Birds Don't Understand They're Free (Until Someone Cages Them)
THE IDEAS or ideals of Software Freedom aren't easy to explain to everyone. There's a conceptual barrier and communications barrier (vocabularies are loaded, biased by design). People born inside a prison cell have no concept or grasp of freedom. Sometimes you open the cage of an animal long (or forever, as in eternally) in captivity and it just won't exit the cage. It's accustomed to being imprisoned, sometimes since birth (like many lab animals).
In the context of software, a precondition for emancipation or even "self-help" is recognition of the problem. The mainstream media is an obstacle here because it conflates consumerism with freedom. To many people, the "choice" to buy Apple is a kind of "liberating act" and when they are forced to get Windows with a new PC they can't quite see the injustice because they were made to think all PCs come with Windows and all PCs should come with Windows.
In order to advocate and advance Software Freedom we'll need to illuminate the underlying problem/s. Recently Microsoft made that a lot easier. █