Dell on Joining the Microsoft/Novell Liaison, in Video
Dr. Roy Schestowitz
2007-05-13 10:35:35 UTC
Modified: 2007-05-13 10:47:51 UTC
In the following video, Dell talks about the deal with Novell and Microsoft. It mentions the offering of IP, but that's not new anyway.
Among some quotes (roughly correct):
" UNIX we're [Dell] trying to protect..."
"...we're not trying to protect proprietary UNIX..."
This seems like a marriage of convenience. Remind yourselves who Novell is working with in Microsoft's Linux Labs. Here's what their principal man had to say quite recently:
"The Free Software movement is dead. Linux doesn't exist in 2007. Even Linus has got a job today." Controversial statements from the head of Microsoft's Linux Labs, Bill Hilf.
It would be nice if you would also offer your videos in a format, which can be played by Free Software.
Roy Schestowitz
2007-05-13 12:41:03
I believe YouTube allows videos to be downloaded (or grabbed/decoded) and then be played using a standard media player. A variety of formats is available, but I suspect none is truly free. I'm no fan of Flash either. Flash 8+ gets even worse because a proprietary codec is used therein. See:
Seeing that the patent "industry" has turned to serious crimes (sometimes to cover up corruption) and seeing that the net negative is clearer for all to see, people who argue for abolition of all patents will have a field day
2007-05-13 12:06:30
Roy Schestowitz
2007-05-13 12:41:03
Also a rant here:
Let me see if I can include links to download URLs...