The video does not speak about software patents, but it contains little or no explanation to back the (probably false) assertion that investors cease to invent and people go poor without patents. What the video shows by all means is that patents have -- at least in some people's view -- become American's "intellectual monopolies" that people often refer to.
In addition to the USPTO there is also the EPO, which will hopefully remain more sane. Here is a video showing the EPO. ⬆
Since virtually everyone in Europe is a user of software (almost nobody is a forest dweller like in countries near the equator), this impacts everybody
Colleagues saw the suicide; the EPO's response wasn't to tackle the causes but to bolt down the windows (like factories in China installing controversial 'suicide nets')
"In the long term, the FSF needs to own its future office space, but then the deadly risk is that the property ownership becomes the end goal rather than software freedom."