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The Gates Press (GatesGate) -- Part III: What Happens When You Tell the Truth About Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation

"Where are we on this Jihad?"

--Bill Gates

Summary: One might not expect this from a so-called 'charity'; the Gates Foundation's critics are often met with unprecedented aggression, threats and retribution, which make one wonder if it's really a charity or a greedy cult of personalities (Bill and Melinda)

THIS series is an ongoing discussion, based on evidence, of how Bill Gates controls the media and punishes/ousts his critics. Some new evidence was presented in part one and in part two. We don't want to repeat what was said then; it's not needed.

"Why would Gates suddenly offer money? And why at that particular point in time? As a reminder, Microsoft had already phoned my boss to complain about me. This is how those thugs operate."About a month ago I noted/journaled my personal experience, noting that a month or so after I did an important series about Gates (starting Sept. 2019, onwards to present) Gates started paying my boss at work, even though we in theory competed against Microsoft. But I'm sure that's all a coincidence...

Why would Gates suddenly offer money? And why at that particular point in time? As a reminder, Microsoft had already phoned my boss to complain about me. This is how those thugs operate. He only told me about it years later, as a little tidbit, casually... if I recall correctly as we all waited to board a ride at a theme park (Alton Towers). It wasn't even something that he was planning to tell. As for the Gates money, it was mentioned as an aside months later in a conference call, taking note that I had been critical of Gates. Believe it or not, the payment was done with/under an NDA. Like the so-called 'charity' is a matter of national security or something...

"The story being worked on never showed up; instead he was fired and denied access to his very own notes/story before he was told about the firing. Then Gates 'took over' The Verge, at least temporarily..."The NDA part is rather bizarre. I was never asked to sign an NDA (and did not sign any).

Going back to the story of The Verge (journalist fired after working on a story about Gates), Microsoft could know what was coming as he was using Skype (not my choice) to communicate. There's ample evidence that Microsoft spies on people's personal communications for Microsoft's business reasons (e.g. snuffing out critics/whistleblowers). The media wrote about in the past. Microsoft even got people arrested for doing things Microsoft disliked.

The story being worked on never showed up; instead he was fired and denied access to his very own notes/story before he was told about the firing. Then Gates 'took over' The Verge, at least temporarily...

"When things like these happen you know you're on the right track," I told him, but "I have a few more stories to tell that are related to this."

I need to be granted permission to tell those other stories. I've spoken to other people who were met with incredible attacks (if not through employers then through platforms) after they had written about Gates and sought records about him. Investigation of these matters comes at a great price.

Over the years I saw and reported on similar incidents. For instance, right after Lancet blasted Gates' influence Gates paid the Lancet, which then became his mouthpiece for a while.

"To Mr. Gates African children are more like risk-free (of litigation) "clinical trials" than anything worth truly helping. If he wanted to help African children, he'd give them food. Millions die of starvation. Monsanto (now Bayer) wants to feed them patents, not food."This is very wrong; corruption of scholarly scientific journals (with one's money) is a lot more severe an ethical breach than bribery of media/publishers.

At this moment of time we're still working to recover what's left of the spiked story; the publisher denied the journalist access to his very own notes, so this is not easy. As if the goal was also to ensure the same piece cannot be published elsewhere.

The gist of the story is, the Gates Foundation is not a charity but an entity that attacks charities (e.g. OLPC) and works against African children. Evidence of this is overwhelming. To Mr. Gates African children are more like risk-free (of litigation) "clinical trials" than anything worth truly helping. If he wanted to help African children, he'd give them food. Millions die of starvation. Monsanto (now Bayer) wants to feed them patents, not food. Suffice to say, Gates is a prominent investor in Monsanto. It's all about profit. It's also about monopoly.

In part 4, delayed somewhat because of the protests in the US (which this journalist now covers), we're hoping to start sharing some details about the spiked story. Better late than never, right?

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