THE Linux Foundation is one of the least ethical foundations we can think of because it took something good, "Linux", and then leveraged it for truly evil agenda, unlike foundations that took some notorious names (like robber barons') for whitewashing purposes. In other words, Zemlin et al milk the good name of one thing to benefit evil people with widely despised brands. They deflate "Linux" and Linus (Torvalds) should take note.
"Unlike climate (science) deniers, these people do this for profit, which makes them even more morally reprehensible."The video above concerns several examples of Microsoft greenwashing, both from last year and this past autumn. These greenwashing campaigns, piggypbacking media coverage associated with a climate summit, mostly distract from the world's biggest polluters, converting lies and propaganda into salaries. Unlike climate (science) deniers, these people do this for profit, which makes them even more morally reprehensible. ⬆