Bonum Certa Men Certa

EPO Administrative Council Meeting Turning Point - Part IV: When ~1,200 EPO Workers March in Protest and European Politicians Say “Battistelli Must Go”

Battistelli liar Source (original): Rospatent

Summary: Battistelli's reign of terror at the European Patent Office (EPO) has brought the Office to a boiling point and no magnitude of lies cover the harsh reality which workers are protesting against

In the first, second and third parts we showed that EPO watchdogs (at least in principle, not in practice) were starting to show their teeth to Battistelli and not because they were begging for more dental treatments but because this 'pack of wolves' is turning against the President, not against independent judges and staff representatives. The fangs are starting to show. This is the "Turning Point" the headline in this series refers to. The "Social Conference" propaganda/stunt clearly has not been as effective as Battistelli hoped. It's just a scandalous waste of money. Battistelli should have been immediately sacked a long time ago (many sackable offenses from him and frequent violations of the Code of Conduct).

"The "Social Conference" propaganda/stunt clearly has not been as effective as Battistelli hoped."Some information about the The Hague demonstration was sent to us earlier today. "About 600 colleagues gathered today peacefully in The Hague to again and again request fairness and justice at EPO," told us this source, "this after another demonstration in Munich where also ca. 600 colleagues gathered to ask for the same."

"On 13 October," said a different source, "about 550 to 600 colleagues gathered in the center of The Hague in front of the office of Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte. Dutch MP John Kerstens and French MP Philip Cordéry made supportive speeches in front of the protesters. Another well-attended demo."

See the pictures that we published earlier on. It's quite revealing and they prepared some nice, professional-looking signs.

“Pressure at work, prohibition of the right to strike, redundancies among staff and so many other daily humiliations in total violation with the basic principles of labour law.”
      --MP Philip Cordery
"Dutch MP John Kerstens and French MP Philip Cordery," told us one of the sources, "were again supportive of the demonstrants since they care for fundamental rights."

Yes, both have a good track record which we wrote about before.

Here is a post from MP Philip Cordery's timeline, posted today on his Facebook wall. Original French text: "J'étais aujourd'hui avec les salariés de l'Office européen des brevets pour exprimer mon ras-le-bol de la gestion autoritaire de l'institution par le président Batistelli. Pressions au travail, interdiction du droit de grève, licenciements de réprésentants du personnel et tant d'autres humiliations quotidiennes en violation totale avec les principes élémentaires du droit du travail. Ca suffit. Batistelli doit partir. Les gouvernements et la commission europeenne doivent prendre leurs responsabilités et agir vite avant qu'un autre drame se produise.

"NB. J'ai été obligé de flouter la photo pour protéger les salariés qui ont eu le courage de venir à la manifestation. Je veux leur assurer de mon soutien plein et entier. On ne vous laissera pas tomber."

English translation: "I was today with the employees of the European patent office to express my ras-Le-Bowl of the authoritarian management of the institution by president Battistelli. Pressure at work, prohibition of the right to strike, redundancies among staff and so many other daily humiliations in total violation with the basic principles of labour law. That's enough. Battistelli must go. Governments and the European commission must take their responsibilities and act fast before another tragedy occurs.

“That's enough. Battistelli must go.”
      --MP Philip Cordery
"NB. I was forced to blurring the photo to protect the employees who have had the courage to come to the event. I want to assure them of my full support. We will not let you fall."

"GOOD NEWS," another person wrote regarding the claims covered in part 3. "It seems that as the result of a coordinated effort by the AC delegates,€ both the Investigation and Disciplinary guidelines€ proposed by the EPO€ have been removed from the AC€ agenda. The first,€ CA 52/16 rev.1,€  as a result of the somewhat unfruitful discussion in the B28 (B28/12/16) and the second,€ CA 53/16 rev.1€ as the result of a long controversial debate in plenum today. It might even happen that the AC will implement at least part of its March Resolution in the December Council. Let's be optimistic!"

So therein we have yet more corroboration of what happened. This sounds promising.

"So therein we have yet more corroboration of what happened."Another demonstration and possibly more news are on the way.

"I have seen a report from a staff rep," wrote to us yet another source. "It is, as you say, excellent news."

"I will provide you with more news as soon as I get new information," told us a source. There will probably be a lot of talking about this around the water cooler (to use the idiom), the cafeteria, or whatever. The emperor is naked, the king is undressed and all that malarkey....

It's nearly 6AM here, so it must be 7AM CET. The difference between "today" and "yesterday" is truly beginning to blur.

"I learned about a lot more details of the AC meeting," told us one person. "But I cannot share it with you now since I don't want to expose my source to any risk, and it is not yet confirmed. I guess, you will get that information tomorrow from other of your usual sources."

"No respectable politicians seem to want to affiliate/associate with Battistelli anymore."Yes, we do keep an eye of things and we are aware of things that we cannot even publish yet.

"Long story short," as I said earlier today (publicly), Battistelli's days at the EPO may be numbered and he seems to be in trouble. He failed to implement any of the changes demanded 6 months ago. King for a year? Maybe two years? His career is destroyed now for sure. The guy is now associated with 0% approval rating from his own (well-paid) staff and never-ending lies. No respectable politicians seem to want to affiliate/associate with Battistelli anymore.

The next and final part (for tonight/today) will give workers reasons for optimism and maybe even laughter.

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