Days after Microsoft killed EdgeDeflector, a new utility to stop Edge from loading emerges. The browser that nobody likes or uses. The browser that Microsoft is insisting there’s a “Linux” userbase for that’s just dying to get at it…
MSEdgeRedirect, as it is called, blocks Edge from loading by running as a system tray application and loading the user’s preferred browser instead.
The author claims that he is working on a way to redirect Bing to the user’s preferred search engine as well.
We’ll see how long it takes Microsoft to attack their users and shove Edge down their throats now that this is announced, but it’s unwise to host it on Microsoft GitHub in my humble opinion.
If and when they do, perhaps they can port MSEdgeRedirect to GNU/Linux so that we can install Microsoft Edge and then manually set it as our default browser on one screen instead of the 473 in Windows Vista SP 11, and then deflect it back to our chosen browser, as a show of solidarity with Windows Vista SP 11 sufferers.
In all seriousness, I’ve never seen a company that used to be so powerful grasping at straws to stay relevant like this.
Does pissing the user off normally end well?
Do they think people will use it just because they accidentally click on something?
I’ll stay tuned and keep you on the edge of deflecting Edge. ⬆