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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: March 6th, 2009 - Part 1


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Balrogcool.Mar 06 00:00
_Hicham_Roy, a cup of tea plzMar 06 00:00
wispygalaxydo you like to cook, royMar 06 00:00
wispygalaxyi like baking stuff tooMar 06 00:00
_Hicham_Roy seems to be a good cookerMar 06 00:01
wispygalaxyi got an A in cooking class hahaMar 06 00:01
schestowitzme?Mar 06 00:01
schestowitzCook?Mar 06 00:01
wispygalaxyi can make stir fry really wellMar 06 00:01
wispygalaxyyes you :)Mar 06 00:01
schestowitzNo, I'm just boiling water nowMar 06 00:01
wispygalaxyi can do that too ;)Mar 06 00:02
schestowitzCuisine is a culture thingMar 06 00:02
schestowitzMaybe more relevant in the more distant pastMar 06 00:02
wispygalaxyit's kinda relaxing to doMar 06 00:03
schestowitzAnd for arrogant suits who pretend that tiny appetizers and 10 plates with 'samples' in one meal makes them importantMar 06 00:03
schestowitzA lot of food can be mass-produced these daysMar 06 00:03
schestowitzEven cakesMar 06 00:03
wispygalaxymaking a cake for someone shows that you care about themMar 06 00:03
wispygalaxyi do that for my familyMar 06 00:03
schestowitzFactories automate a lof of the process and even reduce energy consumption compared to duplication of effort at homes.Mar 06 00:03
PetoKrausroy indeed seems to be a good cooker!Mar 06 00:04
schestowitzProblem is, this enables reckless populationb growthMar 06 00:04
PetoKrausan electric one with ceramic plate!Mar 06 00:04
wispygalaxyhey pk!Mar 06 00:04
schestowitzAnd one day when energy crisis hits people can starveMar 06 00:04
wispygalaxyhahaMar 06 00:04
schestowitzNot funnyMar 06 00:04
wispygalaxyi was talking to pk hahaMar 06 00:04
PetoKrausi'm sorry, but this typo is actually quite amusing ;)Mar 06 00:04
schestowitzPetoKraus: Hehe.Mar 06 00:04
schestowitzI missed that oneMar 06 00:04
wispygalaxyroy you got mad at me :(Mar 06 00:05
schestowitzNo, why|?Mar 06 00:05
schestowitzBecause text carried no emotion or tone?Mar 06 00:05
wispygalaxyit's easy to misinterpret thingsMar 06 00:05
PetoKrausthis memory leak is retardedMar 06 00:06
wispygalaxyonline i meanMar 06 00:06
PetoKrausbrbMar 06 00:06
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 06 00:06
Balrogeveryone can boil water :PMar 06 00:06
wispygalaxyi did for my chem classMar 06 00:07
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 00:07
wispygalaxyi miss science class experimentsMar 06 00:07
PetoKrausthere we go, 1200MB ram freed by simple Xorg restartMar 06 00:07
wispygalaxyi have to take one science course in order to graduateMar 06 00:07
BalroghehMar 06 00:07
wispygalaxycool pkMar 06 00:07
BalrogI'm doing physics, so that's a lot of science coursesMar 06 00:07
PetoKrausit isn't coolMar 06 00:08
PetoKrausit's annoyingMar 06 00:08
Balrogwhat?!?! Which Xorg are you using?Mar 06 00:08
PetoKraus1.6.0Mar 06 00:08
BalrogewMar 06 00:08
PetoKrausi presume the bug is in the ati driverMar 06 00:08
Balrogbetter than 1.5.x?Mar 06 00:08
PetoKrauswellMar 06 00:08
PetoKrausit has a bloody memleakMar 06 00:08
BalrogI heard that Arch Linux moved the ati driver out of the main repo?Mar 06 00:08
PetoKrausyesMar 06 00:08
wispygalaxywhen you have to do experiments and write lab reports, i hate thatMar 06 00:08
PetoKrausarch is The Revolution againist GPU driversMar 06 00:08
PetoKrausfglrx pushed out to community/aurMar 06 00:09
_Hicham_PetKraus : what ATI card to u have?Mar 06 00:09
schestowitzMSI finally does Linux: 06 00:09
PetoKrausin the same week AMD said they are dropping support for anything older than R500Mar 06 00:09
PetoKraus_Hicham_: Mobility Radeon X1400Mar 06 00:09
PetoKraussee, that's a good idea actuallyMar 06 00:09
PetoKrausi might try radeonhdMar 06 00:09
PetoKraus!!!!!Mar 06 00:09
wispygalaxyinstant on?  wow!Mar 06 00:09
schestowitzPetoKraus: what eats it all up (RAM)?Mar 06 00:09
PetoKrausxorgMar 06 00:10
schestowitzUse diagnostics to get... OHMar 06 00:10
schestowitzxorg?Mar 06 00:10
PetoKrausxorgMar 06 00:10
schestowitzHow come?Mar 06 00:10
PetoKrausthe serverMar 06 00:10
PetoKrausand if i use xrestop, it doesn't show anythingMar 06 00:10
PetoKrausanything more than 3MBMar 06 00:10
schestowitzPetoKraus: so don't use xMar 06 00:10
schestowitzthere are cli-based irc clientsMar 06 00:10
PetoKraus:DMar 06 00:11
schestowitzand lynxMar 06 00:11
PetoKraussureMar 06 00:11
_Hicham_PetoKraus : what distribution is this?Mar 06 00:11
PetoKrausArch LinuxMar 06 00:11
PetoKrausi'll be right backMar 06 00:11
PetoKrauswith radeonhdMar 06 00:11
wispygalaxyis arch one of the fastest distros?Mar 06 00:11
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 06 00:11
schestowitzSeems likelyMar 06 00:11
schestowitzThere goes X down again?Mar 06 00:11
wispygalaxyare you using red hat now roy?Mar 06 00:11
schestowitzNo.Mar 06 00:11
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 00:12
schestowitzI'd rather move to BLAG or Debian nextMar 06 00:12
wispygalaxywhat do you useMar 06 00:12
schestowitzBut I also like MandMar 06 00:12
PetoKrausthere we goMar 06 00:12
wispygalaxygo for debian, duh ;)Mar 06 00:12
schestowitzThe sooner Microsoft goes the betterMar 06 00:12
_Hicham_roy, what are u using right now?Mar 06 00:12
schestowitzIf Mand and others can patiently wait for MS' Chapter 11, that'll be a boon for themMar 06 00:12
PetoKrauschapter 11?Mar 06 00:12
schestowitz_Hicham_: mandriva 2008.1 mostlyMar 06 00:12
schestowitzIt's my second partitionMar 06 00:12
PetoKrausthat's bankrupcy?Mar 06 00:12
wispygalaxybankrupcyMar 06 00:12
schestowitzyesMar 06 00:13
schestowitzThey begged for bailoutMar 06 00:13
schestowitzIt figuresMar 06 00:13
wispygalaxykmart filed for thatMar 06 00:13
schestowitzkmart can be acuired by kdeMar 06 00:13
schestowitzfits wellMar 06 00:13
wispygalaxyhaha!Mar 06 00:13
schestowitz*acquiredMar 06 00:13
wispygalaxykoolMar 06 00:13
schestowitzEven KDE renamed appsMar 06 00:13
schestowitzAt least in the menusMar 06 00:13
schestowitzKIMPMar 06 00:13
wispygalaxykash registerMar 06 00:13
wispygalaxykosmetics aisleMar 06 00:14
schestowitzKA-NOMEMar 06 00:14
schestowitzKomoMar 06 00:14
schestowitzMono..Mar 06 00:14
BalroghahaMar 06 00:14
schestowitzKumoMar 06 00:14
schestowitzKumo is a bad nameMar 06 00:14
schestowitzAssociation of another Microsoft deathMar 06 00:14
schestowitzLike Equipt, remember?Mar 06 00:14
schestowitzOr SPOT watch?Mar 06 00:14
wispygalaxyyepMar 06 00:15
schestowitzHehe. Flight Simulator....... RIP... bit bucket..Mar 06 00:15
schestowitzDid Microsoft buy Flight Simulatos?Mar 06 00:15
_Hicham_do u like everything being named with K in KDE?Mar 06 00:15
schestowitzMaybe they wish there were never boughtMar 06 00:15
schestowitzMicrosoft shut down Enseble last yearMar 06 00:15
schestowitzIt f*ed over Bungie as well.Mar 06 00:15
wispygalaxyi had flight simulator with win 3.1Mar 06 00:15
schestowitz*Ensembl;eMar 06 00:15
schestowitz_Hicham_: it's not good marketingMar 06 00:16
wispygalaxyi was so afraid of crashing in that game that i stayed far away from the groundMar 06 00:16
schestowitzI had migraines with Win 3.1Mar 06 00:16
_Hicham_Qt is completely GPLed nowMar 06 00:16
wispygalaxyheh mustard themeMar 06 00:16
schestowitzSeriously now... Windows 3.1 has Solitaire... maybe the only useful part in itMar 06 00:16
schestowitzThen there was THIRD-PART s/w.Mar 06 00:16
wispygalaxymy dad loved that gameMar 06 00:16
wispygalaxysolitaireMar 06 00:17
schestowitz*Party. That's why Microsoft still holds on to somethingMar 06 00:17
schestowitzBreaking standards and screwing over os/2 as wellMar 06 00:17
wispygalaxythat sucksMar 06 00:17
schestowitzI need to do those exhibits sometimesMar 06 00:17
schestowitzMaybe you'll help me.Mar 06 00:17
schestowitzCock County Sues Craigslist Over Prostitution Ads < >Mar 06 00:18
wispygalaxyok we'll see what we can do, sounds coolMar 06 00:18
wispygalaxycock county? lolMar 06 00:18
schestowitzThat's how I read it firstMar 06 00:19
schestowitzThis one I read as : Microsoft Ditches Surface to New Markets < >Mar 06 00:19
*wispygalaxy has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Mar 06 00:21
*wispygalaxy (i=9f5b894f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 00:21
BalrogFlight Simulator ... that was one good MS product I used to use ... thew bought it back in the 80's and it got better until latelyMar 06 00:21
wispygalaxyi hit restart by mistake hahaMar 06 00:22
schestowitzwispygalaxy: gone to Hispterville?Mar 06 00:22
Balrogand now they cancel it :(Mar 06 00:22
wispygalaxyi left the channel for a secondMar 06 00:22
schestowitzBalrog: MS is in seriously deep mudMar 06 00:22
schestowitzLike SunMar 06 00:22
wispygalaxynope XDMar 06 00:22
Balrogwispygalaxy: any reason you're using mibbit?Mar 06 00:22
schestowitzBut Microsoft had money to buy back stockMar 06 00:22
wispygalaxymy sis is a hipster, kindaMar 06 00:22
schestowitzAnd it had power to corruptMar 06 00:22
schestowitzIn the press and in DCMar 06 00:22
Balrogschestowitz: I know. It sucks for us, the usersMar 06 00:22
wispygalaxyit's convenient lolMar 06 00:23
Balrogthe good products die, the bad ones keep goingMar 06 00:23
schestowitzSo people don't get told how seriously f*ed they are and they corrupt the system with stuff like patentsMar 06 00:23
BalrogI use irssi via sshMar 06 00:23
schestowitzTheir new business model is like SCO'sMar 06 00:23
schestowitzBut they needed to corrupt some systems for itMar 06 00:23
wispygalaxycool balrogMar 06 00:23
Balrogthough SCO was more blatantMar 06 00:23
schestowitzIncluding EPO and the India patents bureauMar 06 00:23
wispygalaxysco is deadMar 06 00:23
schestowitzwispygalaxy: hippie >> hipsterMar 06 00:24
Balrog???Mar 06 00:24
Balrogsco is pretty much deadMar 06 00:24
wispygalaxyhipsters are different in the usaMar 06 00:24
schestowitzYes, it isMar 06 00:24
wispygalaxythey are kinda like punks, but more artsyMar 06 00:24
schestowitzLike Duke NukemMar 06 00:24
schestowitzIt's there, somewhereMar 06 00:24
schestowitzIn abandonwareMar 06 00:24
wispygalaxyhaha DNFMar 06 00:24
Balrogwhat's the argument about hippies and hipsters? I don't subscribe to either ideology :PMar 06 00:25
wispygalaxygood hahaMar 06 00:25
wispygalaxyhipsters try too hardMar 06 00:25
schestowitzLike yddgdrasil.. 06 00:25
wispygalaxyhigh priced clothing and allMar 06 00:25
schestowitz"Driivng the economy"Mar 06 00:26
wispygalaxycool chartMar 06 00:26
wispygalaxylinux is a teen stillMar 06 00:26
schestowitz"Hi, I'm a hipster... and I'm a Bee Cee (BC)"Mar 06 00:27
schestowitzJoing the future... get gnuMar 06 00:27
wispygalaxylmaoMar 06 00:27
wispygalaxymy sis doesn't have a mac thoughMar 06 00:27
BalrogYes I use Macs ... but I'm not a hippie or a hipster :PMar 06 00:27
wispygalaxyshe has a toshiba like meMar 06 00:27
BalrogI've worked with ToshibasMar 06 00:27
PetoKrausapart from arch not being based on cruMar 06 00:27
Balrogthe driver support sucks badlyMar 06 00:27
PetoKraus*cruxMar 06 00:27
schestowitz 06 00:27
wispygalaxyyeah it does :(Mar 06 00:27
wispygalaxyhp is easier to deal with'Mar 06 00:28
wispygalaxylol @ the picMar 06 00:28
PetoKrausmonooooooooooooooMar 06 00:28
Balrogwell Mac does emphasize proper engineering very highly ... yes there's still advertisingMar 06 00:28
wispygalaxyi though you said moooo lolMar 06 00:28
wispygalaxysry hahaMar 06 00:28
Balrogbut if you look at how the system is put together, it's quite organizedMar 06 00:29
wispygalaxyhave you made a hackintosh beforeMar 06 00:29
Balroglike the application / file package scheme ... works very well. No one else uses itMar 06 00:29
BalrogYes, I have. Not very successful, as I don't have a Core2 system to play around withMar 06 00:30
wispygalaxyawesome :)Mar 06 00:30
wispygalaxyat least you did itMar 06 00:30
wispygalaxyi couldn't do that nowMar 06 00:30
BalrogYeah. I had 10.4 working for a whileMar 06 00:30
Balrogwispygalaxy: why not?Mar 06 00:30
wispygalaxynot leet enough :(Mar 06 00:30
wispygalaxybut you seem really smart balrogMar 06 00:31
Balrogthat's what people sayMar 06 00:31
wispygalaxydouble major is a sign of that :)Mar 06 00:31
Balrogbut there's a lot I don't knowMar 06 00:31
Balrogheh lolMar 06 00:31
wispygalaxyadmitting that makes you appear wiseMar 06 00:32
wispygalaxythey say people who arent smart overestimate themselvesMar 06 00:32
wispygalaxyand say they know everythingMar 06 00:32
wispygalaxyi learned that in psychologyMar 06 00:32
Balroglike I don't know C ... I can read it and partially understand it, but I can't write in itMar 06 00:32
wispygalaxythe people who are intelligent know that they have shortcomingsMar 06 00:32
Balrogheh ... know everythingMar 06 00:33
BalroglolMar 06 00:33
wispygalaxyknow-it-alls hahaMar 06 00:33
BalrogyeahMar 06 00:33
wispygalaxylinux is in c, right?Mar 06 00:33
BalrogC and C++Mar 06 00:33
wispygalaxythe kernel i meanMar 06 00:33
BalrogyesMar 06 00:33
wispygalaxycoolMar 06 00:33
wispygalaxygtk is C++Mar 06 00:33
BalrogI'd go with Qt though these daysMar 06 00:34
wispygalaxythat's neatMar 06 00:34
schestowitzPetoKraus: shouldn't it be moooooooooooooooooono? I know bulls and gnus don't moo, but sitll...Mar 06 00:34
wispygalaxyhaha!Mar 06 00:35
Balrogthe Mac kernel is in C/C++, but apps are in this combination of C and Smalltalk (an object-oriented language originally used by Xerox for their PARC GUI stuff; somewhat like Java) called Objective-CMar 06 00:35
Balrogbut that's just the GUI partMar 06 00:35
wispygalaxycool i didnt know that balrogMar 06 00:35
Balrogand there's a Qt libraryMar 06 00:35
wispygalaxyconvenient ;)Mar 06 00:35
wispygalaxyrofl, someone's computer in my dorm just said "you got mail"Mar 06 00:35
BalroghehMar 06 00:35
wispygalaxyreally loudlyMar 06 00:35
BalrogI hate AOLMar 06 00:35
wispygalaxyi never used it thankfully lolMar 06 00:36
BalrogI use AIM, but they don't care for your accountMar 06 00:36
schestowitzIt used to be my mail notifierMar 06 00:36
wispygalaxybut i have used IMMar 06 00:36
schestowitz[When I was like 16]Mar 06 00:36
wispygalaxycool royMar 06 00:36
Balrogmy friends use IM, so I do tooMar 06 00:36
wispygalaxyi havent used my IM account since 2005Mar 06 00:36
wispygalaxyi have gtalkMar 06 00:37
Balrogfacebook IM is becoming more popular ... though the 'clients' for it are all hacksMar 06 00:37
Balrog;PMar 06 00:37
wispygalaxyhehMar 06 00:37
Balrogthey pretend to be a web browser and interact with the web page chat systemMar 06 00:37
schestowitzAuthor claims political pressure behind cancellation of Stalin book < > Grrrrrr...Mar 06 00:37
schestowitzCensorship.Mar 06 00:37
wispygalaxyhiding the truth?Mar 06 00:38
schestowitzAOL AWOLMar 06 00:38
schestowitzwispygalaxy: dunno, haven't read it yetMar 06 00:38
schestowitzRMS linked to thisMar 06 00:38
wispygalaxyreally?  coolMar 06 00:38
schestowitz " US financial companies spent 5 billion dollars on lobbying and political campaigns to procure the deregulation that allowed them to create the financial crisis. I don't see any sign that Obama wants to change the system which lets businesses control our so-called democracy. "Mar 06 00:38
wispygalaxythats interesting balrogMar 06 00:38
BalrogI'm not surprised. Russia is getting worse. :/Mar 06 00:38
schestowitzOnly $5 billion?Mar 06 00:38
schestowitzHey, we could chip in too and counter that, right?Mar 06 00:39
wispygalaxylobbyists ughMar 06 00:39
schestowitzThat's many billions in pockets of corruptible 'Representatives' (of their families)Mar 06 00:39
wispygalaxyi read supercapitalism, it talks all about lobbyistsMar 06 00:39
schestowitzThe system needs to be scrapedMar 06 00:39
schestowitzLondon's the same BTWMar 06 00:39
wispygalaxyi want to go to londonMar 06 00:40
schestowitzThey tried to revive regulations last year (El Reg report)Mar 06 00:40
schestowitzToo little, too lateMar 06 00:40
Balrogschestowitz: what do you mean by 'the system'?Mar 06 00:40
schestowitzThe UK is in debt of $3 trillion.Mar 06 00:40
wispygalaxywowMar 06 00:40
schestowitzTime to work for the man (China)Mar 06 00:40
Balrogthe IS is in debt like 9 or 10 trillionMar 06 00:40
schestowitzBalrog: system=political systemMar 06 00:40
schestowitzSorry, I know "system" can mean all sorts of thingsMar 06 00:40
schestowitzLessig has a projectMar 06 00:40
wispygalaxyi though "the man" = RIAAMar 06 00:40
wispygalaxy;)Mar 06 00:40
schestowitz"Change Congress"Mar 06 00:40
Balrogthe current political system does not meet the ideals that were set over 200 years agoMar 06 00:41
schestowitzMade me sound there like Communista Anarchista talking about "the system"..Mar 06 00:41
Balrog>90% of 'representatives' are lawyers ... does that 'represent' the population fairly?Mar 06 00:41
schestowitzyes i knowMar 06 00:41
wispygalaxythe consistution was made so that change could be incorporatedMar 06 00:41
schestowitzSame in EuropeMar 06 00:41
schestowitzBritish MPs = layersMar 06 00:41
schestowitzSarko tooMar 06 00:42
Balrogbut the constitution isn't being followedMar 06 00:42
schestowitzBush was in chargeMar 06 00:42
wispygalaxyvery sad :(Mar 06 00:42
schestowitzSaving the country from the wrath of the IraquisMar 06 00:42
schestowitzScaryMar 06 00:42
schestowitzNeed MARSHALLMar 06 00:42
wispygalaxywe should respect ourselves moreMar 06 00:42
Balrogand then you have these laws that are 100s or 1000s of pages ... how do you know what you're passing?????Mar 06 00:42
Balrogcome onMar 06 00:42
wispygalaxymy english teacher admitted in high school that he rarely reads contracts closely, he reads the first paragraph and signs it lolMar 06 00:43
schestowitzBrave Cowboy George survives the imaginary 'Lybian assassins' who chased him down in DCMar 06 00:43
wispygalaxyyeah i cant imagine reading 1000s pagesMar 06 00:43
Balrogheh...if you SIGN something, you better read itMar 06 00:43
wispygalaxyhe said whatever hahaMar 06 00:43
Balrogand idk how click-to-agree license agreements can be enforcedMar 06 00:43
schestowitzToday: MPAA Study Calls For Piracy Patriot Act < >Mar 06 00:44
schestowitzStop the sharersMar 06 00:44
wispygalaxywe talked about that in my business law class balrogMar 06 00:44
schestowitzThey are killing popleMar 06 00:44
schestowitzThey have guns and NU-ki-lar weaponsMar 06 00:44
wispygalaxythere needs to be more done about sigsMar 06 00:44
schestowitzThere's the Lisbon oneMar 06 00:45
schestowitzHold on... good videoMar 06 00:45
wispygalaxyriaa is worse, imoMar 06 00:45
wispygalaxywith regards to freedomMar 06 00:45
Balrogwe have the RIAA, the MPAA, and the BSAMar 06 00:45
Balrogamong othersMar 06 00:45
schestowitz 06 00:45
Balrogprobably in that orderMar 06 00:45
schestowitzWatch that first video about the length of the docMar 06 00:45
wispygalaxytrue balrogMar 06 00:45
Balrogand what about so-called 'abandonware'?Mar 06 00:45
schestowitzBSA = Gates' friendsMar 06 00:46
schestowitzThere are family connections thereMar 06 00:46
schestowitzHow to beat FOSS?Mar 06 00:46
Balrogyeah I hear stories....:/Mar 06 00:46
schestowitzSet up 'indpendent ' bodiesMar 06 00:46
wispygalaxyabandonware gamesMar 06 00:46
schestowitzWrite down some rulesMar 06 00:46
wispygalaxyfoss will winMar 06 00:46
schestowitzPay billions to those 'bodies' (buddies) to shill and legalise themMar 06 00:46
Balrogthe people I work for (sysadmins) are convinced that the BSA is with MSMar 06 00:46
schestowitzE.g. sw patents in EUMar 06 00:46
schestowitzThat's white collar crimesMar 06 00:46
schestowitzBut they believe they do it for the betterment of society\]Mar 06 00:46
Balrogfoss will probably have a big 40% or more and it will be on every computerMar 06 00:47
wispygalaxyNOTMar 06 00:47
schestowitzI asked Zuck, "how do you sleep at night?"Mar 06 00:47
wispygalaxyi hope so balrogMar 06 00:47
schestowitz"Think about what you're doing"Mar 06 00:47
schestowitzShort or wrapping his house in toilet paperMar 06 00:47
schestowitzOr doing this: 06 00:48
BalrogMacs already have a good bit of FOSS; Linux is taking the other part of the market (lower-cost, people who don't want macs, people who don't care, etc)Mar 06 00:48
wispygalaxymy sister's friend's house was Toilet papered onceMar 06 00:48
wispygalaxyone kid hated herMar 06 00:48
*Balrog never heard of such thingsMar 06 00:48
wispygalaxyso my sis had to help her clean it up, to be a good friendMar 06 00:48
BalroghehMar 06 00:49
wispygalaxythey got it cleaned up before the sun came up, whewMar 06 00:49
wispygalaxymy dad saw it when he came home late from work, they immediately started cleaning it upMar 06 00:50
wispygalaxymy dorm was TP'd too this year hahaMar 06 00:50
Balrogthat's not stuff I heard about beforeMar 06 00:50
wispygalaxynot my room, the outside i meanMar 06 00:50
wispygalaxytreesMar 06 00:51
BalrogohMar 06 00:51
wispygalaxyit was for halloweenMar 06 00:51
Balrog 06 00:51
BalrogUAC is broken badlyMar 06 00:51
schestowitzIn BNMar 06 00:51
Balrog??Mar 06 00:52
BalrogandMar 06 00:52
Balrog 06 00:52
wispygalaxygood links, balrogMar 06 00:53
wispygalaxyi'm playing the egg attack game now XDMar 06 00:54
schestowitzI've just realised that Microsoft named a filesystem after its CEOMar 06 00:54
Balrogwhich one?Mar 06 00:54
wispygalaxyFATMar 06 00:54
BalroghehMar 06 00:54
wispygalaxyrofl royMar 06 00:55
Balroggates?Mar 06 00:55
Balrogdoesn't sound rightMar 06 00:55
schestowitzThey didn't invest PerlMar 06 00:55
Balroggates != FATMar 06 00:55
schestowitzFor Pearly gatesMar 06 00:55
wispygalaxyi thought ballmerMar 06 00:55
Balrogballmer is only now their ceoMar 06 00:55
Balrogwhen fat appeared, gates was the ceoMar 06 00:55
schestowitzLinux made two projectsMar 06 00:55
wispygalaxyit still fits hahaMar 06 00:56
schestowitzBoth are named after himMar 06 00:56
schestowitz*LinusMar 06 00:56
schestowitzLinux, GitMar 06 00:56
Balrogyeah lolMar 06 00:56
wispygalaxylolMar 06 00:56
schestowitzBritish slangMar 06 00:56
BalrogI read about itMar 06 00:56
schestowitzI knew Ballmer/FAT was all about patentsMar 06 00:57
schestowitz"Cancer" this, "cancel" thatMar 06 00:57
wispygalaxyhahMar 06 00:57
Balrogbut how can you enforce a patent after 14 years?Mar 06 00:57
Balrogwell, Unisys did it with GIFMar 06 00:57
schestowitzCancer.NET, cancel Flight SimulatorMar 06 00:57
Balrogsee what has happened to GIF todayMar 06 00:57
Balrogyeah, Flight Simulator ... the quite-large community is very upsetMar 06 00:58
wispygalaxyi have to go guys, talk to you soon!Mar 06 00:58
Balrogmany are switching to mac / linuxMar 06 00:58
Balrogtalk later :)Mar 06 00:58
wispygalaxytake care balrog!Mar 06 00:58
Balrogyeah ...Mar 06 00:59
wispygalaxyi'll see you later, roy!  ;)Mar 06 01:00
*wispygalaxy has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Mar 06 01:00
schestowitzVista vulnerabilities March on  < >Mar 06 01:01
schestowitzBalrog: yes, hold on.Mar 06 01:02
schestowitzI posted about this recently.Mar 06 01:02
schestowitzThe open source subs are taking off (pun)Mar 06 01:02
Balrogthe open-source flight simulator is nowhere near the other available stuffMar 06 01:02
schestowitzHere. The mother load: 06 01:02
Balrogwhich is a $50 product from an independent developer anywayMar 06 01:03
Balrog(scenery costs money to produce)Mar 06 01:03
Balrogkeep that in mind ... it's not exactly 'software'Mar 06 01:03
BalrogThe Qt SDK does NOT support Visual Studio :)Mar 06 01:04
Balrog(there's a beta addin though )Mar 06 01:04
schestowitzHehe.Mar 06 01:06
schestowitzMicrosoft hates VS addonsMar 06 01:06
Balrogsure they doMar 06 01:06
schestowitzI suppose you may have heard the banned MVP storyMar 06 01:06
BalrogexplainMar 06 01:07
schestowitzHow dare he add value to VSMar 06 01:07
schestowitzWait..Mar 06 01:07
schestowitzFound it. Read this: 06 01:08
schestowitzYou'll see there what I'm referring toMar 06 01:08
schestowitz"Microsoft threatens its Most Valuable Professional"Mar 06 01:08
BalrogI see.Mar 06 01:10
Balrogwhat do you think of the LLVM / Clang project?Mar 06 01:10
schestowitzWeird... 06 01:12
schestowitzThis got pulledMar 06 01:12
schestowitzTo keep eye on (needs post tomorrow morning): rosoft patent protection pactsMar 06 01:16
schestowitz* 06 01:16
Balrogit was moved: 06 01:18
Balrogschestowitz: got it?Mar 06 01:19
Balrog 06 01:20
Balrog"A group at the University of Washington also showed how simple it was to attract bogus infringement notices; even a network-attached printer was identified as a culprit."Mar 06 01:20
BalrogheheMar 06 01:20
Balroginteresting ... there was one MS MVP who reverse engineered flight simulator code to add hooks for external appsMar 06 01:25
BalrogMS didn't complainMar 06 01:25
schestowitzUbuntu or Xubuntu? It’s getting harder to choose < >Mar 06 01:26
Balroggo with KubuntuMar 06 01:26
BalrogKDE4.2 is greatMar 06 01:26
schestowitzHehe. Printer 'pirating'?Mar 06 01:27
schestowitzPut an eye patch and hood  on itMar 06 01:27
BalrogyeahMar 06 01:27
schestowitzPaint a frown on itMar 06 01:27
schestowitzBalrog: not /my/ question, blog title there.Mar 06 01:27
Balrogthough NAS 'pirating' is sure possible :)Mar 06 01:28
Balrogyeah I knowMar 06 01:28
schestowitzI see that Matt Lee wrote himMar 06 01:28
schestowitzI know him and met him.Mar 06 01:28
schestowitzYou could DDOS the MAFIAA like thisMar 06 01:29
Balrogwrote whom?Mar 06 01:29
schestowitzSet up things that are mock copyrighted contentMar 06 01:29
Balrogyeah :PMar 06 01:29
schestowitzAuhomate the processesMar 06 01:29
schestowitzFlood their detection systemMar 06 01:30
Balrogthey do that on the torrent sites ... make a bogus torrent, encrypt itMar 06 01:30
schestowitzThe problem with these rules is that whole familities will get disconnected over disputed to do with legal stuffMar 06 01:30
schestowitzLike torrenting an issue of a Linux magMar 06 01:30
Balrogyou spend hours downloading it, then find out it's 0'sMar 06 01:30
schestowitzGood luck wasting hours on the phone retracting the "first strike"Mar 06 01:30
Balrogyeah :/Mar 06 01:30
Balrogor Qt 4.5Mar 06 01:30
schestowitzMost people won't bother Mar 06 01:30
schestowitzWhen 3rd hits they'll say "why didn't you complain the first time?"Mar 06 01:31
BalrogyeahMar 06 01:31
schestowitz"To speak to an operator, please press 5.... hold on while we dead with other 'stikes' [music plays like an elevator]"Mar 06 01:31
Balrogwhere's the proof? innocent BEFORE proven guilty, right?????Mar 06 01:31
schestowitz*deal with other 'strikes'Mar 06 01:31
Balroguse a blocklist / peerguardian to begin withMar 06 01:32
schestowitzNot good for MAFIAAMar 06 01:32
schestowitzThey own the WebMar 06 01:32
schestowitzFirst they shootMar 06 01:32
schestowitzBut /SOME/ people /MIGHT/ use it just to do legit stuff... like meMar 06 01:32
schestowitzHow dare I use their Interwebs?Mar 06 01:32
Balrogyeah.Mar 06 01:32
schestowitzHow long I haven't used this wallpaper: 06 01:33
schestowitz"I'm still sticking with KDE 4.2.0 as my everyday desktop and enjoying most of it though:)" 06 01:33
Balroghe should update to 4.2.1Mar 06 01:34
BalrogI can't use KDE4.2 because of the old nvidia driver that requires Xorg 1.4Mar 06 01:34
BalrogKDE4.2 requires Xorg 1.5Mar 06 01:35
schestowitzHehe.  Microsoft Office for netbooks being prepared < >. They move to an advertising model now?Mar 06 01:36
schestowitzThey are killing themselvesMar 06 01:36
Balrogadvertising is no replacement for a good productMar 06 01:37
schestowitzGiving their stuff away for free due to SAAS/FOSS (Google/OOo)Mar 06 01:37
schestowitzThat's not a steady business model for the VOleMar 06 01:37
Balrogwith a bad product, advertising won't helpMar 06 01:37
schestowitzAdvertising in office I meanMar 06 01:37
schestowitzI read about it earlierMar 06 01:37
schestowitzI think they want to embed adsMar 06 01:37
schestowitzLike in WorksMar 06 01:37
Balrogew.Mar 06 01:38
Balrogmaking it adwareMar 06 01:38
schestowitzYesMar 06 01:39
schestowitzOOo was heading the same wayMar 06 01:39
schestowitzMaybe still isMar 06 01:39
schestowitzJonathan Schwartz went defensiveMar 06 01:39
BalrogI don't think it isMar 06 01:39
schestowitzAnd Go-OO won't allow that to happenMar 06 01:39
schestowitzMitchell Baker has a curious hairstyle: 06 01:40
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@ has left #boycottnovellMar 06 01:40
schestowitzFirefox 3.0.7 security and stability release now available < >Mar 06 01:41
schestowitzA Better Solitaire. < >. Party in Linux like you're a Microsoft-certified Solitaire EngineerMar 06 01:41
Balrogwho runs Go-OO?Mar 06 01:43
balzacWhat a bad opening sentence in that article: Firefox has long been the Burger King to er's McDonaldsMar 06 01:45
balzacmy pasted string got mangledMar 06 01:45
balzacFirefox has long been the Burger King to Internet Explorer&#8217;s McDonald&#8217;s.Mar 06 01:46
balzacInternet Explorer is more like a Big Mac made  with bovine estrogen and other hormones, farmer's anti-biotics, bovine spongiform encephalitis, and a percentage of fecal content.Mar 06 01:48
balzacFirefox is more like a burger made from organic farming methods, perhaps even an organic vegan burger.Mar 06 01:49
Balrogwell not fullyMar 06 01:50
Balrogthere's the name thingMar 06 01:50
Balrogfirefox / iceweaselMar 06 01:50
balzacare you referring to FF trademarking?Mar 06 01:53
BalrogyesMar 06 01:54
balzacI'm not very familiar with that discussionMar 06 01:54
schestowitzThe Microsoft goons are crapping out libel againMar 06 01:56
schestowitzThat old 'plant' of theirsMar 06 01:57
schestowitzC.O.L.A. is a mess. Hundreds of times they've posted (and planted 'on my behalf') stories about me changing sexes and molesting children etc etc.  Schmidt was right about the Internet becoming a "cesspool". I worry there's no easy solution.Mar 06 01:59
BalroghrrmMar 06 02:00
BalrogC.O.L.A?Mar 06 02:00
schestowitzYesMar 06 02:01
schestowitzUSENETMar 06 02:01
Balrogwho are they?Mar 06 02:01
schestowitzMicrosoft MunchkinsMar 06 02:01
schestowitzI killfile themMar 06 02:02
schestowitzTime wastersMar 06 02:02
Balrogusenet is known for thatMar 06 02:02
schestowitzThey achieve the very opposite of what they try..Mar 06 02:02
schestowitzRather than demote, their constant attack draw attention.Mar 06 02:02
schestowitzThey sometimes just point to things that I writeMar 06 02:02
BalroghehMar 06 02:03
schestowitzThey give more exposure but maybe they can't help it. If they were wise, they'd ignoreMar 06 02:03
Balrogheh yeahMar 06 02:04
schestowitzIt's like free publicity, not that I'd read their junkMar 06 02:05
BalrogI don't even use usenetMar 06 02:05
schestowitzBy choosing nonsensical attacks like "sex change" they arouse immediate realisation that it's just a lieMar 06 02:05
BalrogobviouslyMar 06 02:06
schestowitzEventually people just check for the truth, come to my site or whatever... so what have the trolls aschieved with their libel? Streisand effect.Mar 06 02:06
BalroghehMar 06 02:06
Balrogthat's how it worksMar 06 02:06
twitterthe trolls were trying to make you quit, Roy.Mar 06 02:08
twitterthey wanted your work to be so unpleasant that no normal person would bother.Mar 06 02:08
twitterboy did they get that wrong, ha ha.Mar 06 02:08
Balrogthat's the type of troll that's an idiotMar 06 02:08
Balrogthat's been shown through historyMar 06 02:08
schestowitzCould be worse.Mar 06 02:09
schestowitzLike Ken'sMar 06 02:09
twitterno, the attacks can be effective.Mar 06 02:09
schestowitzThey attacked himphysicallyMar 06 02:09
twitterKen who?Mar 06 02:09
schestowitzAnd it makes him even /more/ respected.Mar 06 02:09
Balrogcertain ones canMar 06 02:09
schestowitztwitter: you didn't hearMar 06 02:09
schestowitzSee BNMar 06 02:09
Balrogbut a few people will go to the site to see what's upMar 06 02:10
twitterI've been trying to get a few things done.  Missed the newsMar 06 02:10
BalrogI didn't see itMar 06 02:10
schestowitzignore, laught, attack (patents), physical attack, loseMar 06 02:10
*indiana (i=18202eed@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 02:10
schestowitzHey, indiana Mar 06 02:10
schestowitzBalrog: it's the post with a photo of an angry kidMar 06 02:10
schestowitztessier contibuted the second storyMar 06 02:11
*indiana (i=18202eed@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellMar 06 02:11
BalrogI see.Mar 06 02:12
twittera lot of tempers are short lately.  The M$ people deserve what they get though.  For decades they have smugly sat on the "popularity" of their crap and bullied everyone else.Mar 06 02:13
twitterIt's hard to tell if the attack on Ken was random or planned.Mar 06 02:13
twitterbullies, sooner or later, resort to real violenceMar 06 02:13
twitterI was trying to tell Balrog that the verbal attacks can be effective, even if they are crazy.  Try explaining the nonsense to your family.Mar 06 02:14
Balrogof course they are effectiveMar 06 02:15
Balrogin the short termMar 06 02:15
twitterIt takes a very special and principled family to back someone like Roy in the face of that kind of abuse against the weight of the Wintel press and the M$ monopoly.Mar 06 02:15
twitterMost people look to "practical" matters, such as the stink such attacks can put on a job search.Mar 06 02:18
BalrogTry tracing me with 'Balrog'Mar 06 02:18
Balroggood luck :pMar 06 02:18
twitterUnless you are using TOR, your ISP knows who you are and so do M$ and the other bad guys.Mar 06 02:19
schestowitzYes, they leak itMar 06 02:20
schestowitzIts goons are anywayMar 06 02:20
schestowitzIn USENETMar 06 02:20
BalrogSure they do.Mar 06 02:20
schestowitzIt's a form of intimidationMar 06 02:20
schestowitzThere's no anonymity, not even with TORMar 06 02:20
twitterSo, you only conceal yourself from friends and would be employers.Mar 06 02:20
schestowitzDetermined people need only query onceMar 06 02:20
schestowitzThis was discused here in IRC over 6 months agoMar 06 02:20
schestowitz “Gates met Noorda briefly in San Francisco to discuss the merger […] before the merger could go forward, he said Novell had to drop its plans to buy Digital Research. […] "Mar 06 02:21
Balrogwhat would help is stripping hostnames from IRC logsMar 06 02:22
schestowitz"when Noorda raised the possibility that the Justice Department might try to block a merger between the first and third biggest software companies on the planet, Gates responded, “Don’t worry, we know how to handle the federal government.” […] Gates denied every saying such a thing”"Mar 06 02:22
twitterIf everyone used TOR and other privacy protecting software, anonymity might be real.Mar 06 02:22
BalrogTOR is slow.Mar 06 02:22
Balrogtoo slow for practical useMar 06 02:22
Balrog:(Mar 06 02:22
schestowitzIn germany they cracked down on TORMar 06 02:22
twitterIt would be faster if more people used it.Mar 06 02:22
twitterIt should be against the law to interfere with communications like that.Mar 06 02:23
BalrogI'm using a difficult-to-trace univ. network connection anywayMar 06 02:23
twitterUniversity networks are now some of the most monitored.Mar 06 02:23
Balrogdepends on how it's connectedMar 06 02:23
twitterThe bad guys will know who you are and harass you.Mar 06 02:24
twitterThis should only make you fight harder.Mar 06 02:24
Balrogthey'd have to find outMar 06 02:24
Balrognot very easy in this situation...Mar 06 02:24
Balrogthough if there were real reasons, they could find out (ie subpoena)Mar 06 02:24
BalrogI'll be around laterMar 06 02:25
twitterthey don't need one of those, they just need a friend and they have plenty of idiots willing to helpMar 06 02:25
twitterJust know what you are getting into.  If you are successful at converting people or are well published, they will find you out and take whatever actions they can.Mar 06 02:27
schestowitzYes, they need an ISP to give them a snoopMar 06 02:28
schestowitzTelecoms do this all the timeMar 06 02:28
schestowitzThese are just kids on the phones.Mar 06 02:28
schestowitzEven politicians are more corruptible.Mar 06 02:29
schestowitzPeople think of 'laws' and 'rules' as something that will prevent people from having fun with DBs Mar 06 02:29
balzaclsMar 06 02:31
balzacoopsMar 06 02:31
twitterLooks like a random encounter, but the water was poisoned with lots of hate, ->  Memos" had been circulated amongst the management teams, giving advice and training on how best to deal with the "Open Source Threat"Mar 06 02:33
twitterLOL,  "We schedule a technician visit for six months in the future with every home visit.  Both they and we know their registries and computers will be messed up again by then."Mar 06 02:35
schestowitzBalrog: could be worse. Balrog once typed in a password into IRCMar 06 02:37
schestowitzcd /home/roy/stashMar 06 02:37
schestowitzoopsMar 06 02:37
balzacthat would suckMar 06 02:43
twitternah, just find a new one.Mar 06 02:44
twitterMy favorite method is going away with my books though.Mar 06 02:46
twitterI like to make up passwords from highlighted sentences in reference books.  Remember the phrase and the password soon passes into muscle memory.Mar 06 02:47
twitterOuch, a good comment, " when it gets physical, you know the other side has run out of rational arguments. They can no longer hide the fact that the broken window fallacy is just that. Essentially, you're living proof these people are parasites. Of course they can't stand you."Mar 06 02:48
balzaci'm really pissed just nowMar 06 02:51
balzacI found out I obliterated a file that took me a long time to makeMar 06 02:51
schestowitzNo backup?Mar 06 02:55
balzacnopeMar 06 02:55
balzacoh well, it'll be easier the second time... god damn itMar 06 02:55
balzacThis moron client has been on my backMar 06 02:55
balzacso I've been under extra stressMar 06 02:56
balzacwell, the part I deleted won't be too hard to re-createMar 06 02:57
balzacBut I didn't plan to spend my evening working on itMar 06 02:59
balzacYesterday, i was fantasizing of filling a sock with dirt to hit the client over the head with..Mar 06 03:00
schestowitzgnMar 06 03:00
balzacnightMar 06 03:00
balzacthat would be a very long passwordMar 06 03:36
balzactwitter:Mar 06 03:36
*mib_3rm6el (i=44e625da@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 05:03
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*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 07:39
schestowitzMorningMar 06 09:21
PetoKrauszorgMar 06 09:29
PetoKraus 06 09:30
MinceRJean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg?Mar 06 09:35
PetoKrausmaybeMar 06 09:36
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 06 09:50
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*green999 (i=c0597b29@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 10:01
green999The anti-competitive and predatory antitrust problems with the browser market have dragged on for what's getting to be close to two decades.Mar 06 10:02
green999The EU has picked up where the bush junta dropped the ball.Mar 06 10:02
green999mib_vmjz3yMar 06 10:02
green999 06 10:02
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 10:03
schestowitzYes, I know.Mar 06 10:03
green999Where are the authoritative complaint and finding-of-fact materials for the EU case posted?Mar 06 10:03
schestowitzI don't knowMar 06 10:03
schestowitzThey make press releaseMar 06 10:03
schestowitz*asesMar 06 10:03
oiaohmEU stopped monitering on MS.Mar 06 10:03
schestowitz*releasesMar 06 10:03
schestowitzoiaohm: not exactly.Mar 06 10:04
schestowitzThey just laid off (sort of) a full-time watchersMar 06 10:04
schestowitz*watcherMar 06 10:04
oiaohmNow that either means they trust them or they trust that nature will take it course.Mar 06 10:04
schestowitzThey still have casesMar 06 10:04
green999oiaohm: the cessation of oversight is a problemMar 06 10:04
green999the decision to do so seems out of orderMar 06 10:04
oiaohmNot really.Mar 06 10:04
green999and that hints at 'irregularities'Mar 06 10:05
oiaohmMS is not what you call running well at the moment.Mar 06 10:05
green999anyway, are there publicly available anti-trust documents for the EU cases?Mar 06 10:05
oiaohmRegulater might block MS from self kicking themselves in the nuts.Mar 06 10:05
green999MS has been running on fumes since 1998,Mar 06 10:05
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 10:06
green999Bill saw the light at the end of the tunnel and had the sense to notice that it was a train.Mar 06 10:06
green999Ballmer's job was probably to ride the collapsing behemoth into the dirt.Mar 06 10:06
green999SCO provided a windfall to allow pump-n-dump for more yearsMar 06 10:06
green999than expectedMar 06 10:06
oiaohmXP was a MS high point.Mar 06 10:07
oiaohmSelling a product to people who don't own computers was a great marketing.Mar 06 10:07
green9992000 (aka NT5) was, XP sucked, XP SP2 sucked worseMar 06 10:07
green999go reread the complaintsMar 06 10:07
green999in the old ragsMar 06 10:08
green999not marketing, but rather racketeeringMar 06 10:08
schestowitzgreen999: agreedMar 06 10:08
schestowitzI reckon the cronies Mcirosoft spread might have something to do with itMar 06 10:08
schestowitzThey have been spreading lobbyists around the EU rule.Mar 06 10:09
green999s: likely, they are.  so when the dust settles, their actions need to be taken into account.Mar 06 10:09
green999a lot of member states are kicking out the communists (MS) againMar 06 10:09
green999in some cases for the third or fourth time in as many generationsMar 06 10:09
green999some were 'useful idiots' others were agitatorsMar 06 10:10
schestowitzThere's a story about the UK and CR comingMar 06 10:10
schestowitzThey are still resorting to corruptionMar 06 10:10
schestowitzThey fund the country leadersMar 06 10:10
green999what I see now in some areas, in particular where M$ products are on the way out, is a scorched earth policyMar 06 10:10
schestowitzThis should be illegalMar 06 10:10
green999s: yes, fund the leaders, also fund the 'assistants' to the leadersMar 06 10:10
schestowitzYesMar 06 10:11
schestowitzCIOs and allMar 06 10:11
green999this one has gone missing:Mar 06 10:11
green999http:// 06 10:11
schestowitzBut how can this be countered/Mar 06 10:11
oiaohmOpensource also works on a scorched earth policyMar 06 10:11
oiaohmSun learnt that one.Mar 06 10:11
oiaohmPushs price that low that no closed source can live once good enough.Mar 06 10:12
green999o: not so much, the fifth columnists are going for th 5-year contracts now, and involving formats and protocols like never beforeMar 06 10:12
green999you'll find a lot of places that are using fewer internet protocols than before.Mar 06 10:12
oiaohmReally did you need that many protocals.Mar 06 10:13
green999much of the economic down turn can be tracked back to the harmful practices and inefficiences brought on by use of MS productsMar 06 10:13
green999o: are you trolling?  DNS is rather important, it's one of the protocols disappearing from MS shopsMar 06 10:13
green999IMAPS and POP were early casultiesMar 06 10:14
oiaohmtry running ADS without DNSMar 06 10:14
green999hard to say about SMTP, it seems also to be on the way out from MS shops - if there is an opportunityMar 06 10:14
oiaohmIt don't work.Mar 06 10:14
green999Who are you trying to kid.  ADS don't work.Mar 06 10:14
green999periodMar 06 10:14
oiaohmADS does kinda work after some major patching.Mar 06 10:15
green999This anti-trust document is also missing:Mar 06 10:15
green999 06 10:15
*schestowitz looksMar 06 10:17
schestowitzShould we make a copy from cache?Mar 06 10:18
schestowitzI personally think Microsoft poisoned EU panelsMar 06 10:18
schestowitzIt sure seems like we could find many cronies insideMar 06 10:18
schestowitzAnd Microsoft is known well for doing this type of things.Mar 06 10:18
green999it would be useful to post the membership if there are links to MSMar 06 10:19
green999Finding nothing about browser antitrust in EUR-Lex:Mar 06 10:20
green999 06 10:20
schestowitzCan you find out names and connections?Mar 06 10:22
schestowitzAlso, how can these people be tossed?Mar 06 10:22
green999s: looks like more committee stacking: 06 10:22
schestowitzThe more there are of them inside, the more protection they get from withinMar 06 10:22
schestowitzIt's like ISO...Mar 06 10:22
green999Or googleMar 06 10:22
green999Or yahooMar 06 10:22
schestowitzYes, I knowMar 06 10:24
schestowitzThe Microsoft influenceMar 06 10:25
schestowitzThey think they are the "Good Guys"Mar 06 10:25
*conley has quit ("Leaving.")Mar 06 10:25
schestowitzServing a "philanthropist"Mar 06 10:25
oiaohmschestowitz: are you seeing what I am the blance of positive review of Linux are up compared to negetive compared to 6 months ago?Mar 06 10:25
schestowitzI don't followMar 06 10:25
green999I doubt that they consider themselves good, many of the internal documents show that the compare themselves to villainsMar 06 10:26
oiaohmEppMar 06 10:26
green999and follow a 'jihad' against all non-believersMar 06 10:26
green999turning technology decisions into matters of "faith"Mar 06 10:26
green999junk science legacy perhapsMar 06 10:26
oiaohmSorry there seams to be lot more postive reviews for Linux and less negetive reviews compared to 6 months ago.Mar 06 10:27
oiaohmMy english went south on that one line.Mar 06 10:27
MinceRthe ones doing the original "jihad" believe themselves to be good, tooMar 06 10:27
green999o: I'm still seeing a lot of 'damning through faint praise' and/or peddling of msftified distros (that don't need to be mentioned)Mar 06 10:27
schestowitzgreen999: yes, they compare themselves to villainsMar 06 10:29
schestowitzOr warriors ("war")Mar 06 10:29
green999very much villainsMar 06 10:29
schestowitzAbramoff, Gates Senior's buddy, recited Godfather stuff.Mar 06 10:29
oiaohmMS has always had a War footing.Mar 06 10:29
green999it's hard to find a group that has caused more economic harmMar 06 10:30
oiaohmGates started the company on that footing.Mar 06 10:30
oiaohmWin at any cost.Mar 06 10:30
schestowitzoiaohm: abosolutelyMar 06 10:30
schestowitzLinux gets very good reviews recently.Mar 06 10:30
green999gates started on his mom's footingMar 06 10:30
green999and on IBMs monopolyMar 06 10:30
schestowitzThe distributions are in good shapeMar 06 10:30
green999The distros are very good,Mar 06 10:30
schestowitzKDE 4.2, Debian Lenny, etc.Mar 06 10:30
schestowitzFedora 10 looking good..Mar 06 10:30
green999but keep in mind that fedora and debian, whether you use them or not are important investmentsMar 06 10:31
schestowitzMicrosoft is busy trying to illegalise theseMar 06 10:31
schestowitzSFLC is hiring another lawyer nowMar 06 10:31
schestowitzI have some angry posts comingMar 06 10:31
schestowitzMcirosoft corruptions (more of it)Mar 06 10:31
green999solaris10 not so good, I'll have to check out Solaris/Debian (nexenta)Mar 06 10:31
schestowitzI saw some articles about it yesterdayMar 06 10:32
schestowitzAre you "needs sunlight"?Mar 06 10:32
green999corruptions and perhaps a heavy dose of petty vindictiveness behind office 2007 deploymentsMar 06 10:32
schestowitzThe lockinwareMar 06 10:33
oiaohmMost people I know who use 2007 are sooner or latter driven nuts by it.Mar 06 10:33
schestowitzBut they'll give Office for free soonMar 06 10:33
schestowitzThey already do to an extentMar 06 10:33
schestowitzThey lose the battle over office suites tooMar 06 10:33
oiaohmReason who had the dumb idea to automatically change buttons displayed.Mar 06 10:33
schestowitzWIndows is alreadt a freebie where Linux reignsMar 06 10:33
green999they've been giving away office at "greater than" 90 percent discouts for a long time nowMar 06 10:33
oiaohmMS Office + AdwareMar 06 10:34
oiaohmHow long before some ISP works out how to swap the MS addware with there own.Mar 06 10:34
green999o: according to the patents acquired windows+adwareMar 06 10:34
oiaohmAdware has prior artMar 06 10:34
oiaohmEven OS embeded addwareMar 06 10:35
*vida18 (i=564af0dd@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 10:35
oiaohmThe bad bit the prior art is a virus.Mar 06 10:35
vida18 06 10:36
oiaohmThat makes MS losing patent case at risk of damageMar 06 10:37
schestowitzvida18: yes, I know.Mar 06 10:37
schestowitzI will write about this laterMar 06 10:37
oiaohmIf the patent is proven 100 percent invalid in a court of law.  MS could go for taking money under false pretences.Mar 06 10:38
green999o: last I heard at a conference regarding sw patents, it takes years to overturn just oneMar 06 10:39
oiaohmDependsMar 06 10:39
green999and even then at a cost of (back then) over 4 million dollars per patentMar 06 10:39
oiaohmDo you go threw the review process.Mar 06 10:39
oiaohmOr do you go threw the legal process.Mar 06 10:39
green999USPTO gets paid by volume not by qualityMar 06 10:39
oiaohmLegal process can be over quite quicky.Mar 06 10:40
green999say for the sake of argument you can shoot one down with 4 billable hoursMar 06 10:40
oiaohmLegal process needs a trigger and normally less than 6 months to invalidate.Mar 06 10:40
oiaohmIe some company has to be dumb enough to try to enforce there patents on someone who will not take it.Mar 06 10:41
green9994 x 5000 = 20000 hours @ 400/hour = 8 000 000Mar 06 10:41
green999they don't have to enforce, just threaten litigationMar 06 10:41
oiaohmThreaten litigation is enough.Mar 06 10:41
oiaohmIf they say what patent is involved.Mar 06 10:41
green999the company executives will scuttle off to the bank with their tails between their legs so fast you'll hear a sonic boomMar 06 10:42
oiaohmDepends on the company.Mar 06 10:42
*vida18 (i=564af0dd@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellMar 06 10:42
oiaohmRedhat has a pure challage patent policy.Mar 06 10:42
green999and the company's budgetMar 06 10:42
oiaohmOnce proved valid then they will pay.Mar 06 10:42
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 10:42
green999o: no, once they run out of money for defence they will payMar 06 10:43
_Hicham_Hi AllMar 06 10:43
oiaohmLegally they can demard that if someone tries to enforce a patent as well in a court of law.Mar 06 10:43
green999there's a difference ;)Mar 06 10:43
oiaohmFunny enough its patent holder in Redhat cases who have had to prove that there was no existing prior art.Mar 06 10:43
green999can't prove a negative, go back to 10th grade ;)Mar 06 10:43
_Hicham_who is claiming patents over redhat?Mar 06 10:43
*MinceR_ (n=mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 10:43
oiaohmPast cases _Hicham_Mar 06 10:44
_Hicham_okMar 06 10:44
oiaohmMost companies don't dare try any more.Mar 06 10:44
_Hicham_no company can sue RedHatMar 06 10:44
oiaohmIts too god darn expensive to try to make Redhat pay up.Mar 06 10:44
_Hicham_it is a sacred companyMar 06 10:44
schestowitzgreen999: Microsoft is dying: 06 10:45
_Hicham_it always got its job well doneMar 06 10:45
oiaohmRedhat laywers are smart.Mar 06 10:45
oiaohmIf someone took out a patent really they should have done a prior art search.Mar 06 10:45
green999red hat is a big company  the executives can afford big lawyersMar 06 10:46
oiaohmSo if they cannot provide documents of a prior art search that has been well done the patent must not be valid.Mar 06 10:46
green999your average 1-man webshop can'tMar 06 10:46
green999your average 20-man webshop can'tMar 06 10:46
oiaohmFunny enough redhat way a 1man shop could do it.Mar 06 10:46
oiaohmSince most of the cost land on the person trying to enforce the patent.Mar 06 10:46
_Hicham_RedHat shows how to make money from Linux, while being faithful to FOSSMar 06 10:46
oiaohmAnswer what right a person really does have to enforce a patent if they have not checked if its valid or not.Mar 06 10:47
oiaohmLaw answer is none.Mar 06 10:48
_Hicham_they can't apply a patent over RedHat, because all of its producted are copyrightedMar 06 10:48
green999h: google shows how to make money from linux while being (mostly) faithful to FOSSMar 06 10:49
_Hicham_you won't have a single piece of software from RedHat that it is not copyrighted and well protectedMar 06 10:49
green999h: and volkswagenMar 06 10:49
_Hicham_Google?Mar 06 10:49
green999h: and tomtomMar 06 10:49
_Hicham_?Mar 06 10:49
_Hicham_?Mar 06 10:49
_Hicham_?Mar 06 10:49
_Hicham_?Mar 06 10:49
_Hicham_google is not faithful to FOSSMar 06 10:49
_Hicham_and you know thatMar 06 10:49
green999and erine ball guitarsMar 06 10:49
_Hicham_especially with its last browserMar 06 10:49
oiaohmGoogle is majorally faithful.Mar 06 10:50
_Hicham_Chrome is based on open source ChromiumMar 06 10:50
schestowitzgreen999: I got a few E-mails from DiBona last nightMar 06 10:50
_Hicham_but Chrome isnt open sourceMar 06 10:50
green999s: coolMar 06 10:50
schestowitzI still think Google receives too much creditMar 06 10:50
_Hicham_hi RoyMar 06 10:50
green999s: what's the wordMar 06 10:50
schestowitzIt uses LinuxMar 06 10:50
schestowitzBut it's open soure/Linux mentalityMar 06 10:50
oiaohmChrome and chromium are ths same thing.Mar 06 10:50
schestowitzNot Free software/GNU/GPLMar 06 10:50
schestowitzIt still snubs AGPLMar 06 10:50
_Hicham_Roy, Google uses LinuxMar 06 10:50
_Hicham_noMar 06 10:50
_Hicham_not the same thingsMar 06 10:50
oiaohmGoogle obeys licences.Mar 06 10:50
green999google still gets too much credit, but if they msfters were excised from the staff, it would both gain credibility and profitabilityMar 06 10:50
oiaohmEven redhat has some closed source bits.Mar 06 10:50
green999google still does an excellent job on the kernelMar 06 10:51
_Hicham_there is a big differenceMar 06 10:51
schestowitzYeah..Mar 06 10:51
oiaohmAlso google respect the intent of Licences as well.Mar 06 10:51
_Hicham_google contribute to the kernel, because it will help them on their serversMar 06 10:51
_Hicham_gwsMar 06 10:51
_Hicham_Chrome has at least one spywareMar 06 10:51
oiaohmOk google still a closed source company.Mar 06 10:52
_Hicham_it has been provenMar 06 10:52
oiaohmWhat spyware is that.Mar 06 10:52
oiaohmPlease don't be the same one in firefox.Mar 06 10:52
_Hicham_noMar 06 10:52
_Hicham_Firefox is another thingMar 06 10:52
_Hicham_Chrome create a key in the registryMar 06 10:52
_Hicham_which is very suspiciousMar 06 10:53
_Hicham_it has to do with elevated privilegiesMar 06 10:53
_Hicham_it is a hidden ActiveXMar 06 10:53
oiaohmChromuim secuirty framework.Mar 06 10:53
_Hicham_noMar 06 10:54
_Hicham_if you compile it from source, you won't get thatMar 06 10:54
green999activex is spyware, but it only runs on outdated systems that are already unsafe for net useMar 06 10:54
_Hicham_Windows is always unsafe for net useMar 06 10:55
_Hicham_the ActiveX runs hidden inside IEMar 06 10:55
_Hicham_I heard also that the anti-phishing filter in Firefox belongs to GoogleMar 06 10:57
_Hicham_but I am not sure about that...Mar 06 10:58
schestowitzSounds possibleMar 06 10:58
oiaohmYep google is the only one who has enought data to make a anti-phishing filter that works.Mar 06 10:58
schestowitzBut didn't they remove such a featureMar 06 10:58
schestowitz?Mar 06 10:58
_Hicham_noMar 06 10:58
_Hicham_it still exists in FirefoxMar 06 10:58
*MinceR has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 06 11:00
_Hicham_Mozilla is always cooperating with GoogleMar 06 11:00
_Hicham_they have just extended their cooperation till 2011 or 2012, I don't remember...Mar 06 11:01
oiaohmGoogle funds a lot of different things.Mar 06 11:01
_Hicham_yesMar 06 11:01
_Hicham_to defend its position on the marketMar 06 11:01
oiaohmGoogle summer of code is a interesting one.Mar 06 11:02
_Hicham_but the policy taken with Chrome isnt for FOSSMar 06 11:02
_Hicham_yes GoSC is greatMar 06 11:02
_Hicham_Chrome is based on WTLMar 06 11:03
green999GSOC 2009 starts 9 marchMar 06 11:03
_Hicham_have you ever you heard of WTL?Mar 06 11:03
_Hicham_Roy?Mar 06 11:03
_Hicham_Roy is silentMar 06 11:03
_Hicham_O:-)Mar 06 11:04
oiaohmChrome was never intendend to last long term.Mar 06 11:04
_Hicham_what do u mean oiaohm?Mar 06 11:04
oiaohmIt was intended to be a testing ground for new internet secuirty systems.Mar 06 11:04
oiaohmWith a open enough licence that even Microsoft could have picked up sections of the tech.Mar 06 11:05
oiaohmIts another Linux style project.  It has not gone where google intented now they are along for the ride trying to work out what to do.Mar 06 11:05

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