Bonum Certa Men Certa

The EPO's Circus of Nepotism, Corporatism and Gross Abuse is Promoting the Unitary Patent

Corporations now run the European Patent Office (EPO)

Ray of light

Summary: The shameful management of the EPO, which Benoît Battistelli constructed based on his nefarious self-serving agenda, keeps pushing forth in a direction that greatly harms European citizens while mistreating the EPO's technical staff (scientists and examiners)

THE EPO scandals continue and there is no denying that there is trouble when a huge proportion of the staff goes out to demonstrate right in front of the employer. Only a shameless liar would try to blame some "disgruntled employee" or "defamation". The EPO, more so these days than ever before, is not a public service. It just sucks in public money. It is essentially a corporate entity masquerading as a public institution because it provides benefits like legal immunity, welfare ("too big to fail"), etc.

The EPO Administrative Council (AC), which has become Benoît Battistelli's number one fan after some entryism, is trying to destroy the European industry with more patent monopolies and fees. According to patent lawyers' media, Mr Kongstad's office is at the forefront of this atrocious move:

The Select Committee of the EPO Administrative Council, which represents the 25 EU states expected to be covered by the Unitary Patent, adopted the so-called true top 4 proposal by a three-quarter majority yesterday.

One of the selling points of the planned Unitary Patent is that a single annual renewal fee payable to the EPO will maintain the right in the participating EU member states, meaning that national fees will no longer have to be paid.

The above says that the AC "represents the 25 EU states", but in reality it seems to represent Battistelli and his rich friends, who want to become even richer.

The AC's Kongstad is finding himself under fire again, this time from his own staff. SUEPO's Web site says that "Ms Bergot, Principal Director of Human Resources of the EPO, has scheduled new meetings of the working group on "union recognition" between the administration and union officials. However, Mr Kongstad (Chairman of the Administrative Council) has still not reacted to the letter sent by SUEPO Central concerning the investigation of staff representatives and/or union executives during trilateral talks.

"Pending Mr Kongstad's written answer, as also reiteratered in the Council meeting of 24/25 June 2015, SUEPO regrets it must decline the invitation at present. Of course, SUEPO is looking forward to developments making the resumption of meaningful discussions possible."

SUEPO has this PDF reply letter, sent to Ms Bergot:

Dear Ms Bergot,

You have scheduled new meetings of the working group on "unions recognition" between the administration and union officials.

You must be aware of the letter sent by SUEPO Central to the Chairman of the Administrative Council, Mr Kongstad, which was made public on 10 June 2015 (*).

Pending Mr Kongstad's written answer to our requests, as also reiteratered in the Council, we regret we must decline your invitation at present. Of course, we look forward to developments making the resumption of meaningful discussions possible.

Recall that Gilles Requena, the EPO's Administrator (Presidential Office), is the spouse of Ms Bergot [PDF]. Bergot, the Principal Director of Human Resources, is clearly there because of connections, not skills. She's far from the only such instance. Battistelli has quickly turned the EPO into an international laughing stock. It's time to reclaim the EPO or reboot it.

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