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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: August 3rd, 2008

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*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 03 00:25
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schestowitzIt seems to turn out that IP, not just patent law, is  madness. http://williampatry.blogspot.c... 03 14:09
*lancest has quit (Client Quit)Aug 03 14:11
kentmaschestowitz: interesting - mark kent linux now throws up the Digg of my Joe Barr obit as the first hit - which is, in fact, quite good.Aug 03 15:09
kentmaI've changed the digest title a little, though, in order to continue to throw this stuff the right way.  We can all play "manipulate the search engine", I think.Aug 03 15:09
*_Doug (n=emacsuse@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 03 15:10
schestowitzI wouldn't want to do that. Just let it do its thing.Aug 03 15:10
kentmaI'm very much hoping that it will continue to do its thing.Aug 03 15:10
schestowitzMeanwhile, "Tim Smith" spreads some more libel about me in Digg. He's stalking and he's accusing me in the comments of using automated tools, which is rubbish.Aug 03 15:10
kentmaThey are nasty people.Aug 03 15:11
schestowitzThere's no way to stop this.Aug 03 15:13
schestowitzI sometimes wonder why they don't attack 'Big Guns'.Aug 03 15:13
kentmaThey do attack big guns, all the time.Aug 03 15:13
_DougThere's another department to attack the big guns.Aug 03 15:13
schestowitzWhich one, _Doug?Aug 03 15:13
_DougSmithy an CO are there to disrupt COLA ..Aug 03 15:13
_DougWagner and CO, and pretend unbiased tech reporters.Aug 03 15:14
schestowitzSo CompIA et all attack the executives?Aug 03 15:14
_DougAnd people they get to join standards comittees ..Aug 03 15:14
kentmamanipulation of standards has always been an issue, but it's never been so overt as it is presently.Aug 03 15:16
schestowitzIt has been criminal.Aug 03 15:17
schestowitztake for example the incidents from Malaysia.Aug 03 15:17
schestowitz (more in the comments)Aug 03 15:18
_DougHere's Waggener Edstrom planning to sabatage 'the anticipated OSDL announcement'Aug 03 15:18
_Doug 03 15:18
schestowitzThere was also something from O'Gara, no?Aug 03 15:18
_DougWhich one :)Aug 03 15:19
schestowitzOh yeah...Aug 03 15:19
schestowitzThat's the one.Aug 03 15:19
schestowitzPJ covered this before, no?Aug 03 15:19
schestowitzTried to find it. Found some libel ( ) and this: 03 15:21
kentma 03 15:21
kentmaRoy - this is coming up ... ah - hang on...Aug 03 15:21
kentma 03 15:21
kentmaSorry - *that* is coming up as "cannot be displayed" - it's the PS3 IBM article you posted a summary of.Aug 03 15:22
schestowitzWhat a bunch of criminals. They use reported for what they call "a plant".Aug 03 15:22
kentmaHmm, both sn1t and gary stewart are trying to start x-posting flame wars again.  It always disappoints me when I see so many folk respond to them.Aug 03 15:28
kentmaschestowitz: do you have a correction for the PS3 article, at all?Aug 03 15:29
_DougAn honerable mention should also be made of 'Dan Lyons', he was a Linux advocate before he went on to stalk Steve Jobs ..Aug 03 15:30
schestowitzI'm sure it worked before. I just copy and paste it. Should I post a correction?Aug 03 15:31
schestowitz_Doug:  yeah, it's interesting that they do, after all, harass the Big guns too. Apple gave him Hell.Aug 03 15:32
*moparx has quit (Remote closed the connection)Aug 03 15:35
*moparx (n=moparx@pdpc/supporter/base/moparx) has joined #boycottnovellAug 03 15:36
_DougSo what's interesting in Linux land, I've been a little distracted recently .. :)Aug 03 15:41
schestowitzSomeone cited in The Inquirer claims that 3% if the PC _shipments_ in the UK are not Linux.Aug 03 15:42
schestowitz*now, not "not" :-)Aug 03 15:43
kentmaschestowitz: if you have a correct, it would be usefulAug 03 15:43
kentmacorrection.Aug 03 15:43
_DougI need to go and water the flowers .. back in five ..Aug 03 15:44
schestowitzIn IRC? Can't modify, I don't think so.Aug 03 15:45
kentmathe posting was in cola, but the link is broken.Aug 03 15:45
schestowitzBTW, that link ( ) had something weird happeningAug 03 15:46
kentmathat's fine...Aug 03 15:47
schestowitzWhat does "%3D" translate to?Aug 03 15:47
schestowitzI think it's slrn's fault.Aug 03 15:48
kentmait's possible, although the tiny url was also not working.Aug 03 15:48
schestowitzit's a charset thing.I use utf-8.Aug 03 15:49
kentmabut how would that affect the tiny url?Aug 03 15:49
schestowitzOh! Well, that might be the issue. Tinyurl issue? I use a browser plugin for that (Tiny URLs).Aug 03 15:50
kentmaboth were affected, though.Aug 03 15:51
schestowitzBTW, Digg has gotten so weird recently. So many submissions, they might sell (OUT) to Google and items with well over 100 Diggs don't make the FP. It's such a weird thing what has happened to Digg over the years. I still think I left the most comments there (among users).Aug 03 15:51
schestowitz 03 15:52
kentmaDoes anyone still use 03 16:07
kentmaah, there's my answer, it doesn't exist.Aug 03 16:07
schestowitzwhat about kde-looks and gnome-look?Aug 03 16:09
kentma?Aug 03 16:10
schestowitzThere's a series of sites for DE addons. See (navigation in the links on the left... it's a series)Aug 03 16:12
kentmaah, I see. used to gather lots together, though.  It was an attractive site, as it was mostly purveying eye-candy :-)Aug 03 16:13
schestowitzJust found some interesting comments in 03 16:14
schestowitz"Let us [briefly] count the ways.Aug 03 16:15
schestowitz1. How many PR firms does Microsoft use these days?Aug 03 16:15
schestowitz2. How many "independent laboratories" did Microsoft pay in its TOC campaign against Linux?Aug 03 16:15
schestowitz3. How many "usual suspect" journalists would testify to the DoJ that Microsoft never ever paid or offered consideration for their "reporting"?Aug 03 16:15
schestowitz4. How many Million Dollars did Microsoft transfer to tSCOg while tSCOg was actively attacking Linux?Aug 03 16:15
schestowitzDisclaimer - some of the above may be technically legal - but still may lead to sanctions if corporate governance agencies around the world believe that Microsoft performed in bad faith."Aug 03 16:15
kentmaThe cleverest kinds of corruption are those which are, apparently legal, and yet break the spirit of competition law and/or trading law effectively.Aug 03 16:16
*lis` ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 03 16:16
schestowitzOOXML has many such examples, but they broke the law too.Aug 03 16:17
schestowitzLaws broken (I have a comment there too): 03 16:17
schestowitz"There is no question that all over the world the competing interests in the Open XML standardization process are going to use all tactics available to them within the rules. Microsoft and its partners (particularly those who have bet their businesses on Open XML), continue to advocate that it is best to enable our customers to choose the technology that best meets the needs of their business."Aug 03 16:18
schestowitzSaid Microsoft's arrogant xenophobe Jason Matusow 03 16:19
schestowitzStephane reckons that the instructions that involve law-breaking probaly go back to some ECMA folks and Brian Jones. These people are ruthless but none would end up in jail. It's a lot of the same in the US government that can get away with slaughter of civilians using lies.Aug 03 16:20
kentma the only company which has bet itself on OOXML is Microsoft, I think.  At least one British Library character has bet his career on it, though.Aug 03 16:20
schestowitzHaha. Adam farquharAug 03 16:21
kentmaThat's the man.Aug 03 16:21
kentmaHe really shouldn't have done this.Aug 03 16:21
schestowitzWell, he has friends there and there was a big shout against the British Library giving centuries-old assets to Microsoft... well, forcing people to buy spyware from a convicted monopolies in order to have access to these assets.Aug 03 16:22
schestowitz*monopolistAug 03 16:23
schestowitzI can't check who he's connected to... 03 16:24
_DougSnoooozzzzzz ...Aug 03 16:24
schestowitz"Partners include national libraries, national archives, Universities, Microsoft, IBM, Tessella, and ARC. "Aug 03 16:25
kentma well he's not linked to me!Aug 03 16:27
_DougDidn't MS suddenly drop the project with the BL?Aug 03 16:27
schestowitzHe's linked to me somehow.Aug 03 16:27
kentmaIs he?  interesting.Aug 03 16:27
schestowitzTo give you the details, it's via this guy: Romualdas Maciulis ( )Aug 03 16:28
schestowitzI've just posted this < > about the phenomenon. It's related.Aug 03 16:29
kentmaapparently, I have 10 separate link routes to Mr Romualdas, so presumably, I'm also linked indirectly to Mr FarquarAug 03 16:33
kentmaAh, Maciulis is marketing...Aug 03 16:33
schestowitzBack in the days, the BBC-Microsoft links were shown using LinkedIn.Aug 03 16:34
kentmaAdam Farquhar seems to be not British.Aug 03 16:34
kentmaPerhaps that's why he's so willing to give up our library?Aug 03 16:35
schestowitzHe studies in the US, no?Aug 03 16:35
schestowitzI haven't checked, but I thought he studies in a UK Uni?Aug 03 16:35
kentmaHIs 1st degree was there, too.Aug 03 16:35
kentmaUniversity of Texas.Aug 03 16:36
schestowitzRepublican? :-)Aug 03 16:36
kentmaQuite...Aug 03 16:37
schestowitzHave you seen my post about Dell and TM?Aug 03 16:37
kentmaUm, when was it?Aug 03 16:37
kentmaI might've missed it.Aug 03 16:37
schestowitzIt's like the Texan governance grants this Hardware Department another monopoly. Forget about EU marketing "cloud computing".Aug 03 16:37
kentmaBTW, I've just posted on JAIN SLEE.Aug 03 16:37
kentmaAh, okay.Aug 03 16:37
schestowitzIt was adjacent to the post about copyrights dying.Aug 03 16:37
kentmaah, yes, saw that one.Aug 03 16:38
schestowitzDo trademarks apply overseas? Or only if you export?Aug 03 16:38
kentmaI really don't know about that.Aug 03 16:38
schestowitzHave you seen McCreevy's background? See Wikipedia.Aug 03 16:39
kentmaIs there more to reveal then?Aug 03 16:39
kentmaPublish and be damned!Aug 03 16:39
schestowitzHow so?Aug 03 16:39
kentmaMcCreevy's background, I meant.  It was ticAug 03 16:48
_DougMcAfee to snap up Reconnex for $46mAug 03 17:02
_Doug 03 17:02
schestowitzF* MacAfee :-)Aug 03 17:03
schestowitzThey are FOSS-hostile.Aug 03 17:03
_Dougyet more snakeoil, the best way to protect a system, is to build in into the system, nit tack on feetures later on ..Aug 03 17:03
schestowitzI suppose you read about WanKare preintsalls...? I sent it to Pj for GL.Aug 03 17:04
_DougWhen I worked in an IT shop, we used regularly get threatening phone calsl from the local rep,Aug 03 17:04
schestowitzWhat for?Aug 03 17:04
_DougTo pay for AV 'licenses'Aug 03 17:04
moparx:/Aug 03 17:05
_DougWhat's WanKare .. sounds rudeAug 03 17:05
schestowitzMandriva has this built in. ;-) It's a function, not a product.Aug 03 17:05
schestowitzOneCare.Aug 03 17:05
schestowitz 03 17:08
_DougWell I guess it'll piss off the AV firms, which is why they need to mave to new product.Aug 03 17:13
_DougTo be effective security has to be built into the core.Aug 03 17:14
_Doug"Windows Live OneCare currently features an integrated anti-virus program, firewall, backup and restore utility, tune-up utility with the integrated functionality of Windows Defender for malware protection"Aug 03 17:14
_DougSNORT !!!Aug 03 17:15
schestowitz"Would you like security with that new $1000 Vista PC, sir?" ... "that'll be another $20 per year... or be owned.Aug 03 17:16
_Doug"A two-way firewall protects against trojan or other viral infections running on the local computer" .. well DOH !!Aug 03 17:16
schestowitzThe Microsoft product got slammed so many times, include the firewall. It's in COLA somewhere, and I could find it.Aug 03 17:16
schestowitzIt's akin to Netscape because superior products get run over by Microsoft through bundles with partners..Aug 03 17:17
schestowitzSomeone has just mailed in to say: "There is one year left for Yahoo.  The board has just been given the triple suppository death: 03 17:57
schestowitz"...will expand its board to 11 members from nine and result in Icahn joining the board... former AOL CEO Jonathan Miller was named as a potential director, but AOL parent Time Warner Inc said..."Aug 03 17:57
kentmaah, yahoo are dead then.Aug 03 17:58
kentmawatch the shareprice rise on speculation...Aug 03 17:58
schestowitzRise?Aug 03 17:58
schestowitzWell, if being swallowed by a monster counts...Aug 03 17:59
kentmathere will surely be some expectation of a new offer, so prices will rise until the offer has been effectively "discounted", then there'll be little movement until it gets close to the date.Aug 03 18:00
kentmaah, just found out what type of sat card I need for a 2nd myth box, this one doing satellite (of course).Aug 03 18:01
schestowitzNeuros 'bypasses' that Sat. it does YouTube.Aug 03 18:02
schestowitzBTW, cable/sat are at danger because of models like YouTube (Internet video) just as newspapers are slaughtered by blogs and such. They use DRM and lawsuits (abuse of copyrights) to fight this FOSS is in a similar sandbox... with swpatents. AP is the latest example of using IPR excessively and ignoring FAIR USE.Aug 03 18:08
_Douggot to go ...Aug 03 18:26
*_Doug has quit ()Aug 03 18:26
schestowitzHmmm... weird. Just visited and the trackback at the bottom is a usenet post of mine?? Spotted this by serendipity.Aug 03 18:41
*lis` has quit ("baibai<3")Aug 03 19:39
*lis` ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 03 19:42
schestowitzInteresting stats: "11 percent have already made the switch to Mac OS X or Linux. " 03 20:05
kentmathat's a huge %ageAug 03 20:25
schestowitzWell, based on a survey anyway.Aug 03 20:26
schestowitzIn Microsoft Watch, Joe showed a survey from the enterprise. Linux was shown to be used more than Macs (on the desktop).Aug 03 20:26
kentmaI've suspected this for a very long time.  Anything free is  bound, in the end, to become the dominant "thing", so long as in other respects, it's at least 1/2 as good as what it's replacing.  Linux is better than the incumbent, not worse, so I have no doubts here.Aug 03 20:28
kentmabtw - did you seee my cola posting on JAIN SLEE?Aug 03 20:29
schestowitzYes, I have. Not replied to it though. As for Linux, it leaped ahead of its competition. My friends are wowed when they see Linux. I have it set up quite nicely.Aug 03 20:30
schestowitzRex has just stated this, which I found interesting: """Microsoft has now lost over 110 billion in market cap. This is based on current outstanding shares and price decline over the year. This doesn't take into account Microsoft's stock buy-back, including purchase of shares owned by Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer, which were purchased to keep the sales from flooding the market and crashing the stock price.""Aug 03 20:35
kentmaI wonder if anyone will.  To a great extent, it's about addressing the "jnetX" quote from me, and what it really means.  Timmy, Terekov and Gary totally misunderstand the issue - JAIN SLEE is about opening platforms, so owning your own applications is possible, just like on linux, as opposed to say, using Word on Windows, which is owned by Microsoft.Aug 03 20:35
kentmaschestowitz: Wow!  it's collapsing very fast now.Aug 03 20:35
schestowitz>It was 90 billion when [H]omer wrote about it 1.5 weeks ago.Aug 03 20:36
kentmaUS$20bn in 1.5 weeks...Aug 03 20:36
kentmano wonder the munchkins are getting nasty.Aug 03 20:36
schestowitzWell, Midori and all (yahoo too) could be blamed...Aug 03 20:37
schestowitzRex' mesage as a whole is pretty good.Aug 03 20:37
schestowitz   <e80a7672-51a6-4caa-b2b0-795a8183>Aug 03 20:37
kentmaAnyway, in order to address the search engine issues, I've put my name in the digest title - I hope you and everyone else don't mind about that.  It wasn't my original choice, but...Aug 03 20:37
kentmabizzarelly, pidgin interprets your last url as "mailto"Aug 03 20:38
schestowitzThat's good. I'll be saturated with the many terms therein, so the SERPs won't contain the libel against you, in due time.Aug 03 20:38
kentma Yeah, that was my plan - thanks for your support.  Just reading Rex's post now - it's very good.  Rex goes through phases, but overall, I enjoy his posts.Aug 03 20:39
kentmainterestingly, "mark kent linux" now produces the joe barr obit on BN as the 1st hit :-)Aug 03 20:40
kentmaaha - no - update,  it has today's digest as the 1st hit, and then joe barr on BN as the 2nd main hit!Aug 03 20:42
kentmait works!Aug 03 20:43
kentmahahahahahahahahahahahahhaah!Aug 03 20:43
kentma(sorry)Aug 03 20:43
schestowitzRex repeats the same stories.Aug 03 20:43
kentmaThat's a fault of the aged, I'm afraid.  My dad's been doing the same thing for many years... I've heard so many sea stories, I can't recall them all - he was a RN man.Aug 03 20:44
schestowitzI like the posts from Rex. It's just interesting how he gets 'latched onto the same storyline and then it's like a lecture. RMS is the same.Aug 03 20:45
schestowitzBTW, that libelous thread decays over time (like most, esp. from USENET). It's still 'fresh' in some mirrors and in USENET, that's all.Aug 03 20:48
kentmaMy Mrs accuses me of lecturing her all the time.  Just occasionally, she's probably right...Aug 03 20:51
schestowitzDebates are good... among people who like them.Aug 03 20:53
schestowitzSome people hate debating (they prefer chatting about celebrities and stuff) and there are people who are more annoyed than fascinated by political debates.Aug 03 20:54
kentmaReal debate is fine - the kind of stuff we mostly see on cola is not debate, it's abuse of the most unpleasant kind.  Oddly, it's got worse over time - it used to be not too bad, but as we've migrated cola increasingly to a pro linux position, then the debate has descended into the vitriolic cr4p we see now.Aug 03 20:54
schestowitzWell, I don't see it. :-) I have filters.Aug 03 20:55
moparxwhat would you do without a kill file ;)Aug 03 20:56
schestowitzThe more insults from the trolls, the better. It means the forums needs to be 'shut/shot down', so we're on the right topic.Aug 03 20:56
schestowitzI could get Windows Home Server. Word on the street is that it kill your files... silently.Aug 03 20:57
schestowitzAnother blow for Microsoft, fresh from the news: 03 20:58
kentmaFair point!Aug 03 20:58
schestowitzSome people in the authority attempted to deny this 1-2 month ago, but the articles stayed mixed, depending on the sources.Aug 03 20:58
kentmawow "a good case can be made that the Chinese software pirates are working towards creating a monopoly in China."!Aug 03 20:59
schestowitzyes Gtaes gave them a smoking gun.Aug 03 20:59
kentmaHe probably didn't inhale, though...Aug 03 20:59
schestowitzIn Fortune, IIRC, he admitted that he needs 'piracy' (insulting the Chinese people) to better compete with GNU/Linux.Aug 03 21:00
schestowitzGates doesn't have many smoking guns. They say that he always pases the dirty jobs to his colleagues.Aug 03 21:00
schestowitzIf only I could rtemember where to find that quote.Aug 03 21:00
kentmaIt's like saying that we need to dumb down engineering in order to attract more women and ethnic minorities - I find the argument repellant.Aug 03 21:01
schestowitzThat's like Vista and DRM. "Cutting off the legs of all athletes to see who hobbles best on crutches"Aug 03 21:02
kentmauk - nasty but funny :-)Aug 03 21:02
schestowitzGutmann's analogy.Aug 03 21:03
kentmaanyway, off to find a beer - c u 2morrowAug 03 21:04
kentmaor maybe l8r :-)Aug 03 21:04
schestowitzWill do.Aug 03 21:04
*lis` has quit ("baibai<3")Aug 03 21:53

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