Bonum Certa Men Certa

Links 5/4/2012: Early Look at GNOME 3.4, Mageia 2 Postponed

GNOME bluefish



Free Software/Open Source


  • Security

  • Environment/Energy/Wildlife

  • Finance

    • The Race for BTU
      The world’s major central banks — including the Bank of Japan (BOJ), the European Central Bank (ECB), and the Federal Reserve — appear to have finally won a major battle in the deflationary war that broke out five years ago in 2007. While the ultimate victor is yet to be determined, it now seems likely that a period of nominal growth could ensue for another two years, perhaps even longer.

      This will not be high-quality growth. And little of the growth will be real.

      Commodity prices will surely eat away at most, if not all, of any gains that may occur in global GDP. Additionally, while non-OECD growth actually has a chance of achieving some GDP gains in real terms, the prospects for the OECD are not as encouraging.

    • MF Global: JPMorgan Produces Smoking Gun
      When New York-based MF Global collapsed on October 31, 2011, its $41 billion in assets made it the eighth largest bankruptcy in U.S. history and the biggest financial firm to implode since Lehman in September 2008. Then Chairman and CEO Jon Corzine is connected to the head of one of his key regulators, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), through his former protégé at Goldman Sachs, Gary Gensler. He also knows the Fed's William Dudley, a key member of the Fed's Open Market Committee, from their days at Goldman Sachs. The Fed approved MF Global's status as a primary dealer, a participant in the Fed's Open Market Operations, less than one year after Jon Corzine took its helm. Corzine is also a former New Jersey governor, a former New Jersey U.S. senator and was a major campaign contribution bundler for President Obama.

  • PR/AstroTurf/Lobbying

    • Breaking News: Coca-Cola Dumps ALEC
      According to a statement Coke made to the Washington Examiner, "Our involvement with ALEC was focused on efforts to oppose discriminatory food and beverage taxes, not on issues that have no direct bearing on our business. We have a long-standing policy of only taking positions on issues that impact our Company and industry."

  • Censorship

  • Copyrights

    • ACTA

      • De Gucht: Please wait, Europarl!
        What he doesn’t consider is that the IPR lobby is willing to surrender ACTA but not the entire Article 207 TFEU process which is challenged by the ECJ ruling invoked by De Gucht. And finally, the upcoming IPRED+ is more interesting than the dossier which allegedly does not change anything.

      • EU Commission Shamelessly Persists In Trying to Delay ACTA Vote
        The EU Commission has made public the text of its own referral of ACTA to the EU Court of Justice. This initiative comes a week after the EU Parliament voted not to refer ACTA to the Court, which would have suspended the parliamentarian procedure for at least 18 months. The Parliament is expected to vote on ACTA this summer, and must continue to resist the Commission's shameless technocratic tricks to save ACTA.

      • ACTA referral, here you are

Recent Techrights' Posts

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The EPO's Central Staff Committee Explains the EPO Became So Corrupt That It Strives to Almost Automatically Grant Every Patent (Monopoly) Request
Each time this is done deliberately by the management should be considered a serious white-collar crime, but at the EPO they flaunt diplomatic immunity as they destroy Europe for "profit" (we know whose)
Lots of Anti-Linux FUD This Week, Some of It is Microsoft- or Chatbot-Generated Spew
The bad news is, we're seeing lots of anti-Linux trash this week in the media
Red Hat Publishes Windows Article, Omits Authors' Names
In the past, Red Hat published Windows articles for Microsoft staff. We covered examples.
[Meme] A Cup of Apple
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Maintenance and Plans for Next Week
a headsup
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[Meme] Break the Law for the European Patent Office (EPO) or Die (Get Sacked in a Terrible Economy)
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Why We Keep Saying Bryan Lunduke is a Liability
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EPO Dictatorship, Facing Growing Pressure From Senior Staff for Breaking Laws and Illegally Running the System, Turns to "Young Professionals" (to Crush Voices, Rights, and Benefits)
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A Year Since the Big Switch - Part IV - Intimidation Against the Host/ISP, Which Offered Help Relocating to a Safer Haven
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Links for the day
[Meme] EPO Versus Technology (and Versus the Law)
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A Lot of Litigation at the European Patent Office Because the Administration Crushes the Rights of Staff
"on the real scope of cutting benefits the Office is thriving, with new measures every year."
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