Bonum Certa Men Certa

Links 27/6/2021: Latte Dock 0.10, 5th Beta of LibreELEC (Matrix) 10.0

  • GNU/Linux

    • Desktop/Laptop

      • Does the Dell XPS 13 come with Linux? Can I install it?

        Windows is by far the most popular choice when it comes to PC operating systems, and you can find it on the best laptops out there. That includes Dell laptops, most of which run Windows 10 out of the box. It makes sense why this happens, since Windows offers the broadest app and game compatibility of any desktop OS. But if you’re a Linux fan and you want the premium design and performance of the Dell XPS 13, it can be a bummer. Don’t worry though, because you can get the XPS 13 with Linux out of the box, and if you already have an XPS 13 with Windows, you can still install Linux, too.


        There are two color options to choose from, too. It comes with Ubuntu 20.04, which is no longer the newest release, but you can easily update to version 21.04 if you want the latest bits. It’s truly one of the best Linux laptops you can get.

    • Kernel Space

      • Linus Torvalds, the combative creator of Linux, canceled himself to become a nicer person. Now he's in a race against time to save his legacy.

        The list of scathing messages that Linus Torvalds has written over the years is so rich and colorful that there's an entire subreddit devoted to the topic.

        "Mauro, SHUT THE F--- UP!" Torvalds, the famed creator of the Linux operating system, wrote publicly to a software developer in 2012, calling the hapless recipient's opinion "garbage and idiocy."

        "The above code is s---, and it generates s--- code," Torvalds rebuked a different colleague working on Linux, while blasting the work of yet another because "I expect *some* quality control, and this piece-of-s--- driver has clearly seen none at all."

        He's attacked tech giants like Intel, wondering whether the company is "committed to selling you s--- forever and ever, and never fixing anything?" When the graphics chipmaker Nvidia ran afoul of Torvalds one time, he said simply: "f--- you."

        As Torvalds labored over the wording of an important announcement in 2018 though, he was gripped with doubt and self-consciousness. Nearly three decades after creating the software that made him famous, revered and feared, Torvalds — on the advice of a few close friends — was temporarily stepping away to "get help on how to behave differently."

        "I am not an emotionally empathetic kind of person," Torvalds would acknowledge in the 989-word public apology.


        "We are aging, and we need to bring people into the community as quickly as possible to replace these old hats," Miller said.

        When I asked Torvalds about how several developers said the Linux community was getting older, he said that he's "actually not very concerned about that." While kernel maintainers used to skew young — Torvalds himself was 21 — it's been three decades, and many of these people have stuck around.

        "It's absolutely true that the kernel maintainers are getting older - it seems to happen to all of us, with each of us being a year older every year," Torvalds said. "Some of us get fatter too, while others have thinning hair."

        Linux has "plateaued" in growth though, Torvalds acknowledges. While the project has a "healthy development pace," it's not "accelerating," he said. Still, Linux does releases every two to three months, with 1,500 to 2,000 developers involved in each, and he's comfortable with where the project is in terms of size and growth.

        Linux's reputation for not being inclusive might also deter newcomers. They might be intimidated, or even "mortified," about developing for the kernel, Miller said. And they're not going to stick around if they don't feel like they're being treated nicely, said Axboe, who has been actively recruiting new graduates at Facebook to work on the kernel.

        "As you go into decade one or two or three, to make the project survive and thrive over time, you need to bring fresh, new blood," Axboe said. "A caustic environment or reputation for being caustic is not conducive to bringing younger people into the fold."

        Perhaps the biggest question is what will happen to Linux when Torvalds steps down.

        Torvalds expects that Linux would go in a similar direction as the Python programming language. After the Python creator Guido van Rossum stepped away from day-to-day involvement, a steering committee was created to oversee things.

        "Yes, we have several high profile maintainers, but if I suddenly went away, there's a wide and deep set of people who could maintain Linux," Torvalds said.

        "There would be politics, there would be some infighting, but the chaos would very much be temporary."

        At least, that's what Torvald hopes.

      • Linux's New "randomize_kstack_offset" Security Feature Having Minimal Performance Impact - Phoronix

        Of the many new features in Linux 5.13 one of the prominent security features is the ability to randomize the kernel stack offset at each system call. With Linux 5.13 stable imminent, here are some performance benchmarks of the impact from enabling this security feature.

        Linux 5.13 has the ability to randomize the kernel stack offset per system call to make it more difficult for attackers to achieve stack-based attacks on the kernel for those exploits relying on stack determinism. This mainline kernel feature was inspired by PaX's existing "RANDKSTACK" while the actual implementation differs.

      • Graphics Stack

        • Mesa's Exciting Milestones So Far In 2021 From Zink To Great Intel/AMD Open-Source Work - Phoronix

          With the half-way point for the year upon us, here is a look back at the most exciting Mesa open-source graphics driver news so far in 2021 with exciting contributions from Microsoft, AMD and Intel continuing to be the most open-source friendly graphics vendors, Zink making remarkable progress for OpenGL over Vulkan, performance optimizations galore, more embedded Vulkan drivers coming about, and other milestones for open-source Linux graphics.

    • Applications

      • Best Graphical Git Clients for Linux

        This article will cover a list of graphical “Git” clients available for Linux. Git is a distributed version control system originally created by Linus Torvalds. It can help in tracking changes for your project files or code repositories and can be used to go back to earlier file revisions by reverting commits. The “git” command is undoubtedly one of the most popular commands to manage git repositories. However, this article will mainly focus on graphical git clients.

      • Best CAD Software for Linux

        This article will cover a list of useful “CAD” software for Linux. “Computer-Aided Design” or “CAD” is a design methodology where computers or other similar computing devices are used to create and optimize designs. CAD software can be typically used to create geometric figures and vector-based 2D and 3D graphics for physical or mechanical products and spaces that already exist or can be used to create prototypes and preview designs for physical products that are yet to be invented or launched. They can also be used to print 2D or 3D designs/blueprints of products on paper. CAD designs are really helpful for visualizing products and spaces before they are created, and you can observe their geometry and dimensions. CAD software is not meant for designing mockups for software applications or for designing user interfaces. Though they tend to be pretty flexible, you can design virtually anything if your use case demands.

      • qBittorrent 4.3.6 / 4.4 Beta 1

        The qBittorrent project aims to provide a Free Software alternative to €µtorrent. qBittorrent is an advanced and multi-platform BitTorrent client with a nice user interface as well as a Web UI for remote control and an integrated search engine. qBittorrent aims to meet the needs of most users while using as little CPU and memory as possible. qBittorrent is a truly Open Source project, and as such, anyone can and should contribute to it.

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • How To Install Eclipse IDE on AlmaLinux 8 - idroot

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Eclipse IDE on AlmaLinux 8. For those of you who didn’t know, Eclipse is an open-source IDE (Integrated development environment) available for cross platforms like Windows, Linux, and macOS. The primary use of Eclipse is to develop Java applications but can be used to develop apps in other programming languages such as HTML, CSS, or PHP.

        This article assumes you have at least basic knowledge of Linux, know how to use the shell, and most importantly, you host your site on your own VPS. The installation is quite simple and assumes you are running in the root account, if not you may need to add ‘sudo‘ to the commands to get root privileges. I will show you through the step-by-step installation of the Eclipse IDE on an AlmaLinux 8. You can follow the same instructions for Rocky Linux.

      • How To View The Contents Of An Archive Or Compressed File In Linux

        In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to view the contents of an Archive and/or Compressed file without actually extracting it in Linux and Unix-like operating systems.

        Technically speaking - Viewing the contents of an archive and/or compressed files without extracting them is not possible.

        Behind the scenes the compressed files are decompressed in a temporary directory, a common location is in the /tmp directory in Linux and Unix systems.

        Once you reboot the system, the contents of /tmp directory will be gone.

      • CentOS 8 Extend Root Partition Using LVM – Linux Hint

        A few years ago, disk management was a resource-consuming task for system administrators. Scenarios such as running out of space were the bane of sysadmins, mainly because resolving it involved a lot of work. This would cause sysadmins to take servers offline, install new drives, partition and then extend them to the current system. It was not fun. The Logical Volume manager solved this problem once and for all. LVM is a device mapper framework that allows for disk management in very easy steps.

        LVM allows sysadmins to perform disk management tasks such as resizing, extending, and removing partitions flexibly and easily. Therefore sysadmins do not need to take the system offline to extend partitions and more.

        In this tutorial, I will show you a method to use the LVM manager to extend the size of your root partition.

      • Configure Static IP Address

        Any device connected to a network gets assigned an IP address that allows other devices in the network to locate and communicate with it. Typically, an IP address gets assigned by the DHCP server on a router.

        A DHCP server assigns any available IP address to the connected network. That means the IP address of a device may change from time to time. In certain instances, you may need to set up a static IP for your device. Doing this tells the router to reserve a specific IP for that device and assign it every time it connects to the network.

        This tutorial aims to give you the basics of IP addresses, how DHCP works, and show you how to set up a static IP on your Linux machine.

      • Configure a Password-less Sudo

        I can bet that we are all familiar with sudo. It is a utility available in most Linux distributions and being adopted by those that haven’t implement it yet. Therefore, if you are a regular Linux user, sudo is a must-use tool. Sudo is a Unix utility that allows trusted users to run commands with the privileges of another user. Its most common use is to run commands as the root user, which is set by default.

        However, to invoke sudo, the user calling the sudo command must be a group of the sudoers managed by the sudoers file in (/etc/sudoers/). However, the group name of the sudoers group may differ based on the distribution you are using.

        Out of the box, once a user invokes sudo, they will be required to provide a password before execution. That is one of the security mechanisms of the sudo tool as it can be harmful if incorrectly.

        However, if you often run loads of commands in your terminal, it can be very exhausting to keep typing your passwords every time you invoke sudo. Similarly, if you are running scripts that require sudo, having a password is really not the way to go. That is where the concept of password-less sudo comes in.

      • Create Yum Local Repository

        Linux repositories are one of the most useful features of a Linux distribution. They contain a database of packages and software for the specific distribution or its children.

        Yum is one of those repositories. It is the base repository for RPM packages used in RedHat and RedHat-based distributions. RPM is easy to configure and use, allowing users to install software packages in their systems easily and quickly.

        Yum packages can be hosted on a server and served remotely via HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP or local installation of the repository. Local installation involves downloading the packages and store them on the local disk.

        The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to set up a locally hosted Yum repository on CentOS.

      • How to install MongoDB Compass on Ubuntu

        Mongo DB Compass is a GUI for the Mongo Database software. It runs on Ubuntu, as well as Mac OS, Windows, and RedHat. It’s helpful software for those that want a better GUI way of managing their Mongo DB setups. In this guide, we’ll show you how to set it up in Ubuntu.

      • Edit Etc/Hosts Linux

        In various instances, you will need to edit the host file in the system. That can be to either use it as a firewall, i.e., control some network traffic, add a domain name, or test out its functionality.

        The host file is a local file or local DNS system that contains a static table lookup for hostnames and IP addresses. It is available in all operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS.

        Because it is a local DNS system, it takes precedence over other DNS systems, making it a good choice for unrecognized domains.

        This quick tutorial will help you understand what the file contains and how you can edit it.

      • How to Change MySQL Bind Address

        MySQL is a popular database management system that has been available for years. Due to its flexibility and easy management, many small developments to massive projects use it.

        In most cases, the MySQL server and the main application are hosted on the same machine. Thus, MySQL listens for connections from the local machine only. However, with the rise of distributed systems where the application and the database are hosted in separate servers, listening on localhost is not very ideal.

      • How to Change the Default Interface in Linux?

        Almost everything productive we can do in Linux requires us to have a network connection. Whether we are developing apps, installing software, scripting, sharing files, or even watching movies, we need a working network connection. Hence, the statement “I require a network connection” is simply an understatement. The only way to enable network connection on a machine is through a network interface.

        A network interface is a device or a point of connection between a device and a private or public network. In most cases, a network interface is a physical card such as a wireless adapter, a network card, and such. However, this does not necessarily mean that a network interface should be a physical device. For example, a loopback adapter that is not physically visible is implemented by software and available on all devices.

      • How to Check Memory Usage in Kubernetes Pod

        When introducing a new application or migrating an old one to Kubernetes, you may not be aware of the resources required. However, Kubernetes works best when resource restrictions and requests are established for each pod (or, more correctly, each container in each pod). This determines how pods are scheduled on nodes. Kubernetes monitoring is also critical for resource usage, efficiency, and controlling costs. To ensure pods use underlying node resources effectively, Kubernetes clusters must be effectively implemented.

        The same may be said for resources assigned to certain containers or namespaces. You must learn how an application acts when it is deployed to scale it and deliver a reliable service. In a Kubernetes cluster, you may monitor application performance by looking at the containers, pods, services, and cluster attributes. At all of these levels, Kubernetes provides extensive information on an app’s resource utilization.

      • How to Check if a Package is Available In Yum

        Yellowdog Updater Modified or Yum for short is a package management tool for RPM packages. It is popular in the REHL family of Linux distributions, including CentOS and Fedora. Thus, you can think of yum as a bootstrap for RPM package manager.

        Like popular package managers, Yum works via repositories that contain collections of tools in rpm format.

        For this quick one, we will discuss the basics of yum and show available packages on a system using yum as a package manager.

      • How to Create An Ansible Playbook in Ubuntu

        Ansible is a powerful automation and remote management tool that allows you to administer all your remote machines. Ansible is cross-platform and can work on most machines with no requirements for additional software. Ansible also offers security by utilizing SSH and Python on remote machines to execute specified tasks. It supports two methods for managing remote machines: ad hoc commands and Ansible playbooks. Ad hoc commands are raw commands that you can execute in the terminal to perform a task in a single instance.

        Ansible Playbooks, on the other hand, are files written in the YAML language. They contain a single or a set of tasks executed on the remote machine. Due to the strict nature of YAML, Ansible playbooks require careful attention in the general syntax.

        This tutorial will walk you through the basics of writing Ansible Playbooks and executing commands on remote machines. For the illustrations in this guide, we will set up a simple playbook that installs and configures Apache webserver.

      • How to Find the Last Occurrence of a String in File Linux

        In Linux, we constantly work with string and text files; whether working with log files or documents, text manipulation is one process we cannot escape.

        This guide will show you how to locate the last occurrence of a string in a file in Linux. Linux has many tools that can help perform tasks. However, for simplicity, we will stick to the readily available tools in all major Linux distributions.

      • How to Get md5 Hash Of A File

        Message-Digest algorithm, commonly known as md5 hash, is a type of cryptographic hash function mainly used to verify the integrity of files. Md5 is a 128-bit message digest produced after running the MD5 function against a file.

        Md5 has its flaws and is therefore not a very good choice for certain encryption methods, but it is very well suited for file verification. It works by creating a checksum of a file and comparing the result to the original. That means if there are changes to a file, there is no way it can produce a digest value similar to the original. The value stays constant no matter where generated or how many times as long as the file remains unchanged.

        For this guide, we shall look at ways to generate an md5 hash value of a file. That will allow you to verify the integrity of files either from remote locations or on your local machine.

      • How to Install and Use Tint2 Panel in Linux

        “Tint2” is a free and open source standalone panel / dock application available for Linux. It is a desktop environment and distribution agnostic panel, so you can install it on any Linux based OS. It can be used as a replacement for existing panels / docks in your desktop environment as it supports system tray applets and indicator applets. You can also use it as an extra panel to accompany panels already available in your desktop environment. Tint2 is especially useful for desktop environments that don’t ship any panel by default (OpenBox for example).

      • How to Pass Ansible Username And Password?

        Ansible is a modern open-source automation tool that makes it easier to configure and manage remote servers. Although other automation tools can match ansible’s usability, they are often too complex than a basic automation tool needs to be.

        Ansible, on the other hand, is simple and easy to use for most users. It uses the YAML format to specify server configurations and tasks executed on remote machines. It also offers a great security feature by using SSH as the default mode of authentication.

        However, in some instances, you may not have configured SSH keys on a remote host and thus need to specify the username and password explicitly

        If that’s the case, this guide will discuss creating basic playbooks and running them on a remote host that does not have SSH keys configured.

      • How to Run an apt-get Update in Ansible

        In my daily workflow, I work with a lot of remote Linux systems most of which are Debian based. Sometimes it gets very tiresome to SSH into all the machines, do an apt-get update and then check if there are any updates and install them. Even with Password-Less SSH logins, it still takes an immense amount of time. The question arises on how a user can automate this process. The answer is Ansible.

        For this tutorial, I will show you how to utilize a powerful automation tool to update all your remote systems using apt. Staying up to date and applying all the patches to your system will help keep your system secure.

      • How to Use Systemctl Utility in Linux

        Whether you are a seasoned system administrator or a new Linux user, service management is one of the fundamental operations you will have to carry out. Hence, having a firm grasp of how services work and how to manage them is a great advantage.

        This tutorial walks you through the basics of service management in Linux and how to use Systemctl to manage services, get information about system units, and get helpful information about the state of the services in your system.

      • Migrating HA Kubernetes Cluster from CentOS 7 to Rocky Linux 8

        We are going to upgrade our Kubernetes homelab nodes from CentOS 7 to Rocky Linux 8.

        We have a cluster of six nodes, three control planes and three worker nodes, all of which are KVM guests running CentOS 7.

      • How to install and use Pigz tool in Linux - Unixcop

        Pigz is an acronym for Parallel Implementation of GZip. It’s a compression tool that helps you compress files with blazing fast speeds. As an improvement of the good old gzip utility, it leverages multiple cores and processors to compress data.

      • How to remove old Docker containers
      • How to install and setup Docker Container on Rocky Linux 8 - Linux Shout

        Docker is a virtualization platform, popular for its ability to run applications in Containers. We can build and communicate containers with one another. Here we learn how to install the Docker CE platform on Rocky Linux 8 to create containerized virtual machines.

      • What Is GRUB Bootloader and What Does It Do?

        A boot loader is one of the most important components of your Linux operating system's boot process.

        This article will show you what a boot loader is and the role it plays in a Linux system. In particular, this guide will focus on the Grand Unified Bootloader (GRUB), a powerful and highly flexible boot loader program. But before looking at GRUB in detail, it is important to understand the boot process in Linux.

      • Install Docker on Ubuntu: A Step-by Step Guide

        Learn how to install Docker on Ubuntu in this easy to follow guide for beginners. Just follow the steps and start using Docker in a matter of minutes.

        Docker is a platform that packages the application and all its dependencies in the container so that the application works seamlessly. It uses virtualization technology to provide isolated containers for software and tools. They are similar to virtual machines, but containers are more portable, and more resource-friendly.

    • Games

      • Talking point: what have you been playing recently? | GamingOnLinux

        It's coming to the end of another week so let's all catch up in the comments about what you've been playing recently.

        For me, I recently got back into a game called Devader. It's not the most well-known title and the developer Falkenbrew isn't exactly a big name either. Devader is a twin-stick shooter and a thoroughly bizarre one too. It might, in fact, be one of the most insane top-down games I've ever had the pleasure of playing. The enemy designs are absolutely wild and you can see some of that on the developer's Imgur. If you want something crazy, definitely try it out.

      • Can you play Star Stable on a Chromebook?

        Unfortunately, Star Stable is only playable on PC or Mac, and will not run on Ubuntu, Linux, or Chrome OS. While there are away to get Windows running on a Chromebook, this tends to involve installing a new BIOS is not recommended.

    • Desktop Environments/WMs

      • K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt

        • digiKam: GSoC 2021 Week 3

          This week we fixed a lot more deprecated code. We are now very close to try building digiKam with Qt6 for the first time.

        • GSOC with KStars 01: Intro

          Hi folks, talking to you over the interwebs is Valentin Boettcher who is overhauling the Deep Sky Object (DSO) system in the KStars Desktop Planetarium for the Google Summer of Code anno domini 2021.

          This is the first post in a series and rather late in the coming, so let's get right to it.

          I'm currently studying for a master’s degree in physics at the TU-Dresden in, you've guessed it correctly, the beautiful city of Dresden (Germany). In Germany, we do have two study terms per year and the summer term usually coincides neatly with the GSOC so that I couldn't participate in past years. This time around however, my schedule was finally sparse enough for me to have a go at it, and here we are :).

        • GSoC’21: Week 1-3 with Krita – Santhosh Anguluri

          It has been 3 weeks since the commencement of GSoC coding phase. This is my blog update to share the status of my project with you all.

          In this period, I have worked on applying removal of paint data over multiple layers over a selected area. Moreover, when a group is selected to apply on, then the operation is applied on every layer and sub-group belong to it.

          However this feature lead to a regression that a deletion performed on a paint layer is applied to its masks as well. This is something that might not be user-friendly. So my mentors suggested me to make the operation in such a way that the deletion is performed only on masks that are explicitly selected.

        • Latte Dock v0.10 | Beta Release

          Two years in the making and long awaited from Latte Community because of its advancements.

          Let's welcome Latte Dock v0.9.97 the First Beta of v0.10.x branch!

          Next three weeks will be given for bug fixing and translators to step in. If everything goes on schedule then in middle of July next official stable v0.10.0 will be released.

      • GNOME Desktop/GTK

        • Veena Nagar: My Project at GNOME

          I find the workflow of GNOME very intuitive. It is smart and stable. Dynamic workspaces are one of the features that make using GNOME a great environment to me. We can easily view all the applications running on a workspace simply by pressing the Super key and We cannot forget that it’s easily extensible. It has a lot of extensions.


          What is asynchronous? The idea of asynchronous operations is to execute a task “in the background” without the user having to wait for the task to finish. In C, We can only use callbacks to implement asynchronous operations whereas other programming languages like JavaScript and Python can implement such operations automatically using async/await keywords.

          GNOME platform libraries use C and also provide a bridge from the platform libraries written in C, to all the other programming languages such as Python and JavaScript with the help of GObject-Introspection software. In my project, I learned about the working of callable statements, the use of GAsyncResultCallback arguments, how to represent the conditions in an abstract syntax tree(AST) manner and also about the annotations we use to add finish-FUNC and async-FUNC in the GObject-introspection.

    • Distributions

      • New Releases

        • LibreELEC (Matrix) 10.0 BETA5

          LibreELEC 10.0 BETA 5 is released! bringing Kodi (Matrix) v19.1 (+ additional fixes) to LibreELEC users.

          Changes from LibreELEC 10.0 BETA 4 are listed here. As discussed in the recent Upcoming Changes blog post it, the 10.0 release is a disruptive and limited hardware release. If you have not read the blog post – please do – because we are not releasing images for all hardware. In summary: this is a stable release for Generic (x86_64 PCs). Stable-Beta for Allwinner and Rockchip. Stable “Alpha” for Raspberry Pi 4 as the code is still very new. RPi 2/3 are still in development targeting an LE10.2 release. RPi 0/1 are discontinued. All others hardware is still in development and not in a state for formal releases.

      • Debian Family

        • Antonio Terceiro: Debian Continuous Integration now using Salsa logins

          I have just updated the Debian Continuous Integration platform with debci 3.1.

          This update brings a few database performance improvements, courtesy of adding indexes to very important columns that were missing them. And boy, querying a table with 13 million rows without the proper indexes is bad! :-)

          Now, the most user visible change in this update is the change from Debian SSO to Salsa Logins, which is part of Pavit Kaur's GSoC work. She has been working with me and Paul Gevers for a few weeks, and this was the first official task in the internship.

          For users, this means that you now can only log in via Salsa. If you have an existing session where you logged in with an SSO certificate, it will still be valid. When you log in with Salsa, your username will be changed to match the one in Salsa. This means that if your account on salsa gets renamed, it will automatically be renamed on Debian CI when you log in the next time. Unfortunately we don't have a logout feature yet, but in the meantime you can use the developer toolbar to delete any existing cookies you might have for

    • Devices/Embedded

    • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

      • CMS

        • Best GPL Guru Alternative site review for Wp Themes & Plugins [Ed: The term "GPL" is being misused. WordPress itself is GPL-licensed, but the term "GPL" is now being leveraged to sell proprietary software]

          You need WordPress Themes & Plugins to develop and manage your WordPress website. You can virtually build any kind of design that you want, by yourself, given that you have the right tools and plugins at your disposal.

          This is what GPL WordPress Themes and Plugins websites help you with.

          These websites offer you access to GPL themes and plugins that the user can download and use for any kind of purpose that they want. The downloader of the GPL products can use, distribute, and even modify the product as per their requirement.

          In this article, we are going to review the GPL Guru website for WordPress themes and plugins and its best alternative that you can use instead of this GPL WordPress themes and plugins provider website.

      • Programming/Development

        • How a 70s schoolteacher invented C, one of the most influential coding languages

          If you thought that C is the kind of language that only 60-year-old white men know, think again. Yeah, it’s the dinosaur among today’s programming languages. But it’s still alive and kicking in more areas than you’d think.

          For one, Unix is written in C. Originally written in assembly, the Unix kernel was rewritten in C back in 1973. This made Unix a lot more portable across different machines, and helped make it popular. And without this, we wouldn’t have all the beautiful operating systems of today — think Linux, Mac OS X, Android, iOS, Chrome OS, and whatever your router is running with.

          If you’ve ever worked with databases, you’ve definitely used C, too. Even if you weren’t aware about that! Database management systems like Oracle Database, MySQL, and others are written in C. Most of them have since been rewritten in C++, but that’s also a direct descendant of C.

  • Leftovers

    • Integrity/Availability

    • AstroTurf/Lobbying/Politics

      • 'If Keir Starmer's popularity was measured in Fahrenheit it would be below freezing'

        I missed out on the first incarnation of Batley Variety Club, a nightclub built on a former sewage works that was modelled on those in Vegas and attracted all the stars: Louis Armstrong, Shirley Bassey and, erm, Ken Dodd.

        I also missed the second incarnation – when it shut in 1978 and re-opened as “Crumpets” which, by all accounts, had a slightly different feel to it.

        Later on it became the Batley Frontier – which I caught a little bit of (although the less said about that the better), then that shut and it became a gym. And who wants to go to a gym?

        It’s an interesting part of the world, Batley and Spen. Not quite Leeds but close enough that we never held it against them.

    • Censorship/Free Speech

    • Monopolies

      • FOSS Patents: In its latest effort to dissuade Judge Gonzalez Rogers from allowing the Epic Games Store on iOS, Apple points to NCAA v. Alston Supreme Court opinion

        If the NCAA had won the case, or had at least achieved some improvement over the lower courts' decisions (Ninth Circuit and district court), that might have helped Apple at a high level: it would have been a partial or complete, in any event high-profile, success for an antitrust defendant in the nation's highest court. However, the Supreme Court unanimously decided the matter against the NCAA--and Justice Kavanaugh filed a concurrence only to note that multiple other NCAA rules than the one challenged in that particular case could also be meritoriously attacked on antitrust grounds.

        Arguably, there hasn't been a similarly high-profile antitrust decision by the Supreme Court in a long time--and it may be the most significant one ever to have been made unanimously.

        So what is Apple hoping to gain from this? That is unclear. The only thing that is very transparent here is that Apple--which has recently seen additional antitrust action being launched and Capitol Hill lawmakers taking aim at some fundamental App Store rules--is very afraid. Afraid of the remaining risk from Apple's perspective--and opportunity for app developers--that Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers might order Apple to allow third-party app stores such as the Epic Games Store on iOS.

      • The Brazilian Supreme Court defines the effects of the decision declaring the unconstitutionality of the sole paragraph of article 40 of the Industrial Property Law

        On 12 May 2021, the Supreme Court defined the modulation of the effects of the decision that declared the unconstitutionality of the sole paragraph of article 40 of the Industrial Property Law (LPI).


        As readers are aware, on 7 April 2021, Justice Dias Toffoli (rapporteur) issued a preliminary injunction suspending the validity of the sole paragraph of article 40 regarding “patents related to pharmaceutical products and processes and medical equipment and/or materials for use in healthcare”, effectively preventing the INPI from granting them according to the challenged rule.

        On 6 May 2021, the Supreme Court decided that the sole paragraph of article 40 is unconstitutional by a majority of votes.

        The Court began analyzing the proposal to modulate the effects of the decision, i.e., if the decision would have retroactive or prospective effects and if they would be applied to patents and utility models in all technological areas. However, it was decided to resume the discussion on 12 May 2021.

        During the session held on 12 May 2021, Justice Dias Toffoli proposed that the final decision should have retroactive effects (ex tunc effects) with immediate applicability regarding patents for pharmaceutical products and processes and medical equipment and/or materials, as if the sole paragraph of article 40 of the LPI had never been enacted.

        He also proposed that patents whose validity was already being judicially questioned based on the sole paragraph’s unconstitutionality before 7 April 2021 should also be immediately affected by the Court’s decision with ex tunc effects [i.e., retroactive effects].

      • Around the IP Blogs

        In a guest post from Pedro Matheus and Leonardo Cordeiro (Gruenbaum, Possinhas & Teixeira), IPTango discussed the Brazilian Supreme Court's definition of the effect of a decision which declared Art.40 of the Industrial Property Law of Brazil to be unconstitutional.

      • Patents

        • IPO Webinar on Waiving IP Protections to Address COVID-19 [Ed: IBM front group, with IBM mole David Kappos (still salaried by them, was also in USPTO after his time at IBM), on patents that kill lots of people for profit, millions in the case of COVID]

          The Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) will offer a one-hour webinar entitled "Waiving IP Protections to Address COVID-19: The WTO Proposals and Ensuring Equitable Access to the Vaccines" on June 30, 2021 from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm (ET). Tanuja Garde of Raytheon Technologies; David Kappos of Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP; James Pooley of James Pooley, PLC; and Tony Rollins of Rollins IP Strategies Ltd. will share information about the status of the waiver proposals made by India and South Africa and the European Union's proposal to increase the global supply of COVID-19 vaccines, the logistics of negotiations at the WTO, and the roles of various U.S. governmental and international agencies. The panel will also discuss questions such as whether a waiver would actually increase access to vaccines and other technologies, the impact of a waiver on innovation, impediments to ensuring broader vaccine access, and the effectiveness of ongoing voluntary efforts to distribute the vaccine and other important technologies more widely.

        • Practical Tips For Patenting Antibody Therapeutics At The European Patent Office – In Association With Babraham Research Campus [Ed: EPO has become so bonkers and so deeply compromised that you can get patents on almost anything, including life and nature (plants, seeds, animals, antibodies)]

          The requirements for obtaining granted patents for biological inventions, and in particular antibody therapeutics, have changed dramatically over the last couple of decades. As the science develops so does the law and the way in which the European Patent Office examines such inventions has become tougher, but more clear and consistent. In this talk, Ross Cummings, a biotech focused Patent Attorney at GJE, will discuss how much and what kind of data is required to get antibody patents of different scopes granted. Ross will also talk about common pitfalls to be avoided early on in the patent filing process for such inventions and how to know when you are ready to file that first patent application. This talk will cut through the legal jargon to focus on providing practical tips to help startup companies build commercially relevant patent portfolios to drive investment.

        • Recent Developments Regarding Patent Injunctions In Germany [Ed: The Germany government wants us to think monopolies and embargo somehow help improve creativity and innovation]

          - Injunction gap: Infringement and validity are heard by different branches of the judiciary (bifurcation). The infringement courts only stay the proceedings pending parallel nullity actions if they have a strong indication that the patent-in-suit is invalid. That is, unless the patent is obviously invalid, first instance proceedings can be completed in about 1.5 years. Parallel nullity actions usually take much longer. Among other disadvantages for the defendants, this gap may result in unfavorable settlements based on potentially invalid patents.

          - De facto automatic injunction: If infringement is found, the default remedy is an injunction. While infringement courts do have some discretion if and to what extent an injunction shall be granted, they almost never make use of it. This as well provides substantial leverage to patentees in settlement negotiations.

          - Preliminary injunctions: Preliminary injunctions are available, even in complex cases.

        • A Framework for Protecting Your Invention Outside the U.S. [Ed: Expanding American monopolies to other countries where American corporations typically write the laws directly and indirectly]

          Patent protection outside the U.S. can be important for a company to enter the global market and to build relationships with partners and investors both domestically and internationally. In general, there are two options to file a patent application outside the U.S.: (1) file a Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) application and then enter the national phase of countries of interest; and (2) file a patent application directly in a foreign jurisdiction. For both options, the foreign application can be based on and claim priority from a U.S. application.

        • Double patenting: legal fact or fiction? (G4/19) [Ed: They fail to note that the Enlarged Board of Appeal (EBA) is rigged, untrustworthy, and now completely corrupted. It needs to be fixed or the kangaroo court will continue to enable crimes.]

          The Enlarged Board of Appeal (EBA) has this week released its decision regarding the issue of double patenting.

          The concept of double patenting will be familiar to those working in the patent field. It occurs when two different patents in the same jurisdiction claim the same subject-matter. If a claim has identical scope to that of a previous granted claim, the European Patent Office (EPO) will usually issue an objection. Yet, the European Patent Convention (EPC) does not explicitly refer to double patenting, leading to confusion as to whether an application can actually be refused on the ground of double patenting.

          The question of double patenting was therefore referred to the Enlarged Board of Appeal of the EPO (EBA), in order to determine whether, and under what provision, an application could be refused due to double patenting. The Enlarged Board found that an application could indeed be refused, as a result of Article 125 EPC

        • Double patenting – Art. 125 EPC provides legal basis for refusing a European patent application

          The Enlarged Board of Appeal (EBA) of the European Patent Office (EPO) has ruled in its G 4/19 decision this week that a European patent application can be refused during prosecution under Art. 97(2) EPC on the basis of double patenting under the European Patent Convention (EPC) and that this also applies to cases concerning double patenting arising from internal priority.

          The case underlying G 4/19 dealt with a European patent application directed to the prevention and treatment of allergic diarrhea, where the application in question claimed priority from a European patent granted to the same applicant for exactly the same (“100% identical”) subject matter. The Examining Division refused the application under Art 97(2) EPC “in conjunction with Article 125 EPC”, which prescribes that “in the absence of procedural provisions in this Convention, the European Patent Office shall take into account the principles of procedural law generally recognised in the Contracting States”. The Examining Division based its refusal on the principle of the prohibition on double patenting referred to in decisions G1/05 and G1/06.

          The applicant appealed the case, arguing that it had a legal interest in obtaining a second patent on the same subject matter as the patent derived from the later filed application offered a year of additional patent protection due to the later filing date (the 20-year patent term is calculated from the filing, not the priority date).

          The Board of Appeal then referred three questions and two invitations to the EBA.

        • Futureco Bioscience Obtains European Patent for New Biopesticide
        • Webinar on Discretionary Institution in PTAB Proceedings

          ● How the PTAB exercises its discretion to deny institution in the face of parallel district court proceedings, e.g., in the Western District of Texas "rocket docket"

        • Adapting your US patent application for Europe [Ed: EPO patent quality has collapsed, so many of the patents might as well just be copy-pasted nonsense of no real value, except for litigation and shake-down]

          A common issue faced by US applicants when entering Europe is the difference in claim and description requirements between the European Patent Office (EPO) and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

          This can make it difficult to draft applications that comply with both systems. However, there are ways of tailoring your US patent application upon (or after) entering Europe, whether it be a direct European filing or via the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) route, that can make the process much easier.

          Here, we take a look at some of those differences.

        • Optinose Technology Inventor Named Winner of European Inventor Award 2021 [Ed: Puff pieces such as these cost the public a fortune and help distract the public from the crimes of the EPO]

          Optinose (NASDAQ: OPTN) this week announced Dr. Per Djupesland received the European Inventor Award 2021 in the Industry category from the European Patent Office (EPO) for his invention of the technology that serves as a basis for the Optinose Exhalation Delivery System (EDSâ„¢).

        • The scientific champions of the 2021 European Inventor Award celebrate [Ed: Euronews helps cover up EPO crimes by producing puff pieces such as these]

          Without creative thinkers, our society and economy would stand still. The most innovative of these people have just been honored with a European Inventor Award from the European Patent Office (EPO).

        • The impact of Brexit on Intellectual Property Law [Ed: No impact as there's no such thing as "Intellectual Property Law"; there's patent law, copyright law, trademark law and so on. These meaningless term and utter nonsense would confuse people. Those laws are not the same at all.]

          2021 is the first year in which Brexit took full effect, following the end of the transition period. It therefore continues to keep businesses busy on how to get to grips with the legislative changes resulting from Brexit. On 23 June the Centre for Intellectual Property Rights (CIER) of the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands hosted a lecture by Prof. Sir Robin Jacob - one of the world’s leading experts on IP law, on the impact of Brexit on Intellectual Property Law. Dr Alexander Tsoutsanis (DLA Piper) was asked to provide closing remarks. Attendees included practitioners, industry, academics, judges and students.

        • BioInvent receives notice of allowance in China for BI-1206 patent
        • BioInvent receives notice of allowance in China for BI-1206 patent [Ed: How is this a cause for celebration meriting a press release when China issues many millions of very low quality patents?]

          BioInvent International AB ("BioInvent") (Nasdaq Stockholm: BINV), a biotech company focused on the discovery and development of novel and first-in-class immune-modulatory antibodies for cancer immunotherapy, today announced that the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) has issued a notice of allowance, informing the company that a patent application relating to the anti-FcγRllB antibody BI-1206 is granted contingent on payment of the issue fee.

        • A point of principle

          Moreover, the “novelty” patentability criterion of an invention has always been considered as the most clearly defined and simple enough to establish that a claimed invention complies with it.

        • Facebook Patents An ‘Artificial Reality’ Baseball Cap

          The concept melds a baseball cap with smart glasses. But the result looks pretty laughable, at least on the US patent application.

        • Software Patents

          • ACI Advanced Summit on Life Sciences Patents Conference [Ed: In many cases, "Life Sciences Patents" is just a made up (fictional/new) term used to push software patents as if they save lives]

            American Conference Institute (ACI) will be holding its 19th Advanced Summit on Life Sciences Patents conference on July 21-22, 2021 as a virtual conference.

          • Webinar on Patentability of Simulations at the EPO [Ed: A corrupted kangaroo court at the EPO let software patents slip through and mass litigation firms now use that, bolstered by the rigging]

            J A Kemp will be offering a webinar entitled "Patentability of Simulations at the EPO" on June 30, 2021 at 16:00 pm BST (GMT+1). John Leeming of J A Kemp will detail the approach of the EPO to computer-implemented inventions (including simulations) and consider what the recent G 01/19 does (and does not) tell us about the patentability of simulations and computer-implemented inventions in general, and also provide practical advice regarding the drafting and prosecution of applications directed to computer-implemented inventions in Europe in light of the decision.

      • Trademarks

        • This week in IP: In-house ‘concerned’ by Arthrex, Apple and Fortress strike deal, SPCs have ‘huge value’

          USPTO rejects new trademark for former Washington Redskins

          The Washington Football Team met a setback in efforts to rebrand itself this week when the USPTO rejected trademark for ‘WFT’ (Washington Football Team).

          On Friday, June 18, the USPTO denied the application on the basis of a pre-existing trademark that was too similar to the one proposed by the Washington team, formerly the Washington Redskins, for a line of clothing merchandise.

          The offices found there was a likelihood of confusion between the two marks.

          The decision read: “In total, the two marks create the same commercial impression and the evidence shows that the goods are commercially related and likely to be encountered together in the marketplace by consumers.

          “Therefore, consumers are likely to be confused and mistakenly believe that the goods originate from a common source.”

          The agency also found that the name ‘Washington Football Team’ was too generic, and cited evidence that the applicant for the trademark did not reside in Washington, DC.

          The Washington Football Team has been seeking to trademark its new name since it dropped its ‘Redskins’ name and logo last year in reaction to mounting pressure after the murder of George Floyd.

          For the moment there appears to be no clear decision what the Washington team will call itself in the future. In April, the team emailed fans with a list of suggestions including ‘The Washington Monarchs’ and ‘The Washington Presidents’.

          The team now has six months to respond to the trademark refusal and will have to prove that the name is distinctive from other similar names.

        • Recovering Attorneys' Fees in Trademark Cases Made Easier in Tenth Circuit

          Under €§285 of the Patent Act, a district court may award attorneys’ fees to the prevailing party “in exceptional cases.” In Octane Fitness v. ICON Health & Fitness (2014), the U.S. Supreme Court held that for a case to be deemed “exceptional,” the case need only be “one that stands out from others,” and that the burden of proof is “preponderance of the evidence,” rejecting the prior, more strict, “clear and convincing evidence” standard. This essentially made it easier for prevailing litigants in patent litigation to recover attorneys’ fees. €§1117(a) of the Lanham Act contains a provision that is on its face identical to €§285 of the Patent Act; and, in examining whether a trademark case is “exceptional” under the Lanham Act provision, all circuits except the Tenth Circuit had either explicitly adopted the “preponderance of evidence” standard or otherwise applied Octane to trademark cases, making it easier to recover attorneys’ fees in trademark cases as well.

          On June 8, 2021, in Derma Pen, LLC v. 4EverYoung Limited, the Tenth Circuit found that the “exceptional case” standard in trademark cases paralleled the standard in patent cases, and affirmed the trial court’s decision to award the defendant-appellee attorneys’ fees relying on €§285 of the Patent Act as interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court in Octane. Now that the Tenth Circuit has joined, all circuits are now unified in applying the “preponderance of evidence” standard in examining whether a case is “exceptional” in trademark cases for the purpose of awarding attorneys’ fees.

      • Copyrights

        • Remixing and Remastering Music in US Copyright Law: Some Reflections after Arty v Marshmello

          In 2019, Artem Stoliarov, a Russian DJ whose stage name is Arty, filed a lawsuit before the US District Court for the Central District of California, alleging that Marshmello’s song ‘Happier’ copied the synthesizer melody from his 2014 remix of OneRepublic’s ‘I Lived’ (OneRepublic is an American pop rock band). Marshmello, an American electronic music producer and DJ, won the case as Judge Philip S. Gutierrez held that Arty had contractually given up ownership of the rights over remix composition, and therefore had no grounds to sue.


          Marshmello’s attorney has obviously cheered the ruling, noting that it is supported “not just by fundamental contract and copyright law principles, but also by longstanding industry practice recognizing that remixers do not acquire ownership interests in the remixes they prepare, unless they specifically negotiate for and obtain such interests from the rights holders”.

          While the case focused on the interpretation of a contractual clause, the decision confirms that in general it can get complicated when it comes to copyright ownership of re-interpretations of previous songs or recordings, whether they are remixes (as in the Arty v Marshmello case) or remasters. What is the difference between remixes and remasters? As also noted by Judge Gutierrez at the beginning of his decision, remixes of other artists’ songs and recordings involve “taking a popular composition or sound recording and changing it, sometimes by adding original material”. Thus, remixes entail that a song or sound recording is tweaked, for example by inserting additional lyrics or different instruments. A remaster, on the other hand, is another version of a previous recording, which leaves the main structure of the latter intact. Remastering often enhances the earlier recordings as it gives a different sound experience for commercial or artistic reasons, e.g. by exploiting digital technological advancements which may allow cleaning of the sound and removal of original distortions. For example, several Beatles’ albums have been remastered. Due to modern music production techniques, though, the line distinguishing between remixes and remasters is increasingly blurred and unclear.

          US copyright law does not protect remasters, as they lack originality. A 2018 decision from the 9th Circuit, i.e. ABS v. CBS (Case No. 16-55917), confirmed that. In this case the US Court of Appeals held that digitally remastered sound recordings could not be protected by federal copyright law. The issue was whether a remaster, which involved subjectively and artistically modifying the sound balance, timbre, spatial imagery and loudness range, but otherwise leaving the previous record unedited, could be considered original enough to attract copyright. The court held it could not, “unless its essential character and identity reflect a level of independent sound recording authorship that makes it a variation”, which was not the case in this dispute.

        • 21 for 2021: Term of Copyright: Optimality and Reality

          Under the Berne Convention, the minimum term of copyright protection is life-of-the-author plus 50 years. Many countries, including the US and the EU have terms of life-of-the-author plus 70 years, while others, such as Mexico, extend protection for life plus 100 years. For historical reasons, the term for pre-1978 US works is 95 years, so long as certain domestic formalities were adhered to.

          The extreme length of the copyright term, as opposed to the standard length of patent or plant variety protection (both 20 years) has generated significant empirical inquiry and criticism. Most of the work has come from economists conducting cost-benefit analysis on the effect of long copyright terms. The primary economic justification for copyright assumes that legal protection is needed to incentivize the production of new works which would otherwise go uncreated. Secondary economic justifications include stimulating the creation of derivative works (like movies from books) and incentivizing the commercialization and distribution of works once they are created. Most empirical research queries whether current copyright terms are longer or shorter rather than optimal.

          Note: This blog, and most the research cited, uses an economic definition of “optimal” as the length of legal protection that maximizes social welfare by balancing incentives to create against the deadweight costs associated with creation of exclusive rights (often loosely referred to as “monopoly costs”).

          This blog will discuss the empirical research that addresses several key questions related to copyright term length: 1. Does the long term of copyright incentivize or deter new creations? 2. Does the long term of copyright increase or decrease access to works? 3. Does the long term of copyright incentivize or deter the creation of derivative works? 4. Are negative pricing effects associated with the long term of copyright?

        • Recommendations for Summer Reading: Copyright Books in Review

          All five of these titles are important works of scholarship, rooted in rigorous original research and providing bold and fresh perspectives about how we think about copyright. I will start with Kathy Bowrey’s Copyright, Creativity, Big Media and Cultural Value. This is, without reservation, a landmark work of copyright history: the first historically grounded account of the emergence of the ‘Big Media’ corporates of the twentieth century (publishing, film and music), Bowrey’s account is innovative in locating copyright’s central category of ‘authorship’ at the intersection of ‘cultural, political, legislative and business activity’ (p.3). Whereas historicising ‘authorship’ and uncovering its genealogy has been a concern of scholars of law and the humanities since the 1980s and 1990s (inspired by Michel Foucault’s ‘What is an Author?’ (1969)), Bowrey’s account captures the lived experience of the law and this brings important new themes to the centre-stage of copyright history: the incorporation of the author ‘into the commercial empires in the 20th century’ and the ‘value of copyright in practice’ (p.25). While this is an historical work, Bowrey also speaks to present day concerns. One conclusion concerns the importance of ‘authors and artists today’ making the ‘important decisions about the production and distribution of cultural content, their audiences, brand and licensing terms, rather than relying upon others’ (p.211)

        • News Media Europe Slams Delays In Implementation Of Copyright In The Digital Single Market Directive (2019/790/EU)

          The European press publishers' association, News Media Europe, has slammed the late implementation of the Directive throughout Europe. Only four Member States had transposed the Directive by the deadline for implementation on 7 June 2021.

          NME says that the delays “threaten the sustainability of the free press” as European press publishers eagerly wait for a clear legislative framework that allows them to set up the mechanisms needed so they can start licensing their content online.

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