On is a flash-based barebones Linux install that gets you up and running, on the Net, and with much of what you need to run the computer in instantly. Dell went to great pains to avoid saying the L-word though, it might anger the very touchy gods atop mount Redmond.
We already think very highly of the Windows version and now there is a version for Linux
I think it would be rather fun to make the displeasure of Comcast’s Linux customers loudly known. If you would like to spend a few minutes letting Comcast know that is wrong to discriminate against customers due to their choice of operating system, the phone number to the Lake City, Fl. office is (386) 752-6161.
I’ve been using Mac OS X alongside Debian since 2007 now, and I think I have a fairly good picture of how things work in both operating systems. In the end, the only feeling I got of Mac OS X is as if I were playing with Linux’ retarded little brother. Here are a few reasons why.
Instead of an introduction, I'll answer the question 'Why did you left out wonderful applications like Scribus, Inkscape, Cinelerra, Wine, QCad etc?'. Well, because the article is about applications which I consider essential for daily use.
Are endless cycles of PC "upgrades" downgrading your company's bottom line? Maybe it's time to revisit an IT concept that has never been a very big hit with small-business owners -- but whose time, perhaps, has finally arrived
According to a recently published research by Venture Development Corporation (VDC), embedded systems manufacturers and their suppliers are driving the development of open source and industry-specific standards around Linux as a means to increase availability of more robust underlying solution platforms and development environments. The new standards enable OEMs to reduce development costs and time-to-market while at the same time keeping pace with the advancing and unique requirements of the customers.
A lot have been said about user experience, themes and looks of your OS in general. Some claim that OSX has the best GUI around. Aero fans drool over its fancy windows flip thingy. But does it really all matter? Take a look and decide yourself.
Below you’ll find several resources for desktop wallpapers perfectly sized for your Asus Eee PC (800Ãâ480). If you know of any other good Eee PC wallpaper resources by all means please leave a comment with the link.
Graphic designers, movie editors, music composers, and multimedia addicts have specific needs when it comes to software. That is why there are specialized Linux distributions that cater to them.
Here are 7 Linux distros that will surely win the hearts of multimedia enthusiasts:
Ubuntu Studio
Its just been made official that the State of Pahang is migrating all its productivity suites to OpenOffice.org. This succint memo from the State Secretary of Pahang entitled "Perlaksanaan Penggunaan Perisian OpenOffice.Org Di Semua Agensi dan Pentadbiran Negeri" (translated: "Implementation of OpenOffice.org suite in all State Agencies and Administrative centres") outlines the reasons for migrating, the benefits and how to proceed.