A Record Week and Another Historic Day Next Monday
LAST week was the busiest week ever in this site. With 144 articles in 7 days (over 20 per day, on average, not counting my articles in Tux Machines and my personal site) I think productivity speaks for itself and it is sustainable. I can maintain that pace.
Summertime is upon us, not to mention European Elections this week, so more time will be spent outdoors, taking advantage of a warmer weather. We don't plan to travel abroad this year (nowhere special to go anyway; Ireland was my last trip overseas), so we don't plan to "skip" or "miss" a day.
The "news" about Linux is full of junk (this past week we saw more than half a dozen promotional WSL pieces, i.e. Windows disguised as "Linux"), so we'll try to make a positive contribution by making original articles. The Linux Foundation killed Linux.com, so that's one more site that won't produce any information, just "training" SPAM (not even for Linux!).
As always, one way to support us is to read us and spread the word. We're currently in no need of financial contributions. If that changes, we'll let readers know.
Some people who are very closely connected to Microsoft still try to censor us. "This whole thing feels like there's something else going on," one reader told me. "Like Peter Thiel's grudge against Gawker and the Hollywood Hogan Sex Tape."
This site and its sister site ran OK for over 37 years (combined) without ever facing a lawsuit. If this changes, we can cope fine.
7 days from now the sister site turns 20. We look forward to the parties and prepare what needs preparing for them. Yesterday morning (less than 24 hours ago) I bought 80 bags of Walkers crisps - that should be enough for everybody. █