TODAY we published part 3 of a series that started yesterday [1, 2] and is already being relayed to Croatia (there is interest among Croatians). The EPO has managed to make itself plenty of enemies in a lot of places. The two Frenchmen, Benoît Battistelli and António Campinos, generally reinforce this impression that western Europe can be just as corrupt as the east.
"Is today's EPO doomed beyond repair?"The video above discusses part 3 and the risk to Europe's reputation as well as the European economy. No doubt a lot of people became aware of the abuses last month in G 1/21 (when a kangaroo court did just what kangaroo courts would do).
The EPO is becoming a difficult place to repair because it has been 'infected' at many levels, including the Administrative Council -- increasingly a complicit part of the abuses, looking to cover things up, not 'disinfect' the place.
Is today's EPO doomed beyond repair? Will it reach its 50th anniversary at all? It was founded in 1977. ⬆