Sounds familiar? This is a translation of an old article about Antoine Battistelli.
THE EPO enjoys a massive budget (billions of Euros) and a monopoly enshrined in law, but a lot of this money seems to be flowing into few pockets, namely Team Battistelli's, which keeps taking more and more of that money. It relishes in money and swims in it; even top EU officials hardly pay themselves quite as much. Where is oversight or mere accountability? Well, welcome to Eponia, where there's neither...
I propose to publish again a list of all AC delegations timely before they meet next week. I suggest to present the Email addresses as a mailing list, thus making it easier to anyone willing to address the delegations. Perhaps is it also the proper time to remind the head of delegations that they will be made accountable for supporting illegal Battistelli's illegal actions. The future will demonstrate that immunity does not mean impunity. We are working on that and some delegations may still save their heads.
"Liberation has, after all, repeatedly criticised Benoît Battistelli over the years (we published some English translations)."Remember the time when Benoît Battistelli's own 'Stasi' turned away a bailiff who had attempted to summon or notify Battistelli of legal action against him? It's just too tempting to look deeper into it and not altogether disregard analogies. Liberation has, after all, repeatedly criticised Benoît Battistelli over the years (we published some English translations).
Looking at some IP Kat comments yesterday, this new one caught our eye because it says the "AC has become since the fall of the iron curtain and the consecutive enlarging of the EPOrg." Violation of the EPC again? We've lost count of how many times it happened before. Here is the comment:
A group of PDs leading DG1 instead of a VicePresident? What about Article 10 (3) EPC, and Article 11 (2) EPC? This obviously one step further towards cementing the power, as VPs appointed by the AC are rather safe from presidential repercussions, whereas PDs are not.... This would violate once again the EPC, just like Article 4a EPC gets continuously ignored....
Not just a minor violation of secondary or tertiary laws and rules, but the main Articles. The whole EPOrg has been created to implement the EPC, but the law gets ignored at positions where the AC is the supervisory organ, showing how weak the AC has become since the fall of the iron curtain and the consecutive enlarging of the EPOrg.
"It is sad that so many workers need to march in the streets for several consecutive years in order to merely compel the authorities to tackle this "Mafia"."SUEPO has meanwhile made it clear that it will march against this "Mafia", coinciding with next week's meeting of the Chinchilla and the Don. "SUEPO Munich organises on Wednesday 15 March 2017 a demonstration in Munich in front of the EPO Isar building starting at 12.30h," said a statement yesterday.
It is sad that so many workers need to march in the streets for several consecutive years in order to merely compel the authorities to tackle this "Mafia". Napoleon never faced the full brunt/wrath of justice, but he was sent to exile, as if obeying the law or being subjected to the law means some peaceful retirement in a Mediterranean island.
Speaking of "Mafia", the person whom Battistelli (or his Office) sent to attack my free speech was really named Capone. ⬆