TWO years ago we considered serving the site as a static site (no database, no backend processing in the so-called 'dynamic' fashion), albeit there are many downsides to such an approach in fast-moving (active) sites. Gemini lets us lower the weight of the site, escape the Web's bloat, and also turn everything into a static page. Due to the nature of the simplistic (or simplified) syntax, once we convert a page to a static object in the capsule it is unlikely we'll ever need to convert it again. We've been converting the site, article by article, in an 'offline' fashion (not on the server side but locally, on a PC). We're uploading one or two years' worth of articles per day and we'll finish everything some time this week.
"Gemini will hopefully become as big and famous as the space missions."Our goal isn't to become the biggest capsule (even if that seems to be happening regardless) but to be a light and widely accessible platform. Based on the latest trawl of Lupa, in a page that requires Gemini to see (gemini://
), we're marching to the top as more years get added. The below numbers do not include more than half of what we've added since.