BASHERS of GNU/Linux like to pretend that only desktops -- and nothing else -- can ever count. The growth of smartphones and tablets is often overlooked by those bashers, not to mention the role of servers, devices, etc. (more on that in later posts).
It is possible that some devices will not work, especially if you have a newer thunderbolt equipped Mac. It is also possible that you may experience a notable decline in battery life when using Linux over OS X. However, most of the responses I've seen, as well as my own experiences, have been very positive. If you have experience running Linux on Apple hardware, the Reddit thread would love to hear from you, and I'd love to hear from you in the comments.
A few weeks before Penn Manor High School gave Linux laptops to every student, stacks of the unboxed machines filled a cafeteria. There the Lancaster, Pa. district's IT staff, high school apprentices and volunteers spent winter break configuring and testing all 1,725 laptops in assembly-line fashion, in preparation for the start of the second semester.
As stated on, Linux can be found in quite a few places than one can suspect. Let’s take a look at them below:
Linux is everywhere, if you look for it.
Network World has published quite a few slideshows about various aspects of Linux; here's a hand-picked selection
The latest iteration of the Barbe doll merchandise range sees everybody's favourite blonde girl step into a new role as a software application developer.
Barbie I Can Be Computer Engineer Doll is the latest model available in the Barbie collection.
The range was first started in 1959 by American businesswoman Ruth Handler.
Barbie has previously worked as both an astronaut and a racing car driver.
2014-02-17 20:09:42
Wow. What a persecution complex! What bashers? And who says other things do not count? My guess: you are in reference to the many Linux *advocates*, such as myself, who speak very highly of Linux and note how successful it is in so many places and how it has earned its place on servers and smart phones and embedded devices and more but who are honest enough to admit that it competes poorly on the desktop. And it does. That is not bashing - it is an easily verifiable observation.
With Chrome it is doing fairly well - and is proving claims from false "advocates" to be nonsense: MS is not stopping Linux on the desktop, OEMs are not unable to sell Linux, users are not afraid to try something new, etc.