happy to help - there's some lawyers I can recommend - so yes introduceNov 29 10:59
schestowitz> away.Nov 29 10:59
schestowitz>Nov 29 10:59
oiaohmschestowitz: Australia and UK law make no difference between individuals or corporation when it comes to deformationNov 29 10:59
schestowitz> It's worth noting the new Defamation Act 2013, which I campaigned for,Nov 29 10:59
schestowitz> gives significantly better protections for free speech than itsNov 29 10:59
schestowitz> predecessor so any publication after 1 Jan 2014 is more protected.Nov 29 10:59
schestowitz>Nov 29 10:59
schestowitz> All the best, xxxxNov 29 10:59
schestowitz>Nov 29 10:59
schestowitz>Nov 29 10:59
schestowitz> I suggest you contact him immediately, sounds like he knows what to doNov 29 10:59
schestowitz> in these cases.Nov 29 10:59
schestowitz"Nov 29 10:59
oiaohm2013 improves things but the malice cause still exists.Nov 29 10:59
schestowitz> OK, this is xxxx who's a lawyer and well-known blogger.  If youNov 29 11:00
schestowitz> are happy to give him some info, he'll try to help:Nov 29 11:00
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:00
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:00
schestowitz> "xxxxx. Anything sent will be treated in strictNov 29 11:00
schestowitz> confidence and will have legal professional privilege."Nov 29 11:00
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:00
schestowitz> As he says, everything will be confidence.  Would be a good idea to getNov 29 11:00
schestowitz> as much advice as you can.Nov 29 11:00
schestowitzoiaohm: but there are exceptionsNov 29 11:00
oiaohmschestowitz: But I don't believe you have done enought o trigger maliceNov 29 11:00
schestowitz> Great.  These are all very able people, so you should be able to getNov 29 11:00
schestowitz> some tip-top advice from them - really necessary for this kind ofNov 29 11:00
schestowitz> situation.  I urge you to find out as many options as you can.Nov 29 11:00
schestowitzoiaohm: indeedNov 29 11:00
schestowitzI highlighed abuse by public instituitonNov 29 11:00
oiaohmI just thought I would warn you to watch hard you push if they are going to attempt to use UK law.Nov 29 11:01
oiaohmIts the malice section of the deformation laws of UK and Australia is a trap that catchs those from overseas.Nov 29 11:01
schestowitzoiaohm: for more context:Nov 29 11:02
oiaohmschestowitz: mind you malice also works both ways.Nov 29 11:02
schestowitz>>> Great.  These are all very able people, so you should be able to getNov 29 11:02
schestowitz>>> >> some tip-top advice from them - really necessary for this kind ofNov 29 11:02
schestowitz>>> >> situation.  I urge you to find out as many options as you can.Nov 29 11:02
schestowitz>>> >>Nov 29 11:02
schestowitz>>> >> Good luck.Nov 29 11:02
schestowitz>> > I asked a food friend of mine this morning (he's a 50-y-o professor, we do shotput training together) and he seems to agree that this is a muzzling attempt.Nov 29 11:02
schestowitz> That's for sure.Nov 29 11:02
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:02
schestowitz>  I will consult people who know the law, as per your advice, beforeNov 29 11:02
schestowitz> taking any further action (I only removed the post).Nov 29 11:02
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:02
schestowitz> That's good.Nov 29 11:02
schestowitz>> >Nov 29 11:02
schestowitz>> > Based on the wrong name being in the letter (the address me by the wrong surname), they're on some kind of a new campaign to silence the media. I'm not the only target. I was warned about this recently.Nov 29 11:02
schestowitz>> >Nov 29 11:03
schestowitz>> > There is a lot more that I could say, but in short:Nov 29 11:03
schestowitz>> >Nov 29 11:03
schestowitz>> > - this is intended to discourage writing (they start by nitpicking on one article, can try others later)Nov 29 11:03
schestowitz>> > - this is action from the EPO itself, not just an individualNov 29 11:03
schestowitz>> > - SUEPO was also recently silenced, probably using a similar kind of letter, maybe from the same firmNov 29 11:03
schestowitz>> > - yesterday, by replying to my allegations (in IAM) they (SPO spokesperson) said something which only serves to further support my allegation. This whole program was created for Microsoft because of Microsoft (EPO changed its rules in exchange for Microsoft paying a lot more money in the form of patent applications)Nov 29 11:03
schestowitz>> > - bring this to light at this stage would be unwise before legal advice is pursuedNov 29 11:03
schestowitz>> > - as posted last night, there is a long history to it. The story of may be one of very manyNov 29 11:03
schestowitz>> >Nov 29 11:03
schestowitz>> > I often wonder if, after you had said you would write about this, it was your publisher that got cold feet and didn't want to touch the subject. This in itself is part of the problem. Journalists and publishers are made afraid to the point where very serious violations can go on and on. And people commit suicide...Nov 29 11:03
schestowitz>> >Nov 29 11:03
schestowitz> No, not at all; I haven't submitted my proposal yet, still gathering info.Nov 29 11:03
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:03
oiaohmThe malice section of the deformation law also means they have to prove the damages you have caused them to follow that case schestowitzNov 29 11:03
schestowitz>> > I have more damning information about the EPO but I keep it under the wraps because it's so damning that it would put people at risk if published. There is an atmosphere or fear and terror. I can't help but think of FIFA and VW.Nov 29 11:03
schestowitz> Arguably it's worse since, as you know, the EPO enjoys diplomaticNov 29 11:03
schestowitz> immunity - they are literally untouchable....Nov 29 11:03
schestowitz> Hi RoyNov 29 11:04
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:04
schestowitz> Am happy to see if I can help.  I understand from xxxx that you have aNov 29 11:04
schestowitz> number of offers of assistance.Nov 29 11:04
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:04
schestowitz> Have you had a formal legal threat of any kind? If so, can you considerNov 29 11:04
schestowitz> sending it to me as the next step, as that will help me work out whatNov 29 11:04
schestowitz> can be done.Nov 29 11:04
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:04
schestowitz> Anything you send to me will in strict confidence and is under legalNov 29 11:04
schestowitz> privilege.Nov 29 11:04
oiaohmschestowitz: this is the other trap "English defamation law puts the burden of proving the truth of allegedly defamatory statements on the defendant"Nov 29 11:04
oiaohmSo even if you know something is a lie and you call them out and you cannot prove it the English defamtion laws traps you.Nov 29 11:05
schestowitz> Dear RoyNov 29 11:06
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:06
schestowitz> Thanks so much for your email. I'll give it some careful thoughtNov 29 11:06
schestowitz> tomorrow and get back to you again.Nov 29 11:06
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:06
schestowitz> In the meantimeNov 29 11:06
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:06
schestowitz> (i) don't panic.  When WIPO tried to silence the IPKat with legalNov 29 11:06
schestowitz> threats some years ago, he received a phone call from one of the DeputyNov 29 11:06
schestowitz> Directors-General followed by two legal letters before action, only toNov 29 11:06
schestowitz> discover that, as a body established under an international convention,Nov 29 11:06
schestowitz> WIPO didn't have the legal power to sue or be sued in any nationalNov 29 11:06
oiaohmschestowitz:  there is a fairly good write up on the wikipediaNov 29 11:06
schestowitz> court. This may be so for the EPO, one way or other. It's worthNov 29 11:06
schestowitz> investigating;Nov 29 11:06
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:06
schestowitz> (ii) you are not the only person coming under pressure from the EPONov 29 11:06
-TechBytesBot/ | English defamation law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaNov 29 11:06
schestowitz> right now;Nov 29 11:06
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:06
schestowitz> (iii) do assume, if you are not already, that your privateNov 29 11:06
schestowitz> e-correspondence is being monitored and read.Nov 29 11:06
schestowitzoiaohm: it doesn't apply in this caseNov 29 11:06
schestowitzas I am likely to show in an article layerNov 29 11:06
oiaohmOnly issue UK style law can be used in the EU for site blocking.Nov 29 11:07
schestowitzblocking?Nov 29 11:07
oiaohmBut even reading the UK law I don't see any EU judge ruling that your domain should be blocked.Nov 29 11:07
schestowitz> good to see you're getting advice from various sources.Nov 29 11:08
oiaohmschestowitz: the fact your site is a USA domain hosted out side the EU kinda restricts what laws can be applied.Nov 29 11:09
oiaohmschestowitz: only attack I can see attempted if they are serous is domain blocking.   But I don't see that working.Nov 29 11:09
oiaohmschestowitz: but it is something to monitor in case they find some suspect person who passes it.Nov 29 11:11
schestowitzI don't think it's applicable hereNov 29 11:11
schestowitzanyway, EPO already blocks techrights internallyNov 29 11:12
schestowitzand has for quite some timeNov 29 11:12
schestowitz> Is there a number on which I can call you?Nov 29 11:12
schestowitz> Please send:Nov 29 11:12
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:12
schestowitz> 1. a copy of the post;Nov 29 11:12
schestowitz> 2. a copy of your reply email to the law firm.Nov 29 11:12
schestowitz> thanks - very glad to hear it was just bullying.Nov 29 11:13
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:13
schestowitz> don't worry, I won't mention any of this until you decide to write aboutNov 29 11:13
schestowitz> it publicly.Nov 29 11:13
oiaohmschestowitz: deformation case can attempt to get the same blocks as what were attempted against piratebay.Nov 29 11:13
oiaohmOk not very effective.Nov 29 11:13
oiaohmschestowitz: basically that is worst case of what they can attempt.Nov 29 11:14
schestowitz> Dear Roy,Nov 29 11:14
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:14
schestowitz> Shall we speak at 9am tomorrow morning -Nov 29 11:14
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:14
schestowitz> This is not legal advice, and I would speak to a lawyer as a matter ofNov 29 11:14
schestowitz> urgency, but it's worth noting if the European Patent Office wish to sueNov 29 11:14
schestowitz> you, then they ought to be aware of the Derbyshire judgment which makesNov 29 11:14
schestowitz> it hard for public bodies from suing individuals for libel.Nov 29 11:14
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:14
schestowitz> All the best,Nov 29 11:14
oiaohmProblem is since you are running a site they can argue that you are not a pure individual.Nov 29 11:14
oiaohmThat is why the Derbyshire judgement is limited.Nov 29 11:15
oiaohmschestowitz: I don't see any major possiblity of harm to you.Nov 29 11:16
oiaohmPossible annoyance and high costs to them.Nov 29 11:16
schestowitz> Dear RoyNov 29 11:16
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:16
schestowitz> Glad you've been able to take legal advice.  No-one in my team ofNov 29 11:16
schestowitz> writers knows much about defamation, though there is a feeling that anNov 29 11:16
schestowitz> action would be hard-pressed to succeed under UK defamation law givenNov 29 11:16
schestowitz> the public interest dimension and the problems that the EPO would faceNov 29 11:17
schestowitz> in showing any loss. In addition, the EPO would expose itself to a goodNov 29 11:17
schestowitz> deal of unwanted publicity and to the disclosure for the purposes ofNov 29 11:17
schestowitz> litigation of information which it has not hitherto been willing to makeNov 29 11:17
schestowitz> available. This latter consideration might reasonably lead one to thinkNov 29 11:17
schestowitz> that the EPO will not want to have its bluff called and face realNov 29 11:17
schestowitz> litigation in England and Wales.Nov 29 11:17
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:17
schestowitz> The IPKat's Around the Weblog item tomorrow will be leading with someNov 29 11:17
schestowitz> comments about the EPO's reluctance to foster sensible discussion andNov 29 11:17
schestowitz> debate.Nov 29 11:17
oiaohmShowing any lose is proving malicous damage.Nov 29 11:17
oiaohmThat I don't think at this stage the EPO could pull off.Nov 29 11:17
schestowitz 29 11:18
-TechBytesBot/ | European Patent Office attempting to censor tech journalists uncovering alleged corruption. : KotakuInActionNov 29 11:18
schestowitz"I've no clue what this is about, but the patent office sending cease and desist letters to some blogger on a site ranked at around 285,000 (for comparison, that's 100k lower than the ralph retort) sounds incredibly suspicious all on its own."Nov 29 11:18
schestowitzoiaohm: no, they can'tNov 29 11:18
schestowitzI am preparing a post about itNov 29 11:18
schestowitzjust strolling through some old mailNov 29 11:18
schestowitz> yes, these legal aspects are fascinating - and importantNov 29 11:18
oiaohmschestowitz: Its just to watch that you don't push too hard to cause malicous damage.   My best advice is keep a cool head and only report on what you can prove.Nov 29 11:19
oiaohmThey should not be sending out badly formed taken down requests.Nov 29 11:19
schestowitz> Dear Roy,Nov 29 11:21
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:21
schestowitz> This could make the news - maybe, if you don't think the threat isNov 29 11:21
schestowitz> credible - I could put you in touch with a journalist who would beNov 29 11:21
schestowitz> interested in this story?Nov 29 11:21
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:21
schestowitz> All the bestNov 29 11:21
schestowitz> Dear RoyNov 29 11:21
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:21
schestowitz> I will email you later this evening with my suggested text.Nov 29 11:21
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:21
schestowitz> Having read about the subject, I am very concerned about what the EPO is doing, and I am now going to see if I can take this case on formally on a pro bono basis.Nov 29 11:21
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:21
schestowitz> Best wishesNov 29 11:21
oiaohmForming a reporter storm and giving a lot of interviews could be some that runs on on the wrong side of malicous damage.Nov 29 11:22
schestowitz> Dear RoyNov 29 11:22
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:22
schestowitz> I am checking with my firm if I can help "on the record" on this.  I will find out overnight. If I can, then I will reply to this lawyer's letter.Nov 29 11:22
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:22
schestowitz> Best wishesNov 29 11:22
schestowitzoiaohm: not if there's no case to be madeNov 29 11:22
schestowitz> thanks, I'll bear that in mind.Nov 29 11:22
oiaohmmalicous damage clause of deformation laws in the UK means you have to give them chance to say sorry before pushing too hard.Nov 29 11:23
oiaohmSo if they send you an letter saying it was a error you have to back up.Nov 29 11:23
oiaohmup/off.Nov 29 11:23
schestowitz > RoyNov 29 11:23
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:23
schestowitz> I should be able to do this one pro bono; still finding out.Nov 29 11:24
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:24
schestowitz> Pending this, can I have your permission to respond to the lawyers as follows:Nov 29 11:24
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:24
schestowitz> 1. the letter sent was not in accordance with the pre-action protocol;Nov 29 11:24
schestowitz> 2. it is denied EPO has capability to sue;Nov 29 11:24
schestowitz> 3. the posts were taken down without any admission of liability;Nov 29 11:24
schestowitz> 4. you require 14 days to provide a substantive response.Nov 29 11:24
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:24
schestowitz> Please confirm by return; happy to deal with any queries.Nov 29 11:24
schestowitz> Here you go.  DO NOT FORWARD THIS TO A THIRD PARTY – either in full orNov 29 11:24
schestowitz> by extract. This is because it would open us up to potential satelliteNov 29 11:24
schestowitz> threats.Nov 29 11:24
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:24
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:24
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:24
schestowitz> Are you free later to discuss?Nov 29 11:24
oiaohmworst thing you could do is do interviews over this issue at this case.Nov 29 11:25
schestowitzDidn't do anyNov 29 11:26
schestowitzBut I wrote about itNov 29 11:26
schestowitzwithout naming peopleNov 29 11:26
schestowitzor quoting their lettersNov 29 11:26
schestowitzI have good people defending my side:Nov 29 11:27
schestowitz> Dear RoyNov 29 11:27
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:27
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:27
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:27
schestowitz> I now need to sign you formally as a client.Nov 29 11:27
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:27
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:27
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:27
schestowitz> Can I please have your full address and a copy of your main passport page.Nov 29 11:27
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:27
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:27
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:27
schestowitz> I will then send you an engagement letter which will need to be signed.Nov 29 11:27
schestowitz> that's great news - I'm glad that's working out.  he has strong opinionsNov 29 11:29
schestowitz> on many things, but he's very able, I think.Nov 29 11:29
schestowitzregarding someone else:Nov 29 11:29
schestowitz> if he is a real whistleblower, could make a big difference: there areNov 29 11:29
schestowitz> increasing numbers of structures to help whistleblowers - I know some,Nov 29 11:29
schestowitz> and might be able to contact them if you can confirm he is indeed a bonaNov 29 11:29
schestowitz> fide whistleblower and is being pursued as a result.Nov 29 11:29
schestowitz> ah, right. yes, I saw the SZ piece; pretty extraordinary.Nov 29 11:31
schestowitz> More fun; see my reply below.Nov 29 11:36
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:36
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:36
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:36
schestowitz> Can we speak?Nov 29 11:36
schestowitzsomeone told meNov 29 11:37
schestowitz:Nov 29 11:37
schestowitz> incredible; don't worry, not mentioning this to anyone currently...Nov 29 11:37
schestowitz> Dear RoyNov 29 11:37
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:37
schestowitz> I am going to tell them to wait to the 30 October 2015.Nov 29 11:37
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:37
schestowitz> There is nothing in their letter which warrants you to take it downNov 29 11:37
schestowitz> urgently.  If you believe you can substantiate the post then you shouldNov 29 11:37
schestowitz> not have to take it down.Nov 29 11:37
schestowitz>Nov 29 11:37
schestowitz> Can I have you permission to reply accordingly?Nov 29 11:37
schestowitz> Further to our phone call, this is the holding response I sent at yourNov 29 11:39
schestowitz> instruction.Nov 29 11:39
schestowitzoiaohm:Nov 29 12:20
schestowitz> Dear RoyNov 29 12:20
schestowitz>Nov 29 12:20
schestowitz> The previous firm's attempt did seem somewhat amateurish.Nov 29 12:20
schestowitz>Nov 29 12:20
schestowitz> Who is replacing fieldfisher?Nov 29 12:20
schestowitz>Nov 29 12:20
schestowitz> Best wishes for your continued success!Nov 29 12:20
schestowitzoiaohm: I also have sources relating to USPTONov 29 12:22
schestowitzbut too afraid to expose itNov 29 12:22
schestowitz"Nov 29 12:22
schestowitz> Thank you for getting back to me. I think it would make sense to showNov 29 12:22
schestowitz> evidence of prior art that the USPTO examiner had missed. And also showNov 29 12:22
schestowitz> the patent that should have never been approved based on this prior art.Nov 29 12:22
schestowitz> I do want to be anonymous as USPTO may used information they findNov 29 12:22
schestowitz> against me if I expose their wrongdoing and corruption. How can I makeNov 29 12:22
schestowitz> sure I am protected? Are there any agencies that can protect me in theNov 29 12:22
schestowitz> US? Thank youNov 29 12:22
schestowitz"Nov 29 12:22
schestowitzmarketing spamNov 29 12:30
schestowitz> Roy,Nov 29 12:30
schestowitz>Nov 29 12:30
schestowitz> Are you attending Tectonic Summit in New York on December 2 and 3? If so, might you like to meet with Andy Randall, lead evangelist for open source layer 3 virtual networking solution Project Calico to discuss  the latest release? Calico 1.2 includes a number of performance and occupancy improvements, as well as a new status reporting capability, and is now fully-integrated with OpenStack.Nov 29 12:30
schestowitz>Nov 29 12:30
schestowitz> Please let me know if you are attending and if you interested in speaking with him and we will make the arrangements.Nov 29 12:30
schestowitz>Nov 29 12:31
schestowitz> Thanks,Nov 29 12:31
schestowitzoiaohm: just got something more about thisNov 29 12:51
schestowitzmost of the above is oldNov 29 12:51
schestowitzoiaohm: others self-censor too:Nov 29 12:51
schestowitz> Hello Roy,Nov 29 12:51
schestowitz>Nov 29 12:51
schestowitz> It's David from World IP Review. This is my personal account.Nov 29 12:51
schestowitzHi David, totally understand! Until around 7-8 years ago I wrote for a publication which paid me up to $200 per article, but I felt too limited in what I could say and the editor sometimes censored my articles before publication. This kind of dependability, or the man behind the curtain, is something that I no longer have. It helps me express myself without self-restraint. Some bodies such as the Free Software Foundation and Linux FoundationNov 29 12:51
schestowitzdo have financial strings (members of sponsors). I worry that it made them too limited in what they can publicly state.Nov 29 12:51
schestowitz Nov 29 12:51
schestowitz> I want to thank you again for sharing your exchanges with the EPO on itsNov 29 12:51
schestowitz> threats of legal action. I appreciate the delicate position that you areNov 29 12:51
schestowitz> in with the EPO and I hope you are successful in your case. I believeNov 29 12:51
schestowitz> the baffled response everyone had to the threats will hopefully mean theNov 29 12:51
schestowitz> EPO will back down. Their claims are absurd.Nov 29 12:51
schestowitzGoing to the WIPR web site right now, I see that this is still the most popular topic/article.Nov 29 12:51
schestowitzI am preparing up to 3 articles today, containing a lot more details. I hope these will show the public just how absurd the EPO's situation is.Nov 29 12:51
schestowitz Nov 29 12:51
schestowitz> You correctly pointed out the deletion of the paragraph. This was a moveNov 29 12:51
schestowitz> of self-censorship and I was very sorry this had happened. Between youNov 29 12:51
schestowitz> and me I wanted the paragraph to remain, because I felt it was extremelyNov 29 12:51
schestowitz> important to the article. The editor did as well.Nov 29 12:51
schestowitzSometimes removal of something gives it even more attention. This is why I can't recall ever deleting (maybe just strikethrough'ed) anything in Techrights. The EPO article that was unpublished is the only currently-unpublished item in the site (with almost 20,000 blog posts). At a later point I might add to it the EPO's response/comments and republish, but not yet... and not without some legal advice on the matter.Nov 29 12:51
schestowitz Nov 29 12:51
schestowitz> I am telling you this from my personal email because passing on thisNov 29 12:51
schestowitz> information would risk my job. But I felt you deserved a properNov 29 12:51
schestowitz> explanation. Needless to say this cannot be published (because it'll beNov 29 12:51
schestowitz> too obvious that I passed it on).Nov 29 12:51
schestowitzLater I hope to show, with a lot of legal details, why EPO is unfit to sue. It's all just a bark, no bite...Nov 29 12:51
schestowitz Nov 29 12:52
schestowitz> I am 100% behind you in your battle with the EPO. My many exchanges withNov 29 12:52
schestowitz> union staff leads me to believe there is something truly rotten at theNov 29 12:52
schestowitz> centre of the system. I would suggest contacting the Private Eye. TheyNov 29 12:52
schestowitz> will definitely cover it.Nov 29 12:52
schestowitzShouldn't the unions considering making contact first? I can try if you think it's the best course of action. Merpel could too... or others who write on the matter. I will consider doing so when I'm done writing about the EPO chilling effect... I hope by the end of today. Maybe the censorship.threat scandal isn't the biggest scandal but a bit of a distraction from far bigger issues.Nov 29 12:52
schestowitz> I am in Manchester from Dec 27th to Jan 2nd. It'd be good to meet up forNov 29 12:52
schestowitz> a coffee and discuss this further.Nov 29 12:52
schestowitzYes, but all means, which part of the city will you be in? I don't live far from the centre... just a 20-minute walk.Nov 29 12:52
oiaohmschestowitz: with OSPTO stuff buck pass to bigger parties. 29 12:55
-TechBytesBot/ | Contact Us - Open Invention NetworkNov 29 12:55
schestowitzyeahNov 29 13:02
schestowitzoiaohm: we'll get to it tooNov 29 13:02
schestowitzoiaohm: just got another scandal regarding EPO in mailboxNov 29 13:02
schestowitzencrypted:Nov 29 13:02
schestowitz"Nov 29 13:02
schestowitzI got your message and I thank you for the condolences.Nov 29 13:02
schestowitzI wish to publish some important articles today and start a new series of posts tomorrow (a Spanish EPO scandal). I hope we can then agree on what can be safely published, when and how... in the interest of showing the world the abuse and the abuser/s. It sounds like a new kind of abuse (new category in the Wiki too), relating to medical/health...Nov 29 13:02
schestowitzI've been advised to speak to Private Eye less than an hour ago. It's a very influential British publication which already covered the EPO scandals (leaked documents I showed).Nov 29 13:02
schestowitzNow only 'mere mortal' are nervous and suffering right now. So do high-level EPO managers. It all comes back to haunt them...Nov 29 13:02
schestowitzLet's keep this secure exchange of information and form a strategy of disclosure to maximise public awareness, public sympathy, and hence pressure on the culprits.Nov 29 13:02
schestowitz"Nov 29 13:02
schestowitz-meNov 29 13:02
oiaohmThe problem here is where that data is coming from they are facing EU deformation laws.Nov 29 13:04
oiaohmOSPTO you have the freedom of the press protection to partily fall back on.Nov 29 13:05
oiaohmschestowitz: cases of confirmed cases of patent grants with existing prior art should be directed in this project locations no matter the EPO it is.Nov 29 13:09
-TechBytesBot/ | Linux Defenders | Linux DefendersNov 29 13:09
schestowitz> Hi RoyNov 29 13:10
schestowitz>Nov 29 13:10
schestowitz> Am happy to see if I can help.  I understand from xxxx that you have aNov 29 13:10
schestowitz> number of offers of assistance.Nov 29 13:10
schestowitz>Nov 29 13:10
schestowitz> Have you had a formal legal threat of any kind? If so, can you considerNov 29 13:10
schestowitz> sending it to me as the next step, as that will help me work out whatNov 29 13:10
schestowitz> can be done.Nov 29 13:10
schestowitz>Nov 29 13:10
schestowitz> Anything you send to me will in strict confidence and is under legalNov 29 13:10
schestowitz> privilege.Nov 29 13:10
oiaohmschestowitz: linuxdefenders is part of oin.   So places like EPO's deepend on the companies that make up OIN for their income.   Yes give the information to a group that it biting the hand that feeds them.Nov 29 13:11
schestowitz> This is the only legal advice that I got, from another blogger who isNov 29 13:12
schestowitz> covering the EPO saga... (very few blogs are focused on these abuses)Nov 29 13:12
schestowitzoiaohm: how are they relevant to this?Nov 29 13:12
oiaohmschestowitz: for people who don't want to be exposed.Nov 29 13:13
schestowitz> If you can write an article about it, I would be greatly helped, forNov 29 13:13
schestowitz> reasons that will become evident next week.Nov 29 13:13
schestowitz>Nov 29 13:13
schestowitz> Just published (after much work):Nov 29 13:13
schestowitz> 29 13:13
schestowitzoiaohm: I see...Nov 29 13:13
-TechBytesBot/ | EPO is Trademark-Bullying Its Critics, Trying Repeatedly to Remove Bad Publicity With Help From Menacing Legal Threats (SLAPP) | TechrightsNov 29 13:13
schestowitz> For your eyes onlyNov 29 13:14
schestowitz>Nov 29 13:14
schestowitz> By the way, I have been speaking to David for advice, still work inNov 29 13:14
schestowitz> progress...Nov 29 13:14
oiaohmalso they might be useful if you need some legal protection in patent cases.Nov 29 13:14
oiaohmOIN operates against all the patent offices around the world.Nov 29 13:15
schestowitzOLD:Nov 29 13:15
schestowitz> Spoke to the lawyer today. First assessment: the letter I received isNov 29 13:15
schestowitz> basically "prank letter" (his words), not written by a professional,Nov 29 13:15
schestowitz> complete "bullshit" (his words). The lawyer is a renowned libel attorneyNov 29 13:15
schestowitz> and journalist.Nov 29 13:15
schestowitz>Nov 29 13:15
schestowitz> It looks like another new scandal in the making as I'm not the onlyNov 29 13:15
schestowitz> target of such letters. Let's not mention anything publicly just yet.Nov 29 13:15
schestowitz> I spoke to a fellow blogger who has been covering the EPO scandals forNov 29 13:16
schestowitz> a couple of years and she says something similar -- that they don'tNov 29 13:16
schestowitz> have the power to bring legal action. Judging the letter itself, aNov 29 13:16
schestowitz> professional said it's more like a "prank letter" (his words) writtenNov 29 13:16
schestowitz> in an effort to intimidate (SLAPP), apparently not just me but otherNov 29 13:16
schestowitz> people too.Nov 29 13:17
schestowitz>Nov 29 13:17
schestowitz> I believe that some time later this month this will go public; peopleNov 29 13:17
schestowitz> who have receive such threats (not just myself) need help from legalNov 29 13:17
schestowitz> professionals here, as the EPO is clearly misusing its legal immunityNov 29 13:17
schestowitz> (they are exempted from European law) to bully dissent/critics, evenNov 29 13:17
schestowitz> outsiders.Nov 29 13:17
schestowitz>> > This could make the news - maybe, if you don't think the threat isNov 29 13:17
schestowitz>> > credible - I could put you in touch with a journalist who would beNov 29 13:17
schestowitz>> > interested in this story?Nov 29 13:17
schestowitz> Yes, please, I'd be able to provide a lot of supportive information,Nov 29 13:17
schestowitz> having written about this daily for over a year.Nov 29 13:17
schestowitz>> Dear RoyNov 29 13:17
schestowitz>> >Nov 29 13:17
schestowitz>> > I am checking with my firm if I can help "on the record" on this.  INov 29 13:17
schestowitz> will find out overnight. If I can, then I will reply to this lawyer'sNov 29 13:17
schestowitz> letter.Nov 29 13:17
schestowitz> Thank you, I really appreciate everything that you do.Nov 29 13:17
schestowitz>> yes, these legal aspects are fascinating - and importantNov 29 13:18
schestowitz> Something to be prepared for when writing about EPO, even as anNov 29 13:18
schestowitz> outsider. They have been spying on me extensively (sources close to itNov 29 13:18
schestowitz> told me) for quite some time. I would LOVE to know if they use againstNov 29 13:18
schestowitz> journalists and bloggers the same sort of tools (maybe intercepts fromNov 29 13:18
schestowitz> mates in government/CRG) that they got caught using against staff andNov 29 13:18
schestowitz> visitors to EPO (hidden cameras and keyloggers).Nov 29 13:18
schestowitz>> Dear RoyNov 29 13:18
schestowitz>> >Nov 29 13:18
schestowitz>> > I will email you later this evening with my suggested text.Nov 29 13:18
schestowitz>> >Nov 29 13:18
schestowitz>> > Having read about the subject, I am very concerned about what the EPONov 29 13:18
schestowitz> is doing, and I am now going to see if I can take this case on formallyNov 29 13:18
schestowitz> on a pro bono basis.Nov 29 13:18
schestowitz> Thank you, sir. :-)Nov 29 13:18
schestowitz>Nov 29 13:18
schestowitz> I'd be able to provide a lot of supportive information, having writtenNov 29 13:19
schestowitz> about this daily for over a year.Nov 29 13:19
schestowitz> Thank you for this very good response. I will be away (gym with wife)Nov 29 13:19
schestowitz> from 1:30 to 5:30 (pm) today. After that I will be more than glad toNov 29 13:19
schestowitz> discuss over the telephone. I have neither publicly shared informationNov 29 13:19
schestowitz> about this, nor will I share the letter below.Nov 29 13:19
schestowitz>Nov 29 13:19
schestowitz> Unless instructed otherwise, later this week I will move on to coveringNov 29 13:19
schestowitz> other EPO scandals (sources passed me some information).Nov 29 13:19
schestowitzOLD:Nov 29 13:19
schestowitz> Just to let you know, Techrights is now under DDOS attacks right nowNov 29 13:19
schestowitz> (since around 11am). See my twitter feed @schestowitz for more details.Nov 29 13:19
schestowitzoiaohm: > I have only just learned who my lawyer is (in the professional and background sense ) and he offered to represent me pro bono, perhaps taking action against the EPO for "legal bullying"Nov 29 13:20
-TechBytesBot/ | David Allen Green - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaNov 29 13:20
schestowitz> "would not only be a first-grade scandal, but also amount to aNov 29 13:21
schestowitz> criminal act against the concerned employee."Nov 29 13:21
schestowitz>Nov 29 13:21
schestowitz> seeNov 29 13:21
schestowitz> 29 13:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ )Nov 29 13:21
schestowitz> .html?showComment=1445111456491#c3277379579085893429Nov 29 13:21
schestowitz> andNov 29 13:21
schestowitz> 29 13:21
schestowitz> .html?showComment=1445166085513#c3930514936237552539Nov 29 13:21
schestowitzoiaohm:Nov 29 13:27
schestowitz> It sounds as though they try to personify the EPO, in the form ofNov 29 13:27
schestowitz> Battistelli. I don't think they realise what kind of "blowback" (fromNov 29 13:27
schestowitz> EPO staff) their client is stepping into... Battistelli is the mostNov 29 13:27
schestowitz> hated person, even among his own staff.Nov 29 13:27
schestowitz>Nov 29 13:27
schestowitz> I'll be home most of the day tomorrow and happy to discuss.Nov 29 13:27
schestowitzThe International Labour Organisation Highlights Problems of BroaderNov 29 13:28
schestowitzDimensions at EPONov 29 13:28
schestowitz 29 13:28
-TechBytesBot/ | The International Labour Organisation Highlights Problems of Broader Dimensions at EPO | TechrightsNov 29 13:28
schestowitz> Hey there. You free about 1400 to chat?Nov 29 13:28
schestowitzYes, of course. I am about to publish today's 4th article about the EPO,Nov 29 13:29
schestowitzand I still have some new information in my inbox (haven't had time toNov 29 13:29
schestowitzreview that material yet). The EPO is having a very tough week, so INov 29 13:29
schestowitzexpect reckless finger-pointing from them.Nov 29 13:29
schestowitzPatent lawyers in Europe have told me that I "must" fight the EPO overNov 29 13:29
schestowitzthis. They too are curious about the outcome.Nov 29 13:29
schestowitz 29 13:29
-TechBytesBot/ | EPO - TechrightsNov 29 13:29
schestowitz>> > A bit of a surprising neutral tone from the Eye and the opening lineNov 29 13:29
schestowitz>> > says they "are to be offered preferential treatment". They already haveNov 29 13:29
schestowitz>> > been since April!Nov 29 13:29
schestowitz> This is great news, thank you. I have some more articles lined up. TodayNov 29 13:29
schestowitz> alone I will have published at least 4 on this topic. 3 so far...Nov 29 13:29
schestowitz> 29 13:29
schestowitz>Nov 29 13:29
schestowitz> Did you know that EPO now threatens with lawsuits that it cannot evenNov 29 13:29
schestowitz> file JOURNALISTS and BLOGGERS? Don't publish anything about this yet...Nov 29 13:29
schestowitz> please.Nov 29 13:29
schestowitzOLD:Nov 29 13:30
schestowitz"Not sure why? Can you please dial again?"Nov 29 13:30
schestowitz"My lawyer sends a response to them this evening."Nov 29 13:30
schestowitz"Nov 29 13:30
schestowitzThis is a very high qualify response. It rightly puts the burden on theNov 29 13:30
schestowitzclaimant, which is clearly upset about hundreds of articles, not one orNov 29 13:30
schestowitztwo (cherry-picked or nitpicked). I hope you can give me the go-ahead toNov 29 13:30
schestowitzpost two articles at 5pm. One is about the former German ConstitutionalNov 29 13:30
schestowitzCourt judge and another is just publicising the article from the PublicNov 29 13:30
schestowitzEye. Nothing potentially harmful here, I think.Nov 29 13:30
schestowitz"Nov 29 13:30
schestowitz> If this became necessary, I suppose you know how to script wget to fetchNov 29 13:49
schestowitz> all pages from the EPO Wiki. For now, however, we seem to be safe... myNov 29 13:49
schestowitz> lawyer is fighting for it.Nov 29 13:49
schestowitz> Please make a mirror of all my articles about EPO... just in case. MakeNov 29 13:52
schestowitz> it known to EPO that it exists (e.g. in Twitter), to discourage themNov 29 13:52
schestowitz> from thinking they can suppress information.Nov 29 13:52
schestowitz>>> Please make a mirror of all my articles about EPO... just in case. MakeNov 29 13:53
schestowitz>>>> >> > it known to EPO that it exists (e.g. in Twitter), to discourage themNov 29 13:53
schestowitz>>>> >> > from thinking they can suppress information.Nov 29 13:53
schestowitz>> > Do you have a list of articles which could be mirrorable?Nov 29 13:53
schestowitz>> >Nov 29 13:53
schestowitz>> > I will take care of the rest.Nov 29 13:53
schestowitz>> >Nov 29 13:53
schestowitz>> > I thought filtering by tags with "Europe" + "Patents" would make it,Nov 29 13:53
schestowitz>> > but there are articles which have nothing to do with the EPO.Nov 29 13:53
schestowitz> Just got back home, I think we're safer now. The EPO can probably see,Nov 29 13:53
schestowitz> in due course, that articles are being mirrored. Thanks.Nov 29 13:53
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Nov 29 13:55
*schestowitz_log_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesNov 29 13:55
schestowitz> WIPR has just taken down the story.Nov 29 14:05
schestowitz>Nov 29 14:05
schestowitz> Did someone make a phonecall or send a nasty letter?Nov 29 14:05
schestowitz>Nov 29 14:05
schestowitz> I wouldn't be shocked if BB resorted to this kind or thing...Nov 29 14:05
schestowitzmmmm... logger was downNov 29 14:05
schestowitz[13:52] <schestowitz> > Please make a mirror of all my articles about EPO... just in case. MakeNov 29 14:05
schestowitz[13:52] <schestowitz> > it known to EPO that it exists (e.g. in Twitter), to discourage themNov 29 14:05
schestowitz[13:52] <schestowitz> > from thinking they can suppress information.Nov 29 14:05
schestowitz[13:53] <schestowitz> >>> Please make a mirror of all my articles about EPO... just in case. MakeNov 29 14:06
schestowitz[13:53] <schestowitz> >>>> >> > it known to EPO that it exists (e.g. in Twitter), to discourage themNov 29 14:06
schestowitz[13:53] <schestowitz> >>>> >> > from thinking they can suppress information.Nov 29 14:06
schestowitz[13:53] <schestowitz> >> > Do you have a list of articles which could be mirrorable?Nov 29 14:06
schestowitz[13:53] <schestowitz> >> >Nov 29 14:06
schestowitz[13:53] <schestowitz> >> > I will take care of the rest.Nov 29 14:06
schestowitz[13:53] <schestowitz> >> >Nov 29 14:06
schestowitz[13:53] <schestowitz> >> > I thought filtering by tags with "Europe" + "Patents" would make it,Nov 29 14:06
schestowitz[13:53] <schestowitz> >> > but there are articles which have nothing to do with the EPO.Nov 29 14:06
schestowitz[13:53] <schestowitz> > Just got back home, I think we're safer now. The EPO can probably see,Nov 29 14:06
schestowitz[13:53] <schestowitz> > in due course, that articles are being mirrored. Thanks.Nov 29 14:06
schestowitzoiaohm: sorry for the messNov 29 14:06
schestowitzI am preparing some articles about itNov 29 14:06
schestowitzcheck out later todayNov 29 14:06
schestowitzyou will see...Nov 29 14:06
schestowitzoiaohm: there if coverage and chats about this onlineNov 29 14:07
schestowitzbut the biggest details I'm about to reveal...Nov 29 14:07
schestowitz"Maybe because it's awful? I mean, look at that tl:dr. It isn't about having any tl:dr, it's about having one that accurately explains the piece you can't be assed to read."Nov 29 14:08
schestowitz"The EPO has been controversial for years. The common workers, despite their salary, are treated like slaves, the chance for smaller firms to get an entry is negligible, and the management are a bunch of overpayed, corrupt assholes who managed to get legal immunity from all wrongdoings, across all member states."Nov 29 14:08
schestowitz> WIPR has just taken down the story.Nov 29 14:09
schestowitz>Nov 29 14:09
schestowitz> Did someone make a phonecall or send a nasty letter?Nov 29 14:09
schestowitz>Nov 29 14:09
schestowitz> I wouldn't be shocked if BB resorted to this kind or thing...Nov 29 14:09
schestowitzoiaohm: In mediaNov 29 14:11
schestowitz 29 14:11
schestowitzoiaohm: did you read it?Nov 29 14:11
-TechBytesBot/ | Another Court Logically Concludes That Linking To Allegedly Defamatory Content Isn't Defamation | TechdirtNov 29 14:11
schestowitzFOSS Patents blog mentioned hereNov 29 14:11
schestowitz 29 14:11
-TechBytesBot/ | European Patent Office Threatens Blogger With Defamation Lawsuit For Criticism | TechdirtNov 29 14:12
oiaohmschestowitz: remember we have had courts rule both ways on linking.Nov 29 14:26
schestowitz>>Nov 29 15:37
schestowitz> I've just got this from one of my sources, who think EPO merely usesNov 29 15:37
schestowitz> "scare tactics", based on the legal circumstances, as explained below:Nov 29 15:37
schestowitz 29 15:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: don't miss this brilliant pro bono work from @DavidAllenGreen in response to clumsy #EPO bullying 29 15:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @glynmoody How the #EPO Twisted Defamation Law in a Failed Bid to Silence Techrights more to come...Nov 29 15:39
schestowitz 29 15:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FreeOpenSouRRce: How the EPO Twisted Defamation Law in a Failed Bid to Silence Techrights 29 15:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Right Relevance : Influencers, Articles and ConversationsNov 29 15:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FreeOpenSouRRce: How the EPO Twisted Defamation Law in a Failed Bid to Silence Techrights 29 15:58
schestowitz> I am happy to have helped; but can I please see what you will be postingNov 29 16:02
schestowitz> before you post it about the exchange with EPO.Nov 29 16:02
schestowitz>Nov 29 16:02
schestowitz>Nov 29 16:02
schestowitz> Many thanksNov 29 16:02
schestowitzCertainly, I basically finished writing about that. It was all in one single post and I didn't name names in it. Anything to follow does not involve exchange with EPO but rather interpretation of the situation and what they may be trying to hide from the public.Nov 29 16:02
schestowitz> Dear RoyNov 29 16:03
schestowitz>Nov 29 16:03
schestowitz> I'll keep this under my hat, as requested.Nov 29 16:03
schestowitz>Nov 29 16:03
schestowitz> Can you tell me if Mr Capone is on the EPO staff or if they haveNov 29 16:03
schestowitzengaged an outside firm? It might be worth investigating the nature ofNov 29 16:03
schestowitzhis previous practice record.Nov 29 16:03
schestowitzIt's some firm in London, based on my searches. He's a "disputeNov 29 16:03
schestowitzresolution" person (this kat, me, can't help but think of the Mafia). :-)Nov 29 16:03
schestowitzCapone looks young to me, maybe just a few years afterNov 29 16:03
schestowitzuniversity/academy. These are low level staff and they make many seriousNov 29 16:03
schestowitzerrors in the way write the letters.Nov 29 16:03
schestowitz> Hi Roy,Nov 29 16:11
schestowitz>Nov 29 16:11
schestowitz> I noticed this morning a link section on Openwashing on Tux Machines.Nov 29 16:11
schestowitz> I'm wondering if you're thinking on making this a regular part of theNov 29 16:11
schestowitz> site, alongside Today's Howtos and the like? I think this is a greatNov 29 16:11
schestowitz> idea and would help people in the community identify non-free "free"Nov 29 16:11
schestowitz> products. Let me know on this because I'm doing an article on what youNov 29 16:11
schestowitz> call "Fake FOSS" to run later in the week.Nov 29 16:11
schestowitzOpenwashing is a term I thought I had coined myself (a very long time ago), but cannot prove it. Openwashing is now a term I see in lots of place, but I thought of it myself around 7 years ago...Nov 29 16:11
schestowitzOpenwashing was a term I've used regularly in Techrights, but not usually in Tux Machines. I try to be very neutral there.Nov 29 16:11
schestowitz> FYI, we've instituted a FOSS News Wire on our site -- pulling togetherNov 29 16:11
schestowitz> constantly updated items from the RSS feeds of numerous sites. We have,Nov 29 16:11
schestowitz> of course, included Tux Machines in the mix.Nov 29 16:11
schestowitzExcellent!Nov 29 16:11
schestowitz> Can you use this as the link, not the Wikipedia page.  And also mention my firm, Prieskel & Co.Nov 29 16:29
schestowitzSure, I will add that.Nov 29 16:29
schestowitzBTW, since the story went public I got a lot more whisleblowers coming out and I'm drowning in material (regarding EPO).Nov 29 16:29
schestowitz 29 16:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Preiskel & Co | David Allen GreenNov 29 16:29
*oiaohm has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Nov 29 16:42
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesNov 29 16:45
*XFaCE has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Nov 29 17:06
*XFaCE (~XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #techbytesNov 29 17:09
schestowitz"Nov 29 17:32
schestowitzThis just in.  It could be serious.  Mishcons are an aggressive firm.Nov 29 17:32
schestowitz Nov 29 17:32
schestowitzDon’t Panic. Let’s see if anything comes of this. Not clear at this stage who they are acting for.Nov 29 17:32
schestowitz"Nov 29 17:32
schestowitz"Nov 29 17:35
schestowitzA legal firm (as above) said it had taken control of the matter, which probably meant the previous firm got dumped. It has been over 3 weeks now, as far as I can tell (if memory doesn't fail me), and not a word. I did notice that one secretarial (I think) member of staff of that firm was 'checking me out' in LinkedIn; that was almost two weeks ago, maybe an effort to get some additional 'info' on me or just innocent curiousity. I haven'tNov 29 17:35
schestowitzadded anything meaningful to LinkedIn since 2006 when a 'friend' had me set up an account there.Nov 29 17:35
schestowitzGiven what I've been writing recently and also 'spontaneous protests' I hope they'll realise that going after bloggers isn't a wise decision. The math doesn't add up as they have more points to lose than to gain, over the long run.Nov 29 17:35
schestowitzA journalist wants to cover this incident some time this week. No idea when and how (what tone/balance)....Nov 29 17:35
schestowitzIf there is something about it at some stage this week (it'll come from WIPR), I'd appreciate some supportive coverage from IP Kat as that would help raise awareness among EPO staff, which in turn can protect me (in the form of backlash) from retaliatory tactics, SLAPP, etc.Nov 29 17:35
schestowitzI very much enjoy IP Kat's coverage and I hope we can 'protect' - so to speak - one another by challenging the 'single point of failure' situation/narrative -- one where EPO criticism is perceived as coming from one single source rather than many which can be blocked, chilled (as in chilling effect), etc. It has been made clear to EPO that Techrights is now being mirrored in several places including Github -- surely as a result of theirNov 29 17:35
schestowitzthreatening letters. I was advised to do this 6 years ago, so this is well overdue. Some said I should mirror in Wikileaks, Internet Archive etc. but that seems like a step too far.Nov 29 17:35
schestowitzAnyway, I have some more interesting stories about the EPO coming this week. Don't be put off by the critical tone in my articles. I'm a lot nicer in person. ;-)Nov 29 17:35
schestowitz"Nov 29 17:35
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Nov 29 18:53
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*schestowitz_log (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesNov 29 18:57
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schestowitz> Don't bother with the log files. I'll put something up on this MondayNov 29 19:08
schestowitz> afternoon.Nov 29 19:08
schestowitzThank you.Nov 29 19:08
schestowitzSend my regards to Ken by the way. Some person keep sending me nasty letters about him, and I disregard them...Nov 29 19:08
schestowitz> ps: Glenn Greenwald doesn't seem to be too fond of your counsel becauseNov 29 19:10
schestowitz> of his opinion on Assange.Nov 29 19:10
schestowitzyes, I spoke to him about this on the phone... I do support Assange.Nov 29 19:10
*r_schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesNov 29 20:41
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r_schestowitz 29 20:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SeaH2ONymph: @schestowitz Next election candidates don't bode well for sea change in attitude either. Must remember: he was once CIA. Mindset eludes me.Nov 29 20:52
r_schestowitz 29 20:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@OfficiallyVaro: @schestowitz @EnVogueRogue thats such a dangerous practice. We have a media that's auto-tuned to think without thinking.Nov 29 20:52
r_schestowitz 29 20:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-No status found with that ID.Nov 29 20:53
r_schestowitz" I misread the signs, I may have that rowng but u get the idea. 😉👍"Nov 29 20:53
r_schestowitz 29 20:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JOIE_95: @schestowitz I misread the signs, I may have that wrong but u get the idea. 😉👍Nov 29 20:54
r_schestowitz 29 20:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FrancisJeffrey7: @schestowitz This latest USA legislation seems to have set a new de-facto standard on how long businesses will retain transaction records.Nov 29 20:54
r_schestowitz 29 20:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SeaH2ONymph: @schestowitz Interesting: 29 20:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Drone Pilots have Bank Accounts and Credit Cards Frozen by Feds for Exposing US Murder | The Free Thought ProjectNov 29 20:55
r_schestowitz 29 21:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FrancisJeffrey7: @schestowitz Has anyone noticed: 1st judge of FISA Court was same 1 as W-Bush pushed in, in 2001, to scuttle US vs. Microsoft monopoly case?Nov 29 21:21
r_schestowitz[21:12] <cubexyz> 29 21:21
r_schestowitz[21:13] <r_schestowitz> 29 21:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FrancisJeffrey7: @schestowitz Global #snitchocracy & #snatchocracy Establishment has decades invested & $ Billions at stake, in the current @Snowden dustup.Nov 29 21:21
r_schestowitz[21:15] <r_schestowitz> ahaNov 29 21:21
r_schestowitz[21:15] <r_schestowitz> netsplitsNov 29 21:21
r_schestowitz[21:15] <r_schestowitz> 29 21:21
-TechBytesBot/ Can't access #freenode from one of my machines. Likely another #ddos attacks as netsplits now occurring again 29 21:21
r_schestowitz[21:21] <r_schestowitz> 29 21:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@freenodestaff: We are again experiencing connectivity problems to some servers due to DDoS attacks. Please bear with us while we ride it out.Nov 29 21:21
r_schestowitz 29 21:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FrancisJeffrey7: @schestowitz @Snowden Oh: "Billions", it's $ Trillions. (also a BIG "L A S E R")Nov 29 21:21
*schestowitz_log ( has joined #techbytesNov 29 21:26
*schestowitz_log has quit (Changing host)Nov 29 21:26
*schestowitz_log (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesNov 29 21:26
*schestowitz_log has quit (*.net *.split)Nov 29 22:18
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Nov 29 22:57
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Nov 29 22:57:34 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Nov 29 23:00:05 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesNov 29 23:00
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 29 23:00
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 29 23:00
r_schestowitz 29 23:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: The FBI Refused Our FOIA Request for Information About Its Attack on Tor @schestowitz 29 23:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The FBI Refused Our FOIA Request for Information About Its Attack on Tor | MotherboardNov 29 23:00
r_schestowitz 29 23:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@retroDoomer: Was just wondering why I couldn't connect. Not good 29 23:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #freenode under #ddos while #joindiaspora barely accessible at the moment (maybe overload). The Web and Net domain isn't improving.Nov 29 23:00
r_schestowitzNice to see others noticing...Nov 29 23:00
r_schestowitz 29 23:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FrancisJeffrey7: @schestowitz This is about the EPO threatening to sue you for criticizing their operations...?Nov 29 23:00
r_schestowitzyesNov 29 23:00
r_schestowitzThe words regarding this needs to spread for them to stop this madnessNov 29 23:01
*r_schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Nov 29 23:50
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesNov 29 23:51
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Nov 29 23:51
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesNov 29 23:51
schestowitz> Hey there. You free about 1400 to chat?Nov 30 01:25
schestowitz>Nov 30 01:25
schestowitz> Yes, of course. I am about to publish today's 4th article about the EPO,Nov 30 01:25
schestowitz> and I still have some new information in my inbox (haven't had time toNov 30 01:25
schestowitz> review that material yet). The EPO is having a very tough week, so INov 30 01:25
schestowitz> expect reckless finger-pointing from them.Nov 30 01:25
schestowitz>Nov 30 01:25
schestowitz> Patent lawyers in Europe have told me that I "must" fight the EPO overNov 30 01:25
schestowitz> this. They too are curious about the outcome.Nov 30 01:25
schestowitz>Nov 30 01:25
schestowitz> 30 01:25
-TechBytesBot/ | EPO - TechrightsNov 30 01:25
schestowitzme: This is a very high qualify response. It rightly puts the burden on the claimant, which is clearly upset about hundreds of articles, not one or two (cherry-picked or nitpicked). I hope you can give me the go-ahead to post two articles at 5pm. One is about the former German Constitutional Court judge and another is just publicising the article from the Public Eye. Nothing potentially harmful here, I think.Nov 30 01:26
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Nov 30 10:03
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Nov 30 10:03:44 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Nov 30 17:33:53 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesNov 30 17:33
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 30 17:33
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 30 17:33
schestowitz 30 17:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FrancisJeffrey7: @schestowitz Quality Time~~~~~~Nov 30 17:56
schestowitzhi Roy! Thx for listening to me for a whileNov 30 18:06
schestowitzXGCCCCCXXXNov 30 18:06
schestowitzi´ve been trying to use your pgp key F129 D6C5 8763 2660 C86A BDFF 298D E3EB 880A 3EC9Nov 30 18:06
schestowitzXGCCCCCXXXNov 30 18:06
schestowitzbut i cannot find the email associated with it. I´ve only managed to get this results:Nov 30 18:06
schestowitzXGCCCCCXXXNov 30 18:06
schestowitz29m 3 minutes agoNov 30 18:06
schestowitzXGCCCCCXXXNov 30 18:06
schestowitzXGCCCCCXXXNov 30 18:06
schestowitz26m 53 seconds agoNov 30 18:06
schestowitzXGCCCCCXXXNov 30 18:06
schestowitzthey pgp key on your twitter profile doesn´t seem to be useful (at least for me) to find an email address to which send u a request/infoNov 30 18:06
schestowitz25m 3 seconds agoNov 30 18:06
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzNov 30 18:06
schestowitzthat's the old sigNov 30 18:06
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzNov 30 18:06
schestowitzto to 30 18:06
-TechBytesBot/ | Roy Schestowitz - PGP KeyNov 30 18:06
schestowitz25mNov 30 18:06
schestowitzXGCCCCCXXXNov 30 18:06
schestowitzisn´t that a revoke signature?Nov 30 18:06
schestowitzXGCCCCCXXXNov 30 18:06
schestowitzwhat email of yours should i use for the pgp link you point me to?Nov 30 18:06
schestowitzXGCCCCCXXXNov 30 18:06
schestowitzthanks in advance for any guidance you can provide meNov 30 18:06
schestowitz23m 5 seconds agoNov 30 18:06
schestowitzXGCCCCCXXXNov 30 18:06
schestowitzr@schestowitz ??Nov 30 18:06
schestowitz21mNov 30 18:06
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzNov 30 18:06
schestowitzyesNov 30 18:06
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzNov 30 18:06
schestowitzor, fetch from server or importNov 30 18:06
schestowitz10mNov 30 18:06
schestowitzXGCCCCCXXXNov 30 18:06
schestowitzok. I´m now writting something to that address with that PGP. I hope it helps. Thanks again for listening to me. You should receive my mail in aprox 10 min.Nov 30 18:06
schestowitz3m 2 minutes agoNov 30 18:06
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzNov 30 18:06
schestowitzthanks :-)Nov 30 18:06
schestowitz----------Nov 30 18:07
schestowitzmaybe something related to the spain scandalNov 30 18:07
schestowitz:)Nov 30 18:07
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Nov 30 20:47
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Nov 30 20:47:47 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Nov 30 20:50:21 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesNov 30 20:50
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 30 20:50
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 30 20:50
schestowitz> As far as I can tell, the only way to get the latest code (5.3) is to download the evaluation VM and copy it from there. If you want any previous versions, you need to contact them directly and ask for access to the git repository. I got this info from:Nov 30 21:18
schestowitz>Nov 30 21:18
schestowitz> 30 21:18
schestowitz>Nov 30 21:18
-TechBytesBot/ | Manual Installation Guide for Matrix 5 - Squiz Matrix User Manual LibraryNov 30 21:18
schestowitz> OTOH, if it's just a clean copy of the one they have, and the code hasn't been hacked to pieces, you could just copy the existing code, minus any data, and point it to a new blank database.Nov 30 21:18
schestowitzI remember the days when I was able to get all of their files copied over CVS. They decommissioned that exactly one year ago, based on their public Web pages.Nov 30 21:18
schestowitzI guess they're not feeling so 'open' anymore. You have to ask them for permission to get into their GitHub repo (I can hypothesise what kind of marketing advantage they would derive from it, including access to newer versions, perhaps conditionally).Nov 30 21:18
schestowitzLooking at their GitHub account and navigating around it, I can see one project under and it's not Matrix, it's, last updated about 2 years ago (see dates in ).Nov 30 21:18
-TechBytesBot/ | Squiz · GitHubNov 30 21:18
-TechBytesBot/ | squiz/ · GitHubNov 30 21:18
schestowitzI remember Squiz competing to have a contract with Leicester City/County Council (LCC) almost at the same time and definitely the on same month as their public repo being decommissioned, long before losing to Drupal and LCC having just bidders that build and support Drupal sites (LCC told me this). The selling points made by Squiz at the time don't withstand scrutiny given this apparent closing down of access/channels to their underlying codeNov 30 21:18
schestowitz including upgrade limitations (they spread this FUD against Drupal when speaking to LCC).Nov 30 21:18
schestowitzBack in 2006-2007 I posted online many links to articles about Squiz (mostly published in the Australian press). They used to talk all about how they're open and used all the selling points of "Open Source". I don't know if they're basically moving away from all that... our client/s might want to be aware of it. I'm not too optimistic, so if some time in the future client/s want to explore an alternative CMS (project work) we at least haveNov 30 21:18
schestowitzsome facts in our hands.Nov 30 21:18
schestowitzHas anyone contacted Squiz yet (for access to the code)?Nov 30 21:18
schestowitz 30 21:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@OpenSourceOrg: via OSI Affiliate @opendocument 30 21:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #LibreOffice Has About 1,200 UI-Related Reported Bugs, Come and Help Fix Them #odfNov 30 21:22
schestowitz 30 21:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TokyoRose_01: #USA 🎯🎯🎯 #ASSANGE US INVESTIGATION ACTIVE #auspol #nzpol #ukpolitics #svpol #cdnpoli #uspoli #WikiLeaks 30 21:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: If the 'final destination' for #assange (the "decapitation strategy" target) was Sweden, US would not have pursued Grand Jury InvestigationNov 30 21:22
schestowitz 30 21:23
-TechBytesBot/ Remember what #clapper said when asked if #nsa spies on US citizens 30 21:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The NSA Says It Will Finally Stop Spying On Millions of Americans at Midnight on Saturday [ ]Nov 30 21:23
schestowitz"Yay! Time to pack up and go home everyone. Politics really pulled through for us on this one."Nov 30 21:23
schestowitz"I’m done now…"Nov 30 21:23
schestowitz 30 21:31
-TechBytesBot/ Saying that we need mass #surveillance to defend our freedom is like saying we need to 'discipline' (hit) our children for social peaceNov 30 21:31
schestowitz"Terrorism only strengthens the state. It seems to serve everyone’s interest but the people’s."Nov 30 21:32
schestowitz"I’d have favored to base that sentence on the old lighter’s saying “Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.”"Nov 30 21:32
oiaohmschestowitz: yep the reality is peace normally comes when at least one side loses the ablity/will to fight.Dec 01 00:22
oiaohmFighting to destroy the supply routes can be effective.Dec 01 00:23
MinceRworld peace comes when there are no more humans leftDec 01 00:23
oiaohmMinceR: no animals war with themselvesDec 01 00:24
MinceRthen once the earth is sterilizedDec 01 00:24
oiaohmPossibility when earth is like mar and irradiated to hell.   But of course there is always a chance humans would find a method to reverse the sterilization.Dec 01 00:26
MinceRnot if they're extinctDec 01 00:29
oiaohmMinceR: basically sterlized and extinct will work.Dec 01 00:32
MinceRsterilized implies extinctDec 01 00:33
oiaohmMinceR: note you said earth sterilized that did not allow for the case that any of the humans sneaked off the earth at the time of sterilising.Dec 01 00:34
oiaohmThe reason why race wars in humans go for so long at times is a percentage sneeks away.Dec 01 00:35
MinceRsomebody did a half-assed job?Dec 01 00:35
MinceRhumans have better tools available for self-exterminationDec 01 00:35
oiaohmHistory says humans do half-assed job a lot.Dec 01 00:35
oiaohm    Someone has not checked Windows 7/8.1 EULA there is a anti class action clause.Dec 01 00:37
-TechBytesBot/ | Windows 10 Users Considering Class Action Lawsuit Against Microsoft for Poor System PerformanceDec 01 00:37
MinceRthey'll just keep trying until they succeedDec 01 00:41
MinceRsuch clauses should be illegalDec 01 00:42
oiaohmThere does need to be changes to class action  cases as well.Dec 01 00:44
schestowitzMinceR:Dec 01 01:32
schestowitz 01 01:32
-TechBytesBot/ | European Patent Office fires up lawyers over claims of cosy love-in with Microsoft • The RegisterDec 01 01:32
schestowitzThis explains the reporting I've been up to and the comments say more. The EPO has the audacity to claim it respects freedom of the press, after SLAPPing me. :-)Dec 01 01:32
schestowitzMicrosoft declined to comment :-)Dec 01 01:32
MinceRnastyDec 01 01:34
MinceRalso, what happened to the love affair between the register and m$?Dec 01 01:41
MinceRis m$ not paying them enough anymore?Dec 01 01:41
schestowitznoDec 01 01:41
schestowitzmaybe not like beforeDec 01 01:41
schestowitzMinceR: did you see what I wrote back to someone recently about themDec 01 01:42
schestowitzi pasted it in IRCDec 01 01:42
MinceRnot sureDec 01 01:42
schestowitzthey're not as bad right nowDec 01 01:42
schestowitzthey attack vista10 a lotDec 01 01:42
schestowitzA LOTDec 01 01:42
schestowitzmore so than any other news siteDec 01 01:42
MinceRmaybe it annoys them personallyDec 01 01:42
schestowitzso I can credit them for that one at least...Dec 01 01:42
schestowitzSimon Sharwood joked that they bite the handDec 01 01:42
schestowitzso that it'll feedDec 01 01:42
MinceRor they're pivoting to someone elseDec 01 01:42
schestowitzmaybe they want MS $Dec 01 01:42
schestowitzto help silence themDec 01 01:42
schestowitzthis too is a business model sometimesDec 01 01:43
MinceRicDec 01 01:43
schestowitzlike Florian's business modelDec 01 01:43
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 01 01:43
schestowitzanyhoo, I have a megapost comingDec 01 01:43
schestowitzmassive protest toiomorrowqDec 01 01:44
schestowitzI'll add fuel to the fireDec 01 01:44
MinceR:)Dec 01 01:44
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Dec 01 10:15
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Dec 1 10:15:03 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Dec 1 10:15:27 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesDec 01 10:15
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 01 10:15
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 01 10:15
schestowitz 01 10:48
schestowitz 01 10:48
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 01 10:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KevinJRawlinson: @schestowitz Roy, would you mind following me, so I can DM you?Dec 01 10:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ACROPOLITESSE: "I don’t see how Turkey can attack the organisation too hard. There are shared interests " via @martinchulov 01 10:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "direct dealings between Turkish officials and ranking Isis members was now “undeniable”." #turkey #isisDec 01 10:48
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesDec 01 10:48
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Dec 01 10:48
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 01 10:48
schestowitz 01 10:48
schestowitzwork in prgress, techrights in BBC:Dec 01 10:52
schestowitz=========================Dec 01 10:52
schestowitzHi, thanks! I'm writing a piece for the BBC on the EPODec 01 10:52
schestowitz1h 21 seconds agoDec 01 10:52
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:52
schestowitzexcellent, thank youDec 01 10:52
schestowitz1hDec 01 10:52
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:52
schestowitzAnd its treatment of you and another website that wrote about its relationship with Microsoft. It all seems very strange...Dec 01 10:52
schestowitz1hDec 01 10:52
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:52
schestowitzThere is a protest in one hour in HollandDec 01 10:52
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:52
schestowitzEPO does a lot of censorship, at many levelsDec 01 10:52
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:52
schestowitzDid you see my lastest big leak?Dec 01 10:52
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:52
schestowitz 01 10:52
schestowitz1hDec 01 10:52
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:52
schestowitzThe latest EPO staff protest -- the EPO too tried to "censor", say the staff representatives 01 10:52
schestowitz1hDec 01 10:52
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:52
schestowitzOk, thanksDec 01 10:52
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:52
schestowitzLet me have a read of thoseDec 01 10:52
-TechBytesBot/ | Leaked: EPO Award of €880,000 “in Order to Address the Media Presence of the EPO” (Reputation Laundering) | TechrightsDec 01 10:52
schestowitz1hDec 01 10:52
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:52
schestowitzThis deserves coverage in English, more of itDec 01 10:52
schestowitz1hDec 01 10:52
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:52
schestowitzIn the meantime, can you shed any light on why the EPO decided to threaten you with legal action?Dec 01 10:52
-TechBytesBot/ | Željko Topić Tries to Do to EPO Staff What He Did in Croatia, Now Crushes Staff Assembly in The Hague | TechrightsDec 01 10:52
schestowitz1h 6 seconds agoDec 01 10:52
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:52
schestowitzThe Croatian media has been on it for years (Uralian language I think), recently the mainstream press in Germany and the NetherlandsDec 01 10:52
schestowitz1hDec 01 10:52
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:53
schestowitzAre you able to say what, specifically, they took issue with?Dec 01 10:53
schestowitz1h 4 seconds agoDec 01 10:53
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:53
schestowitzThey decided to threaten after they blocked my siteDec 01 10:53
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:53
schestowitzAnd they found it insufficientDec 01 10:53
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:53
schestowitzAs this merely legitimised me further and motivated more sources to leak material to meDec 01 10:53
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:53
schestowitzThey took issue not with one single articleDec 01 10:53
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:53
schestowitzas they sent letters repeatedly, about further articlesDec 01 10:53
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:53
schestowitzPrivate Eye covered the story at the timeDec 01 10:53
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:53
schestowitzWithout me knowingDec 01 10:53
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:53
schestowitzPrivate Eye 01 10:53
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:53
schestowitzTheir applicants, patent lawyers in Europe, were fuming at them, some publiclyDec 01 10:53
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:53
schestowitzSome have waited for longer than 10 years for applications to be dealt with, I can find you some articles about thatDec 01 10:53
schestowitz1hDec 01 10:53
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:53
schestowitz"We have a patent application which has been sitting untouched on an examiner’s desk in the EPO"; Source: 01 10:53
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:53
-TechBytesBot/ | Private Eye Covers the EPO Scandals, Says EPO Hired ‘British Snooping Firm Global Risk Consultants’ | TechrightsDec 01 10:53
schestowitz" [...Dec 01 10:53
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:53
schestowitz"for over 10 years [this is ten; t-e-n. Not a typo] prior to the initiation of examination – we just received the first office action. The glaring conflict of interest is astounding."Dec 01 10:53
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Plunging off the abyss -- or merely grinding to a halt? More bad news from EponiaDec 01 10:53
schestowitz1hDec 01 10:53
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:53
schestowitzIn the case of the article you wrote alleging that Microsoft was given preferential treatment...Dec 01 10:53
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:53
schestowitzCan I get the facts straight on that one?Dec 01 10:53
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:53
schestowitz1. You wrote a story based on a leaked emailDec 01 10:53
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:53
schestowitz2. the EPO's lawyer told you to take it down?Dec 01 10:53
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:53
schestowitzWhat was their specific reasoning for that?Dec 01 10:54
schestowitz48mDec 01 10:54
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:54
schestowitzThat it was not accurateDec 01 10:54
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:54
schestowitzBut they could ask for update/amendmentDec 01 10:54
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:54
schestowitzInstead they threatened with legal actionDec 01 10:54
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:54
schestowitzTo be frank, they were using spin to claim it was not accurateDec 01 10:54
schestowitz47mDec 01 10:54
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:54
schestowitzDid they say what was inaccurate about it?Dec 01 10:54
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:54
schestowitzOr what they thought was inaccurateDec 01 10:54
schestowitz47m 7 seconds agoDec 01 10:54
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:54
schestowitzI had (previous to that) explained why it didn't stand up to scrutiny (their spin)Dec 01 10:54
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:54
schestowitzThey said that giving priority to Microsoft was designed to SPEED UP the systemDec 01 10:54
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:54
schestowitzWhich is ludicrous at bestDec 01 10:54
schestowitz46mDec 01 10:54
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:54
schestowitzBut you amended the story?Dec 01 10:54
schestowitz45mDec 01 10:54
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:54
schestowitzThe analogy I use it, it's like calling check-in desk for First or Business Class a system for making check-in collectively faster for everyoneDec 01 10:54
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:54
schestowitzI didn't amend the story, I contacted lawyers at Friday night when they sent this to me (nastygrams sent by legal first at 22:57)Dec 01 10:54
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:54
schestowitzDavid Allen Green explained what they tried to achieveDec 01 10:54
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:54
schestowitzThey also threatened damages proportional to response timeDec 01 10:54
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:54
schestowitzSo the first step I took, without legal advice, is unpublish the story (which I believe we'll restore in the future)Dec 01 10:54
schestowitz44mDec 01 10:54
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:54
schestowitzThis is not the first time EPO management does thisDec 01 10:54
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:54
schestowitzSee how they libel-trolled a blogger. He told me about it around the same time: 01 10:55
schestowitz42mDec 01 10:55
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:55
schestowitzWould you mind showing me their correspondence with you?Dec 01 10:55
schestowitz42mDec 01 10:55
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:55
schestowitzI mean, they trademark-trolled himDec 01 10:55
-TechBytesBot/ | EPO is Trademark-Bullying Its Critics, Trying Repeatedly to Remove Bad Publicity With Help From Menacing Legal Threats (SLAPP) | TechrightsDec 01 10:55
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:55
schestowitzSame thing they did in CroatiaDec 01 10:55
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:55
schestowitzYes, I can send you legal docs if you give me your E-mail addressDec 01 10:55
schestowitz41mDec 01 10:55
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:55 01 10:55
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:55
schestowitzThanks!Dec 01 10:55
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:55
schestowitzFor the moment, I need to get my head around this very specific and narrow case - before looknig deeper afterwardsDec 01 10:55
schestowitz40mDec 01 10:55
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:55
schestowitzI never published their legal docs (I mean, publicly) because i am trying to be respectful, not go down to their levelDec 01 10:55
schestowitz40mDec 01 10:55
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:55
schestowitzI'm coming at this completely from scratchDec 01 10:55
schestowitz40m 6 seconds agoDec 01 10:55
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:55
schestowitzThank you for taking on this caseDec 01 10:55
schestowitz40mDec 01 10:55
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:55
schestowitzSo, forgive me for being very methodical and ploddingDec 01 10:55
schestowitz40mDec 01 10:55
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:55
schestowitzMany examiners, many of whom British (maybe 1000+) count on youDec 01 10:55
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:55
schestowitzThe suspended judge that the EPO is witchhunting is IrishDec 01 10:55
schestowitz40mDec 01 10:55
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:55
schestowitzI have to write something very quickly. But, if you can send over their correspondence now, I'll give it a read and start working on a story asap today...Dec 01 10:55
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:55
schestowitzAh, it's just arrived. ThanksDec 01 10:55
schestowitz37m 7 seconds agoDec 01 10:56
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:56
schestowitzI have just sent you three more E-mailsDec 01 10:56
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:56
schestowitzI'm going to be home all day, I can provide further information. Overview can be found here 01 10:56
-TechBytesBot/ | EPO - TechrightsDec 01 10:56
schestowitz35mDec 01 10:56
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:56
schestowitzI have three from you in totalDec 01 10:56
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:56
schestowitzThanksDec 01 10:56
schestowitz35mDec 01 10:56
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:56
schestowitzYes, threeDec 01 10:56
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:56
schestowitzA lot of people are eager to make the public aware of it, I estimate that at least 95% of staff at the EPO is unhappyDec 01 10:56
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:56
schestowitztwo groups: those who speak out and those too afraid to (mortgage to pay)Dec 01 10:56
schestowitz34mDec 01 10:56
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:56
schestowitzIf you want a comment from my lawyer, you can contact him on xxxxDec 01 10:56
schestowitz22mDec 01 10:56
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:56
schestowitzAh, David acts for you, does he?Dec 01 10:56
schestowitzxxxxxxxxxxDec 01 10:56
schestowitzOur paths have crossed before. I'll send him a messageDec 01 10:56
schestowitz21m 3 seconds agoDec 01 10:56
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzDec 01 10:56
schestowitzThank you, yes, DAG is very upset at what EPO did to me, he said he had become a fanDec 01 10:56
schestowitz 01 10:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TangibleIP_: @FOSSpatents @TheRegister I thought this blog had an interesting and enlightening debate on the subject. 01 10:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The IPKat: EPO queue jumping part 1 - Don't be an SMEDec 01 10:56
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 01 11:01
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 01 14:11
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesDec 01 14:12
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Dec 01 14:12
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 01 14:12
schestowitz 01 16:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SeaH2ONymph: @schestowitz #AyCaramba - what Business Insider really means: #US to send 'more' special forces. Pity #Iraq having to work w/them.Dec 01 16:01
schestowitz 01 16:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SeaH2ONymph: @schestowitz #MI6 never this naive: 'We were small animals in a dark wood with the wind getting up and changing direction the whole time.'Dec 01 16:08
schestowitz 01 16:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SeaH2ONymph: @schestowitz I recall ex-PM at time #JohnMajor warning them not to stir up a hornet's nest in #Iraq. 01 16:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Former PM John Major Dismisses Iraq War GoalDec 01 16:08
schestowitzBBC almost done with the article nowDec 01 17:01
schestowitzJust sent some more materialDec 01 17:01
schestowitzI felt like I had forgotten something, but thought only 3 letters were received, not 4. This one is the first (see time, day of week, threat of damages proportional to speed).Dec 01 17:01
schestowitzDAG advised me only the following day and he was not surprised that the post was unpublished, due to lack of access to a legal adviser (which is probably as they intended).Dec 01 17:01
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesDec 01 17:31
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 01 18:13
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesDec 01 18:13
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Dec 01 18:13
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 01 18:13
schestowitz 01 18:34
schestowitz"Meet Mr Blatterstelli"Dec 01 18:34
-TechBytesBot/ | European Patent Office fires up lawyers over claims of cosy love-in with Microsoft • The Register ForumsDec 01 18:34
schestowitzLOL 01 18:37
-TechBytesBot/ | EPO Rejects Accusations of Special Treatment for Microsoft CorporationDec 01 18:37
schestowitz"Dec 01 20:06
schestowitzDear Technology Guardianistas,Dec 01 20:06
schestowitzHaving followed Alex and his work for quite a while, I deem him quiteDec 01 20:06
schestowitzlikely the most suitable person for this story.Dec 01 20:06
schestowitzSeveral months ago the media covered my story, which I broke in my siteDec 01 20:06
schestowitzTechrights, using leaks from the European Patent Office (EPO). ItDec 01 20:06
schestowitzreached a lot of the mainstream media at the time, all around the world.Dec 01 20:06
schestowitzAttached is a photo of a Private Eye article from that time.Dec 01 20:07
schestowitzI would like to urgently notify you that there's a major new developmentDec 01 20:07
schestowitzin this story, as the EPO threatened me for revealing this gross abuse.Dec 01 20:07
schestowitzThis will be the subject of a BBC report today or tomorrow and it wasDec 01 20:07
schestowitzcovered by The Register less than a day ago, among other media (alsoDec 01 20:07
schestowitzoutside the UK and outside Europe). See for instance:Dec 01 20:07
schestowitz 01 20:07
-TechBytesBot/ | European Patent Office fires up lawyers over claims of cosy love-in with Microsoft • The Register [ ]Dec 01 20:07
schestowitz 01 20:07
-TechBytesBot/ | European Patent Office Threatens Blogger With Defamation Lawsuit For Criticism | Techdirt [ ]Dec 01 20:07
schestowitz(among others)Dec 01 20:07
schestowitzA lot of people still don't know about this...Dec 01 20:07
schestowitzI think it would be worthwhile for your readers to know about this asDec 01 20:07
schestowitzthings are getting worse. Today there was a massive EPO staff protest inDec 01 20:07
schestowitzthe Netherlands and this Friday there will be an even biggest protest inDec 01 20:07
schestowitzMunich, the EPO's main site (where perhaps a majority of the staff willDec 01 20:07
schestowitzprotest against the management over abuses)Dec 01 20:07
schestowitzI will gladly provide any documents, information, links and so on toDec 01 20:07
schestowitzassist you in producing a report on this SLAPP action against EPODec 01 20:07
schestowitzcritics. My lawyer, David Allen Green, can provide input as well.Dec 01 20:07
schestowitzI hope to hear back from you,Dec 01 20:07
schestowitz"Dec 01 20:07
schestowitz 01 20:42
-TechBytesBot/ ‘They’re Not Americans’: CNN Guest Justifies Massive Attacks on Civilians #exceptionalism #cnnDec 01 20:42
schestowitz"The surprising part is the ones being attacked and considered lesser humans keep buying US products."Dec 01 20:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | ‘They’re Not Americans’: CNN Guest Justifies Massive Attacks on Civilians — FAIR [ ]Dec 01 20:42
schestowitzIndeed, it's marketingDec 01 20:42
schestowitz 01 20:44
-TechBytesBot/ "The Spanish EPO Scandal – Part II" postponed due to lack of time (must go to work soon, lost too much time to cyber attacks)Dec 01 20:44
schestowitz"You work hard."Dec 01 20:44
schestowitz 01 20:45
-TechBytesBot/ Those who aren't careful enough will fall for the illusion that Visual Studio, Windows, OOXML etc. are "open". They're all proprietary.Dec 01 20:45
schestowitz"MAD AS HELL'Dec 01 20:45
schestowitzAnd I can't take it anymore!Dec 01 20:45
schestowitz 01 20:46
schestowitz"Maybe they're pro-money."Dec 01 20:46
-TechBytesBot/ #Springer and #Elsevier are not pro #science at all. They're just opportunist raiders of other people's work. They're like 'pirates'.Dec 01 20:46
schestowitzAgree, except the "maybe"Dec 01 20:46
schestowitz 01 20:47
schestowitz"What I like about US holidays is that my workload goes to almost zero. =)"Dec 01 20:47
-TechBytesBot/ We don't celebrate #thanksgiving here, but this morning we had some turkey for breakfast. A little symbolic. Bought it last night.Dec 01 20:47
schestowitzApplicable here when it comes to news coverage in English, and new collection/analysis/syndication...Dec 01 20:48
schestowitz 01 20:49
-TechBytesBot/ When spies and chickenhawks talking about "prevention" of terrorism they don't talk about preventing hatred. Root causes.Dec 01 20:49
schestowitz"Killing people overseas and stealing their resources tends to make them angry and more willing to seek revenge using violence. The recent short-sighted foreign policies of the US and NATO countries have created an environment that breeds terrorism. This plays right into the hands of the major weapons makers, whose profits then soar."Dec 01 20:49
schestowitzDouble-dipping, action and blowback retaliationDec 01 20:49
schestowitz 01 20:49
schestowitz"Dec 01 20:49
schestowitzA better question might be: do you really need a “modern” desktop?Dec 01 20:49
schestowitzGnome reminds me of modern cars: more complexity, less resilience and riddled with software bugs for no good advantage.Dec 01 20:49
schestowitz"Dec 01 20:49
-TechBytesBot/ Will You Be Able To Run a Modern Desktop Environment In 2016 Without Systemd? #systemd #redhatDec 01 20:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Will You Be Able To Run a Modern Desktop Environment In 2016 Without Systemd? - SlashdotDec 01 20:50
schestowitz 01 20:50
schestowitz"Definitly yes'Dec 01 20:50
schestowitz"I can bet most people buy Chinese smartphones. I have an Alcatel and is not made in France for sure."Dec 01 20:50
schestowitz"No, they would have to be stock, and have full source available, and use drivers that have been properly unstreamed for all vital functions."Dec 01 20:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Not a Diaspora post?Dec 01 20:50
schestowitz 01 20:51
schestowitz"Yeah. I thought Mozilla did abandon Thunderbird, which then became a community project, years ago.'Dec 01 20:51
schestowitzSo there's no real news thenDec 01 20:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Not a Diaspora post?Dec 01 20:51
schestowitz 01 20:51
schestowitz"Cry me a river."Dec 01 20:51
schestowitzCry on top of the towel on one's head...Dec 01 20:52
-TechBytesBot/ " Whom to waterboard? Which village to drone? A bizarre documentary explores the spy elite's secret 'suffering'" 01 20:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Oh, the suffering of the CIA: In Showtime’s “The Spymasters,” America’s chief spooks bare their souls on the pain of the terror war - [ ]Dec 01 20:52
schestowitz 01 20:58
-TechBytesBot/ #Microsoft Lobbying Group Forces 'Pirate' To Get 200,000 Views On Anti-Piracy Video... Whole Thing Backfires 01 20:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Microsoft Lobbying Group Forces 'Pirate' To Get 200,000 Views On Anti-Piracy Video... Whole Thing Backfires | Techdirt [ ]Dec 01 20:58
schestowitz"Dec 01 20:58
schestowitz“noting that they’re watching the video to help the accused be let off the hook”Dec 01 20:58
schestowitzI had the same idea but was too lazy to click it.Dec 01 20:58
schestowitz"Dec 01 20:58
schestowitz 01 20:58
-TechBytesBot/ #microsoft #propaganda site #winbeta is trying to cause FOSS brain drain say no 01 20:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Microsoft continues to offer open source professionals positions within Azure [ ]Dec 01 20:58
schestowitz"On his Mac with OS X?"Dec 01 20:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | At All Things Open (ATO) Microsoft is Embracing, Extending, Extinguishing GNU/Linux, Hopes to Do the Same to Android (Updated) | Techrights [ ]Dec 01 20:58
schestowitz 01 20:58
-TechBytesBot/ #MakuluLinux Aero Edition now Live ! #gnu #linux distribution release...Dec 01 20:58
schestowitz"Makulu is the most interesting distro i don’t use … yet."Dec 01 20:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | MakuluLinux Aero Edition now Live ! | MakuluLinux [ ]Dec 01 20:58
schestowitz 01 20:58
-TechBytesBot/ In one month from now #suse agreement with #microsoft expires. What will happen then? Remember #novell deal? What a shame that was...Dec 01 20:58
schestowitz"That must be the reason for all the Suse articles. It was like a media blitz for a while.'Dec 01 20:58
schestowitzBecause of a release and anniversary, I think..Dec 01 20:59
schestowitz 01 20:59
-TechBytesBot/ In New York Times, Blue Eyes ‘Wince and Cloud’ at the Terror of a ‘Gentle Loner’ #nytimes on white terroristsDec 01 20:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | In New York Times, Blue Eyes ‘Wince and Cloud’ at the Terror of a ‘Gentle Loner’ — FAIR [ ]Dec 01 20:59
schestowitz"Sounds like more and more state propaganda to me. If the terrorist is a crazy right wing Christian they go out of their way to make him seem human. Any other terrorists - monsters and less than human - burn them all!!! Makes me sick! This guy was a known abuser and most likely has a criminal record. You can’t tell me local law enforcement had no idea what this guy was capable of. They let it go because, well, he’s a crazy WHITE CHRISTIANDec 01 20:59
schestowitzMALE!!! And they always get another chance."Dec 01 20:59
schestowitzWhen police arrives at the scene of the crime it doesn't even shoot to kill (remember Roof?)Dec 01 21:00
schestowitz 01 21:01
-TechBytesBot/ Economics 101: when a company is buying back its shares (as Apple and Microsoft do), there are fewer shares, hence artificially higher priceDec 01 21:01
schestowitz"but they believe in themselves at least then ;)"Dec 01 21:01
schestowitz"Dec 01 21:01
schestowitzNo, shares are the same but ownership changes. When shares of one company are deep undervalued that company might buy shares in the hope those shares will rebound later, or also in the rare case that a company is so good that expects its shares to keep gaining value. Buyback also might be used to avoid paying some dividends (or to pay some to itself), or to shift power from shareholders to company officers or few owners, like Dell’sDec 01 21:01
schestowitzprivatization.Dec 01 21:01
schestowitzIn the case of Apple it might have sense since it has truckloads of money and have no idea what to do with it, and its shares have been performing fine. In the case of Microsoft I do not consider that as a wise idea.Dec 01 21:01
schestowitzMost buybacks are financed with borrowed money and shares have low value because the company is really underperforming, therefore most buybacks backfire.Dec 01 21:01
schestowitz"Dec 01 21:01
schestowitzWhen you get debt to sponsor buybacks, then it isn't a sign of health. It's done for superficial showing of "demand".Dec 01 21:02
schestowitz 01 21:02
-TechBytesBot/ Financial sanctions for pornographic #censorship 01 21:02
schestowitz"By the way, they did it with #Wikileaks, too :( 404 - #Freedom not found :-…"Dec 01 21:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Secret Censorship of Online Porn | MotherboardDec 01 21:02
schestowitz 01 21:02
-TechBytesBot/ How EU nations are being sued for billions by foreign companies in secret tribunals 01 21:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | How EU nations are being sued for billions by foreign companies in secret tribunals | Ars Technica UKDec 01 21:02
schestowitz"We have the full-blown #TTIP to look forward to too. :-("Dec 01 21:02
schestowitz 01 21:03
-TechBytesBot/ 01 21:03
schestowitz"Well, we will see how long this last. And how much that rule is going to be broken."Dec 01 21:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Thomas_Drake1: Collection kabuki. Only tiny shell 215 bulk phone prgm ends. USA FREEDOM Act bigger shell&EO12333 continues unabated 01 21:03
schestowitz 01 21:03
-TechBytesBot/ I am about to publish only legal documents from my side to the #epo goons. Not the other side, because they strictly want "confidentiality"Dec 01 21:03
schestowitz"Do they want to harass you confidentially? What considerate."Dec 01 21:03
schestowitzyeahDec 01 21:03
schestowitz 01 21:05
-TechBytesBot/ "direct dealings between Turkish officials and ranking Isis members was now “undeniable”." #turkey #isisDec 01 21:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Turkey sends in jets as Syria’s agony spills over every border | World news | The Guardian [ ]Dec 01 21:05
schestowitz"Dec 01 21:05
schestowitzIf UK press says this I guess now it’s official that Turkey profited from ISIS oil. Now a new question, is the US asking Turkey like this?Dec 01 21:05
schestowitzUS: Please cease dealings with ISIS. wink winkDec 01 21:05
schestowitzTurkey: My bad, I’ll do that. wink winkDec 01 21:05
schestowitzBecause as I see it, the US, Europe, Turkey and Ukraine are profiting directly or indirectly from ISIS running amok; the only ones that have nothing to win are Syria and Russia.Dec 01 21:05
schestowitz"Dec 01 21:05
schestowitz 01 21:05
-TechBytesBot/ Days ago I was called "purer than the FSF" by a famous blogger, who was referring to the fact I don't accept any influence from companiesDec 01 21:05
schestowitz"Welcome to the club. The newsletter is available under the GNU FDL (with no un-modifyable sections)."Dec 01 21:05
schestowitz 01 21:06
-TechBytesBot/ David Cameron, there aren't 70,000 moderate fighters in Syria #tories love #warDec 01 21:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | David Cameron, there aren't 70,000 moderate fighters in Syria - and whoever heard of a moderate with a Kalashnikov, anyway? | Voices | The Independent [ ]Dec 01 21:06
schestowitz"Politicians are people with very special skills, like uttering patent lies with a straight face."Dec 01 21:06
schestowitzTools of MI6 in this case...Dec 01 21:06
schestowitz 01 21:07
schestowitz"Why would the judge prohibit Cox from making allegations that Rightscorp violates debt collection or private investigation laws, unless Cox has insufficient evidence to back its allegations?"Dec 01 21:07
schestowitzTwisted 'justice'Dec 01 21:07
-TechBytesBot/ Cox Can’t Describe Rightscorp As “Extortionists” and “Trolls” During Trial #cox fights a good fightDec 01 21:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Cox Can't Describe Rightscorp As "Extortionists" and "Trolls" During Trial - TorrentFreak [ ]Dec 01 21:07
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 01 21:23
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 01 21:33
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 01 21:33
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesDec 01 21:34
schestowitzGot a fan...Dec 01 23:35
schestowitz"Dec 01 23:35
schestowitzPD: I followed you today for first time from XXXXDec 01 23:35
schestowitzbut i´ve been following you all along for long time and I admire yourDec 01 23:35
schestowitzwork. I´m XXXX_  and some other accounts too  ;) Plz keep this infoDec 01 23:35
schestowitzto yourself.Dec 01 23:35
schestowitz"Dec 01 23:35
schestowitz"Kindly and sincerelly,"Dec 01 23:35
schestowitz [sic]Dec 01 23:35
schestowitz00:55Dec 02 01:15
schestowitz(00:58:35) xxxxxxxxxxx: HiDec 02 01:15
schestowitz(00:58:42) xxxxxxxxxxx: i gotta reboot my pc is all messed upDec 02 01:15
schestowitz(00:58:59) xxxxxxxxxxx has signed off.Dec 02 01:15
schestowitz01:00Dec 02 01:15
schestowitz(01:04:00) xxxxxxxxxxx has signed on.Dec 02 01:15
schestowitz(01:04:33) xxxxxxxxxxx: right that is betterDec 02 01:15
schestowitz01:05Dec 02 01:15
schestowitz(01:05:05) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: did you update before booting?Dec 02 01:15
schestowitz(01:05:16) xxxxxxxxxxx: might a while agoDec 02 01:15
schestowitz(01:05:17) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I always try to use the opportunity to get kernel updatesDec 02 01:15
schestowitz(01:05:25) xxxxxxxxxxx: yeahDec 02 01:15
schestowitz(01:05:29) xxxxxxxxxxx: it was too messed upDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:05:46) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: kde framework 5 is a messDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:05:52) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: been using it for 8 months nowDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:06:35) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: systemd isn't helping, eitherDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:07:53) xxxxxxxxxxx: no kernel updates avalibleDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:08:02) xxxxxxxxxxx: so guess i was already up to dateDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:08:36) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: the deployment went OKDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:08:55) xxxxxxxxxxx: coolDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:09:03) xxxxxxxxxxx: i am not caught up so did not know we had 1Dec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:09:16) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: that's okDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:09:17) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: trivialDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:09:24) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: BTW, tomorrow I'll be in BBCDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:09:29) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: yesterday El Reg 02 01:16
-TechBytesBot/ | European Patent Office fires up lawyers over claims of cosy love-in with Microsoft • The RegisterDec 02 01:16
schestowitz01:10Dec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:10:55) xxxxxxxxxxx: are you going to jail?Dec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:11:07) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: lol, of course notDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:11:21) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: they're not even suingDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:11:28) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: they just tried to silence bloggersDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:11:30) xxxxxxxxxxx: are they going to send a hit squad after you?Dec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:11:37) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: maybe :-)Dec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:11:43) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: But not a wise moveDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:12:03) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: tyson fury is from manchesterDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:13:08) xxxxxxxxxxx: i have a cat where my keyboard should beDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:13:31) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: nice one, never heard this one beforeDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:13:39) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: be carefulDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:13:45) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: there's a screenlock bugDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:13:53) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: and it required a catDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:13:58) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: can force a rebootDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:14:02) xxxxxxxxxxx: yeah i saw that oneDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:14:17) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I saw the original before the press covered itDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:14:24) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: it was funnyDec 02 01:16
schestowitz(01:14:31) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: anyway, on to my handoverDec 02 01:16
schestowitz"so were they trying to sue you over a screen shot you should't have had"Dec 02 01:22
schestowitz(01:17:36) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: No, they just made a threatDec 02 01:22
schestowitz(01:17:42) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: to compel me to self-censorDec 02 01:22
schestowitz(01:17:56) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: it backfired on them because now it gets even more coverageDec 02 01:22
schestowitz"but did you have to take down your post?"Dec 02 01:22
schestowitzI couldn't seek legal advice yetDec 02 01:22
schestowitz 02 01:23
-TechBytesBot/ | EPO - TechrightsDec 02 01:23
schestowitz 02 01:23
-TechBytesBot/ | EPO Did Not Want to Take Down One Techrights Article, It Wanted to Take Down Many Articles Using Intimidation, SLAPPing, and Psychological Manipulation Late on a Friday Night | Techrights [ ]Dec 02 01:23
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 02 01:26
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 02 02:12
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Dec 02 10:05
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Dec 2 10:05:07 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Dec 2 10:05:31 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesDec 02 10:05
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 02 10:05
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 02 10:05
schestowitz 02 11:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MariusNestor: @schestowitz Correct URL :)Dec 02 11:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Debian-Based Q4OS Linux Distro Gets New Update Notifier, Better Support for Android DevicesDec 02 11:53
schestowitz 02 11:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@01micko: @schestowitz yes I agree, but Claws is very good and if you can handle lack of HTML support Sylpheed is even better. #pgp #gpg #freesoftwareDec 02 11:54
schestowitz 02 11:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@innova_scape: RT : Fashions Open Source Platform for 02 11:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #IBM Fashions Open Source Platform for #MachineLearning 02 11:54
schestowitz 02 11:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fannarfreyris: @schestowitz @ppinternational @eff should fork thunderbird for crypto.Dec 02 11:58
schestowitz 02 12:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Twpalovi: @schestowitz Have you upset anyone?Dec 02 12:36
schestowitzNobody newDec 02 12:36
schestowitz 02 12:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kstallett: @KevinJRawlinson @schestowitz @Independent I assume he doesn't mean being shot for showing dissent against the current government.Dec 02 12:36
schestowitzEven N. Korea doesn't do it so cheaplyDec 02 12:36
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Dec 02 16:53
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Dec 2 16:53:24 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Dec 2 16:55:55 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesDec 02 16:55
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 02 16:55
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 02 16:55
schestowitz> translated by google, but those strange words come from my stoopidDec 02 16:55
schestowitz> dictation tool?.Dec 02 16:55
schestowitz>Dec 02 16:55
schestowitz> I?ll correct that for you ok?Dec 02 16:56
schestowitzI'll wait then for a solid translation that I can publish.Dec 02 16:56
schestowitz 02 16:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@baumchristel: @schestowitz or maybe moving on to a new #email client..? I am with @mailbird now. There is still room for improvement, but happy so far;-)Dec 02 16:58
schestowitz 02 17:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Brainiarc7: #Linux ##SysAdmin feel 02 17:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #debian "attempt to cut down on the 400+ spam-registrations it receives every day." had the same problem todayDec 02 17:03
schestowitz 02 17:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AndreasCLemke: #Thunderbird is a critical open source tool for secure email. What else to use? 02 17:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: If #thunderbird isn't kept alive, a lot of less technical people who already use #encryption will be left exposed. Society unable to leak.Dec 02 17:03
*ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) has joined #techbytesDec 02 17:04
* gives channel operator status to ChanServDec 02 17:04
MinceRthey should learn mutt :>Dec 02 17:06
schestowitz>> I'm going to just carry on writing (big backlog here). <Dec 02 17:10
schestowitz> Guess you can do more for the cause writing than watching a demo. Those demos are usually short and not spectacular. And I guess SUEPO wouldn't let you do a keynote address because the EPO oligarchs would freak out completely :-)Dec 02 17:10
schestowitzThat would do a disservice to SUEPO anyway, by creative a narrative as SUEPO messenger/minion. I don't know if I ever spoke to ANYONE from SUEPO...Dec 02 17:10
schestowitzquote above from F.M.Dec 02 17:10
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesDec 02 17:32
schestowitz 02 18:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Zeipt: What are #SafeUM talking about??? )) @schestowitz @ppinternational @PrivacyCamp @PrivacyMatters @AnonyOps 02 18:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SafeUM: @Zeipt Atually, open source is not safe by default. And opensource availability never added extra security.Dec 02 18:46
MinceRyet another person who doesn't understand free softwareDec 02 18:48
schestowitzyeahDec 02 18:49
schestowitzbetter to ignoreDec 02 18:50
schestowitzesp. if it's not some high-profile accountDec 02 18:50
schestowitzin which case mentioning it wouldn't work to the accounts benefitDec 02 18:50
schestowitz 02 19:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ErieShoresCoun: @schestowitz thanks for sharing Dr. Roy Schestowitz, have a great Wednesday :) (insight by 02 19:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Twitter Community Management Dashboard | Twitter Marketing Tool | Commun.itDec 02 19:06
schestowitzyayDec 02 20:35
schestowitzreceived a translation of an article about techrightsDec 02 20:36
schestowitzit's spread across europe at the momentDec 02 20:36
schestowitz"I can throw down a quick translation of the article in Punto Informatico," told us one person, "if you haven't got one yet. I'll send it to you in a while."Dec 02 20:36
schestowitz> I am sorry there are some quite stupid mistakes, looks like I had itDec 02 20:36
schestowitz> translated by google, but those strange words come from my stoopidDec 02 20:36
schestowitz> dictation tool?.Dec 02 20:36
schestowitz>Dec 02 20:36
schestowitz> I?ll correct that for you ok?Dec 02 20:36
schestowitz>>> Excellent, thank you!Dec 02 20:36
schestowitz>>> I'll wait then for a solid translation that I can publish.Dec 02 20:36
schestowitz> Here we go. Please check because the encriptyon/decription often causesDec 02 20:36
schestowitz> strange changes of letters and symbols. But the language, as far as theDec 02 20:36
schestowitz> translation of the sense and gist of it is concerned, should be ok.Dec 02 20:36
schestowitz>Dec 02 20:36
schestowitz> Ask me if any problem,Dec 02 20:36
schestowitz> Punto informatico.Dec 02 20:36
schestowitz6 countries, I thinkDec 02 20:36
schestowitz"Dec 03 01:03
schestowitz(01:01:54) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: works wellDec 03 01:03
schestowitz(01:02:04) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: but not if you use Vista 10 [sic]Dec 03 01:03
schestowitz(01:02:54) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: two tickets related to this and we don't have the malware (Vista 10) installed on our network anywhere, AFAIK, so I cannot test itDec 03 01:03
schestowitz"Dec 03 01:03
schestowitzSome idiots 'upgrade'Dec 03 01:03
schestowitzand now our site breaks. Grrrr...Dec 03 01:03
schestowitz(01:01:54) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: works wellDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:02:04) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: but not if you use Vista 10 [sic]Dec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:02:54) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: two tickets related to this and we don't have the malware (Vista 10) installed on our network anywhere, AFAIK, so I cannot test itDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:03:57) friend: :(Dec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:04:06) friend: i think my wife's pc is windows 10Dec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:04:14) friend: but i don't know her passwordDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:04:24) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: J3ssi3Dec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:04:39) friend: might get her to give me an account when she come home at 7Dec 03 01:31
schestowitz01:05Dec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:05:09) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I really can't do much except view it via browsershots, and even they don't have the malware for testingDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:06:34) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: tickets like these leave me stuckDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:06:52) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I think the issue reported isn't intended for GLA or Sirius but for MicrosoftDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:07:05) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: because the browser they impose on people via OEM secret deals are brokenDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:07:15) friend: lolDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:07:20) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: and I read articles about this -- about how Vista 10 browsers cause issues like IE6Dec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:07:26) friend: i don't think they are very secretDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:08:07) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: And they're evidently right, The Register did some articles about it and I joked that as soon as people adopt (by buying a PC) Vista 10 it'll cause headaches for all webmasters -- a 'gift' from Bill's lackiesDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:08:36) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: The OEM deals are always secretDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:09:03) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: so that they can charge them separately and negotiate on discriminatory  termsDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:09:18) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: my site has some old OEM deals subpoenaed forDec 03 01:31
schestowitz01:10Dec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:12:52) friend: can't fight big buisnessDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:12:57) friend: or the EPO it seemsDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:13:00) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: canDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:13:04) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: and they're losingDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:13:08) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: already defeated NovellDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:13:13) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: and EPO is burningDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:13:19) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: that's why it became so viciousDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:13:40) friend: well forget microsoftDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:13:44) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: But anyway, about the browserDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:13:46) friend: go after the real bad guysDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:13:49) friend: apple!Dec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:13:57) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I don't know even how to reproduce the issueDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:14:04) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I go after Apple tooDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:14:12) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: got email today telling me to go after themDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:14:19) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: but it was mail from a crazed patent trollDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:14:31) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: ended up sending me abusive mailsDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:14:39) friend: lolDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:14:51) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: maybe he tried a day off his medzDec 03 01:31
schestowitz(01:14:53) friend: you make some wierd sDec 03 01:31
schestowitz01:15Dec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:15:02) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: no, my s are awesomeDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:15:11) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: but there are also enemies out thereDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:15:22) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Private Eye will cover my work again very soonDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:16:25) friend: you think? or they have told you?Dec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:16:34) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: YesDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:16:48) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: they covered the scandal you saw in The Reg a few months agoDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:16:53) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: now there's the new oneDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:16:58) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: several new ones in factDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:17:22) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: The campaign is going very well, about half of the EPO staff reads my articles dailyDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:17:32) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Big protests this weekend, and staff petitionDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:17:38) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: almost half of all staff to signDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:17:59) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: French Assembly mentioned my blog todayDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:18:18) friend: clearly you have been busyDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:18:35) friend: have you still been finding time for the gym?Dec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:18:46) friend: i joined one a couple of weeks agoDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:18:53) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Not busy buying Vista 10 and installing it, I'll have to ask someone to put it on the networkDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:19:03) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: then I can try tweaking the CSS to make it workDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:19:15) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: yes, gym 3 times a week, and poolDec 03 01:32
schestowitz01:20Dec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:20:07) friend: there are dev aws accounts i think, although i am not sure if they are live yet or just plannedDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:20:15) friend: but i presume they are for this sort of thingDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:20:30) friend: although no idea if aws does windows desktops, but i assume it doesDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:21:06) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I'd create one if it's possible, then allow remote access and access over rdesktop to reproduce the issueDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:21:27) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I can't do so without seeing the issue to begin with thoughDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:21:39) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: so these tickets are hard to even get stated onDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:22:22) friend: i know they do windows server but not sure about windows 10 and the likeDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:22:41) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I think the browser, if any is preinstalled, would be the sameDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:22:46) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: ewww... browser on a serverDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:22:55) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: no wonder these have so many security holesDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:22:58) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: or bug doorsDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:23:07) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: even MEDIA player... on a serverDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:23:14) friend: not sure the latest server is new enoughDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:23:20) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: as if sysadmins would have headphones to listen to CDs while they use a rackDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:24:05) friend: no idea why they need a desktop on it really, well i do because most sysadmins only know how to point and clickDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:24:31) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: also cheaper to package it like thisDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:24:38) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: which I assume is the real motivationDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:24:44) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: 1. make it look consistent w/ desktopDec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:24:58) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: 2. don't change/deviate much from desktop, just cjange the label and the.... wallpaper!Dec 03 01:32
schestowitz01:25Dec 03 01:32
schestowitz(01:25:06) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Voila! We have a new "server" OS.Dec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:25:24) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Where 10% of performance wasted on redrawing windows, not processing requestsDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:25:53) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: On the bright side, you can play solitaire if you're bored babysitting the serverDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:26:11) friend: i am surprised that don't have an option to run them without a guiDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:26:22) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I think they promised there would be one...Dec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:26:27) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: .... like 7 years agoDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:26:33) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I don't think this ever materialisedDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:26:37) friend: probably don't want people to learn to use the command lineDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:26:41) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Now they have more functions in their "console"Dec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:26:45) friend: it's too easy to lose them to linux thenDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:26:54) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Soon they will have -- GASP -- opensshDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:26:57) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: welcome to the 90sDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:27:39) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: they only now, in 2015, decided to work on ssh clientDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:27:48) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: rather, to pay openbsd foundationDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:27:56) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: a million dollars to do this for themDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:28:04) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: anyway, I'll write my handoverDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:28:32) friend: okDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:28:41) friend: you on tommorow?Dec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:28:48) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: no, xmas partyDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:28:50) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: for the gymDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:29:14) friend: have funnDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:29:16) friend: funDec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:29:34) friend: i don't get invited to parties :(Dec 03 01:33
schestowitz(01:29:49) friend: well i could have gone to xxxx christmas drinks, but it was tonightDec 03 01:33
schestowitzwe might be able to install a VM on AWS to help us debug what's basically a bug in Microsoft's Web browser (welcome back to IE6 and millennial bugs).Dec 03 01:37
schestowitzI think we'll need to create a new machine with Microsoft's latest version of Windows (see below).Dec 03 01:37
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Dec 03 10:00
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Dec 3 10:00:57 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Dec 3 10:03:28 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesDec 03 10:03
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 03 10:03
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 03 10:03
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 03 13:10
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 03 13:11
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesDec 03 13:12
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Dec 03 13:12
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 03 13:12
schestowitz> Would you have the EPO flag in SVG?Dec 03 15:58
schestowitz>Dec 03 15:58
schestowitz>>From the banana union era, this one helped a lot:Dec 03 15:58
schestowitz>Dec 03 15:58
schestowitz> 03 15:58
schestowitzThe only flag I can think of was the cartoon in unitary patent dot eu.Dec 03 15:59
-TechBytesBot/ | File:Banana republic.svg - Wikimedia CommonsDec 03 15:59
schestowitzI have some logos of the EPO around, with transparency.Dec 03 15:59
schestowitzRead your message. Will respond properly soon.... due to urgency (protest).Dec 03 16:03
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Dec 03 23:25
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Dec 3 23:25:28 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Dec 3 23:27:57 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesDec 03 23:27
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 03 23:27
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 03 23:27
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Dec 5 14:44:53 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesDec 05 14:44
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 05 14:44
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 05 14:44
*liberty_box has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 05 14:44
schestowitz 05 15:06
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Boards of Appeal tell AC: we were never consultedDec 05 15:06
schestowitz"    Do we know if the Presidium and AMBA actually met with Board 28?"Dec 05 15:06
schestowitz"Dec 05 15:06
schestowitzAmicus Curiae wondered: "If for every request of the President the AC has to seek independent external advice, what's the point of having a President"Dec 05 15:07
schestowitzSubsidiary question: an what´s the point of having a DG5 Legal/International Affairs? What are these people doing? Is their job an illustration of the EPO´s high quality services?Dec 05 15:07
schestowitz"Dec 05 15:07
schestowitz"Dec 05 15:07
schestowitzClooney comments:Dec 05 15:07
schestowitzIn this final phase, Board 28 has met neither the Presidium nor AMBA. There is no need: they have been heard before and what they have to say doesn't matter any way. Battistelli goes ahead with his plan. He doesn't care about right or wrong. He must dispose of the boards which are disturbing the whole process of UPC. They should disappear or be reduced to the level of an internal opposition division. Their present independence is a highlyDec 05 15:07
schestowitzdisturbing factor.Dec 05 15:07
schestowitzWhat matters is the future Court in Paris which - once created - he will occupy with his team (Lutz, Bergot, Regis-Hannard, Rechema etc.). EU Institution >>> benefits >>> tax free pension >>> making history >>> perhaps even a "place Battistelli" .Dec 05 15:07
schestowitzSad, very sad.Dec 05 15:07
schestowitz"Dec 05 15:07
schestowitz"Dec 05 15:07
schestowitzIt's christmas soon... USA for EPODec 05 15:07
schestowitzThere comes a time when we need a certain callDec 05 15:07
schestowitzWhen the staff must come together as oneDec 05 15:07
schestowitzThere are people dyingDec 05 15:07
schestowitzOh, and it's time to lend a hand to endDec 05 15:07
schestowitzThe greatest scam of allDec 05 15:07
schestowitzWe can't go on pretending day by dayDec 05 15:07
schestowitzThat someone, somehow will soon make a changeDec 05 15:07
schestowitzWe're all a part of the EPO's great familyDec 05 15:07
schestowitzAnd so the truth - you know the truth is all we needDec 05 15:07
schestowitzWe are the staff, we're still producingDec 05 15:07
schestowitzWe are the ones who make a brighter dayDec 05 15:07
schestowitzThat's why we're leakingDec 05 15:07
schestowitzThere's a choice we're makingDec 05 15:07
schestowitzWe're saving our own livesDec 05 15:07
schestowitzIt's true we'll make a better dayDec 05 15:07
schestowitzJust you and meDec 05 15:08
schestowitzWell, send'em to ViennaDec 05 15:08
schestowitzand they'll know we just don't careDec 05 15:08
schestowitzAnd our decisions will be no longer freeDec 05 15:08
schestowitzAs the office keeps showing usDec 05 15:08
schestowitzhiding behind immunityDec 05 15:08
schestowitzAnd so we need Article 4a EPCeeeeeeeeDec 05 15:08
schestowitzWe are the staff, we're still producingDec 05 15:08
schestowitzWe are the ones who make a brighter dayDec 05 15:08
schestowitzThat's why we're leakingDec 05 15:08
schestowitzThere's a choice we're makingDec 05 15:08
schestowitzWe're saving our own livesDec 05 15:08
schestowitzIt's true we'll make a better dayDec 05 15:08
schestowitzJust you and meDec 05 15:08
schestowitzWhen you're down and outDec 05 15:08
schestowitzThere seems no hope at allDec 05 15:08
schestowitzBut if you just leaveDec 05 15:08
schestowitzThis way it will all fallDec 05 15:08
schestowitzWell, well, well, let us realizeDec 05 15:08
schestowitzThat one change can only comeDec 05 15:08
schestowitzWhen we stand together as oneDec 05 15:08
schestowitz...Dec 05 15:08
schestowitz"Dec 05 15:08
schestowitz"|    USA (Who is there) for EPO - You are a GENIUS man.|"Dec 05 15:08
schestowitz"    My president, Mr. Batistelli, is consumed with the ambition to do a great thing, to break the illegitim resistance of the EPO staff to the drastic curtailment imposed to their professional dignity and employment conditions. This is his legitim vision, his vision as an outstanding manager and charismatic leader, to push things hard, to achieve whatever his convictions tell him to be right, deliberately accepting the risk of damaging orDec 05 15:08
schestowitzpossibly even destroying the European Patent Organisation, which thrived too much over decades. I admire my cute leader and great manager and love the chaos he produces. He makes everyone happy. God save the King!"Dec 05 15:08
schestowitz"Dec 05 15:09
schestowitzWhy writing about all this, Merpel? Why telling us how wrong things are at the European Patent Office when nobody seems to really care? Cui bono, Merpel? Cui bono?!Dec 05 15:09
schestowitzStop it.Dec 05 15:09
schestowitzIt's just not worth.Dec 05 15:09
schestowitzNeither you nor the "Enlarged Board of Appeal, epi, CIPA, EPLAW, CCBE, BusinessEurope, CNIPA, AMBA and most of the patent judges across Europe" can do anything anyway. Anything.Dec 05 15:09
schestowitzDid you read above Clooney's comment? " Board 28 has met neither the Presidium nor AMBA".Dec 05 15:09
schestowitzStop it.Dec 05 15:09
schestowitzYou are only taking the risk of being sued for "defamation" by the "EPO".Dec 05 15:09
schestowitz"Dec 05 15:09
schestowitzLOLDec 05 15:09
schestowitz 05 15:10
schestowitz"Dec 05 15:10
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Keeping PACE with the European Patent OfficeDec 05 15:10
schestowitz @Garfield @Meldrew (also @ding dong merrily on high)Dec 05 15:10
schestowitzIf "Old man of EPO" is right, then it won't help (neither you, nor the public) to know where a case lies in a division's workload. If the "queue" is indeed dynamic, and your case is 99th, then it won't take 98th cases before it is processed (as already discussed), but:Dec 05 15:10
schestowitz- it doesn't even have go down the list over time (it could be 123th, rather than 49th, a year later);Dec 05 15:10
schestowitz- it could well become 1st within a day (depending how often workloads are updated over there).Dec 05 15:10
schestowitzIf that's so, then there is no queue, just an ordering updated with every addition or removal of cases. That could explain why "ding dong etc" had to follow-up his/her cases: you were given a date, while the employees are given e.g. the top 10 cases of the workload (which may not include your case). Is that so?Dec 05 15:10
schestowitz"Dec 05 15:10
schestowitz 05 16:03
schestowitz"without a modern GUI no way …"Dec 05 16:03
schestowitz"Imitation like Kylin does will work'Dec 05 16:03
schestowitzUbuntu has an OK GUI...Dec 05 16:03
-TechBytesBot/ Does #Ubuntu stand #vista10 and #OSuX ? on freedom? Hands down!Dec 05 16:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Does Ubuntu stand Windows 10 and OSX? | Fabrizio BallianoDec 05 16:03
schestowitz 05 16:04
schestowitz"Dec 05 16:04
schestowitzHi, do you still need translation of the letter at ?Dec 05 16:04
-TechBytesBot/ | Diaspora* - Sign inDec 05 16:04
schestowitzI can do it in a few hours (something like 3hours from now on) and get reviewed before sending it. I got a first draft but I'm at work and I need to get stuff down, so I can't commit to it right now.Dec 05 16:04
schestowitz"Dec 05 16:04
-TechBytesBot/ | French Member of Parliament Reacts to EPO Management Amidst Ongoing Attacks on Staff Representatives and Facts-free Information War | TechrightsDec 05 16:04
schestowitzyes, a translation would be very good and worthy of a whole article dedicated to it.Dec 05 16:04
schestowitz 05 16:05
-TechBytesBot/ Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between our foreign policy and our corporate oil objectives? One is a cover for another...?Dec 05 16:05
schestowitz" "Dec 05 16:05
schestowitzI didn't know...Dec 05 16:05
-TechBytesBot/ | Bank of North Dakota - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaDec 05 16:05
schestowitz 05 16:06
-TechBytesBot/ #nsa doesn't need to "keep bulk records of telephone calls", the phone companies/carriers will (can be approached) 05 16:06
schestowitz"lol"Dec 05 16:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | At midnight, the NSA will no longer keep bulk records of telephone callsDec 05 16:06
schestowitz 05 16:06
-TechBytesBot/ Microsoft's Mouth actually says "GNU" impressedDec 05 16:06
schestowitz"They’re starting to look positively cuddly next to the merchants of ‘do no evil’ ;)"Dec 05 16:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Debian GNU/Linux now supported on Microsoft's Azure | ZDNetDec 05 16:06
schestowitzIt's Microsoft running a PR campaign against Google to paint Google as "Evil"Dec 05 16:07
schestowitz 05 16:07
-TechBytesBot/ #linkedin - like #twitter (increasingly) - tries to emulate the world's worst spying engine. 05 16:07
schestowitz"I have never seen an application so intrusive as LinkedIn’s one."Dec 05 16:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | LinkedIn's revised Android app emulates Facebook | ITworldDec 05 16:07
schestowitzEven your pageviews get broadcast to other usedsDec 05 16:07
schestowitz 05 16:18
-TechBytesBot/ #gop #propaganda Media React To San Bernardino Mass Shooting With Evidence-Free Solution Of More Concealed Guns #nraDec 05 16:18
schestowitz"Excellent idea! What about allowing gun sales on McDonald’s and KFC?'Dec 05 16:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Conservative Media React To San Bernardino Mass Shooting With Evidence-Free Solution Of More Concealed Guns | Research | Media Matters for AmericaDec 05 16:18
schestowitzSurplus on meal charges...Dec 05 16:18
schestowitz 05 16:18
-TechBytesBot/ How to Fix a Windows Infection Using Linux simplest: put it in the CD tray, install it to driveDec 05 16:18
schestowitz"My friend is fighting a case against this."Dec 05 16:18
schestowitzWhich country?Dec 05 16:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | How to Fix a Windows Infection Using Linux | PCWorldDec 05 16:18
schestowitz 05 16:18
-TechBytesBot/ Embrace, extend #debian for those stupid enough to believe #microsoft respects #privacy #independence & #autonomyDec 05 16:18
schestowitz"You have to see what companies do for money."Dec 05 16:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Microsoft brings Debian Linux to AzureDec 05 16:19
schestowitzThey'd even embrace "cancer"Dec 05 16:19
schestowitz 05 16:19
-TechBytesBot/ Due to the latest #ddos all visitors using "Windows" blocked. #microsoft #windows botnets attack my network.Dec 05 16:19
schestowitz"Based on user agent?"Dec 05 16:19
schestowitzYesDec 05 16:19
schestowitz 05 16:20
-TechBytesBot/ In terms of world domination, #linux already won the "war" because of #android (more so than other platforms, based on # of users)Dec 05 16:20
schestowitz"Desktop is where it counts. I use Android mainly for media consumption. When I develop, it’s on my laptop or desktop. Fortunately the Android SDK works great on Debian."Dec 05 16:20
schestowitz"Not to mention servers.Dec 05 16:20
schestowitz'Dec 05 16:20
schestowitzOut of sight, out of (public) mindDec 05 16:20
schestowitz 05 16:21
-TechBytesBot/ Itty bitty ARM module starts at $27 but can they compete with C.H.I.P. and Pi Zero? #linuxDec 05 16:21
schestowitz"C.H.I.P. seem to be more thought on BoM level, wrt to TCO"Dec 05 16:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Itty bitty ARM module starts at $27, runs Linux ·  LinuxGizmos.comDec 05 16:21
schestowitzThey're both bad. Microsoft does more to ACTIVELY sabotage FOSS.Dec 05 16:23
schestowitz 05 16:31
-TechBytesBot/ People who believed they'd have a stellar career at the #epo must quickly realise that it's not a job at Legoland but work for SatanDec 05 16:31
schestowitz"The one that gives you can also take it away from you, and that applies to almost any company, organization or group of people."Dec 05 16:31
schestowitz 05 16:36
-TechBytesBot/ Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between our foreign policy and our corporate oil objectives? One is a cover for another...?Dec 05 16:36
schestowitz"It’s a weird situation. I would be hard pressed to believe that they act any differently than the central bank minus the fact that they don’t have as much power. Centralization is always a problem."Dec 05 16:36
schestowitz 05 16:37
-TechBytesBot/ The #syriaVote is really more like, "we want to replenish stocks of bomb-making companies and need to make room by disposing of old ones"Dec 05 16:37
schestowitz"Dec 05 16:37
schestowitzThis reminds me.Dec 05 16:37
schestowitz 05 16:37
schestowitz"Dec 05 16:37
-TechBytesBot/ | Pentagon supplying Kiev military with ‘junk’ Humvees from 1st Gulf War era – report — RT NewsDec 05 16:37
schestowitz 05 16:37
-TechBytesBot/ The toxic combination of #kt5 and #systemd in #kubuntu clearly make these recent distro releases the worst I ever used. Since the 90s...Dec 05 16:37
schestowitz"s/kt5/qt5 ?'Dec 05 16:37
schestowitzI meant KF5Dec 05 16:37
schestowitz 05 16:38
-TechBytesBot/ When you stop maintaining or developing software because "there's no money in it" you're pulling an Oracle (OOo). Come on, #mozilla ...Dec 05 16:38
schestowitz"I really feel your frustration - worrying looking at financial problems in GNOME too, I’m wondering how long the standalone model in OS will survive - which is worrying as I like to have a local client and encrypt end-to-end."Dec 05 16:38
-TechBytesBot/ | Why There Will Never Be Another RedHat: The Economics Of Open Source | TechCrunchDec 05 16:38
schestowitzThe danger is that non-technical people will struggle even more to encryptDec 05 16:38
schestowitz 05 16:41
-TechBytesBot/ 'IP has benefits for EU citizens' only if #epo stops favouring large foreign corporations 05 16:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@IP_IdeasMatter: Ideas Matter's Allen Dixon at @EPOorg ‘IP Essentials’ event in Brussels: 'IP has myriad benefits for EU citizens' 05 16:41
schestowitz"Ideas are a dozen a dime, what matters is execution."Dec 05 16:41
schestowitzyesDec 05 16:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Leaked: EPO Prioritises Work for Large Foreign Corporations, Discrimination Not Accidental But Centrally Planned | TechrightsDec 05 16:41
schestowitz 05 16:42
schestowitz"It’s terrifying when people do not pay taxes. I mean peasants, not billionaires."Dec 05 16:42
schestowitzExactlyDec 05 16:42
-TechBytesBot/ IRS says it will get a warrant before using cell-site simulators Now #irs pretends that it's against terror...Dec 05 16:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | IRS says it will get a warrant before using cell-site simulators | Security | Computerworld UKDec 05 16:42
schestowitz 05 16:43
-TechBytesBot/ 05 16:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BillJ_McroApple: Another obvious ploy to bring down tech business organizations by denouncing their profits #followup #copyrightDec 05 16:43
schestowitz"Another obvious Apple fanboy."Dec 05 16:43
schestowitzA dime a dozen as you say...Dec 05 16:43
schestowitz 05 16:43
-TechBytesBot/ 05 16:43
schestowitz"This seems fair to me."Dec 05 16:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fakedansavage: The @NYDailyNews isn't fucking around: calls @NRA's Wayne LaPierre a terrorist, lumps him in with mass killers. 05 16:43
schestowitzRestoring meaning of wordsDec 05 16:44
schestowitz 05 16:44
-TechBytesBot/ Does #Ubuntu stand #vista10 and #OSuX ? on freedom? Hands down!Dec 05 16:44
schestowitz"I don’t understand the question."Dec 05 16:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Does Ubuntu stand Windows 10 and OSX? | Fabrizio BallianoDec 05 16:44
schestowitz 05 16:44
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: **Hannah Arendt** October 14, 1906 - December 4, 1975 #HannahArendtDec 05 16:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- Photo by 05 16:44
schestowitz"subtle analysis but true nevertheless, a common mistake"Dec 05 16:44
schestowitz 05 17:04
-TechBytesBot/ #ClamAV 0.99 Free AntiVirus Released for #GNU #Linux and #Microsoft Windows for Windows clients in networkDec 05 17:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | ClamAV 0.99 Free AntiVirus Released for GNU/Linux and Microsoft WindowsDec 05 17:04
schestowitz"Dec 05 17:04
schestowitz    an antivirus for linuxDec 05 17:04
schestowitzfor what purpose.Dec 05 17:04
schestowitz"Dec 05 17:04
schestowitz 05 17:04
-TechBytesBot/ Bulk Collection Under Section 215 Has Ended… What’s Next? private companies will covertly continues programmesDec 05 17:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Bulk Collection Under Section 215 Has Ended… What’s Next? | Just SecurityDec 05 17:04
schestowitz"Bulk Collection under Section 216?"Dec 05 17:04
schestowitzyes, basically..Dec 05 17:04
schestowitz> *Yes! I follow when the subject matter is not over my head*.Dec 05 17:58
schestowitzTry 05 17:58
-TechBytesBot/ | Gates Foundation Critique - TechrightsDec 05 17:58
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 05 18:25
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesDec 05 18:36
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Dec 05 18:36
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 05 18:36

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