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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: January 15th, 2017 – January 21st, 2017

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schestowitz 15 00:04
-TechrightsBN/ #microsoft #linux to run under #vista10 so as to give all the antifeatures (DRM, spying) 15 00:04
schestowitz"I don’t see how that will help them. Who in their right mind, would ditch any of the wonderful distributions of Gnu/Linux for Linux running on windows 10 which is a horrible abomination of an operating system?"Jan 15 00:04
schestowitzPeople whose employer demands itJan 15 00:04
schestowitz 15 00:05
-TechrightsBN/ I wish #trump was not becoming President Choices were poor And it led to a situation where a terrible candidate became electableJan 15 00:05
schestowitz"No, all choices were extremely poor, there are just more racist Americans voting in swing states than not."Jan 15 00:05
schestowitzNot just racists necessarily, but victims of the Trump cult of personalitiesJan 15 00:05
schestowitz 15 00:05
-TechrightsBN/ If #trump does not agree on #russia sanction, bad thing or not? 15 00:05
schestowitz"“becuz reasons”"Jan 15 00:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Trump NSA director arranges telephone talks between Trump and Vladimir Putin | Daily Mail OnlineJan 15 00:05
schestowitzYupJan 15 00:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 503 @ )Jan 15 00:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Trump Adviser Spoke With Russian Ambassador On Day Sanctions Announced - Mexico Star [ ]Jan 15 00:05
schestowitz 15 00:06
-TechrightsBN/ Over 5,500 Academics Arrested in #Turkey since Rule of Law Suspended Next up: #duterte land and Trumpistan?Jan 15 00:06
schestowitz"Jan 15 00:06
schestowitzThe media embraced 'anti-terrorism’Jan 15 00:06
schestowitzFirst they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out -Jan 15 00:06
schestowitzBecause I was not a Socialist. [Niemöller]Jan 15 00:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Over 5,500 Academics Arrested in Turkey since Rule of Law Suspended — Committee of Concerned Scientists [ ]Jan 15 00:06
schestowitzOh how they smirked when we said those lines…Jan 15 00:06
schestowitzSince Thatcher/Reagan one has seen a continuous destruction of basic principles of tolerance and consensus - the very fundamentals of anything that claims to be democratic.Jan 15 00:06
schestowitzForbidding opinions rather than discussing and arguing against them, reaching consensusJan 15 00:06
schestowitz"Jan 15 00:06
schestowitz"Jan 15 00:06
schestowitzTurkish democracy?Jan 15 00:06
schestowitzFirst you fake a coup and then you arrest everyone with a different opinion.Jan 15 00:06
schestowitz"Jan 15 00:06
schestowitz"Jan 15 00:06
schestowitzit’s the general trend everywhere.Jan 15 00:06
schestowitzExcept that it is not so ‘subtle’ in Turkey.Jan 15 00:06
schestowitzAbout time we started fighting back for basic principles such as free speech and habeas corpus.Jan 15 00:06
schestowitzThe best way to fight against something, is to fight for something - things basic and uncontroversial, which were taken away from us in the hysteria of anti-terrorism.Jan 15 00:06
schestowitz"Jan 15 00:06
schestowitzThailand also, sort of...Jan 15 00:07
schestowitz 15 00:07
-TechrightsBN/ Reported “backdoor” in #WhatsApp is in fact a feature #facebook 'feature' for "dumb fucks" Jan 15 00:07
schestowitz"I know you know it better please ask Facebook for a statement why they don’t implement better security. If we all do this, they will think about it. Otherwise we accept the 1984 reality 😱"Jan 15 00:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Reported “backdoor” in WhatsApp is in fact a feature, defenders say | Ars Technica [ ]Jan 15 00:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Facebook CEO Admits To Calling Users 'Dumb Fucks' [ ]Jan 15 00:07
schestowitz"Jan 15 00:08
schestowitz‘feature’ for “dumb fucks”Jan 15 00:08
schestowitzFucking lolJan 15 00:08
schestowitzThe solution is to stop using facebook. You can talk all you want, if you continue using facebook. Actions matter, not being upset on the internet.Jan 15 00:08
schestowitz'Jan 15 00:08
schestowitz"@Julia L no, they will not “think about it.” They don’t give a fuck about your or my opinion. We’re not their customers. The only answer is STOP USING FACEBOOK."Jan 15 00:08
schestowitztheir customers are advertisers and governments/spies, to whom privacy is an enemyJan 15 00:08
schestowitz 15 00:08
-TechrightsBN/ New framework uses #Kubernetes to deliver serverless app architecture #freeswlJan 15 00:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @ )Jan 15 00:08
schestowitz"Thx"Jan 15 00:08
schestowitz 15 00:10
-TechrightsBN/ 'Stun' or 'Flashbang' or whatever buzzword #police comes up w/ for 'lesser' lethal weapons (like Taser) doesn't change fact they're weaponsJan 15 00:10
schestowitz"Jan 15 00:10
schestowitzThey don’t care…Jan 15 00:10
schestowitzWith that they broke long ago the preamble to the german (post-nazi) constitution:Jan 15 00:10
schestowitzThe dignity of a person is unassailableJan 15 00:10
schestowitzWe are back in new-fascism, neo-feudalism - let academic tossers argue about the term - the outcome is the same - no respect for the dignity of ordinary people - especiallly the poor, weak, sick, old, immigrant etc. ‘usual suspects’Jan 15 00:10
schestowitz"Jan 15 00:10
schestowitzbecause they're not "job creators" and they cannot get police chiefs, who give orders, sackedJan 15 00:10
schestowitz 15 00:11
-TechrightsBN/ Does anyone think that #obama will pardon @snowden just days after reaffirming his total betrayal/hatred of every #privacy advocate?Jan 15 00:11
schestowitz"I will survey media to see how is media treatment of this case. By watching where media wants to go maybe there is something to say about the answer, will be doing it today, tonight."Jan 15 00:11
schestowitz"Not at all."Jan 15 00:11
schestowitz"Human Rights NGOs must be trying to gain people faith in human rights NGOs when they talk in behalf of manning and snowden, Wikileaks pulished NGOs’ words. In all this media war I think NGOs are using Snowden and Manning for their interest. NGOs uses real cases, selected cases, in order to seem transparent and “good”, like Ayotiznapa’s 43 missing persons in Mexico, Snowden, etc, but in reality it is a cover for their real Jan 15 00:11
schestowitzintentions. (Not wikileaks, only talking about NGOs)"Jan 15 00:11
schestowitz"Reading “The Observer” news, if Obama gives pardon it is to somehow clean the stain mentioned in the news."Jan 15 00:12
schestowitz"We need a chart, or a map, for the invisile war. In real war one see countries painted in a paper with figures of soldiers and tanks painted in some place and arrows saying the directon of the tanks, etc. We need something like that but a paper with all media corporations painted in it and actors that appears in the news (Trump, Obama, Clinton, etc) with arrows and lines connecting who attacks who and who defends who, and also in the map Jan 15 00:12
schestowitzshould be the multibillonaries behind the media like Soros, it should be a good map of the invisile war."Jan 15 00:12
schestowitz"I don’t think he will"Jan 15 00:12
schestowitz"Very interesting question. What I think is that everything is a theatre, including NGOs actors in the play"Jan 15 00:13
-TechrightsBN/ | Snowden Slams Obama After Expanding "Unchained NSA" Surveillance Powers For Donald Trump | Zero Hedge [ ]Jan 15 00:13
schestowitz 15 00:14
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: Just wait until elements in #israel regime jump to 'king's' defence and insist foreign calls for arrest are "helping Iran" and anti-SemitismJan 15 00:14
schestowitz"Religion is just a tool to control the masses and as I can see it works pretty well…"Jan 15 00:14
schestowitz"Torah according to the Framers serves as the Constitution of the Republic."Jan 15 00:14
schestowitz 15 00:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@FrancisJeffrey7: @schestowitz @wikileaks @rj_gallagher 15 00:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@FrancisJeffrey7: Demo of @Twitter double-dialectic: Almost blew a gasket! @jack @sacca @csoghoian @chrislhayes @JoshuaKushner… 15 00:23
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 15 01:19
schestowitz 15 01:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MikeCucchetti: @schestowitz @wikileaks Biden is a fool another one that should be tried for treasonJan 15 01:34
schestowitz 15 03:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@JaimeCalaveras: Cool news about cool open source tech. 15 03:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #Apache #Beam Graduates to Help Define Streaming Data Processing #freeswJan 15 03:23
schestowitz 15 07:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@UrPublicAdjustr: We need to find a solution! These Americans derserve assistance, either FIXING their water or MOVING them 15 07:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: @DrJillStein In MI they can't even wheel in water or fix the pipe for 3 years, water more importannt than Pres 15 07:43
schestowitz 15 07:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@1358531: Evidence mounts suggesting @TheDemocrats are prepared to make people as miserable as possible so they can crown an… 15 07:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@1358531: Evidence mounts suggesting @TheDemocrats are prepared to make people as miserable as possible so they can crown an… 15 07:43
schestowitz"Evidence mounts suggesting @TheDemocrats are prepared to make people as miserable as possible so they can crown an establishment bot in 2020"Jan 15 07:44
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> 15 07:55
-TechrightsBN/ | Moody's pays $864 million to U.S., states over pre-crisis ratingsJan 15 07:55
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> 15 07:55
schestowitz> -Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> 15 07:55
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:55
-TechrightsBN/ | Google Cloud Platform Blog: How we secure our infrastructure: a white paperJan 15 07:55
schestowitz> 15 07:55
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:55
-TechrightsBN/ | Google Infrastructure Security Design Overview  |  Google Infrastructure Security Design Overview  |  Google Cloud Platform [ ]Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> 15 07:55
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> 15 07:55
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:55
-TechrightsBN/ | A story of if_get(9) - GrenadilleJan 15 07:55
-TechrightsBN/ | Davos Poll: Will Digital Privacy Become a Luxury? [ ]Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> 15 07:55
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:55
-TechrightsBN/ | Dem boycotts of inauguration grow | TheHill [ ]Jan 15 07:55
-TechrightsBN/ | Human Rights Watch lists Trump as threat to human rights | TheHill [ ]Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> "The [fake] incident made national news in November when ..."Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> 15 07:55
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:55
-TechrightsBN/ | CMS: Police found no evidence teacher assaulted Muslim student | The Charlotte Observer [ ]Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> 15 07:55
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:55
-TechrightsBN/ | Polish couple 'forced to work for £4 a day' in Nelson - BBC News [ ]Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> "veils will make them respectful.”Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> 15 07:55
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> 15 07:55
-TechrightsBN/ | Kolkata’s Imam sparks row again: ‘Women should always be in veil’ - Bangalore Mirror [ ]Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:55
-TechrightsBN/ | Germany’s biggest Turkish Islamic network admits some imams spied for Ankara — RT News [ ]Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> 15 07:55
-TechrightsBN/ | Donald Trump accuses civil rights icon John Lewis of 'all talk and no results' | The Independent [ ]Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> 15 07:56
-TechrightsBN/ | If you don’t finish then you’re just busy, not productive | Jack Simpson [ ]Jan 15 07:56
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:56
schestowitz> 15 07:56
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:56
schestowitz> 15 07:56
-TechrightsBN/ | 'CVS: src' - MARC [ ]Jan 15 07:56
-TechrightsBN/ | James O'Keefe caught trying to bribe protesters to riot at Trump inauguration / Boing Boing [ ]Jan 15 07:56
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:56
schestowitz> 15 07:56
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:56
-TechrightsBN/ | It’s begun: Internet providers are pushing to repeal Obama-era privacy rules - The Washington Post [ ]Jan 15 07:56
schestowitz 15 08:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@DeplorableTNT: @schestowitz @Independent Lewis owwe Trump an apology..8 yes of Trump will be Fab!!!!!!👍👍👍👍💪💪💪💪💪💪🎶🎶🎶🎶🍸🍸🍸🍸🎂🎶🍾🍾🍾🍾🍻🍻🍻🍻cheersJan 15 08:16
schestowitz 15 08:42
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@sartoris1960: @schestowitz @wikileaks @rj_gallagher I want any &all released no matter party. For HONEST &moral govt. GWashington would love WIKILEAKS.Jan 15 08:42
schestowitz 15 08:42
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@d4v3nu11: @schestowitz @TIME There's no such thing as "digital privacy", it's called "privacy“ amd it's not different from "meat space privacy"!Jan 15 08:42
schestowitz 15 08:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@d4v3nu11: For even more spywares... buyt it's not really a problem since w-users have "nothing to hide", right? what could go… 15 08:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@d4v3nu11: For even more spywares... buyt it's not really a problem since w-users have "nothing to hide", right? what could go… 15 08:43
schestowitz 15 08:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@LwaziWali: + a measly ~$1.2bn for S&P?! #smh such a slap in the face vs the trillions gained. classic #NFA - only a matter of… 15 08:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@LwaziWali: + a measly ~$1.2bn for S&P?! #smh such a slap in the face vs the trillions gained. classic #NFA - only a matter of… 15 08:48
schestowitz 15 09:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@d4v3nu11: Well, they stole UNIX command names (curl, and wget among others) and use them as aliases for incompatible amd poor… 15 09:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@d4v3nu11: Well, they stole UNIX command names (curl, and wget among others) and use them as aliases for incompatible amd poor… 15 09:02
schestowitz"Well, they stole UNIX command names (curl, and wget among others) and use them as aliases for incompatible amd poor-featured tools, and they"Jan 15 09:02
schestowitz 15 09:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CamSchweinfickr: @schestowitz @ProPublica do very low wages in US enable otherwise unsustainable businesses that will never be able to provide a good living?Jan 15 09:02
schestowitz 15 11:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@krikmr: How Google secures its data centres, .... Thx: @kerouanton @schestowitz @JNitterauer 15 11:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | How Google secures its data centres, networks and applications, Richard KirkJan 15 11:08
schestowitz 15 11:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@rbanffy: @schestowitz peer review is a good thing. Maybe a web of trust can be tagged on top of a peer review mechanism for news.Jan 15 11:09
schestowitz 15 11:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@fflandro: @schestowitz I took an earned vacation day off from work to help escort President-Elect @realDonaldTrump into Power on January 20, 2017!Jan 15 11:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@fflandro: @schestowitz TedPage: The Case for Ubuntu Phone 15 11:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | TedPage: The Case for Ubuntu PhoneJan 15 11:10
schestowitzgood find, thanksJan 15 11:11
schestowitz 15 11:35
-TechrightsBN/ | Daemon foregrounding now no longer a proof of concept, also written in the rust meme : linuxJan 15 11:35
schestowitz"This really should not need to be said, but suggesting that people should be shot in the face is a super fucked up thing to do."Jan 15 11:35
schestowitzmatthew garrettJan 15 11:35
schestowitz 15 12:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@benafim: @schestowitz I know there are things the papers pretend do not existJan 15 12:10
schestowitz 15 12:30
schestowitzspamJan 15 12:30
-TechrightsBN/ | I'm teaching a new 100% online class about Linux Security at University of California San Diego! Can count for credit. Starts Jan 24! : linuxJan 15 12:30
schestowitz 15 12:35
-TechrightsBN/ | mgraesslin: The pity state of Linux desktop security - YouTube [ ]Jan 15 12:35
schestowitz 15 12:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@darkcola2: @schestowitz love blender. Dutch inventor too. I think lolJan 15 12:35
schestowitzyes, almost the whole development team is Dutch, AFAIKJan 15 12:36
schestowitz 15 12:40
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Symbo1ics: @schestowitz and #gnu #grep was no slouch eitherJan 15 12:40
schestowitz 15 17:41
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Morality124: @Integralmathyt So now we know where Trudeau got the talking point. @PwnySlaystation @schestowitz @CNNMoneyJan 15 17:41
schestowitz born rich, married a criminal who became EVEN richer, lectures us on poverty ^_^Jan 15 17:47
schestowitz 15 17:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Morality124: @Integralmathyt "So now, here's some vapid nonsense you should repeat at press conferences." @PwnySlaystation… 15 17:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Morality124: @Integralmathyt "So now, here's some vapid nonsense you should repeat at press conferences." @PwnySlaystation… 15 17:47
schestowitzthe 'face of poverty' is the world's richest woman. #fakenews #pressOfOccupation #Davos Jan 15 17:47
schestowitz 15 17:59
-TechrightsBN/ A look at darktable 2.2.0 15 18:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | A look at darktable 2.2.0 []Jan 15 18:00
schestowitz"darktable roxx"Jan 15 18:00
schestowitz 15 18:01
schestowitz"The pig Arab terrorist, why should Israel pay to put him behind bars? A bullet in the head of a pig, solves all the problems in this particular case. Stateless Arab Refugees have no rights."Jan 15 18:02
schestowitz"Jan 15 18:02
schestowitz@mosc, your a racist piece of shit, human rights arent a question of citizenship, tey are universalJan 15 18:02
schestowitz@Dr. Roy, elor azaria had been convicted for murder, right? by an israeli army court, right? he was convicted for a crime, itz a political question, will he get “pardon” or not, similar like chelsea manning or snowdenJan 15 18:02
schestowitz"Jan 15 18:02
schestowitz"@murdeRED, your a dumb ass simpleton. For over 2000 years Jews existed as Stateless Refugees and Jews had no rights."Jan 15 18:02
schestowitz"2 wrongs doesnt make it right and btw the so called “juden-emanzipation” after the enlightment gave jewish citizens citizen rights, tragically the antisemites in europe (like currently in the arabian countries) didnt accepted that and … we know the story"Jan 15 18:03
schestowitzA pardon would set a dangerous precedence and reinforce the perception of the troops being above the law and unaccountable in the state's view, hence free to execute people. Hardly helps pacify the  Israel Arabs, Palestinians etc. But sure, call them "Pigs" and see how far your peace can go, then say they indoctrinate >their< kids against Israel.Jan 15 18:05
schestowitz 15 18:06
-TechrightsBN/ #assange once called what he does "scientific journalism", wherein you use actual direct evidence with citation 15 18:06
schestowitz"In this day and age we must require evidence, and also evidence that the evidence is valid!"Jan 15 18:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@wikileaks: Assange: Die Ideologie der Information 15 18:06
schestowitz"The track record of the one making claims is also a factor."Jan 15 18:06
schestowitzAbsolutelyJan 15 18:06
schestowitz 15 18:06
-TechrightsBN/ Also, IMHO, cult of personalities. Many people out there blindly believe anything Trump (or Clinton) says 15 18:06
schestowitz"Pizzagate meets Golden Showers - smh"Jan 15 18:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@in24n6: @schestowitz @thenation Problem is that people have lost the ability to critically think & analyze. Refuse to question timing/convenience.Jan 15 18:06
schestowitz"One of my friends coined the term “peepeegate”! :-)"Jan 15 18:06
schestowitzI think that's already 'taken"Jan 15 18:07
schestowitz 15 18:08
-TechrightsBN/ I wish #trump was not becoming President Choices were poor And it led to a situation where a terrible candidate became electableJan 15 18:08
schestowitz"lol oh oh here comes the "racist word " the most over used word in the dictionary . cult personalities , surely you must be talking about the blood sucking Podesta /Clinton cult .OR MAYBE the cult of the Clinton cartel of pedophiles "lolita express " OR MAYBE the Arkansas Clinton /drug cartel . LOL any of those cults come to mind . this is getting hilarious . Racist ??? I cant stop laughing ."Jan 15 18:08
schestowitz"Yea, Trump’s behavior has legitimized racist behavior, among other things. Since your head is so far up your ass to see anything else, I’m not surprised all you can do is laugh. I’d laugh too if I saw you like that."Jan 15 18:08
schestowitz"LOL your kidding right LOL go ahead tell me some racist behavior , in the mean time better listen to this woman this black woman that has known him and his family for years OOOPPPPS I GUESS SHES A LIAR TOO . Lynne Patton “The Trump Family That I Know” - A Black Female Trump Executive Speaks LYNN PATTON SEEMS TO DISAGREE WITH YOU AND SHE KNOWS HIM YOU DONT ."Jan 15 18:08
-TechrightsBN/ | Lynne Patton "The Trump Family That I Know" - A Black Female Trump Executive Speaks - YouTube [ ]Jan 15 18:08
schestowitz"You’re hilarious. What will Fox News tell you to believe next?"Jan 15 18:08
schestowitzTrump does legitimise racist behaviour. It does not, however, mean that all Trump voters are racist.Jan 15 18:09
schestowitz 15 18:09
-TechrightsBN/ #microsoft #linux (or #SUSE as it's better known by) is helping Microsoft move #gnu Linux users to #malware10 15 18:09
schestowitz"Friends do not let friends move back to Microsoft."Jan 15 18:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Forget Ubuntu, now OpenSuse Linux comes to Windows 10 » TechWorm [ ]Jan 15 18:09
schestowitz"They only want your everything."Jan 15 18:09
schestowitz"There are fools who will be seduced by microsoft"Jan 15 18:09
schestowitzEsp. when Microsoft PAYS them to do this, for dramatic effect (Microsoft does this inside the FOSS community)Jan 15 18:09
schestowitz 15 18:10
-TechrightsBN/ I've long had the criticism of mainstream media that it never provides sources/citations for claims, not even in online versions of articlesJan 15 18:10
schestowitz"The Main Stream Media does not believe in the URL for commercial reasons. They do not want to take your eyes away from the publication (and ads) you are at."Jan 15 18:10
schestowitz"That’s funny because I don’t see any ads behind my vpn and ad block with PIA.'Jan 15 18:10
schestowitzYou've beaten The BeastJan 15 18:10
schestowitz 15 18:12
-TechrightsBN/ More reasons why #aosp and #lineageOS are needed after #microsoft effectively killed #cyanogen #android #googleJan 15 18:12
schestowitz"Jan 15 18:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Google will require OEMs to support Android's notification bundling and direct reply features [ ]Jan 15 18:12
schestowitzJan 15 18:12
schestowitzI don't see how this conflicts with #opensource (many people seem to assume it does). It's not a restriction to the #AOSP codebase and its license. This restriction applies if you (as an OEM) want to ship your Android-based software with the proprietary Google Services. These are neither part of AOSP, nor opensource.Jan 15 18:12
schestowitz"Jan 15 18:12
schestowitz 15 18:12
-TechrightsBN/ #MikePompeo "apocalyptic Islamophobic fanatic at the head of CIA ... advocate of #torture " 15 18:12
schestowitz"Armageddon, here we come!"Jan 15 18:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Meet Mike Pompeo, the Far-Right Christian Zealot Who Will Lead Trump's CIA | Alternet [ ]Jan 15 18:12
schestowitzThen Rapture for Good Christians(TM)Jan 15 18:12
schestowitz 15 18:13
-TechrightsBN/ #Kdenlive 16.12.1 released with Windows version #kde #gnu #linuxJan 15 18:13
schestowitz"@Will Hill: Windows version often means new contributors (developers, translators, online help). For example most of contributions to KDE Kleopatra come from the Windows project."Jan 15 18:13
schestowitzArdour begs to differ; they say it's more support issues/overhead and bug reports specific to Windows etc.Jan 15 18:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Kdenlive 16.12.1 released with Windows version | Kdenlive [ ]Jan 15 18:14
schestowitz 15 18:15
-TechrightsBN/ "I got censored by a group of Christians because I talked about race, and it is not okay." #censorship Jan 15 18:15
schestowitz"Regardless of the topic at hand, it is shameful that We Christians are doing such a despicable thing. We fought for so long, mainly protestants, for freedom of religion and of speech. We finally have what our spiritual fathers fought for so long, just to be censor by the same groups. Sadly, protestants are now borrowing a page from the Catholic crusades. When we don’t agree with your message not only we censor you, but ban you from the Jan 15 18:15
schestowitzplace so you won’t have a hearing. Instead of listening and then comparing the message to see if it is in accordance with what the Bible says. It is really sad, and what scares me is the fact that it seems this is going to get worse."Jan 15 18:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Christian Censorship: I Talked About Race And Was Silenced [ ]Jan 15 18:15
schestowitzOther religions are even worse in that regardJan 15 18:15
schestowitz 15 18:17
-TechrightsBN/ Thirteen Dems Join GOP to Kill #Sanders Resolution on Canadian Drug Imports haha. "Democrats" (TM)Jan 15 18:17
schestowitz"Anarchy in the DemoRATIC party. Yea."Jan 15 18:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Thirteen Dems Join GOP to Kill Sanders Resolution on Canadian Drug Imports » THE DISTRICT SENTINEL news co-op [ ]Jan 15 18:17
schestowitz"So many politicians owned by big money interests; it appears revolution is inevitable.'Jan 15 18:18
schestowitzWhy? And when? A billionaire oligarch with his white old cabinet (not furniture) would be even worse, more self-serving.Jan 15 18:18
schestowitz 15 18:19
-TechrightsBN/ "territories of Alta California and New Mexico to the U.S. in exchange for $18 million." not many people know.Jan 15 18:19
schestowitz"Jan 15 18:19
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | United States involvement in regime change - Wikipedia [ ]Jan 15 18:19
schestowitzgood to see that documented.Jan 15 18:19
schestowitzIt’ll be interesting to see how long it will remain uncensored (moderated).Jan 15 18:19
schestowitz"Jan 15 18:19
schestowitz 15 18:19
schestowitz"A Sad Excuse for an Empire : IN OUR IMAGE : America’s Empire in the Philippines by Stanley Karnow - latimes"Jan 15 18:19
-TechrightsBN/ | A Sad Excuse for an Empire : IN OUR IMAGE : America's Empire in the Philippines by Stanley Karnow (Random House: $24.95; 494 pp., illustrated; 0-394-54975-9) - latimes [ ]Jan 15 18:19
schestowitzI was thinking of the Philippines too. People 'sold' from one empire to another like commodity.Jan 15 18:20
schestowitz 15 18:20
-TechrightsBN/ #unix #posix #gnu etc. are essential for one's productivity. Also multiple screens. My best friend and I both use 4 screens for work.Jan 15 18:20
schestowitz"/me favours single screen and tiling"Jan 15 18:20
schestowitz"Why only a single screen?"Jan 15 18:20
schestowitzyeah, limiting in the field of view senseJan 15 18:21
schestowitz"Jan 15 20:20
schestowitzxxxxxx is only suggesting "caution" but no guts and no real attitude as it should be needed by a xxx in this case, so I won't mind: things need to be escalated and published. But it is of paramount inportance to get a level of attention and resonance as it has not been reached so far.Jan 15 20:20
schestowitzSome minor point: there are some mistakes in the way I wrote the parts that you quote taht need review/correction, lest it lead straight to a non mother language. It's a minor thing, but it might help if we get that straight too.Jan 15 20:20
schestowitzI have some troubled internet connection where I am at the moment so please considet this as I might delay my answers... Stay tuned and let's break the neck of this xxxxx straight away !Jan 15 20:20
schestowitz"Jan 15 20:20
schestowitz"Jan 15 20:22
schestowitzIt's fine, I just thought you might need contacts with them. Actually keeping them at a certain distance gives you a better stance, as it makes your output less prone to criticism of bias whatsoever. xxxx is also not a focused structure: it has always been torn apart from its inner nature of internal xxxx, people in it first and outmost care for their position in EPO. Same attitude that in present times translates into fear for themselves.Jan 15 20:22
schestowitz It hampered heavily both union and staff representation functions. I always had an open voice against this and I was never really welcome. Time will tell who was on the right, soon I hope.Jan 15 20:22
schestowitzI checked your two tweets and the links. I guess lipstick on a warthog says it all. Even worse: in this case it's not even on the mouth...Jan 15 20:22
schestowitzI hope I get some feedback from the contacts I am probing at present, then I'll let you know.Jan 15 20:22
schestowitz"Jan 15 20:22
schestowitz"Jan 15 20:40
schestowitzBefore I indulge in phylosphy, I let you digest these words and thinkJan 15 20:40
schestowitzabout how we might proceed to share more.Jan 15 20:40
schestowitzI renew my condoliances to you and family for your loss, still I wish ifJan 15 20:40
schestowitzpossible a somehow good sunday afternoon.Jan 15 20:40
schestowitz'Jan 15 20:40
schestowitz 15 20:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@zoobab: @schestowitz plus lots of their boxes runs GPL code without publishing sources.Jan 15 20:51
schestowitz 15 21:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@HelloAndrew: @billmuss @schestowitz @wikileaks will you ever question the government of Donald The Wikileaks President Trump?Jan 15 21:16
schestowitz 16 00:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@coryxoxo: @schestowitz Obama has always been a two-faced liar. @wikileaksJan 16 00:04
<--hl has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 16 00:06
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<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 16 01:05
schestowitz> 16 08:08
-TechrightsBN/ | When It Comes to Police Surveillance, Local Politics Matter | Motherboard [ ]Jan 16 08:08
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:08
schestowitz> 16 08:08
-TechrightsBN/ | In Final Speech, FCC Chief Tom Wheeler Warns GOP Not to Kill Net Neutrality | Motherboard [ ]Jan 16 08:08
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:08
schestowitz> 16 08:08
-TechrightsBN/ | Advice Goddess Blog [ ]Jan 16 08:08
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:08
schestowitz> 16 08:08
schestowitz> right.  They still haven't made good on their role in causing Iraq War 2Jan 16 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ | Media beware, your credibility is all you have: Column [ ]Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> "Patricia, a Polish schoolgirl, was falsely accused of pulling off aJan 16 08:09
schestowitz> Muslim woman's headscarf."Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> 16 08:09
schestowitz> "gang"Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ | Muslim migrant gang of youths part of regular Sharia Patrol violence in Vienna | World | News | Daily Express [ ]Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> 16 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ | Pastor vandalized for fourth time after anti-mosque remarks | News 12 New Jersey [ ]Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> 16 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ | Saudi Arabia cleric warns of ‘depravity’ of cinema, concerts | The Indian Express [ ]Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> -Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> 16 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ | Saudi Arabia religious chief says legalising cinemas risks 'mixing of sexes' and 'rotten' influence | The Independent [ ]Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> "Water sources at Camp Lejeune were contaminated from 1953-1987 withJan 16 08:09
schestowitz> industrial solvents"Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> 16 08:09
schestowitz> major baseJan 16 08:09
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ | Veterans' Corner: Contaminated water at Camp Lejeune - Salisbury Post | Salisbury Post [ ]Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> 16 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ | Microsoft slates end to security bulletins in February | Computerworld [ ]Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> further obscuringJan 16 08:09
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> 16 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ | A Republican Privatization of Social Security Is a Real Possibility -- The Motley Fool [ ]Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> 16 08:09
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ | Apple, please help to save private e-mail encryption | HAX [ ]Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> 16 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ | Why copyright is fundamentally incompatible with civil liberties like privacy [ ]Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> 16 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ | REPORT: Amazon acquires AI startup for $20 million - Business Insider [ ]Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> 16 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ | World’s eight richest men own as much as poorest 50% | The Independent [ ]Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> older:Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> 16 08:09
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ | Stealing passwords from McDonald's users - Tijme Gommers [ ]Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> 16 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ | The Coming Crusade Against Public Education | The Nation [ ]Jan 16 08:09
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 16 14:03
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellJan 16 14:04
---ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzJan 16 14:04
schestowitz 16 21:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@5starrHell: @schestowitz @wikileaks can you please write that many times as some don't understand the true message here it about all "future Chealseas"Jan 16 21:03
schestowitzRather than repeat, let's rephrase and expand. Right now the message 'Democrats' send out is: expose war crimes, spend LIFE in prison.Jan 16 21:04
schestowitz 16 21:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@WggjJay: @schestowitz @5starrHell Any blood caused by Gitmo Criminals Obama released is on his hands. He has all the leakers he needs already.Jan 16 21:50
schestowitz 16 22:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MLB37167: @CNN @ABC @NBC @CBS @MSNBC The Public quit watching y'all when you failed to focus on the main issues. 16 22:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: So much of the corporate media is STILL busy speaking ABOUT the #podestaemails (where it came from etc. - speculation!), not what’s in themJan 16 22:04
schestowitz 16 22:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CorruptionMore: @schestowitz @wikileaks @Thomas_Drake1 @JesselynRadack @POTUS @xychelsea 16 22:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CorruptionMore: @schestowitz @wikileaks @Thomas_Drake1 @JesselynRadack @POTUS @xychelsea 16 22:07
schestowitzBipartisan tactic 16 22:07
-TechrightsBN/ | Democrats’ Tactic of Accusing Critics of Kremlin Allegiance Has Long, Ugly History in U.S.Jan 16 22:08
schestowitz 16 22:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@zoobab: @schestowitz if the pound went up, brexit would have been positive? A bit simplistic approach.Jan 16 22:08
schestowitzThis shows the impact on ordinary people. FTSE = rich people.Jan 16 22:08
schestowitz 16 22:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CorruptionMore: @schestowitz @wikileaks @Thomas_Drake1 @JesselynRadack @POTUS @xychelsea @the_intercept throwing stones to hide their hands...Jan 16 22:10
schestowitz 16 22:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@paulhindes: @schestowitz @NakedSecurity Doesn't this just mean there'll be no more "parallel construction"? Does that weaken defense challenges?Jan 16 22:11
schestowitzexact opposite. Makes it easier.Jan 16 22:11
schestowitz 16 22:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AlertFiend: @WggjJay @schestowitz @5starrHell Even though it was everybody else demanding the closure of Gitmo?Jan 16 22:16
schestowitz 16 22:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Whoo_Gravy: @Thomas_Drake1 @schestowitz Wouldn't be the first time.Jan 16 22:16
schestowitz 16 22:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Soozieceu: @MarkSZaidEsq u missed th point.It takes some1 like Manning 2 expose warCrimes 2 expose Trumps warCrimes @schestowitz @wikileaks @NatSecGeekJan 16 22:28
schestowitz 16 22:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@wendycockcroft: @schestowitz A libertarian friend suggested Medicaid for all as the better way to go.Jan 16 22:29
schestowitz 16 22:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@scottgal: @schestowitz *was Windows has grown up a whole lot in the past few years. Now embedded control systems are the weak system.Jan 16 22:29
schestowitz 16 22:32
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PartyPlayusa: @schestowitz do you take high and low tables? Seriously your like on a merry-go-round going to fast and can't say anything straight!.. sadJan 16 22:32
schestowitz 16 22:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@scottgal: @schestowitz so in the domestic setting, things like IoT devices, cameras, routers etc...are easier to use to gain entry to a network.Jan 16 22:33
schestowitz 16 22:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@scottgal: @schestowitz then you can address networked control systems - which may be running on old Windows versions and other poorly secured OSsJan 16 22:33
schestowitz 16 22:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Efffrc: @GreenPartyUS @schestowitz 16 22:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Efffrc: @GreenPartyUS @schestowitz 16 22:38
schestowitz 16 22:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@paulhindes: @schestowitz ? Easier for prosecution & now impossible for defense to raise suspicion of source, right? @NakedSecurityJan 16 22:46
schestowitzEasier to construct cases in parallel to hide source of dataJan 16 22:46
schestowitz 17 00:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SwaderPolly: #MLK 17 00:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: King for a day 17 00:25
schestowitz 17 00:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@1358531: @schestowitz MIddle management never listens.Jan 17 00:36
schestowitz 17 07:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Aframerica: What? @schestowitz @wikileaksJan 17 07:07
schestowitz 17 07:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@OdinOfAsgard078: @schestowitz @DrJillStein 17 07:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@OdinOfAsgard078: @schestowitz @DrJillStein 17 07:07
schestowitz 17 07:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@cjackson65: @Soozieceu @MarkSZaidEsq @schestowitz @wikileaks @NatSecGeek He has war Crimes? I missed this.Jan 17 07:08
schestowitz 17 07:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@mmu_man: @schestowitz @ReproBuilds @videolan will like that ;-)Jan 17 07:08
schestowitz 17 07:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@paulhindes: @schestowitz Right, but doesn’t this bill negate the need to hide NSA as the source? @NakedSecurityJan 17 07:08
schestowitz 17 07:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SamC130: @wikileaks @schestowitz Why would the NSA need Sweden to pass things to them?Jan 17 07:09
schestowitz 17 08:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@00fill: @schestowitz @glynmoody This is going to become a war.He does not sit in the chair for long.They will insert the impeachmentJan 17 08:44
<--MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Jan 17 14:04
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schestowitz 17 15:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ChuckRoss33: @schestowitz @MMFlint I'm not seeing what's gained in Moore's actions other than attention. Flint needs him 4 more than articles-documentaryJan 17 15:27
schestowitz 17 15:27
schestowitzTheresa May as PM is as elected as the QueenJan 17 15:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jake_trotman: @schestowitz @MollyMEP @TheGreenParty how is she unelected ? LolJan 17 15:28
schestowitz 17 15:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@systemdsucks: Send them my way! 😍😜 17 15:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: More and more sysadmins that I know complain about #systemd Change for the sake of change is an understatement It harms portability/UNIX wayJan 17 15:28
schestowitz 17 15:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pottyman2: @schestowitz @CarolineLucas @TheGreenParty People with those skills will still be able to come hereJan 17 15:29
schestowitz 17 15:32
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jake_trotman: @schestowitz @MollyMEP @TheGreenParty .. Gets to form a government. The leader of the party then becomes prime minister. Educate yourselfJan 17 15:32
schestowitz 17 15:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jake_trotman: @schestowitz @MollyMEP @TheGreenParty this parliamentary democracy if you don't like it move.Jan 17 15:33
schestowitz 17 15:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jake_trotman: @schestowitz @MollyMEP @TheGreenParty we don't elect a prime minister. We vote for our local MP's the party that wins a majority of seats..Jan 17 15:34
schestowitz 17 15:43
schestowitz 17 15:43
schestowitz 17 15:43
schestowitz 17 15:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jake_trotman: @schestowitz @MollyMEP @TheGreenParty the Queen is constitutional monarch. Fulfilling her constitutional duties as head of state and C in CJan 17 15:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jake_trotman: @schestowitz @MollyMEP @TheGreenParty the wearer/bearer of the crown , which in itself is an institution. The crown holds in trust...Jan 17 15:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jake_trotman: @schestowitz @MollyMEP @TheGreenParty a 7th of the worlds land and all justice comes from it. You get prosecuted by the Crown prosecutors.Jan 17 15:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ZkotosKoritsi: @schestowitz @CarolineLucas U r cruising 4 a bruising but go ahead Find out what real Scotland wants outside Edinburgh & Glasgow #Brexit :)Jan 17 15:43
schestowitzhttp://example.orgJan 17 15:43
schestowitzodd..Jan 17 15:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: @TheGreenParty SImply throwing away almost 50% of voters rather than seeking some assessment of impact after false marketing by LeaveJan 17 15:43
-TechrightsBN/ | Example DomainJan 17 15:43
schestowitzweird lagJan 17 15:45
schestowitz 17 18:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @schestowitz @wikileaks try to manufacture in the US and ask retailers to carry your product against slave made chinese goods.Jan 17 18:51
schestowitz 17 18:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BecksWalt: @schestowitz @Margsbelle1958 @wikileaks @lessig Hillary made sure they weren't going to win! Crooked woman!Jan 17 18:56
schestowitz 17 19:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Globayashi: @Margsbelle1958 My message was to @schestowitz Perhaps you should learn how to read twitter. @SalonJan 17 19:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Globayashi: @Margsbelle1958 Also, 'shitlibbing' is a liberal behavior, hence the 'lib' part of the word. Regards. @schestowitz @SalonJan 17 19:33
schestowitz 17 19:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@argumento_: @schestowitz "Making GNU linux look like malware", luled.Jan 17 19:44
schestowitz 17 19:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TrevorStyler: @schestowitz Call to Action #TeeChip #Scam #Ripoff #Stealing 17 19:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Petition · Facebook: Ban from having a Facebook page · Change.orgJan 17 19:49
schestowitz 17 19:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Margsbelle1958: @Globayashi @schestowitz @Salon Ooops lol sorry bout thatJan 17 19:55
schestowitz 17 19:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Margsbelle1958: @BecksWalt @schestowitz @wikileaks @lessig I think she believed she deserved it and would manipulate anything and everything to get itJan 17 19:55
schestowitz 17 19:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Margsbelle1958: @HarrytheHat714 @schestowitz @wikileaks So so trueJan 17 19:55
schestowitz 17 19:57
-TechrightsBN/ | TIL the package "sl" will make you laugh when you accidentally mistype "ls". : linuxJan 17 19:57
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 18 01:00
schestowitz 18 01:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ianrobo1: @glynmoody @schestowitz er I am on the site thinking the stuff is repulsive !Jan 18 01:06
schestowitz 18 01:07
schestowitz 18 01:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@glynmoody: @ianrobo1 @schestowitz ah, well, nobody's perfect. except nigel farage, of course...Jan 18 01:07
MinceRlolJan 18 01:07
schestowitz 18 01:07
schestowitz 18 01:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Duupert: @schestowitz @ggreenwald @Thomas_Drake1 Uuuh, congratulations and thank you @ggreenwald ??!! Seriously, hats off.Jan 18 01:07
schestowitz 18 01:08
schestowitz 18 01:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ianrobo1: @glynmoody @schestowitz he prob baths in the stuffJan 18 01:08
schestowitz 18 01:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@EdFig81: @Margsbelle1958 @schestowitz @Salon yeah but the more they say fake news and r wrong the more embrace the real news. It's a great thing imoJan 18 01:08
schestowitz 18 01:08
schestowitz 18 01:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@EdFig81: @Margsbelle1958 @schestowitz @Salon this is why many want @realDonaldTrump banned from Twitter because he can counter all the bs withoutJan 18 01:09
schestowitz 18 01:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@EdFig81: @Margsbelle1958 @schestowitz @Salon caling a press conference and bending to the main stream media. I really love da trump right now!!!Jan 18 01:09
schestowitz 18 01:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Adriennekitties: @schestowitz @Snowden Possibly but amen, what sweet relief! Chelsea will be freed. I hope for a peaceful transition back to civilian life.Jan 18 01:09
schestowitz 18 01:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@KissThePaw: @MarcRyan2001 @schestowitz @wikileaks But I don't think #Assange was bluffing. If a deal was signed, he will honor his end.Jan 18 01:09
schestowitz 18 01:10
schestowitz 18 01:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@lordy1995: @scottybabey @schestowitz you don't care about the law. You care that someone leaked information detrimental to the look of our military.Jan 18 01:11
schestowitz 18 01:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MarcRyan2001: @KissThePaw @schestowitz @wikileaks I honestly don't think he was bluffing but I could see Obama doing that thinking that he was bluffingJan 18 01:11
schestowitz 18 01:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@lordy1995: @scottybabey @schestowitz "our secrets" yeah secrets that should not be kept from the American people. I want to know that my tax dollarsJan 18 01:12
schestowitz 18 01:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@lordy1995: @scottybabey @schestowitz are being used effectively and she with her leaked info just made that picture perfectly clear.Jan 18 01:12
schestowitz 18 01:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jjarrard1979: @schestowitz @wikileaks that's what he told ObamAJan 18 01:12
schestowitz 18 01:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@michaelwild2198: @schestowitz @Snowden war on journalists?!?!? Just wait 3 days, you've seen nothing yet. Book burnings coming tooJan 18 01:13
schestowitzYes, even easier now, with the law passed by Obama a week ago (NSA data sharing)Jan 18 01:14
schestowitz 18 01:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CasaChichi: @FredoSossa @schestowitz @wikileaks Indeed. No matter the agenda, I am thankful for this action #chelseamanning #clemencyJan 18 01:14
schestowitz 18 01:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BaynesMelanie: Probably correct but personally I don't care WHY Obama did it, just very happy he has! 18 01:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: @Snowden He did this also for PR points, to distract from his legacy of war on journalists and sourcesJan 18 01:15
schestowitz 18 01:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@lxdgn: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce Excellent "win" #3 - installing Exxon+Gazprom oligarchy and ruining climate on Earth forever,shame on you,selloutsJan 18 01:15
schestowitz 18 01:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks China's strength is not in military, it is in economics. Taiwan integration to China is inevitable.Jan 18 01:15
schestowitz 18 01:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Who who elect determines sending Americans to die over Chinese oil. Trump seems to like the idea.Jan 18 01:15
schestowitz 18 01:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks He also doesn't seem to mind a nuclear war... might as well be the "Antichrist."Jan 18 01:15
schestowitz 18 01:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks #communist #China economic strength only due to slave labor and non-existent environmental laws.Jan 18 01:16
schestowitz 18 01:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks No need to manufacture in #communist #china on a fair playing field.Jan 18 01:16
schestowitz 18 01:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks There is truth is your statement that they enjoy a more lucrative form of slave labor than the U.S.Jan 18 01:16
schestowitz 18 01:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks USA needs to adhere to ideals and protect democracy and liberty in the world. #defend #taiwanJan 18 01:16
schestowitz 18 01:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks But to pretend $8 an hour isn't slave labor is willful ignorance.Jan 18 01:16
schestowitz 18 01:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Chinese power, just like all real power in the world, lies in the power of capital and owned debt.Jan 18 01:17
schestowitz 18 01:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks ##taiwan integration with #communist #china only under tyrannical military threat.Jan 18 01:17
schestowitz 18 01:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks #taiwan will choose independence first, and integration only through Chinese threat and force.Jan 18 01:17
schestowitz 18 01:17
schestowitz 18 01:18
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Trump going to liberate US oil so we use less from OPEC. I'll fight and die to push back chinaJan 18 01:18
schestowitz 18 01:18
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Actually, it is #communist #china that repeatedly threatens nukes, especially over #taiwan.Jan 18 01:18
schestowitz 18 01:18
schestowitz 18 01:19
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@journeyheart: @schestowitz @wikileaks It's interesting this is the administration that prosecuted more journalists then all other administration combinedJan 18 01:19
schestowitz 18 01:19
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks USA doesn't need to use nukes. many non nuclear options 18 01:19
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Massive Ordnance Penetrator - WikipediaJan 18 01:19
schestowitz 18 01:20
schestowitz 18 01:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks research how often #communist #china threatens the use of nukes. We must deal with that.Jan 18 01:20
schestowitz 18 01:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Margsbelle1958: @schestowitz @MadeleineLove @wikileaks Of course it's going to be interesting to watch. Did you see his statement? Looks like he is comingJan 18 01:20
schestowitz 18 01:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks No. Follow the money. The history of the world is written in economics.Jan 18 01:20
schestowitz 18 01:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks that's why it's called "minimum" wage. No comparison between poor in US and real slavery in ChinaJan 18 01:20
schestowitz 18 01:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks We already have no dependence on OPEC. We own OPEC. When we isolated Iran & took Iraq, it was over.Jan 18 01:21
schestowitz 18 01:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Minimum wage jobs were never meant to be careers for adults. result of outsourcing to slave laborJan 18 01:21
schestowitz 18 01:21
schestowitz 18 01:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@dr_rita39: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce Gloating away lol.Jan 18 01:21
schestowitz 18 01:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks History isn't one sided unless you intent to ignore it. 18 01:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | How many times did the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. threaten to nuke China? - QuoraJan 18 01:21
schestowitz 18 01:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks you take your free speech and liberty for granted. Chinese power held by regime. USA held by peopleJan 18 01:22
schestowitzFew people who are super richJan 18 01:22
schestowitz 18 01:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks #taiwan is a model of democracy. baby america. deserving of our protection from #communist #chinaJan 18 01:23
schestowitz 18 01:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Trump's Win is proof our republic and democratic process can prevail over money.Jan 18 01:23
schestowitzFunny. Oligarch con man as President shows that?Jan 18 01:23
schestowitz 18 01:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Cold war rhetoric after fall of Germany. fight for democracy vs communism in the world. later wonJan 18 01:26
schestowitz 18 01:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Pray tell, what is the difference? 18 01:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Pray tell, what is the difference? 18 01:27
schestowitz 18 01:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Did US or Russia nuke one another!? exactly! USA defeated USSR. time to fight and defeat China.Jan 18 01:27
schestowitz 18 01:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks If you think power in the USA is held by the people, you are sorely mistaken.Jan 18 01:27
schestowitz 18 01:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks not accurate. most oil still from foreign sources. we need to change that until solar and windJan 18 01:28
MinceRand then the USSR rose from the dead and took over the USAJan 18 01:28
MinceRyay, victoryJan 18 01:28
schestowitzI was gonna say the sameJan 18 01:28
schestowitzBut he's an idiot, I don't feed himJan 18 01:29
schestowitzlike it's a gameJan 18 01:29
schestowitz"wimming'Jan 18 01:29
schestowitzTrump and CheenJan 18 01:29
schestowitzSheenJan 18 01:29
schestowitz 18 01:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks It's inevitable USA will have standoff with #communist #china. better now before military build-up.Jan 18 01:29
schestowitzidiotJan 18 01:30
schestowitzLike it'a a sportJan 18 01:30
schestowitzor a boardgameJan 18 01:30
MinceRbi-winningJan 18 01:30
schestowitz 18 01:30
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Pray tell again who holds the power in the US. 18 01:30
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Pray tell again who holds the power in the US. 18 01:30
schestowitz 18 01:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks No, it's proof that Russian oligarchs can put money in the game too and win the same way the restdoJan 18 01:31
schestowitz 18 01:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks By buying media to program your mind, investing in like-minded businessmen in the US, and hackingJan 18 01:31
schestowitz 18 01:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Trump is proof power is still held by the people. Our system works. prevents tyranny from majority.Jan 18 01:34
schestowitz 18 01:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @schestowitz @PatrickJFerree @wikileaks few people who do super things!Jan 18 01:35
schestowitz 18 01:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Fight for democracy vs. communism had nothing to do with ideology and everything to do with whoJan 18 01:35
schestowitz 18 01:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks controls the money.Jan 18 01:35
schestowitz 18 01:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks And how did USA defeat U.S.S.R.? The same way Putin is defeating the U.S.Jan 18 01:36
schestowitz 18 01:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @schestowitz @TwoKidsIsEnough @wikileaks 8 people control 50% of the world's wealth and people think they are free.Jan 18 01:36
schestowitzNo correctJan 18 01:37
schestowitzwealth of the bottom 50%Jan 18 01:37
schestowitz 18 01:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @schestowitz @PatrickJFerree @wikileaks career politicians are the con artists. Trump puppet to no one. First POTUS not a lawyer or cronyJan 18 01:39
schestowitz 18 01:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks We own most of those sources. We just lost Syria, Turkey. Follow the money, stop relying on News.Jan 18 01:39
schestowitz 18 01:40
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks No, Trump is the proof that our system doesn't work. Over a billion dollars poured into Trump fromJan 18 01:40
schestowitz 18 01:40
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Russia. His business partner just set up a new $500 million dollar deal in Dubai.. get real.Jan 18 01:40
schestowitz 18 01:41
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Like send troops to fight for their money.Jan 18 01:41
schestowitz 18 01:41
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Career politicians are the puppets. Not by nature, but out of the means by which politics works.Jan 18 01:41
schestowitz 18 01:41
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Trump University was the definition of a con, but yet Trumptards dismiss it at business.Jan 18 01:41
schestowitz 18 01:41
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks That's cult mentality.Jan 18 01:41
schestowitz Jan 18 01:42
schestowitz 18 01:42
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks That's not how a government of the people for the people is supposed to work.Jan 18 01:42
schestowitz 18 01:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks The will of the people is just giving money to someone you like instead of someone you don't like.Jan 18 01:43
schestowitz 18 01:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @schestowitz @PatrickJFerree @wikileaks sensible immigration important, yes!? 18 01:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs - - YouTubeJan 18 01:44
schestowitz 18 01:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @schestowitz @PatrickJFerree @wikileaks world threats necessitate need to rebuild US military. Military best jobs program for unemployableJan 18 01:44
schestowitz 18 01:44
schestowitz 18 01:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Yes. I follow his work. He's right. Trump will do the opposite.Jan 18 01:44
schestowitz 18 01:45
schestowitz 18 01:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks He wants to build a wall to keep out "the rapists" from Mexico, while "selecting" immigrants.Jan 18 01:45
schestowitz 18 01:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks He IS the establishment. Look up the Carlyle group and see Karl Rove and Dick Cheney's hands.Jan 18 01:45
schestowitz 18 01:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks that's about oil. oil supply is matter of national security, therefore military base near oil fieldsJan 18 01:45
schestowitz 18 01:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Look up Genie energy who wants to exploit Golan Heights, hence why Israel wants to keep it.Jan 18 01:46
schestowitz 18 01:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Trump won because Americans were forgotten by globalists past three decades.Jan 18 01:46
schestowitz 18 01:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks No,Trump won because 20 million people watch Fox Propaganda Network.Jan 18 01:46
schestowitz 18 01:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks And instead of stopping the flow of Russian money, they put a band aid on it and all it did wasJan 18 01:47
schestowitz 18 01:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks cause Putin to throw more money behind Trump and his 'advisors'.Jan 18 01:47
schestowitz 18 01:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks #hypocrisy. hacking is what intelligence agencies do. governments hack each other just how it isJan 18 01:47
schestowitz 18 01:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@1358531: @WLTaskForce @WikiLeaks I hope that this will be considered carefully. @schestowitz 18 01:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jaraparilla: @wikileaks @theMTchair White House said #Assange's offer was ignored. He is under no compulsion to surrender now. 18 01:47
schestowitz 18 01:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks balance of power in the world was mostly ideology. always a mix of other interests tooJan 18 01:48
schestowitz 18 01:48
schestowitz 18 01:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks You ignore the factionalism that has existed in intelligence agencies and why they exist.Jan 18 01:48
schestowitz 18 01:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks No, the fight for democracy over communism was real. USA won! world mostly democratic.Jan 18 01:48
schestowitz 18 01:49
schestowitz 18 01:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks The balance of power, still, does not lie in the people. It is merely a modern game of thrones.Jan 18 01:49
schestowitz 18 01:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks But the kings and queens are a mix of billionaires and government officials.Jan 18 01:49
schestowitz 18 01:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Communism doesn't work as well as democracy to build wealth for a country. USA brain suck of worldJan 18 01:49
schestowitz 18 01:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks And how did it accomplish that? Did it take over Russia? Did it stop the communists in China orJan 18 01:49
schestowitz 18 01:49
schestowitz 18 01:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks North korea?Jan 18 01:50
schestowitz 18 01:50
schestowitz 18 01:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks No, it didn't. And guess what, communism and socialism are only dangers because they were weakJan 18 01:50
schestowitz 18 01:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Hence why the Nazis used it as a false flag to take over Germany.Jan 18 01:50
schestowitz 18 01:50
schestowitz 18 01:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks And Mussolini in Italy.Jan 18 01:50
schestowitz 18 01:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Because it doesn't aggregate wealth into capital. Banks and hedge funds aggregate wealth into cap.Jan 18 01:51
schestowitz 18 01:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Delta33_1976: @michaelwild2198 @schestowitz @Snowden That's just B Shit. Trump doesn't kiss the ass of media so he's branded a Joke Trump = ProsperityJan 18 01:51
schestowitz 18 01:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Obama admin responsible for current military issues. Trump will fix that. money plays it's partJan 18 01:51
schestowitz 18 01:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks In a way yes, but only because Obama and Biden were not willing to play the game.Jan 18 01:51
schestowitz 18 01:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks False news right there. Trump spend far less than most. 18 01:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | What Trump and Hillary Spent vs Every General Election Candidate Since 1960 - MetrocosmJan 18 01:52
schestowitz 18 01:53
schestowitz 18 01:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks 1. You're talking about his campaign. I'm talking about his bank accounts.Jan 18 01:53
schestowitz 18 01:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Russia is not our problem. China and immigration issues with Mexico greatest threats.Jan 18 01:53
schestowitz 18 01:53
schestowitz 18 01:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks 2. See who was his #1 campaign supporter. 15 million dollars. And see how much money he made onJan 18 01:53
schestowitz 18 01:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Trump tweets.Jan 18 01:53
schestowitzGet yourselves a chat room or remove me from the notifications pleaseJan 18 01:54
schestowitz 18 01:54
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks where is your source material for Russia ties theory?Jan 18 01:54
schestowitz 18 01:55
schestowitz 18 01:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks lol You're right.. Russia isn't our problem. It's Putin and his Oligarch friends.Jan 18 01:55
schestowitz 18 01:55
schestowitz 18 01:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks There is absolutely no evidence to support your false claim... only other false claims.Jan 18 01:55
schestowitz 18 01:55
schestowitz 18 01:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Everywhere.... you can start with @funder and #trumpleaks... try google.Jan 18 01:55
schestowitz 18 01:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Our military is often subject to political games, but needs to be there for real threats like #ChinaJan 18 01:55
schestowitz 18 01:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks You can read the moment pinned to the top of my twitter page.Jan 18 01:55
schestowitz 18 01:56
schestowitz 18 01:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks It's a good place to start... but it's a mountain.Jan 18 01:56
schestowitz 18 01:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks what's this fixation on money? If you hate USA, try living in China. try fighting system.Jan 18 01:56
schestowitz 18 01:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @schestowitz @TwoKidsIsEnough @wikileaks Serves you right for all the Assange loving you do; propping up a globalist 4chan Russian puppet.Jan 18 01:56
schestowitz 18 01:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @schestowitz @TwoKidsIsEnough @wikileaks All the real heroes have left Wikileaks and rightfully so. Manning is free. Assange has a choice.Jan 18 01:56
schestowitz 18 02:13
-TechrightsBN/ This from the #bezos -owned #ciapost which attacked the politician of medicare for all see 18 02:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | 18 million would lose insurance in first year of Obamacare repeal without replacement, CBO report says - The Washington PostJan 18 02:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Washington Post Ran 16 Negative Stories on Bernie Sanders in 16 Hours | FAIR [ ]Jan 18 02:13
schestowitz 18 02:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Lol it's not my fixation. How does the world work? Capital and means of production.Jan 18 02:14
schestowitz 18 02:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Usually, useless people aspire for government positions. easy for lobbyists to corrupt them.Jan 18 02:14
schestowitz 18 02:14
schestowitz 18 02:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Trump is not a career politician. I have more hope in Trump than any potus in past three decadesJan 18 02:14
schestowitz 18 02:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Con like Clinton Foundation? closing down.hmm. Devry, ITT, etc all financially hurting.Jan 18 02:14
schestowitz 18 02:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks He's a career con man. He's worse than a politician.Jan 18 02:14
schestowitz 18 02:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Clinton Global Initiative, not the foundation. Name is tarnished. They'll move the money into a newJan 18 02:14
schestowitz 18 02:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks college as it is today and useless degrees putting millennials in massive debt is the real con.Jan 18 02:14
schestowitz 18 02:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks foundation or new account and start over, as the factions always do.Jan 18 02:15
schestowitz 18 02:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Devry, ITT deserve to die. They were cons.Jan 18 02:15
schestowitz 18 02:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks country needs Scientists, Technologists, Engineers, Mathematicians. Not liberal arts majors.Jan 18 02:15
schestowitz 18 02:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Yes. We need solutions. I think I'm going to spend the next few decades working on that, assumingJan 18 02:15
schestowitz 18 02:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks we survive this catastrophe.Jan 18 02:15
schestowitz 18 02:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks We need a balanced society and that includes liberal arts.Jan 18 02:15
schestowitz 18 02:15
schestowitz 18 02:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks wow! you really hate the American people, yes? Why everyone want to live here? liberty!Jan 18 02:15
schestowitz 18 02:15
schestowitz 18 02:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Quite the opposite. I care so much that I believe they should not be kept in the dark.Jan 18 02:15
schestowitz 18 02:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks the right balance means a dramatic shift towards STEM rather than TMZ. time to really educateJan 18 02:16
schestowitz 18 02:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Money. Just because we provide the best opportunity to achieve it doesn't mean everyone has theJan 18 02:16
schestowitz 18 02:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks same opportunity to achieve it.Jan 18 02:16
schestowitz 18 02:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Yes, we will survive the Obama catastrophe!Jan 18 02:16
schestowitz 18 02:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks I agree, but it's not because of liberal arts degrees, but rather a broken education system.Jan 18 02:16
schestowitz 18 02:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks lol, believe as you will.Jan 18 02:16
schestowitz 18 02:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks I'm working on affordable renewable energy solutions for poor. You keep thinking I'll keep doingJan 18 02:16
schestowitz 18 02:16
schestowitz 18 02:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks participation trophies and no child left behind broke it.Jan 18 02:16
schestowitz 18 02:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks One has to start somewhere.Jan 18 02:17
schestowitz 18 02:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks spend too much time on facebook and watching TV. We import educated people now to fill good jobsJan 18 02:17
schestowitz 18 02:17
schestowitz 18 02:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks lol participation trophies is a "false flag" narrative like "diversity is white genocide"Jan 18 02:17
schestowitz 18 02:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks I had no parents. put myself through HS college living out of one car garage at 15. I call BSJan 18 02:17
schestowitz 18 02:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Liberals actually say "Good job, you did great, but next time you're going to try harder."Jan 18 02:17
schestowitz 18 06:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@hepatitislives: @scottybabey @schestowitz @GreenPartyUS @POTUS @nytimes I didn't have a twitter account then. Yeah it was a dumb idea on the part of the ATFJan 18 06:57
schestowitz 18 06:57
schestowitz 18 06:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@marfoglio777: @schestowitz who the hell died and left you in charge?Jan 18 06:58
schestowitz 18 06:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@scottybabey: @lordy1995 @schestowitz I do care about the law, without enforcing our laws we are nothing. He is a traitor deserving death sentence.Jan 18 06:58
schestowitz]Jan 18 06:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SKid_FC_Est96: @Margsbelle1958 @SuckMyLEFTJuan @MadeleineLove @schestowitz @wikileaks yes...but others were saying he gave a clemency and not a pardonJan 18 06:58
schestowitz 18 06:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@lordy1995: @scottybabey @schestowitz and by blowing up civis we are no better than the terrorists themselvesJan 18 06:58
schestowitz 18 06:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Margsbelle1958: @SKid_FC_Est96 @SuckMyLEFTJuan @MadeleineLove @schestowitz @wikileaks Either way Assange is coming to the US and that scares meJan 18 06:59
schestowitz 18 06:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MadeleineLove: @SKid_FC_Est96 Regardless, it seems Assange is to go if called. @Margsbelle1958 @SuckMyLEFTJuan @schestowitzJan 18 06:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@wikileaks: Assange lawyer @themtchair on Assange-Manning extradition 'deal': "Everything that he has said he's standing by."Jan 18 06:59
schestowitz 18 06:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@lordy1995: @scottybabey @schestowitz you have a problem with a law that didn't claim any lives but fail to call out the men who carry out the horrificJan 18 06:59
schestowitz 18 07:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@lordy1995: @scottybabey @schestowitz acts of terror committed by our military while hiding behind the things veil of "eh it's just war people die"Jan 18 07:00
schestowitz 18 07:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Margsbelle1958: @MadeleineLove @SKid_FC_Est96 @SuckMyLEFTJuan @schestowitz @wikileaks @theMTchair Yes it does and I'm scared for himJan 18 07:00
schestowitz 18 07:00
schestowitz 18 07:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MadeleineLove: @Margsbelle1958 Trump said he loved @wikileaks - pointed to it. Maybe not all bad. @SKid_FC_Est96 @SuckMyLEFTJuan @schestowitz @theMTchairJan 18 07:00
schestowitz 18 07:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Margsbelle1958: @MadeleineLove @wikileaks @SKid_FC_Est96 @SuckMyLEFTJuan @schestowitz @theMTchair He gets a fairer shake with Trump for sureJan 18 07:00
schestowitz 18 07:01
schestowitz 18 07:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jamescc2010: We know 18 07:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: @scottybabey @GreenPartyUS @POTUS @nytimes Not a traitor for exposing abuse, helps protect nation from corrupt officialsJan 18 07:01
schestowitz 18 07:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@adamiswright: @schestowitz Signed, not passed. The GOP House and Senate pass laws. Because legislators do that kind of thing.Jan 18 07:01
schestowitz 18 07:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@rixstepnews: @schestowitz But it's commuted, not pardoned.Jan 18 07:01
schestowitz 18 07:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@michaelwild2198: @schestowitz @DrJillStein @xychelsea @MumiaAbuJamal go Brexit and shut the fuck upJan 18 07:01
schestowitz 18 07:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Margsbelle1958: @BillyT_202 @MadeleineLove @SKid_FC_Est96 @SuckMyLEFTJuan @schestowitz @wikileaks @theMTchair @h_alexander Wow what?Jan 18 07:02
schestowitz 18 07:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@nz_sparkle: @RobletoFire @MarkSZaidEsq @Soozieceu @schestowitz @wikileaks @NatSecGeek I feel like so many people missed evolution.Jan 18 07:02
schestowitz 18 07:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jacknappers: @schestowitz @Snowden You would have ripped him if he didn't do anything. You're the one with the clear agenda. Shhhhhhh.Jan 18 07:02
schestowitz 18 07:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@themaclad: @schestowitz @MollyMEP @TheGreenParty patheticJan 18 07:02
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 18 09:12
schestowitz 18 09:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@al_moonshine: @adamiswright @schestowitz Erm, what about Executive Orders?Jan 18 09:26
schestowitz 18 09:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@fleetsword: @schestowitz @MollyMEP @TheGreenParty Which unelected Tory are you talking about, Dr Roy?Jan 18 09:26
schestowitz 18 10:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Metztli_IT: grep $(sha256sum VirtualBox-5.1.14.tar.bz2 | cut -d' ' -f1) SHA256SUMS 🐧: 8267bb026717c6e55237eb798210767d9c703cfcd… 18 10:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Metztli_IT: grep $(sha256sum VirtualBox-5.1.14.tar.bz2 | cut -d' ' -f1) SHA256SUMS 🐧: 8267bb026717c6e55237eb798210767d9c703cfcd… 18 10:22
schestowitz 18 10:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@originalmedic: @sirjoker50 @Riverboy15 @schestowitz do 'dirty looks' count as attacks?!Jan 18 10:22
schestowitz 18 10:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@FOSSpatents: @schestowitz The EU let Qualcomm off the hook about 7 yrs. ago... at the time Nokia was key complainant.Jan 18 10:27
schestowitzThen there's east AsiaJan 18 10:28
schestowitz 18 10:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@FOSSpatents: @schestowitz Qualcomm also didn't get much more than a slap on the wrist in China... but now things are getting realJan 18 10:29
schestowitz 18 10:30
-TechrightsBN/ #Qualcomm Faces $853 Million Fine From South Korea Over Alleged #Antitrust Violations #patent abuseJan 18 10:30
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Qualcomm Faces $853 Million Fine From South Korea Over Alleged Antitrust Violations - WSJJan 18 10:30
schestowitz 18 10:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@FOSSpatents: @schestowitz Sure, this is cool and I blogged about it during the last week of December. I know you don't like ACT but they welcomed this.Jan 18 10:31
schestowitzACT are irrelevant given their history 18 10:32
-TechrightsBN/ | Association for Competitive Technology - Techrights [ ]Jan 18 10:32
schestowitz> More from todayJan 18 11:30
schestowitz> Jan 18 11:30
schestowitz> =Jan 18 11:30
schestowitz> 18 11:30
-TechrightsBN/ | 13 Million Pages of Declassified CIA Documents Were Just Posted Online | MotherboardJan 18 11:30
schestowitz> =Jan 18 11:30
schestowitz> 18 11:30
schestowitz> =Jan 18 11:30
schestowitz> 18 11:30
schestowitz> =Jan 18 11:30
-TechrightsBN/ | Local Activism Is the Best Way to Preserve Net Neutrality | MotherboardJan 18 11:30
schestowitz> 18 11:30
schestowitz> =Jan 18 11:30
-TechrightsBN/ | President Obama Lets Alleged Source of Stuxnet Leak Walk Free | Motherboard [ ]Jan 18 11:30
-TechrightsBN/ | The Number of US Households That Can’t Afford Water Could Triple in Five Years | Motherboard [ ]Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz> "According to the Army Recognition website, the Avenger AN/TWQ-1 AirJan 18 11:31
schestowitz> Defense System vehicle is a missile mounted system which providesJan 18 11:31
schestowitz> mobile, short-range air defense protection for ground units againstJan 18 11:31
schestowitz> cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, low-flying fixed-wingJan 18 11:31
schestowitz> aircraft, and helicopters."Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz> 18 11:31
schestowitz> -Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz> 18 11:31
-TechrightsBN/ | It Just Got Real — Cops At DAPL Now Have Missile Launchers — Not Kidding [ ]Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz> -Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz> 18 11:31
schestowitz> -Jan 18 11:31
-TechrightsBN/ | Water Protectors Arrested, Tear-Gassed for Peaceful Prayer Walk at DAPL Site | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community [ ]Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz> "Texas-based Energy Transfer Partners asked U.S. District Judge JamesJan 18 11:31
-TechrightsBN/ | Three More DAPL Protesters Arrested Monday | NewsDakota [ ]Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz> Boasberg on Tuesday to stop the Corps from publishing a notice in theJan 18 11:31
schestowitz> Federal Register on Wednesday announcing the study. ETP wants anyJan 18 11:31
schestowitz> further study put on hold until..."Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz> 18 11:31
schestowitz> =Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz> 18 11:31
schestowitz> =Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz> 18 11:31
schestowitz> =Jan 18 11:31
-TechrightsBN/ | Company Building DAPL Aims To Block Environmental Study « WCCO | CBS MinnesotaJan 18 11:31
schestowitz> 18 11:31
-TechrightsBN/ | Cher calls for firing squad for Snyder over Flint water crisis - WNEM TV 5 [ ]Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz> =Jan 18 11:31
-TechrightsBN/ | Fear grows among Egypt’s Christians after a Coptic doctor was stabbed in the throat [ ]Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz> 18 11:31
-TechrightsBN/ | Young blood bound to get excited if girls not properly dressed: Md N R Barkati, shahi imam - The Financial Express [ ]Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz> =Jan 18 11:31
-TechrightsBN/ | Kerala Muslim Girl Who Married A Hindu Boy Alleges Threat To Her Life From Islamist Outfit - [ ]Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz> 18 11:31
-TechrightsBN/ | Muslim Translators Deliberately Misinterpreting Christians to Get Them Deported, Says Pastor [ ]Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz> =Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz"Have a look at the two documents. For info: there was no New Year speech, but the “Meet the President” event might be considered as kind of. Feel free to use the two documents in the same post but DO NOT MENTION that they come from the same source."Jan 18 12:28
schestowitz 18 12:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@sweetviolets1: @schestowitz @Gawker - or a planted puppet.Jan 18 12:45
schestowitz 18 12:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@darkcola2: @TheGreenParty @schestowitz i was amazed at how teachers had to explain what Clinton was impeached for to grade schools.Jan 18 12:45
<--cubelog1 has quit (*.net *.split)Jan 18 15:19
-->cubelog1 ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 18 15:22
schestowitz 18 19:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@adamiswright: @al_moonshine @schestowitz Executive orders aren't law.Jan 18 19:03
schestowitz 18 19:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@HelwaniNose: @bristolgreen @schestowitz shouldnt you protest the american wall to the north as well? poor canadians cant just walk across the US borders.Jan 18 19:03
schestowitz 18 19:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Wikinaut: @schestowitz got the news ?Jan 18 19:03
schestowitzemail? SUepo?Jan 18 19:03
schestowitz 18 19:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@timewarp3369n: @schestowitz @wikileaks 😁📡 and 🐑 Obama 🐑❓ an American 🐑❓😁📡Jan 18 19:05
schestowitz 18 19:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ClydeGriffiths4: "War, what is it good4. Absolutely, nothin." Except as a last resort where completely unavoidable, As in ISIS. Wh… 18 19:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ClydeGriffiths4: "War, what is it good4. Absolutely, nothin." Except as a last resort where completely unavoidable, As in ISIS. Wh… 18 19:05
schestowitz""War, what is it good4. Absolutely, nothin." Except as a last resort where completely unavoidable, As in ISIS. Why then didn't #Obama act?"Jan 18 19:05
schestowitz 18 19:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@nurayf: @schestowitz @wikileaks Wht do u call ppl who leak classified info jeopardizing natnl security?Jan 18 19:06
schestowitz 18 19:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SleepyPenguin1: 3 Lessons in Web Encryption from Let’s Encrypt @schestowitz 18 19:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | 3 Lessons in Web Encryption from Let’s Encrypt | | The source for Linux informationJan 18 19:06
schestowitz 18 19:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@oh_sssh: @schestowitz Does the same apply to using 'Trump' or 'Clinton', because using their logic it should.Jan 18 19:06
schestowitz 18 19:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SeaH2ONymph: @schestowitz @KimDotcom @reason CrooksJan 18 19:06
schestowitz 18 19:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BanTorture: @schestowitz That shows how powerful Putin is...he reached into the past and made Churchill a Russian agent! The sky is falling! [/Hill-bot]Jan 18 19:07
schestowitz 18 19:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@maxpolk: @schestowitz @democracynow CEOs rewarded most when squeezing pay and benefits from lower employees to benefit people at their higher levelJan 18 19:07
schestowitz 18 19:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@maxpolk: @schestowitz @democracynow Perhaps companies should be forced to show pay imbalance to measure their social responsibility, national impact.Jan 18 19:07
schestowitz 18 20:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-No status found with that ID.Jan 18 20:16
schestowitz"Parmi les nouveaux objectifs de la FSF : Replicant, un smartphone avec OS libre."Jan 18 20:16
schestowitz 18 20:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Goofy_fr: Parmi les nouveaux objectifs de la FSF, un OS libre pour smartphones 18 20:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Free Software Foundation shakes up its list of priority projects #gnu #freesw #freedomJan 18 20:17
schestowitz 18 20:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SwaderPolly: #DeVoesTalentForContext of Guns n' Grizzlies 18 20:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Citing grizzlies,# education nominee says states should determine school gun policies by Clinton News NetworkJan 18 20:27
schestowitz 18 20:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@grrokk: #Fascists need their heads knocked together. 18 20:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Hard not to blame people for protesting this coming Friday. I mean, oligarchs always controlled the #us but never before did it so directly.Jan 18 20:28
schestowitzThey watch FoxJan 18 20:28
schestowitz 18 20:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@j_mills71: @schestowitz @TheGreenParty almost but no cigarJan 18 20:57
schestowitz 18 21:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@maxpolk: @schestowitz Some time ago RMS debated Eric Raymond and others about "Open Source" being an inadequate phrase. We now know RMS was right.Jan 18 21:06
schestowitz"Jan 18 21:10
schestowitzHey Roy! Happy New Year!! Hope you and your wife are well.Jan 18 21:10
schestowitzthanksJan 18 21:10
schestowitzsomeone told me something happened todayJan 18 21:10
schestowitzt said no moreJan 18 21:10
schestowitz"Jan 18 21:10
schestowitz"Was it that? Have you got the email they sent out?"Jan 18 21:11
schestowitznoJan 18 21:11
schestowitzsend me..Jan 18 21:11
schestowitzthank youJan 18 21:11
schestowitz"Jan 18 21:11
schestowitz 18 21:40
-TechrightsBN/ | The IPKat: Mini UPC Update: UK signs Protocol on Privileges & ImmunitiesJan 18 21:40
schestowitz"Jan 18 21:40
schestowitz TM has now ruled out the CJEU having "direct" legal authority in the UK. Does this mean that the unitary patent project has just been killed (despite the UK, rather bizarrely, having previously indicated its willingness to proceed)?Jan 18 21:40
schestowitzAnd if not dead, is the UPP mortally wounded? It is now crystal-clear that the UK will no longer be an EU Member State, most likely by 2019. But the current wording of the UPC Agreement and the UP Regulations rather heavily rely upon all "Participating" Member States being EU Members. This affects pretty much every founding principle of the UPP, including issues such as unitary effect / character, legal personality of the UPC and scope / Jan 18 21:40
schestowitzenforcement of decisions of the UPC... and there are no signs yet of any plans to "fix" those problems.Jan 18 21:40
schestowitzBased upon current signs, it seems that the political will is to press on regardless. But placing such a huge gamble on the system being able to survive Brexit seems absurd. The UK may feel that it will gain influence by getting the UPC up and running before Brexit... but it will then become a hostage to fortune with regard to the inevitable challenge at the CJEU, alleging non-compliance of the UPP with EU law. At that point, the UK will Jan 18 21:40
schestowitzhave no representation at the CJEU. So what will the UK then do if the EU Member States decide to kick out the non-EU country in order to preserve the system? Jan 18 21:40
schestowitz"Jan 18 21:40
schestowitz 18 21:41
-TechrightsBN/ | The IPKat: BGH: to cease means to recall [ ]Jan 18 21:41
schestowitz" Au contrarire. With a hard brexit separating UK IP from decisions of EU MS, advisors in the UK will need to follow"foreign" decisions more closely in order to advise their clients properly. "Jan 18 21:41
schestowitz 18 21:43
schestowitz" @Anonymous - so what is changing in the UK IP situation that is so stunning that it merits reams of blog posts? For European patent attorneys the impact of Brexit will be small and after Brexit, sorry to say but I doubt Britain will be a key focus or market for the majority. Despite being both UK and EP qualified most of my work comes from Europe and the rest of the world as I suspect it does for the majority of UK/EP patent Jan 18 21:43
-TechrightsBN/ | The IPKat: BGH: to cease means to recall [ ]Jan 18 21:43
schestowitzpractitioners. If you're not happy with the IPKAT, I recommend that you set up your own blog. I'm sure you will have a ton of content - let us know when it's up and there's something of note to report that sends ripples beyond the white cliffs of Dover. "Jan 18 21:43
schestowitz 18 21:43
schestowitz" Interesting point raised in the previous comment. Are there any statistics re. readership of IPKAT by country? "Jan 18 21:43
-TechrightsBN/ | The IPKat: BGH: to cease means to recall [ ]Jan 18 21:43
schestowitz" I beg to disagree the previous commentator, and also apologize for going off-topic as he/she did, but I feel I should say something from my own non-UK perspective: the IPKAT has long ago reached far, far away, very far indeed, and is now distant from being a UK-focused media (despite a very large percentage of its posts relating to the UK, perhaps due to the location of most of its participants). But it thinks internationally and allows Jan 18 21:44
schestowitzfor a collective critical mass to be created and actively stimulated on a regular basis. It has enriched itself and enriched others and perhaps that was the key to becoming one of the most popular IP websites around, and also consistently being so for a such long time now. The Brexit issue should only entice UK readers and participants to bring more (useful) content to the table, not to complaint about how great they could be having it. Jan 18 21:44
schestowitzThe times they are a'changing... ( "Jan 18 21:44
-TechrightsBN/ | bob dylan - the times they are a changin' - YouTube [ ]Jan 18 21:44
schestowitz"Jan 18 21:49
schestowitz The decision of the BGH in this case is indeed relevant only for German practitioners. Therefore "to the attention of our German readers". Other decisions of Member State courts will remain relevant for UK practitioners even after Brexit. I am Swiss, and Switzerland is not a EU Member State. It would be terribly naive for me not to follow the developments in EU law and in important EU jurisdictions. As a previous commentator said, our Jan 18 21:49
schestowitzclients are internationally active, we need to be, too.Jan 18 21:49
schestowitzSecondly, as JoaoPereiraMarques mentioned, IPKat has a very international readership. Here are the top ten countries by page views for last month:Jan 18 21:49
schestowitzUSA 41%Jan 18 21:49
schestowitzUK 13%Jan 18 21:49
schestowitzChina 12%Jan 18 21:49
schestowitzGermany 9%Jan 18 21:49
schestowitzRussia 9%Jan 18 21:49
schestowitzFrance 6%Jan 18 21:49
schestowitzNL 5%Jan 18 21:49
schestowitzNorway 3%Jan 18 21:49
schestowitzIrlande 2%Jan 18 21:49
schestowitzTurkey 1%Jan 18 21:49
schestowitzAs you can see, we have about as many visitors from China as we have from the UK, and Germany and Russia are not far behind the UK. Jan 18 21:49
schestowitz"Jan 18 21:49
schestowitz"Jan 18 21:53
schestowitz I think the readership stats sort of prove the point made by the first anonymous. Why is an IP blog which used to be so focused on EU copyright and to a lesser extent EU trade marks (and which can get people going on th emere mention of whether the UPC is a good thing or a bad thing)visited by 41% US?Jan 18 21:53
schestowitzRecently, the blog itself has started to miss a lot of EU news before the Court, developments in the Commission; and the Council and EP on files. Much info had come from interested UK lobbyists/lawyers/policy advisers who still are the most active and numerous in Brussels.Some are jumping ship or simply not updating as they used to. Jan 18 21:53
schestowitz"Jan 18 21:53
schestowitz"Jan 18 21:53
schestowitzWow your combined EU readership is far less than that of a referendum outcomeJan 18 21:53
schestowitz35% EU compared to 41 % US;Jan 18 21:53
schestowitzIf you add Norway, it becomes 38% EEA. (That three percent might just be one person who regularly checks the blog).Jan 18 21:53
schestowitzWhere are our friends, Italy, number four, soon to be number three in patents in the EU for the UPC? Or Spain which along with Italy sends an increasing number of preliminary references on copyright, trade marks and designs. There are six very difficult ones pending.Jan 18 21:53
schestowitz'Jan 18 21:53
schestowitz 18 22:40
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@al_moonshine: @adamiswright @schestowitz "Stroke of the pen. Law of the Land. Kinda cool." Paul Begala, Clinton advisor, The New York Times, July 5, 1998Jan 18 22:40
schestowitz 18 23:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MrPaulMoor: Free speech protects everyone. @schestowitzJan 18 23:00
schestowitz 18 23:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ODinarth: Taxes are a scam to begin with, simplify and reduce the taxcode, thays the real issue here 18 23:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Presidents who don't pay tax give power to like-minded people, who will never complain about tax abuses 18 23:20
schestowitz 18 23:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@angrymofo: @schestowitz It begins...Jan 18 23:20
---Disconnected ().Jan 18 23:46
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Jan 18 23:46:41 2017
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-->You are now talking on #boycottnovellJan 18 23:47
---Topic for #boycottnovell is | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-socialJan 18 23:47
---Topic for #boycottnovell set by MinceR at Thu Jan 28 18:22:54 2016Jan 18 23:47
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelJan 18 23:47
schestowitz 18 23:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@darkcola2: @ACLU @schestowitz I agree completely- so I want my right to say anything or refuse to do something even if it offends someone .Jan 18 23:47
schestowitz 18 23:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@FreedExpression: @schestowitz Here is an interesting topic about promoting Freedom of Expression. I think you gonna like it 18 23:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | "Freedom of Expression" International Cartoon Contest & Exhibition, Norway | tOOns MaGJan 18 23:53
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 19 01:00
schestowitz 19 06:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-No status found with that ID.Jan 19 06:52
schestowitz 19 06:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@bugarama124: @schestowitz @AmilcarRyumeko @openDemocracy Some other countries like Rwanda have their civic space already closed. See the rankingJan 19 06:52
schestowitz 19 06:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@fmguitars: @schestowitz @Snowden Bizarre that they condemn those trying to stop atrocities instead of those committing them.Jan 19 06:52
schestowitz 19 06:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@guyzmo: @Goofy_fr @clochix @schestowitz @NetworkWorld mais quelle idée formidablement originale !!!… 🤔🙄😞Jan 19 06:53
schestowitz 19 06:54
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Wikinaut: @schestowitz Here's to you, Nicola and Bart Rest forever here in our hearts The last and final moment is yours That agony is your triumphJan 19 06:54
schestowitzWhat happened?Jan 19 06:54
schestowitz 19 06:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@OdinOfAsgard078: @schestowitz @DrJillStein so when did Ben Carson turn white you're fucken retardedJan 19 06:57
schestowitz 19 06:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Ruthisms: @KissThePaw @WLTaskForce @AssangeTracker @AssangeFreedom @EmbassyCat @BBfromPA @BellaMagnani @schestowitz The media is fill of vipers.Jan 19 06:58
schestowitz 19 06:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@OdinOfAsgard078: @schestowitz @DrJillStein not to mention Nikki Haley and Elaine Chao guess they turned white all of a sudden tooJan 19 06:59
schestowitz 19 06:59
schestowitz 19 06:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ellenthoen: Lets see who goes for this. 19 06:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: "Donors who give $100,000 and $250,000 can dine with potential agency heads." #trumpTheSwampJan 19 06:59
<--[dmb] has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 19 07:01
schestowitz 19 07:01
-->[dmb] (dmb@2001:470:8c62:feed:f0b5:c6ff:feca:71fd) has joined #boycottnovellJan 19 07:04
schestowitz 19 07:10
-TechrightsBN/ Links 17/1/2017: #GIMP Plans, New #RaspberryPi Product #techrightsJan 19 07:10
schestowitz"The Raspberry Pi 3b supports only 1 GB of RAM and has very poor IO capacity for paging/swapping. It will be very interesting to see how this GIMP app works."Jan 19 07:10
schestowitz"The Odroid 2C, coming with 2GB of RAM, and if configured with an eMMC mass storage unit, should be able to do an adequate job.Jan 19 07:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Links 17/1/2017: GIMP Plans, New Raspberry Pi Product | TechrightsJan 19 07:10
schestowitz"I’m a big fan of the Raspberry Pi - I have four or so, but they really really need to support at least 2 GB of memory to make them more generally useful. Better io would be nice too."Jan 19 07:10
schestowitzAh, no connection there between GIMP and RaspiJan 19 07:11
schestowitz 19 07:12
-TechrightsBN/ Some thoughts on switching from Ubuntu to Antergos for Linux gaming #games #gnu #linuxJan 19 07:12
schestowitz"a forum can often give a clue to how things are going at a distro; this looks pretty busy:"Jan 19 07:12
schestowitz"Well, Antergos is a good system, especially for gaming. But a total switch?"Jan 19 07:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Some thoughts on switching from Ubuntu to Antergos for Linux gaming | GamingOnLinuxJan 19 07:13
-TechrightsBN/ | Recent Topics | Antergos Community ForumJan 19 07:13
schestowitz 19 07:13
-TechrightsBN/ What is your favorite Linux distribution? 19 07:13
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:13
schestowitzBeen there, on here:Jan 19 07:13
schestowitz 19 07:13
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | What is your favorite Linux distribution? | Opensource.comJan 19 07:13
-TechrightsBN/ | What's your Distro?Jan 19 07:13
schestowitz 19 07:13
-TechrightsBN/ Why Linux users should worry about malware and what they can do about it 19 07:13
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:13
schestowitz    Though UNIX-like systems such as Mac OS X and Linux can claim fewer threats due to their smaller user bases, threats do still existJan 19 07:13
schestowitzThis is actually a myth since reportedly 70% of online services are running Linux.Jan 19 07:13
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Why Linux users should worry about malware and what they can do about it | PCWorldJan 19 07:13
schestowitzyes, that's the comeback line, usually, to this argumentJan 19 07:13
schestowitz 19 07:15
-TechrightsBN/ Tip for securing #gnu #linux from crackers my tip: don't install/use anything proprietary or "cloud" (spying)Jan 19 07:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | How to Keep Hackers out of Your Linux Machine Part 2: Three More Easy Security Tips | | The source for Linux informationJan 19 07:15
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:15
schestowitz hewiakJan 19 07:15
schestowitzJan 19 07:15
schestowitzLinux Foundation = bullshit.Jan 19 07:15
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:15
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:15
schestowitzJan 19 07:15
schestowitz@hewiak Why?Jan 19 07:15
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:15
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:15
schestowitzwholly owned corporate subsidiary, who farmed out most of it's educational outreach to these folks: --who are shamelessJan 19 07:16
-TechrightsBN/ | ON24 | A Webinar Service Provider with an Award-Winning PlatformJan 19 07:16
schestowitz 19 07:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @ )Jan 19 07:16
schestowitzReply or view Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)’s post >Jan 19 07:16
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:16
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:16
schestowitzJan 19 07:16
schestowitzshould have " - "ed "educational"Jan 19 07:16
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:16
schestowitz"Interesting. Yea it would seem that they have drifted off course, unless this was always their intended course from the start."Jan 19 07:16
schestowitz"and you really want me to believe, with dozens of 'corporate partners' they do better than this?"Jan 19 07:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @ )Jan 19 07:16
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:16
schestowitzJan 19 07:16
schestowitzand you really want me to believe, with dozens of ‘corporate partners’ they can't do better than this?Jan 19 07:16
schestowitz 19 07:16
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:16
schestowitz"open-washers extraordinaire"Jan 19 07:16
schestowitz"Dr. Roy is right. Avoid Acrobat, Flash, Skype... anything that isn't open source and hasn't been vetted. you are only asking for trouble with a proprietary blob running on your machine."Jan 19 07:17
schestowitz"@Tom Grz Good idea, but impossible to practice right now. There are so many binary blobs running at a level lower than your OS."Jan 19 07:17
schestowitzWhich does not make them OK ;-)Jan 19 07:17
schestowitz 19 07:18
-TechrightsBN/ Tried to unlock #techrights (sections that are heavily attacked), had to revert back as it's still under constant onslaughtJan 19 07:18
schestowitz"Techrights Under DDOS Attack From Lockheed Martin Corporation’s Network??? you must be kidding! lol the internet gets creepier every day, esp. since things are in it…"Jan 19 07:18
schestowitz 19 07:18
-TechrightsBN/ The only device still worthy of the name "phone" is landline gear. The rest is #surveillance (self-bugging) crap that can also make calls.Jan 19 07:18
schestowitz"Landlines too have computers recording the calls."Jan 19 07:18
schestowitz"Privacy can only be protected with free software. There is some hope for encrypted email and video communications by free software. The rest of the players have proven their malice beyond any reasonable doubt and are beneath contempt.'Jan 19 07:19
schestowitz"Hear, hear!'Jan 19 07:19
schestowitz"I suggest we call the the surveillance devices “trackers.”"Jan 19 07:19
schestowitz"Or Bugs. Like in Starship Troopers. The NSA is then the Brainbug?"Jan 19 07:19
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:19
schestowitzOo. There’s an interesting idea. All phone OSes secretly have the mike on all the time, sending the FBI and NSA audio. Agents can sit at the desks in Maryland or Virginia and tune into anyone they want to whenever they want to.Jan 19 07:19
schestowitzDo I believe this? Well, Snowden would have known about it, I think, and he didn’t mention any such thing. On the other hand, he’s been away for 3 and half years now. So… Come on conspiracy theorists, you’ve got to believe this!Jan 19 07:19
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:19
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:21
schestowitzIt’s a documented fact, not a conspiracy theory. You don’t need or want audio because transcription and other digests are easy and vastly more efficient. TVs and other common electronics already come with warnings about not saying anything private around them. I think there have even been children’s toys that did this. Of course Siri and Google assistant are doing this too, and of course government demands access. Google will even Jan 19 07:21
schestowitzshow you some of the snippets conversation that they capture. Facebook demands you mic is always on and they use noise signatures to fine tune your location.Jan 19 07:21
schestowitzBug is a good word for cell phones and other, non free tablets, but they do so much more than spy on your conversations. They watch everything you read, note everywhere you go, and track everything you interact with, including your neighbors. NSA spooks brag that they are able to track technology free targets by the abundance of devices other people surround them with. You crappy bug spies on all of your friends too.Jan 19 07:21
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:21
schestowitzIt's to "improve service", to "help you"...Jan 19 07:21
schestowitz 19 07:22
-TechrightsBN/ Will #trump serve his country or his Country Club (1%)? Will he focus on #politics or his business? Peace negotiations or sunbed sessions?Jan 19 07:22
schestowitz"I think we all basically know how it ends."Jan 19 07:22
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:22
schestowitzHe will keep using Usonian military murderers to further advance corporates/bankers agendas, just like Obama did.Jan 19 07:22
schestowitzHe will keep up the police/surveillance state, just like Obama did.Jan 19 07:22
schestowitzHe will bailout the banksters, just like Obama did.Jan 19 07:22
schestowitzHe will keep the empire running just like any Bush, Obama or Clinton would!Jan 19 07:22
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:22
schestowitz"Fingers crossed. We know he will be better than our other choice."Jan 19 07:22
schestowitz"The beginning of the end of the US empire"Jan 19 07:22
schestowitzNot the beginningJan 19 07:22
schestowitz 19 07:24
-TechrightsBN/ Fury at Azaria Verdict is #Israel #Trump Moment #justice and #law now mocked. Lynching acceptable.Jan 19 07:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Could not resolve host:; Unknown error ( status 0 @ )Jan 19 07:24
schestowitz"mosc, thats anoying"Jan 19 07:24
schestowitz"some of my best learning."Jan 19 07:24
schestowitzCopy-paste wallJan 19 07:24
schestowitz 19 07:24
-TechrightsBN/ #LinuxAIO #Ubuntu 16.10 — Ubuntu GNOME, Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Ubuntu MATE, and Xubuntu In One ISO > #gnu #linuxJan 19 07:24
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:24
schestowitzGreatJan 19 07:24
schestowitzBut there is another in www.easy2boot.comJan 19 07:24
schestowitzPls note just for optionJan 19 07:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Linux AIO Ubuntu 16.10 — Ubuntu GNOME, Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Ubuntu MATE, and Xubuntu In One ISOJan 19 07:24
schestowitzI used for sometimeJan 19 07:24
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:24
schestowitz"And what exactly for does one need to have all those on them on the go?Jan 19 07:24
schestowitz 19 07:28
-TechrightsBN/ Can #RISCV - #Linux of Microprocessors - Start an #OpenHardware Renaissance? 19 07:28
schestowitz"We will see this eventually. The question is how soon and whether their performance would be adequate for generic computing."Jan 19 07:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Can RISC-V - Linux of Microprocessors - Start an Open Hardware Renaissance?Jan 19 07:28
schestowitz"If you look at the minifree offerings (they are great btw), there is the C201 with an ARM CPU (Rockchip RK3288). As for the hardware, this CPU is not 100% open source then…Jan 19 07:28
schestowitz 19 07:28
-TechrightsBN/ Concern Trolls would have us believe @drjillstein is "wasting money" by doing #recount rather than #water in #flint while D+R waste BILLIONSJan 19 07:28
schestowitz"Snopes is a shillJan 19 07:28
schestowitz"Could be, but there’s still nothing of substance to pizzagate. Do you have any particular objections to what you see in Snopes or Wikipedia?"Jan 19 07:28
schestowitz 19 07:29
-TechrightsBN/ Extreme Brexit: This was May’s last moment of control Jan 19 07:29
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:29
schestowitzSince parliament gets to decide (both houses vote), it looks like brexit will be sort of à la suisse¹ - parliament will only agree to something that continues the uk in the eu - in all but name. Parliament is for remaining, not for exitingJan 19 07:29
schestowitz¹ Switzerland is not in the EU, but has free movement of goods, capital and labour with the EU - thus it has all the advantages of the EU without giving up its sovereignty.Jan 19 07:29
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Extreme Brexit: This was May’s last moment of controlJan 19 07:29
schestowitzI hope you are right. Thanks for putting it so politely (for a change ;-))Jan 19 07:29
schestowitz 19 07:30
-TechrightsBN/ #antiX 16.1 Linux OS Is Based on #Debian #GNU #Linux 8.7 "Jessie," without #Systemd 19 07:30
schestowitz"I thought “debian - systemd” was called “devuan” … what’s the difference …?'Jan 19 07:30
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | antiX 16.1 Linux OS Is Based on Debian GNU/Linux 8.7 "Jessie," Without SystemdJan 19 07:30
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:30
schestowitznice, didn’t know about this one.Jan 19 07:30
schestowitzunlike devuan, it’s a live distro, claiming to be super lightweight, for older computersJan 19 07:30
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:30
schestowitz"Whatever, u can install Debian without SystemD. The difference isn’t there…"Jan 19 07:30
schestowitzNow only Devuan keeps Debian systemd-freeJan 19 07:31
schestowitz 19 07:32
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: Why Linux users should worry about malware and what they can do about it #gnu #linux #securityJan 19 07:32
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:32
schestowitz"Run antivirus scans once in a while"Jan 19 07:32
schestowitzWhen will we stop with that bullshit? AV scanners have existed for 30 years, if they were efficient, there woul be no virus any more.Jan 19 07:32
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:32
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Why Linux users should worry about malware and what they can do about it | PCWorldJan 19 07:32
schestowitz";-)"Jan 19 07:32
schestowitz"One of the worst article about security I have seen.Jan 19 07:32
schestowitz"Is it that bad? Seems more like very basic…'Jan 19 07:32
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:32
schestowitzAll is not bad. For example, this is quite wise:Jan 19 07:32
schestowitz    beware of unknown Wifi networksJan 19 07:32
schestowitz    keep your system updatedJan 19 07:32
schestowitz    back up your data.Jan 19 07:32
schestowitz    But AV scans are useless, and “Keep your guard up” just increases the basic users’ paranoia. And the firewall is not needed in most standard Linux configurations.Jan 19 07:32
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:32
schestowitz"in this case, the firewall will protect your samba port"Jan 19 07:32
schestowitz"Or NFS. But why run Samba or NFS in the first place?"Jan 19 07:33
schestowitzExactlyJan 19 07:33
<--MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Jan 19 08:59
-->MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovellJan 19 09:05
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 19 09:13
schestowitz 19 09:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@everybuddha: @ChrisYow14 Who will prosecute? Not the POTUS, the Attorney General. That will be Sessions if Trump has his way. @schestowitzJan 19 09:37
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:45
schestowitz> 19 09:45
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:45
schestowitz> 19 09:45
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:45
-TechrightsBN/ | NO TITLEJan 19 09:45
schestowitz> "According to Facciolo’s lawyer, Maloney was shot in the chest, andJan 19 09:45
schestowitz> then shot in the face while he was on his knees. "Jan 19 09:45
schestowitz> 19 09:45
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:45
-TechrightsBN/ | Six astonishing things Betsy DeVos said — and refused to say — at her confirmation hearing - The Washington PostJan 19 09:45
schestowitz> oldJan 19 09:45
schestowitz> 19 09:45
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:45
schestowitz> " All of my employees had a quota of how many foreclosure referralsJan 19 09:45
-TechrightsBN/ | Why Did Police Kill an Alleged Small-Time Hacker? | MotherboardJan 19 09:45
schestowitz> they needed to process"Jan 19 09:45
schestowitz> ...Jan 19 09:45
schestowitz> "as long as you were loyal to the bank, they would represent you inJan 19 09:45
schestowitz> court. If you spoke out against the bank, you were screwed."Jan 19 09:45
schestowitz> 19 09:45
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:45
schestowitz> 19 09:45
-TechrightsBN/ | [Fedora-legal-list] xBill legal opinion requiredJan 19 09:45
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:45
schestowitz> 19 09:45
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:45
-TechrightsBN/ | 5 Things You Only Learn About America Foreclosing On HomesJan 19 09:45
schestowitz> 19 09:45
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:45
schestowitz> 19 09:45
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:45
-TechrightsBN/ | St. Louis Cop Searched Woman's Vagina for Drugs in Public — and Found None, Suit Alleges | News BlogJan 19 09:45
schestowitz> 19 09:45
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:45
schestowitz> 19 09:45
-TechrightsBN/ | This ‘paid protestor’ service is likely fake, but the online conspiracy machine doesn’t care - The VergeJan 19 09:45
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:45
schestowitz> "According to the report, government efforts to tackle the fires haveJan 19 09:45
schestowitz> to date largely failed to address the underlying causes of the issue,Jan 19 09:45
schestowitz> with actions focusing on things like canal blocking and an early warningJan 19 09:45
-TechrightsBN/ | How—and why—you should use a VPN any time you hop on the internetJan 19 09:45
schestowitz> system rather than measures such as providing financial incentives forJan 19 09:45
schestowitz> land preparation without burning."Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> 19 09:46
-TechrightsBN/ | Saudi Arabia to continue ban on 'immoral, atheistic' cinema | Film | The GuardianJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> 19 09:46
schestowitz> -Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> 19 09:46
-TechrightsBN/ | The Unbelievable Baby-Man! | The NationJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> -Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> 19 09:46
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> "calculated by tracking each car's location and mileage – raisingJan 19 09:46
-TechrightsBN/ | Forest and land fires reappear in Riau, Latest World News - The New PaperJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> privacy concerns. The new blueprint suggests that this fee basis couldJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> be offered as an optional alternative..."Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> 19 09:46
schestowitz> plans to privatize the roads take a step forward,Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> along with tracking each car realtimeJan 19 09:46
-TechrightsBN/ | How local elites earn money from burning land in IndonesiaJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> 19 09:46
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:46
-TechrightsBN/ | Edward Snowden's leave to remain in Russia extended for three years | US news | The GuardianJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> "The couples, aged between 16 and 42, were arrested under Ops BoncengJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> last week for an “immoral act in public”.  Nik Zulhaiza went on toJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> reveal that the department would conduct more such operations"Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> 19 09:46
-TechrightsBN/ | Whistleblower Snowden can apply for Russian passport next year: RIA cites lawyer | ReutersJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> ""Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> 19 09:46
schestowitz> privatization of waterJan 19 09:46
-TechrightsBN/ | Snowden's stay in Russia has been extended by the Russian government | PCWorldJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> -Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> old:Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> 19 09:46
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> "If she exploits her bully pulpit as education secretary to renew herJan 19 09:46
-TechrightsBN/ | Leaked transport plan would replace new car tax with road usage fee | Yle Uutiset | yle.fiJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> campaign for diverting public education dollars to private and parochialJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> school operators, DeVos will be embracing a policy that enjoys neitherJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> an evidence-based rationale nor widespread public support."Jan 19 09:46
-TechrightsBN/ | Group: Mali Civilians Threatened by Extremism, Banditry - ABC NewsJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> 19 09:46
schestowitz> parochial school == madrassaJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> 19 09:46
-TechrightsBN/ | Muslim couples freed after warning on riding m-cycles together | Free Malaysia TodayJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> -Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> 19 09:46
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:47
schestowitz>,-court-rules.htmlJan 19 09:47
-TechrightsBN/ | Nestlé Will Pay 13,500% More to Pump Ontario’s Water for Bottling | MotherboardJan 19 09:47
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:47
schestowitz> 19 09:47
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:47
schestowitz> 19 09:47
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:47
-TechrightsBN/ | When the last tree is cut down, the last fish eaten, and the last stream poisoned, you will realize that you cannot eat money - Oxford ReferenceJan 19 09:47
schestowitz> "Five years ago today the Internet went on strike to fight SOPA and PIPA"Jan 19 09:47
schestowitz> 19 09:47
schestowitz> remain vigilantJan 19 09:47
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:47
-TechrightsBN/ | Betsy DeVos: Unprepared, and undeterred to serve as education secretaryJan 19 09:47
schestowitz> 19 09:47
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:47
schestowitz> xJan 19 09:47
schestowitz> 19 09:47
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:47
schestowitz> 19 09:47
schestowitz> he not bright, educated, or strong-willed and thus will be steered intoJan 19 09:47
schestowitz> politics where handlers will decide his movesJan 19 09:47
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:47
schestowitz> xJan 19 09:47
schestowitz> 19 09:47
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:47
schestowitz> 19 09:47
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:47
schestowitz> 19 09:47
schestowitz> politicizing collegesJan 19 09:47
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:47
schestowitz> 19 09:47
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:47
schestowitz> 19 09:47
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:47
schestowitz> 19 09:47
-TechrightsBN/ | Dangerously disproportionate: the expanding security state in Europe | Amnesty InternationalJan 19 09:47
-TechrightsBN/ | Document | Amnesty InternationalJan 19 09:48
-TechrightsBN/ | iTWire - All metadata is not personal, Federal Court rulesJan 19 09:48
-TechrightsBN/ | 3 Critical Questions Tom Price Didn’t Answer at the Health and Human Services Hearing | WIREDJan 19 09:48
-TechrightsBN/ | It’s Time to Stand Up for the Climate—and for Civilization | WIREDJan 19 09:48
-TechrightsBN/ | Internet Freedom Day: How Massive 'Blackout' Protests Killed Two Anti-Piracy Bills - TorrentFreakJan 19 09:48
-TechrightsBN/ | ISP Says it Won't Send BREIN's Anti-Piracy Warnings - TorrentFreakJan 19 09:48
-TechrightsBN/ | Newly discovered Mac malware found in the wild also works well on Linux | Ars TechnicaJan 19 09:48
-TechrightsBN/ | Mark Zuckerberg has a small army of Facebook employees who delete comments on his page - The VergeJan 19 09:48
-TechrightsBN/ | Gates Foundation Joins New $460 Million Coalition for Vaccines - BloombergJan 19 09:48
-TechrightsBN/ | The Post-Snowden Cyber Arms Hustle - BloombergJan 19 09:48
-TechrightsBN/ | Bernie Sanders Just Showed the Country How Wrong Tom Price Is for HHS | The NationJan 19 09:49
-TechrightsBN/ | Google and Facebook Ad Traffic is 90% Useless - SoylentNewsJan 19 09:49
-TechrightsBN/ | Reports: PS4 is selling twice as well as Xbox One, overall | Ars TechnicaJan 19 09:49
schestowitz 19 19:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@1949gardner: @WasLegal @schestowitz @wikileaks it's going to happen one way or anotherJan 19 19:34
schestowitz 19 19:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ntvnyr173: @schestowitz trump isn't in office yet stooge ?Jan 19 19:55
schestowitzLet's talk in a month then...Jan 19 19:55
schestowitz 19 20:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Sheikh_al_Touar: @juveVerlag_MK @schestowitz I'll believe it when I see it.Jan 19 20:02
schestowitz 19 20:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@LJPatockhewitt: @schestowitz @patsfantaz @wikileaks That's ridiculous and over reaching.Jan 19 20:13
schestowitz 19 20:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Sheikh_al_Touar: @schestowitz @juveVerlag_MK Here is a visualisation of what the public will see in December when the UPC goes onlin… 19 20:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Sheikh_al_Touar: @schestowitz @juveVerlag_MK Here is a visualisation of what the public will see in December when the UPC goes onlin… 19 20:20
schestowitz 19 20:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@grrokk: #FairAndBalanced, Roy. 19 20:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: @grrokk They watch FoxJan 19 20:25
schestowitz 19 20:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AllaAnNov: @Snowden @schestowitz @PressSec fighting for transparency and hiding in non transparent countries. Very smart move. Stay with us FOREVER )Jan 19 20:34
schestowitzHe is not hiding. He had his passport revoked and thus cannot travel.Jan 19 20:35
schestowitz 19 20:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@codeslinger2: @schestowitz @wikileaks That's asking if WL is willing to target Trump and GOP. People send evidence, WL doesnt target groups. Check ur biasJan 19 20:36
schestowitz 19 20:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AllaAnNov: @schestowitz @Snowden @PressSec Cuba is an open country thenJan 19 20:39
schestowitzCuba is not supine or subservience to the US and thus would not extraditeJan 19 20:39
schestowitz 19 20:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ianrobo1: @schestowitz @glynmoody which is why they want, nick small guys ideas knowing they can't afford to take them to courtJan 19 20:44
schestowitzsmall firms, other than trolls, would be counter-sued by the big firm/s they take on and go bustJan 19 20:45
schestowitz 19 20:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Softly_Sarah: This is what happens when you allow yourself to relax re "politics": you miss stuff like this. More destruction of… 19 20:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Softly_Sarah: This is what happens when you allow yourself to relax re "politics": you miss stuff like this. More destruction of… 19 20:53
schestowitz 19 20:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@outsh1ned: @schestowitz @AllaAnNov @Snowden @PressSec so you're saying an exit visa from Russia would have also been an option.Jan 19 20:53
schestowitz"This is what happens when you allow yourself to relax re "politics": you miss stuff like this. More destruction of our rights and freedoms."Jan 19 20:53
schestowitzDefine "exit visa" - seems like a fictitious termJan 19 20:54
schestowitz 19 20:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@rahulroy662: @schestowitz they shouldve included which country the VPNs belong to.. a lot of ppl would nt wanna subscribe to a VPN service based outta USJan 19 20:57
schestowitz 19 21:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Poseidon419: @schestowitz @wikileaks sorry. Truth is truth. She lost. We are back baby. Cut her fuckin head off on cnn for treasonJan 19 21:07
schestowitz 19 21:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ianrobo1: @schestowitz @glynmoody exactly and we know in tech how damn difficult it is to prove a unique ideaJan 19 21:11
schestowitzOnly the lawyers/attorneys/prosecutors are guaranteed to always win, they're becoming a taxJan 19 21:11
schestowitz 19 21:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@JacindaOrcutt: @schestowitz @Snowden don't compare the 2! 1 was superficial the other @Snowden did justiceJan 19 21:14
schestowitz 19 21:15
schestowitz 19 21:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@outsh1ned: @schestowitz @AllaAnNov @Snowden @PressSec you serious? it's a facility that countries that do travel have. a "no issue here, leave" passJan 19 21:15
schestowitz 19 21:15
schestowitz 19 21:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SleepyPenguin1: For first time, CIA publishes guidelines for handling Americans' info @schestowitz 19 21:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | For first time, CIA publishes guidelines for handling Americans&apos; info - The San Diego Union-TribuneJan 19 21:15
schestowitz 19 21:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@tedkidd: @schestowitz Would have a chilling effect on government corruption...Jan 19 21:15
schestowitz 19 21:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ianrobo1: @schestowitz @glynmoody it is mad world where a few giant companies dominate like this, no wonder Tim Cook was there with Trump eh ?Jan 19 21:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ianrobo1: @schestowitz @glynmoody and I have a iPhone and mac !Jan 19 21:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@isleofcapri777: @schestowitz @wikileaks True - the Media has done a horrible job, andwill payJan 19 21:26
schestowitz 19 21:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@isleofcapri777: @schestowitz @lbf_tweet Wikileaks has said they have no connection with RussiaJan 19 21:26
schestowitz 19 21:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@isleofcapri777: @FlavaRiot @lbf_tweet @schestowitz Let this go viral.Obama has lied repeatedly to America and torn apart this country!This is his legacyJan 19 21:26
schestowitz 19 21:30
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pacman925: @schestowitz @UNHumanRights @wikileaks @Alfreddezayas Even bigger problem ->> 19 21:30
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia (Updated) | Veterans TodayJan 19 21:30
schestowitz 19 21:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-No status found with that ID.Jan 19 21:34
schestowitz"Jan 19 21:34
schestowitz12s12 seconds agoJan 19 21:34
schestowitzEarthRumble liked your TweetJan 19 21:34
schestowitz1h: @Snowden Nto even terrible exile. Look what Manning has had to endure: no media, no leaving the cell, no interactionJan 19 21:34
schestowitz    EarthRumble Jan 19 21:34
schestowitz12s12 seconds agoJan 19 21:34
schestowitzFREE ASSANGE liked your TweetJan 19 21:34
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 19 21:34
-->schestowitz ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 19 21:35
<--schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Jan 19 21:35
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellJan 19 21:35
---ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzJan 19 21:35
schestowitz"Block a major highway? Run them over!"Jan 19 21:36
schestowitzhe deleted thisJan 19 21:36
schestowitza-holeJan 19 21:36
schestowitz 19 21:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@LimpidSoul: @schestowitz @DrJillStein @the_intercept dude... obstructing traffic and attacking the driver is not "peaceful protest"Jan 19 21:45
schestowitz"Block a major highway? Run them over!" - you sound like a truck attacker. Not cool.Jan 19 21:45
schestowitz 19 21:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@bnblue71520: @schestowitz @DrJillStein @the_intercept Then don't block the highway and interfere with thousands of people for your dumb whiny cause.Jan 19 21:49
schestowitz 19 21:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@robertgavila: @PardonManning @schestowitz @Snowden He's getting out. Don't push it.Jan 19 21:49
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:03
schestowitz> "ignoring human rights violations and the oppression of women."Jan 19 22:03
schestowitz> 19 22:03
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:03
schestowitz> 19 22:03
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:03
schestowitz> "Two other bloggers, one named as polio sufferer Ahmed Raza Naseer, areJan 19 22:03
-TechrightsBN/ | Worksheet on 'Sharia law' irks school parentsJan 19 22:03
schestowitz> also reported to have disappeared in or near Lahore."Jan 19 22:03
schestowitz> 19 22:03
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:04
schestowitz> 19 22:04
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:04
-TechrightsBN/ | Migrant crisis - Europe cannot cope with fresh influx of refugees warns Maltese PM | Politics | News | Daily ExpressJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> 19 22:04
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:04
schestowitz> "The water still isn’t safe to drink"Jan 19 22:04
schestowitz> 19 22:04
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:04
-TechrightsBN/ | Pakistan student: 'I was tortured by hardline Islamists' - BBC NewsJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> "The number of arrests made since protests began in Morton County inJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> August has now topped 600."Jan 19 22:04
schestowitz> 19 22:04
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:04
-TechrightsBN/ | Video reveals five police shooting dead blind man | Daily Mail OnlineJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> 19 22:04
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:04
schestowitz> "HSBC has helped several palm oil companies accused of community rightsJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> violations and illegal deforestation pull together billions in creditJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> and bonds"Jan 19 22:04
-TechrightsBN/ | Henley on Thames News | Phone ban means pupils have to talkJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> 19 22:04
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:04
schestowitz> 19 22:04
-TechrightsBN/ | Flint Water Crisis: Where It Stands a Year LaterJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:04
schestowitz> 19 22:04
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:04
schestowitz> 19 22:04
-TechrightsBN/ | Authorities revise upwards number of DAPL protesters arrested in latest confrontation | News | KFGO-790Jan 19 22:04
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:04
schestowitz> 19 22:04
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:04
schestowitz> "However, there is evidence that he isn't an atheist or a lapsedJan 19 22:04
-TechrightsBN/ | wildsingapore news: Indonesia: 18 hot spots detected in SumatraJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> Presbyterian or anything like that, but a devout follower of a veryJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> strange branch of Christianity called the Prosperity Gospel or Word ofJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> Faith."Jan 19 22:04
schestowitz> 19 22:04
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:04
-TechrightsBN/ | HSBC financing tied to deforestation, rights violations for palm oil in IndonesiaJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> 19 22:04
schestowitz> -Jan 19 22:04
schestowitz> "every year the 50c party writes approximately 448 million socialJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> media posts nationwide. About 52.7% of these posts appear on governmentJan 19 22:04
-TechrightsBN/ | Iran female bodybuilder arrested for publishing revealing photos of herself | The Indian ExpressJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> sites. TheJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> remaining 212 million posts are inserted into the stream ofJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> approximately 80 billion totalJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> posts on commercial social media sites, all in real time."Jan 19 22:05
-TechrightsBN/ | Girl who cried wolf over hate crime could be charged with filing false report - The LocalJan 19 22:05
schestowitz> 19 22:05
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:05
schestowitz> 19 22:05
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:05
schestowitz> 19 22:05
-TechrightsBN/ | Who is Anna-Senpai, the Mirai Worm Author? — Krebs on SecurityJan 19 22:05
schestowitz> -Jan 19 22:05
schestowitz> 19 22:05
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:05
schestowitz> 19 22:05
-TechrightsBN/ | ‘The Running Man’ Is the Perfect Dystopian Movie For Trump’s Inauguration | MotherboardJan 19 22:05
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:05
-TechrightsBN/ | The Creepy Religion That Explains All Of Trump's ActionsJan 19 22:05
-TechrightsBN/ | The first-ever close analysis of leaked astroturf comments from China's "50c party" reveal Beijing's cybercontrol strategy / Boing BoingJan 19 22:05
-TechrightsBN/ | How the Chinese Government Fabricates Social Media Posts for Strategic Distraction, not Engaged Argument | Gary KingJan 19 22:05
-TechrightsBN/ | Facebook to build new data centre in Denmark - The LocalJan 19 22:05
-TechrightsBN/ | Turkey's parliament set to approve sweeping new powers for president | World news | The GuardianJan 19 22:05
-TechrightsBN/ | What I’ve witnessed in Turkey is an assault on democracy itself | Owen Jones | Opinion | The GuardianJan 19 22:05
-TechrightsBN/ | Facebook blocks Russia Today from posting until day after Trump's inaugurationJan 19 22:05
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellJan 19 23:50
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 20 01:00
schestowitz 20 01:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Ruthisms: @KissThePaw @WLTaskForce @AssangeTracker @AssangeFreedom @EmbassyCat @BBfromPA @BellaMagnani @schestowitz I feel the MSM is mostly insane.Jan 20 01:20
schestowitz 20 08:08
schestowitz"They still need to make Unreal Engine FOSS -_-"Jan 20 08:08
-TechrightsBN/ Evolvation, an Unreal Engine online space shooter is now on Linux #gnu #linux #gamesJan 20 08:08
schestowitz 20 08:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Evolvation, an Unreal Engine online space shooter is now on Linux | GamingOnLinuxJan 20 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ #Epiphany Browser to Add New "Copy Image" Context Menu Item, Support IDN URLs #gnome #gnu #linuxJan 20 08:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Epiphany Browser to Add New "Copy Image" Context Menu Item, Support IDN URLsJan 20 08:09
schestowitz"People still use this browser? If I really need a second browser that’s not a Firefox derivative I just go with konqueror. Epiphany seems to be out-of-date as fuck."Jan 20 08:09
schestowitzYes, it isJan 20 08:09
schestowitz 20 08:09
schestowitz"Bunk. Screw the MSM."Jan 20 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ Early phases of autocracy including shutting out the press 20 08:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Log In - New York TimesJan 20 08:09
schestowitz 20 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: #israel government "relies on anti-Arab racism to justify its behavior" 20 08:09
schestowitz"Clearly you did not read it. Arrogant dumb ass aliens from other countries ass ume that they have the right and authority to determine Israel’s domestic policies."Jan 20 08:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Israel’s Above-the-Law Behavior – ConsortiumnewsJan 20 08:09
schestowitz 20 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ #DevilLinux 1.8.0 to Be a Major Overhaul, Will Use SquashFS as Main File System #gnu #linuxJan 20 08:09
schestowitz"Why use SquashFS?"Jan 20 08:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Devil-Linux 1.8.0 to Be a Major Overhaul, Will Use SquashFS as Main File System - Softpedia LinuxJan 20 08:09
schestowitzNot sure myselfJan 20 08:09
schestowitz 20 08:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SnugDog22: @schestowitz @wikileaks Not off hand, read it shortly after he was murdered.Jan 20 08:10
schestowitz 20 08:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SnugDog22: @schestowitz @wikileaks 20 08:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Seth Rich, Murdered DNC Director Of Voter Expansion, Bernie Sander’s Supporter, And American Hero – NEW INFORMATION ON SETH RICH. – InvestmentWatchJan 20 08:10
schestowitz 20 08:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Sheikh_al_Touar: @schestowitz @petrakramer @KrapulaPhD @Twpalovi @IlDrugo_ @Wikinaut 20 08:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Sheikh_al_Touar: - 20.01.2017 - Hoge Raad buigt zich over Battistelli’s juridische eiland 20 08:11
schestowitztranslation, Petra maybe?Jan 20 08:12
schestowitz 20 08:14
-TechrightsBN/ First #RT is blocked by #Facebook, now other sites are blocking it too 20 08:14
schestowitz"RT=russian propaganda"Jan 20 08:14
schestowitzYupJan 20 08:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | BREAKING: First RT is blocked by Facebook, now other sites are blocking it too | The CanaryJan 20 08:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Russia-backed RT unblocked on Facebook, claims Dataminr also revoked access | TechCrunchJan 20 08:14
schestowitz 20 08:14
-TechrightsBN/ #fedora seems to have improved since I last used it (at work, 2010-2011, after at university, Fedora Core) #f25Jan 20 08:14
schestowitz"There also seem to be fewer (no?) programs with memory leaks that I have found so far."Jan 20 08:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Digest of Fedora 25 Reviews | Brno hatJan 20 08:14
schestowitz 20 08:14
-TechrightsBN/ #FCC chairman warns next administration: Don't go backward they already have. They accepted #goldenDawnaldJan 20 08:14
schestowitz"You’re FIRED"Jan 20 08:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | FCC chairman warns next administration: Don't go backward - Jan. 13, 2017Jan 20 08:14
schestowitz 20 08:14
-TechrightsBN/ Extreme Brexit: This was May’s last moment of control Jan 20 08:14
schestowitz"I’m trying very hard to mellow ;)"Jan 20 08:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Extreme Brexit: This was May’s last moment of controlJan 20 08:14
schestowitz 20 08:15
-TechrightsBN/ Excellent. Maintain credibility upon that promise. 100% truth. 20 08:15
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@wikileaks: Assange lawyer @themtchair on Assange-Manning extradition 'deal': "Everything that he has said he's standing by."Jan 20 08:15
schestowitzI understood that as an offer. It would be wrong, very wrong, for him - or anybody else - to interpret it otherwise. Essentially that would turn the injustice of Mannings imprisonment into a greater injustice - hostage taking.Jan 20 08:15
schestowitzIs that something that we want to encourage?Jan 20 08:15
schestowitzObama didn’t say - did he? - that the release of Chelsea Manning was part of a deal with Assange.Jan 20 08:15
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:15
schestowitzThe House explicitly stated on the day that it was NOT to do with what Wikileaks had said.Jan 20 08:15
schestowitz 20 08:16
-TechrightsBN/ Here is anti-FOSS #microsoft -connected firm #blackduck attacking FOSS cc @webmink 20 08:16
schestowitz"What do They know?"Jan 20 08:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Attacks on Embedded Open Source Code Could Rise by 20 Percent This YearJan 20 08:16
schestowitz 20 08:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Black Duck - TechrightsJan 20 08:16
-TechrightsBN/ Fury at Azaria Verdict is #Israel #Trump Moment #justice and #law now mocked. Lynching acceptable.Jan 20 08:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Could not resolve host:; Unknown error ( status 0 @ )Jan 20 08:16
schestowitz"What do They know?"Jan 20 08:16
schestowitz"When a person can not discern a poster from an original oil, LOL that pretty my defines where that person is holding."Jan 20 08:17
schestowitz 20 08:17
-TechrightsBN/ From statehood to kingdom King #trump and fellow oligarchs drain the 'swamp' (non-oligarchs)Jan 20 08:17
schestowitz"noise. Big talk"Jan 20 08:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Is Trump ready for a national security crisis? - POLITICOJan 20 08:17
schestowitz 20 08:17
-TechrightsBN/ FIVE cops shooting dead a blind man in convenience store #us #policeJan 20 08:17
schestowitz"happened in nov 2015…and no justice yet ?"Jan 20 08:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Video reveals five police shooting dead blind man | Daily Mail OnlineJan 20 08:17
schestowitz"some of my best learning."Jan 20 08:18
schestowitz 20 08:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Sheikh_al_Touar: Excellent article! Bravo to Mr König and the NRC. Translation desperately needed for our non-dutch speakers 20 08:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: @Sheikh_al_Touar @petrakramer @KrapulaPhD @Twpalovi @IlDrugo_ @Wikinaut translation, Petra maybe?Jan 20 08:21
schestowitz 20 08:22
-TechrightsBN/ "If anything, we'll double down on what we've always done" a threat from #microsoftJan 20 08:22
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:22
schestowitzNadella knows he and everyone else in that last meeting were flunkies. Trump had the real meeting one on one with Gates.Jan 20 08:22
schestowitz22% price hike for the UK, right next to an article about 1/3 NHS having Microsoft ransomware attacks. That’s just beautiful. I suppose that’s what Microsoft will be doubling down on and the sort of thing Trump likes.Jan 20 08:22
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Trump doesn't make Microsoft's CEO nervous - Jan. 16, 2017Jan 20 08:22
schestowitzMicrosoft raised the prices here. Apple just did too...Jan 20 08:23
schestowitz 20 08:23
-TechrightsBN/ How to simplify your #Debian / #Ubuntu system updates with #uCareSystem 20 08:23
schestowitz"Interesting!'Jan 20 08:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | How to simplify your Debian/Ubuntu system updates with uCareSystem - TechRepublicJan 20 08:23
schestowitz 20 08:23
-TechrightsBN/ How to make people love and admire a person? Call a day off work after him/her. #mlk #mlkdayJan 20 08:23
schestowitz"unfortunally MLK day is becoming more and more #zionism day :-/"Jan 20 08:23
schestowitzHow so?Jan 20 08:23
schestowitz 20 08:23
-TechrightsBN/ How—and why—you should use a VPN any time you hop on the internet on #vpn right now...Jan 20 08:23
schestowitz 20 08:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | How—and why—you should use a VPN any time you hop on the internetJan 20 08:23
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:23
schestowitzantithesis: Don’t use VPN services.Jan 20 08:23
-TechrightsBN/ | Don't use VPN services. · GitHubJan 20 08:23
schestowitzsynthesis: understand the matter, and use the right tool for the right jobJan 20 08:23
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:23
schestowitz 20 08:24
-TechrightsBN/ I’m a Refugee. In America, I Felt Safe for the First Time. Now All I Feel Is Fear. #goldenDawnald #trumpJan 20 08:24
schestowitz"HMMM I WONDER WHY ?"Jan 20 08:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | I’m a Refugee. In America, I Felt Safe for the First Time. Now All I Feel Is Fear. | American Civil Liberties UnionJan 20 08:24
schestowitzGood reasons, when the Pres. compares people like these to SkittlesJan 20 08:25
schestowitz 20 08:25
-TechrightsBN/ I’m an #Abortion Provider ... Attacks on Reproductive Freedom to Intensify in #Trump ’s America suffice to say!Jan 20 08:25
schestowitz"OH WELL'Jan 20 08:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | I’m an Abortion Provider in a Red State, and I Expect the Attacks on Reproductive Freedom to Intensify in Trump’s America | American Civil Liberties UnionJan 20 08:25
schestowitz 20 08:25
-TechrightsBN/ "I got censored by a group of Christians because I talked about race, and it is not okay." #censorship Jan 20 08:25
schestowitz"True, true"Jan 20 08:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Christian Censorship: I Talked About Race And Was SilencedJan 20 08:25
schestowitz 20 08:25
-TechrightsBN/ If you don’t finish then you’re just busy, not productive sounds like #vodafone staffJan 20 08:25
schestowitz"Could you elaborate on the vodafone staff, please?"Jan 20 08:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | If you don’t finish then you’re just busy, not productive | Jack Bruce SimpsonJan 20 08:25
schestowitzI had bad experiences with them. Pretending to be busy, doing nothing.Jan 20 08:25
schestowitz 20 08:25
-TechrightsBN/ If people thought Executive Orders (EOs) were obnoxious when #obama used them, well wait until #trump uses them for his radical policiesJan 20 08:26
schestowitz"don’t be obnoxious."Jan 20 08:26
<--hl has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 20 08:30
-->hl (~hl@unaffiliated/hl) has joined #boycottnovellJan 20 08:37
schestowitz 20 08:47
-TechrightsBN/ #mozilla rebrands as fighting for the #internet something which #google is not really, genuinely doingJan 20 08:47
schestowitz"I have always supported Mozilla’s privacy and open-source efforts despite them being SJW’s. They deserve our support."Jan 20 08:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Digital Citizens, Let’s Talk About Internet Health | The Mozilla BlogJan 20 08:47
schestowitz"Isn’t mozilla the company whose previous chief executive had to resign because of his personal beliefs and charities? What guarantee that this will not turn out an attempt to sanitize the (increasingly bigger) dicussiom around health of internet?"Jan 20 08:47
schestowitzGood point.Jan 20 08:47
schestowitz 20 08:47
-TechrightsBN/ #ProtonMail uses #tor to improve 20 08:47
schestowitz"Is it not odd that the Protonmail Tor site requires the use of javascript?"Jan 20 08:47
schestowitz"I don’t know… Their clearnet site also uses javascirpt…'Jan 20 08:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Encrypted email service ProtonMail now supports Tor to thwart meddling governments | VentureBeat | Apps | by Paul SawersJan 20 08:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Encrypted email service ProtonMail opens door for Tor users | ZDNetJan 20 08:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | To combat online censorship, encrypted email provider ProtonMail launches Tor hidden service | The Tech PortalJan 20 08:48
schestowitzI heard some negative things, but they said they're improvingJan 20 08:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | ProtonMail Launches Tor Onion Site to Evade State Censorship - Mac RumorsJan 20 08:48
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:48
schestowitzJan 20 08:48
schestowitzThe more tools we have, the safer we can be.Jan 20 08:48
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:48
schestowitz 20 08:49
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: Mobile phones are tracking & data collection devices. They collect location, position, sometimes tilt every few seconds Also audio and videoJan 20 08:49
schestowitz"no shit =o its funny everybody complains about it but nobody does anything or propose any alternatives to fight against it…"Jan 20 08:49
schestowitzTake a peek at #replicantJan 20 08:49
schestowitz 20 08:49
-TechrightsBN/ | ReplicantJan 20 08:49
schestowitznot a mobile phone user myself, but I’ve heard good things about it; hthJan 20 08:49
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:49
schestowitz 20 08:52
-TechrightsBN/ #mozilla found out what it lacked to regain dominance: a logo! 20 08:52
schestowitzI wish they would concentrate more on the #privacy features of #firefox :("Jan 20 08:52
schestowitzAnd thunderbird tooJan 20 08:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Mozilla rebrands with clever new logo and open source design principlesJan 20 08:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Mozilla’s new logo hopes to show it’s at “the heart of the internet” - Design WeekJan 20 08:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Mozilla revealsbranding following open design processJan 20 08:53
schestowitz 20 08:53
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: "Obama refers to “The DNC emails that were leaked”." not cracked, not leaked.Jan 20 08:53
schestowitz"bevause they were leaked and the russians didnt do it"Jan 20 08:53
schestowitz"DNC leak. Coward piss head Obozo and Clinton losers."Jan 20 08:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Stunning Admission from Obama on Wikileaks - Craig MurrayJan 20 08:53
schestowitz 20 08:53
schestowitz"Exactly! Google can premium their OS, and the free software world will manage without them. Good riddance."Jan 20 08:53
-TechrightsBN/ This Dev Is Working on a Way to Run Android Apps on Ubuntu Phone #android #ubuntu #gnu #linuxJan 20 08:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | This Dev Is Working on a Way to Run Android Apps on Ubuntu Phone - OMG! Ubuntu!Jan 20 08:54
schestowitz"For what it’s worth you can already do this on SailfishOS. I’d rather push for more native development, but I totally understand that proprietary apps will likely never come over any other way and for some that would be a deal breaker.'Jan 20 08:54
schestowitz 20 08:55
-TechrightsBN/ With so many #freesw -based #gnu #linux distros out there it's hard to imagine choosing one from a criminal company 20 08:55
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:55
schestowitz@Jean for the laptop, desktop and server, I don’t know of a credible 3rd option. Low power laptops exists with ARM CPUs, though, and in many other arenas like smartphones, tablets and all kinds of specific computing boards (e.g. RPi & co) Intel and AMD are outsiders.Jan 20 08:55
schestowitzBTW, why do you say “other than AMD”?Jan 20 08:55
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Here's How To Setup Clear Linux For Intel Steam Linux Gaming - PhoronixJan 20 08:55
schestowitz"Well, I havê read somewhere that both intel and AMD havê problems in the sense of Intel ME engine. I just cant remenber where I readed it, bit I think it was in a blog from onde of the LibreBoot guys"Jan 20 08:55
schestowitzOpenPOWER might be an option for servers, but well.... cough cough... IBMJan 20 08:55
schestowitz 20 08:56
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:56
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: Or has investments in oil/coal giants. #DonTheCon Jan 20 08:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@DrJillStein: Already, we've got more solar jobs than coal jobs—any politician who promises to bring back dirty fossil-fuel jobs is being disingenuous.Jan 20 08:56
schestowitzWealth tends to spread its benefits in any democratic republic which allows capitalism.Jan 20 08:56
schestowitzCulture does however matter. Very stratified societies, like most European ones, tend to fail to invest wealth in ways which benefit a whole. Mature societies with relatively-less in-migration and aristocratic histories may become very stale. An ‘aristocracy’ need not be consanguineous; one based on academic ‘credentials’ may become hide-bound too.Jan 20 08:57
schestowitzA pattern is very common in North America, where economic social mobility exists: a first generation accumulates and/or generates wealth, but in the process neglects its children. Who then dissipate most of that wealth in self-indulgence, and their children then must start over (at least in economic terms).Jan 20 08:57
schestowitzOne should be careful about ever seeking to impose any vision of economic ‘justice’. The history of programmatic redistributionism is genocidal.Jan 20 08:57
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:57
schestowitzCan you give an example? A particular family?Jan 20 08:57
schestowitz 20 09:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AlbanThurston: @schestowitz Because bridges threaten their insularity? What happened to Trump's words about uniting? @jon_bartley @TheGreenPartyJan 20 09:06
schestowitzTo some people he represents Britain's ability to expel immigrants or perceived "foreigners"Jan 20 09:06
schestowitz"Jan 20 09:27
schestowitzWonderful historical look at our the British monarchy and events surrounding.Jan 20 09:27
schestowitzIn one of the episodes this event is brought to light... 20 09:27
schestowitz"Jan 20 09:27
-TechrightsBN/ | Great Smog of London - WikipediaJan 20 09:27
schestowitz> =Jan 20 09:27
schestowitz> 20 09:27
schestowitz> =Jan 20 09:27
schestowitz> 20 09:27
schestowitz> =Jan 20 09:27
-TechrightsBN/ | Brits don't trust Donald Trump with the surveillance powers President Obama left him | TheINQUIRERJan 20 09:27
schestowitz> "ProxyPipe identified strong similarities between some of the code inJan 20 09:27
schestowitz> Mirai and code uploaded to another Github account that enabled CoelhoJan 20 09:27
schestowitz> and Krebs to make a connection."Jan 20 09:27
schestowitz> 20 09:27
-TechrightsBN/ | Gmail phishing scam has everyone reaching for 2FA | TheINQUIRERJan 20 09:27
schestowitz> =Jan 20 09:27
schestowitz> 20 09:27
schestowitz> =Jan 20 09:27
schestowitz> "Trump was rightly ridiculed for this answer. But you can’t entirelyJan 20 09:27
-TechrightsBN/ | Mirai: Student behind IoT malware used it in Minecraft server protection racket, claims Krebs | TheINQUIRERJan 20 09:27
schestowitz> blame him for theological ineptitude when he had been hearing preciselyJan 20 09:27
schestowitz> this sort of nonsense from the pulpit year after year."Jan 20 09:27
schestowitz> 20 09:27
-TechrightsBN/ | Mini PC invasion: These radically tiny computers fit in your handJan 20 09:28
schestowitz> Prosperity GospelJan 20 09:28
schestowitz> =Jan 20 09:28
schestowitz> 20 09:28
schestowitz> =Jan 20 09:28
-TechrightsBN/ | For Donald Trump, faith has become the perfect alibi for greed | Giles Fraser: Loose canon | Opinion | The GuardianJan 20 09:28
schestowitz> 20 09:28
schestowitz> =Jan 20 09:28
schestowitz> 20 09:28
-TechrightsBN/ | Netflix is so big that it doesn’t need net neutrality rules anymore | Ars TechnicaJan 20 09:28
schestowitz> =Jan 20 09:28
schestowitz> 20 09:28
schestowitz> =Jan 20 09:28
schestowitz> 20 09:28
schestowitz> -Jan 20 09:28
-TechrightsBN/ | How to get started with a VPN in Linux | TechRadarJan 20 09:28
schestowitz> 20 09:28
schestowitz> =Jan 20 09:28
schestowitz> 20 09:28
-TechrightsBN/ | Trump team wanted tanks, missile launchers in parade: report | TheHillJan 20 09:28
schestowitz> =Jan 20 09:28
schestowitz> xJan 20 09:28
schestowitz> 20 09:28
schestowitz> bill sezJan 20 09:28
-TechrightsBN/ | Michael Moore leads massive anti-Trump protest in NYC | TheHillJan 20 09:28
schestowitz> =Jan 20 09:28
schestowitz> 20 09:28
schestowitz> =Jan 20 09:28
-TechrightsBN/ | Mark Zuckerberg sues hundreds of Hawaii families to force them to sell their land | The IndependentJan 20 09:28
schestowitz> 20 09:28
-TechrightsBN/ | Mark Zuckerberg sues over 100 Hawaiians to force them to sell them their ancestral land / Boing BoingJan 20 09:28
-TechrightsBN/ | Graphic CCTV footage appears to shows blind and mentally ill man being shot dead by California police | The IndependentJan 20 09:28
-TechrightsBN/ | Davos 2017: where and when to watch Satya Nadella, Meg Whitman, Bill Gates | IT Business | Computerworld UKJan 20 09:28
-TechrightsBN/ | Democrats Missed an Opportunity to Expose Steve Mnuchin as a Predator | The NationJan 20 09:28
-TechrightsBN/ | Turkey's Ruling Party Extends Powers With Constitutional Bill - SoylentNewsJan 20 09:29
schestowitz 20 09:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@vanaynay15: @CarolineLucas @schestowitz @lgsmigrants HRC voted 4 a 700 mile fence in 2006. This is nothing new. We can't have a open boarderJan 20 09:34
schestowitz 20 09:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@vanaynay15: @CarolineLucas @schestowitz @lgsmigrants we can raise illegals wages here by not allowing competition and they can sponsor family toJan 20 09:34
schestowitz 20 09:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@vanaynay15: @CarolineLucas @schestowitz @lgsmigrants members to immigrate her. I love them and want them to stay but we cannot continue w open boarderJan 20 09:34
-->acer-box__ ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 20 09:38
<--acer-box__ has quit (Changing host)Jan 20 09:38
-->acer-box__ (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellJan 20 09:38
---ChanServ gives channel operator status to acer-box__Jan 20 09:38
schestowitz 20 09:41
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AssangeTracker: @BBfromPA @Ruthisms @KissThePaw @WLTaskForce @AssangeFreedom @EmbassyCat @BellaMagnani @schestowitz Gives new credence to 'cheaters dont winJan 20 09:41
<--acer-box has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 20 09:41
schestowitz 20 09:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@candtalan: .@candtdct @CriminologyUK 20 09:59
schestowitz 20 09:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@LinuxSocist: @schestowitz Allot of people complain about the performance issues on these things what are running what should be a "high speed" M$ OS.Jan 20 09:59
schestowitz 20 09:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@WPaxtonRobinson: @schestowitz Does he want the army to walk in lock step and wear arm bands of the Neo Hilter Youth as well or just the Radical Right?Jan 20 09:59
schestowitz 20 10:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@rbanffy: @schestowitz @pcworld what I miss is a Chip-like device that can netboot over Ethernet.Jan 20 10:00
schestowitz 20 10:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@NUFC_OurClub: @schestowitz That is just murder that. Plain and simpleJan 20 10:00
schestowitz 20 10:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@fcassia: @schestowitz hurling expletives seems like a good first step. I like it!. ;pJan 20 10:26
schestowitz 20 10:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@fcassia: "Bridges not Walls" - An account to follow in the coming Trump Stone Age. => @Bridgesnotwallz cc/@Schestowitz @njrabit @sbassiEN @lprovenJan 20 10:56
schestowitz 20 11:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Dinkeldash: @schestowitz @wikileaks His CIA actually hacked the Senate, didn't they?Jan 20 11:28
schestowitzyes, that's what I was referring toJan 20 11:28
schestowitz 20 11:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@petrakramer: @schestowitz @Sheikh_al_Touar @KrapulaPhD @Twpalovi @IlDrugo_ @Wikinaut Just woke up, got have some coffee first. But it will be done today.Jan 20 11:31
schestowitzThank you so muchJan 20 11:31
schestowitz 20 11:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@petrakramer: @schestowitz @Sheikh_al_Touar @KrapulaPhD @Twpalovi @IlDrugo_ @Wikinaut It's grave news. The High Council chose Batistelli's side.Jan 20 11:49
schestowitzNot surprising after what the AG said some months backJan 20 11:49
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 20 11:54
schestowitz 20 12:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Margsbelle1958: @BirdLawXpert @schestowitz @wikileaks Not wrongJan 20 12:16
schestowitz 20 12:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@KrapulaPhD: @Sheikh_al_Touar @petrakramer @schestowitz @Twpalovi @IlDrugo_ @Wikinaut An Act of God shall come in handy and straighten up the issue.Jan 20 12:26
schestowitz 20 12:52
-TechrightsBN/ | NO TITLEJan 20 12:52
schestowitz"The situation is fluid. What we know is that Michelle Lee does not want to step down as Director of the Patent and Trademark Office. She has repeatedly let it be known that she is interested in staying. Whether she refused to resign or revoked her resignation remains unproven at this hour, but the unusually tight-lipped nature of Patent Office and senior Officials raises suspicions. If she has refused to resign or has revoked her letter Jan 20 12:52
schestowitzof resignation and she is not being vetted by the Trump Administration it would seem we are headed for an awkward and potentially embarrassing showdown."Jan 20 12:52
schestowitz 20 13:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@petrakramer: @schestowitz Here's the translation. 20 13:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | ZeroBinJan 20 13:01
schestowitz 20 13:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jeffjohnroberts: @schestowitz Thanks, RoyJan 20 13:16
schestowitzI've just mentioned you in 20 13:16
-TechrightsBN/ | Michelle Lee, USPTO Director, Should Recognise That the Patent Microcosm is Her Enemy Which Hates Her | TechrightsJan 20 13:16
schestowitz 20 14:30
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Mark_Antony: @ben_sewell Yes indeed! Moodle is a category-killer, and an awesome bit of software...Jan 20 14:30
schestowitzNot enough schools know about itJan 20 14:30
schestowitzwe'e in newcatle tomorrow 12-sunday afternoonJan 20 14:36
schestowitzhopefully not much spam in the mean timeJan 20 14:36
schestowitz 20 15:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@dissolve333: @schestowitz I don't really understand what you are saying? How does DRM relate at all to #webmention?Jan 20 15:08
schestowitzI didn't related those twoJan 20 15:08
schestowitzI didn't relate those twoJan 20 15:08
<--oiaohm has quit (*.net *.split)Jan 20 15:37
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schestowitz 20 15:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MorinvillePaul: @schestowitz Not part of any lobby. I am an inventor. You? Perhaps you are connected to the big money killing it for us small guys?Jan 20 15:45
schestowitz 20 15:45
schestowitz 20 15:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MorinvillePaul: @schestowitz You the lobbyist from TechRights accuse me the inventor from nowhere of being a lobbyist. You are swamp @realDonaldTrumpJan 20 15:45
schestowitz 20 15:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MorinvillePaul: @schestowitz Lobbyist calls inventor the "swamp". And hes not even from the USA. @USPTO @realDonaldTrump… 20 15:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MorinvillePaul: @schestowitz Lobbyist calls inventor the "swamp". And hes not even from the USA. @USPTO @realDonaldTrump… 20 15:45
schestowitz 20 15:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MorinvillePaul: @schestowitz Really? You are a stooge of TechRights. Lobby for Google. Calling me, an inventor, the swamp? @jaredkushnerJan 20 15:46
schestowitz 20 15:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MorinvillePaul: @schestowitz Wow. Stooge of anti-inventor lobby calls actual inventor the swamp. 20 15:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | About the Editors | TechrightsJan 20 15:46
schestowitz 20 15:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@dissolve333: @schestowitz I misunderstood your message then. You just would rather W3C be focusing on those other areas?Jan 20 15:46
schestowitz"Lobbyist calls inventor the "swamp". And hes not even from the USA. @USPTO @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr …"Jan 20 15:47
schestowitz 20 15:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@dissolve333: @schestowitz SWpats are outside of the realm of W3Cs tech specs. & they have a whole privacy WG that reviews at every spec before publishingJan 20 15:47
schestowitz 20 16:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Unexpected responseJan 20 16:04
schestowitz 20 16:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrattMarl: @TheGreenParty @schestowitz I shall continued to be more than words and seek balance. To promote with every act I command truth n unity tyJan 20 16:11
schestowitz 20 22:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CaliDeplorable: @schestowitz @wikileaks SorosJan 20 22:25
schestowitzTolerance, not Soros.Jan 20 22:26
schestowitz 20 22:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@wildnsweet761: @schestowitz @wikileaks why?Jan 20 22:27
schestowitzThere is a perception - a correct one IMHO - that #trump is trying to destabilise the #eu just like #putinJan 20 22:27
schestowitz 20 22:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pantog: @schestowitz Very possibly a 99% improvement towards a safer Israel. Obama had no concern for them, only for his M… 20 22:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pantog: @schestowitz Very possibly a 99% improvement towards a safer Israel. Obama had no concern for them, only for his M… 20 22:28
schestowitz 20 22:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pantog: @schestowitz @wikileaks No surprise as socialism isn't compatible with a true free market nation.This will be what makes America recover.Jan 20 22:28
schestowitz" Very possibly a 99% improvement towards a safer Israel. Obama had no concern for them, only for his Muslin friends and family"Jan 20 22:28
schestowitzObama and Trump are both bad for different but overlapping reasons.Jan 20 22:29
schestowitz 20 22:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pantog: @schestowitz @wikileaks Obviously, time will prove Trump is in our Whitehouse to replace the "hope/change" clown with an assertive POTUS.Jan 20 22:29
schestowitzTrump's track record (70 years) leaves me anything but optimistic. And I can't trust anything he says, either.Jan 20 22:30
schestowitz 20 22:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pantog: @schestowitz Our system decided Trump was the better choice over more of the same socialistic path found in HRC. Time will tell!Jan 20 22:31
schestowitzBoth choices that were advertised in the corporate media were beneficial to the media's owners. #bezos media: 20 22:32
-TechrightsBN/ | Washington Post Ran 16 Negative Stories on Bernie Sanders in 16 Hours | FAIRJan 20 22:32
schestowitz 20 22:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pantog: @schestowitz @wikileaks That's the funny thing about opinions, we all have one. Mine differs only in terms of the values he exposes.Jan 20 22:38
schestowitz 20 22:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pantog: @schestowitz interesting. I tend to test drive anything and anyone before judging. If he reduces the number of free loading socialists Im okJan 20 22:38
schestowitz 20 22:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pantog: @schestowitz sources of that percentile?Jan 20 22:39
schestowitzcabinet appointments of #trumpJan 20 22:39
schestowitz 20 22:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CaliDeplorable: You absolutely don't know what u are talking about. All Americans voted for Trump. Not just white men. You are igno… 20 22:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CaliDeplorable: You absolutely don't know what u are talking about. All Americans voted for Trump. Not just white men. You are igno… 20 22:39
schestowitz"You absolutely don't know what u are talking about. All Americans voted for Trump. Not just white men. You are ignorant. Educate yourself."Jan 20 22:39
MinceRooh, "All Americans"Jan 20 22:40
MinceRi wonder whether that means that this moron believes goldenDawnald won all the electorsJan 20 22:41
MinceRor that the ones who didn't vote for Agent Orange aren't "americans"Jan 20 22:41
schestowitz 20 22:42
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CaliDeplorable: You are not even American. Worry about your own country with the immigration problems it has. 20 22:42
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #trump support base says it all. For white males it'll be hard to understand how shellshocked a lot of people around the world are today.Jan 20 22:42
schestowitzYour country still has military bases in mineJan 20 22:42
schestowitz 20 22:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pantog: @schestowitz Alas, again perception and rhetoric. I suppose those words are subjectiveJan 20 22:44
schestowitzMinceR: Agent OrangeJan 20 22:44
schestowitzI like thatJan 20 22:44
MinceR:)Jan 20 22:44
schestowitzI used to say Orange ClownJan 20 22:44
schestowitzLike the ones in the movieJan 20 22:44
schestowitzminionsJan 20 22:44
schestowitz 20 22:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@queeniecity: @schestowitz @pantog @wikileaks go live somewhere else if you are so sad, this is NOT the first time RN had to tell you what do #MAGAJan 20 22:45
MinceRsee also: 20 22:45
-TechrightsBN/ | Agent Orange | Carmageddon Wiki | Fandom powered by WikiaJan 20 22:45
schestowitz 20 23:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TOPGOYIM: @schestowitz @wikileaks just another antifa fag having a hard time grasping the fact hes apart of the minority now 20 23:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TOPGOYIM: @schestowitz @wikileaks just another antifa fag having a hard time grasping the fact hes apart of the minority now 20 23:03
schestowitz 20 23:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PoliticalTropes: @CaliDeplorable @schestowitz @wikileaks 20 23:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MikeTokes: When "protesters" show up in groups coming out of coach busses you know they are nothing more than paid operatives.Jan 20 23:03
schestowitz 20 23:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pantog: @queeniecity @schestowitz @wikileaks yeah, what she said! Lol.Jan 20 23:04
schestowitz 20 23:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PoliticalTropes: @schestowitz @CaliDeplorable @wikileaks It's intolerance to burn cars and riot nc you lost an electionJan 20 23:04
schestowitz 20 23:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pantog: @schestowitz @queeniecity @wikileaks @TelegraphSport We're generally not known as a Judeo-Christian-Islamic nation. Barry started that lieJan 20 23:04
schestowitz 20 23:05
schestowitz 20 23:05
schestowitz 20 23:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@queeniecity: Good one less smug over confident dunderhead have to keep out of trouble. You must be a Naturopath #Stay put 20 23:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: @pantog @queeniecity @wikileaks I don’t live in the US (could do), but either way, this is #trumpism at work. See 20 23:06
schestowitz#fakenews is working. People fall for it. 20 23:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CaliDeplorable: @PoliticalTropes @schestowitz @wikileaks @MikeTokes Bought and paid 4 Rioters. All Need to be arrested by the @NationalGuardJan 20 23:13
schestowitz 20 23:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PoliticalTropes: @CaliDeplorable @schestowitz @wikileaks @MikeTokes @NationalGuard and prosecuted.Jan 20 23:14
schestowitz 20 23:14
schestowitz 20 23:14
schestowitz 20 23:14
schestowitzprosecuting protestersJan 20 23:14
schestowitzGOP already passes law for thatJan 20 23:14
schestowitzin FIVE states this week aloneJan 20 23:14
schestowitz 20 23:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CaliDeplorable: @PoliticalTropes @schestowitz @wikileaks @MikeTokes Dr. Roy Stop spreading hate. You R not American. Go figure out… 20 23:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CaliDeplorable: @PoliticalTropes @schestowitz @wikileaks @MikeTokes Dr. Roy Stop spreading hate. You R not American. Go figure out… 20 23:23
schestowitz"Dr. Roy Stop spreading hate. You R not American. Go figure out immigration issue in U.K"Jan 20 23:23
schestowitz 20 23:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TOPGOYIM: @schestowitz 20 23:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TOPGOYIM: @schestowitz 20 23:23
schestowitz 20 23:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@GreenAlty: @schestowitz She's made so many embarrassing mistakes, I'm not sure if that's the worst or not!Jan 20 23:24
schestowitz 20 23:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@colinmthomas: @schestowitz @wikileaks I few people putting banners on bridges - they were so unruly!Jan 20 23:24
schestowitz 20 23:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@angrymofo: @schestowitz To be fair I have seen TV video of a few cars burning in the streets today. They should be arrested if they riot.Jan 20 23:25
schestowitzIn relation to Trump? That's not protest, that's arson.Jan 20 23:25
schestowitz 20 23:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@angrymofo: @schestowitz It sure is. From the looks of it there will be a lot more of this overnight. Will find out tomorrow I guess.Jan 20 23:33
schestowitz 20 23:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SLYR123: @schestowitz Probably right on that one. Is that a bad thing in your opinion?Jan 20 23:33
schestowitz 20 23:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrandtTrey: @CaliDeplorable @JanFraank @PoliticalTropes @schestowitz @wikileaks n @MikeTokes hey Dr Lipshitz mind your own you ignorant fuckJan 20 23:51
schestowitz 21 00:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MariusNestor: @schestowitz Oh, boy... plagiarism at its finest.Jan 21 00:02
schestowitzTop result in Google News, report?Jan 21 00:02
schestowitz 21 00:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MariusNestor: @schestowitz Yes, right away!Jan 21 00:12
schestowitz 21 00:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MariusNestor: @schestowitz Google report submitted. I also sent them an email... it's not the first time they do that (hoping it is the last). Thanks!Jan 21 00:22
schestowitz 21 00:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pantog: @schestowitz @washingtonpost Ok, worst why? Factual evidence only please.Jan 21 00:22
schestowitz 21 00:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Bazeelzebub: @schestowitz regrettably, i agree. May's govt pinning UK back on USA coat-tails. Why else, when none believe in Brexit? Whew! 90 days tho'?Jan 21 00:24
schestowitz 21 00:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pantog: @schestowitz @the_intercept Well it must ALL be true if Sen. Elizabeth Warren , (aka Lieawatha- Fauxcahontas) is saying it is.Jan 21 00:24
schestowitz 21 00:24
schestowitz 21 00:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@GreenAlty: That's because we stole far more stuff. 21 00:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: I was in the National Mall 11 years ago. The museums there are OK, but most British museums are miles better. Overrated place to visit.Jan 21 00:25
schestowitz 21 00:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@loverly_b: @schestowitz look forward to VR-Brit Museums for those who cant visit ... :)Jan 21 00:29
acer-box__ 21 01:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TriciaEdwards2: @TheEconomist @schestowitz Bleak?? You must have listened to a different speech...🙄Jan 21 01:36
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schestowitz 21 06:10
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-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Reconquista1970: @schestowitz @Independent Jo Cox didn't come to his aid, theirs no mileage in helping him, her concerns were for fake refugeesJan 21 06:10
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-->You are now talking on #boycottnovellJan 21 06:58
---Topic for #boycottnovell is | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-socialJan 21 06:58
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-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelJan 21 06:58
schestowitz 21 06:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@skeptical_david: @thebenshow @schestowitz brings tears of pride to my eyes, and blood to my erection #NewPOTUSJan 21 06:58
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schestowitz 15 00:04
-TechrightsBN/ #microsoft #linux to run under #vista10 so as to give all the antifeatures (DRM, spying) 15 00:04
schestowitz"I don’t see how that will help them. Who in their right mind, would ditch any of the wonderful distributions of Gnu/Linux for Linux running on windows 10 which is a horrible abomination of an operating system?"Jan 15 00:04
schestowitzPeople whose employer demands itJan 15 00:04
schestowitz 15 00:05
-TechrightsBN/ I wish #trump was not becoming President Choices were poor And it led to a situation where a terrible candidate became electableJan 15 00:05
schestowitz"No, all choices were extremely poor, there are just more racist Americans voting in swing states than not."Jan 15 00:05
schestowitzNot just racists necessarily, but victims of the Trump cult of personalitiesJan 15 00:05
schestowitz 15 00:05
-TechrightsBN/ If #trump does not agree on #russia sanction, bad thing or not? 15 00:05
schestowitz"“becuz reasons”"Jan 15 00:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Trump NSA director arranges telephone talks between Trump and Vladimir Putin | Daily Mail OnlineJan 15 00:05
schestowitzYupJan 15 00:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 503 @ )Jan 15 00:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Trump Adviser Spoke With Russian Ambassador On Day Sanctions Announced - Mexico Star [ ]Jan 15 00:05
schestowitz 15 00:06
-TechrightsBN/ Over 5,500 Academics Arrested in #Turkey since Rule of Law Suspended Next up: #duterte land and Trumpistan?Jan 15 00:06
schestowitz"Jan 15 00:06
schestowitzThe media embraced 'anti-terrorism’Jan 15 00:06
schestowitzFirst they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out -Jan 15 00:06
schestowitzBecause I was not a Socialist. [Niemöller]Jan 15 00:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Over 5,500 Academics Arrested in Turkey since Rule of Law Suspended — Committee of Concerned Scientists [ ]Jan 15 00:06
schestowitzOh how they smirked when we said those lines…Jan 15 00:06
schestowitzSince Thatcher/Reagan one has seen a continuous destruction of basic principles of tolerance and consensus - the very fundamentals of anything that claims to be democratic.Jan 15 00:06
schestowitzForbidding opinions rather than discussing and arguing against them, reaching consensusJan 15 00:06
schestowitz"Jan 15 00:06
schestowitz"Jan 15 00:06
schestowitzTurkish democracy?Jan 15 00:06
schestowitzFirst you fake a coup and then you arrest everyone with a different opinion.Jan 15 00:06
schestowitz"Jan 15 00:06
schestowitz"Jan 15 00:06
schestowitzit’s the general trend everywhere.Jan 15 00:06
schestowitzExcept that it is not so ‘subtle’ in Turkey.Jan 15 00:06
schestowitzAbout time we started fighting back for basic principles such as free speech and habeas corpus.Jan 15 00:06
schestowitzThe best way to fight against something, is to fight for something - things basic and uncontroversial, which were taken away from us in the hysteria of anti-terrorism.Jan 15 00:06
schestowitz"Jan 15 00:06
schestowitzThailand also, sort of...Jan 15 00:07
schestowitz 15 00:07
-TechrightsBN/ Reported “backdoor” in #WhatsApp is in fact a feature #facebook 'feature' for "dumb fucks" Jan 15 00:07
schestowitz"I know you know it better please ask Facebook for a statement why they don’t implement better security. If we all do this, they will think about it. Otherwise we accept the 1984 reality 😱"Jan 15 00:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Reported “backdoor” in WhatsApp is in fact a feature, defenders say | Ars Technica [ ]Jan 15 00:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Facebook CEO Admits To Calling Users 'Dumb Fucks' [ ]Jan 15 00:07
schestowitz"Jan 15 00:08
schestowitz‘feature’ for “dumb fucks”Jan 15 00:08
schestowitzFucking lolJan 15 00:08
schestowitzThe solution is to stop using facebook. You can talk all you want, if you continue using facebook. Actions matter, not being upset on the internet.Jan 15 00:08
schestowitz'Jan 15 00:08
schestowitz"@Julia L no, they will not “think about it.” They don’t give a fuck about your or my opinion. We’re not their customers. The only answer is STOP USING FACEBOOK."Jan 15 00:08
schestowitztheir customers are advertisers and governments/spies, to whom privacy is an enemyJan 15 00:08
schestowitz 15 00:08
-TechrightsBN/ New framework uses #Kubernetes to deliver serverless app architecture #freeswlJan 15 00:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @ )Jan 15 00:08
schestowitz"Thx"Jan 15 00:08
schestowitz 15 00:10
-TechrightsBN/ 'Stun' or 'Flashbang' or whatever buzzword #police comes up w/ for 'lesser' lethal weapons (like Taser) doesn't change fact they're weaponsJan 15 00:10
schestowitz"Jan 15 00:10
schestowitzThey don’t care…Jan 15 00:10
schestowitzWith that they broke long ago the preamble to the german (post-nazi) constitution:Jan 15 00:10
schestowitzThe dignity of a person is unassailableJan 15 00:10
schestowitzWe are back in new-fascism, neo-feudalism - let academic tossers argue about the term - the outcome is the same - no respect for the dignity of ordinary people - especiallly the poor, weak, sick, old, immigrant etc. ‘usual suspects’Jan 15 00:10
schestowitz"Jan 15 00:10
schestowitzbecause they're not "job creators" and they cannot get police chiefs, who give orders, sackedJan 15 00:10
schestowitz 15 00:11
-TechrightsBN/ Does anyone think that #obama will pardon @snowden just days after reaffirming his total betrayal/hatred of every #privacy advocate?Jan 15 00:11
schestowitz"I will survey media to see how is media treatment of this case. By watching where media wants to go maybe there is something to say about the answer, will be doing it today, tonight."Jan 15 00:11
schestowitz"Not at all."Jan 15 00:11
schestowitz"Human Rights NGOs must be trying to gain people faith in human rights NGOs when they talk in behalf of manning and snowden, Wikileaks pulished NGOs’ words. In all this media war I think NGOs are using Snowden and Manning for their interest. NGOs uses real cases, selected cases, in order to seem transparent and “good”, like Ayotiznapa’s 43 missing persons in Mexico, Snowden, etc, but in reality it is a cover for their real Jan 15 00:11
schestowitzintentions. (Not wikileaks, only talking about NGOs)"Jan 15 00:11
schestowitz"Reading “The Observer” news, if Obama gives pardon it is to somehow clean the stain mentioned in the news."Jan 15 00:11
schestowitz"We need a chart, or a map, for the invisile war. In real war one see countries painted in a paper with figures of soldiers and tanks painted in some place and arrows saying the directon of the tanks, etc. We need something like that but a paper with all media corporations painted in it and actors that appears in the news (Trump, Obama, Clinton, etc) with arrows and lines connecting who attacks who and who defends who, and also in the mapJan 15 00:12
schestowitzshould be the multibillonaries behind the media like Soros, it should be a good map of the invisile war."Jan 15 00:12
schestowitz"I don’t think he will"Jan 15 00:12
schestowitz"Very interesting question. What I think is that everything is a theatre, including NGOs actors in the play"Jan 15 00:13
-TechrightsBN/ | Snowden Slams Obama After Expanding "Unchained NSA" Surveillance Powers For Donald Trump | Zero Hedge [ ]Jan 15 00:13
schestowitz 15 00:13
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: Just wait until elements in #israel regime jump to 'king's' defence and insist foreign calls for arrest are "helping Iran" and anti-SemitismJan 15 00:14
schestowitz"Religion is just a tool to control the masses and as I can see it works pretty well…"Jan 15 00:14
schestowitz"Torah according to the Framers serves as the Constitution of the Republic."Jan 15 00:14
schestowitz 15 00:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@FrancisJeffrey7: @schestowitz @wikileaks @rj_gallagher 15 00:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@FrancisJeffrey7: Demo of @Twitter double-dialectic: Almost blew a gasket! @jack @sacca @csoghoian @chrislhayes @JoshuaKushner… 15 00:23
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 15 01:19
schestowitz 15 01:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MikeCucchetti: @schestowitz @wikileaks Biden is a fool another one that should be tried for treasonJan 15 01:34
schestowitz 15 03:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@JaimeCalaveras: Cool news about cool open source tech. 15 03:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #Apache #Beam Graduates to Help Define Streaming Data Processing #freeswJan 15 03:23
schestowitz 15 07:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@UrPublicAdjustr: We need to find a solution! These Americans derserve assistance, either FIXING their water or MOVING them 15 07:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: @DrJillStein In MI they can't even wheel in water or fix the pipe for 3 years, water more importannt than Pres 15 07:43
schestowitz 15 07:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@1358531: Evidence mounts suggesting @TheDemocrats are prepared to make people as miserable as possible so they can crown an… 15 07:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@1358531: Evidence mounts suggesting @TheDemocrats are prepared to make people as miserable as possible so they can crown an… 15 07:43
schestowitz"Evidence mounts suggesting @TheDemocrats are prepared to make people as miserable as possible so they can crown an establishment bot in 2020"Jan 15 07:44
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> 15 07:55
-TechrightsBN/ | Moody's pays $864 million to U.S., states over pre-crisis ratingsJan 15 07:55
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> 15 07:55
schestowitz> -Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> 15 07:55
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:55
-TechrightsBN/ | Google Cloud Platform Blog: How we secure our infrastructure: a white paperJan 15 07:55
schestowitz> 15 07:55
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:55
-TechrightsBN/ | Google Infrastructure Security Design Overview  |  Google Infrastructure Security Design Overview  |  Google Cloud Platform [ ]Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> 15 07:55
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> 15 07:55
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:55
-TechrightsBN/ | A story of if_get(9) - GrenadilleJan 15 07:55
-TechrightsBN/ | Davos Poll: Will Digital Privacy Become a Luxury? [ ]Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> 15 07:55
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:55
-TechrightsBN/ | Dem boycotts of inauguration grow | TheHill [ ]Jan 15 07:55
-TechrightsBN/ | Human Rights Watch lists Trump as threat to human rights | TheHill [ ]Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> "The [fake] incident made national news in November when ..."Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> 15 07:55
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:55
-TechrightsBN/ | CMS: Police found no evidence teacher assaulted Muslim student | The Charlotte Observer [ ]Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> 15 07:55
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:55
-TechrightsBN/ | Polish couple 'forced to work for £4 a day' in Nelson - BBC News [ ]Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> "veils will make them respectful.”Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> 15 07:55
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> 15 07:55
-TechrightsBN/ | Kolkata’s Imam sparks row again: ‘Women should always be in veil’ - Bangalore Mirror [ ]Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:55
-TechrightsBN/ | Germany’s biggest Turkish Islamic network admits some imams spied for Ankara — RT News [ ]Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> 15 07:55
-TechrightsBN/ | Donald Trump accuses civil rights icon John Lewis of 'all talk and no results' | The Independent [ ]Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> 15 07:55
-TechrightsBN/ | If you don’t finish then you’re just busy, not productive | Jack Simpson [ ]Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:55
schestowitz> 15 07:56
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:56
schestowitz> 15 07:56
-TechrightsBN/ | 'CVS: src' - MARC [ ]Jan 15 07:56
-TechrightsBN/ | James O'Keefe caught trying to bribe protesters to riot at Trump inauguration / Boing Boing [ ]Jan 15 07:56
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:56
schestowitz> 15 07:56
schestowitz> =Jan 15 07:56
-TechrightsBN/ | It’s begun: Internet providers are pushing to repeal Obama-era privacy rules - The Washington Post [ ]Jan 15 07:56
schestowitz 15 08:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@DeplorableTNT: @schestowitz @Independent Lewis owwe Trump an apology..8 yes of Trump will be Fab!!!!!!👍👍👍👍💪💪💪💪💪💪🎶🎶🎶🎶🍸🍸🍸🍸🎂🎶🍾🍾🍾🍾🍻🍻🍻🍻cheersJan 15 08:16
schestowitz 15 08:42
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@sartoris1960: @schestowitz @wikileaks @rj_gallagher I want any &all released no matter party. For HONEST &moral govt. GWashington would love WIKILEAKS.Jan 15 08:42
schestowitz 15 08:42
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@d4v3nu11: @schestowitz @TIME There's no such thing as "digital privacy", it's called "privacy“ amd it's not different from "meat space privacy"!Jan 15 08:42
schestowitz 15 08:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@d4v3nu11: For even more spywares... buyt it's not really a problem since w-users have "nothing to hide", right? what could go… 15 08:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@d4v3nu11: For even more spywares... buyt it's not really a problem since w-users have "nothing to hide", right? what could go… 15 08:43
schestowitz 15 08:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@LwaziWali: + a measly ~$1.2bn for S&P?! #smh such a slap in the face vs the trillions gained. classic #NFA - only a matter of… 15 08:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@LwaziWali: + a measly ~$1.2bn for S&P?! #smh such a slap in the face vs the trillions gained. classic #NFA - only a matter of… 15 08:48
schestowitz 15 09:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@d4v3nu11: Well, they stole UNIX command names (curl, and wget among others) and use them as aliases for incompatible amd poor… 15 09:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@d4v3nu11: Well, they stole UNIX command names (curl, and wget among others) and use them as aliases for incompatible amd poor… 15 09:02
schestowitz"Well, they stole UNIX command names (curl, and wget among others) and use them as aliases for incompatible amd poor-featured tools, and they"Jan 15 09:02
schestowitz 15 09:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CamSchweinfickr: @schestowitz @ProPublica do very low wages in US enable otherwise unsustainable businesses that will never be able to provide a good living?Jan 15 09:02
schestowitz 15 11:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@krikmr: How Google secures its data centres, .... Thx: @kerouanton @schestowitz @JNitterauer 15 11:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | How Google secures its data centres, networks and applications, Richard KirkJan 15 11:08
schestowitz 15 11:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@rbanffy: @schestowitz peer review is a good thing. Maybe a web of trust can be tagged on top of a peer review mechanism for news.Jan 15 11:09
schestowitz 15 11:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@fflandro: @schestowitz I took an earned vacation day off from work to help escort President-Elect @realDonaldTrump into Power on January 20, 2017!Jan 15 11:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@fflandro: @schestowitz TedPage: The Case for Ubuntu Phone 15 11:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | TedPage: The Case for Ubuntu PhoneJan 15 11:10
schestowitzgood find, thanksJan 15 11:11
schestowitz 15 11:35
-TechrightsBN/ | Daemon foregrounding now no longer a proof of concept, also written in the rust meme : linuxJan 15 11:35
schestowitz"This really should not need to be said, but suggesting that people should be shot in the face is a super fucked up thing to do."Jan 15 11:35
schestowitzmatthew garrettJan 15 11:35
schestowitz 15 12:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@benafim: @schestowitz I know there are things the papers pretend do not existJan 15 12:10
schestowitz 15 12:30
schestowitzspamJan 15 12:30
-TechrightsBN/ | I'm teaching a new 100% online class about Linux Security at University of California San Diego! Can count for credit. Starts Jan 24! : linuxJan 15 12:30
schestowitz 15 12:35
-TechrightsBN/ | mgraesslin: The pity state of Linux desktop security - YouTube [ ]Jan 15 12:35
schestowitz 15 12:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@darkcola2: @schestowitz love blender. Dutch inventor too. I think lolJan 15 12:35
schestowitzyes, almost the whole development team is Dutch, AFAIKJan 15 12:36
schestowitz 15 12:40
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Symbo1ics: @schestowitz and #gnu #grep was no slouch eitherJan 15 12:40
schestowitz 15 17:41
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Morality124: @Integralmathyt So now we know where Trudeau got the talking point. @PwnySlaystation @schestowitz @CNNMoneyJan 15 17:41
schestowitz born rich, married a criminal who became EVEN richer, lectures us on poverty ^_^Jan 15 17:47
schestowitz 15 17:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Morality124: @Integralmathyt "So now, here's some vapid nonsense you should repeat at press conferences." @PwnySlaystation… 15 17:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Morality124: @Integralmathyt "So now, here's some vapid nonsense you should repeat at press conferences." @PwnySlaystation… 15 17:47
schestowitzthe 'face of poverty' is the world's richest woman. #fakenews #pressOfOccupation #Davos Jan 15 17:47
schestowitz 15 17:59
-TechrightsBN/ A look at darktable 2.2.0 15 17:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | A look at darktable 2.2.0 []Jan 15 17:59
schestowitz"darktable roxx"Jan 15 18:00
schestowitz 15 18:01
schestowitz"The pig Arab terrorist, why should Israel pay to put him behind bars? A bullet in the head of a pig, solves all the problems in this particular case. Stateless Arab Refugees have no rights."Jan 15 18:02
schestowitz"Jan 15 18:02
schestowitz@mosc, your a racist piece of shit, human rights arent a question of citizenship, tey are universalJan 15 18:02
schestowitz@Dr. Roy, elor azaria had been convicted for murder, right? by an israeli army court, right? he was convicted for a crime, itz a political question, will he get “pardon” or not, similar like chelsea manning or snowdenJan 15 18:02
schestowitz"Jan 15 18:02
schestowitz"@murdeRED, your a dumb ass simpleton. For over 2000 years Jews existed as Stateless Refugees and Jews had no rights."Jan 15 18:02
schestowitz"2 wrongs doesnt make it right and btw the so called “juden-emanzipation” after the enlightment gave jewish citizens citizen rights, tragically the antisemites in europe (like currently in the arabian countries) didnt accepted that and … we know the story"Jan 15 18:03
schestowitzA pardon would set a dangerous precedence and reinforce the perception of the troops being above the law and unaccountable in the state's view, hence free to execute people. Hardly helps pacify the  Israel Arabs, Palestinians etc. But sure, call them "Pigs" and see how far your peace can go, then say they indoctrinate >their< kids against Israel.Jan 15 18:05
schestowitz 15 18:06
-TechrightsBN/ #assange once called what he does "scientific journalism", wherein you use actual direct evidence with citation 15 18:06
schestowitz"In this day and age we must require evidence, and also evidence that the evidence is valid!"Jan 15 18:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@wikileaks: Assange: Die Ideologie der Information 15 18:06
schestowitz"The track record of the one making claims is also a factor."Jan 15 18:06
schestowitzAbsolutelyJan 15 18:06
schestowitz 15 18:06
-TechrightsBN/ Also, IMHO, cult of personalities. Many people out there blindly believe anything Trump (or Clinton) says 15 18:06
schestowitz"Pizzagate meets Golden Showers - smh"Jan 15 18:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@in24n6: @schestowitz @thenation Problem is that people have lost the ability to critically think & analyze. Refuse to question timing/convenience.Jan 15 18:06
schestowitz"One of my friends coined the term “peepeegate”! :-)"Jan 15 18:06
schestowitzI think that's already 'taken"Jan 15 18:07
schestowitz 15 18:08
-TechrightsBN/ I wish #trump was not becoming President Choices were poor And it led to a situation where a terrible candidate became electableJan 15 18:08
schestowitz"lol oh oh here comes the "racist word " the most over used word in the dictionary . cult personalities , surely you must be talking about the blood sucking Podesta /Clinton cult .OR MAYBE the cult of the Clinton cartel of pedophiles "lolita express " OR MAYBE the Arkansas Clinton /drug cartel . LOL any of those cults come to mind . this is getting hilarious . Racist ??? I cant stop laughing ."Jan 15 18:08
schestowitz"Yea, Trump’s behavior has legitimized racist behavior, among other things. Since your head is so far up your ass to see anything else, I’m not surprised all you can do is laugh. I’d laugh too if I saw you like that."Jan 15 18:08
schestowitz"LOL your kidding right LOL go ahead tell me some racist behavior , in the mean time better listen to this woman this black woman that has known him and his family for years OOOPPPPS I GUESS SHES A LIAR TOO . Lynne Patton “The Trump Family That I Know” - A Black Female Trump Executive Speaks LYNN PATTON SEEMS TO DISAGREE WITH YOU AND SHE KNOWS HIM YOU DONT ."Jan 15 18:08
-TechrightsBN/ | Lynne Patton "The Trump Family That I Know" - A Black Female Trump Executive Speaks - YouTube [ ]Jan 15 18:08
schestowitz"You’re hilarious. What will Fox News tell you to believe next?"Jan 15 18:08
schestowitzTrump does legitimise racist behaviour. It does not, however, mean that all Trump voters are racist.Jan 15 18:09
schestowitz 15 18:09
-TechrightsBN/ #microsoft #linux (or #SUSE as it's better known by) is helping Microsoft move #gnu Linux users to #malware10 15 18:09
schestowitz"Friends do not let friends move back to Microsoft."Jan 15 18:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Forget Ubuntu, now OpenSuse Linux comes to Windows 10 » TechWorm [ ]Jan 15 18:09
schestowitz"They only want your everything."Jan 15 18:09
schestowitz"There are fools who will be seduced by microsoft"Jan 15 18:09
schestowitzEsp. when Microsoft PAYS them to do this, for dramatic effect (Microsoft does this inside the FOSS community)Jan 15 18:09
schestowitz 15 18:10
-TechrightsBN/ I've long had the criticism of mainstream media that it never provides sources/citations for claims, not even in online versions of articlesJan 15 18:10
schestowitz"The Main Stream Media does not believe in the URL for commercial reasons. They do not want to take your eyes away from the publication (and ads) you are at."Jan 15 18:10
schestowitz"That’s funny because I don’t see any ads behind my vpn and ad block with PIA.'Jan 15 18:10
schestowitzYou've beaten The BeastJan 15 18:10
schestowitz 15 18:12
-TechrightsBN/ More reasons why #aosp and #lineageOS are needed after #microsoft effectively killed #cyanogen #android #googleJan 15 18:12
schestowitz"Jan 15 18:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Google will require OEMs to support Android's notification bundling and direct reply features [ ]Jan 15 18:12
schestowitzJan 15 18:12
schestowitzI don't see how this conflicts with #opensource (many people seem to assume it does). It's not a restriction to the #AOSP codebase and its license. This restriction applies if you (as an OEM) want to ship your Android-based software with the proprietary Google Services. These are neither part of AOSP, nor opensource.Jan 15 18:12
schestowitz"Jan 15 18:12
schestowitz 15 18:12
-TechrightsBN/ #MikePompeo "apocalyptic Islamophobic fanatic at the head of CIA ... advocate of #torture " 15 18:12
schestowitz"Armageddon, here we come!"Jan 15 18:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Meet Mike Pompeo, the Far-Right Christian Zealot Who Will Lead Trump's CIA | Alternet [ ]Jan 15 18:12
schestowitzThen Rapture for Good Christians(TM)Jan 15 18:12
schestowitz 15 18:13
-TechrightsBN/ #Kdenlive 16.12.1 released with Windows version #kde #gnu #linuxJan 15 18:13
schestowitz"@Will Hill: Windows version often means new contributors (developers, translators, online help). For example most of contributions to KDE Kleopatra come from the Windows project."Jan 15 18:13
schestowitzArdour begs to differ; they say it's more support issues/overhead and bug reports specific to Windows etc.Jan 15 18:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Kdenlive 16.12.1 released with Windows version | Kdenlive [ ]Jan 15 18:14
schestowitz 15 18:15
-TechrightsBN/ "I got censored by a group of Christians because I talked about race, and it is not okay." #censorship Jan 15 18:15
schestowitz"Regardless of the topic at hand, it is shameful that We Christians are doing such a despicable thing. We fought for so long, mainly protestants, for freedom of religion and of speech. We finally have what our spiritual fathers fought for so long, just to be censor by the same groups. Sadly, protestants are now borrowing a page from the Catholic crusades. When we don’t agree with your message not only we censor you, but ban you from theJan 15 18:15
schestowitzplace so you won’t have a hearing. Instead of listening and then comparing the message to see if it is in accordance with what the Bible says. It is really sad, and what scares me is the fact that it seems this is going to get worse."Jan 15 18:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Christian Censorship: I Talked About Race And Was Silenced [ ]Jan 15 18:15
schestowitzOther religions are even worse in that regardJan 15 18:15
schestowitz 15 18:17
-TechrightsBN/ Thirteen Dems Join GOP to Kill #Sanders Resolution on Canadian Drug Imports haha. "Democrats" (TM)Jan 15 18:17
schestowitz"Anarchy in the DemoRATIC party. Yea."Jan 15 18:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Thirteen Dems Join GOP to Kill Sanders Resolution on Canadian Drug Imports » THE DISTRICT SENTINEL news co-op [ ]Jan 15 18:17
schestowitz"So many politicians owned by big money interests; it appears revolution is inevitable.'Jan 15 18:18
schestowitzWhy? And when? A billionaire oligarch with his white old cabinet (not furniture) would be even worse, more self-serving.Jan 15 18:18
schestowitz 15 18:19
-TechrightsBN/ "territories of Alta California and New Mexico to the U.S. in exchange for $18 million." not many people know.Jan 15 18:19
schestowitz"Jan 15 18:19
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | United States involvement in regime change - Wikipedia [ ]Jan 15 18:19
schestowitzgood to see that documented.Jan 15 18:19
schestowitzIt’ll be interesting to see how long it will remain uncensored (moderated).Jan 15 18:19
schestowitz"Jan 15 18:19
schestowitz 15 18:19
schestowitz"A Sad Excuse for an Empire : IN OUR IMAGE : America’s Empire in the Philippines by Stanley Karnow - latimes"Jan 15 18:19
-TechrightsBN/ | A Sad Excuse for an Empire : IN OUR IMAGE : America's Empire in the Philippines by Stanley Karnow (Random House: $24.95; 494 pp., illustrated; 0-394-54975-9) - latimes [ ]Jan 15 18:19
schestowitzI was thinking of the Philippines too. People 'sold' from one empire to another like commodity.Jan 15 18:20
schestowitz 15 18:20
-TechrightsBN/ #unix #posix #gnu etc. are essential for one's productivity. Also multiple screens. My best friend and I both use 4 screens for work.Jan 15 18:20
schestowitz"/me favours single screen and tiling"Jan 15 18:20
schestowitz"Why only a single screen?"Jan 15 18:20
schestowitzyeah, limiting in the field of view senseJan 15 18:21
schestowitz"Jan 15 20:20
schestowitzxxxxxx is only suggesting "caution" but no guts and no real attitude as it should be needed by a xxx in this case, so I won't mind: things need to be escalated and published. But it is of paramount inportance to get a level of attention and resonance as it has not been reached so far.Jan 15 20:20
schestowitzSome minor point: there are some mistakes in the way I wrote the parts that you quote taht need review/correction, lest it lead straight to a non mother language. It's a minor thing, but it might help if we get that straight too.Jan 15 20:20
schestowitzI have some troubled internet connection where I am at the moment so please considet this as I might delay my answers... Stay tuned and let's break the neck of this xxxxx straight away !Jan 15 20:20
schestowitz"Jan 15 20:20
schestowitz"Jan 15 20:22
schestowitzIt's fine, I just thought you might need contacts with them. Actually keeping them at a certain distance gives you a better stance, as it makes your output less prone to criticism of bias whatsoever. xxxx is also not a focused structure: it has always been torn apart from its inner nature of internal xxxx, people in it first and outmost care for their position in EPO. Same attitude that in present times translates into fear for themselvesJan 15 20:22
schestowitz It hampered heavily both union and staff representation functions. I always had an open voice against this and I was never really welcome. Time will tell who was on the right, soon I hope.Jan 15 20:22
schestowitzI checked your two tweets and the links. I guess lipstick on a warthog says it all. Even worse: in this case it's not even on the mouth...Jan 15 20:22
schestowitzI hope I get some feedback from the contacts I am probing at present, then I'll let you know.Jan 15 20:22
schestowitz"Jan 15 20:22
schestowitz"Jan 15 20:40
schestowitzBefore I indulge in phylosphy, I let you digest these words and thinkJan 15 20:40
schestowitzabout how we might proceed to share more.Jan 15 20:40
schestowitzI renew my condoliances to you and family for your loss, still I wish ifJan 15 20:40
schestowitzpossible a somehow good sunday afternoon.Jan 15 20:40
schestowitz'Jan 15 20:40
schestowitz 15 20:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@zoobab: @schestowitz plus lots of their boxes runs GPL code without publishing sources.Jan 15 20:51
schestowitz 15 21:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@HelloAndrew: @billmuss @schestowitz @wikileaks will you ever question the government of Donald The Wikileaks President Trump?Jan 15 21:16
schestowitz 16 00:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@coryxoxo: @schestowitz Obama has always been a two-faced liar. @wikileaksJan 16 00:04
*hl has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 16 00:06
*hl (~hl@unaffiliated/hl) has joined #boycottnovellJan 16 00:07
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 16 00:55
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 16 01:05
schestowitz> 16 08:08
-TechrightsBN/ | When It Comes to Police Surveillance, Local Politics Matter | Motherboard [ ]Jan 16 08:08
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:08
schestowitz> 16 08:08
-TechrightsBN/ | In Final Speech, FCC Chief Tom Wheeler Warns GOP Not to Kill Net Neutrality | Motherboard [ ]Jan 16 08:08
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:08
schestowitz> 16 08:08
-TechrightsBN/ | Advice Goddess Blog [ ]Jan 16 08:08
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:08
schestowitz> 16 08:08
schestowitz> right.  They still haven't made good on their role in causing Iraq War 2Jan 16 08:08
-TechrightsBN/ | Media beware, your credibility is all you have: Column [ ]Jan 16 08:08
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> "Patricia, a Polish schoolgirl, was falsely accused of pulling off aJan 16 08:09
schestowitz> Muslim woman's headscarf."Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> 16 08:09
schestowitz> "gang"Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ | Muslim migrant gang of youths part of regular Sharia Patrol violence in Vienna | World | News | Daily Express [ ]Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> 16 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ | Pastor vandalized for fourth time after anti-mosque remarks | News 12 New Jersey [ ]Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> 16 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ | Saudi Arabia cleric warns of ‘depravity’ of cinema, concerts | The Indian Express [ ]Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> -Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> 16 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ | Saudi Arabia religious chief says legalising cinemas risks 'mixing of sexes' and 'rotten' influence | The Independent [ ]Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> "Water sources at Camp Lejeune were contaminated from 1953-1987 withJan 16 08:09
schestowitz> industrial solvents"Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> 16 08:09
schestowitz> major baseJan 16 08:09
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ | Veterans' Corner: Contaminated water at Camp Lejeune - Salisbury Post | Salisbury Post [ ]Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> 16 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ | Microsoft slates end to security bulletins in February | Computerworld [ ]Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> further obscuringJan 16 08:09
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> 16 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ | A Republican Privatization of Social Security Is a Real Possibility -- The Motley Fool [ ]Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> 16 08:09
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ | Apple, please help to save private e-mail encryption | HAX [ ]Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> 16 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ | Why copyright is fundamentally incompatible with civil liberties like privacy [ ]Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> 16 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ | REPORT: Amazon acquires AI startup for $20 million - Business Insider [ ]Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> 16 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ | World’s eight richest men own as much as poorest 50% | The Independent [ ]Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> older:Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> 16 08:09
schestowitz> =Jan 16 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ | Stealing passwords from McDonald's users - Tijme Gommers [ ]Jan 16 08:09
schestowitz> 16 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ | The Coming Crusade Against Public Education | The Nation [ ]Jan 16 08:09
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 16 14:03
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellJan 16 14:04
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzJan 16 14:04
schestowitz 16 21:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@5starrHell: @schestowitz @wikileaks can you please write that many times as some don't understand the true message here it about all "future Chealseas"Jan 16 21:03
schestowitzRather than repeat, let's rephrase and expand. Right now the message 'Democrats' send out is: expose war crimes, spend LIFE in prison.Jan 16 21:04
schestowitz 16 21:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@WggjJay: @schestowitz @5starrHell Any blood caused by Gitmo Criminals Obama released is on his hands. He has all the leakers he needs already.Jan 16 21:50
schestowitz 16 22:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MLB37167: @CNN @ABC @NBC @CBS @MSNBC The Public quit watching y'all when you failed to focus on the main issues. 16 22:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: So much of the corporate media is STILL busy speaking ABOUT the #podestaemails (where it came from etc. - speculation!), not what’s in themJan 16 22:04
schestowitz 16 22:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CorruptionMore: @schestowitz @wikileaks @Thomas_Drake1 @JesselynRadack @POTUS @xychelsea 16 22:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CorruptionMore: @schestowitz @wikileaks @Thomas_Drake1 @JesselynRadack @POTUS @xychelsea 16 22:07
schestowitzBipartisan tactic 16 22:07
-TechrightsBN/ | Democrats’ Tactic of Accusing Critics of Kremlin Allegiance Has Long, Ugly History in U.S.Jan 16 22:08
schestowitz 16 22:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@zoobab: @schestowitz if the pound went up, brexit would have been positive? A bit simplistic approach.Jan 16 22:08
schestowitzThis shows the impact on ordinary people. FTSE = rich people.Jan 16 22:08
schestowitz 16 22:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CorruptionMore: @schestowitz @wikileaks @Thomas_Drake1 @JesselynRadack @POTUS @xychelsea @the_intercept throwing stones to hide their hands...Jan 16 22:10
schestowitz 16 22:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@paulhindes: @schestowitz @NakedSecurity Doesn't this just mean there'll be no more "parallel construction"? Does that weaken defense challenges?Jan 16 22:11
schestowitzexact opposite. Makes it easier.Jan 16 22:11
schestowitz 16 22:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AlertFiend: @WggjJay @schestowitz @5starrHell Even though it was everybody else demanding the closure of Gitmo?Jan 16 22:16
schestowitz 16 22:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Whoo_Gravy: @Thomas_Drake1 @schestowitz Wouldn't be the first time.Jan 16 22:16
schestowitz 16 22:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Soozieceu: @MarkSZaidEsq u missed th point.It takes some1 like Manning 2 expose warCrimes 2 expose Trumps warCrimes @schestowitz @wikileaks @NatSecGeekJan 16 22:28
schestowitz 16 22:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@wendycockcroft: @schestowitz A libertarian friend suggested Medicaid for all as the better way to go.Jan 16 22:29
schestowitz 16 22:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@scottgal: @schestowitz *was Windows has grown up a whole lot in the past few years. Now embedded control systems are the weak system.Jan 16 22:29
schestowitz 16 22:32
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PartyPlayusa: @schestowitz do you take high and low tables? Seriously your like on a merry-go-round going to fast and can't say anything straight!.. sadJan 16 22:32
schestowitz 16 22:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@scottgal: @schestowitz so in the domestic setting, things like IoT devices, cameras, routers etc...are easier to use to gain entry to a network.Jan 16 22:33
schestowitz 16 22:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@scottgal: @schestowitz then you can address networked control systems - which may be running on old Windows versions and other poorly secured OSsJan 16 22:33
schestowitz 16 22:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Efffrc: @GreenPartyUS @schestowitz 16 22:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Efffrc: @GreenPartyUS @schestowitz 16 22:38
schestowitz 16 22:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@paulhindes: @schestowitz ? Easier for prosecution & now impossible for defense to raise suspicion of source, right? @NakedSecurityJan 16 22:46
schestowitzEasier to construct cases in parallel to hide source of dataJan 16 22:46
schestowitz 17 00:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SwaderPolly: #MLK 17 00:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: King for a day 17 00:24
schestowitz 17 00:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@1358531: @schestowitz MIddle management never listens.Jan 17 00:36
schestowitz 17 07:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Aframerica: What? @schestowitz @wikileaksJan 17 07:07
schestowitz 17 07:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@OdinOfAsgard078: @schestowitz @DrJillStein 17 07:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@OdinOfAsgard078: @schestowitz @DrJillStein 17 07:07
schestowitz 17 07:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@cjackson65: @Soozieceu @MarkSZaidEsq @schestowitz @wikileaks @NatSecGeek He has war Crimes? I missed this.Jan 17 07:08
schestowitz 17 07:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@mmu_man: @schestowitz @ReproBuilds @videolan will like that ;-)Jan 17 07:08
schestowitz 17 07:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@paulhindes: @schestowitz Right, but doesn’t this bill negate the need to hide NSA as the source? @NakedSecurityJan 17 07:08
schestowitz 17 07:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SamC130: @wikileaks @schestowitz Why would the NSA need Sweden to pass things to them?Jan 17 07:09
schestowitz 17 08:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@00fill: @schestowitz @glynmoody This is going to become a war.He does not sit in the chair for long.They will insert the impeachmentJan 17 08:44
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Jan 17 14:04
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovellJan 17 14:05
schestowitz 17 15:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ChuckRoss33: @schestowitz @MMFlint I'm not seeing what's gained in Moore's actions other than attention. Flint needs him 4 more than articles-documentaryJan 17 15:27
schestowitz 17 15:27
schestowitzTheresa May as PM is as elected as the QueenJan 17 15:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jake_trotman: @schestowitz @MollyMEP @TheGreenParty how is she unelected ? LolJan 17 15:28
schestowitz 17 15:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@systemdsucks: Send them my way! 😍😜 17 15:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: More and more sysadmins that I know complain about #systemd Change for the sake of change is an understatement It harms portability/UNIX wayJan 17 15:28
schestowitz 17 15:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pottyman2: @schestowitz @CarolineLucas @TheGreenParty People with those skills will still be able to come hereJan 17 15:29
schestowitz 17 15:32
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jake_trotman: @schestowitz @MollyMEP @TheGreenParty .. Gets to form a government. The leader of the party then becomes prime minister. Educate yourselfJan 17 15:32
schestowitz 17 15:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jake_trotman: @schestowitz @MollyMEP @TheGreenParty this parliamentary democracy if you don't like it move.Jan 17 15:33
schestowitz 17 15:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jake_trotman: @schestowitz @MollyMEP @TheGreenParty we don't elect a prime minister. We vote for our local MP's the party that wins a majority of seats..Jan 17 15:34
schestowitz 17 15:43
schestowitz 17 15:43
schestowitz 17 15:43
schestowitz 17 15:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jake_trotman: @schestowitz @MollyMEP @TheGreenParty the Queen is constitutional monarch. Fulfilling her constitutional duties as head of state and C in CJan 17 15:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jake_trotman: @schestowitz @MollyMEP @TheGreenParty the wearer/bearer of the crown , which in itself is an institution. The crown holds in trust...Jan 17 15:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jake_trotman: @schestowitz @MollyMEP @TheGreenParty a 7th of the worlds land and all justice comes from it. You get prosecuted by the Crown prosecutors.Jan 17 15:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ZkotosKoritsi: @schestowitz @CarolineLucas U r cruising 4 a bruising but go ahead Find out what real Scotland wants outside Edinburgh & Glasgow #Brexit :)Jan 17 15:43
schestowitzhttp://example.orgJan 17 15:43
schestowitzodd..Jan 17 15:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: @TheGreenParty SImply throwing away almost 50% of voters rather than seeking some assessment of impact after false marketing by LeaveJan 17 15:43
-TechrightsBN/ | Example DomainJan 17 15:43
schestowitzweird lagJan 17 15:45
schestowitz 17 18:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @schestowitz @wikileaks try to manufacture in the US and ask retailers to carry your product against slave made chinese goods.Jan 17 18:51
schestowitz 17 18:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BecksWalt: @schestowitz @Margsbelle1958 @wikileaks @lessig Hillary made sure they weren't going to win! Crooked woman!Jan 17 18:56
schestowitz 17 19:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Globayashi: @Margsbelle1958 My message was to @schestowitz Perhaps you should learn how to read twitter. @SalonJan 17 19:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Globayashi: @Margsbelle1958 Also, 'shitlibbing' is a liberal behavior, hence the 'lib' part of the word. Regards. @schestowitz @SalonJan 17 19:33
schestowitz 17 19:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@argumento_: @schestowitz "Making GNU linux look like malware", luled.Jan 17 19:44
schestowitz 17 19:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TrevorStyler: @schestowitz Call to Action #TeeChip #Scam #Ripoff #Stealing 17 19:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Petition · Facebook: Ban from having a Facebook page · Change.orgJan 17 19:49
schestowitz 17 19:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Margsbelle1958: @Globayashi @schestowitz @Salon Ooops lol sorry bout thatJan 17 19:55
schestowitz 17 19:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Margsbelle1958: @BecksWalt @schestowitz @wikileaks @lessig I think she believed she deserved it and would manipulate anything and everything to get itJan 17 19:55
schestowitz 17 19:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Margsbelle1958: @HarrytheHat714 @schestowitz @wikileaks So so trueJan 17 19:55
schestowitz 17 19:57
-TechrightsBN/ | TIL the package "sl" will make you laugh when you accidentally mistype "ls". : linuxJan 17 19:57
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 18 01:00
schestowitz 18 01:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ianrobo1: @glynmoody @schestowitz er I am on the site thinking the stuff is repulsive !Jan 18 01:06
schestowitz 18 01:07
schestowitz 18 01:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@glynmoody: @ianrobo1 @schestowitz ah, well, nobody's perfect. except nigel farage, of course...Jan 18 01:07
MinceRlolJan 18 01:07
schestowitz 18 01:07
schestowitz 18 01:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Duupert: @schestowitz @ggreenwald @Thomas_Drake1 Uuuh, congratulations and thank you @ggreenwald ??!! Seriously, hats off.Jan 18 01:07
schestowitz 18 01:08
schestowitz 18 01:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ianrobo1: @glynmoody @schestowitz he prob baths in the stuffJan 18 01:08
schestowitz 18 01:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@EdFig81: @Margsbelle1958 @schestowitz @Salon yeah but the more they say fake news and r wrong the more embrace the real news. It's a great thing imoJan 18 01:08
schestowitz 18 01:08
schestowitz 18 01:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@EdFig81: @Margsbelle1958 @schestowitz @Salon this is why many want @realDonaldTrump banned from Twitter because he can counter all the bs withoutJan 18 01:09
schestowitz 18 01:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@EdFig81: @Margsbelle1958 @schestowitz @Salon caling a press conference and bending to the main stream media. I really love da trump right now!!!Jan 18 01:09
schestowitz 18 01:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Adriennekitties: @schestowitz @Snowden Possibly but amen, what sweet relief! Chelsea will be freed. I hope for a peaceful transition back to civilian life.Jan 18 01:09
schestowitz 18 01:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@KissThePaw: @MarcRyan2001 @schestowitz @wikileaks But I don't think #Assange was bluffing. If a deal was signed, he will honor his end.Jan 18 01:09
schestowitz 18 01:10
schestowitz 18 01:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@lordy1995: @scottybabey @schestowitz you don't care about the law. You care that someone leaked information detrimental to the look of our military.Jan 18 01:11
schestowitz 18 01:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MarcRyan2001: @KissThePaw @schestowitz @wikileaks I honestly don't think he was bluffing but I could see Obama doing that thinking that he was bluffingJan 18 01:11
schestowitz 18 01:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@lordy1995: @scottybabey @schestowitz "our secrets" yeah secrets that should not be kept from the American people. I want to know that my tax dollarsJan 18 01:12
schestowitz 18 01:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@lordy1995: @scottybabey @schestowitz are being used effectively and she with her leaked info just made that picture perfectly clear.Jan 18 01:12
schestowitz 18 01:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jjarrard1979: @schestowitz @wikileaks that's what he told ObamAJan 18 01:12
schestowitz 18 01:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@michaelwild2198: @schestowitz @Snowden war on journalists?!?!? Just wait 3 days, you've seen nothing yet. Book burnings coming tooJan 18 01:13
schestowitzYes, even easier now, with the law passed by Obama a week ago (NSA data sharing)Jan 18 01:14
schestowitz 18 01:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CasaChichi: @FredoSossa @schestowitz @wikileaks Indeed. No matter the agenda, I am thankful for this action #chelseamanning #clemencyJan 18 01:14
schestowitz 18 01:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BaynesMelanie: Probably correct but personally I don't care WHY Obama did it, just very happy he has! 18 01:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: @Snowden He did this also for PR points, to distract from his legacy of war on journalists and sourcesJan 18 01:15
schestowitz 18 01:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@lxdgn: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce Excellent "win" #3 - installing Exxon+Gazprom oligarchy and ruining climate on Earth forever,shame on you,selloutsJan 18 01:15
schestowitz 18 01:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks China's strength is not in military, it is in economics. Taiwan integration to China is inevitable.Jan 18 01:15
schestowitz 18 01:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Who who elect determines sending Americans to die over Chinese oil. Trump seems to like the idea.Jan 18 01:15
schestowitz 18 01:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks He also doesn't seem to mind a nuclear war... might as well be the "Antichrist."Jan 18 01:15
schestowitz 18 01:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks #communist #China economic strength only due to slave labor and non-existent environmental laws.Jan 18 01:16
schestowitz 18 01:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks No need to manufacture in #communist #china on a fair playing field.Jan 18 01:16
schestowitz 18 01:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks There is truth is your statement that they enjoy a more lucrative form of slave labor than the U.S.Jan 18 01:16
schestowitz 18 01:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks USA needs to adhere to ideals and protect democracy and liberty in the world. #defend #taiwanJan 18 01:16
schestowitz 18 01:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks But to pretend $8 an hour isn't slave labor is willful ignorance.Jan 18 01:16
schestowitz 18 01:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Chinese power, just like all real power in the world, lies in the power of capital and owned debt.Jan 18 01:17
schestowitz 18 01:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks ##taiwan integration with #communist #china only under tyrannical military threat.Jan 18 01:17
schestowitz 18 01:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks #taiwan will choose independence first, and integration only through Chinese threat and force.Jan 18 01:17
schestowitz 18 01:17
schestowitz 18 01:18
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Trump going to liberate US oil so we use less from OPEC. I'll fight and die to push back chinaJan 18 01:18
schestowitz 18 01:18
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Actually, it is #communist #china that repeatedly threatens nukes, especially over #taiwan.Jan 18 01:18
schestowitz 18 01:18
schestowitz 18 01:19
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@journeyheart: @schestowitz @wikileaks It's interesting this is the administration that prosecuted more journalists then all other administration combinedJan 18 01:19
schestowitz 18 01:19
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks USA doesn't need to use nukes. many non nuclear options 18 01:19
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Massive Ordnance Penetrator - WikipediaJan 18 01:19
schestowitz 18 01:20
schestowitz 18 01:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks research how often #communist #china threatens the use of nukes. We must deal with that.Jan 18 01:20
schestowitz 18 01:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Margsbelle1958: @schestowitz @MadeleineLove @wikileaks Of course it's going to be interesting to watch. Did you see his statement? Looks like he is comingJan 18 01:20
schestowitz 18 01:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks No. Follow the money. The history of the world is written in economics.Jan 18 01:20
schestowitz 18 01:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks that's why it's called "minimum" wage. No comparison between poor in US and real slavery in ChinaJan 18 01:20
schestowitz 18 01:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks We already have no dependence on OPEC. We own OPEC. When we isolated Iran & took Iraq, it was over.Jan 18 01:21
schestowitz 18 01:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Minimum wage jobs were never meant to be careers for adults. result of outsourcing to slave laborJan 18 01:21
schestowitz 18 01:21
schestowitz 18 01:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@dr_rita39: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce Gloating away lol.Jan 18 01:21
schestowitz 18 01:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks History isn't one sided unless you intent to ignore it. 18 01:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | How many times did the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. threaten to nuke China? - QuoraJan 18 01:21
schestowitz 18 01:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks you take your free speech and liberty for granted. Chinese power held by regime. USA held by peopleJan 18 01:22
schestowitzFew people who are super richJan 18 01:22
schestowitz 18 01:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks #taiwan is a model of democracy. baby america. deserving of our protection from #communist #chinaJan 18 01:23
schestowitz 18 01:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Trump's Win is proof our republic and democratic process can prevail over money.Jan 18 01:23
schestowitzFunny. Oligarch con man as President shows that?Jan 18 01:23
schestowitz 18 01:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Cold war rhetoric after fall of Germany. fight for democracy vs communism in the world. later wonJan 18 01:26
schestowitz 18 01:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Pray tell, what is the difference? 18 01:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Pray tell, what is the difference? 18 01:27
schestowitz 18 01:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Did US or Russia nuke one another!? exactly! USA defeated USSR. time to fight and defeat China.Jan 18 01:27
schestowitz 18 01:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks If you think power in the USA is held by the people, you are sorely mistaken.Jan 18 01:27
schestowitz 18 01:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks not accurate. most oil still from foreign sources. we need to change that until solar and windJan 18 01:28
MinceRand then the USSR rose from the dead and took over the USAJan 18 01:28
MinceRyay, victoryJan 18 01:28
schestowitzI was gonna say the sameJan 18 01:28
schestowitzBut he's an idiot, I don't feed himJan 18 01:29
schestowitzlike it's a gameJan 18 01:29
schestowitz"wimming'Jan 18 01:29
schestowitzTrump and CheenJan 18 01:29
schestowitzSheenJan 18 01:29
schestowitz 18 01:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks It's inevitable USA will have standoff with #communist #china. better now before military build-up.Jan 18 01:29
schestowitzidiotJan 18 01:29
schestowitzLike it'a a sportJan 18 01:30
schestowitzor a boardgameJan 18 01:30
MinceRbi-winningJan 18 01:30
schestowitz 18 01:30
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Pray tell again who holds the power in the US. 18 01:30
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Pray tell again who holds the power in the US. 18 01:30
schestowitz 18 01:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks No, it's proof that Russian oligarchs can put money in the game too and win the same way the restdoJan 18 01:31
schestowitz 18 01:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks By buying media to program your mind, investing in like-minded businessmen in the US, and hackingJan 18 01:31
schestowitz 18 01:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Trump is proof power is still held by the people. Our system works. prevents tyranny from majority.Jan 18 01:34
schestowitz 18 01:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @schestowitz @PatrickJFerree @wikileaks few people who do super things!Jan 18 01:34
schestowitz 18 01:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Fight for democracy vs. communism had nothing to do with ideology and everything to do with whoJan 18 01:35
schestowitz 18 01:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks controls the money.Jan 18 01:35
schestowitz 18 01:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks And how did USA defeat U.S.S.R.? The same way Putin is defeating the U.S.Jan 18 01:36
schestowitz 18 01:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @schestowitz @TwoKidsIsEnough @wikileaks 8 people control 50% of the world's wealth and people think they are free.Jan 18 01:36
schestowitzNo correctJan 18 01:36
schestowitzwealth of the bottom 50%Jan 18 01:37
schestowitz 18 01:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @schestowitz @PatrickJFerree @wikileaks career politicians are the con artists. Trump puppet to no one. First POTUS not a lawyer or cronyJan 18 01:39
schestowitz 18 01:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks We own most of those sources. We just lost Syria, Turkey. Follow the money, stop relying on News.Jan 18 01:39
schestowitz 18 01:40
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks No, Trump is the proof that our system doesn't work. Over a billion dollars poured into Trump fromJan 18 01:40
schestowitz 18 01:40
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Russia. His business partner just set up a new $500 million dollar deal in Dubai.. get real.Jan 18 01:40
schestowitz 18 01:41
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Like send troops to fight for their money.Jan 18 01:41
schestowitz 18 01:41
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Career politicians are the puppets. Not by nature, but out of the means by which politics works.Jan 18 01:41
schestowitz 18 01:41
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Trump University was the definition of a con, but yet Trumptards dismiss it at business.Jan 18 01:41
schestowitz 18 01:41
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks That's cult mentality.Jan 18 01:41
schestowitz Jan 18 01:42
schestowitz 18 01:42
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks That's not how a government of the people for the people is supposed to work.Jan 18 01:42
schestowitz 18 01:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks The will of the people is just giving money to someone you like instead of someone you don't like.Jan 18 01:43
schestowitz 18 01:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @schestowitz @PatrickJFerree @wikileaks sensible immigration important, yes!? 18 01:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs - - YouTubeJan 18 01:44
schestowitz 18 01:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @schestowitz @PatrickJFerree @wikileaks world threats necessitate need to rebuild US military. Military best jobs program for unemployableJan 18 01:44
schestowitz 18 01:44
schestowitz 18 01:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Yes. I follow his work. He's right. Trump will do the opposite.Jan 18 01:44
schestowitz 18 01:45
schestowitz 18 01:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks He wants to build a wall to keep out "the rapists" from Mexico, while "selecting" immigrants.Jan 18 01:45
schestowitz 18 01:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks He IS the establishment. Look up the Carlyle group and see Karl Rove and Dick Cheney's hands.Jan 18 01:45
schestowitz 18 01:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks that's about oil. oil supply is matter of national security, therefore military base near oil fieldsJan 18 01:45
schestowitz 18 01:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Look up Genie energy who wants to exploit Golan Heights, hence why Israel wants to keep it.Jan 18 01:46
schestowitz 18 01:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Trump won because Americans were forgotten by globalists past three decades.Jan 18 01:46
schestowitz 18 01:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks No,Trump won because 20 million people watch Fox Propaganda Network.Jan 18 01:46
schestowitz 18 01:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks And instead of stopping the flow of Russian money, they put a band aid on it and all it did wasJan 18 01:47
schestowitz 18 01:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks cause Putin to throw more money behind Trump and his 'advisors'.Jan 18 01:47
schestowitz 18 01:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks #hypocrisy. hacking is what intelligence agencies do. governments hack each other just how it isJan 18 01:47
schestowitz 18 01:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@1358531: @WLTaskForce @WikiLeaks I hope that this will be considered carefully. @schestowitz 18 01:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jaraparilla: @wikileaks @theMTchair White House said #Assange's offer was ignored. He is under no compulsion to surrender now. 18 01:47
schestowitz 18 01:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks balance of power in the world was mostly ideology. always a mix of other interests tooJan 18 01:48
schestowitz 18 01:48
schestowitz 18 01:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks You ignore the factionalism that has existed in intelligence agencies and why they exist.Jan 18 01:48
schestowitz 18 01:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks No, the fight for democracy over communism was real. USA won! world mostly democratic.Jan 18 01:48
schestowitz 18 01:49
schestowitz 18 01:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks The balance of power, still, does not lie in the people. It is merely a modern game of thrones.Jan 18 01:49
schestowitz 18 01:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks But the kings and queens are a mix of billionaires and government officials.Jan 18 01:49
schestowitz 18 01:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Communism doesn't work as well as democracy to build wealth for a country. USA brain suck of worldJan 18 01:49
schestowitz 18 01:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks And how did it accomplish that? Did it take over Russia? Did it stop the communists in China orJan 18 01:49
schestowitz 18 01:49
schestowitz 18 01:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks North korea?Jan 18 01:49
schestowitz 18 01:50
schestowitz 18 01:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks No, it didn't. And guess what, communism and socialism are only dangers because they were weakJan 18 01:50
schestowitz 18 01:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Hence why the Nazis used it as a false flag to take over Germany.Jan 18 01:50
schestowitz 18 01:50
schestowitz 18 01:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks And Mussolini in Italy.Jan 18 01:50
schestowitz 18 01:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Because it doesn't aggregate wealth into capital. Banks and hedge funds aggregate wealth into cap.Jan 18 01:51
schestowitz 18 01:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Delta33_1976: @michaelwild2198 @schestowitz @Snowden That's just B Shit. Trump doesn't kiss the ass of media so he's branded a Joke Trump = ProsperityJan 18 01:51
schestowitz 18 01:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Obama admin responsible for current military issues. Trump will fix that. money plays it's partJan 18 01:51
schestowitz 18 01:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks In a way yes, but only because Obama and Biden were not willing to play the game.Jan 18 01:51
schestowitz 18 01:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks False news right there. Trump spend far less than most. 18 01:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | What Trump and Hillary Spent vs Every General Election Candidate Since 1960 - MetrocosmJan 18 01:52
schestowitz 18 01:53
schestowitz 18 01:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks 1. You're talking about his campaign. I'm talking about his bank accounts.Jan 18 01:53
schestowitz 18 01:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Russia is not our problem. China and immigration issues with Mexico greatest threats.Jan 18 01:53
schestowitz 18 01:53
schestowitz 18 01:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks 2. See who was his #1 campaign supporter. 15 million dollars. And see how much money he made onJan 18 01:53
schestowitz 18 01:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Trump tweets.Jan 18 01:53
schestowitzGet yourselves a chat room or remove me from the notifications pleaseJan 18 01:54
schestowitz 18 01:54
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks where is your source material for Russia ties theory?Jan 18 01:54
schestowitz 18 01:54
schestowitz 18 01:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks lol You're right.. Russia isn't our problem. It's Putin and his Oligarch friends.Jan 18 01:55
schestowitz 18 01:55
schestowitz 18 01:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks There is absolutely no evidence to support your false claim... only other false claims.Jan 18 01:55
schestowitz 18 01:55
schestowitz 18 01:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Everywhere.... you can start with @funder and #trumpleaks... try google.Jan 18 01:55
schestowitz 18 01:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Our military is often subject to political games, but needs to be there for real threats like #ChinaJan 18 01:55
schestowitz 18 01:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks You can read the moment pinned to the top of my twitter page.Jan 18 01:55
schestowitz 18 01:56
schestowitz 18 01:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks It's a good place to start... but it's a mountain.Jan 18 01:56
schestowitz 18 01:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks what's this fixation on money? If you hate USA, try living in China. try fighting system.Jan 18 01:56
schestowitz 18 01:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @schestowitz @TwoKidsIsEnough @wikileaks Serves you right for all the Assange loving you do; propping up a globalist 4chan Russian puppet.Jan 18 01:56
schestowitz 18 01:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @schestowitz @TwoKidsIsEnough @wikileaks All the real heroes have left Wikileaks and rightfully so. Manning is free. Assange has a choice.Jan 18 01:56
schestowitz 18 02:13
-TechrightsBN/ This from the #bezos -owned #ciapost which attacked the politician of medicare for all see 18 02:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | 18 million would lose insurance in first year of Obamacare repeal without replacement, CBO report says - The Washington PostJan 18 02:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Washington Post Ran 16 Negative Stories on Bernie Sanders in 16 Hours | FAIR [ ]Jan 18 02:13
schestowitz 18 02:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Lol it's not my fixation. How does the world work? Capital and means of production.Jan 18 02:14
schestowitz 18 02:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Usually, useless people aspire for government positions. easy for lobbyists to corrupt them.Jan 18 02:14
schestowitz 18 02:14
schestowitz 18 02:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Trump is not a career politician. I have more hope in Trump than any potus in past three decadesJan 18 02:14
schestowitz 18 02:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Con like Clinton Foundation? closing down.hmm. Devry, ITT, etc all financially hurting.Jan 18 02:14
schestowitz 18 02:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks He's a career con man. He's worse than a politician.Jan 18 02:14
schestowitz 18 02:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Clinton Global Initiative, not the foundation. Name is tarnished. They'll move the money into a newJan 18 02:14
schestowitz 18 02:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks college as it is today and useless degrees putting millennials in massive debt is the real con.Jan 18 02:14
schestowitz 18 02:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks foundation or new account and start over, as the factions always do.Jan 18 02:15
schestowitz 18 02:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Devry, ITT deserve to die. They were cons.Jan 18 02:15
schestowitz 18 02:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks country needs Scientists, Technologists, Engineers, Mathematicians. Not liberal arts majors.Jan 18 02:15
schestowitz 18 02:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Yes. We need solutions. I think I'm going to spend the next few decades working on that, assumingJan 18 02:15
schestowitz 18 02:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks we survive this catastrophe.Jan 18 02:15
schestowitz 18 02:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks We need a balanced society and that includes liberal arts.Jan 18 02:15
schestowitz 18 02:15
schestowitz 18 02:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks wow! you really hate the American people, yes? Why everyone want to live here? liberty!Jan 18 02:15
schestowitz 18 02:15
schestowitz 18 02:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Quite the opposite. I care so much that I believe they should not be kept in the dark.Jan 18 02:15
schestowitz 18 02:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks the right balance means a dramatic shift towards STEM rather than TMZ. time to really educateJan 18 02:16
schestowitz 18 02:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Money. Just because we provide the best opportunity to achieve it doesn't mean everyone has theJan 18 02:16
schestowitz 18 02:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks same opportunity to achieve it.Jan 18 02:16
schestowitz 18 02:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks Yes, we will survive the Obama catastrophe!Jan 18 02:16
schestowitz 18 02:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks I agree, but it's not because of liberal arts degrees, but rather a broken education system.Jan 18 02:16
schestowitz 18 02:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks lol, believe as you will.Jan 18 02:16
schestowitz 18 02:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks I'm working on affordable renewable energy solutions for poor. You keep thinking I'll keep doingJan 18 02:16
schestowitz 18 02:16
schestowitz 18 02:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks participation trophies and no child left behind broke it.Jan 18 02:16
schestowitz 18 02:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks One has to start somewhere.Jan 18 02:16
schestowitz 18 02:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks spend too much time on facebook and watching TV. We import educated people now to fill good jobsJan 18 02:17
schestowitz 18 02:17
schestowitz 18 02:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks lol participation trophies is a "false flag" narrative like "diversity is white genocide"Jan 18 02:17
schestowitz 18 02:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TwoKidsIsEnough: @PatrickJFerree @schestowitz @wikileaks I had no parents. put myself through HS college living out of one car garage at 15. I call BSJan 18 02:17
schestowitz 18 02:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PatrickJFerree: @TwoKidsIsEnough @schestowitz @wikileaks Liberals actually say "Good job, you did great, but next time you're going to try harder."Jan 18 02:17
schestowitz 18 06:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@hepatitislives: @scottybabey @schestowitz @GreenPartyUS @POTUS @nytimes I didn't have a twitter account then. Yeah it was a dumb idea on the part of the ATFJan 18 06:57
schestowitz 18 06:57
schestowitz 18 06:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@marfoglio777: @schestowitz who the hell died and left you in charge?Jan 18 06:58
schestowitz 18 06:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@scottybabey: @lordy1995 @schestowitz I do care about the law, without enforcing our laws we are nothing. He is a traitor deserving death sentence.Jan 18 06:58
schestowitz]Jan 18 06:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SKid_FC_Est96: @Margsbelle1958 @SuckMyLEFTJuan @MadeleineLove @schestowitz @wikileaks yes...but others were saying he gave a clemency and not a pardonJan 18 06:58
schestowitz 18 06:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@lordy1995: @scottybabey @schestowitz and by blowing up civis we are no better than the terrorists themselvesJan 18 06:58
schestowitz 18 06:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Margsbelle1958: @SKid_FC_Est96 @SuckMyLEFTJuan @MadeleineLove @schestowitz @wikileaks Either way Assange is coming to the US and that scares meJan 18 06:59
schestowitz 18 06:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MadeleineLove: @SKid_FC_Est96 Regardless, it seems Assange is to go if called. @Margsbelle1958 @SuckMyLEFTJuan @schestowitzJan 18 06:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@wikileaks: Assange lawyer @themtchair on Assange-Manning extradition 'deal': "Everything that he has said he's standing by."Jan 18 06:59
schestowitz 18 06:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@lordy1995: @scottybabey @schestowitz you have a problem with a law that didn't claim any lives but fail to call out the men who carry out the horrificJan 18 06:59
schestowitz 18 07:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@lordy1995: @scottybabey @schestowitz acts of terror committed by our military while hiding behind the things veil of "eh it's just war people die"Jan 18 07:00
schestowitz 18 07:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Margsbelle1958: @MadeleineLove @SKid_FC_Est96 @SuckMyLEFTJuan @schestowitz @wikileaks @theMTchair Yes it does and I'm scared for himJan 18 07:00
schestowitz 18 07:00
schestowitz 18 07:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MadeleineLove: @Margsbelle1958 Trump said he loved @wikileaks - pointed to it. Maybe not all bad. @SKid_FC_Est96 @SuckMyLEFTJuan @schestowitz @theMTchairJan 18 07:00
schestowitz 18 07:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Margsbelle1958: @MadeleineLove @wikileaks @SKid_FC_Est96 @SuckMyLEFTJuan @schestowitz @theMTchair He gets a fairer shake with Trump for sureJan 18 07:00
schestowitz 18 07:00
schestowitz 18 07:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jamescc2010: We know 18 07:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: @scottybabey @GreenPartyUS @POTUS @nytimes Not a traitor for exposing abuse, helps protect nation from corrupt officialsJan 18 07:01
schestowitz 18 07:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@adamiswright: @schestowitz Signed, not passed. The GOP House and Senate pass laws. Because legislators do that kind of thing.Jan 18 07:01
schestowitz 18 07:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@rixstepnews: @schestowitz But it's commuted, not pardoned.Jan 18 07:01
schestowitz 18 07:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@michaelwild2198: @schestowitz @DrJillStein @xychelsea @MumiaAbuJamal go Brexit and shut the fuck upJan 18 07:01
schestowitz 18 07:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Margsbelle1958: @BillyT_202 @MadeleineLove @SKid_FC_Est96 @SuckMyLEFTJuan @schestowitz @wikileaks @theMTchair @h_alexander Wow what?Jan 18 07:02
schestowitz 18 07:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@nz_sparkle: @RobletoFire @MarkSZaidEsq @Soozieceu @schestowitz @wikileaks @NatSecGeek I feel like so many people missed evolution.Jan 18 07:02
schestowitz 18 07:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jacknappers: @schestowitz @Snowden You would have ripped him if he didn't do anything. You're the one with the clear agenda. Shhhhhhh.Jan 18 07:02
schestowitz 18 07:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@themaclad: @schestowitz @MollyMEP @TheGreenParty patheticJan 18 07:02
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 18 09:12
schestowitz 18 09:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@al_moonshine: @adamiswright @schestowitz Erm, what about Executive Orders?Jan 18 09:26
schestowitz 18 09:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@fleetsword: @schestowitz @MollyMEP @TheGreenParty Which unelected Tory are you talking about, Dr Roy?Jan 18 09:26
schestowitz 18 10:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Metztli_IT: grep $(sha256sum VirtualBox-5.1.14.tar.bz2 | cut -d' ' -f1) SHA256SUMS 🐧: 8267bb026717c6e55237eb798210767d9c703cfcd… 18 10:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Metztli_IT: grep $(sha256sum VirtualBox-5.1.14.tar.bz2 | cut -d' ' -f1) SHA256SUMS 🐧: 8267bb026717c6e55237eb798210767d9c703cfcd… 18 10:22
schestowitz 18 10:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@originalmedic: @sirjoker50 @Riverboy15 @schestowitz do 'dirty looks' count as attacks?!Jan 18 10:22
schestowitz 18 10:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@FOSSpatents: @schestowitz The EU let Qualcomm off the hook about 7 yrs. ago... at the time Nokia was key complainant.Jan 18 10:27
schestowitzThen there's east AsiaJan 18 10:28
schestowitz 18 10:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@FOSSpatents: @schestowitz Qualcomm also didn't get much more than a slap on the wrist in China... but now things are getting realJan 18 10:29
schestowitz 18 10:30
-TechrightsBN/ #Qualcomm Faces $853 Million Fine From South Korea Over Alleged #Antitrust Violations #patent abuseJan 18 10:30
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Qualcomm Faces $853 Million Fine From South Korea Over Alleged Antitrust Violations - WSJJan 18 10:30
schestowitz 18 10:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@FOSSpatents: @schestowitz Sure, this is cool and I blogged about it during the last week of December. I know you don't like ACT but they welcomed this.Jan 18 10:31
schestowitzACT are irrelevant given their history 18 10:32
-TechrightsBN/ | Association for Competitive Technology - Techrights [ ]Jan 18 10:32
schestowitz> More from todayJan 18 11:30
schestowitz> Jan 18 11:30
schestowitz> =Jan 18 11:30
schestowitz> 18 11:30
-TechrightsBN/ | 13 Million Pages of Declassified CIA Documents Were Just Posted Online | MotherboardJan 18 11:30
schestowitz> =Jan 18 11:30
schestowitz> 18 11:30
schestowitz> =Jan 18 11:30
schestowitz> 18 11:30
schestowitz> =Jan 18 11:30
-TechrightsBN/ | Local Activism Is the Best Way to Preserve Net Neutrality | MotherboardJan 18 11:30
schestowitz> 18 11:30
schestowitz> =Jan 18 11:30
-TechrightsBN/ | President Obama Lets Alleged Source of Stuxnet Leak Walk Free | Motherboard [ ]Jan 18 11:30
-TechrightsBN/ | The Number of US Households That Can’t Afford Water Could Triple in Five Years | Motherboard [ ]Jan 18 11:30
schestowitz> "According to the Army Recognition website, the Avenger AN/TWQ-1 AirJan 18 11:31
schestowitz> Defense System vehicle is a missile mounted system which providesJan 18 11:31
schestowitz> mobile, short-range air defense protection for ground units againstJan 18 11:31
schestowitz> cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, low-flying fixed-wingJan 18 11:31
schestowitz> aircraft, and helicopters."Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz> 18 11:31
schestowitz> -Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz> 18 11:31
-TechrightsBN/ | It Just Got Real — Cops At DAPL Now Have Missile Launchers — Not Kidding [ ]Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz> -Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz> 18 11:31
schestowitz> -Jan 18 11:31
-TechrightsBN/ | Water Protectors Arrested, Tear-Gassed for Peaceful Prayer Walk at DAPL Site | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community [ ]Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz> "Texas-based Energy Transfer Partners asked U.S. District Judge JamesJan 18 11:31
-TechrightsBN/ | Three More DAPL Protesters Arrested Monday | NewsDakota [ ]Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz> Boasberg on Tuesday to stop the Corps from publishing a notice in theJan 18 11:31
schestowitz> Federal Register on Wednesday announcing the study. ETP wants anyJan 18 11:31
schestowitz> further study put on hold until..."Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz> 18 11:31
schestowitz> =Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz> 18 11:31
schestowitz> =Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz> 18 11:31
schestowitz> =Jan 18 11:31
-TechrightsBN/ | Company Building DAPL Aims To Block Environmental Study « WCCO | CBS MinnesotaJan 18 11:31
schestowitz> 18 11:31
-TechrightsBN/ | Cher calls for firing squad for Snyder over Flint water crisis - WNEM TV 5 [ ]Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz> =Jan 18 11:31
-TechrightsBN/ | Fear grows among Egypt’s Christians after a Coptic doctor was stabbed in the throat [ ]Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz> 18 11:31
-TechrightsBN/ | Young blood bound to get excited if girls not properly dressed: Md N R Barkati, shahi imam - The Financial Express [ ]Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz> =Jan 18 11:31
-TechrightsBN/ | Kerala Muslim Girl Who Married A Hindu Boy Alleges Threat To Her Life From Islamist Outfit - [ ]Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz> 18 11:31
-TechrightsBN/ | Muslim Translators Deliberately Misinterpreting Christians to Get Them Deported, Says Pastor [ ]Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz> =Jan 18 11:31
schestowitz"Have a look at the two documents. For info: there was no New Year speech, but the “Meet the President” event might be considered as kind of. Feel free to use the two documents in the same post but DO NOT MENTION that they come from the same source."Jan 18 12:28
schestowitz 18 12:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@sweetviolets1: @schestowitz @Gawker - or a planted puppet.Jan 18 12:45
schestowitz 18 12:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@darkcola2: @TheGreenParty @schestowitz i was amazed at how teachers had to explain what Clinton was impeached for to grade schools.Jan 18 12:45
*cubelog1 has quit (*.net *.split)Jan 18 15:19
*cubelog1 ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 18 15:22
schestowitz 18 19:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@adamiswright: @al_moonshine @schestowitz Executive orders aren't law.Jan 18 19:03
schestowitz 18 19:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@HelwaniNose: @bristolgreen @schestowitz shouldnt you protest the american wall to the north as well? poor canadians cant just walk across the US borders.Jan 18 19:03
schestowitz 18 19:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Wikinaut: @schestowitz got the news ?Jan 18 19:03
schestowitzemail? SUepo?Jan 18 19:03
schestowitz 18 19:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@timewarp3369n: @schestowitz @wikileaks 😁📡 and 🐑 Obama 🐑❓ an American 🐑❓😁📡Jan 18 19:05
schestowitz 18 19:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ClydeGriffiths4: "War, what is it good4. Absolutely, nothin." Except as a last resort where completely unavoidable, As in ISIS. Wh… 18 19:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ClydeGriffiths4: "War, what is it good4. Absolutely, nothin." Except as a last resort where completely unavoidable, As in ISIS. Wh… 18 19:05
schestowitz""War, what is it good4. Absolutely, nothin." Except as a last resort where completely unavoidable, As in ISIS. Why then didn't #Obama act?"Jan 18 19:05
schestowitz 18 19:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@nurayf: @schestowitz @wikileaks Wht do u call ppl who leak classified info jeopardizing natnl security?Jan 18 19:06
schestowitz 18 19:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SleepyPenguin1: 3 Lessons in Web Encryption from Let’s Encrypt @schestowitz 18 19:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | 3 Lessons in Web Encryption from Let’s Encrypt | | The source for Linux informationJan 18 19:06
schestowitz 18 19:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@oh_sssh: @schestowitz Does the same apply to using 'Trump' or 'Clinton', because using their logic it should.Jan 18 19:06
schestowitz 18 19:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SeaH2ONymph: @schestowitz @KimDotcom @reason CrooksJan 18 19:06
schestowitz 18 19:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BanTorture: @schestowitz That shows how powerful Putin is...he reached into the past and made Churchill a Russian agent! The sky is falling! [/Hill-bot]Jan 18 19:07
schestowitz 18 19:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@maxpolk: @schestowitz @democracynow CEOs rewarded most when squeezing pay and benefits from lower employees to benefit people at their higher levelJan 18 19:07
schestowitz 18 19:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@maxpolk: @schestowitz @democracynow Perhaps companies should be forced to show pay imbalance to measure their social responsibility, national impact.Jan 18 19:07
schestowitz 18 20:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-No status found with that ID.Jan 18 20:16
schestowitz"Parmi les nouveaux objectifs de la FSF : Replicant, un smartphone avec OS libre."Jan 18 20:16
schestowitz 18 20:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Goofy_fr: Parmi les nouveaux objectifs de la FSF, un OS libre pour smartphones 18 20:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Free Software Foundation shakes up its list of priority projects #gnu #freesw #freedomJan 18 20:17
schestowitz 18 20:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SwaderPolly: #DeVoesTalentForContext of Guns n' Grizzlies 18 20:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Citing grizzlies,# education nominee says states should determine school gun policies by Clinton News NetworkJan 18 20:27
schestowitz 18 20:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@grrokk: #Fascists need their heads knocked together. 18 20:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Hard not to blame people for protesting this coming Friday. I mean, oligarchs always controlled the #us but never before did it so directly.Jan 18 20:28
schestowitzThey watch FoxJan 18 20:28
schestowitz 18 20:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@j_mills71: @schestowitz @TheGreenParty almost but no cigarJan 18 20:57
schestowitz 18 21:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@maxpolk: @schestowitz Some time ago RMS debated Eric Raymond and others about "Open Source" being an inadequate phrase. We now know RMS was right.Jan 18 21:06
schestowitz"Jan 18 21:10
schestowitzHey Roy! Happy New Year!! Hope you and your wife are well.Jan 18 21:10
schestowitzthanksJan 18 21:10
schestowitzsomeone told me something happened todayJan 18 21:10
schestowitzt said no moreJan 18 21:10
schestowitz"Jan 18 21:10
schestowitz"Was it that? Have you got the email they sent out?"Jan 18 21:11
schestowitznoJan 18 21:11
schestowitzsend me..Jan 18 21:11
schestowitzthank youJan 18 21:11
schestowitz"Jan 18 21:11
schestowitz 18 21:40
-TechrightsBN/ | The IPKat: Mini UPC Update: UK signs Protocol on Privileges & ImmunitiesJan 18 21:40
schestowitz"Jan 18 21:40
schestowitz TM has now ruled out the CJEU having "direct" legal authority in the UK. Does this mean that the unitary patent project has just been killed (despite the UK, rather bizarrely, having previously indicated its willingness to proceed)?Jan 18 21:40
schestowitzAnd if not dead, is the UPP mortally wounded? It is now crystal-clear that the UK will no longer be an EU Member State, most likely by 2019. But the current wording of the UPC Agreement and the UP Regulations rather heavily rely upon all "Participating" Member States being EU Members. This affects pretty much every founding principle of the UPP, including issues such as unitary effect / character, legal personality of the UPC and scope / Jan 18 21:40
schestowitzenforcement of decisions of the UPC... and there are no signs yet of any plans to "fix" those problems.Jan 18 21:40
schestowitzBased upon current signs, it seems that the political will is to press on regardless. But placing such a huge gamble on the system being able to survive Brexit seems absurd. The UK may feel that it will gain influence by getting the UPC up and running before Brexit... but it will then become a hostage to fortune with regard to the inevitable challenge at the CJEU, alleging non-compliance of the UPP with EU law. At that point, the UK will Jan 18 21:40
schestowitzhave no representation at the CJEU. So what will the UK then do if the EU Member States decide to kick out the non-EU country in order to preserve the system? Jan 18 21:40
schestowitz"Jan 18 21:40
schestowitz 18 21:41
-TechrightsBN/ | The IPKat: BGH: to cease means to recall [ ]Jan 18 21:41
schestowitz" Au contrarire. With a hard brexit separating UK IP from decisions of EU MS, advisors in the UK will need to follow"foreign" decisions more closely in order to advise their clients properly. "Jan 18 21:41
schestowitz 18 21:43
schestowitz" @Anonymous - so what is changing in the UK IP situation that is so stunning that it merits reams of blog posts? For European patent attorneys the impact of Brexit will be small and after Brexit, sorry to say but I doubt Britain will be a key focus or market for the majority. Despite being both UK and EP qualified most of my work comes from Europe and the rest of the world as I suspect it does for the majority of UK/EP patent Jan 18 21:43
-TechrightsBN/ | The IPKat: BGH: to cease means to recall [ ]Jan 18 21:43
schestowitzpractitioners. If you're not happy with the IPKAT, I recommend that you set up your own blog. I'm sure you will have a ton of content - let us know when it's up and there's something of note to report that sends ripples beyond the white cliffs of Dover. "Jan 18 21:43
schestowitz 18 21:43
schestowitz" Interesting point raised in the previous comment. Are there any statistics re. readership of IPKAT by country? "Jan 18 21:43
-TechrightsBN/ | The IPKat: BGH: to cease means to recall [ ]Jan 18 21:43
schestowitz" I beg to disagree the previous commentator, and also apologize for going off-topic as he/she did, but I feel I should say something from my own non-UK perspective: the IPKAT has long ago reached far, far away, very far indeed, and is now distant from being a UK-focused media (despite a very large percentage of its posts relating to the UK, perhaps due to the location of most of its participants). But it thinks internationally and allowsJan 18 21:44
schestowitzfor a collective critical mass to be created and actively stimulated on a regular basis. It has enriched itself and enriched others and perhaps that was the key to becoming one of the most popular IP websites around, and also consistently being so for a such long time now. The Brexit issue should only entice UK readers and participants to bring more (useful) content to the table, not to complaint about how great they could be having it. Jan 18 21:44
schestowitzThe times they are a'changing... ( "Jan 18 21:44
-TechrightsBN/ | bob dylan - the times they are a changin' - YouTube [ ]Jan 18 21:44
schestowitz"Jan 18 21:49
schestowitz The decision of the BGH in this case is indeed relevant only for German practitioners. Therefore "to the attention of our German readers". Other decisions of Member State courts will remain relevant for UK practitioners even after Brexit. I am Swiss, and Switzerland is not a EU Member State. It would be terribly naive for me not to follow the developments in EU law and in important EU jurisdictions. As a previous commentator said, our Jan 18 21:49
schestowitzclients are internationally active, we need to be, too.Jan 18 21:49
schestowitzSecondly, as JoaoPereiraMarques mentioned, IPKat has a very international readership. Here are the top ten countries by page views for last month:Jan 18 21:49
schestowitzUSA 41%Jan 18 21:49
schestowitzUK 13%Jan 18 21:49
schestowitzChina 12%Jan 18 21:49
schestowitzGermany 9%Jan 18 21:49
schestowitzRussia 9%Jan 18 21:49
schestowitzFrance 6%Jan 18 21:49
schestowitzNL 5%Jan 18 21:49
schestowitzNorway 3%Jan 18 21:49
schestowitzIrlande 2%Jan 18 21:49
schestowitzTurkey 1%Jan 18 21:49
schestowitzAs you can see, we have about as many visitors from China as we have from the UK, and Germany and Russia are not far behind the UK. Jan 18 21:49
schestowitz"Jan 18 21:49
schestowitz"Jan 18 21:53
schestowitz I think the readership stats sort of prove the point made by the first anonymous. Why is an IP blog which used to be so focused on EU copyright and to a lesser extent EU trade marks (and which can get people going on th emere mention of whether the UPC is a good thing or a bad thing)visited by 41% US?Jan 18 21:53
schestowitzRecently, the blog itself has started to miss a lot of EU news before the Court, developments in the Commission; and the Council and EP on files. Much info had come from interested UK lobbyists/lawyers/policy advisers who still are the most active and numerous in Brussels.Some are jumping ship or simply not updating as they used to. Jan 18 21:53
schestowitz"Jan 18 21:53
schestowitz"Jan 18 21:53
schestowitzWow your combined EU readership is far less than that of a referendum outcomeJan 18 21:53
schestowitz35% EU compared to 41 % US;Jan 18 21:53
schestowitzIf you add Norway, it becomes 38% EEA. (That three percent might just be one person who regularly checks the blog).Jan 18 21:53
schestowitzWhere are our friends, Italy, number four, soon to be number three in patents in the EU for the UPC? Or Spain which along with Italy sends an increasing number of preliminary references on copyright, trade marks and designs. There are six very difficult ones pending.Jan 18 21:53
schestowitz'Jan 18 21:53
schestowitz 18 22:40
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@al_moonshine: @adamiswright @schestowitz "Stroke of the pen. Law of the Land. Kinda cool." Paul Begala, Clinton advisor, The New York Times, July 5, 1998Jan 18 22:40
schestowitz 18 23:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MrPaulMoor: Free speech protects everyone. @schestowitzJan 18 23:00
schestowitz 18 23:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ODinarth: Taxes are a scam to begin with, simplify and reduce the taxcode, thays the real issue here 18 23:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Presidents who don't pay tax give power to like-minded people, who will never complain about tax abuses 18 23:20
schestowitz 18 23:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@angrymofo: @schestowitz It begins...Jan 18 23:20
*schestowitz_log has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jan 18 23:46
*schestowitz_log ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 18 23:47
schestowitz 18 23:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@darkcola2: @ACLU @schestowitz I agree completely- so I want my right to say anything or refuse to do something even if it offends someone .Jan 18 23:47
schestowitz 18 23:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@FreedExpression: @schestowitz Here is an interesting topic about promoting Freedom of Expression. I think you gonna like it 18 23:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | "Freedom of Expression" International Cartoon Contest & Exhibition, Norway | tOOns MaGJan 18 23:53
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 19 01:00
schestowitz 19 06:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-No status found with that ID.Jan 19 06:52
schestowitz 19 06:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@bugarama124: @schestowitz @AmilcarRyumeko @openDemocracy Some other countries like Rwanda have their civic space already closed. See the rankingJan 19 06:52
schestowitz 19 06:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@fmguitars: @schestowitz @Snowden Bizarre that they condemn those trying to stop atrocities instead of those committing them.Jan 19 06:52
schestowitz 19 06:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@guyzmo: @Goofy_fr @clochix @schestowitz @NetworkWorld mais quelle idée formidablement originale !!!… 🤔🙄😞Jan 19 06:53
schestowitz 19 06:54
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Wikinaut: @schestowitz Here's to you, Nicola and Bart Rest forever here in our hearts The last and final moment is yours That agony is your triumphJan 19 06:54
schestowitzWhat happened?Jan 19 06:54
schestowitz 19 06:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@OdinOfAsgard078: @schestowitz @DrJillStein so when did Ben Carson turn white you're fucken retardedJan 19 06:57
schestowitz 19 06:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Ruthisms: @KissThePaw @WLTaskForce @AssangeTracker @AssangeFreedom @EmbassyCat @BBfromPA @BellaMagnani @schestowitz The media is fill of vipers.Jan 19 06:58
schestowitz 19 06:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@OdinOfAsgard078: @schestowitz @DrJillStein not to mention Nikki Haley and Elaine Chao guess they turned white all of a sudden tooJan 19 06:59
schestowitz 19 06:59
schestowitz 19 06:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ellenthoen: Lets see who goes for this. 19 06:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: "Donors who give $100,000 and $250,000 can dine with potential agency heads." #trumpTheSwampJan 19 06:59
*[dmb] has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 19 07:01
schestowitz 19 07:01
*[dmb] (dmb@2001:470:8c62:feed:f0b5:c6ff:feca:71fd) has joined #boycottnovellJan 19 07:04
schestowitz 19 07:10
-TechrightsBN/ Links 17/1/2017: #GIMP Plans, New #RaspberryPi Product #techrightsJan 19 07:10
schestowitz"The Raspberry Pi 3b supports only 1 GB of RAM and has very poor IO capacity for paging/swapping. It will be very interesting to see how this GIMP app works."Jan 19 07:10
schestowitz"The Odroid 2C, coming with 2GB of RAM, and if configured with an eMMC mass storage unit, should be able to do an adequate job.Jan 19 07:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Links 17/1/2017: GIMP Plans, New Raspberry Pi Product | TechrightsJan 19 07:10
schestowitz"I’m a big fan of the Raspberry Pi - I have four or so, but they really really need to support at least 2 GB of memory to make them more generally useful. Better io would be nice too."Jan 19 07:10
schestowitzAh, no connection there between GIMP and RaspiJan 19 07:11
schestowitz 19 07:12
-TechrightsBN/ Some thoughts on switching from Ubuntu to Antergos for Linux gaming #games #gnu #linuxJan 19 07:12
schestowitz"a forum can often give a clue to how things are going at a distro; this looks pretty busy:"Jan 19 07:12
schestowitz"Well, Antergos is a good system, especially for gaming. But a total switch?"Jan 19 07:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Some thoughts on switching from Ubuntu to Antergos for Linux gaming | GamingOnLinuxJan 19 07:13
-TechrightsBN/ | Recent Topics | Antergos Community ForumJan 19 07:13
schestowitz 19 07:13
-TechrightsBN/ What is your favorite Linux distribution? 19 07:13
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:13
schestowitzBeen there, on here:Jan 19 07:13
schestowitz 19 07:13
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | What is your favorite Linux distribution? | Opensource.comJan 19 07:13
-TechrightsBN/ | What's your Distro?Jan 19 07:13
schestowitz 19 07:13
-TechrightsBN/ Why Linux users should worry about malware and what they can do about it 19 07:13
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:13
schestowitz    Though UNIX-like systems such as Mac OS X and Linux can claim fewer threats due to their smaller user bases, threats do still existJan 19 07:13
schestowitzThis is actually a myth since reportedly 70% of online services are running Linux.Jan 19 07:13
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Why Linux users should worry about malware and what they can do about it | PCWorldJan 19 07:13
schestowitzyes, that's the comeback line, usually, to this argumentJan 19 07:13
schestowitz 19 07:15
-TechrightsBN/ Tip for securing #gnu #linux from crackers my tip: don't install/use anything proprietary or "cloud" (spying)Jan 19 07:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | How to Keep Hackers out of Your Linux Machine Part 2: Three More Easy Security Tips | | The source for Linux informationJan 19 07:15
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:15
schestowitz hewiakJan 19 07:15
schestowitzJan 19 07:15
schestowitzLinux Foundation = bullshit.Jan 19 07:15
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:15
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:15
schestowitzJan 19 07:15
schestowitz@hewiak Why?Jan 19 07:15
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:15
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:15
schestowitzwholly owned corporate subsidiary, who farmed out most of it's educational outreach to these folks: --who are shamelessJan 19 07:16
-TechrightsBN/ | ON24 | A Webinar Service Provider with an Award-Winning PlatformJan 19 07:16
schestowitz 19 07:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @ )Jan 19 07:16
schestowitzReply or view Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)’s post >Jan 19 07:16
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:16
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:16
schestowitzJan 19 07:16
schestowitzshould have " - "ed "educational"Jan 19 07:16
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:16
schestowitz"Interesting. Yea it would seem that they have drifted off course, unless this was always their intended course from the start."Jan 19 07:16
schestowitz"and you really want me to believe, with dozens of 'corporate partners' they do better than this?"Jan 19 07:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @ )Jan 19 07:16
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:16
schestowitzJan 19 07:16
schestowitzand you really want me to believe, with dozens of ‘corporate partners’ they can't do better than this?Jan 19 07:16
schestowitz 19 07:16
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:16
schestowitz"open-washers extraordinaire"Jan 19 07:16
schestowitz"Dr. Roy is right. Avoid Acrobat, Flash, Skype... anything that isn't open source and hasn't been vetted. you are only asking for trouble with a proprietary blob running on your machine."Jan 19 07:17
schestowitz"@Tom Grz Good idea, but impossible to practice right now. There are so many binary blobs running at a level lower than your OS."Jan 19 07:17
schestowitzWhich does not make them OK ;-)Jan 19 07:17
schestowitz 19 07:18
-TechrightsBN/ Tried to unlock #techrights (sections that are heavily attacked), had to revert back as it's still under constant onslaughtJan 19 07:18
schestowitz"Techrights Under DDOS Attack From Lockheed Martin Corporation’s Network??? you must be kidding! lol the internet gets creepier every day, esp. since things are in it…"Jan 19 07:18
schestowitz 19 07:18
-TechrightsBN/ The only device still worthy of the name "phone" is landline gear. The rest is #surveillance (self-bugging) crap that can also make calls.Jan 19 07:18
schestowitz"Landlines too have computers recording the calls."Jan 19 07:18
schestowitz"Privacy can only be protected with free software. There is some hope for encrypted email and video communications by free software. The rest of the players have proven their malice beyond any reasonable doubt and are beneath contempt.'Jan 19 07:18
schestowitz"Hear, hear!'Jan 19 07:19
schestowitz"I suggest we call the the surveillance devices “trackers.”"Jan 19 07:19
schestowitz"Or Bugs. Like in Starship Troopers. The NSA is then the Brainbug?"Jan 19 07:19
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:19
schestowitzOo. There’s an interesting idea. All phone OSes secretly have the mike on all the time, sending the FBI and NSA audio. Agents can sit at the desks in Maryland or Virginia and tune into anyone they want to whenever they want to.Jan 19 07:19
schestowitzDo I believe this? Well, Snowden would have known about it, I think, and he didn’t mention any such thing. On the other hand, he’s been away for 3 and half years now. So… Come on conspiracy theorists, you’ve got to believe this!Jan 19 07:19
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:19
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:21
schestowitzIt’s a documented fact, not a conspiracy theory. You don’t need or want audio because transcription and other digests are easy and vastly more efficient. TVs and other common electronics already come with warnings about not saying anything private around them. I think there have even been children’s toys that did this. Of course Siri and Google assistant are doing this too, and of course government demands access. Google will even Jan 19 07:21
schestowitzshow you some of the snippets conversation that they capture. Facebook demands you mic is always on and they use noise signatures to fine tune your location.Jan 19 07:21
schestowitzBug is a good word for cell phones and other, non free tablets, but they do so much more than spy on your conversations. They watch everything you read, note everywhere you go, and track everything you interact with, including your neighbors. NSA spooks brag that they are able to track technology free targets by the abundance of devices other people surround them with. You crappy bug spies on all of your friends too.Jan 19 07:21
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:21
schestowitzIt's to "improve service", to "help you"...Jan 19 07:21
schestowitz 19 07:22
-TechrightsBN/ Will #trump serve his country or his Country Club (1%)? Will he focus on #politics or his business? Peace negotiations or sunbed sessions?Jan 19 07:22
schestowitz"I think we all basically know how it ends."Jan 19 07:22
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:22
schestowitzHe will keep using Usonian military murderers to further advance corporates/bankers agendas, just like Obama did.Jan 19 07:22
schestowitzHe will keep up the police/surveillance state, just like Obama did.Jan 19 07:22
schestowitzHe will bailout the banksters, just like Obama did.Jan 19 07:22
schestowitzHe will keep the empire running just like any Bush, Obama or Clinton would!Jan 19 07:22
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:22
schestowitz"Fingers crossed. We know he will be better than our other choice."Jan 19 07:22
schestowitz"The beginning of the end of the US empire"Jan 19 07:22
schestowitzNot the beginningJan 19 07:22
schestowitz 19 07:23
-TechrightsBN/ Fury at Azaria Verdict is #Israel #Trump Moment #justice and #law now mocked. Lynching acceptable.Jan 19 07:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Could not resolve host:; Unknown error ( status 0 @ )Jan 19 07:23
schestowitz"mosc, thats anoying"Jan 19 07:24
schestowitz"some of my best learning."Jan 19 07:24
schestowitzCopy-paste wallJan 19 07:24
schestowitz 19 07:24
-TechrightsBN/ #LinuxAIO #Ubuntu 16.10 — Ubuntu GNOME, Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Ubuntu MATE, and Xubuntu In One ISO > #gnu #linuxJan 19 07:24
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:24
schestowitzGreatJan 19 07:24
schestowitzBut there is another in www.easy2boot.comJan 19 07:24
schestowitzPls note just for optionJan 19 07:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Linux AIO Ubuntu 16.10 — Ubuntu GNOME, Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Ubuntu MATE, and Xubuntu In One ISOJan 19 07:24
schestowitzI used for sometimeJan 19 07:24
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:24
schestowitz"And what exactly for does one need to have all those on them on the go?Jan 19 07:24
schestowitz 19 07:27
-TechrightsBN/ Can #RISCV - #Linux of Microprocessors - Start an #OpenHardware Renaissance? 19 07:28
schestowitz"We will see this eventually. The question is how soon and whether their performance would be adequate for generic computing."Jan 19 07:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Can RISC-V - Linux of Microprocessors - Start an Open Hardware Renaissance?Jan 19 07:28
schestowitz"If you look at the minifree offerings (they are great btw), there is the C201 with an ARM CPU (Rockchip RK3288). As for the hardware, this CPU is not 100% open source then…Jan 19 07:28
schestowitz 19 07:28
-TechrightsBN/ Concern Trolls would have us believe @drjillstein is "wasting money" by doing #recount rather than #water in #flint while D+R waste BILLIONSJan 19 07:28
schestowitz"Snopes is a shillJan 19 07:28
schestowitz"Could be, but there’s still nothing of substance to pizzagate. Do you have any particular objections to what you see in Snopes or Wikipedia?"Jan 19 07:28
schestowitz 19 07:29
-TechrightsBN/ Extreme Brexit: This was May’s last moment of control Jan 19 07:29
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:29
schestowitzSince parliament gets to decide (both houses vote), it looks like brexit will be sort of à la suisse¹ - parliament will only agree to something that continues the uk in the eu - in all but name. Parliament is for remaining, not for exitingJan 19 07:29
schestowitz¹ Switzerland is not in the EU, but has free movement of goods, capital and labour with the EU - thus it has all the advantages of the EU without giving up its sovereignty.Jan 19 07:29
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Extreme Brexit: This was May’s last moment of controlJan 19 07:29
schestowitzI hope you are right. Thanks for putting it so politely (for a change ;-))Jan 19 07:29
schestowitz 19 07:30
-TechrightsBN/ #antiX 16.1 Linux OS Is Based on #Debian #GNU #Linux 8.7 "Jessie," without #Systemd 19 07:30
schestowitz"I thought “debian - systemd” was called “devuan” … what’s the difference …?'Jan 19 07:30
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | antiX 16.1 Linux OS Is Based on Debian GNU/Linux 8.7 "Jessie," Without SystemdJan 19 07:30
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:30
schestowitznice, didn’t know about this one.Jan 19 07:30
schestowitzunlike devuan, it’s a live distro, claiming to be super lightweight, for older computersJan 19 07:30
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:30
schestowitz"Whatever, u can install Debian without SystemD. The difference isn’t there…"Jan 19 07:30
schestowitzNow only Devuan keeps Debian systemd-freeJan 19 07:31
schestowitz 19 07:32
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: Why Linux users should worry about malware and what they can do about it #gnu #linux #securityJan 19 07:32
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:32
schestowitz"Run antivirus scans once in a while"Jan 19 07:32
schestowitzWhen will we stop with that bullshit? AV scanners have existed for 30 years, if they were efficient, there woul be no virus any more.Jan 19 07:32
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:32
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Why Linux users should worry about malware and what they can do about it | PCWorldJan 19 07:32
schestowitz";-)"Jan 19 07:32
schestowitz"One of the worst article about security I have seen.Jan 19 07:32
schestowitz"Is it that bad? Seems more like very basic…'Jan 19 07:32
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:32
schestowitzAll is not bad. For example, this is quite wise:Jan 19 07:32
schestowitz    beware of unknown Wifi networksJan 19 07:32
schestowitz    keep your system updatedJan 19 07:32
schestowitz    back up your data.Jan 19 07:32
schestowitz    But AV scans are useless, and “Keep your guard up” just increases the basic users’ paranoia. And the firewall is not needed in most standard Linux configurations.Jan 19 07:32
schestowitz"Jan 19 07:32
schestowitz"in this case, the firewall will protect your samba port"Jan 19 07:32
schestowitz"Or NFS. But why run Samba or NFS in the first place?"Jan 19 07:33
schestowitzExactlyJan 19 07:33
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Jan 19 08:58
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovellJan 19 09:05
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 19 09:13
schestowitz 19 09:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@everybuddha: @ChrisYow14 Who will prosecute? Not the POTUS, the Attorney General. That will be Sessions if Trump has his way. @schestowitzJan 19 09:37
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:45
schestowitz> 19 09:45
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:45
schestowitz> 19 09:45
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:45
-TechrightsBN/ | NO TITLEJan 19 09:45
schestowitz> "According to Facciolo’s lawyer, Maloney was shot in the chest, andJan 19 09:45
schestowitz> then shot in the face while he was on his knees. "Jan 19 09:45
schestowitz> 19 09:45
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:45
-TechrightsBN/ | Six astonishing things Betsy DeVos said — and refused to say — at her confirmation hearing - The Washington PostJan 19 09:45
schestowitz> oldJan 19 09:45
schestowitz> 19 09:45
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:45
schestowitz> " All of my employees had a quota of how many foreclosure referralsJan 19 09:45
-TechrightsBN/ | Why Did Police Kill an Alleged Small-Time Hacker? | MotherboardJan 19 09:45
schestowitz> they needed to process"Jan 19 09:45
schestowitz> ...Jan 19 09:45
schestowitz> "as long as you were loyal to the bank, they would represent you inJan 19 09:45
schestowitz> court. If you spoke out against the bank, you were screwed."Jan 19 09:45
schestowitz> 19 09:45
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:45
schestowitz> 19 09:45
-TechrightsBN/ | [Fedora-legal-list] xBill legal opinion requiredJan 19 09:45
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:45
schestowitz> 19 09:45
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:45
-TechrightsBN/ | 5 Things You Only Learn About America Foreclosing On HomesJan 19 09:45
schestowitz> 19 09:45
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:45
schestowitz> 19 09:45
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:45
-TechrightsBN/ | St. Louis Cop Searched Woman's Vagina for Drugs in Public — and Found None, Suit Alleges | News BlogJan 19 09:45
schestowitz> 19 09:45
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:45
schestowitz> 19 09:45
-TechrightsBN/ | This ‘paid protestor’ service is likely fake, but the online conspiracy machine doesn’t care - The VergeJan 19 09:45
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:45
schestowitz> "According to the report, government efforts to tackle the fires haveJan 19 09:45
schestowitz> to date largely failed to address the underlying causes of the issue,Jan 19 09:45
schestowitz> with actions focusing on things like canal blocking and an early warningJan 19 09:45
-TechrightsBN/ | How—and why—you should use a VPN any time you hop on the internetJan 19 09:45
schestowitz> system rather than measures such as providing financial incentives forJan 19 09:45
schestowitz> land preparation without burning."Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> 19 09:46
-TechrightsBN/ | Saudi Arabia to continue ban on 'immoral, atheistic' cinema | Film | The GuardianJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> 19 09:46
schestowitz> -Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> 19 09:46
-TechrightsBN/ | The Unbelievable Baby-Man! | The NationJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> -Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> 19 09:46
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> "calculated by tracking each car's location and mileage – raisingJan 19 09:46
-TechrightsBN/ | Forest and land fires reappear in Riau, Latest World News - The New PaperJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> privacy concerns. The new blueprint suggests that this fee basis couldJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> be offered as an optional alternative..."Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> 19 09:46
schestowitz> plans to privatize the roads take a step forward,Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> along with tracking each car realtimeJan 19 09:46
-TechrightsBN/ | How local elites earn money from burning land in IndonesiaJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> 19 09:46
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:46
-TechrightsBN/ | Edward Snowden's leave to remain in Russia extended for three years | US news | The GuardianJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> "The couples, aged between 16 and 42, were arrested under Ops BoncengJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> last week for an “immoral act in public”.  Nik Zulhaiza went on toJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> reveal that the department would conduct more such operations"Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> 19 09:46
-TechrightsBN/ | Whistleblower Snowden can apply for Russian passport next year: RIA cites lawyer | ReutersJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> ""Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> 19 09:46
schestowitz> privatization of waterJan 19 09:46
-TechrightsBN/ | Snowden's stay in Russia has been extended by the Russian government | PCWorldJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> -Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> old:Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> 19 09:46
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> "If she exploits her bully pulpit as education secretary to renew herJan 19 09:46
-TechrightsBN/ | Leaked transport plan would replace new car tax with road usage fee | Yle Uutiset | yle.fiJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> campaign for diverting public education dollars to private and parochialJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> school operators, DeVos will be embracing a policy that enjoys neitherJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> an evidence-based rationale nor widespread public support."Jan 19 09:46
-TechrightsBN/ | Group: Mali Civilians Threatened by Extremism, Banditry - ABC NewsJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> 19 09:46
schestowitz> parochial school == madrassaJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> 19 09:46
-TechrightsBN/ | Muslim couples freed after warning on riding m-cycles together | Free Malaysia TodayJan 19 09:46
schestowitz> -Jan 19 09:46
schestowitz> 19 09:46
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:47
schestowitz>,-court-rules.htmlJan 19 09:47
-TechrightsBN/ | Nestlé Will Pay 13,500% More to Pump Ontario’s Water for Bottling | MotherboardJan 19 09:47
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:47
schestowitz> 19 09:47
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:47
schestowitz> 19 09:47
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:47
-TechrightsBN/ | When the last tree is cut down, the last fish eaten, and the last stream poisoned, you will realize that you cannot eat money - Oxford ReferenceJan 19 09:47
schestowitz> "Five years ago today the Internet went on strike to fight SOPA and PIPA"Jan 19 09:47
schestowitz> 19 09:47
schestowitz> remain vigilantJan 19 09:47
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:47
-TechrightsBN/ | Betsy DeVos: Unprepared, and undeterred to serve as education secretaryJan 19 09:47
schestowitz> 19 09:47
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:47
schestowitz> xJan 19 09:47
schestowitz> 19 09:47
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:47
schestowitz> 19 09:47
schestowitz> he not bright, educated, or strong-willed and thus will be steered intoJan 19 09:47
schestowitz> politics where handlers will decide his movesJan 19 09:47
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:47
schestowitz> xJan 19 09:47
schestowitz> 19 09:47
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:47
schestowitz> 19 09:47
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:47
schestowitz> 19 09:47
schestowitz> politicizing collegesJan 19 09:47
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:47
schestowitz> 19 09:47
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:47
schestowitz> 19 09:47
schestowitz> =Jan 19 09:47
schestowitz> 19 09:47
-TechrightsBN/ | Dangerously disproportionate: the expanding security state in Europe | Amnesty InternationalJan 19 09:47
-TechrightsBN/ | Document | Amnesty InternationalJan 19 09:48
-TechrightsBN/ | iTWire - All metadata is not personal, Federal Court rulesJan 19 09:48
-TechrightsBN/ | 3 Critical Questions Tom Price Didn’t Answer at the Health and Human Services Hearing | WIREDJan 19 09:48
-TechrightsBN/ | It’s Time to Stand Up for the Climate—and for Civilization | WIREDJan 19 09:48
-TechrightsBN/ | Internet Freedom Day: How Massive 'Blackout' Protests Killed Two Anti-Piracy Bills - TorrentFreakJan 19 09:48
-TechrightsBN/ | ISP Says it Won't Send BREIN's Anti-Piracy Warnings - TorrentFreakJan 19 09:48
-TechrightsBN/ | Newly discovered Mac malware found in the wild also works well on Linux | Ars TechnicaJan 19 09:48
-TechrightsBN/ | Mark Zuckerberg has a small army of Facebook employees who delete comments on his page - The VergeJan 19 09:48
-TechrightsBN/ | Gates Foundation Joins New $460 Million Coalition for Vaccines - BloombergJan 19 09:48
-TechrightsBN/ | The Post-Snowden Cyber Arms Hustle - BloombergJan 19 09:48
-TechrightsBN/ | Bernie Sanders Just Showed the Country How Wrong Tom Price Is for HHS | The NationJan 19 09:48
-TechrightsBN/ | Google and Facebook Ad Traffic is 90% Useless - SoylentNewsJan 19 09:49
-TechrightsBN/ | Reports: PS4 is selling twice as well as Xbox One, overall | Ars TechnicaJan 19 09:49
schestowitz 19 19:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@1949gardner: @WasLegal @schestowitz @wikileaks it's going to happen one way or anotherJan 19 19:34
schestowitz 19 19:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ntvnyr173: @schestowitz trump isn't in office yet stooge ?Jan 19 19:55
schestowitzLet's talk in a month then...Jan 19 19:55
schestowitz 19 20:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Sheikh_al_Touar: @juveVerlag_MK @schestowitz I'll believe it when I see it.Jan 19 20:02
schestowitz 19 20:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@LJPatockhewitt: @schestowitz @patsfantaz @wikileaks That's ridiculous and over reaching.Jan 19 20:13
schestowitz 19 20:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Sheikh_al_Touar: @schestowitz @juveVerlag_MK Here is a visualisation of what the public will see in December when the UPC goes onlin… 19 20:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Sheikh_al_Touar: @schestowitz @juveVerlag_MK Here is a visualisation of what the public will see in December when the UPC goes onlin… 19 20:20
schestowitz 19 20:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@grrokk: #FairAndBalanced, Roy. 19 20:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: @grrokk They watch FoxJan 19 20:25
schestowitz 19 20:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AllaAnNov: @Snowden @schestowitz @PressSec fighting for transparency and hiding in non transparent countries. Very smart move. Stay with us FOREVER )Jan 19 20:34
schestowitzHe is not hiding. He had his passport revoked and thus cannot travel.Jan 19 20:35
schestowitz 19 20:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@codeslinger2: @schestowitz @wikileaks That's asking if WL is willing to target Trump and GOP. People send evidence, WL doesnt target groups. Check ur biasJan 19 20:36
schestowitz 19 20:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AllaAnNov: @schestowitz @Snowden @PressSec Cuba is an open country thenJan 19 20:39
schestowitzCuba is not supine or subservience to the US and thus would not extraditeJan 19 20:39
schestowitz 19 20:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ianrobo1: @schestowitz @glynmoody which is why they want, nick small guys ideas knowing they can't afford to take them to courtJan 19 20:43
schestowitzsmall firms, other than trolls, would be counter-sued by the big firm/s they take on and go bustJan 19 20:44
schestowitz 19 20:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Softly_Sarah: This is what happens when you allow yourself to relax re "politics": you miss stuff like this. More destruction of… 19 20:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Softly_Sarah: This is what happens when you allow yourself to relax re "politics": you miss stuff like this. More destruction of… 19 20:53
schestowitz 19 20:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@outsh1ned: @schestowitz @AllaAnNov @Snowden @PressSec so you're saying an exit visa from Russia would have also been an option.Jan 19 20:53
schestowitz"This is what happens when you allow yourself to relax re "politics": you miss stuff like this. More destruction of our rights and freedoms."Jan 19 20:53
schestowitzDefine "exit visa" - seems like a fictitious termJan 19 20:54
schestowitz 19 20:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@rahulroy662: @schestowitz they shouldve included which country the VPNs belong to.. a lot of ppl would nt wanna subscribe to a VPN service based outta USJan 19 20:57
schestowitz 19 21:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Poseidon419: @schestowitz @wikileaks sorry. Truth is truth. She lost. We are back baby. Cut her fuckin head off on cnn for treasonJan 19 21:07
schestowitz 19 21:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ianrobo1: @schestowitz @glynmoody exactly and we know in tech how damn difficult it is to prove a unique ideaJan 19 21:11
schestowitzOnly the lawyers/attorneys/prosecutors are guaranteed to always win, they're becoming a taxJan 19 21:11
schestowitz 19 21:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@JacindaOrcutt: @schestowitz @Snowden don't compare the 2! 1 was superficial the other @Snowden did justiceJan 19 21:14
schestowitz 19 21:14
schestowitz 19 21:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@outsh1ned: @schestowitz @AllaAnNov @Snowden @PressSec you serious? it's a facility that countries that do travel have. a "no issue here, leave" passJan 19 21:15
schestowitz 19 21:15
schestowitz 19 21:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SleepyPenguin1: For first time, CIA publishes guidelines for handling Americans' info @schestowitz 19 21:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | For first time, CIA publishes guidelines for handling Americans&apos; info - The San Diego Union-TribuneJan 19 21:15
schestowitz 19 21:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@tedkidd: @schestowitz Would have a chilling effect on government corruption...Jan 19 21:15
schestowitz 19 21:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ianrobo1: @schestowitz @glynmoody it is mad world where a few giant companies dominate like this, no wonder Tim Cook was there with Trump eh ?Jan 19 21:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ianrobo1: @schestowitz @glynmoody and I have a iPhone and mac !Jan 19 21:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@isleofcapri777: @schestowitz @wikileaks True - the Media has done a horrible job, andwill payJan 19 21:26
schestowitz 19 21:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@isleofcapri777: @schestowitz @lbf_tweet Wikileaks has said they have no connection with RussiaJan 19 21:26
schestowitz 19 21:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@isleofcapri777: @FlavaRiot @lbf_tweet @schestowitz Let this go viral.Obama has lied repeatedly to America and torn apart this country!This is his legacyJan 19 21:26
schestowitz 19 21:30
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pacman925: @schestowitz @UNHumanRights @wikileaks @Alfreddezayas Even bigger problem ->> 19 21:30
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia (Updated) | Veterans TodayJan 19 21:30
schestowitz 19 21:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-No status found with that ID.Jan 19 21:34
schestowitz"Jan 19 21:34
schestowitz12s12 seconds agoJan 19 21:34
schestowitzEarthRumble liked your TweetJan 19 21:34
schestowitz1h: @Snowden Nto even terrible exile. Look what Manning has had to endure: no media, no leaving the cell, no interactionJan 19 21:34
schestowitz    EarthRumble Jan 19 21:34
schestowitz12s12 seconds agoJan 19 21:34
schestowitzFREE ASSANGE liked your TweetJan 19 21:34
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 19 21:34
*schestowitz ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 19 21:35
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Jan 19 21:35
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellJan 19 21:35
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzJan 19 21:35
schestowitz"Block a major highway? Run them over!"Jan 19 21:36
schestowitzhe deleted thisJan 19 21:36
schestowitza-holeJan 19 21:36
schestowitz 19 21:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@LimpidSoul: @schestowitz @DrJillStein @the_intercept dude... obstructing traffic and attacking the driver is not "peaceful protest"Jan 19 21:45
schestowitz"Block a major highway? Run them over!" - you sound like a truck attacker. Not cool.Jan 19 21:45
schestowitz 19 21:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@bnblue71520: @schestowitz @DrJillStein @the_intercept Then don't block the highway and interfere with thousands of people for your dumb whiny cause.Jan 19 21:49
schestowitz 19 21:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@robertgavila: @PardonManning @schestowitz @Snowden He's getting out. Don't push it.Jan 19 21:49
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:03
schestowitz> "ignoring human rights violations and the oppression of women."Jan 19 22:03
schestowitz> 19 22:03
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:03
schestowitz> 19 22:03
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:03
schestowitz> "Two other bloggers, one named as polio sufferer Ahmed Raza Naseer, areJan 19 22:03
-TechrightsBN/ | Worksheet on 'Sharia law' irks school parentsJan 19 22:03
schestowitz> also reported to have disappeared in or near Lahore."Jan 19 22:03
schestowitz> 19 22:03
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:03
schestowitz> 19 22:04
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:04
-TechrightsBN/ | Migrant crisis - Europe cannot cope with fresh influx of refugees warns Maltese PM | Politics | News | Daily ExpressJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> 19 22:04
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:04
schestowitz> "The water still isn’t safe to drink"Jan 19 22:04
schestowitz> 19 22:04
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:04
-TechrightsBN/ | Pakistan student: 'I was tortured by hardline Islamists' - BBC NewsJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> "The number of arrests made since protests began in Morton County inJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> August has now topped 600."Jan 19 22:04
schestowitz> 19 22:04
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:04
-TechrightsBN/ | Video reveals five police shooting dead blind man | Daily Mail OnlineJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> 19 22:04
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:04
schestowitz> "HSBC has helped several palm oil companies accused of community rightsJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> violations and illegal deforestation pull together billions in creditJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> and bonds"Jan 19 22:04
-TechrightsBN/ | Henley on Thames News | Phone ban means pupils have to talkJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> 19 22:04
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:04
schestowitz> 19 22:04
-TechrightsBN/ | Flint Water Crisis: Where It Stands a Year LaterJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:04
schestowitz> 19 22:04
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:04
schestowitz> 19 22:04
-TechrightsBN/ | Authorities revise upwards number of DAPL protesters arrested in latest confrontation | News | KFGO-790Jan 19 22:04
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:04
schestowitz> 19 22:04
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:04
schestowitz> "However, there is evidence that he isn't an atheist or a lapsedJan 19 22:04
-TechrightsBN/ | wildsingapore news: Indonesia: 18 hot spots detected in SumatraJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> Presbyterian or anything like that, but a devout follower of a veryJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> strange branch of Christianity called the Prosperity Gospel or Word ofJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> Faith."Jan 19 22:04
schestowitz> 19 22:04
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:04
-TechrightsBN/ | HSBC financing tied to deforestation, rights violations for palm oil in IndonesiaJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> 19 22:04
schestowitz> -Jan 19 22:04
schestowitz> "every year the 50c party writes approximately 448 million socialJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> media posts nationwide. About 52.7% of these posts appear on governmentJan 19 22:04
-TechrightsBN/ | Iran female bodybuilder arrested for publishing revealing photos of herself | The Indian ExpressJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> sites. TheJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> remaining 212 million posts are inserted into the stream ofJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> approximately 80 billion totalJan 19 22:04
schestowitz> posts on commercial social media sites, all in real time."Jan 19 22:04
-TechrightsBN/ | Girl who cried wolf over hate crime could be charged with filing false report - The LocalJan 19 22:05
schestowitz> 19 22:05
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:05
schestowitz> 19 22:05
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:05
schestowitz> 19 22:05
-TechrightsBN/ | Who is Anna-Senpai, the Mirai Worm Author? — Krebs on SecurityJan 19 22:05
schestowitz> -Jan 19 22:05
schestowitz> 19 22:05
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:05
schestowitz> 19 22:05
-TechrightsBN/ | ‘The Running Man’ Is the Perfect Dystopian Movie For Trump’s Inauguration | MotherboardJan 19 22:05
schestowitz> =Jan 19 22:05
-TechrightsBN/ | The Creepy Religion That Explains All Of Trump's ActionsJan 19 22:05
-TechrightsBN/ | The first-ever close analysis of leaked astroturf comments from China's "50c party" reveal Beijing's cybercontrol strategy / Boing BoingJan 19 22:05
-TechrightsBN/ | How the Chinese Government Fabricates Social Media Posts for Strategic Distraction, not Engaged Argument | Gary KingJan 19 22:05
-TechrightsBN/ | Facebook to build new data centre in Denmark - The LocalJan 19 22:05
-TechrightsBN/ | Turkey's parliament set to approve sweeping new powers for president | World news | The GuardianJan 19 22:05
-TechrightsBN/ | What I’ve witnessed in Turkey is an assault on democracy itself | Owen Jones | Opinion | The GuardianJan 19 22:05
-TechrightsBN/ | Facebook blocks Russia Today from posting until day after Trump's inaugurationJan 19 22:05
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellJan 19 23:50
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 20 01:00
schestowitz 20 01:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Ruthisms: @KissThePaw @WLTaskForce @AssangeTracker @AssangeFreedom @EmbassyCat @BBfromPA @BellaMagnani @schestowitz I feel the MSM is mostly insane.Jan 20 01:20
schestowitz 20 08:08
schestowitz"They still need to make Unreal Engine FOSS -_-"Jan 20 08:08
-TechrightsBN/ Evolvation, an Unreal Engine online space shooter is now on Linux #gnu #linux #gamesJan 20 08:08
schestowitz 20 08:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Evolvation, an Unreal Engine online space shooter is now on Linux | GamingOnLinuxJan 20 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ #Epiphany Browser to Add New "Copy Image" Context Menu Item, Support IDN URLs #gnome #gnu #linuxJan 20 08:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Epiphany Browser to Add New "Copy Image" Context Menu Item, Support IDN URLsJan 20 08:09
schestowitz"People still use this browser? If I really need a second browser that’s not a Firefox derivative I just go with konqueror. Epiphany seems to be out-of-date as fuck."Jan 20 08:09
schestowitzYes, it isJan 20 08:09
schestowitz 20 08:09
schestowitz"Bunk. Screw the MSM."Jan 20 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ Early phases of autocracy including shutting out the press 20 08:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Log In - New York TimesJan 20 08:09
schestowitz 20 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: #israel government "relies on anti-Arab racism to justify its behavior" 20 08:09
schestowitz"Clearly you did not read it. Arrogant dumb ass aliens from other countries ass ume that they have the right and authority to determine Israel’s domestic policies."Jan 20 08:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Israel’s Above-the-Law Behavior – ConsortiumnewsJan 20 08:09
schestowitz 20 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ #DevilLinux 1.8.0 to Be a Major Overhaul, Will Use SquashFS as Main File System #gnu #linuxJan 20 08:09
schestowitz"Why use SquashFS?"Jan 20 08:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Devil-Linux 1.8.0 to Be a Major Overhaul, Will Use SquashFS as Main File System - Softpedia LinuxJan 20 08:09
schestowitzNot sure myselfJan 20 08:09
schestowitz 20 08:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SnugDog22: @schestowitz @wikileaks Not off hand, read it shortly after he was murdered.Jan 20 08:10
schestowitz 20 08:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SnugDog22: @schestowitz @wikileaks 20 08:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Seth Rich, Murdered DNC Director Of Voter Expansion, Bernie Sander’s Supporter, And American Hero – NEW INFORMATION ON SETH RICH. – InvestmentWatchJan 20 08:10
schestowitz 20 08:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Sheikh_al_Touar: @schestowitz @petrakramer @KrapulaPhD @Twpalovi @IlDrugo_ @Wikinaut 20 08:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Sheikh_al_Touar: - 20.01.2017 - Hoge Raad buigt zich over Battistelli’s juridische eiland 20 08:11
schestowitztranslation, Petra maybe?Jan 20 08:12
schestowitz 20 08:14
-TechrightsBN/ First #RT is blocked by #Facebook, now other sites are blocking it too 20 08:14
schestowitz"RT=russian propaganda"Jan 20 08:14
schestowitzYupJan 20 08:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | BREAKING: First RT is blocked by Facebook, now other sites are blocking it too | The CanaryJan 20 08:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Russia-backed RT unblocked on Facebook, claims Dataminr also revoked access | TechCrunchJan 20 08:14
schestowitz 20 08:14
-TechrightsBN/ #fedora seems to have improved since I last used it (at work, 2010-2011, after at university, Fedora Core) #f25Jan 20 08:14
schestowitz"There also seem to be fewer (no?) programs with memory leaks that I have found so far."Jan 20 08:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Digest of Fedora 25 Reviews | Brno hatJan 20 08:14
schestowitz 20 08:14
-TechrightsBN/ #FCC chairman warns next administration: Don't go backward they already have. They accepted #goldenDawnaldJan 20 08:14
schestowitz"You’re FIRED"Jan 20 08:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | FCC chairman warns next administration: Don't go backward - Jan. 13, 2017Jan 20 08:14
schestowitz 20 08:14
-TechrightsBN/ Extreme Brexit: This was May’s last moment of control Jan 20 08:14
schestowitz"I’m trying very hard to mellow ;)"Jan 20 08:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Extreme Brexit: This was May’s last moment of controlJan 20 08:14
schestowitz 20 08:15
-TechrightsBN/ Excellent. Maintain credibility upon that promise. 100% truth. 20 08:15
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@wikileaks: Assange lawyer @themtchair on Assange-Manning extradition 'deal': "Everything that he has said he's standing by."Jan 20 08:15
schestowitzI understood that as an offer. It would be wrong, very wrong, for him - or anybody else - to interpret it otherwise. Essentially that would turn the injustice of Mannings imprisonment into a greater injustice - hostage taking.Jan 20 08:15
schestowitzIs that something that we want to encourage?Jan 20 08:15
schestowitzObama didn’t say - did he? - that the release of Chelsea Manning was part of a deal with Assange.Jan 20 08:15
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:15
schestowitzThe House explicitly stated on the day that it was NOT to do with what Wikileaks had said.Jan 20 08:15
schestowitz 20 08:16
-TechrightsBN/ Here is anti-FOSS #microsoft -connected firm #blackduck attacking FOSS cc @webmink 20 08:16
schestowitz"What do They know?"Jan 20 08:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Attacks on Embedded Open Source Code Could Rise by 20 Percent This YearJan 20 08:16
schestowitz 20 08:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Black Duck - TechrightsJan 20 08:16
-TechrightsBN/ Fury at Azaria Verdict is #Israel #Trump Moment #justice and #law now mocked. Lynching acceptable.Jan 20 08:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Could not resolve host:; Unknown error ( status 0 @ )Jan 20 08:16
schestowitz"What do They know?"Jan 20 08:16
schestowitz"When a person can not discern a poster from an original oil, LOL that pretty my defines where that person is holding."Jan 20 08:16
schestowitz 20 08:17
-TechrightsBN/ From statehood to kingdom King #trump and fellow oligarchs drain the 'swamp' (non-oligarchs)Jan 20 08:17
schestowitz"noise. Big talk"Jan 20 08:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Is Trump ready for a national security crisis? - POLITICOJan 20 08:17
schestowitz 20 08:17
-TechrightsBN/ FIVE cops shooting dead a blind man in convenience store #us #policeJan 20 08:17
schestowitz"happened in nov 2015…and no justice yet ?"Jan 20 08:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Video reveals five police shooting dead blind man | Daily Mail OnlineJan 20 08:17
schestowitz"some of my best learning."Jan 20 08:18
schestowitz 20 08:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Sheikh_al_Touar: Excellent article! Bravo to Mr König and the NRC. Translation desperately needed for our non-dutch speakers 20 08:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: @Sheikh_al_Touar @petrakramer @KrapulaPhD @Twpalovi @IlDrugo_ @Wikinaut translation, Petra maybe?Jan 20 08:21
schestowitz 20 08:22
-TechrightsBN/ "If anything, we'll double down on what we've always done" a threat from #microsoftJan 20 08:22
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:22
schestowitzNadella knows he and everyone else in that last meeting were flunkies. Trump had the real meeting one on one with Gates.Jan 20 08:22
schestowitz22% price hike for the UK, right next to an article about 1/3 NHS having Microsoft ransomware attacks. That’s just beautiful. I suppose that’s what Microsoft will be doubling down on and the sort of thing Trump likes.Jan 20 08:22
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Trump doesn't make Microsoft's CEO nervous - Jan. 16, 2017Jan 20 08:22
schestowitzMicrosoft raised the prices here. Apple just did too...Jan 20 08:23
schestowitz 20 08:23
-TechrightsBN/ How to simplify your #Debian / #Ubuntu system updates with #uCareSystem 20 08:23
schestowitz"Interesting!'Jan 20 08:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | How to simplify your Debian/Ubuntu system updates with uCareSystem - TechRepublicJan 20 08:23
schestowitz 20 08:23
-TechrightsBN/ How to make people love and admire a person? Call a day off work after him/her. #mlk #mlkdayJan 20 08:23
schestowitz"unfortunally MLK day is becoming more and more #zionism day :-/"Jan 20 08:23
schestowitzHow so?Jan 20 08:23
schestowitz 20 08:23
-TechrightsBN/ How—and why—you should use a VPN any time you hop on the internet on #vpn right now...Jan 20 08:23
schestowitz 20 08:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | How—and why—you should use a VPN any time you hop on the internetJan 20 08:23
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:23
schestowitzantithesis: Don’t use VPN services.Jan 20 08:23
-TechrightsBN/ | Don't use VPN services. · GitHubJan 20 08:23
schestowitzsynthesis: understand the matter, and use the right tool for the right jobJan 20 08:23
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:23
schestowitz 20 08:24
-TechrightsBN/ I’m a Refugee. In America, I Felt Safe for the First Time. Now All I Feel Is Fear. #goldenDawnald #trumpJan 20 08:24
schestowitz"HMMM I WONDER WHY ?"Jan 20 08:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | I’m a Refugee. In America, I Felt Safe for the First Time. Now All I Feel Is Fear. | American Civil Liberties UnionJan 20 08:24
schestowitzGood reasons, when the Pres. compares people like these to SkittlesJan 20 08:25
schestowitz 20 08:25
-TechrightsBN/ I’m an #Abortion Provider ... Attacks on Reproductive Freedom to Intensify in #Trump ’s America suffice to say!Jan 20 08:25
schestowitz"OH WELL'Jan 20 08:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | I’m an Abortion Provider in a Red State, and I Expect the Attacks on Reproductive Freedom to Intensify in Trump’s America | American Civil Liberties UnionJan 20 08:25
schestowitz 20 08:25
-TechrightsBN/ "I got censored by a group of Christians because I talked about race, and it is not okay." #censorship Jan 20 08:25
schestowitz"True, true"Jan 20 08:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Christian Censorship: I Talked About Race And Was SilencedJan 20 08:25
schestowitz 20 08:25
-TechrightsBN/ If you don’t finish then you’re just busy, not productive sounds like #vodafone staffJan 20 08:25
schestowitz"Could you elaborate on the vodafone staff, please?"Jan 20 08:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | If you don’t finish then you’re just busy, not productive | Jack Bruce SimpsonJan 20 08:25
schestowitzI had bad experiences with them. Pretending to be busy, doing nothing.Jan 20 08:25
schestowitz 20 08:25
-TechrightsBN/ If people thought Executive Orders (EOs) were obnoxious when #obama used them, well wait until #trump uses them for his radical policiesJan 20 08:25
schestowitz"don’t be obnoxious."Jan 20 08:25
*hl has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 20 08:30
*hl (~hl@unaffiliated/hl) has joined #boycottnovellJan 20 08:37
schestowitz 20 08:47
-TechrightsBN/ #mozilla rebrands as fighting for the #internet something which #google is not really, genuinely doingJan 20 08:47
schestowitz"I have always supported Mozilla’s privacy and open-source efforts despite them being SJW’s. They deserve our support."Jan 20 08:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Digital Citizens, Let’s Talk About Internet Health | The Mozilla BlogJan 20 08:47
schestowitz"Isn’t mozilla the company whose previous chief executive had to resign because of his personal beliefs and charities? What guarantee that this will not turn out an attempt to sanitize the (increasingly bigger) dicussiom around health of internet?"Jan 20 08:47
schestowitzGood point.Jan 20 08:47
schestowitz 20 08:47
-TechrightsBN/ #ProtonMail uses #tor to improve 20 08:47
schestowitz"Is it not odd that the Protonmail Tor site requires the use of javascript?"Jan 20 08:47
schestowitz"I don’t know… Their clearnet site also uses javascirpt…'Jan 20 08:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Encrypted email service ProtonMail now supports Tor to thwart meddling governments | VentureBeat | Apps | by Paul SawersJan 20 08:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Encrypted email service ProtonMail opens door for Tor users | ZDNetJan 20 08:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | To combat online censorship, encrypted email provider ProtonMail launches Tor hidden service | The Tech PortalJan 20 08:48
schestowitzI heard some negative things, but they said they're improvingJan 20 08:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | ProtonMail Launches Tor Onion Site to Evade State Censorship - Mac RumorsJan 20 08:48
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:48
schestowitzJan 20 08:48
schestowitzThe more tools we have, the safer we can be.Jan 20 08:48
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:48
schestowitz 20 08:49
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: Mobile phones are tracking & data collection devices. They collect location, position, sometimes tilt every few seconds Also audio and videoJan 20 08:49
schestowitz"no shit =o its funny everybody complains about it but nobody does anything or propose any alternatives to fight against it…"Jan 20 08:49
schestowitzTake a peek at #replicantJan 20 08:49
schestowitz 20 08:49
-TechrightsBN/ | ReplicantJan 20 08:49
schestowitznot a mobile phone user myself, but I’ve heard good things about it; hthJan 20 08:49
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:49
schestowitz 20 08:52
-TechrightsBN/ #mozilla found out what it lacked to regain dominance: a logo! 20 08:52
schestowitzI wish they would concentrate more on the #privacy features of #firefox :("Jan 20 08:52
schestowitzAnd thunderbird tooJan 20 08:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Mozilla rebrands with clever new logo and open source design principlesJan 20 08:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Mozilla’s new logo hopes to show it’s at “the heart of the internet” - Design WeekJan 20 08:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Mozilla revealsbranding following open design processJan 20 08:53
schestowitz 20 08:53
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: "Obama refers to “The DNC emails that were leaked”." not cracked, not leaked.Jan 20 08:53
schestowitz"bevause they were leaked and the russians didnt do it"Jan 20 08:53
schestowitz"DNC leak. Coward piss head Obozo and Clinton losers."Jan 20 08:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Stunning Admission from Obama on Wikileaks - Craig MurrayJan 20 08:53
schestowitz 20 08:53
schestowitz"Exactly! Google can premium their OS, and the free software world will manage without them. Good riddance."Jan 20 08:53
-TechrightsBN/ This Dev Is Working on a Way to Run Android Apps on Ubuntu Phone #android #ubuntu #gnu #linuxJan 20 08:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | This Dev Is Working on a Way to Run Android Apps on Ubuntu Phone - OMG! Ubuntu!Jan 20 08:54
schestowitz"For what it’s worth you can already do this on SailfishOS. I’d rather push for more native development, but I totally understand that proprietary apps will likely never come over any other way and for some that would be a deal breaker.'Jan 20 08:54
schestowitz 20 08:55
-TechrightsBN/ With so many #freesw -based #gnu #linux distros out there it's hard to imagine choosing one from a criminal company 20 08:55
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:55
schestowitz@Jean for the laptop, desktop and server, I don’t know of a credible 3rd option. Low power laptops exists with ARM CPUs, though, and in many other arenas like smartphones, tablets and all kinds of specific computing boards (e.g. RPi & co) Intel and AMD are outsiders.Jan 20 08:55
schestowitzBTW, why do you say “other than AMD”?Jan 20 08:55
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Here's How To Setup Clear Linux For Intel Steam Linux Gaming - PhoronixJan 20 08:55
schestowitz"Well, I havê read somewhere that both intel and AMD havê problems in the sense of Intel ME engine. I just cant remenber where I readed it, bit I think it was in a blog from onde of the LibreBoot guys"Jan 20 08:55
schestowitzOpenPOWER might be an option for servers, but well.... cough cough... IBMJan 20 08:55
schestowitz 20 08:56
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:56
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: Or has investments in oil/coal giants. #DonTheCon Jan 20 08:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@DrJillStein: Already, we've got more solar jobs than coal jobs—any politician who promises to bring back dirty fossil-fuel jobs is being disingenuous.Jan 20 08:56
schestowitzWealth tends to spread its benefits in any democratic republic which allows capitalism.Jan 20 08:56
schestowitzCulture does however matter. Very stratified societies, like most European ones, tend to fail to invest wealth in ways which benefit a whole. Mature societies with relatively-less in-migration and aristocratic histories may become very stale. An ‘aristocracy’ need not be consanguineous; one based on academic ‘credentials’ may become hide-bound too.Jan 20 08:56
schestowitzA pattern is very common in North America, where economic social mobility exists: a first generation accumulates and/or generates wealth, but in the process neglects its children. Who then dissipate most of that wealth in self-indulgence, and their children then must start over (at least in economic terms).Jan 20 08:57
schestowitzOne should be careful about ever seeking to impose any vision of economic ‘justice’. The history of programmatic redistributionism is genocidal.Jan 20 08:57
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:57
schestowitzCan you give an example? A particular family?Jan 20 08:57
schestowitz 20 09:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AlbanThurston: @schestowitz Because bridges threaten their insularity? What happened to Trump's words about uniting? @jon_bartley @TheGreenPartyJan 20 09:06
schestowitzTo some people he represents Britain's ability to expel immigrants or perceived "foreigners"Jan 20 09:06
schestowitz"Jan 20 09:27
schestowitzWonderful historical look at our the British monarchy and events surrounding.Jan 20 09:27
schestowitzIn one of the episodes this event is brought to light... 20 09:27
schestowitz"Jan 20 09:27
-TechrightsBN/ | Great Smog of London - WikipediaJan 20 09:27
schestowitz> =Jan 20 09:27
schestowitz> 20 09:27
schestowitz> =Jan 20 09:27
schestowitz> 20 09:27
schestowitz> =Jan 20 09:27
-TechrightsBN/ | Brits don't trust Donald Trump with the surveillance powers President Obama left him | TheINQUIRERJan 20 09:27
schestowitz> "ProxyPipe identified strong similarities between some of the code inJan 20 09:27
schestowitz> Mirai and code uploaded to another Github account that enabled CoelhoJan 20 09:27
schestowitz> and Krebs to make a connection."Jan 20 09:27
schestowitz> 20 09:27
-TechrightsBN/ | Gmail phishing scam has everyone reaching for 2FA | TheINQUIRERJan 20 09:27
schestowitz> =Jan 20 09:27
schestowitz> 20 09:27
schestowitz> =Jan 20 09:27
schestowitz> "Trump was rightly ridiculed for this answer. But you can’t entirelyJan 20 09:27
-TechrightsBN/ | Mirai: Student behind IoT malware used it in Minecraft server protection racket, claims Krebs | TheINQUIRERJan 20 09:27
schestowitz> blame him for theological ineptitude when he had been hearing preciselyJan 20 09:27
schestowitz> this sort of nonsense from the pulpit year after year."Jan 20 09:27
schestowitz> 20 09:27
-TechrightsBN/ | Mini PC invasion: These radically tiny computers fit in your handJan 20 09:27
schestowitz> Prosperity GospelJan 20 09:27
schestowitz> =Jan 20 09:28
schestowitz> 20 09:28
schestowitz> =Jan 20 09:28
-TechrightsBN/ | For Donald Trump, faith has become the perfect alibi for greed | Giles Fraser: Loose canon | Opinion | The GuardianJan 20 09:28
schestowitz> 20 09:28
schestowitz> =Jan 20 09:28
schestowitz> 20 09:28
-TechrightsBN/ | Netflix is so big that it doesn’t need net neutrality rules anymore | Ars TechnicaJan 20 09:28
schestowitz> =Jan 20 09:28
schestowitz> 20 09:28
schestowitz> =Jan 20 09:28
schestowitz> 20 09:28
schestowitz> -Jan 20 09:28
-TechrightsBN/ | How to get started with a VPN in Linux | TechRadarJan 20 09:28
schestowitz> 20 09:28
schestowitz> =Jan 20 09:28
schestowitz> 20 09:28
-TechrightsBN/ | Trump team wanted tanks, missile launchers in parade: report | TheHillJan 20 09:28
schestowitz> =Jan 20 09:28
schestowitz> xJan 20 09:28
schestowitz> 20 09:28
schestowitz> bill sezJan 20 09:28
-TechrightsBN/ | Michael Moore leads massive anti-Trump protest in NYC | TheHillJan 20 09:28
schestowitz> =Jan 20 09:28
schestowitz> 20 09:28
schestowitz> =Jan 20 09:28
-TechrightsBN/ | Mark Zuckerberg sues hundreds of Hawaii families to force them to sell their land | The IndependentJan 20 09:28
schestowitz> 20 09:28
-TechrightsBN/ | Mark Zuckerberg sues over 100 Hawaiians to force them to sell them their ancestral land / Boing BoingJan 20 09:28
-TechrightsBN/ | Graphic CCTV footage appears to shows blind and mentally ill man being shot dead by California police | The IndependentJan 20 09:28
-TechrightsBN/ | Davos 2017: where and when to watch Satya Nadella, Meg Whitman, Bill Gates | IT Business | Computerworld UKJan 20 09:28
-TechrightsBN/ | Democrats Missed an Opportunity to Expose Steve Mnuchin as a Predator | The NationJan 20 09:28
-TechrightsBN/ | Turkey's Ruling Party Extends Powers With Constitutional Bill - SoylentNewsJan 20 09:29
schestowitz 20 09:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@vanaynay15: @CarolineLucas @schestowitz @lgsmigrants HRC voted 4 a 700 mile fence in 2006. This is nothing new. We can't have a open boarderJan 20 09:34
schestowitz 20 09:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@vanaynay15: @CarolineLucas @schestowitz @lgsmigrants we can raise illegals wages here by not allowing competition and they can sponsor family toJan 20 09:34
schestowitz 20 09:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@vanaynay15: @CarolineLucas @schestowitz @lgsmigrants members to immigrate her. I love them and want them to stay but we cannot continue w open boarderJan 20 09:34
*acer-box__ (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellJan 20 09:38
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to acer-box__Jan 20 09:38
schestowitz 20 09:41
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AssangeTracker: @BBfromPA @Ruthisms @KissThePaw @WLTaskForce @AssangeFreedom @EmbassyCat @BellaMagnani @schestowitz Gives new credence to 'cheaters dont winJan 20 09:41
*acer-box has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 20 09:41
schestowitz 20 09:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@candtalan: .@candtdct @CriminologyUK 20 09:59
schestowitz 20 09:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@LinuxSocist: @schestowitz Allot of people complain about the performance issues on these things what are running what should be a "high speed" M$ OS.Jan 20 09:59
schestowitz 20 09:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@WPaxtonRobinson: @schestowitz Does he want the army to walk in lock step and wear arm bands of the Neo Hilter Youth as well or just the Radical Right?Jan 20 09:59
schestowitz 20 10:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@rbanffy: @schestowitz @pcworld what I miss is a Chip-like device that can netboot over Ethernet.Jan 20 10:00
schestowitz 20 10:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@NUFC_OurClub: @schestowitz That is just murder that. Plain and simpleJan 20 10:00
schestowitz 20 10:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@fcassia: @schestowitz hurling expletives seems like a good first step. I like it!. ;pJan 20 10:26
schestowitz 20 10:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@fcassia: "Bridges not Walls" - An account to follow in the coming Trump Stone Age. => @Bridgesnotwallz cc/@Schestowitz @njrabit @sbassiEN @lprovenJan 20 10:56
schestowitz 20 11:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Dinkeldash: @schestowitz @wikileaks His CIA actually hacked the Senate, didn't they?Jan 20 11:28
schestowitzyes, that's what I was referring toJan 20 11:28
schestowitz 20 11:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@petrakramer: @schestowitz @Sheikh_al_Touar @KrapulaPhD @Twpalovi @IlDrugo_ @Wikinaut Just woke up, got have some coffee first. But it will be done today.Jan 20 11:31
schestowitzThank you so muchJan 20 11:31
schestowitz 20 11:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@petrakramer: @schestowitz @Sheikh_al_Touar @KrapulaPhD @Twpalovi @IlDrugo_ @Wikinaut It's grave news. The High Council chose Batistelli's side.Jan 20 11:49
schestowitzNot surprising after what the AG said some months backJan 20 11:49
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 20 11:54
schestowitz 20 12:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Margsbelle1958: @BirdLawXpert @schestowitz @wikileaks Not wrongJan 20 12:16
schestowitz 20 12:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@KrapulaPhD: @Sheikh_al_Touar @petrakramer @schestowitz @Twpalovi @IlDrugo_ @Wikinaut An Act of God shall come in handy and straighten up the issue.Jan 20 12:26
schestowitz 20 12:52
-TechrightsBN/ | NO TITLEJan 20 12:52
schestowitz"The situation is fluid. What we know is that Michelle Lee does not want to step down as Director of the Patent and Trademark Office. She has repeatedly let it be known that she is interested in staying. Whether she refused to resign or revoked her resignation remains unproven at this hour, but the unusually tight-lipped nature of Patent Office and senior Officials raises suspicions. If she has refused to resign or has revoked her letter Jan 20 12:52
schestowitzof resignation and she is not being vetted by the Trump Administration it would seem we are headed for an awkward and potentially embarrassing showdown."Jan 20 12:52
schestowitz 20 13:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@petrakramer: @schestowitz Here's the translation. 20 13:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | ZeroBinJan 20 13:01
schestowitz 20 13:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jeffjohnroberts: @schestowitz Thanks, RoyJan 20 13:16
schestowitzI've just mentioned you in 20 13:16
-TechrightsBN/ | Michelle Lee, USPTO Director, Should Recognise That the Patent Microcosm is Her Enemy Which Hates Her | TechrightsJan 20 13:16
schestowitz 20 14:30
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Mark_Antony: @ben_sewell Yes indeed! Moodle is a category-killer, and an awesome bit of software...Jan 20 14:30
schestowitzNot enough schools know about itJan 20 14:30
schestowitzwe'e in newcatle tomorrow 12-sunday afternoonJan 20 14:36
schestowitzhopefully not much spam in the mean timeJan 20 14:36
schestowitz 20 15:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@dissolve333: @schestowitz I don't really understand what you are saying? How does DRM relate at all to #webmention?Jan 20 15:08
schestowitzI didn't related those twoJan 20 15:08
schestowitzI didn't relate those twoJan 20 15:08
*oiaohm has quit (*.net *.split)Jan 20 15:37
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellJan 20 15:39
schestowitz 20 15:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MorinvillePaul: @schestowitz Not part of any lobby. I am an inventor. You? Perhaps you are connected to the big money killing it for us small guys?Jan 20 15:45
schestowitz 20 15:45
schestowitz 20 15:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MorinvillePaul: @schestowitz You the lobbyist from TechRights accuse me the inventor from nowhere of being a lobbyist. You are swamp @realDonaldTrumpJan 20 15:45
schestowitz 20 15:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MorinvillePaul: @schestowitz Lobbyist calls inventor the "swamp". And hes not even from the USA. @USPTO @realDonaldTrump… 20 15:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MorinvillePaul: @schestowitz Lobbyist calls inventor the "swamp". And hes not even from the USA. @USPTO @realDonaldTrump… 20 15:45
schestowitz 20 15:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MorinvillePaul: @schestowitz Really? You are a stooge of TechRights. Lobby for Google. Calling me, an inventor, the swamp? @jaredkushnerJan 20 15:46
schestowitz 20 15:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MorinvillePaul: @schestowitz Wow. Stooge of anti-inventor lobby calls actual inventor the swamp. 20 15:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | About the Editors | TechrightsJan 20 15:46
schestowitz 20 15:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@dissolve333: @schestowitz I misunderstood your message then. You just would rather W3C be focusing on those other areas?Jan 20 15:46
schestowitz"Lobbyist calls inventor the "swamp". And hes not even from the USA. @USPTO @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr …"Jan 20 15:47
schestowitz 20 15:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@dissolve333: @schestowitz SWpats are outside of the realm of W3Cs tech specs. & they have a whole privacy WG that reviews at every spec before publishingJan 20 15:47
schestowitz 20 16:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Unexpected responseJan 20 16:04
schestowitz 20 16:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrattMarl: @TheGreenParty @schestowitz I shall continued to be more than words and seek balance. To promote with every act I command truth n unity tyJan 20 16:11
schestowitz 20 22:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CaliDeplorable: @schestowitz @wikileaks SorosJan 20 22:25
schestowitzTolerance, not Soros.Jan 20 22:26
schestowitz 20 22:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@wildnsweet761: @schestowitz @wikileaks why?Jan 20 22:27
schestowitzThere is a perception - a correct one IMHO - that #trump is trying to destabilise the #eu just like #putinJan 20 22:27
schestowitz 20 22:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pantog: @schestowitz Very possibly a 99% improvement towards a safer Israel. Obama had no concern for them, only for his M… 20 22:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pantog: @schestowitz Very possibly a 99% improvement towards a safer Israel. Obama had no concern for them, only for his M… 20 22:28
schestowitz 20 22:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pantog: @schestowitz @wikileaks No surprise as socialism isn't compatible with a true free market nation.This will be what makes America recover.Jan 20 22:28
schestowitz" Very possibly a 99% improvement towards a safer Israel. Obama had no concern for them, only for his Muslin friends and family"Jan 20 22:28
schestowitzObama and Trump are both bad for different but overlapping reasons.Jan 20 22:28
schestowitz 20 22:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pantog: @schestowitz @wikileaks Obviously, time will prove Trump is in our Whitehouse to replace the "hope/change" clown with an assertive POTUS.Jan 20 22:29
schestowitzTrump's track record (70 years) leaves me anything but optimistic. And I can't trust anything he says, either.Jan 20 22:30
schestowitz 20 22:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pantog: @schestowitz Our system decided Trump was the better choice over more of the same socialistic path found in HRC. Time will tell!Jan 20 22:31
schestowitzBoth choices that were advertised in the corporate media were beneficial to the media's owners. #bezos media: 20 22:32
-TechrightsBN/ | Washington Post Ran 16 Negative Stories on Bernie Sanders in 16 Hours | FAIRJan 20 22:32
schestowitz 20 22:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pantog: @schestowitz @wikileaks That's the funny thing about opinions, we all have one. Mine differs only in terms of the values he exposes.Jan 20 22:38
schestowitz 20 22:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pantog: @schestowitz interesting. I tend to test drive anything and anyone before judging. If he reduces the number of free loading socialists Im okJan 20 22:38
schestowitz 20 22:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pantog: @schestowitz sources of that percentile?Jan 20 22:39
schestowitzcabinet appointments of #trumpJan 20 22:39
schestowitz 20 22:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CaliDeplorable: You absolutely don't know what u are talking about. All Americans voted for Trump. Not just white men. You are igno… 20 22:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CaliDeplorable: You absolutely don't know what u are talking about. All Americans voted for Trump. Not just white men. You are igno… 20 22:39
schestowitz"You absolutely don't know what u are talking about. All Americans voted for Trump. Not just white men. You are ignorant. Educate yourself."Jan 20 22:39
MinceRooh, "All Americans"Jan 20 22:40
MinceRi wonder whether that means that this moron believes goldenDawnald won all the electorsJan 20 22:41
MinceRor that the ones who didn't vote for Agent Orange aren't "americans"Jan 20 22:41
schestowitz 20 22:42
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CaliDeplorable: You are not even American. Worry about your own country with the immigration problems it has. 20 22:42
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #trump support base says it all. For white males it'll be hard to understand how shellshocked a lot of people around the world are today.Jan 20 22:42
schestowitzYour country still has military bases in mineJan 20 22:42
schestowitz 20 22:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pantog: @schestowitz Alas, again perception and rhetoric. I suppose those words are subjectiveJan 20 22:44
schestowitzMinceR: Agent OrangeJan 20 22:44
schestowitzI like thatJan 20 22:44
MinceR:)Jan 20 22:44
schestowitzI used to say Orange ClownJan 20 22:44
schestowitzLike the ones in the movieJan 20 22:44
schestowitzminionsJan 20 22:44
schestowitz 20 22:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@queeniecity: @schestowitz @pantog @wikileaks go live somewhere else if you are so sad, this is NOT the first time RN had to tell you what do #MAGAJan 20 22:45
MinceRsee also: 20 22:45
-TechrightsBN/ | Agent Orange | Carmageddon Wiki | Fandom powered by WikiaJan 20 22:45
schestowitz 20 23:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TOPGOYIM: @schestowitz @wikileaks just another antifa fag having a hard time grasping the fact hes apart of the minority now 20 23:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TOPGOYIM: @schestowitz @wikileaks just another antifa fag having a hard time grasping the fact hes apart of the minority now 20 23:03
schestowitz 20 23:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PoliticalTropes: @CaliDeplorable @schestowitz @wikileaks 20 23:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MikeTokes: When "protesters" show up in groups coming out of coach busses you know they are nothing more than paid operatives.Jan 20 23:03
schestowitz 20 23:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pantog: @queeniecity @schestowitz @wikileaks yeah, what she said! Lol.Jan 20 23:04
schestowitz 20 23:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PoliticalTropes: @schestowitz @CaliDeplorable @wikileaks It's intolerance to burn cars and riot nc you lost an electionJan 20 23:04
schestowitz 20 23:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pantog: @schestowitz @queeniecity @wikileaks @TelegraphSport We're generally not known as a Judeo-Christian-Islamic nation. Barry started that lieJan 20 23:04
schestowitz 20 23:05
schestowitz 20 23:05
schestowitz 20 23:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@queeniecity: Good one less smug over confident dunderhead have to keep out of trouble. You must be a Naturopath #Stay put 20 23:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: @pantog @queeniecity @wikileaks I don’t live in the US (could do), but either way, this is #trumpism at work. See 20 23:06
schestowitz#fakenews is working. People fall for it. 20 23:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CaliDeplorable: @PoliticalTropes @schestowitz @wikileaks @MikeTokes Bought and paid 4 Rioters. All Need to be arrested by the @NationalGuardJan 20 23:13
schestowitz 20 23:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PoliticalTropes: @CaliDeplorable @schestowitz @wikileaks @MikeTokes @NationalGuard and prosecuted.Jan 20 23:14
schestowitz 20 23:14
schestowitz 20 23:14
schestowitz 20 23:14
schestowitzprosecuting protestersJan 20 23:14
schestowitzGOP already passes law for thatJan 20 23:14
schestowitzin FIVE states this week aloneJan 20 23:14
schestowitz 20 23:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CaliDeplorable: @PoliticalTropes @schestowitz @wikileaks @MikeTokes Dr. Roy Stop spreading hate. You R not American. Go figure out… 20 23:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CaliDeplorable: @PoliticalTropes @schestowitz @wikileaks @MikeTokes Dr. Roy Stop spreading hate. You R not American. Go figure out… 20 23:23
schestowitz"Dr. Roy Stop spreading hate. You R not American. Go figure out immigration issue in U.K"Jan 20 23:23
schestowitz 20 23:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TOPGOYIM: @schestowitz 20 23:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TOPGOYIM: @schestowitz 20 23:23
schestowitz 20 23:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@GreenAlty: @schestowitz She's made so many embarrassing mistakes, I'm not sure if that's the worst or not!Jan 20 23:24
schestowitz 20 23:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@colinmthomas: @schestowitz @wikileaks I few people putting banners on bridges - they were so unruly!Jan 20 23:24
schestowitz 20 23:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@angrymofo: @schestowitz To be fair I have seen TV video of a few cars burning in the streets today. They should be arrested if they riot.Jan 20 23:25
schestowitzIn relation to Trump? That's not protest, that's arson.Jan 20 23:25
schestowitz 20 23:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@angrymofo: @schestowitz It sure is. From the looks of it there will be a lot more of this overnight. Will find out tomorrow I guess.Jan 20 23:33
schestowitz 20 23:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SLYR123: @schestowitz Probably right on that one. Is that a bad thing in your opinion?Jan 20 23:33
schestowitz 20 23:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrandtTrey: @CaliDeplorable @JanFraank @PoliticalTropes @schestowitz @wikileaks n @MikeTokes hey Dr Lipshitz mind your own you ignorant fuckJan 20 23:51
schestowitz 21 00:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MariusNestor: @schestowitz Oh, boy... plagiarism at its finest.Jan 21 00:02
schestowitzTop result in Google News, report?Jan 21 00:02
schestowitz 21 00:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MariusNestor: @schestowitz Yes, right away!Jan 21 00:12
schestowitz 21 00:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MariusNestor: @schestowitz Google report submitted. I also sent them an email... it's not the first time they do that (hoping it is the last). Thanks!Jan 21 00:22
schestowitz 21 00:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pantog: @schestowitz @washingtonpost Ok, worst why? Factual evidence only please.Jan 21 00:22
schestowitz 21 00:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Bazeelzebub: @schestowitz regrettably, i agree. May's govt pinning UK back on USA coat-tails. Why else, when none believe in Brexit? Whew! 90 days tho'?Jan 21 00:24
schestowitz 21 00:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pantog: @schestowitz @the_intercept Well it must ALL be true if Sen. Elizabeth Warren , (aka Lieawatha- Fauxcahontas) is saying it is.Jan 21 00:24
schestowitz 21 00:24
schestowitz 21 00:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@GreenAlty: That's because we stole far more stuff. 21 00:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: I was in the National Mall 11 years ago. The museums there are OK, but most British museums are miles better. Overrated place to visit.Jan 21 00:25
schestowitz 21 00:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@loverly_b: @schestowitz look forward to VR-Brit Museums for those who cant visit ... :)Jan 21 00:29
acer-box__ 21 01:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TriciaEdwards2: @TheEconomist @schestowitz Bleak?? You must have listened to a different speech...🙄Jan 21 01:36
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schestowitz 21 06:10
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-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Reconquista1970: @schestowitz @Independent Jo Cox didn't come to his aid, theirs no mileage in helping him, her concerns were for fake refugeesJan 21 06:10
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellJan 21 06:13
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schestowitz 21 06:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@skeptical_david: @thebenshow @schestowitz brings tears of pride to my eyes, and blood to my erection #NewPOTUSJan 21 06:58
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