THE term "Liberal" or "Liberalism" does not mean in the US what it means in most other countries; moreover, the meaning of "Liberal" changed over time and now we have terms like Neo-Liberal, which is altogether different. Libertarianism is another thing altogether and the notion of liberty is so widely abused that Donald Trump calls a bunch of armed lunatics "liberators"; many still call troops who invade other countries (for oil companies or so-called 'democracy') "liberators".
"Considering the Gates family's past with race issues (trying to whiten and 'purify' the population), Mr. Gates is about as tolerant as Donald Trump. He's just hiding it better."So-called 'Conservatives' in the US aren't much different from the fake 'left' that's just oligarchs masking themselves as tolerant (focusing on race, not class). There's this stigma associated with tech companies, saying they're all "leftist" or "liberal". Watch their actions though! They support war. They support oppression. They profit from human suffering. What part of all this is actually "Liberal" or "liberal"? What the heck does that label even mean?
People who call the Gates family "Liberals" are obviously clueless as to how the ruling class (or plutocracy, or magnates, or oligarchy) thinks and operates. They hardly even care for such labels. To them, it's just "us" and "them", as in us the "champions of the world" and them the peasants, the ignorant masses whom we tell that we deserve that massive wealth because of our "hard work" (not privilege, not other people's hard and underpaid-for work).
Considering the Gates family's past with race issues (trying to whiten and 'purify' the population), Mr. Gates is about as tolerant as Donald Trump. He's just hiding it better. ⬆