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IRC: #boycottnovell-social and #techpol @ Techrights IRC Network: Friday, January 20, 2023

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techrights-newsThe Steam Deck wasn’t born ready, but it’s ready now - The Verge ⚓ ䷉ Source: The Verge | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 00:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Steam Deck wasn’t born ready, but it’s ready now - The VergeJan 20 00:00
techrights-news"I built a wifi-equipped water gun to shoot the pigeons on my balcony, controlled over the internet by a python script running openCV reading the camera image of my old iPhone." 20 00:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | The overengineered Solution to my Pigeon Problem :: Max NagyJan 20 00:00
techrights-newsGitHub is not open source but an attack on it. Conflating one thing with another. 20 00:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | The overengineered solution to my pigeon problem « Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!Jan 20 00:02
techrights-newsStigma by Microsofters 20 00:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | On entitlement, toxicity, and burnout in Open Source #OpenSource « Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!Jan 20 00:03
techrights-newsGitHub isn't a community and it never wasJan 20 00:04
techrights-news[Old] Matt Blaze: Testing Phone-Sized Faraday Bags ⚓ ䷉ Source: Matt Blaze | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 00:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | Matt Blaze: Testing Phone-Sized Faraday BagsJan 20 00:05
techrights-newsIrving Wladawsky-Berger: Has Economic Globalization Been a Failure? ⚓ ䷉ Source: IBM Old Timer | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 00:06
-TechrightsSocial/ | Irving Wladawsky-Berger: Has Economic Globalization Been a Failure?Jan 20 00:06
techrights-newsKernel Module Management testing | Pablo Iranzo Gómez blog ⚓ ䷉ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 00:08
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kernel Module Management testing | Pablo Iranzo Gómez blogJan 20 00:08
techrights-newsHow a Fair Use Win Paved the Way for Competition From Valve’s Steam Deck - Public Knowledge ⚓ ䷉ Source: Public Knowledge | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 00:09
-TechrightsSocial/ | How a Fair Use Win Paved the Way for Competition From Valve’s Steam Deck - Public KnowledgeJan 20 00:09
techrights-newsA 3D-printable, Arduino-controlled star tracker great for astrophotography | Arduino Blog ⚓ ䷉ Source: Arduino | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 00:10
-TechrightsSocial/ | A 3D-printable, Arduino-controlled star tracker great for astrophotography | Arduino BlogJan 20 00:10
techrights-newsFSFE is pretending that Dortmund moves to Free software because of FSFE; typical lie and nothing could be further from the truth 20 00:12
-TechrightsSocial/ | Municipalities need Free Software: Recording and new mailing list - FSFEJan 20 00:12
techrights-news"Last month at State of the Word, WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy shared some opening thoughts on “Why WordPress” and the Four Freedoms of open source." 20 00:14
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Month in WordPress – December 2022 – WordPress NewsJan 20 00:14
techrights-newsNew packages for Chromium (also ungoogled) work on Slackware 14.2 again | Alien Pastures ⚓ ䷉ Source: Eric Hameleers | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 00:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | New packages for Chromium (also ungoogled) work on Slackware 14.2 again | Alien PasturesJan 20 00:15
techrights-newsServer storage pricing – how to optimise TCO 20 00:15
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Cloud storage pricing – how to optimise TCO | UbuntuJan 20 00:15
techrights-newsIT Rules amendments: Indian government bids to tighten control over online content - Access Now ⚓ ䷉ Source: AccessNow | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 00:16
-TechrightsSocial/ | IT Rules amendments: Indian government bids to tighten control over online content - Access NowJan 20 00:16
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell-socialJan 20 00:18
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 20 00:18
techrights-newsPyTorch and the PyPI supply chain [LWN] ⚓ ䷉ Source: LWN | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 00:19
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-PyTorch and the PyPI supply chain []Jan 20 00:19
techrights-newsFormalizing f-strings [LWN] ⚓ ䷉ Source: LWN | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 00:19
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Formalizing f-strings []Jan 20 00:19
techrights-news"As there were some unexpected complications during the preparation of our HWE 5.19 kernels for jammy, and with shim 15.7 making its way to the archive, we decided that more time is necessary to get everything ready. We decided to move the 22.04.2 release date to February 23." 20 00:28
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu 22.04.2 delayed until February 23 - Release - Ubuntu Community HubJan 20 00:28
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): LWN Stories in Kernel and Elsewhere ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 00:28
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — LWN Stories in Kernel and ElsewhereJan 20 00:28
techrights-news"Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS was due for release on Thursday, February 9. However, the release has had to be delayed by two weeks, and is now scheduled to arrive on Thursday, February 23." 20 00:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu 22.04.2 Point Release Delayed by 2 Weeks - OMG! Ubuntu!Jan 20 00:29
techrights-news3-D printed cases for Raspi 20 00:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | Raspberry Pi Model B Mount With Webcam Mount #3DThursday #3DPrinting « Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!Jan 20 00:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | Raspberry Pi 4 Zebra Case Holder for 20×40 profile #3DThursday #3DPrinting « Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!Jan 20 00:31
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): The 4 Best Ubuntu Accessibility Features for the Visually Impaired ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 00:36
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — The 4 Best Ubuntu Accessibility Features for the Visually ImpairedJan 20 00:36
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Associate Members of FSF Invited to Weigh in on the Board ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 00:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — Associate Members of FSF Invited to Weigh in on the BoardJan 20 00:42
techrights-newsIt’s Official: 3rd-Party Twitter Apps No Longer Allowed - OMG! Linux ⚓ ䷉ Source: OMG! Linux | time to quit, folks!Jan 20 00:43
-TechrightsSocial/ | It's Official: 3rd-Party Twitter Apps No Longer Allowed - OMG! LinuxJan 20 00:43
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Microsoft's Restricted Boot in UEFI Causes Problems for Ubuntu (Again) ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 00:43
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — Microsoft's Restricted Boot in UEFI Causes Problems for Ubuntu (Again)Jan 20 00:43
techrights-newsJust install the real thing, GNU/Linux, not broken toys that Microsoft uses to ATTACK GNU/Linux 20 00:45
-TechrightsSocial/ | How to Solve the "WslRegisterDistribution Failed With Error 0x80370102" Issue in WindowsJan 20 00:45
techrights-newsNew Publication: COVID-19 Vaccines and Increased Risk of Stroke 20 00:53
-TechrightsSocial/ » Blog Archive » New Publication: COVID-19 Vaccines and Increased Risk of StrokeJan 20 00:53
techrights-newsSo a 'former' Microsofter is trying to defend Microsoft plagiarism. Says a lot about Microsoft. "Hey Hi" (AI) does not mean plagiarism, but Microsoft muddies the water intentionally. 20 00:55
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is Copyright Eating AI?  – Copyleft CurrentsJan 20 00:55
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Today's 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 HowTos ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 01:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — today's howtosJan 20 01:00
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell-socialJan 20 01:00
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 20 01:00
techrights-news"Today we talk about the things to consider when you switch to Linux cold turkey. Not everyone should do this, but some may want to. This video gives you tips on how to do that without getting too frustrated." 20 01:01
-TechrightsSocial/ | Switching to Linux Cold Turkey - InvidiousJan 20 01:01
techrights-news"In this video I discuss the recent wave of Google search ads serving people links to viruses pretending to be other programs like OBS VLC or CCleaner (Trojan horse malware) and how you can protect yourself from these kind of attacks." 20 01:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Search Ads Are Spreading Dangerous Viruses - InvidiousJan 20 01:02
techrights-news"For a very long time Chromium has been known to scroll slowly on Linux but no one really knew why and now that bug has been addressed and you won't believe why it existed." 20 01:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chromium Fixes Decade Old Linux Scroll Speed Bug - InvidiousJan 20 01:03
techrights-newsCOVID-19 bivalent vaccine "boosters": tested on staging, let's promote to live, never mind the bugs! We tested on rodents, controlled the outcome, let's give this to a billion humans now. 20 01:05
techrights-news"A high-profile Linux kernel network flaw, we put JFS on a death watch, and break down the controversial Firefox update this week." 20 01:07
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Action News 276 | Jupiter BroadcastingJan 20 01:07
techrights-newsLakka 4.3 Released with Orange Pi 4 LTS Support 20 01:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — Lakka 4.3 release (UPDATED)Jan 20 01:11
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Videos: Linux Scroll Speed Bug, Linux Action News, Switching to Linux Cold Turkey, and More ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 01:12
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — Videos: Linux Scroll Speed Bug, Linux Action News, Switching to Linux Cold Turkey, and MoreJan 20 01:12
techrights-newsHow many people who loved vaccines are going to be hesitant about even well-established ones, seeing how governments botched regulation on COVID-19? You cannot leap from small tests on 10 mice to 10 billion doses.Jan 20 01:13
techrights-news"Flying machines: humans have always dreamed about flight, but with our puny arms and lack of feathers it’s something we’ve struggled with. No more! Join us as we explore the best, cleverest and most innovative home-made flying machines. Icarus would have been proud!" 20 01:14
-TechrightsSocial/ | HackSpace magazine issue 63 — HackSpace magazineJan 20 01:14
techrights-newsLOL! Microsoft 'secure' boot messes up Windows machines, too!!! And IT IS NOT EVEN FOR SECURITY 20 01:18
-TechrightsSocial/ | 5 Fixes for the “Secure Boot State Unsupported” Error in Windows 11 - Make Tech EasierJan 20 01:18
-TechrightsSocial/ | UEFI - TechrightsJan 20 01:18
techrights-newsBrittany Day in her ANTI-LINUX site is reusing a MONTH-OLD article to badmouth "Linux" (SMB actually) see 20 01:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Critical Linux Kernel flaw affects SMB servers with ksmbd enabled |...Jan 20 01:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | (Brittany Day) Promoting Microsoft, Windows, and FUD Against GNU/Linux | TechrightsJan 20 01:20
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Valve’s Steam Deck Deemed a Success, How Fair Use Helped It ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 01:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — Valve’s Steam Deck Deemed a Success, How Fair Use Helped ItJan 20 01:20
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@zx4r4gr9htgby.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 20 01:21
techrights-news"Scamp is a self-contained Forth computer that you can use as the computing engine for your projects. It’s easy to interface, and easy and quick to program using Forth, the world’s best embedded programming language." 20 01:23
-TechrightsSocial/ | Scamp – a self-contained Forth computer « Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!Jan 20 01:23
techrights-newsTool-Less Arduino Uno + Ethernet Case w MicroSD Holder by mlavallee - Thingiverse ⚓ ䷉ Source: | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 01:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Tool-Less Arduino Uno + Ethernet Case w MicroSD Holder by mlavallee - ThingiverseJan 20 01:23
techrights-news"The Information Controls Fellowship Program (ICFP) from the Open Technology Fund (OTF) fosters research, outputs, and creative collaboration on repressive Internet censorship and surveillance issues. The program supports examination into how governments in countries, regions, or areas of OTF’s core focus are restricting the free flow of information" 20 01:26
-TechrightsSocial/ | Information Controls Fellowship Program 2023 - The Citizen LabJan 20 01:26
techrights-news"It is a serial terminal that you can access via Chrome Browser. You can use it on your Laptop or desktop. Not on mobile devices yet." 20 01:32
-TechrightsSocial/ | Web Serial Terminal: a terminal in your chrome browser #CAPUFEmbedded #WebSerial « Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!Jan 20 01:32
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell-socialJan 20 01:32
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 20 01:32
techrights-newsAn interactive sound sculpture brings the world to the Center of Science and Industry Museum 20 01:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | An interactive sound sculpture brings the world to the Center of Science and Industry Museum #Art « Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!Jan 20 01:33
techrights-newsChrome Releases: Chrome Dev for Android Update ⚓ ䷉ Source: Google | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 01:35
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chrome Releases: Chrome Dev for Android UpdateJan 20 01:35
techrights-news"The dev channel has been updated to 111.0.5545.3 for Windows and Mac, Linux coming soon." GNU/Linux last?? 20 01:35
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chrome Releases: Dev Channel Update for DesktopJan 20 01:35
techrights-newsMicrosoft's longtime propagandist Davey Winder trying to shift attention away from Microsoft's back doors, as usual (he can't help himself, revealing his Redmond handlers) 20 01:35
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Kickstarts 2023 With 17 Chrome Security Vulnerability UpdatesJan 20 01:35
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): DietPi v8.13 Released ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 01:35
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — DietPi v8.13 ReleasedJan 20 01:35
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): HPE and Oracle Solaris suit ends with hushed settlement ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 01:36
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — HPE and Oracle Solaris suit ends with hushed settlementJan 20 01:36
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Chrome Releases and Web Serial Terminal in Chrome ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 01:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — Chrome Releases and Web Serial Terminal in ChromeJan 20 01:42
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Open Hardware/Modding: Arduino and More ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 01:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — Open Hardware/Modding: Arduino and MoreJan 20 01:42
techrights-news"The same instance of ConfigOS addresses CISCO network devices, Apache, Red Hat 5/6/7/8, SUSE, CENTOS, Ubuntu, and Oracle Linux." 20 01:48
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ )Jan 20 01:48
techrights-newsiTWire - Top Indian court rebuffs Google attempt to get Android ruling changed ⚓ ䷉ Source: IT Wire | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 01:49
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-iTWire - Top Indian court rebuffs Google attempt to get Android ruling changedJan 20 01:49
techrights-news"We are excited to announce a major update for the PlayCanvas Editor: glTF 2.0 import. This new feature allows users to easily import and use 3D models created in other applications such as Blender and SketchUp, as well as from digital asset stores like Sketchfab, directly into the PlayCanvas Editor." 20 01:50
-TechrightsSocial/ | glTF 2.0 Import Arrives in the PlayCanvas Editor | PlayCanvasJan 20 01:50
techrights-news"met the statistical criteria to prompt additional investigation into whether there was a safety concern for ischemic stroke in people ages 65 and older" 20 01:51
-TechrightsSocial/ » Blog Archive » New Publication: COVID-19 Vaccines and Increased Risk of StrokeJan 20 01:51
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): OS/2 Warp on a 21st century PC: Arca Noae's making it happen ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 01:52
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — OS/2 Warp on a 21st century PC: Arca Noae's making it happenJan 20 01:52
techrights-newsHEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI .... must be Sean Michael Kerner then. Used to cover GNU/Linux, now a parrot for the HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI PR machine 20 01:53
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Federated learning AI model could lead to healthcare breakthrough | VentureBeatJan 20 01:53
techrights-newsMastodon comments in ikiwiki - anarcat ⚓ ䷉ Source: The Anarcat | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 01:54
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mastodon comments in ikiwiki - anarcatJan 20 01:54
techrights-newsUEFI is more proprietary junk that takes control of the computer at the users' expense, potentially denying them the right to boot into their system of choice 20 01:55
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Linux Fu: UEFI Booting | HackadayJan 20 01:55
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Proprietary Software Stories ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 02:08
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — Proprietary Software StoriesJan 20 02:08
techrights-newsLatest Nvidia driver for Linux improves suspend reliability on systems that use UEFI - Neowin ⚓ ䷉ Source: Neowin | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 02:10
-TechrightsSocial/ | Latest Nvidia driver for Linux improves suspend reliability on systems that use UEFI - NeowinJan 20 02:10
techrights-newsLinks 19/01/2023: Release of DietPi 8.13 and Ubuntu Delays Due to Microsoft’s Restricted Boot | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 02:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | Links 19/01/2023: Release of DietPi 8.13 and Ubuntu Delays Due to Microsoft’s Restricted Boot | TechrightsJan 20 02:11
techrights-newsMicrosoft = CRIME. Microsoft layoffs. GOOD news.Jan 20 02:11
techrights-news🅸🆁🅲 boycottnovell irc ■ Yesterday's #boycottnovell IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 20 02:32
-TechrightsSocial/ | IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, January 19, 2023Jan 20 02:32
techrights-news🅸🆁🅲 techbytes irc ■ Yesterday's #techbytes IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 20 02:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, January 19, 2023Jan 20 02:33
techrights-news🅸🆁🅲 techpol + social irc ■ Yesterday's #boycottnovell-social and #techpol IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 20 02:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | IRC: #boycottnovell-social and #techpol @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, January 19, 2023Jan 20 02:34
techrights-news🅸🆁🅲 techrights irc ■ Yesterday's #techrights IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 20 02:35
-TechrightsSocial/ | IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, January 19, 2023Jan 20 02:35
AdmFubarThe Piano Has Been Drinking (Not Me) (An Evening with Pete King)Jan 20 02:35
AdmFubar 20 02:36
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tom Waits - "The Piano Has Been Drinking (Not Me) (An Evening With Pete King)" - InvidiousJan 20 02:36
techrights-news✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐍▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩ Yesterday's bulletin is now ready! 🅷🆃🆃🅿: | 🅶🅴🅼🅸🅽🅸 gemini:// (tentative address, to work an hour from now)Jan 20 02:42
techrights-newsSirius With Its Likely Illegal Contract-Signing for a Company Worth One Pound | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 02:54
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sirius With Its Likely Illegal Contract-Signing for a Company Worth One Pound | TechrightsJan 20 02:54
AdmFubareeeeeewwwww!!! 20 03:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | Man lost at sea says he survived on ketchup for 24 days - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent JournalismJan 20 03:02
techrights-news- Facebook vs. learning! gemini:// 20 03:06
techrights-news[cat] gemini:// 20 03:07
techrights-news[cat] gemini:// 20 03:07
techrights-newsPangamebook 1.5.1 gemini:// 20 03:07
techrights-newsSuggesting adventures but not writing them gemini:// 20 03:08
techrights-news"A while back, I noticed a significant statement, or rather misstatement, in an article[1]. The article was describing research (or rather, computer modeling) which supposedly supports the pebble accretion theory, and which also suggested that earth was originally formed with its water, rather than having the water deposited later by comets."gemini:// 20 03:09
techrights-newsPermacomputing II gemini:// gemini:// 20 03:10
techrights-news"First of all, the option to clear your network settings is buried several menus deep in advanced system settings, nowhere near the rest of the network settings. Annoying, but nothing you can't figure out after an internet search." gemini:// 20 03:11
techrights-news"I would guess that MSFT could drop another 30k people without significantly impacting (short term) earnings." 20 03:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | 4th quarter being planned - post regarding Microsoft Corp. layoffsJan 20 03:13
techrights-news"The writing is on the wall. Read it. SN [Satya] already said two rough years ahead. He set the tone when he said that 2 weeks ago for this initial and subsequent layoffs. Get use to it." 20 03:14
techrights-news"Just worry for yourself and your family. Work is a transaction of pay for labor. Don't put in more effort especially your personal effort and thought into it. If there is a cheaper replacement, you will be lay off in a heartbeat." 20 03:16
-TechrightsSocial/ | Incomprehensible criteria - post regarding Microsoft Corp. layoffsJan 20 03:16
techrights-news"Once the damage is done, it is difficult to repair it. It will never be clear to me why some of the most knowledgeable employees got laid off, while some others, who in essence are not needed at all because they do not add any value, are still here..." 20 03:16
techrights-news"Per RN, two years." 20 03:18
-TechrightsSocial/ | Teams Impacted by Layoff on 1/18/2023 - post regarding Microsoft Corp. layoffsJan 20 03:18
techrights-news"It's business. You get pay for the service. No service is needed so you get the boot. Very simple. Glad I put tons away to handle this down turn in tech. Severance will be nice topping." 20 03:18
-TechrightsSocial/ | My heart goes out to everyone at Microsoft today. This sucks, plain and simple. - post regarding Microsoft Corp. layoffsJan 20 03:18
techrights-news"Bank and retirement accounts are fat and happy. Glad that I worked two jobs during WFH. If I get hit, no unemployment though after the severance package is done." 20 03:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | We have been prepared for this for a long time - post regarding Microsoft Corp. layoffsJan 20 03:19
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 20 03:19
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@fpfsqjchsbkme.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 20 03:27
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Gemini Articles of Interest ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 03:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — Gemini Articles of InterestJan 20 03:29
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 20 03:46
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@fpfsqjchsbkme.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 20 03:47
techrights-newsTechrights Bulletin for Thursday, January 19, 2023 full archive: 20 04:08
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bulletin ArchivesJan 20 04:08
techrights-newsTechrights full IPFS index updated just now available as plain text @ 20 04:08
-TechrightsSocial/ | Techrights Full IPFS IndexJan 20 04:08
techrights-newsThis new Steam feature will change how you use your Steam Deck! - Invidious ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 04:12
-TechrightsSocial/ | This new Steam feature will change how you use your Steam Deck! - InvidiousJan 20 04:12
techrights-newsFacebook KILLA FECHA! Change FONT! 20 04:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | How to Change Fonts on Instagram - Make Tech EasierJan 20 04:13
techrights-newsWhen Sirius Split Into 3 Companies (or Shells) Without Telling Staff 20 04:15
-TechrightsSocial/ » Blog Archive » When Sirius Split Into 3 Companies (or Shells) Without Telling StaffJan 20 04:15
techrights-news15-20 parts left in this series about Sirius Open Source 20 04:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sirius Open Source - TechrightsJan 20 04:15
techrights-newsToday we begin to tell the story about a company that went astray, routinely lied to the staff, and even forced staff to sign bogus contracts under false pretenses 20 04:16
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sirius With Its Likely Illegal Contract-Signing for a Company Worth One Pound | TechrightsJan 20 04:16
techrights-newslinux dot com became 'spamsite' of Jim Zemlin, who wears the skirt while Sheela Microsoft runs 'Linux' Foundation 20 04:28
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-The Linux Foundation Announces Conference Schedule for Cassandra Summit 2023 - Linux.comJan 20 04:28
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Today's 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 HowTos ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 04:28
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — today's howtosJan 20 04:28
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Ayaneo Confirms the Release of Their Linux-based Ayaneo OS ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 04:38
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — Ayaneo Confirms the Release of Their Linux-based Ayaneo OSJan 20 04:38
techrights-newsThis DIY Apple Pencil writes with gestures 20 04:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | This DIY Apple Pencil writes with gestures | Arduino BlogJan 20 04:47
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Programming: Linux Overflow, Golang, and Python ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 04:48
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — Programming: Linux Overflow, Golang, and PythonJan 20 04:48
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Servers: WordPress, Mastodon/ikiwiki, Clown Computing, and Oracle on Docker ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 04:48
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — Servers: WordPress, Mastodon/ikiwiki, Clown Computing, and Oracle on DockerJan 20 04:48
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Deception: Android, Microsoft Plagiarism, Stigma, and FSFE ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 04:48
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — Deception: Android, Microsoft Plagiarism, Stigma, and FSFEJan 20 04:48
*techrights-news has quit (readQ exceeded (read too many bytes without terminating newline))Jan 20 05:29
*techrights-news (~techrights-news@ubimf8izmv24i.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 20 05:29
*techrights-news has quit (readQ exceeded (read too many bytes without terminating newline))Jan 20 05:30
*techrights-news (~techrights-news@ubimf8izmv24i.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 20 05:31
techrights-newsEverything Went to Shit When Sirius Moved to the Same State as Microsoft (After Bill Gates Had Paid Sirius CEO) 20 05:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | Everything Went to **** When Sirius Moved to the Same State as Microsoft (After Bill Gates Had Paid Sirius CEO) | TechrightsJan 20 05:31
techrights-newsCreation Stories gemini:// 20 05:47
techrights-news"There are 3102 capsules." Another milestone. gemini:// 20 05:48
techrights-newsSome laid off workers at Microsoft don't even know about it yet 20 05:49
-TechrightsSocial/ | I cant believe they expect people to work as normal during this - post regarding Microsoft Corp. layoffsJan 20 05:49
techrights-newsSting selling out to criminals 20 05:51
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft Hosted Sting Performance in Davos on Night Before Announcing LayoffsJan 20 05:51
techrights-newsA Deadly Trap of Secret Contracts at Sirius Corporation 20 05:54
-TechrightsSocial/ » Blog Archive » A Deadly Trap of Secret Contracts at Sirius CorporationJan 20 05:54
techrights-newsFurther commentary on the way Sirius got all staff to ‘relocate’ to a newly-minted shell while another shell was about to be created in another continent to facilitate Bill Gates 20 05:54
techrights-newsAt least Sting did not dance and perform for Saudi murderers. Bill Gates and Microsoft are a near second in Davos.Jan 20 05:55
techrights-news[Meme] Slush Funds or Pocket Change From Bill Gates (Under NDA) | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 06:16
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Meme] Slush Funds or Pocket Change From Bill Gates (Under NDA) | TechrightsJan 20 06:16
schestowitzshould sjvn want an RSS feed,  he can create one (seems missing by default!) 20 06:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | Introducing: RSS feeds, custom teaser content, and more | Product AnnouncementsJan 20 06:31
techrights-newsConsider All Microservices Vulnerable — And Monitor Their Behavior | Kubernetes ⚓ ䷉ Source: Kubernetes Blog | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 06:35
-TechrightsSocial/ | Consider All Microservices Vulnerable — And Monitor Their Behavior | KubernetesJan 20 06:35
techrights-newsTaking patch management to the next level with automation ⚓ ䷉ Source: Red Hat Official | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 06:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | Taking patch management to the next level with automationJan 20 06:39
techrights-newsRed Hat Satellite 6.12.1 has been released ⚓ ䷉ Source: Red Hat Official | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 06:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | Red Hat Satellite 6.12.1 has been releasedJan 20 06:39
techrights-news"Clevis is a software framework that allows booting encrypted LUKS devices without manual intervention." 20 06:40
-TechrightsSocial/ | Clevis performance improvementsJan 20 06:40
techrights-newsRed Hat has just boosted Microsoft shill ALAN SHIMEL because he mentioned Red Hat²-2022-honorees/ see 20 06:44
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Meet the DevOps Dozen² 2022 Honorees - DevOps.comJan 20 06:44
-TechrightsSocial/ | Security Boulevard is a Microsoft-Connected Attack Site Created by a Free Software-Hostile Person | TechrightsJan 20 06:44
techrights-newsShallow and meaningless greenwashing, citing some very distant future date 20 06:48
-TechrightsSocial/ | Red Hat Announces Intent to Reach Net-Zero Operational Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2030Jan 20 06:49
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴: Google Android Leftovers ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 07:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — Android LeftoversJan 20 07:19
techrights-newsMicrosoft is breaking Thunderbird see 20 07:30
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ )Jan 20 07:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft is Trying to Eliminate POP3 and IMAP for E-mail (Attack on Commodity or Standard Protocols) | TechrightsJan 20 07:30
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (UPDATED): Fake Security and Microsoftism (UPDATED) ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 07:38
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — Fake Security and Microsoftism (UPDATED)Jan 20 07:38
techrights-news"The Beta channel is being updated to OS version: 15278.36.0, Browser version: 110.0.5464.41 for most ChromeOS devices." 20 07:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chrome Releases: Beta Channel Update for ChromeOS/ChromeOS FlexJan 20 07:40
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Red Hat Leftovers ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 08:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — Red Hat LeftoversJan 20 08:19
techrights-newsSirius ‘Open Source’ was never the same after the desperate CEO agreed to take Gates Foundation money under an NDA (probably the first NDA of this kind in the company’s 24-year history, with almost immediate consequences) 20 08:35
techrights-news"Google is tightening its noose around what emails it wants to show you instead of what you want to see. Several readers notified me that FOSS Weekly emails are going to the spam directly and they have to retrieve the mail from spam manually." 20 08:40
-TechrightsSocial/ | FOSS Weekly #23.03: Unknown Linux Shells, Terminals, Code Editors and MoreJan 20 08:40
techrights-news"If you are using Gmail, please add my email to your contacts list otherwise Google may start hiding it from your inbox. Don't fall prey to Google's tactics." 20 08:41
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell-socialJan 20 08:47
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 20 08:47
techrights-newsQuiet, ultrathin AirJet solid state active cooling chips could replace fans - CNX Software ⚓ ䷉ Source: CNX Software | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 09:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | Quiet, ultrathin AirJet solid state active cooling chips could replace fans - CNX SoftwareJan 20 09:00
techrights-newsRaspberry Pi OctoPrint Powered by Ender3 3D Printer - CubicleNate’s Techpad ⚓ ䷉ Source: CubicleNate | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 09:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Raspberry Pi OctoPrint Powered by Ender3 3D Printer – CubicleNate's TechpadJan 20 09:00
techrights-newsIRC Proceedings: Thursday, January 19, 2023 | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 09:07
-TechrightsSocial/ | IRC Proceedings: Thursday, January 19, 2023 | TechrightsJan 20 09:08
techrights-newsStephen Withers (Microsofter) pushing Microsoftism in "Linux" clothing see regarding Azure and "Trust"Jan 20 09:12
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-iTWire - BeyondTrust enhances Linux and Active Directory supportJan 20 09:12
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft Whistleblower and Clients Warned, More Than 2 Years Ago in Fact, About the Current Azure Mess (But Microsoft Ignored Those Warnings, Buried Facts) | TechrightsJan 20 09:12
techrights-newsProprietary Fortinet 20 09:14
-TechrightsSocial/ | Attackers Crafted Custom Malware for Fortinet Zero-DayJan 20 09:14
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Proprietary Software in Action ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 09:27
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — Proprietary Software in ActionJan 20 09:27
techrights-news"The @property rule allows you to register custom properties" ☛ | Source: Manuel MatuzovicJan 20 09:32
-TechrightsSocial/ | Day 84: the @property at-rule - Manuel MatuzovićJan 20 09:32
techrights-news"As it uses a Compute Module, the carrier board has to supply all the ports" ☛ | Source: Tom's HardwareJan 20 09:32
-TechrightsSocial/ | Radxa Taco Turns a Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 Into a NAS | Tom's HardwareJan 20 09:32
techrights-news"Happy 40th Birthday to Lisa! The Apple Lisa computer, that is." ☛ | Source: Computer HistoryJan 20 09:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Lisa: Apple's Most Influential Failure - CHMJan 20 09:33
techrights-news[Old] "The main reason for these changes, is that Python 2 is no longer maintained or supported by the community" ☛ |Jan 20 09:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mailpile: Rebooting MailpileJan 20 09:33
techrights-news"Ten years ago today, I started this blog." ☛ | Source: Kev QuirkJan 20 09:35
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ten Years of Blogging | Kev QuirkJan 20 09:35
techrights-news"The first phase of the project is set to last until March of this year and aims to find the best technical solution, which will then be applied to the entire network." ☛ | Source: GreeceJan 20 09:35
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Metro riders to get 5G services | eKathimerini.comJan 20 09:35
techrights-news"One of the strongest and most frequent arguments against the minimalist approach of diamond open access is that it often comes without the traditional apparatus of peer review" ☛ | Source: Walled CultureJan 20 09:36
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Empty reply from server ( status 0 @ )Jan 20 09:36
techrights-news"The lighting system was installed at Minnechaug Regional High School when it was built over a decade ago and was intended to save money" ☛ | Source: NBCJan 20 09:37
-TechrightsSocial/ | The lights have been on at a Massachusetts school for over a year because no one can turn them offJan 20 09:37
techrights-newsHEY HI = ruinous buzzwords, hype, BS for algorithms with more automation to define classifiers ☛ | Source: CBCJan 20 09:38
-TechrightsSocial/ | Want a job? You'll have to convince our AI bot first | CBC NewsJan 20 09:38
techrights-news[Old] "On occasion, the software would go down and it would somehow get corrupted." ☛ |Jan 20 09:38
-TechrightsSocial/ | What’s Wrong With The Lights? – The Smoke SignalJan 20 09:38
techrights-newsSurveillance ☛ | Source: News AUJan 20 09:38
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ )Jan 20 09:38
techrights-newsEnvironment ☛ | Source: teleSURJan 20 09:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | Only Social Pressure Will Contain the Climate Crisis: Greta | News | teleSUR EnglishJan 20 09:39
techrights-news"In a significant move towards sustainable energy" ☛ | Source: Lusaka ZMJan 20 09:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | Zambia : Zambia and UAE Sign Landmark Agreement for $2 Billion Renewable Energy InvestmentJan 20 09:42
techrights-news"One of the key topics discussed during the meeting was the development of Zambia’s railway network" ☛ | Source: Lusaka ZMJan 20 09:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | Zambia : Zambia President seeks modern rail network, promises to open Embassy in UAE, at Abu Dhabi Sustainability WeekJan 20 09:42
techrights-news"The Cabinet wants to reduce the flight movements at Schiphol from 500,000 per year to 440,000 per year" ☛ | Source: NL TimesJan 20 09:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | Schiphol cuts 14,500 flights as permanent contraction begins | NL TimesJan 20 09:42
techrights-news"The CCI has fined Alphabet Inc-owned Google $161 million" ☛ |Jan 20 09:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | CCI Denies Google Allegations That It 'Copy-Pasted' EU’s Antitrust Order on Android | Technology NewsJan 20 09:42
techrights-newsCensorship ☛ | Source: New York TimesJan 20 09:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | Supreme Court Poised to Reconsider Key Tenets of Online Speech - The New York TimesJan 20 09:43
techrights-newsSection 230 ☛ |Jan 20 09:43
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Supreme Court is poised to reconsider key tenets of online speech - Canada TodayJan 20 09:43
techrights-news"Gulag, which owns YouTube, is fighting a high-stakes court battle" ☛ | Source: CNNJan 20 09:43
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google claims a Supreme Court defeat would transform the internet — for the worse | CNN BusinessJan 20 09:43
techrights-news"The case has attracted widespread interest not only from the internet industry" ☛ | Source: BarronsJan 20 09:45
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Warns Pending Supreme Court Case Could Wreck the Internet | Barron'sJan 20 09:45
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell-socialJan 20 09:54
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*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jan 20 10:28
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techrights-news"Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have been pushing for reforms to Section 230" ☛ | Source: The HillJan 20 14:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google warns Supreme Court against ‘gutting’ controversial tech provision | The HillJan 20 14:42
techrights-news"Nearly 20,000 people have been detained since the beginning of the mass anti-government" ☛ | Source: ANF NewsJan 20 14:43
-TechrightsSocial/ | ANF | Wave of arrests spreads across Iran and East KurdistanJan 20 14:43
techrights-newsressa vs duterte witch-hunt ☛ | Source: CBCJan 20 14:44
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nobel laureate and journalist Maria Ressa acquitted by Philippine court | CBC NewsJan 20 14:44
techrights-news"The Bundestag "recognizes the crimes against the Yazidi community as genocide" ☛ | Source: Deutsche WelleJan 20 14:44
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-German parliament recognizes Yazidi 'genocide' in Iraq – DW – 01/19/2023Jan 20 14:44
techrights-news"Before Virginia abolished capital punishment in 2021, the state executed more people than any other in America." ☛ | Source: NPRJan 20 14:45
-TechrightsSocial/ | NPR uncovered secret execution tapes from Virginia. More remain hiddenJan 20 14:45
techrights-news"Brazil's antitrust watchdog CADE has begun investigating a complaint by e-commerce retailer" ☛ |Jan 20 14:45
-TechrightsSocial/ | Apple Faces Investigation Into MercadoLibre Complaint Over App Store Monopoly in Brazil | Technology NewsJan 20 14:45
techrights-newsNatives in Tech ☛ |Jan 20 14:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | Apache Foundation faces name opposition from American Indian activists. | Open Source WatchJan 20 14:46
techrights-news"We are thrilled to announce that the Creative Commons Global Summit will return to an in-person event in 2023" ☛ | Source: Creative CommonsJan 20 14:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mark Your Calendars: The 2023 CC Global Summit Is Coming to Mexico City - Creative CommonsJan 20 14:47
techrights-news"Democracy for All" ☛ | Source: Common DreamsJan 20 14:48
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'Democracy for All': House Dems Introduce Bill to Overturn Citizens UnitedJan 20 14:48
techrights-newsUnions are needed! ☛ | Source: Common DreamsJan 20 14:48
-TechrightsSocial/ | Low Union Numbers Amid Organizing Wave Spark Calls for US Labor Law FixesJan 20 14:48
techrights-newsfossil fuel and the social control media propaganda machine ☛ | Source: DeSmogJan 20 14:48
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Fossil Fuel Groups ‘Spent Millions’ on Social Media Ads Spreading Climate Disinformation During COP27 - DeSmogJan 20 14:48
techrights-newsDeSantis ☛ | Source: Common Dreams (For immibis)Jan 20 14:49
-TechrightsSocial/ | Scholars, Lawmakers Outraged Over DeSantis' Rejection of AP African-American CurriculumJan 20 14:49
techrights-newsManchin ☛ | Source: Common DreamsJan 20 14:49
-TechrightsSocial/ | Advocates Say 'Hell No' as Manchin Pitches Social Security Deal With GOPJan 20 14:49
techrights-news+1 "I only learn Microsoft technologies for legacy purposes in order to migrate systems to GNU/Linux and the web" 20 14:50
-TechrightsSocial/ | IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, January 19, 2023Jan 20 14:50
techrights-newsold: Groklaw - An Economic Basis for Open Standards, by Rishab Aiyer Gosh ⚓ ䷉ Source: Groklaw | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 14:50
-TechrightsSocial/ | Groklaw - An Economic Basis for Open Standards, by Rishab Aiyer GoshJan 20 14:50
techrights-newsblackmail 20 14:51
-TechrightsSocial/ | Putin’s nuclear blackmail must not prevent the liberation of Crimea - Atlantic CouncilJan 20 14:51
techrights-newsbreasts 20 14:51
-TechrightsSocial/ | Facebook, Instagram To Lift Ban On Images Of Bare Breasts: ReportJan 20 14:51
techrights-newsIn some states, an unpaid foster care bill could mean parents lose their kids forever ⚓ ䷉ Source: Use plaintext email | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 14:51
-TechrightsSocial/ | In some states, an unpaid foster care bill could mean parents lose their kids foreverJan 20 14:51
techrights-news"There's another release of the community-made compatibility layer GE-Proton with version 7-45 out now" ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxJan 20 14:58
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-GE-Proton removes the dxvk-async patch in version 7-45 | GamingOnLinuxJan 20 14:58
techrights-news"Hyper Gunsport released on Steam and with Native Linux support back in December 2022" ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxJan 20 14:59
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Hyper Gunsport saves the original from the closure of Stadia | GamingOnLinuxJan 20 14:59
techrights-news"The Wandering Village, a very unique city-builder set on the back of a giant creature recently had a major update that added in gamepad support which also helps Steam Deck too." ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxJan 20 14:59
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-The Wandering Village gets gamepad and Steam Deck support | GamingOnLinuxJan 20 14:59
techrights-news"Fanatical seem to be putting out some really great bundles lately" ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxJan 20 15:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Get some gems like Streets of Rogue, Hellpoint, Chasm and more in this bundle | GamingOnLinuxJan 20 15:00
techrights-news"Here we go! The next version of KDE Plasma is now in Beta and ready for wider testing" ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxJan 20 15:11
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Plasma 5.27 Beta live with Flatpak settings, multi-monitor upgrade, SteamOS updater | GamingOnLinuxJan 20 15:11
techrights-news"workloads are dynamic" = HA or clusters. Clown computing rage justified by a company that surrendered to buzzwords and hype ☛ | Source: UbuntuJan 20 15:12
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Cloud storage pricing – how to optimise TCO | UbuntuJan 20 15:12
techrights-newsRed Hat selling insecurity (or uses security bugs for MARKETING) ☛ | Source: Red Hat OfficialJan 20 15:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | Taking patch management to the next level with automationJan 20 15:13
techrights-news"No one ever wanted to say “tech-savvy toddler” but here we are." ☛ | Source: MozillaJan 20 15:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | Real talk: Did your 5-year-old just tease you about having too many open tabs?Jan 20 15:13
techrights-news"If you have looked for alternatives to Docker, Podman might have attracted your attention." ☛ | Source: Linux HandbookJan 20 15:14
-TechrightsSocial/ | Beginner's Guide to Using Podman ComposeJan 20 15:14
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Games: Vanquish Bundle, GE-Proton, Hyper Gunsport, and The Wandering Village ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 15:17
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — Games: Vanquish Bundle, GE-Proton, Hyper Gunsport, and The Wandering VillageJan 20 15:17
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Today's 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 HowTos ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 15:18
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — today's howtosJan 20 15:18
techrights-newsStill back doors onboard: "AMD in partnership with Optomotive presented yesterday an industrial smart camera featuring the Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC-based Kria K26 System-on-Module (SoM)." ☛ | Source: Linux GizmosJan 20 15:24
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 520 @ )Jan 20 15:24
techrights-news"MSI presented their Cubi 5 12M mini PC at CES 2023 earlier this month." ☛ | Source: Linux GizmosJan 20 15:24
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 520 @ )Jan 20 15:24
techrights-news"Sublime Text 4 is the most recent version that supports important features like GPU rendering for fluid U" ☛ | Source: TecMintJan 20 15:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | How to Install Sublime Text 4 on Linux SystemsJan 20 15:25
techrights-newslenders bad, according to Pro Publica, which takes bribes from Bill Gates, hoarder of farmlands who rents these out ☛ 20 15:27
-TechrightsSocial/ | Inside the Sales Practices of the Nation’s Biggest Title Lender — ProPublicaJan 20 15:27
techrights-newsillinois ☛ | Source: Pro PublicaJan 20 15:28
-TechrightsSocial/ | Watchdog Seeks Harsher Penalties in Wake of Abuse at Illinois Mental Health Center — ProPublicaJan 20 15:28
techrights-newsGOP ☛ | Source: Robert ReichJan 20 15:28
-TechrightsSocial/ | Robert Reich (The Republican Party’s Worst Nightmare Republicans...)Jan 20 15:28
techrights-newsTwitter is a mess. We need not just Twitter but all social control media to go into an ashtray of history. It had nothing positive to contribute to society. ☛ | Source: The NationJan 20 15:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | Did Twitter Let Trump Post His Way Into a Coup? | The NationJan 20 15:31
techrights-newsPeloponnesian War ☛ | Source: The NationJan 20 15:32
-TechrightsSocial/ | When It Comes to the US Military, Nothing Succeeds Like Failure | The NationJan 20 15:32
techrights-news"A.E. Stallings is the author of four collections of poetry" ☛ | Source: The NationJan 20 15:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | A.E. Stallings and the Afterlives of Antiquity | The NationJan 20 15:34
techrights-news"As Covid-19 was spreading fear and spurring lockdowns across the United States in March 2020" ☛ | Source: The NationJan 20 15:35
-TechrightsSocial/ | Unredacted NIH E-mails Show Efforts to Rule Out a Lab Origin of Covid | The NationJan 20 15:35
techrights-news"According to the researchers, the effectiveness of a community is based on five stages of culture" ☛ | Source: OpenSource.comJan 20 15:37
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Community thinking patterns and the role of the introducer-in-chief | Opensource.comJan 20 15:37
techrights-news"In programming, you often need your code to iterate over a set of data to process each item individually." ☛ | Source: OpenSource.comJan 20 15:37
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-A guide to Java for loops | Opensource.comJan 20 15:37
techrights-newsinequality ☛ | Source: The NationJan 20 15:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why You Don’t Need to Fear the Taxman | The NationJan 20 15:39
techrights-newsInsurrection ☛ | Source: The NationJan 20 15:41
-TechrightsSocial/ | Insurrection | The NationJan 20 15:41
techrights-newsHochul ☛ | Source: The NationJan 20 15:41
-TechrightsSocial/ | Does Kathy Hochul Really Want to Go Down With Hector LaSalle’s Sinking Ship? | The NationJan 20 15:41
techrights-newsDeSantis ☛ | Source: The NationJan 20 15:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trump vs. DeSantis Death Match? Bring It On! | The NationJan 20 15:42
techrights-news"Victory for Human Rights and Academic Freedom" ☛ | Source: Common DreamsJan 20 15:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'Victory for Human Rights and Academic Freedom': Harvard Reverses on Kenneth RothJan 20 15:42
techrights-newsMedvedev ☛ | Source: Common DreamsJan 20 15:45
-TechrightsSocial/ | Medvedev Threatens Nuclear War If Russia Loses in UkraineJan 20 15:45
techrights-newsDavos ☛ | Source: Common DreamsJan 20 15:45
-TechrightsSocial/ | Greta Thunberg Warns Davos Elite Will Throw Humanity 'Under the Bus' for ProfitsJan 20 15:45
techrights-newsafghanistan as 'shooting practice' for privileges sociopaths ☛ | Source: Common DreamsJan 20 15:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | Opinion | Prince Harry's PR Firestorm Creates Opportunity to Rethink Militarism | Common DreamsJan 20 15:46
techrights-newsOSHA ☛ | Source: Common DreamsJan 20 15:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | OSHA Fines Amazon 'Roughly 0.000013%' of Annual Revenue for Worker Safety HazardsJan 20 15:47
techrights-newsperu ☛ | Source: Common DreamsJan 20 15:49
-TechrightsSocial/ | Thousands Descend on Lima Demanding Resignation of Unelected Peruvian PresidentJan 20 15:49
techrights-newsprice-gouging ☛ | Source: Common DreamsJan 20 15:49
-TechrightsSocial/ | FTC Urged to Crack Down on Egg Industry's 'Organized Theft'Jan 20 15:49
techrights-newsDebt ☛ | Source: The NationJan 20 15:50
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Debt Ceiling Explained. Once More, With Feeling… | The NationJan 20 15:50
techrights-news"More accurately it demands an order of business in which debts are paid" ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 15:50
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Civics 1.1: Structures of Feeling - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 15:50
techrights-news"privatizing anything in the public domain to stuffing their offshore bank accounts with cash" ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 15:51
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Did Washington Boost Another South American Coup? - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 15:51
techrights-newsauthoritarianism ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 15:55
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Is “Authoritarianism” Really “Being Revealed to be Weak” Around World? - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 15:55
techrights-newsFukushima still a thing ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 15:55
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Fukushima’s Toxic Dumping Flashpoint - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 15:55
techrights-newsBarbara Walters ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 15:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Barbara Walters in Real Life: Icon and ‘Pushy Cookie’ - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 15:56
techrights-newsEquity ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 15:57
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Roaming Charges: The Specter of Equity and Other Evils - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 15:57
techrights-newslabor ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 15:57
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Is SCOTUS on the Verge of Dismantling Labor and the Administrative State in One Blow? - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 15:57
techrights-news"I grew up in the district that George Santos now represents in Congress" ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 15:57
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-The Great Santos - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 15:57
techrights-newspolice ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 15:58
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Police Violence Reached an All-Time High Last Yea, Are We Ready to Shrink Police Budgets? - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 15:58
techrights-news"he independent General Accounting Office (GAO) issued a scathing report last week about the plan underway to refurbish plutonium pit triggers for nuclear weapons decades into the future." ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 15:58
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Plutonium Pit Bomb Plans Excoriated by General Accounting Office - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 15:58
techrights-news"The Jewish people had just returned to its holiest site, from which it had been denied access for centuries, only to effectively yield sovereignty at its moment of triumph" ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 15:59
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-It Has Always Been a ‘Religious War’: On Ben Gvir and the Adaptability of Zionism - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 15:59
techrights-newsMadoff: The Monster of Wall Street ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 16:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Need for Greed: Payback - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 16:00
techrights-newsSvensson vs socker gemini:// 20 16:01
techrights-news</p></blockquote></li>Jan 20 16:01
techrights-news🔤SpellBinding: BUHILTG Wordo: BETAS gemini:// 20 16:01
techrights-news"Gee, wouldn't it be fuckin' A if we didn't need to trust any one single entity to interact with a distributed network?!" gemini:// 20 16:02
techrights-newsGhosts of Southern Colorado gemini:// 20 16:04
techrights-newsCommodore 64 is calling my name gemini:// 20 16:04
techrights-news"Over the 23 year history of `mod_blog [1]`, I've given up on the notion of anyone other than me using it. There was only one other person who used it for just a few months before deciding blogging wasn't for him and that was way back in 2002. So it was completely by surprise that I recently received a bug report [2] on it." gemini:// 20 16:05
techrights-newsmyanmar ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 16:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-A Picture of Global Complicity: Aiding Myanmar’s Military Regime - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 16:05
techrights-newsCrisis of racism? ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 16:10
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Beyond the Border Crisis - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 16:10
techrights-newsWhen even the rich cannot sell enough because they robbed the entire population and there's no capital left to spend ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 16:11
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-The Wealthy Took a Hit in 2022, Who Lost the Most? - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 16:11
techrights-newsethiopia ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 16:11
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Ethnic Terrorism Continues to Stalk Ethiopia - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 16:11
techrights-newsembarrassing ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 16:14
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Biden’s Carelessness is More Than Embarrassing - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 16:14
techrights-news"marijuana prohibition" ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 16:14
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Don’t Bring Back Pot Bans - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 16:14
techrights-newsa supreme lunacy ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 16:15
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-A Corrupt and Clueless Supreme Court - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 16:15
techrights-newsInequality ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 16:16
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-America's Inequality Problem in One Statistic - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 16:16
techrights-newskrugman ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 16:16
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Krugman, China’s Demographic Crisis, and the Which Way Is Up Problem in Economics - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 16:16
techrights-newsRight-Wing Zealot ☛ | Source: The NationJan 20 16:17
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tony Dungy Is a Right-Wing Zealot and the NFL and NBC Don’t Care | The NationJan 20 16:17
techrights-news"Ken Roth, who headed Human Rights Watch for over two decades" ☛ | Source: The NationJan 20 16:18
-TechrightsSocial/ | Harvard Reverses Course After a “Nation” Exposé | The NationJan 20 16:18
techrights-newsDobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health ☛ | Source: The NationJan 20 16:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Supreme Court’s Big Investigation Into the “Dobbs” Leak Was a Big Fake | The NationJan 20 16:20
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Debian 12 "bookworm" Reaches First Code Freeze ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 16:22
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — Debian 12 "bookworm" Reaches First Code FreezeJan 20 16:22
techrights-news"we don’t often cover woodworking" ☛ | Source: HackadayJan 20 16:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Domesticating Plasma With A Gorgeous Live Edge Table | HackadayJan 20 16:23
techrights-newssuspension ☛ | Source: HackadayJan 20 16:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-High-Speed Sled Adds Bicycle Suspension | HackadayJan 20 16:23
techrights-news"Running GNU/Linux on your old ThinkPad" ☛ | Source: HackadayJan 20 16:24
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-That Old ThinkPad Needs An Open Source 2.5″ IDE SSD | HackadayJan 20 16:24
techrights-news"If you’ve ever dealt with RF circuits, you probably have run into Q — a dimensionless number that indicates the ratio of reactance to resistance." ☛ | Source: HackadayJan 20 16:28
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Q Meter Measures… Q, Of Course | HackadayJan 20 16:28
techrights-news"Many mainboards and laptops these days come with a range of M.2 slots, with only a subset capable of NVME SSDs" ☛ | Source: HackadayJan 20 16:30
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-What Else Is An M.2 WiFi Slot Good For? | HackadayJan 20 16:30
techrights-newsDrip Watering ☛ | Source: HackadayJan 20 16:30
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Automated Drip Watering Device Keeps Plants Happy | HackadayJan 20 16:30
techrights-newspolitico ☛ | Source: Telex (Hungary)Jan 20 16:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | Telex: Hungary requested removal of nine names from list of sanctioned Russians – PoliticoJan 20 16:30
techrights-newsOrban does not get democracy; he does not need democracy to stay in power ☛ | Source: Telex (Hungary)Jan 20 16:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | Telex: Slovak FM: The majority of the European Parliament do not consider Hungary a Western-style democracyJan 20 16:31
techrights-news"There is a political crisis in Israel—particularly for Palestinians, minorities and anyone who believes in secular democracy." ☛ | Source: FAIRJan 20 16:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | Israel’s Hard-Right Turn Fails to Raise Alarm in US Media - FAIRJan 20 16:31
techrights-newsatlanta ☛ | Source: TruthOutJan 20 16:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | Activists Demand Independent Investigation After Cops Kill Protester in Atlanta - TruthoutJan 20 16:34
techrights-newspension ☛ | Source: TruthOutJan 20 16:35
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mass Strikes and Protests Sweep France After Attack on Pension System - TruthoutJan 20 16:35
techrights-newstax the rich ☛ | Source: TruthOutJan 20 16:35
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lawmakers in 7 States Are Working Together to Tax the Rich - TruthoutJan 20 16:35
techrights-newsunions ☛ | Source: TruthOutJan 20 16:36
-TechrightsSocial/ | Iranian Labor Unions Have Led Inspiring Solidarity Strikes Amid the Uprising - TruthoutJan 20 16:36
techrights-newssantos ☛ | Source: TruthOutJan 20 16:36
-TechrightsSocial/ | Inventing Santos: How a Far Right Con Man Lied His Way Into Congress - TruthoutJan 20 16:36
techrights-newsfacebook ☛ | Source: TruthOutJan 20 16:36
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trump Pleads With Meta to Allow Him Back on Facebook for 2024 Campaign - TruthoutJan 20 16:36
techrights-newsclimate ☛ | Source: TruthOutJan 20 16:37
-TechrightsSocial/ | This Scientist Was Fired by the US Government After Engaging in Climate Protests - TruthoutJan 20 16:37
techrights-newsunionized = making use of taking advantage of the vast majority against the oppressing few ☛ | Source: TruthOutJan 20 16:38
-TechrightsSocial/ | Share of Workers in Unions Hit Low in 2022, But Number of Unionized Workers Grew - TruthoutJan 20 16:38
techrights-newsSome plan, eh? ☛ | Source: TruthOutJan 20 16:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | Democrats Lambast GOP Plan to Abolish Income Tax and Impose 30 Percent Sales Tax - TruthoutJan 20 16:39
techrights-news"World Beyond War" ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 16:39
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Is There a World Beyond War? - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 16:39
techrights-newsslovakia ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 16:40
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-The Velvet Divorce of the Czech Republic and Slovakia - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 16:40
techrights-news"One side has about 8 trillion bullets, while the other side doesn’t know which bathroom to use." ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 16:40
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Are We on the Verge of Civil War II? - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 16:40
techrights-newsT-Mobile ☛ | Source: Krebs On SecurityJan 20 16:40
-TechrightsSocial/ | New T-Mobile Breach Affects 37 Million Accounts – Krebs on SecurityJan 20 16:41
techrights-newsclimate ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 16:43
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Rapacious Industrial Capitalism and its Apocalyptic Consequences - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 16:43
techrights-newsclimate ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 16:43
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Wealth, Power and Climate Change - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 16:43
techrights-news"Tor Browser 12.0.2 is now available from the Tor Browser download page and also from our distribution directory." ☛ | Source: TorJan 20 16:44
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Release: Tor Browser 12.0.2 | The Tor ProjectJan 20 16:44
techrights-newsstadia ☛ | Source: TechdirtJan 20 16:45
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Developers Of Stadia Exclusive Hide Game Inside Other Steam Game To Preserve It | TechdirtJan 20 16:45
techrights-newsTwitterland ☛ | Source: TechdirtJan 20 16:46
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Desperation Sets In: Twitter Offers To Match $250,000 In Ad Spending To Lure Pissed Off Advertisers Back | TechdirtJan 20 16:46
techrights-newstiktok ☛ | Source: TechdirtJan 20 16:46
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-UT Austin’s Ban Of TikTok Is A Dumb Performance That Fixes Nothing | TechdirtJan 20 16:46
techrights-newstwitter leaks, sort of... ☛ | Source: ScheerpostJan 20 16:46
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-DEBATE: Leftist vs. Liberal Critiques of the Twitter Files - scheerpost.comJan 20 16:46
techrights-newsukraine ☛ | Source: ScheerpostJan 20 16:47
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-US May Help Ukraine Launch An Offensive On Crimea - scheerpost.comJan 20 16:47
techrights-news"In 2020 and 2021, the wealthiest 1% of the world’s population took nearly two-thirds of all new wealth" ☛ | Source: ScheerpostJan 20 16:48
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Richest 1% Took 2/3rds of Global Wealth Since 2020 – Twice as Much as 99% of Population Earned - scheerpost.comJan 20 16:48
techrights-newspolice != safety ☛ | Source: ScheerpostJan 20 16:48
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Biden’s Safer America Plan Will Harm Already Hyper-Policed Communities - scheerpost.comJan 20 16:48
techrights-news"Experian and Equifax pose tempting targets for malicious hackers" ☛ | Source: TechdirtJan 20 16:49
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Experian’s Treasure Trove Of PII Breached By Simply Altering URLs | TechdirtJan 20 16:49
techrights-newsafrica ☛ | Source: ScheerpostJan 20 16:49
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Direct From Western Sahara: Learn About the Struggle of the Last Colony in Africa - scheerpost.comJan 20 16:49
techrights-newsabortion ☛ | Source: ScheerpostJan 20 16:49
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Abortion Bans Are Part of GOP Plan to Disempower Working Class: Analysis - scheerpost.comJan 20 16:50
techrights-newsSpecies Declared Extinct in 2022 ☛ | Source: The RevelatorJan 20 16:50
-TechrightsSocial/ | Book of the Dead: The Species Declared Extinct in 2022 • The RevelatorJan 20 16:50
techrights-newsclimate ☛ | Source: TechdirtJan 20 16:50
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Wyoming ‘Bans’ Electric Cars In Dumb Performative Oil Industry Ass Kissing | TechdirtJan 20 16:50
techrights-newsclimate ☛ | Source: Democracy NowJan 20 16:50
-TechrightsSocial/ | “Out of the Lab and Into the Streets”: Meet Earth Scientist Fired After Engaging in Climate Protests | Democracy Now!Jan 20 16:50
techrights-newsGOP ☛ | Source: Democracy NowJan 20 16:51
-TechrightsSocial/ | Defeated GOP Candidate in New Mexico Arrested over Shootings at Homes of 4 Democratic Officials | Democracy Now!Jan 20 16:51
techrights-newsdmca ☛ | Source: Torrent FreakJan 20 16:53
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Pirate Bay Proxy Site Challenges Police DMCA Takedown at GitHub * TorrentFreakJan 20 16:53
techrights-news"French national anti-piracy agency Arcom has announced that sports organizations and Internet providers have signed a new anti-piracy agreement." ☛ | Source: Torrent FreakJan 20 16:53
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-French ISPs and Sports Organizations Sign Anti-Piracy Agreement * TorrentFreakJan 20 16:53
techrights-newslavrov ☛ | Source: MeduzaJan 20 16:54
-TechrightsSocial/ | Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov compares U.S. Ukraine aid to Holocaust — MeduzaJan 20 16:54
techrights-news"Wagner mercenary group founder Evgeny Prigozhin said Thursday that his troops have taken control of Klishchiivka" ☛ | Source: MeduzaJan 20 16:54
-TechrightsSocial/ | Prigozhin says Wagner forces have captured key village near Bakhmut — MeduzaJan 20 16:54
techrights-newszelensky ☛ | Source: MeduzaJan 20 16:54
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Jan 20 16:59
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*Now talking on #boycottnovell-socialJan 20 17:00
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovellJan 20 17:00
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*Now talking on #boycottnovell-socialJan 20 17:00
*techrights-news (~techrights-news@f397t3tebvsnw.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 20 17:04
techrights-newsFair Use ☛ | Source: EFFJan 20 17:14
-TechrightsSocial/ | Fair Use Creep Is A Feature, Not a Bug | Electronic Frontier FoundationJan 20 17:14
techrights-newsregulation ☛ | Source: EFFJan 20 17:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | Have You Tried Turning It Off and On Again: Rethinking Tech Regulation and Creative Labor | Electronic Frontier FoundationJan 20 17:15
techrights-newsEFF does not tackle Microsoft spam over its plagiarism ☛ 20 17:24
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open Data and the AI Black Box | Electronic Frontier FoundationJan 20 17:24
techrights-newsmedicare ☛ | Source: Common DreamsJan 20 17:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'Cancel This Failed Experiment': Physicians Tell Biden HHS to End Medicare Privatization PilotJan 20 17:25
techrights-newsFrance ☛ | Source: Common DreamsJan 20 17:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mass Protests Across France Condemn Macron Attack on Pension SystemJan 20 17:25
techrights-newsVenezuela ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 17:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-How the US Economic War on Venezuela Fueled the Migrant Crisis - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 17:26
techrights-newsweapons ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 17:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-It Comes Down to Political Practice, It Comes Down to Weapons  - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 17:26
techrights-news"Buffett is a generous philanthropist"???? It connects him to the enabler of Jeffrey Epstein. What sort of philanthropist is this??? ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 17:28
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-A Civic Investment for the Ages in a Just Society - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 17:28
techrights-newssection 230 ☛ | Source: TechdirtJan 20 17:30
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Dear Supreme Court: Judicial Curtailing Of Section 230 Will Make The Internet Worse | TechdirtJan 20 17:30
techrights-newsAzerbaijan ☛ | Source: Democracy NowJan 20 17:32
-TechrightsSocial/ | Azerbaijan Blockades Nagorno-Karabakh Region, Angering Armenia & Raising Specter of a New War | Democracy Now!Jan 20 17:32
techrights-news"jailed last year for anti-war posts" ☛ | Source: MeduzaJan 20 17:32
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jailed Russian student activist Dmitry Ivanov beaten and threatened with rape by prison guard — MeduzaJan 20 17:32
techrights-news"How Russia is using new, stricter laws to prosecute soldiers who leave the front" ☛ | Source: MeduzaJan 20 17:32
-TechrightsSocial/ | ‘Expected to serve in any conditions’ How Russia is using new, stricter laws to prosecute soldiers who leave the front — MeduzaJan 20 17:32
techrights-newsDitched by Biden ☛ | Source: Common DreamsJan 20 17:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | Opinion | Ditched by Biden, Railway Workers Continue Battle for Sick Leave and Safer Conditions | Common DreamsJan 20 17:33
techrights-news"big corporation" ☛ | Source: Common DreamsJan 20 17:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | Opinion | If You Work for a Major Corporation, Your Boss Has Probably Already Made More in 2023 Than You Will | Common DreamsJan 20 17:33
techrights-news"8 trillion bullets" ☛ | Source: Common DreamsJan 20 17:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | Opinion | Is the United States on the Verge of Civil War II? | Common DreamsJan 20 17:33
techrights-newsGulag ☛ | Source: TechdirtJan 20 17:34
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-As Expected, FEC Easily Tosses Out GOP’s Whiny Complaint About Google Classifying Their Spam As Spam | TechdirtJan 20 17:34
techrights-newsNursultan Nazarbayev ☛ | Source: MeduzaJan 20 17:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | Former Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev undergoes heart surgery — MeduzaJan 20 17:34
techrights-newsAndriy Yermak ☛ | Source: MeduzaJan 20 17:35
-TechrightsSocial/ | The rise and fall of Ukraine’s ‘therapist-in-chief’ Zelensky adviser Oleksiy Arestovych is out of a job, but likely not for long — MeduzaJan 20 17:35
techrights-news"I like to sing and what I like best is to do so at the top of my lungs when I’m all alone" ☛ | Source: Common DreamsJan 20 17:35
-TechrightsSocial/ | Opinion | Will Peace Ever Get Its Chance? | Common DreamsJan 20 17:35
techrights-news">Lewis Powell was a Virginia attorney, tobacco-industry lobbyist and future Supreme Court Judge" ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 17:36
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Powell Memo: Start of the Counterrevolution - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 17:36
techrights-news"On January 19, videos and photographs appeared on social media" ☛ | Source: MeduzaJan 20 17:36
-TechrightsSocial/ | Unexplained photos and videos showing military equipment on Moscow roofs appear online — MeduzaJan 20 17:36
techrights-newscensorship ☛ | Source: MeduzaJan 20 17:36
-TechrightsSocial/ | Russian censorship authority issues anti-LGBTQ Internet guidelines — MeduzaJan 20 17:36
techrights-newsKassym-Jomart Tokayev ☛ | Source: MeduzaJan 20 17:37
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kazakh president calls snap parliamentary elections — MeduzaJan 20 17:37
techrights-news"A military defeat is the only cure" ☛ | Source: MeduzaJan 20 17:37
-TechrightsSocial/ | ‘A military defeat is the only cure’ Sociologist Dina Khapaeva on how Russia’s ‘death cult’ led to the war in Ukraine — MeduzaJan 20 17:37
techrights-newsbelarusians too ☛ | Source: MeduzaJan 20 17:37
-TechrightsSocial/ | European Parliament moves to establish a tribunal for Russian and Belarusian leadership’s war crimes against Ukraine — MeduzaJan 20 17:37
techrights-newsPolice ☛ | Source: Common DreamsJan 20 17:38
-TechrightsSocial/ | Independent Probe Demanded After Police Kill Forest Defender "Tortuguita" in GeorgiaJan 20 17:38
techrights-newsCross-cultural ties ☛ | Source: MeduzaJan 20 17:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | Twilight borders Cross-cultural ties and historical tensions at a tripoint in Central Europe — MeduzaJan 20 17:39
techrights-newsLinks 20/01/2023: Red Hat Satellite 6.12.1 is Out, FOSS Weekly Blocked by Google/Gmail | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 17:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | Links 20/01/2023: Red Hat Satellite 6.12.1 is Out, FOSS Weekly Blocked by Google/Gmail | TechrightsJan 20 17:47
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 20 17:49
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Servers and Kubernetes ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 17:54
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — Servers and KubernetesJan 20 17:54
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Devices: Raspberry Pi and More ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 17:55
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — Devices: Raspberry Pi and MoreJan 20 17:55
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): E-mail, Google, Chrome, Tor, and Stadia ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 17:55
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — E-mail, Google, Chrome, Tor, and StadiaJan 20 17:55
AdmFubar 20 18:48
-TechrightsSocial/ | Plastic surgeon injected kids with saline instead of COVID vaccine, feds allege | Ars TechnicaJan 20 18:48
*wallacer has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jan 20 19:17
*wallacer (~quassel@6bsu33ajs4zs4.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 20 19:17
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@zx4r4gr9htgby.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 20 20:12
AdmFubar 20 22:43
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Despite doctors’ concerns, University of California renews ties with religious affiliates | Salon.comJan 20 22:43
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jan 20 22:52
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@pupsf4x2uvcgu.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 20 22:53
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Apple Lisa: 40 Years Later, Now Open Source ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 23:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — Apple Lisa: 40 Years Later, Now Open SourceJan 20 23:11
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Linux Candy: Relaxator – relax to soothing sounds ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 23:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — Linux Candy: Relaxator – relax to soothing soundsJan 20 23:11
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Salt, Vim, nodejs update in Tumbleweed ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 23:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — Salt, Vim, nodejs update in TumbleweedJan 20 23:11
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Best Push Notifications Software for Linux 2023 ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 23:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — Best Push Notifications Software for Linux 2023Jan 20 23:11
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Ubuntu 18.04 LTS End Of Life – keep your fleet of devices up and running ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 23:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — Ubuntu 18.04 LTS End Of Life – keep your fleet of devices up and runningJan 20 23:11
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): 8 Best Window Managers for Linux ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 23:12
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — 8 Best Window Managers for LinuxJan 20 23:12
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴: Google Android Leftovers ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 23:12
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — Android LeftoversJan 20 23:12
techrights-newsPornHub Insights for 2022 Show Microsoft’s Consumer Division in Shambles | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 23:26
-TechrightsSocial/ | PornHub Insights for 2022 Show Microsoft’s Consumer Division in Shambles | TechrightsJan 20 23:26
techrights-newsPostgreSQL: pgFormatter 5.4 released 20 23:28
-TechrightsSocial/ | PostgreSQL: pgFormatter 5.4 releasedJan 20 23:28
techrights-newsPostgreSQL: Parquet S3 FDW 1.0.0 released ⚓ ䷉ Source: PostgreSQL | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 23:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | PostgreSQL: Parquet S3 FDW 1.0.0 releasedJan 20 23:29
techrights-newsGetting efingerd / finger working on Ubuntu with systemd gemini:// 20 23:31
techrights-newsDungeons & Dragons - OpenGL Controversy gemini:// 20 23:32
techrights-newsWhy do I keep writing short games? gemini:// 20 23:33
techrights-news"We have just released version 2.3.0 of the Foreign Data Wrapper for SQLite. This release can work with PostgreSQL 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15." 20 23:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | PostgreSQL: SQLite FDW 2.3.0 releasedJan 20 23:34
techrights-newsPostgreSQL: High-Performance SQL Cluster Engine PGSpider 3.0.0 released ⚓ ䷉ Source: PostgreSQL | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 23:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | PostgreSQL: High-Performance SQL Cluster Engine PGSpider 3.0.0 releasedJan 20 23:34
techrights-newsAlbum #149: The Stooges gemini:// 20 23:35
techrights-newsAlbum #150: Cosmo's Factory gemini:// 20 23:36
techrights-newsPostgreSQL: GridDB FDW 2.2.0 released ⚓ ䷉ Source: PostgreSQL | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 23:37
-TechrightsSocial/ | PostgreSQL: GridDB FDW 2.2.0 releasedJan 20 23:37
techrights-newsPostgreSQL: DynamoDB FDW 1.2.0 released ⚓ ䷉ Source: PostgreSQL | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 23:37
-TechrightsSocial/ | PostgreSQL: DynamoDB FDW 1.2.0 releasedJan 20 23:37
techrights-newsComics and Graphic Novels gemini:// 20 23:38
techrights-newsGopher and Long-Term Interest in Gemini gemini:// 20 23:39
techrights-news"For the past several days, while combating another flu, I've been polishing Lagrange's dev branch for the v1.15 release. Preparing for a release typically involves solving a series of small(ish) problems. Here's a sampling of what I encountered this time." gemini:// 20 23:39
techrights-news"The pgAdmin Development Team is pleased to announce pgAdmin 4 version 6.19. This release of pgAdmin 4 includes 20 bug fixes and new features. For more details please see the release notes." 20 23:40
-TechrightsSocial/ | PostgreSQL: pgAdmin 4 v6.19 ReleasedJan 20 23:40
techrights-newsPostgreSQL: JDBC FDW 0.3.0 release ⚓ ䷉ Source: PostgreSQL | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 23:41
-TechrightsSocial/ | PostgreSQL: JDBC FDW 0.3.0 releaseJan 20 23:41
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Netrunner OS 23 “Vaporwave” Launches Based on Debian GNU/Linux 11 “Bullseye” ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 20 23:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines — Netrunner OS 23 “Vaporwave” Launches Based on Debian GNU/Linux 11 “Bullseye”Jan 20 23:42
techrights-news"XBOX fell to only 1/4 of the gaming console market, vs Playstation at nearly 3/4ths, by browser hits. (2021 was 60.6% Playstation and 36.8% XBOX)" 20 23:44
techrights-news"Today we talk about process of switching to Linux quickly in the event you need to do that. We have four ideas that you need to consider." 20 23:46
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 500 @ )Jan 20 23:46
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Invidious: 20 23:46
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Could not resolve host:; Unknown error ( status 0 @ )Jan 20 23:46
*immibis is now known as XBOX_TURN_OFFJan 20 23:46
*XBOX_TURN_OFF is now known as immibisJan 20 23:46
techrights-newsOpenRA is an amazing fan remake of Command - Conquer - Invidious ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 20 23:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | OpenRA is an amazing fan remake of Command & Conquer - InvidiousJan 20 23:47
techrights-news"This week there were games rolling out with official support, new Deck features, new Deck accessories, and open source projects are showing Steam Deck some love!" 20 23:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | Changes to gamescope reveal SteamOS is going VR (plus other Steam Deck news) - InvidiousJan 20 23:47
techrights-news"I write a lot of scripts that use the run launcher program 'dmenu', and a common complaint that I get is from those of you that use 'rofi' as your run launcher." 20 23:48
-TechrightsSocial/ | Swap Out Dmenu For Rofi In Any Script (It's EASY!) - InvidiousJan 20 23:48
techrights-news"A Quick Overview of Manjaro 22.0 "Sikaris" Gnome Edition" 20 23:50
-TechrightsSocial/ | Manjaro 22.0 "Sikaris" Gnome Edition Quick Overview #shorts - InvidiousJan 20 23:50
techrights-news"With the first Godot 4.0 Release Candidate on the horizon we continue to release beta snapshots frequently and relentlessly! Such cadence allows us to better measure the overall stability and quickly catch regressions, especially when a lot of features are worked on at the same time." 20 23:57
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dev snapshot: Godot 4.0 beta 14Jan 20 23:57
techrights-newsHow Is This for Apple Privacy? 20 23:59
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Invidious: 20 23:59
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 500 @ )Jan 20 23:59
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@zx4r4gr9htgby.irc) has joined #techpolJan 20 01:21
*AdmFubar (~mradmin@ngqaam7baxnug.irc) has joined #techpolJan 20 01:29
AdmFubar 20 01:29
-TechPolBot/#techpol-New report details why wealthy people really oppose democracy - Alternet.orgJan 20 01:29
schestowitz_polAdmFubar: they even redefine itJan 20 01:50
XRevan86 20 03:19
-TechPolBot/ | Ukraine expects decisions on tanks at Western defence leaders' meetingJan 20 03:19
XRevan86CIT (War in Ukraine): ( )Jan 20 03:23
-TechPolBot/ | Sitrep for January 18-19 (as of 12:00 a.m.) — TeletypeJan 20 03:23
-TechPolBot/ | Telegram: Contact @CIT_enJan 20 03:23
-TechPolBot/#techpol- ( status 400 @ )Jan 20 03:23
XRevan86> Jan 18 - 19 sitrep: Kherson was shelled again with thermite incendiary munitions; the US decided to send Ukraine shells from depots in Israel and South Korea; Russian MoD states that “PMC Wagner” is not part of the Armed Forces.Jan 20 03:24
XRevan86> Aleksandr Kots cited the statement of Yevgeny Prigozhin [Russian oligarch, the confidant of Vladimir Putin and owner of the Wagner Group] that Wagner Group fighters had captured Klishchiivka which sounds highly doubtful, since Ukrainian positions in this area are considerably fortified, and no visual evidence has been provided. Earlier, the Wagner Group claimed to have captured Soledar almost two weeksJan 20 03:28
XRevan86 before it actually happened.Jan 20 03:28
*AdmFubar (~mradmin@ngqaam7baxnug.irc) has left #techpol (Leaving.)Jan 20 04:32
*techrights-news has quit (readQ exceeded (read too many bytes without terminating newline))Jan 20 05:29
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*CrystalMath has quit (Quit: ZNC - 20 07:12
*XRevan86 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jan 20 07:13
*CrystalMath (~coderain@ayriu27fhzy4u.irc) has joined #techpolJan 20 07:13
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jan 20 10:28
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techpolJan 20 10:56
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@sp6mg7ktjfurg.irc) has joined #techpolJan 20 12:49
XRevan86 20 13:03
-TechPolBot/ | CIA director held covert meeting with Zelensky on Russia’s next steps - The Washington PostJan 20 13:03
XRevan86 20 13:06
-TechPolBot/#techpol-U.S. cable: Russian paramilitary group set to get cash infusion from expanded African mine - POLITICOJan 20 13:06
*XRevan86 has quit (Quit: Gateway shutdown)Jan 20 13:42
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@sp6mg7ktjfurg.irc) has joined #techpolJan 20 13:43
XRevan86 :)Jan 20 14:09
-TechPolBot/#techpol- ( status 400 @ )Jan 20 14:09
XRevan86 20 14:22
-TechPolBot/ | Russia's civilian nuclear power conglomerate aids war effort - The Washington PostJan 20 14:22
XRevan86 "Russia’s Defence Ministry reports capturing Klishchiivka village near Ukraine’s Bakhmut"Jan 20 14:31
-TechPolBot/ | Новая газета ЕвропаJan 20 14:31
XRevan86 "NATO members unable to agree on Leopard 2 tank deliveries to Ukraine"Jan 20 14:33
-TechPolBot/ | Новая газета ЕвропаJan 20 14:33
XRevan86 ""Exchange of Curtseys" between Russian Politician and Ruling Party of Georgia Provoked a Scandal"Jan 20 14:34
-TechPolBot/ | NO TITLEJan 20 14:34
XRevan86 "German Intelligence Alarmed by Ukrainian Huge Losses in Battles for Bakhmut - Spiegel"Jan 20 14:36
-TechPolBot/ | NO TITLEJan 20 14:36
techrights-newsblackmail 20 14:51
-TechPolBot/ | Putin’s nuclear blackmail must not prevent the liberation of Crimea - Atlantic CouncilJan 20 14:51
*resistor (~resistor@3mqp28qbguvei.irc) has joined #techpolJan 20 14:56
resistorawesome, for almost two days, my little friend didn't visit, he only collected the food and didn't stay for a little while singingJan 20 14:57
resistoryet today, surprise, i heard him shouting outside, and guess what, he brought four more friends alongJan 20 14:57
resistorinstead of one crow, i got a visit of five of them todayJan 20 14:58
schestowitz_polcool!Jan 20 14:58
resistortwo of them seems to be a pair, who sit and stay together all the timeJan 20 14:58
resistorand it is cold outside, little snowing and freezing, nonetheless those birds don't seem to care at allJan 20 14:59
resistorthe most trusting one, is still shy, when i raise my hand towards himJan 20 15:00
resistorhe isn't scared at all when my face approaches, less than 50centimeters and he doesn't run awayJan 20 15:01
resistoras soon as i slowly reach out with my hand, he increases to a safer distanceJan 20 15:01
resistori suspect, some other people might have scared him with their hands beforeJan 20 15:01
resistorwhen crows are young, in their two first years of their lives, they socialize in groups seeking a partnerJan 20 15:02
resistorthat's the time when particularly the males are less fearful, and open for interactionJan 20 15:02
resistorit's them known to approach first, and the others including the females watching nearbyJan 20 15:03
resistorwhen the others see there is no threads and some snacks to gather, they follow along tooJan 20 15:03
resistorand it seems this is what happened todayJan 20 15:03
resistorthe tiny singer of them conviced the others there is a bargain for them, so 5 of them idled in the trees today for several hoursJan 20 15:04
resistoranyway, crows remember faces and people, and i am certain they will rememberJan 20 15:07
resistoryesterday when i went shopping for food, i couldn't see any of them, up until i heard someone shouting ... up on top on an antenna on the roofJan 20 15:08
resistorin the middle of the crowded city, i suspect, this crow identify me, and shouted to greet meJan 20 15:08
resistorhowever, i couldn't shout back of cause, or fly up to the roofJan 20 15:08
resistorit is just surprising, that those birds observe their surrounding, and how they greet their friendsJan 20 15:09
resistorand it is only crows and ravens who do, other birds typically do not socialize as crows doJan 20 15:10
resistorit is even more fascinating, because those are wild birds, not hand-raisedJan 20 15:10
resistorit is only their mind and intellect, their social behaviour to seek alliesJan 20 15:11
resistortwo weeks ago, one of those crows flew nearby my face, like a torpedo at top speed, very close, at a densely crowded street in the middle of a traffic jamJan 20 15:11
resistori am, almost, certain, this crow too remembered meJan 20 15:12
resistorand they are doing this only with people they do remember as their friends and alliesJan 20 15:12
resistoranyhow, i had invested 5Euros in total so far, for some nuts and fruits and dog foodJan 20 15:17
resistorthat's the cheapest entertainment for almost 3month nowJan 20 15:18
resistori'll buy some peanuts soon, because the birds hoard and hide the foodJan 20 15:18
resistorthe dogfood is labeled to remain fresh until april next year, it won't rot quicklyJan 20 15:19
resistornonetheless, when it gets wet it won't last in the hiding spots of the crowsJan 20 15:19
resistorchances are, peanuts will stay fresh a little longer when the crows hide it, during the winterJan 20 15:20
resistorit is known, birds require quality nutrition, protein and fat, minerals, vitaminsJan 20 15:21
resistorhence it is bad for them if they got nothing else than old bread and wasteJan 20 15:21
resistorjust by their presence, those little friends raised my mood for several weeks alreadyJan 20 15:23
schestowitz_polwe had about 100 seagulls here todayJan 20 15:23
schestowitz_poland we put some seeds at the frontJan 20 15:23
schestowitz_polsome bird come and pick them upJan 20 15:23
resistorseagis don't socialize with humans as crows, nonetheless, they're funny to watch tooJan 20 15:23
resistorthat's why i am happy about the presence of the crowsJan 20 15:24
resistorand, bavaria is too far distant to an ocean for seagulls to show up hereJan 20 15:25
resistorthe little singer, he even responds to me talking to himJan 20 15:26
resistorthey do listen, to human voice, and chatter in response, crows love chattingJan 20 15:27
resistori feel a little stupid, when saying good morning to a crow, and enjoy your meal, or now you've had enough you greedy little spookJan 20 15:28
resistorand the little squirrel isn't hibernating, i had seen it again today, running accross the streetJan 20 15:29
resistorthen i took a look at the surrounding trees here, the crows had built nests almost everywhereJan 20 15:30
resistorstrangely, it is only 5 of them who i had seen more oftenJan 20 15:30
resistorearly in the morning and in the evening, swarms of them fly in the skies, shouting and enjoying their lifeJan 20 15:31
techrights-newsPeloponnesian War ☛ | Source: The NationJan 20 15:32
resistorit seems for nighttime and sleeping the crows gather together, and sleep together some place elseJan 20 15:32
-TechPolBot/ | When It Comes to the US Military, Nothing Succeeds Like Failure | The NationJan 20 15:32
schestowitz_polbird are coolJan 20 15:32
schestowitz_polwe like swans and geese the mostJan 20 15:33
schestowitz_polducks lack as much "character"Jan 20 15:33
schestowitz_polthey quack and eat but not much interactionJan 20 15:33
resistordifficult to say, i am as happy about little sparrows showing upJan 20 15:33
schestowitz_polgutten morgen, mein birdJan 20 15:34
resistornonetheless, crows and ravens are special, because they sozialize, even when they are wild birdsJan 20 15:34
schestowitz_polyes, they have complex minds]Jan 20 15:34
resistorthat's why, they do keep some in the tower of londonJan 20 15:34
schestowitz_polunlike ducks' behaviourJan 20 15:34
schestowitz_polyou can find videos online of crows and cats chattingJan 20 15:34
resistorducks too care for their younglings with passion, it's a joy to watchJan 20 15:35
MinceRi prefer a lack of character to the "character" swans haveJan 20 15:36
MinceRswans are nastyJan 20 15:36
resistormy grandfather in leipzig regularly provided food to swans, in the winterJan 20 15:37
schestowitz_polswans are rude and can be aggressive to other birdsJan 20 15:40
schestowitz_polworse than geeseJan 20 15:40
schestowitz_polbut geese also attack one anotherJan 20 15:40
resistorall birds protect their younglingsJan 20 15:40
schestowitz_poleven bite their partnersJan 20 15:40
resistormany birds are hunters, crows and ravens too huntJan 20 15:40
resistorhowever, crows are a type of sparrow-bird, and their behaviour is very similar, except for their greater body size and brainJan 20 15:41
techrights-newsInsurrection ☛ | Source: The NationJan 20 15:41
-TechPolBot/ | Insurrection | The NationJan 20 15:41
resistorhence, there is no special attribute or evil character of crows, they're just friendly little spooks in the backyardJan 20 15:42
resistorand, they are singing-birds, because they got the internal organs for voiceJan 20 15:43
resistortheir noisy shouting isn't the only vocal expressionJan 20 15:43
MinceR20 164006 < schestowitz_pol> swans are rude and can be aggressive to other birdsJan 20 15:43
MinceRnot just other birdsJan 20 15:43
MinceRalso to humans, for exampleJan 20 15:43
resistorthey too immitate all types of noises they hear, as best as they canJan 20 15:44
MinceRswans come up to you and then hiss at you for being close to themJan 20 15:44
techrights-newsMedvedev ☛ | Source: Common DreamsJan 20 15:45
-TechPolBot/ | Medvedev Threatens Nuclear War If Russia Loses in UkraineJan 20 15:45
techrights-newsafghanistan as 'shooting practice' for privileges sociopaths ☛ | Source: Common DreamsJan 20 15:46
-TechPolBot/ | Opinion | Prince Harry's PR Firestorm Creates Opportunity to Rethink Militarism | Common DreamsJan 20 15:46
MinceRlet them. the west had plenty of opportunity to disarm them already.Jan 20 15:46
MinceRif they fail to do so in time, it's on them.Jan 20 15:46
schestowitz_polnuking russia means subs nuke you backJan 20 15:47
schestowitz_poland not just subsJan 20 15:47
schestowitz_polit's a lose-lose scenarioJan 20 15:47
schestowitz_polunless...Jan 20 15:47
MinceRnot so much if you do it rightJan 20 15:47
MinceRand otherwise it's inevitable anywayJan 20 15:47
schestowitz_polyou're into "rapid depopulation"Jan 20 15:47
MinceRorcland _will_ loseJan 20 15:47
schestowitz_polnot sureJan 20 15:47
MinceRand if they lose and they can, they _will_ attack using nuclear weaponsJan 20 15:48
schestowitz_polit's about attritionJan 20 15:48
XRevan86Medvedev's Telegram is a cesspool of insanity.Jan 20 15:48
schestowitz_poland ukraine depends mostly on outside aidJan 20 15:48
MinceRthe only way to avoid this is to surrender the entire planet to them and everyone becoming putler's slaveJan 20 15:48
MinceRand that is unacceptableJan 20 15:48
resistorUkraine demands Leopard2 tanks, who shoott big-bore wolfram-uranium compound missilesJan 20 15:48
resistorZelenskij is an idiotJan 20 15:48
XRevan86He's been threatening nuclear war for months. This time is only notable because he considers that Russia may lose.Jan 20 15:48
resistorlistend to an interview with himJan 20 15:48
MinceRthe only right way out is disarming strike followed by nuking moscow and the complete destruction and partition of russiaJan 20 15:48
resistorthere is no obligation at all to provide him with Leopard2 tanksJan 20 15:48
MinceRthat's the only thing that can stop this cycle of fuckery they're committing against europeJan 20 15:49
resistoryet he insists and argues, as if he was the king and the moral superio entity of the worldJan 20 15:49
MinceRthat has gone on for centuriesJan 20 15:49
resistorno clue, what Ukraine required Leopard2 tanks forJan 20 15:49
MinceRaggi hasn't heard of depleted uranium yetJan 20 15:49
resistorUkraine itself got hundreds and thousands of heave tanksJan 20 15:49
XRevan86"no clue, what Ukraine required Leopard2 tanks for" <- War stuff.Jan 20 15:50
resistorMinceR: what happens to urainium if it hits a hard target, preassurizes and heats up?Jan 20 15:50
MinceRnasty thingsJan 20 15:50
resistorit's not depleted whan it's mounted, it gets hot on impactJan 20 15:50
MinceRbut being hit by a tank gun is unpleasant in any caseJan 20 15:50
MinceRlike i said, aggi hasn't heard of depleted uranium yetJan 20 15:50
MinceRit's not a nuclear weaponJan 20 15:50
resistorhowever, if at all, Ukraine could have asked for GTK Boxer... why not this one?Jan 20 15:51
MinceRit's just heavy and toxic metalJan 20 15:51
resistorwhy do they want Leopard2?Jan 20 15:51
MinceRwhy not Qt BoxerJan 20 15:51
techrights-news"privatizing anything in the public domain to stuffing their offshore bank accounts with cash" ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 15:51
XRevan86MinceR: That's also assuming Leopard 2 can only fire only one type of munition.Jan 20 15:51
-TechPolBot/#techpol-Did Washington Boost Another South American Coup? - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 15:51
resistorGTK Boxer is the main battle tank of german infantryJan 20 15:51
MinceRindeedJan 20 15:51
resistorand GTK Boxer is the most successfull german battle tank exported to other nationsJan 20 15:51
resistorit is similar to the soviet BTR-80, however, modular, and more heavy-weight, heavier protectionJan 20 15:52
MinceRthe BTR-80 is not a tank, it's an APCJan 20 15:52
MinceRand the Boxer isn't a tank eitherJan 20 15:52
resistorand, they are talking about a few dozen Leopard2 tanks now, who barely sufficed to cover a territory of 10square-kilometers battle territoryJan 20 15:52
resistorwhat a nonsense is this? a few dozen tanks, instead of hundreds of Boxer tanks?Jan 20 15:53
MinceRthere are no "Boxer tanks"Jan 20 15:53
resistori mean, i oppose any weapon supply to ukraineJan 20 15:53
XRevan86 resistor calls this a tank?Jan 20 15:53
MinceRaggi is talking out of his ass, as usualJan 20 15:53
MinceRbut then so is every ruscistJan 20 15:53
schestowitz_poli know one german-ukrainian BoxerJan 20 15:54
techrights-newsauthoritarianism ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 15:55
-TechPolBot/#techpol-Is “Authoritarianism” Really “Being Revealed to be Weak” Around World? - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 15:55
resistorthe boxer got different mission modules, including air defense, and slightly heavier artilleryJan 20 15:55
resistorand, there is hundreds of those available, instead of a dozen to defend 10 square miles somewhere in the middle of a Ukrainian farmJan 20 15:56
XRevan86 – not a tank.Jan 20 15:56
XRevan86Навчання_з_бойовою_стрільбою_бійців_танкової_роти_58-й_омпбр_01.jpg – a tank.Jan 20 15:56
XRevan86 – not a tank.Jan 20 15:56
MinceRno mission modules give it tracks, afaictJan 20 15:56
XRevan86 – a tank.Jan 20 15:56
MinceRand so they don't make it a tankJan 20 15:56
resistorheavy tanks had proven problematic in practice, that's why soviets introduced their BTR-80Jan 20 15:57
MinceRirrelevantJan 20 15:57
MinceRthat doesn't turn the BTR-80 into a tankJan 20 15:57
resistorwe had seen this, when Russian tried to deploy their heavy tanks into Ukraine, and the railway tracks were sabotagedJan 20 15:57
MinceRnot that it matters when they don't take enough fuelJan 20 15:57
resistorthe GTK Boxer is a light tank, ~50% the weight of the Leopard2 heavy thankJan 20 15:58
MinceRno, it is not a light tankJan 20 15:58
resistorwhat is it then?Jan 20 15:58
MinceRan AFV, though that's a rather general categoryJan 20 15:58
XRevan86Armoured vehicleJan 20 15:58
MinceRafaik every tank is an AFV but not every AFV is a tankJan 20 15:58
techrights-news"he independent General Accounting Office (GAO) issued a scathing report last week about the plan underway to refurbish plutonium pit triggers for nuclear weapons decades into the future." ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 15:58
-TechPolBot/#techpol-Plutonium Pit Bomb Plans Excoriated by General Accounting Office - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 15:58
resistorthe GTK Boxer is a heavily armoured vehicle, it is the most heavily armoured in it's categoryJan 20 15:58
resistorit is almost twice as heavy as the BTR-80, not that it mattersJan 20 15:59
resistori would sanction ALL weapons supplies to Ukraine, and withdraw all permits from Poland to operate Leopard2Jan 20 15:59
MinceR 20 15:59
-TechPolBot/ | Tank - WikipediaJan 20 15:59
resistorand even when Ukraine demanded any tanks, they are mostly operating in urban areas, that's what the GTK Boxer was made forJan 20 16:00
MinceRi think ukraine has a better idea of what tanks are than you doJan 20 16:01
resistorgermany already did supply the Gepard tank, which is a Leopard1 variant, equipped for air defenseJan 20 16:01
resistorMinceR: yes, and Ukraine got hundreds and thousands of heavy battle tanks, their own onesJan 20 16:02
MinceRthe Gepard is also not a tank, it's a self-propelled AA gunJan 20 16:02
resistorthe Gepard is a Leopard1 heavy tank variant, equipped with air defense canonsJan 20 16:03
MinceRtanks are designed for front-line ground combatJan 20 16:03
MinceRAA guns aren'tJan 20 16:03
resistorthe Leopard2 is heavy artillery, to fire at larger distancesJan 20 16:03
resistori don't know, what Ukraine required heavy artillery for, to shoot at their own infrastructure or what?Jan 20 16:04
MinceRthe Leopard 2 is an MBT, not artilleryJan 20 16:04
resistornot only would i withdraw all permits to supply ukraine with weapons, i would heavily sanction ALL weapons supplies to UkraineJan 20 16:04
MinceRalso, afaik ukraine uses artillery to interfere with orcish supply linesJan 20 16:04
resistoras long as the maniac in Kiev remains in chargeJan 20 16:04
MinceRyes, the maniac who somehow commanded the military of a neighboring country to attack himJan 20 16:05
resistorthe ukraine-russian conflict is an INTERNAL matter of former soviet federatesJan 20 16:05
MinceRkeep telling yourself thatJan 20 16:05
MinceRi don't know why i even respond to you, you're out of touch with realityJan 20 16:05
resistorMinceR: ukraine military shot alot of artillery, since 2014, at their own peopleJan 20 16:05
MinceRgo fuck yourself, you fascist piece of shitJan 20 16:05
techrights-newsmyanmar ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 16:05
-TechPolBot/#techpol-A Picture of Global Complicity: Aiding Myanmar’s Military Regime - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 16:05
resistorMinceR: say this the mass murderer in KievJan 20 16:06
MinceRresistor: kill yourself, you ruscist piece of shitJan 20 16:06
schestowitz_pollinks?Jan 20 16:06
schestowitz_polnot RTJan 20 16:06
resistorwho takes hostage the entire population of Ukraine, to enterntain himself with warJan 20 16:06
MinceRthere's plenty of ruscist sites beside RTJan 20 16:06
resistorMinceR: Ukrainians are Russians... Kievan RusJan 20 16:07
resistorthat's not only history, that's a factJan 20 16:07
MinceRresistor: even if they were, that wouldn't give vladolf any right to own them, you fascist piece of shitJan 20 16:07
resistorif you say ruscist piece of shit, you say ukraine piece of shitJan 20 16:07
resistorsame thingJan 20 16:07
resistorand yes, that's why I insinst on all weapons supplies to Ukraine are heavily sanctionedJan 20 16:07
MinceRruscism is a kind of fascism, you ruscist piece of shitJan 20 16:07
resistorup until this maniac is removed from kiev, and sent to jailJan 20 16:08
MinceRresistor: why don't you join your beloved putler's army and get yourself killed in ukraineJan 20 16:08
XRevan86Quality discussion, I'll abstain.Jan 20 16:09
resistorMinceR: because it is an INTERNAL russian-ukrainian affairJan 20 16:09
resistorif have absolutely no obligation whatsoever to support or fight any of themJan 20 16:09
XRevan86I guess everything that happens happens in a vacuum.Jan 20 16:09
MinceRthen maybe stop supporting russiaJan 20 16:09
resistorthe only argument i have, is to heavily sanction ALL weapons supplies to ukraineJan 20 16:09
MinceRsince, as you just said, you have no obligation to do soJan 20 16:09
MinceRthat's not an argument, that's a ruscist demandJan 20 16:10
resistori don't support neither russia nor ukraine, it is an internal affairs of theirsJan 20 16:10
MinceRagain, you're out of touch with realityJan 20 16:10
resistor2+4 contracts sanctioned eastwards expansion of NATO... add to thisJan 20 16:10
resistorand no NATO presence in east-germany, don't forgetJan 20 16:11
resistornow they're standing in Ukraine to harvest wheet and oil and whatnotJan 20 16:11
resistorand plant F-35 IBM Wintel Cancer corporations into my homeland, east germanyJan 20 16:11
techrights-newsethiopia ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 16:11
resistorthat's a real demand of mine, as far as internal affairs of germany are concernedJan 20 16:11
-TechPolBot/#techpol-Ethnic Terrorism Continues to Stalk Ethiopia - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 16:11
resistorto remove IBM Wintel cancer from east germany, close all the facilities and offices, and kick out all those war criminalsJan 20 16:12
resistorand that's a place, i was willing to do something myself, with my own handsJan 20 16:12
resistorto wipe those criminals OUT OF MY HOMELANDJan 20 16:12
MinceRyou don't own germany eitherJan 20 16:12
resistoryes, i do know, who grabbed and looted MY HOMELANDJan 20 16:13
resistorwho best befriended with the bolshevik commedian from kiev... coincidence, you seeJan 20 16:13
resistori have NOT FORGOTTENJan 20 16:13
resistorwho they are, and what they didJan 20 16:13
MinceRover 80 million germans to whom it also belongsJan 20 16:13
MinceRand most of whom are less unhinged than youJan 20 16:14
resistorthere isn't 80 million germansJan 20 16:14
MinceReven if they vote for CFU, at least they don't tend to support a genocidal child abducting nuclear terroristJan 20 16:14
resistorguess what, just hand out 80million passports to whoever, that's germanJan 20 16:14
resistori know the trickJan 20 16:14
MinceRyeah, i know, people with darker skin are inferior, people with different religion from yours are inferior, yadda yaddaJan 20 16:14
MinceRyour ideology is well knownJan 20 16:15
MinceRit's quite a feat, to be crazier than most humans, by the wayJan 20 16:15
MinceRcongrats on thatJan 20 16:15
MinceRthis species is a big fucking failure, but you managed to outdo most of itJan 20 16:16
resistorMinceR: i am not the one who ignited and escalated conflict in UkraineJan 20 16:16
resistorreminder, who was it... the Comedian from KievJan 20 16:16
MinceRyeah, your fuhrer vladolf didJan 20 16:16
MinceRand you adore him for itJan 20 16:16
MinceRand every day you're here you spam us with his propagandaJan 20 16:16
resistorthe crows are back, i'll have alook and talk to themJan 20 16:17
resistorthere is higher intellect involved there, than yoursJan 20 16:17
techrights-newsRight-Wing Zealot ☛ | Source: The NationJan 20 16:17
-TechPolBot/ | Tony Dungy Is a Right-Wing Zealot and the NFL and NBC Don’t Care | The NationJan 20 16:17
MinceRgo fuck yourself, you ruscist piece of shitJan 20 16:18
MinceRkill yourself and feed yourself to the crows, finally be usefulJan 20 16:18
schestowitz_polgrowing up in east germanyJan 20 16:29
schestowitz_polbrainwash must have been intenseJan 20 16:29
schestowitz_polanyway, germany has contemporary problemsJan 20 16:29
schestowitz_polrussia re-invasion is not the solution to the problemsJan 20 16:29
schestowitz_poljust more problemsJan 20 16:29
techrights-newspolitico ☛ | Source: Telex (Hungary)Jan 20 16:30
-TechPolBot/ | Telex: Hungary requested removal of nine names from list of sanctioned Russians – PoliticoJan 20 16:30
MinceRyeah, stalinism killed the minds of most hungariansJan 20 16:31
techrights-newsOrban does not get democracy; he does not need democracy to stay in power ☛ | Source: Telex (Hungary)Jan 20 16:31
-TechPolBot/ | Telex: Slovak FM: The majority of the European Parliament do not consider Hungary a Western-style democracyJan 20 16:31
MinceRthat's probably why the country is fucked up so hard nowJan 20 16:31
techrights-news"There is a political crisis in Israel—particularly for Palestinians, minorities and anyone who believes in secular democracy." ☛ | Source: FAIRJan 20 16:31
-TechPolBot/ | Israel’s Hard-Right Turn Fails to Raise Alarm in US Media - FAIRJan 20 16:31
schestowitz_polMinceR: those who can, leaveJan 20 16:31
schestowitz_polit's how companies dieJan 20 16:31
schestowitz_polorgsJan 20 16:31
MinceRit's just part of how russia poisoned europe for centuriesJan 20 16:31
schestowitz_polnationsJan 20 16:31
schestowitz_polsoviet union lost lots of leading scientistsJan 20 16:31
MinceRand it will continue as long as russia existsJan 20 16:31
schestowitz_polhungary used to be a very powerful nationJan 20 16:32
schestowitz_polnow it is the EU's circus clownJan 20 16:32
schestowitz_poland putin'sJan 20 16:32
schestowitz_poladding insult to injuryJan 20 16:32
schestowitz_polboth look down on hungaryJan 20 16:32
techrights-news"World Beyond War" ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 16:39
-TechPolBot/#techpol-Is There a World Beyond War? - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 16:39
techrights-newsslovakia ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 16:40
-TechPolBot/#techpol-The Velvet Divorce of the Czech Republic and Slovakia - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 16:40
techrights-news"One side has about 8 trillion bullets, while the other side doesn’t know which bathroom to use." ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 16:40
-TechPolBot/#techpol-Are We on the Verge of Civil War II? - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 16:40
MinceRow the edgeJan 20 16:41
techrights-newsukraine ☛ | Source: ScheerpostJan 20 16:47
-TechPolBot/#techpol-US May Help Ukraine Launch An Offensive On Crimea - scheerpost.comJan 20 16:47
techrights-newsafrica ☛ | Source: ScheerpostJan 20 16:49
-TechPolBot/#techpol-Direct From Western Sahara: Learn About the Struggle of the Last Colony in Africa - scheerpost.comJan 20 16:49
techrights-newslavrov ☛ | Source: MeduzaJan 20 16:54
-TechPolBot/ | Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov compares U.S. Ukraine aid to Holocaust — MeduzaJan 20 16:54
techrights-news"Wagner mercenary group founder Evgeny Prigozhin said Thursday that his troops have taken control of Klishchiivka" ☛ | Source: MeduzaJan 20 16:54
-TechPolBot/ | Prigozhin says Wagner forces have captured key village near Bakhmut — MeduzaJan 20 16:54
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Jan 20 16:59
*Now talking on #techpolJan 20 16:59
*Techrights-sec2 (~quassel@f397t3tebvsnw.irc) has joined #techpolJan 20 17:00
*techrights-news (~techrights-news@f397t3tebvsnw.irc) has joined #techpolJan 20 17:04
schestowitz_polMinceR: Wagner the last line in this channel? I have no backlog for itJan 20 17:25
MinceR20 175439 < techrights-news> zelensky ☛ | Source: MeduzaJan 20 17:26
MinceR20 175440 -TechPolBot:#techpol- | Zelensky on ‘peace talks’ with Putin: ‘I cannot make out if he’s really alive’ — MeduzaJan 20 17:26
techrights-newsweapons ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJan 20 17:26
-TechPolBot/#techpol-It Comes Down to Political Practice, It Comes Down to Weapons  - CounterPunch.orgJan 20 17:26
MinceRthese are the last 2 i sawJan 20 17:26
MinceRit was wagner before thatJan 20 17:26
schestowitz_polMinceR: thanks, so that did get throughJan 20 17:29
schestowitz_polconnection droppedJan 20 17:29
techrights-newsAzerbaijan ☛ | Source: Democracy NowJan 20 17:32
-TechPolBot/ | Azerbaijan Blockades Nagorno-Karabakh Region, Angering Armenia & Raising Specter of a New War | Democracy Now!Jan 20 17:32
techrights-news"jailed last year for anti-war posts" ☛ | Source: MeduzaJan 20 17:32
-TechPolBot/ | Jailed Russian student activist Dmitry Ivanov beaten and threatened with rape by prison guard — MeduzaJan 20 17:32
techrights-news"How Russia is using new, stricter laws to prosecute soldiers who leave the front" ☛ | Source: MeduzaJan 20 17:32
-TechPolBot/ | ‘Expected to serve in any conditions’ How Russia is using new, stricter laws to prosecute soldiers who leave the front — MeduzaJan 20 17:32
techrights-news"big corporation" ☛ | Source: Common DreamsJan 20 17:33
-TechPolBot/ | Opinion | If You Work for a Major Corporation, Your Boss Has Probably Already Made More in 2023 Than You Will | Common DreamsJan 20 17:33
resistorMinceR: i think that's another irony you couldn't comprehend, when calling for me fighting whatever spook in russia or whereverJan 20 17:35
resistorwhich is none of my business anywayJan 20 17:35
resistorand even more important, my homeland was looted, expropriated and plundered several timesJan 20 17:36
resistora corrupt bureaucracy and regime destroyed all my life and carreerJan 20 17:36
MinceRso, spreading their bullshit online is your business, but physically fighting for them is notJan 20 17:36
MinceRcuriousJan 20 17:36
MinceRyour homeland was looted by the empire you now supportJan 20 17:36
resistori live on almost no income without heating, without car, without going on holidays, for more than 20 yearsJan 20 17:36
resistorhence besides, tell me one good reason whom or what to fight forJan 20 17:37
resistorthis criminal murderous regime should have thought about this, before disposing meJan 20 17:37
resistorMinceR: i don't support anyoneJan 20 17:37
techrights-news"A military defeat is the only cure" ☛ | Source: MeduzaJan 20 17:37
-TechPolBot/ | ‘A military defeat is the only cure’ Sociologist Dina Khapaeva on how Russia’s ‘death cult’ led to the war in Ukraine — MeduzaJan 20 17:37
resistorit's none of my business, and ALL weapons supplies to Ukraine should be sanctionedJan 20 17:37
techrights-newsbelarusians too ☛ | Source: MeduzaJan 20 17:37
-TechPolBot/ | European Parliament moves to establish a tribunal for Russian and Belarusian leadership’s war crimes against Ukraine — MeduzaJan 20 17:37
resistorNATO and all Washington Pentagon IBM Wintel minions leave my homelandJan 20 17:38
MinceRi'll let you deal with your own confusion, thenJan 20 17:38
resistorthat's a good start to talkJan 20 17:38
resistorwhich confusions? it's just facts, facts, not an opinionJan 20 17:38
resistorRussian military left their basis in east-germany, in 1990, as much as your recent "argument" was concernedJan 20 17:39
MinceRfilling this channel with propaganda for someone you allegedly don't support, about something that is allegedly none of your businessJan 20 17:39
MinceRif you don't care, then shut the fuck upJan 20 17:40
resistorironically, USA and NATO supposedly provided security and protection... what a ridicolous propaganda shit show that is, on TV hereJan 20 17:40
resistorall that USA cared for was their own "shareholder value", which brings me back who looted plundered and hijackedJan 20 17:40
resistorhand in hand with their "atlantic bridge" minions in EU and germanyJan 20 17:40
resistorall that is, none of my business nor problem any longer, just because, there isn't anything remainingJan 20 17:41
resistorall they seek to now is, even more cash grabbing and expansion elsewhereJan 20 17:41
MinceRat least they stopped nazism on the land they invadedJan 20 17:41
MinceRthe russians just kept doing it with different symbolsJan 20 17:41
resistorwhich i have that much obligation to support or side with anyone: NOTHINGJan 20 17:41
MinceRand then with pretty much the same symbolsJan 20 17:41
resistorwho stopped nazsim? USA? it was USA who permitted the deporation and murder of millions of germansJan 20 17:42
MinceRrussia certainly didn'tJan 20 17:42
resistoradvised by their polish "allies" at that timeJan 20 17:42
MinceRseeing how they practiced stalinism, which is the same shit with different colored sprinkles on, then switched to plain nazism after 1990Jan 20 17:42
MinceRoh, now the poles are responsible?Jan 20 17:43
resistorironically, yes, former soviet occuption, which was an occuption, was less hostile than the new rulers since 1990Jan 20 17:43
MinceRwhat sort of fucked up worldview is that?Jan 20 17:43
resistorit's factsJan 20 17:43
resistorif you believe it or not, i don't careJan 20 17:43
MinceRyou have no idea what the facts areJan 20 17:44
MinceRalso, apparently the muscovites were supposed to save the world from the nazis by allying themJan 20 17:44
resistorthen elighten us, in this channelJan 20 17:44
MinceR(Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, have you fucking heard of it?)Jan 20 17:44
resistorhitler-stalin-pactJan 20 17:44
MinceRs/ying/ying with/Jan 20 17:44
resistorthat's the more common name hereJan 20 17:45
MinceRyou don't get to both do something and save people from the same thingJan 20 17:45
resistorand, finally, USA too permitted the deportation and murder of millions of germansJan 20 17:45
MinceRrussia tried to have it both waysJan 20 17:45
resistorhave you heard of that?Jan 20 17:45
MinceRand in the minds of people like you, they somehow didJan 20 17:45
MinceRfuck logic.Jan 20 17:45
resistorand now, we got EU, and how many whatever causes and excuses i had to pay for with what was expropriated and looted and plundered several times already, by themJan 20 17:46
MinceRyou should just move to your beloved russiaJan 20 17:46
resistorjust as I said, i want back MY HOMELANDJan 20 17:46
resistorwhich isn't russiaJan 20 17:47
resistorand it isn't russians who had been excessively hostileJan 20 17:47
resistorsince 1990Jan 20 17:47
MinceRyes it isJan 20 17:47
schestowitz_polyou live where your ancenstors livedJan 20 17:47
schestowitz_polquit moaningJan 20 17:47
MinceRand russia is what you supportJan 20 17:47
MinceRand no, my ancestors lived in many placesJan 20 17:47
MinceRever since the mongol/tartar invasion, what's left of hungarians is a mixJan 20 17:47
MinceRand there's nothing bad about thatJan 20 17:47
resistori live where 99% immigrants occupy what isn't theirsJan 20 17:48
resistoryesterday, recent reports, population size increased again, +4millions since 1990Jan 20 17:48
MinceRthere were several waves of getting people to move to hungary, who then mixed with the population that was already thereJan 20 17:48
resistorjust sayingJan 20 17:48
MinceRand then your beloved russians destroyed the minds of hungariansJan 20 17:48
MinceRand now i live in a broken country full of fascist savagesJan 20 17:48
resistorstrangely, i have no family nor children, hence i am wondering, who those 4millions are, plus another many more millions, given the low birth ratesJan 20 17:48
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techpolJan 20 17:49
resistorand a whole bunch of lies and propaganda surrounding thisJan 20 17:49
MinceReverybody is you, obviouslyJan 20 17:49
resistorthey re-ignited their propaganda yesterday again, corona is outdated alreadyJan 20 17:49
resistoranyway, the new defense minister urged for help, he required every single individual and support for defenseJan 20 17:50
resistorjust as said, defend exactly what? his dozens of millions of workforce of immigrants, and a homeland i haven't got anymoreJan 20 17:51
MinceRgo flame him, thenJan 20 17:51
resistorthem having destroyed my carreer, systematicallyJan 20 17:51
MinceRyou do have a new homelandJan 20 17:51
resistorlooted and plunderedJan 20 17:51
MinceRthough not for longJan 20 17:51
MinceRi suppose you can pivot to red china after russia's goneJan 20 17:51
resistorand a huge mountain of shit and lies and propaganda goo 24/7 on TVJan 20 17:51
resistorthat's what i shall fight for now?Jan 20 17:51
MinceRyour favorite ideology is still very trendy thereJan 20 17:51
MinceRstalinists love fascists, fascists love stalinistsJan 20 17:51
MinceRstalinists love the talibanJan 20 17:52
resistoryou see, as i said, i had never met my grandmothers brother, who died in WW2, never met himJan 20 17:52
resistornowadays, they piss on memorials, smearing themJan 20 17:52
MinceRprobably because they fought for the worse sideJan 20 17:52
resistorand this is the EU and whatnot i shall fight for?Jan 20 17:52
MinceRno, you shall fight for fascism in russiaJan 20 17:53
resistorhe fought for nothingJan 20 17:53
resistormilitary draft was compulsoryJan 20 17:53
MinceRhe killed people for nothing?Jan 20 17:53
resistorhe died for nothingJan 20 17:53
resistorwe never received any report, what happened to himJan 20 17:53
MinceRkind of like your beloved fuhrer and his untrained soldiersJan 20 17:53
resistori do remember, yes, boys were drafted into wehrmacht at very young age, my grandmother said something at the age of 20yearsJan 20 17:54
resistormy other grandfather, who joined the "Volkssturm", was 16years oldJan 20 17:54
resistoranother grandfather, said he was hunting soviet tanks, after his mother diedJan 20 17:55
resistorwhen he was 14 years oldJan 20 17:55
resistorand then i see, memorials smearedJan 20 17:55
resistorand an arrogant gang of war criminals in government in germanyJan 20 17:55
resistornowadaysJan 20 17:56
resistori was supposedly obligated to support a war criminal comedian in kievJan 20 17:56
resistoras if it had not been the exact same type of bolshevists, who deported and murdered millions of germansJan 20 17:57
resistorand reminder, USA, after 1945, permitted those deportations, advised by the polish and their plansJan 20 17:57
resistorhave to dig out the historical recordsJan 20 17:57
MinceRapparently nothing happened before 1945Jan 20 17:57
resistornow tell me, what happenedJan 20 17:58
MinceRyour beloved nazis got beaten in a war at the beginning of time, for no reasonJan 20 17:58
MinceRa war that was not started because when time started, it was already ongoingJan 20 17:58
MinceRapparentlyJan 20 17:58
resistori am close to filing a criminal comlaint against you MinceR Jan 20 17:58
MinceRoohJan 20 17:58
MinceRthat would be hilariousJan 20 17:58
MinceRwhichever government official gets to process it would get a good laugh out of itJan 20 17:59
resistoranyway, tell me, who was it, who attacked and murdered german farmers, in todays ukraine, before 1933Jan 20 18:00
resistorand since you well lectured in history, who invited german farmers and craftsmen, to work and settle in Ukraine, and whenJan 20 18:01
resistorsince when had german traders been living in balticum, and which was the trade union they were affiliated with?Jan 20 18:01
resistorand then tell me, who was it, to deport and murder millions of them.Jan 20 18:01
resistorand who is it nowadays, who exterminate german population within germany, systematicallyJan 20 18:02
MinceRtell me who beat the hungarian revolution of 1848Jan 20 18:02
resistorwho is in charge here, currentlyJan 20 18:02
resistorMinceR: don't knowJan 20 18:02
MinceRsee, i can ask questions about history tooJan 20 18:02
resistoryet, i already did explain, it was the Hanseatic trade union in balticumJan 20 18:03
resistorand it was Katherine the great, who invited german farmers, year 1800 round aboutJan 20 18:03
MinceRaustrians, with your beloved russiansJan 20 18:03
resistorgerman farmers (mennonites, hutterites and similar), settled across entire europe, including russia, poland, ukraine, belarusJan 20 18:03
resistorand, how many remained?Jan 20 18:04
MinceRpretty sure there are plenty of people of german origin in hungaryJan 20 18:04
resistorwrong, that's a lie, german farmers already did live in ukraine,poland,belarus,russia, long before...Jan 20 18:04
resistorthe hanseatic trade routes spanned accross entire balticum, and across the rivers down to krimeaJan 20 18:05
resistorsince early medieval ageJan 20 18:05
resistoralong the riversJan 20 18:05
resistorwhat happened to all this, the castles, the villages, the trade posts?Jan 20 18:05
resistorand i was thinking, 1990, that's settled, it's impossible, another looting and power-grab, this won't occurJan 20 18:06
resistorhad i been wrongJan 20 18:06
MinceRand who beat the hungarian revolution of 1956?Jan 20 18:07
resistoreveryone knows thatJan 20 18:07
MinceRare you part of this "everyone", though?Jan 20 18:07
resistori don't know, if "revolution" isn't over-exaggeratedJan 20 18:08
MinceRi know, your comrades called it "counter-revolution"Jan 20 18:08
resistorcomrades?Jan 20 18:08
MinceRrussians and their bootlickersJan 20 18:09
MinceRincluding the hungarians who went to moscow to suck dick and got a country in returnJan 20 18:09
resistorbolshevism and russians, that's not the same thingJan 20 18:09
MinceRyes it isJan 20 18:09
MinceRit was the russian state then, it is the russian state nowJan 20 18:10
resistorinteresting still, Zelenskij isn't a russian, yet he resembles the perfect bolshevik ruler, par excellenceJan 20 18:10
resistorhe is such a brilliant commedian, i could lough all dayJan 20 18:10
MinceRand putler, whom you idolize, reflects nostalgically about that empire and dreams of restoring itJan 20 18:10
MinceRthat's why he attacked ukraineJan 20 18:10
resistorwhen he, Zelenskij, demanded reparataions, from me?Jan 20 18:10
resistorhilariousJan 20 18:10
MinceRand he expressed the intent to take over the entire eastern bloc againJan 20 18:10
MinceRincluding the place where you liveJan 20 18:10
resistori had not said much about PutinJan 20 18:11
MinceRit would be hilarious if your comrades ended up killing you in the process of annexing your "homeland"Jan 20 18:11
MinceRtoo bad they can't provide their vehicles with fuel even to get as far as KyivJan 20 18:11
MinceRso this will never happenJan 20 18:11
resistori only told, Medvedev, is/was rooted in the civil rights movement, a progressive, relatively liberal minded personJan 20 18:11
resistori remember, referring the MedvedevJan 20 18:11
MinceRyou regurgitate ruscist propaganda in this channel at length for pagesJan 20 18:11
resistortoJan 20 18:11
MinceRyou apparently also have no idea what "liberal" meansJan 20 18:12
MinceRwhat a surpriseJan 20 18:12
resistoranti-corruptionJan 20 18:12
MinceRlolJan 20 18:12
MinceRyeah, russia and anti-corruptionJan 20 18:12
MinceRputler's entire organization was established on the back of corruptionJan 20 18:12
resistorSTART-agreement, dismantling of nuclear weapons, this was Medvedev, the little i know about him and his policiesJan 20 18:12
MinceRooh, dismantling of nuclear weaponsJan 20 18:13
MinceRhow did that work out?Jan 20 18:13
resistorto my knowledge, failed.Jan 20 18:13
resistoryet i may be in errorJan 20 18:13
MinceRisn't your bro medvedev the one saber-rattling the loudest with nuclear weapons now?Jan 20 18:13
resistori don't knowJan 20 18:13
resistori am not aware of thisJan 20 18:13
MinceRisn't that how today's discussion (if you can call it that) startedJan 20 18:13
MinceR?Jan 20 18:13
resistori don't recall Medvedev had ever saber-rettledJan 20 18:13
MinceRof courseJan 20 18:14
resistorZelenskij did, at the Munich security conference, while agoJan 20 18:14
MinceRit goes in one ear and out the otherJan 20 18:14
resistorthis however, i do rememberJan 20 18:14
MinceRoh? what nuclear weapons does ukraine have?Jan 20 18:14
resistorseveral thousand battle tanks, nuclear power stations, aircraftJan 20 18:14
resistoror what's left of itJan 20 18:14
MinceRafter giving them up to russia for assurance that russia has no territorial demands of ukraine, in the Budapest Memorandum?Jan 20 18:14
MinceRblah blah blahJan 20 18:14
MinceRwhat nuclear weapons does ukraine have?Jan 20 18:15
resistorhow should i knowJan 20 18:15
MinceRyou're the one accusing Zelenskyy of saber-rattling!Jan 20 18:15
MinceRfucking idiot.Jan 20 18:15
resistorit's certainly better the bolshevist comedian from kiev never gets anyJan 20 18:15
resistorthat's the most dangerous threat to world peace, if he ever doesJan 20 18:15
MinceRyeah, apparently protecting one's own country is a threat to world peaceJan 20 18:16
resistorUkraine isn't Zelenskij's country, and he doesn't represent the whole population eitherJan 20 18:16
resistorin eastern ukraine, population had been more pro-kremlinJan 20 18:16
MinceRgood thing invading a neighboring country, annexing parts of it, threatening everyone with being killed by nukes, committing genocides and child abductions apparently doesn't threaten world peaceJan 20 18:16
resistoraccording to surveys, and reportsJan 20 18:16
MinceRZelenskyy is the elected leader of Ukraine, like it or notJan 20 18:17
resistorcurrently it is millions of ukrainians who invade germany, just sayingJan 20 18:17
MinceRsomething your beloved russia doesn't haveJan 20 18:17
MinceRyes, they're fleeing the nuclear terrorist genocidal child abductorsJan 20 18:17
resistorjust keep it in the history book of yours, not to forget, who is moving wherever elseJan 20 18:17
MinceRthe people you're spamming in support ofJan 20 18:17
resistorwhom am i supporting?Jan 20 18:17
resistori said, i want back MY HOMELANDJan 20 18:17
MinceRputlerJan 20 18:17
MinceRyou keep vomiting propaganda in support of putler here, every day you're onlineJan 20 18:18
resistorand remove the war criminals out of itJan 20 18:18
MinceRputler is the war criminalJan 20 18:18
resistorincluding their institutions, such as IBM, Intel, and NATO businessJan 20 18:18
MinceRand putler announced intent to take over east germanyJan 20 18:18
MinceRof course you didn't listen to thatJan 20 18:18
MinceRyou have selective hearingJan 20 18:18
resistori wasn't aware russians intend to take-over east-germanyJan 20 18:18
resistorthey didn't and they don't to my knowledgeJan 20 18:19
MinceRthat's the thingJan 20 18:19
MinceRyour knowledge is lackingJan 20 18:19
resistoradmittedlyJan 20 18:19
resistorwho looted and plundered my homeJan 20 18:19
resistorwhich corrupt bureaucracy is it? whos orders do they follow?Jan 20 18:20
resistorPutin? i wasn't aware of that.Jan 20 18:20
resistorbut i am willing to listingJan 20 18:20
resistoryet i am certain, atlantic bridge war criminals are more closely affiliated to those who are really responsible, and in charge, here in "germany"Jan 20 18:20
resistorand this doesn't make me a supporter of PutinJan 20 18:21
MinceRwhat does, then?Jan 20 18:24
resistorlonerJan 20 18:28
MinceRwho's that?Jan 20 18:28
resistorme, i am not affiliated with any political organization or ideology at allJan 20 18:28
MinceRagain, the same baseless denialJan 20 18:29
MinceRyou've already revealed that you support AfDJan 20 18:29
MinceR(who are, of course, ruscists)Jan 20 18:29
resistori said i voted for AfD year 2013, because they were the ONLY opposition to a corrupt EU, to discuss the youth-unemployment dataJan 20 18:29
resistormeanwhile the corrupt apparatschiks celebrated their Euro cash-grabbing scamJan 20 18:30
resistori didn't vote for AfD in 2021, because they insisted on re-introduction of compulsory military service, which i do not agree withJan 20 18:30
MinceRapparently you don't have any problem with a corrupt russiaJan 20 18:30
MinceRor the siloviks who got rich off corruption after the fall of the previous russian empireJan 20 18:31
resistorhow so? i am not a resident nor citizen of russiaJan 20 18:31
MinceR"corruption is perfectly OK when the people i support do it!"Jan 20 18:31
MinceRyou're a 'web brigadier' of russiaJan 20 18:31
MinceRand a supporter of a ruscist partyJan 20 18:31
resistori do not follow reports on corruption in russiaJan 20 18:31
MinceRyou don't follow any factsJan 20 18:31
MinceRyou just listen to putler's propaganda and believe every word of itJan 20 18:32
MinceRthen you come here and tire us with itJan 20 18:32
resistoras far as russian economy was concerned, they exported alot of energy/gas/oil to germany, for decent prices, with long-term contractsJan 20 18:32
resistorand cooperation between german and russian industryJan 20 18:32
MinceRrussian economy stood on 1 foot: energyJan 20 18:32
MinceRthey were too corrupt to develop any other industryJan 20 18:32
resistorthe corruption surrounding russian energy is most excessive, yes, but it is "germans" within germany at fault, not russiansJan 20 18:32
MinceRand then they're surprised that when something happens to energy sales, their entire economy bucklesJan 20 18:33
MinceRno, it is not only germans' faultJan 20 18:33
resistorthe re-selling cash-grabbing scam, that's an "innovation" introduced by mostly "atlantic bridge" affiliates here in germany, and EU with their bullshit energy EU trading hubJan 20 18:33
MinceRrussians are involved in it, hungarians are involved in it, lots of vassals to russia are involved in itJan 20 18:33
resistorthey are buying russian energy for 2 cents, and sell it for 100cents, plus taxation... and it's not russians at fault with thisJan 20 18:33
MinceRand the russians who control it got into position via corruptionJan 20 18:34
resistorif, within russia, corruption exists, then i must admit i am no expert on this, i can only talk about what is going on in "germany" nowadaysJan 20 18:34
MinceRcorporations owned by the russian state were sold very cheaply to a few people with good connectionsJan 20 18:34
MinceRthat's where the siloviks some from, afaikJan 20 18:34
MinceRand apparently putler's people can kill any of them, so they're either loyal to putler or deadJan 20 18:35
resistorwell, i wouldn't be surprised, if some of those "germans" in government do fear putin, for one or another reasonsJan 20 18:35
resistorthey got reasons to be afraidJan 20 18:35
resistorreason being, their OWN crimes and corruption, not the one in russiaJan 20 18:36
*resistor has quit (Quit: connection closed.)Jan 20 19:38
immibis_[19:32] <MinceR> they were too corrupt to develop any other industry ← apparently this is standard practice in dictatorships. Anyone who is good enough to earn money internationally is a threat to the rulers. So they rely on selling things that do not require people to produce i.e. natural resources Jan 20 20:01
immibis_Resistor: Germany is already a corrupt authoritarian state, just look at luetzerath or A100Jan 20 20:02
XRevan86"everybody is you [resistor], obviously" <- Indeed.Jan 20 20:06
XRevan86The more he speaks, the more he sounds like a proper Nazi.Jan 20 20:12
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@zx4r4gr9htgby.irc) has joined #techpolJan 20 20:12
XRevan86It's sad that he bought into Medvedev's "fight against corruption" during his short presidency, but he hasn't heard of the ACF investigation into him in 2017, Medvedev's and regime's reaction, the protests against corruption in Russia…Jan 20 20:14
XRevan86and how Medvedev is writing the stupidest shit into Telegram now.Jan 20 20:15
immibis_In Germany it's illegal to call someone a Nazi.Jan 20 21:14
XRevan86immibis: How about "a fascist with inclinations similiar to those of the National-Socialist Party"?Jan 20 21:17
immibis_also illegal. But you can call Alice Weidel a "Nazi whore" if it's a clearly sarcastic response to something she said about free speech, apparently. That was actually tested in court.Jan 20 21:18
immibis_I believe there are also some people who the courts decided were actually fascist and therefore it was legal to call them that. But I don't know their names.Jan 20 21:19
XRevan86immibis: How about "of the National-Bolshevist Party"? :)Jan 20 21:19
immibis_calling someone a fascist is illegal unless you can demonstrate to the judge that they are a fascistJan 20 21:19
immibis_if the judge happens to be fascist sympathetic, this could possibly involve proving they are a member of the Italian fascist partyJan 20 21:20
XRevan86immibis: Hm, I see, rough. So even when it's as clear-cut as Okhlobystin, who says that Russians are born to wage an eternal war (as a good thing) that's illegal?Jan 20 21:22
XRevan86without a court rulingJan 20 21:22
immibisprobably. You can always try it and see if they arrest you.Jan 20 21:23
immibisyou may be fined 3 months wagesJan 20 21:23
XRevan86Okhlobystin felt that way all the way back in 2011, so he's sincere.Jan 20 21:24
immibiswhich is not too different to being jailed for 3 monthsJan 20 21:24
immibisyou can make general statements, like "fascists fuck off", as long as it's not clear who you are referring to specificallyJan 20 21:24
MinceRin germany it's also apparently illegal to distribute videogames in which you get to kill nazisJan 20 21:25
MinceRpoow widdle nazis are getting hurt in the game!Jan 20 21:25
immibishence it is legal (as legal as graffiti gets) to write ACAB on a wall, but not legal to say it when you are protesting police actions, because it is implied you are talking about the police doing the actionsJan 20 21:25
immibisthis came up recently when the police put up billboards saying "All Cops Are Beautiful" - now it must be legal to say ACAB :)Jan 20 21:25
XRevan86I get it, because in Germany it's illegal to be a Nazi, so the allegation is a lot stronger.Jan 20 21:26
immibisit's a lot more legal to actually be a Nazi than to call someone a NaziJan 20 21:27
XRevan86Like calling someone a murderer.Jan 20 21:27
XRevan86immibis: That also makes sense %).Jan 20 21:27
immibisThe only legal problem from being a Nazi, is if you use traditional Nazi symbolsJan 20 21:27
immibisso they just use different symbols instead - bam, now it's legalJan 20 21:28
XRevan86The No True Nazi fallacyJan 20 21:28
XRevan86In which case, resistor is a Nazioid, because he resembles a Nazi.Jan 20 21:30
XRevan86He passes the duck test for a Nazi but that doesn't prove he's one.Jan 20 21:30
MinceR20 222702 < immibis> it's a lot more legal to actually be a Nazi than to call someone a NaziJan 20 21:33
MinceRas demonstrated by the AfDJan 20 21:33
immibisYou're not allowed to say the AfD is a Nazi party. I think.Jan 20 21:34
MinceRdoesn't change the fact that it isJan 20 21:35
MinceRthat's the thing with authoritarian peopleJan 20 21:35
MinceRthey believe that somehow threatening/silencing people who say XYZ is true magically makes XYZ falseJan 20 21:36
MinceRit doesn't work that wayJan 20 21:36
immibiswhat is your opinion on Luetzerath and the other 10+ villages that were already demolished or planned to be demolished for this mineJan 20 21:37
MinceRsounds nastyJan 20 21:38
MinceREminent Domain is by itself horrible, and a proof that there is no "rule of law"Jan 20 21:38
MinceRor any functioning mechanism built into the state that protects citizens from the stateJan 20 21:38
immibiseminent domain has uses - there are cases where after weighing up pros and cons it's clear that eminent domain is needed because not using it is worseJan 20 21:41
immibismostly to build roads and rail lines. although you will note that the German government is VERY WILLING to use Eminent Domain to bulldoze stuff for roads (see A100) but it will never ever do that for a railway lineJan 20 21:42
MinceRof course it's useful -- to the state.Jan 20 21:42
immibisthere's a post on Berlin that the planned route of A100 goes through like 1/3 of Friedrichshain's nightclubsJan 20 21:42
immibiswhich is surely not a coincidenceJan 20 21:42
MinceR:>Jan 20 21:42
immibisthose are places where POOR PEOPLE might DO DRUGS and HAVE PREMARITAL SEXJan 20 21:43
immibison /r/berlin *Jan 20 21:43
immibisMinceR: how would a railway line get built without something like eminent domain? I'm happy if you can think of a way to do it but to my knowledge it is not really possibleJan 20 21:44
immibismaybe you allow people to bid how much they would sell their land for, then the government chooses the lowest bid direct route?Jan 20 21:44
immibisthat would probably be a good alternative - provided that people actually bid and don't just say a trillion eurosJan 20 21:44
MinceRi don't knowJan 20 21:45
MinceRbut it's clear that the government abuses every tiny shred of power they getJan 20 21:45
MinceRalso, the A100 is going to suck if it has to swerve to hit every single nightclub :>Jan 20 21:45
*AdmFubar (~mradmin@ngqaam7baxnug.irc) has joined #techpolJan 20 21:50
AdmFubar 20 21:50
-TechPolBot/ | Trump mistook rape accuser E Jean Carroll for ex-wife, deposition shows | Donald Trump | The GuardianJan 20 21:50
immibisMinceR: only the 1/3 of them that are conveniently in the wayJan 20 22:06
immibisMinceR: do you think there are people who worship the government?Jan 20 22:07
MinceRyesJan 20 22:07
XRevan86 20 22:07
-TechPolBot/ | TikToker Nekoglai pledges to buy $100,000 worth of drones for Ukraine, promises to “fight the Russian regime”Jan 20 22:07
*XRevan86 did post that before, sorry.Jan 20 22:08
XRevan86 "Abubakar Yangulbaev asks Chechnya’s Kadyrov to be exchanged for his mother Zarema Musaeva, who spent last year under arrest"Jan 20 22:09
-TechPolBot/ | Новая газета ЕвропаJan 20 22:09
XRevan86 20 22:11
-TechPolBot/ | US estimates Russia's approximate losses in Ukraine: ''significantly more than'' 100,000 people | Ukrainska PravdaJan 20 22:11
XRevan86CIT (Mobilisation in Russia): ( )Jan 20 22:12
-TechPolBot/ | Mobilization in Russia for Jan. 18–19, 2023, CIT volunteer summary — TeletypeJan 20 22:13
-TechPolBot/ | Telegram: Contact @CIT_enJan 20 22:13
-TechPolBot/#techpol- ( status 400 @ )Jan 20 22:13
XRevan86> Russian mobilisation, Jan 18-19: A university appointed officials responsible for handing draft notices; a member of the Rostov city council suggested that another 2mln should be mobilised; chevrons with the Virgin Mary are given out to those going to Ukraine.Jan 20 22:13
immibisMinceR: who worships the government?Jan 20 22:22
AdmFubarevangelicals Jan 20 22:32
MinceRlots of peopleJan 20 22:40
immibisMinceR: such as?Jan 20 22:43
MinceRrabid statistsJan 20 22:45
immibisMinceR: such as?Jan 20 22:46
MinceRyou?Jan 20 22:49
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jan 20 22:52
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@pupsf4x2uvcgu.irc) has joined #techpolJan 20 22:53
XRevan86 20 23:14
-TechPolBot/ | How to overcome “Russian” psychological complexes -Jan 20 23:14
*AdmFubar (~mradmin@ngqaam7baxnug.irc) has left #techpol (Leaving.)Jan 20 23:19
XRevan86That article by Andrius Kubilius stirred some discussion.Jan 20 23:20
immibisMinceR: you can't name a single person who worships the government, which is just as I thoughtJan 20 23:27
MinceRwell, you're a stalinist, which implies that you worship the governmentJan 20 23:29
MinceRat least as long as you're not the dictatorJan 20 23:31
MinceRwhich you aren'tJan 20 23:31
MinceRor unless you don't care about the outcome, which you might not, i guessJan 20 23:33
immibisMinceR: oh everyone you don't like is a stalinist. I forgot.Jan 20 23:44
*immibis is now known as XBOX_TURN_OFFJan 20 23:46
*XBOX_TURN_OFF is now known as immibisJan 20 23:46
MinceRno, not everyoneJan 20 23:47
XRevan86 ( )Jan 20 23:47
-TechPolBot/#techpol-@Invidious: 20 23:47
MinceRbut everyone who advertises stalinist regimes as something desirable is a stalinistJan 20 23:47
-TechPolBot/#techpol--> | Russian state TV claims most of the world supports Russia - InvidiousJan 20 23:47
XRevan86> Russian state TV claims that most of the world supports Russia, the US is the aggressor that is waging war against Russian people. Meanwhile, America is "in a state of panic" because of Russia's mighty nukes.Jan 20 23:47
-TechPolBot/#techpol- ( status 400 @ )Jan 20 23:47
MinceRthis isn't rocket surgeryJan 20 23:47

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