Bonum Certa Men Certa

Today's UPC 'Debate' is a Farce, Stuffed by the Litigation 'Industry' Instead of British Industry


Summary: Team UPC continues its gross political manipulation, in essence misrepresenting the British interests and instead pretending that nothing exists in this country except lawyers

THE UPC is a Trojan horse for software patents in Europe, including in the UK where they're illegal.

Nothing would please law firms more than loads of patents on everything conceivable. Endless litigation, endless/non-stop monopoly applications, infinite disputes etc.

"Nothing would please law firms more than loads of patents on everything conceivable. Endless litigation, endless/non-stop monopoly applications, infinite disputes etc."We already know that well more than 90% of 'the press' which covers patents is owned and controlled by litigation maximalists, not practitioners who invent and create. This is a problem. A few hours ago there was the debate above. Guess who was there...

The usual. Same pattern as the last time...

"A @UKHouseofLords committee will take evidence [sic, lobbying] on the #UPC next week asking whether inventors should be worried by the UK's decision to opt-out," wrote a Managing IP author who's an extension of Team UPC by affiliation...

So I asked him: "Inventors or large monopolists? The patent cult likes to conflate inventions with patents (a lie that even people inside the 'community' often admit to be a deliberate hoax)."

What was the debate like? Lobbying disguised as "consultation", just like the staged Section 101/Alice 'debates' in the US this past summer (complete with lies and fabrications).

"Lobbying disguised as "consultation", just like the staged Section 101/Alice 'debates' in the US this past summer (complete with lies and fabrications)."As Benjamin Henrion pointed out some time yesterday: "House of Lords will discuss UK's UPC departure tomorrow, they invited the wrong lobby there [...] Streaming will be here [...] UPC streaming in the House of Lords at 10:45am London time..."

"Lords on UK UPC tomorrow, he told me privately, linking to the page which lists "Julia Florence from the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys" (CIPA) and he later added that "UK Software businesses welcomed Boris's decision to leave the Unitary Patent Court, because of its obvious ties to the CJEU, but other dangers like patent trolls …" (an old petition of his)

Team UPC was salivating over it ("UPC Brexit live hearing UK Parliament"), but of course nobody wants the UPC except liars who just sue and threaten to sue, stationed in the litigation capitals of Europe.

"Will try to send a letter to all members to ask the right questions," Henrion told me. He was "watching the UPC debate in the Lords," he said moments ago in IRC, calling CIPA "liars"...

"...of course nobody wants the UPC except liars who just sue and threaten to sue, stationed in the litigation capitals of Europe. "The above-mentioned Managing IP writer helped European Patent Office (EPO) President António Campinos last week. He also tweeted this loaded question. "More like lobbying/statement than a question," I responded to him, equating this with "Trump impeached, who will replace him? (clue: his criminal friends acquitted him)"

Here's what the tweet said: "Now that we know the UK will not be participating in the #UPC the next big question (after considering whether the #UPC will in-fact happen at all) is where the UK's seat will go. @ManagingIP considers the options..."

See what they do there? They push this lie that UPC is still kicking without the UK. The article's publisher is limiting access, suppressing critics perhaps being the goal (or spying on one's real ID whilst reading). IAM did the same last week. The summary states.:

Private practice and in-house counsel float Italy, the Netherlands, Germany and France as contenders to take the pharmaceuticals central division

Division? There's not even a UPC! And here they are debating which country takes which division...

This is, in general, showing that nothing has changed since the original thug left. As one new tweet put it: "After the UK’s #UPC "No", do not rule out EPC exit next" (links to IAM's older article).

This has long been mentioned as an option; just see the numbers. A short moment ago Henrion added this video, "Unitary Patent Trolls, CJEU won't have a say in patent law, patent industry rejoice of stealing jobs" (included at the top in embedded form). It was the "patent industry all the way," Henrion told me, "the previous hearings were the same..."

"Division? There's not even a UPC! And here they are debating which country takes which division..."He was fact-checking a bit, taking note of the famous lies about "SMEs". For instance, he quoted and wrote: "UPC 'Designed for SMEs', maybe he should read the CZ report, if there is one thing that was not designed for SMEs in mind it's the UPC #uk #upc [...] "UPC to help SMEs to enforce patents" -> boosting patent trolls # [...] "Patent law does not exist in isolation" with UPC it will..."

CIPA represents nobody but CIPA. See this new (hours old) comment and the many other comments preceding it, about a hundred in total. CIPA is very much loathed at the moment, even by those it claims to represent. Those are professional liars and close allies of Battistelli (who according to rumours wants to be "King" of UPC). Why do our officials even listen to such parasitic groups?

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