Bonum Certa Men Certa

Links 13/04/2023: Nanonote 1.4.0 and LWN Looks at Mobian

  • GNU/Linux

    • Kernel Space

      • LWNUser trace events, one year later

        The kernel has a well-developed mechanism for the control of tracing of events in kernel space. Developers often want to be able to trace user-space activity as well, using the same interfaces, but that mode is rather less well supported. One year ago, an attempt to add an API for the control of user-space trace events ran into trouble and has never been fully enabled. Now, Beau Belgrave is back with a reworked API that may finally result in this mechanism becoming generally available.

        User-space trace events, like those in the kernel, tend to be inactive most of the time; nobody is listening, so no data should be generated. In the kernel, inactive tracepoints are patched out of the binary entirely, but that sort of run-time patching is not readily available in user space. So user-space code must actually check whether a given trace event is enabled and, if so, produce the requisite data. Since any given event is almost certainly inactive, that check should be as fast as possible.

      • LWNAn operation for filesystem tucking

        As a general rule, the purpose behind mounting a filesystem is to make that filesystem's contents visible to the system, or at least to the mount namespace where that mount occurs. For similar reasons, it is unusual to mount one filesystem on top of another, since that would cause the contents of the over-mounted filesystem to be hidden. There are exceptions to everything, though, and that extends to mounted filesystems; a "tucking" mechanism proposed by Christian Brauner is designed to hide mounted filesystems underneath other mounts — temporarily, at least.

        Brauner's cover letter describes the intended use case in great detail; the text below is an attempt to boil that discussion down a bit. His explanation leans heavily on the concepts of shared subtrees and mount propagation; a review of this article provides some context that may make the description easier to follow.

      • LWNThe trouble with MODULE_LICENSE() in non-modules

        The kernel's hierarchical maintainer model works quite well from the standpoint of allowing thousands of developers to work together without (often) stepping on each others' toes. But that model can also make life painful for developers who are trying to make changes across numerous subsystems. Other possible source of pain include changes related to licensing or those where maintainers don't understand the purpose of the work. Nick Alcock has managed to hit all of those hazards together in his effort to perform what would seem like a common-sense cleanup of the kernel's annotations for loadable modules.

    • Applications

      • Linux LinksMachine Learning in Linux: Lama Cleaner – self-hostable inpainting tool

        In essence, Machine Learning is the practice of using algorithms to parse data, learn insights from that data, and then make a determination or prediction. The machine is ‘trained’ using huge amounts of data.

        Lama Cleaner is a fully self-hostable inpainting tool powered by state-of-the-art AI models. This software lets you remove unwanted objects, defects, people from your pictures or erase and replace anything from your pictures. There’s also support for erase and replace courtesy of Stable Diffusion and Paint by Example.

        The software is free and open source written mostly in Python.

      • Aurélien GâteauNanonote 1.4.0!

        After a very long pause, I am happy to announce the release of Nanonote 1.4.0.

        Nanonote is a minimalist note-taking application. It consists of a text area, a context menu and... that's about it!

        It's handy to jot down short term notes, as a temporary place to collect copy'n'paste blocks, to draft a long response for an instant messaging app without having to fear pressing Enter too soon or any other use you can come up with!

        TODO lists

        Nanonote can also be used to write TODO lists. This is even better now in 1.4.0 thanks to the new task feature from Daniel Laidig, which lets you quickly create and toggle checkable tasks with Ctrl+Enter.

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • Red Hat OfficialMonitor and troubleshoot applications with Glances and InfluxDB

        Set up a quick application observability solution that records metrics in real time and pipes them into a database for analysis.

      • TecMintHow to Use ‘lsof’ Command to Check Open Files in Linux

        This is our ongoing series of Linux commands and in this article, we are going to review lsof command with practical examples. lsof meaning ‘LiSt Open Files’ is used to find out which files

      • BeebomHow to Zip and Unzip Files in Linux (Guide) | Beebom

        File compression is a powerful mechanism to save storage space and facilitate easy file transfers, especially when the file size is huge. There are various formats of compressed files such as .zip, .rar, etc. But, zip remains the most commonly used format. If you’re on a Linux system, zipping and unzipping files (compressing and decompressing) is a task that you can accomplish from the command line interface as well as the GUI. So, in this article, we have discussed how to zip and unzip files in Linux using these two methods.

        For those unaware, zipping means compressing a file or multiple files of different formats into a single file, such that it occupies less space and can be transferred using less bandwidth. Unzipping a file means extracting all the compressed files from a zip file. That said, let’s look at how you can zip and unzip files in Linux:

      • Make Use OfHow to Install WinRAR on Linux to Extract RAR Files

        Archives have always been the conventional way of distributing software on Linux. This has spawned an utmost need for archive managers, and this is precisely why Linux distros ship with command-line utilities to handle archives and tarballs, some of which are overwhelming to newcomers.

        How convenient would it be to install WinRAR on Linux, an archive manager that almost every computer user is familiar with?

      • Make Use OfHow to Fix the "sudo Password Not Working" Error on Linux

        Sometimes, your Linux system may throw an incorrect password error even after typing in the correct sudo password. This can be both surprising and annoying when you're trying to get stuff done.

        Let's look at a few quick fixes you can try when your correct sudo password does not work on Linux.

      • Loops over files, runs a command, dumps output to a file
        $ for f in *php; do echo $f >> ~/temp/errors.txt; phpcsw $f | grep GET >> ~/temp/errors.txt; done
        In this case I'm selecting all php files in a dir, then echoing the filename and piping it to ~/temp/errors.txt. Then I'm running my alias for PHPCS (WordPress flags in my alias), then piping the PHPCS output to grep and looking for GET. Then I'm piping that output to the same file as above. This gets a list of files and under each file the GET security errors for that file. Extrapolate this to run any command on any list of files and pipe the output to a file. Remove the >> ~/temp/errors.txt to get output to the screen rather than to a file.

      • Gary Benson: Scripting DNS lookups

        Are you writing a script and some command doesn’t accept hostnames and you don’t want to inline the IP address? dig +short is your friend!

        $ dig +short
    • Desktop Environments/WMs

      • K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt

        • Nate GrahamPlasma Products

          In the open-source world, we’re quite familiar with projects. Write some code to solve a problem, make sure it works for you, maybe put it in a Git repo, and voila! A product is mostly personal; you scratch an itch and improve your life a bit. It’s how everything starts.

          Then you put your Git repo online to share your project with others, and it begins to transform into a product. A product is outward-focused; its purpose is to be of value to others. To succeed, it must grow organizational components such as defined scopes of features and support, documentation, promotion and advertising, methods of distribution and updating, formalized feedback channels, decision-making processes, and so on.

          This transition is hard, and it can burn out FOSS maintainers of productized projects who suddenly find themselves corresponding with rude strangers without pay and lacking the time to focus on the parts of the project they found fun. It takes a very special and rare kind of volunteer to consistently do this work for free.

          In the commercial world, product development and maintenance is sustained by the money people pay to buy the product. But in the FOSS world, we’re in this awkward valley where our products are frequently competitive in functionality and reach with the commercial ones, but we don’t generally charge money or benefit from a funding stream to keep them going sustainably.

  • Distributions and Operating Systems

    • Make Use OfThe 3 Key Types of Linux Distributions You Should Know About

      Linux is a powerful open-source kernel that powers servers and desktop operating systems. One cool feature of Linux is that you can modify and change it to your liking, which has resulted in thousands of Linux distributions spawning over the years.

      If the idea of thousands of Linux distros gets your head spinning, let's take a look at how Linux distros are broadly categorized. Knowing these different categories will help you make an informed decision when choosing a Linux distro for your servers or workstation.

    • Beebom10 Best Linux Distros You Should Use

      Out of all the operating systems in existence, Linux (also known as GNU/Linux) is the most frowned upon, and there are a few reasons for the same. While overall adaptability, software support, and user experience remain the most common issues with Linux, OS saturation is also a huge issue. That said, most people involved in Linux treat the overwhelming number of choices as a plus point, as it gives them the ability and flexibility to try out different desktop environments and flavors and, ultimately, settle for what they like the best. However, if you haven’t tried Linux yet and want to start using it for whatever reason, here are some of the best Linux distros you should use and get started with.

      There’s no such thing as the Best Linux Distribution. Like Windows or any operating system for the fact, every Linux distro has its own set of flaws. What matters is choosing the one that caters to your needs, and for that, this list is a compilation of distros that are considered all-rounders.

    • New Releases

      • Linux Magazine4MLinux 42.0 is Ready For Prime Time

        4MLinux is a distribution aimed at systems with fewer resources that can run on machines with as little as 128 MB of RAM, turning them into viable workstations or servers. 4MLinux also can be used as a rescue disc to recover data from a malfunctioning system.

        The latest stable version is 42.0 and includes software like LibreOffice 7.5.2, AbiWord 3.0.5, GIMP 2.10.34, Firefox 111.0, Chromium 106.0.5249, Thunderbird 102.8.0, Audacious 4.3, VLC 3.0.18, Mesa 22.2.3, Wine 8.3, AlsaPlayer, Baka MPlayer, GNOME Mplayer, GNOME MPV, mp3blaster, and XMS.

        You'll also find updated toolchains, including PHP (versions 5.6.40, 7.4.33, and 8.1.17), Perl 5.36.0, Python (versions 2.7.18 and 3.10.8), and Ruby 3.1.3. On the server side, you'll find Apache 2.4.56 and MariaDB 10.6.12. The kernel shipped with 4MLinux 42.0 is version 6.1.10. You can view the entire package list included with 4MLinux.

    • Fedora Family / IBM

      • Unix MenCompare NetSuite and Red Hat Enterprise Linux

        NetSuite and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) are two different types of software, designed for different purposes.

        NetSuite is a cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) software that provides business management solutions for various industries such as retail, wholesale distribution, manufacturing, and professional services. It offers a range of features including financial management, order management, inventory management, e-commerce, CRM, project management, and more. NetSuite is designed to help businesses streamline their operations, reduce costs, and improve overall productivity.

        On the other hand, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is a commercial Linux distribution that is widely used in enterprise environments for its stability, security, and reliability. It offers features such as system administration tools, security enhancements, and application development frameworks. RHEL is designed to be a stable, secure, and reliable operating system that is suitable for use in mission-critical environments.

      • University of TorontoNotification sounds and system sounds on Linux should be granular

        The state in current desktops (in Fedora 37) seems somewhat mixed. Cinnamon gives you control over what sounds its desktop shell makes, but not over what notification sounds its applications generate (never mind applications from other desktops). GNOME, in its 'Notifications' section, offers specific controls over sound usage by notification by application, but only for GNOME applications. If you dig deep enough in KDE settings, KDE seems to have quite fine grained control over notification sounds from certain KDE applications, but this doesn't seem to include applications that are merely KDE-based, like kdiff3.

      • PR WebCIQ Honored as NCET’s Technology Company of the Year at NCET Tech Awards

        CIQ, the company building the next generation of software infrastructure for enterprises running data-intensive workloads atop the Rocky Linux enterprise Linux distribution, has been named Technology Company of the Year by NCET, Nevada’s Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology. Recognition in this category honors CIQ’s contribution to enhancing the growth and prestige of the technology community in Northern Nevada.

    • Debian Family

      • LWNMobian: bringing Debian to mobile devices []

        Mobian is a project that aims to bring the Debian distribution to mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. By building on the flexibility, stability, and community-driven development of Debian, Mobian aspires to create a powerful and user-friendly alternative to existing mobile operating systems. The project is actively working on reducing the delta between Mobian and Debian, and its ultimate goal is to be absorbed back into its parent distribution and to make it easy to run Debian on mobile devices.


        Mobian's default graphical environment is Phosh, which is a Wayland-based shell for GNOME specifically designed for mobile devices. The Wayland compositor used under the hood is Phoc. Both packages were originally developed by Purism for its Librem 5, but their development has moved to GNOME.

        All essential software for a mobile device is pre-installed in Mobian. There's GNOME Calls for phone or Voice over IP (VoIP) calls, Chatty for messaging (SMS messages or XMPP), the Geary email client, the GNOME Web and Firefox Extended Support Release (ESR) web browsers, the minimalist file manager Portfolio, and more.

        The user can swipe up on the home bar at the bottom of the screen at any time to bring up an overview of the running applications in the top half of the screen and the available applications in the bottom half of the screen (see the image at right). A swipe up on a window in the overview closes the window. Similarly, swiping down from the top of the screen gives access to quick settings, including screen brightness, audio volume, WiFi, and Bluetooth. This area also shows notifications, for example when updates are available.

    • Canonical/Ubuntu Family

      • UbuntuUbuntu Blog: Phoenix Systems sets a new standard for secure cloud services with Canonical and IBM

        Phoenix Systems, a Swiss company, partnered with IBM and Canonical to create a hyper-secure OpenStack cloud focused on data sovereignty and data protection.

        Switzerland is a country where data must be hosted within its borders, and for many workloads, public clouds are not an option. Phoenix Systems stepped in to fill this niche by building a hyper-secure cloud within Switzerland that gives customers access to high performance and unsurpassed data protection from a single source.

      • UbuntuUbuntu Blog: Canonical Kubernetes 1.27 announcement
        Canonical Kubernetes 1.27 is now generally available

        Following the release of upstream Kubernetes on 11th of April, Canonical Kubernetes 1.27 is generally available in the form of MicroK8s, with Charmed Kubernetes expected to follow shortly.

        We consistently follow the upstream release cadence to provide our users and customers with the latest improvements and fixes, together with security maintenance and enterprise support for Kubernetes on Ubuntu.€  This blog is a quick overview of the latest development highlights available in Canonical Kubernetes 1.27.

        What’s new in Canonical Kubernetes 1.27

        All upstream Kubernetes 1.27 features are available in Canonical Kubernetes for both its distributions, MicroK8s and Charmed Kubernetes. The following highlights are new in Canonical Kubernetes 1.27.€ 

      • UbuntuCharmed Kubeflow is now available on AWS Marketplace

        Run an MLOps toolkit within a few clicks on a major public cloud Canonical is proud to announce that Charmed Kubeflow is now available as a software appliance on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) marketplace. With the appliance, users can now launch and manage their machine learning workloads hassle-free using Charmed Kubeflow on AWS.

    • Open Hardware/Modding

      • HowTo Geek Pine64’s New ARM and RISC-V Tablets Run Linux
        Pine64 makes plenty of hardware geared towards fans of Linux and open-source hardware. Now the company is about to release a new ARM-based Linux tablet, as well as its first RISC-V tablet.

        The PineTab 2 (pictured above) was already announced last year, as a successor to the company’s original limited-run Linux tablet, and pre-orders for it start tomorrow. At the same time, the company will open orders for the PineTab V, which also runs Linux but with a RISC-V processor instead of ARM. On the outside, they look the same — Pine64 says the only thing differentiating the two is the chassis color. However, the PineTab 2 goes safe with an ARM chip (the RK3566, more specifically), while the PineTab V goes with a RISC-V CPU, a JH7110.

    • Mobile Systems/Mobile Applications

  • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

    • LWNDCC-EX: open-source model railroading

      There's just something about trains—model trains in particular. At Everything Open 2023, Paul Antoine spoke about his experiences with the DCC-EX project, which has a variety of model-railroad automation hardware designs and software tools, all of which are freely available. There is a long legacy of sharing within the model railroading hobby, which continues today in the form of free and open-source software for it.

      He began with some "model railway ground rules". They are not toys, but are generally detailed models and these days can have lots of microprocessors and software. "Not all model railroaders are Sheldon Cooper types, though some of us are." Meanwhile, "you may not say 'choo choo' every time you see a train or hear mention of model railways", which is a ground rule that he wishes he could convince his partners to follow.

    • KlaraOpenZFS – Comparing Modern Open-Source Storage Solutions
      Discover how OpenZFS provides scalable storage architecture for petabytes of data with flexible storage configurations, RAID levels - disk addition/removal.


      OpenZFS is well-suited to address many of the modern storage challenges that organizations face today. It provides a highly scalable storage architecture that can support petabytes of data, with a wide range of storage configurations including RAID levels, and the ability to add or remove disks from storage pools. But before we go into the specifics of OpenZFS and its potential competitors, let’s take a step back and talk about what some of the modern storage needs are.

    • MedevelAFFiNE.PRO Is an Open-source Self-hosted Knowledge Base and Notion.AI Alternative

      Notion is an exceptional online platform for collaborative note-taking and knowledge sharing among individuals, teams, and organizations.

    • It's FOSSHow to Connect GitHub to VS Code [Step by Step] [Ed: GitHub is proprietary software. VS Code is proprietary spyware. Both are controlled by a company that viciously attacks Open Source in a number of ways. Why is a site called "It's FOSS" publish such stuff? Seems contrary to its raison detre.]

      Take your coding experience to the next level of ease by integrating GitHub into VS Code.

  • Leftovers

    • MWLFree Anthology, including Me

      In the late twenty-teens, I sold a story “Hero of Fire Life” to Pulphouse Magazine. They put it in their anthology “Snot-Nosed Aliens.” And now, they’re giving the anthology away. They’re not asking for an email address or anything, it’s just free. Don’t ask me why. I have no idea.

  • Gemini* and Gopher

    • Personal

      • First Run of 2023

        I've been running for a long time. I did cross-country as a kid (terrible), switched to sprinting (better, but still lost out to the more naturally athletic kids), and then got back into longer distances toward the end of university. When I started university I was just over 140 lbs at 5'10". The blissful, ravenous metabolism of the teenage years. I ate and ate and ate. My dad would give me shit for the amount of milk I drank (sometimes almost 2L/day). And still if I laid on my back and pulled up my shirt, you could see my ribs, run your finger along my hip bone.

      • Trees — Winter Continues 2023-04-12 (Fairbanks, AK, USA)

        I had thought breakup must be coming very soon, but instead we got a few weeks of cold, overcast weather. Today was warmer but with some fluffy snowfall. I recently received a tripod I had ordered, so I decided to try it out today, to get a few landscape photos. Near my work, there is a spot where there are layers of spruce, and then leafless trees, and then some taller spruce, which makes for nice photos.

      • 12 April 2023

        Ok, i admit: I made a mistake. I visited reddit again.

        After this infamous beheading video (don't look it up, neither the threads that spawned as a reaction to it...) appeared on Telegram the sheer bloodlust i witnessed on reddit is simply unbelievable. Even if you consider that most of the posters are simply keyboard warriors or edgy teenagers, there is something in the air that reminds me of the time after 9/11. People are screaming for blood and they are fucking loud... and THAT is terrifying.

        Sometimes i have the feeling that immediately after i praise something it shows its backside: After my last positive post about Fedora Silverblue i am now running out of space on my little Acer... granted, 32 GB HD space is not really spacious and Flatpak IS requiring more space than traditional packages... but nevertheless, its a bit frustrating.

      • Baby, did you ever wonder

        Had a one day visit at a chemicals plant today. Tomorrow I fly from here to Salt Lake City. The next day is the first of three at a plant near Vernal, UT. When I get off from work on Saturday I need to drive home (around 2 hour drive). Then the next day I wake up at 0300 and fly to Detroit, MI for robot class.

      • Long week continued

        Waiting on my *delayed* (of course) flight to Salt Lake City. There I will rent another car and drive to Vernal for an action packed three days at a plant followed by a frantic drive home to fly the next morning. Never a dull moment.

      • Semi-Adulthood and Money

        When I turned 18 there was a noticeable difference in how my life operated. No longer was I required to get parental signatures or have to have them present for everything. It certainly felt a little weird going to an appointment alone for the first time, but it's become to feel more normal. Still I'll worry in the moment that I won't have a certain piece of documentation that I'd need to get from them, but so far that hasn't come up. In the moment I truly felt adult, like there was a clear distinction from the time before my 18Th birthday and the time after. Now when I look back at that time I find it a little silly, I see how I was still very much a kid, just now with the abilities of an adult. I wasn't paying bills, hell I didn't have a job for another 6 months, but in the moment it just felt so impactful. Even then at 18, I was conscious of the fact that I was in fact NOT a real adult, but starting on the path.

    • Technical

      • is Open Source️

        As my previous post says, the server that powers is now open source. Yes, that wasn't an April Fool's Day joke: it's a real social network thingy and not static content dumped from the fediverse to fool the first visitors.

      • Moonlight and Sunshine

        This a brief continuation of my previous post about internet over Coaxial.

      • Migrating to Sway

        Someone posted recently saying that they'd heard a rumor that there wasn't enough technical content in Gemini. Here's another contribution to that sphere..

        I am definitely a minimalist when it comes to computing, and a bit of a "power user" (as much as I hate that designation, I guess it fits), but I've been hesitant to jump on the tiling WM train despite recognizing the benefits of that workflow. I think the reason has mostly been that I just couldn't be bothered to learn a bunch of new keyboard shortcuts. But that's frankly not much of an excuse since Sway is ultimately configurable however you like it.

      • Internet/Gemini

        • Re: Facilitating Posting

          I'm sure a lot of the capsules here have started out as totally hand written and managed, while slowly adding more automation as time goes by. My own capsule falls into that category as well. Currently I've got it down to two commands (plus the actual writing).

        • 2023-04-12

          Hey there. I am still here. I think I was right about gopher filling some therapeutic function for me: Now that I am in therapy I don't feel the pressure build for expressing something in text as much. In some ways it is a shame, as I often found some interesting bits in what I ended up writing, but on the other hand, I express in a different realm now and see it there.

          I have been drawing a book of my dreams. The pressure is relieved through that activity and through the therapy sessions. There are different sort of weird things that manifest through these ways.

* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.

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to "know and understand"
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Over at Tux Machines...
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IRC logs for Sunday, March 09, 2025
FSF's Defective by Design (DBD): Amazon Tightens the Digital Handcuffs
Reproduced verbatim
The Fall of the Open Source Initiative (OSI): Plenty of Issues, Plenty of Censorship
The OSI is abusive on many levels!
EPO Staff Appraisals Apparently Benefit Kakistocracy, Including Cheaters Who Grant Illegal Patents and Punish Good Patent Examiners (Who Find Valid Reasons for Denials)
In prior reports the staff representatives said that rewards typically went to people who granted many patents, i.e. didn't do proper examination and instead just allowed many fake patents get enshrined as EPs, causing fiasco (from which some patent attorneys could profit)
As The Web Gets Drowned Out, Sinking in a Pool of LLM Slop, Real News Sites With Real News Become Increasingly Rare If Not Extinct
This is a real problem
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Hiding Problems Doesn't Work
transparent organisations will be more stable and sustainable
The Harder They Try to Censor, the Bigger the Scandal (and the Impact) Will Be
We don't plan to self-censor our coverage; sometimes we just delay publication a little
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Links for the day
All-Time Low for Microsoft in Africa
it helps show how irrelevant Microsoft is becoming
French woman (frontaliere) trafficked to promote unauthorised cross border Swiss insurance
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
New York Times & Guardian reporting on Modern Slavery Act prosecution of Glodi Wabelua
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Diana & Adrian von Bidder-Senn, EVP, Palm Sunday & Debian death on wedding day
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
The RTO (Return-to-office) Layoffs or 'Soft' Layoffs at IBM and Red Hat
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Under the Pen Name "John O'Donnell" (LLM Slop, Not Real Article or Author) LinuxLinks Pushes Spammy Page
it happened some hours ago.
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Saturday, March 08, 2025
IRC logs for Saturday, March 08, 2025
Graveyard of Mastodons: A Vast Number of Inactive Accounts
More than 80% of users in (the "big one") are no longer active
Gemini Links 08/03/2025: Reading Cory Doctorow's 'Little Brother', Abandoning GAFAM Forever
Links for the day
No, We Don't Want to Go "Viral" (and You Probably Don't, Either)
"Viral" junk gets forgotten quickly
Windows is Being Eradicated
On the Web, in Africa in particular, user strings or UAs that say "Windows" are becoming more rare
For International Women's Rights Day (Today) Staff Representatives at the European Patent Office (EPO) Opened Up on Gender Discrimination at the Office
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Working Like a Pack of Hyenas, the Microsofters Try Hard to Hide the Truth and Actively Censor Critics
They even target women
The Fall of the Open Source Initiative (OSI): Bylaws of the OSI a Shocking Oversight
That's what the OSI is right now: a salesperson
Thinking About Abandoning 'Google News' Altogether Due to Easy Poisoning by LLM Slop
As long as Google News keeps sending traffic to these leeches, it'll be very hard to justify relying on Google News for anything at all
Links 08/03/2025: Microsoft Failures, Further Attacks on Speech in Hong Kong
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Gemini Links 08/03/2025: Physical Albums, Analog Computing, Deleting All Social Control Media
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Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Friday, March 07, 2025
IRC logs for Friday, March 07, 2025