StatCounter (or statCounter) Has Been Broken for Nearly 24 Hours. Who Benefits? Microsoft.
This morning: Hopefully Not Sunset for StatCounter
TIME is passing and some of us (in IRC) speculate or at least wonder if StatCounter (or statCounter) will be back at all.
Why does StatCounter (or statCounter) matter? The numbers help shape news coverage, e.g.:
10 days ago in Microsoft's MSN, citing StatCounter:
"Windows 10 is used by twice as many people as Windows 11, and that's a problem for Microsoft" (this is citing StatCounter).
4 days ago:
"Bing outage shows just how little competition Google search really has" (also citing StatCounter).
Well, StatCounter has been broken for nearly a day now. No numbers. Nothing.
Now StatCounter is down, or at least the data is inaccessible. That's good for perception of Microsoft's market position among Microsoft shareholders. █
StatCounter is broken right now and has been broken for nearly 24 hours already. And it's 12:00PM where StatCounter is based (Republic of Ireland). No holiday there...
PS/Update - Moments ago I got the following (perhaps they have begun working to rectify the problem):