Exploring the Cosmos of Geminispace
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0
OUR Gemini capsule will soon turn 1.5 years old. It has become a bit of a hub for Gemini updates, based on aggregation of aggregators. There is also an archive of posts from across the whole space, which continues to grow based on this crawler. Lupa does not crawl as much as it used to, but growth persists, it's just a little harder to detect and measure.
"There's nothing about IRC that's tying it to the World Wide Web."It's hard to properly estimate the true size/extent of Gemini, but there are thousands of known capsules (equivalent of Web sites) and probably millions of pages by now. If you want to join Geminispace and set up your own capsule, we gladly offer help (for free). IRC can be partly integrated with Gemini in a variety of ways because both keep things simple. IRC is also a good hub for discussion about Gemini. There's nothing about IRC that's tying it to the World Wide Web.
Shown below is our growing new archive/directory, which should have over 1,000 additions per month. Better than social control media, which is not healthy (designed to "addict" people for "engagement"). ⬆