Summary: A show called "OpenMic" has literally nothing but Novell employees in it, even members of the board of Microsoft CodePlex (Novell's de Icaza)
TO Novell, Zonker was a wage well invested. As we pointed out before, he uses IDG to boost SUSE. He exclusively invites Novell employees (i.e. colleagues) to be guests there, essentially talking to one another under the "Open" banner. We showed this in two prior posts, namely:
- IDG Gives Novell a Podium, Zonker Denouncements Come
- Novell Uses IDG to Promote Mono
Here is
the latest example* where Zonker describes his guest as "openSUSE booster and GNOME board member" but not as a Novell employee. According to
this, he joined Novell last year.
Still, I'm excited because a whole new era opens for me. Starting tomorrow, I'll be working at Novell with some heroes like Federico, Rodrigo or JP. The reason I'm excited is that this job is about GNOME (upstream and in openSUSE) and this will allow me to stay involved in the project instead of disappearing in some black hole. Pretty good stuff, if you ask me. And it will be quite a big change from the academic life I had before!
This is yet another great example of
Novell boosters in the press, including GNU/Linux news sites. Zonker serves his role as a PR rep, pushing Novell and SUSE into publications and giving them visibility. He does not even make it hard to see. That's his job. Here is
a guest post by Novell's Zonker (Joe Brockmeier) from just a few days ago; it's all about boosting in social media. In the case above, Novell employees are treated as representatives of Free/open source software, which they are not.
Speaking of misrepresentations, Our reader
Goblin says that he is "[f]ed up with sites claiming one person represents the views of everyone. Check out
my reply to this article that suggests I speak for the open source community in respect of Codeplex."
Just like you to make a correct to this article of yours.
I do not represent the FOSS community, I represent my own views/opinions.
Please do not also suggest that just because its Microsoft, the open source community will be against it. (although who can blame people for being dubious when Ballmer makes comments about cancer in respect of it)
I am not critical of Apple or Google and they are both large firms (since its also suggested FOSS supporters hate large business) The reason why Im critical of Microsoft products is because I was burned by them AND FOR ME they are not fit for purpose. I cannot say the same about Apple or Google.
Just like I wouldn't say this site represents those who support proprietary “expeditions” into the world of FOSS, please do not seek to generalize me or anyone else merely because our choices in software differ from yours.
NOTE: Incase you decide not to print this a screengrab has been taken.
Is it not funny that IDG lets Novell become a spokesman for the "open source" community and also allows the host to bring only people from Novell (conflict of interests), including Mono boosters?
* Third time in a row that he brings over Novell employees, three out of three overall.