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IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Tuesday, October 12, 2021

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schestowitz-TRDaemonFC: can you read another, please?Oct 12 00:02
schestowitz-TRmaybe MinceR wants to have a go?Oct 12 00:04
AdmFubarYou ducking the tornadoes out your way Daemon?Oct 12 00:07
*kingoffrance has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 00:10
DaemonFCJust some rain, really.Oct 12 00:11
DaemonFCWGN didn't mention tornadoes, just bisexual Superman.Oct 12 00:11
DaemonFCI guess while they're updating Superman anyway, he can be a bisexual who reads scripts handed to him from Rupert Murdoch and occasionally recommends products from Amazon.Oct 12 00:13
DaemonFCHe spends his time making advances at Lois and Jimmy, and get gets fired because they joined the MeToo movement.Oct 12 00:14
DaemonFCIt's kind of a catch-22 to express any sort of fondness for someone these days.Oct 12 00:15
AdmFubarchicago are is under a tornado watch... southwest of the city is a tornado warningOct 12 00:16
DaemonFCIf you don't, you'll never know if they're interested in you, and if you do, it might be the end of your career and there could be a lawsuit.Oct 12 00:16
DaemonFCBut liberals are always looking for ways to get in and attack any semblance of normality and decency.Oct 12 00:16
DaemonFCAnd since you can hardly have a family without expressing interest in someone or engaging in pair bonding, they have to make it professionally dangerous to the point where you'll give up and find a nice sex robot or something.Oct 12 00:17
DaemonFCMinceR, One of the things I never noticed in Fallout New Vegas is FISTO the sex robot.Oct 12 00:19
DaemonFCI finally decided to do more side quests and it came up in one of them.Oct 12 00:19
DaemonFCPeople were laughing about the noises it would make in the cutscenes where the screen goes dark and my copy doesn't do that.Oct 12 00:20
schestowitz-TRDaemonFC: mind if I pass a draft?Oct 12 00:20
DaemonFCI'm guessing some nasty women complained and got it removed in a patch.Oct 12 00:20
schestowitz-TRwe are getting tons of leaksOct 12 00:20
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR, sureOct 12 00:20
schestowitzDaemonFC: thanks. 12 00:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Betrayal Not Only of Swiss Workers But All European Workers, Courtesy of Roland Grossenbacher and Christian Bock | TechrightsOct 12 00:21
MinceRKit Fisto?Oct 12 00:25
schestowitz-TRMinceR: I used your alpha male animationOct 12 00:25
schestowitzin 12 00:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The EPO’s Overseer/Overseen Collusion — Part IX: More Holes Than Swiss Cheese | TechrightsOct 12 00:26
DaemonFCLooks okay.Oct 12 00:29
DaemonFCMaking dinner.Oct 12 00:29
schestowitz-TRty :-)Oct 12 00:29
schestowitz-TRenjoy dinnerOct 12 00:29
schestowitz-TRsay hi to mandyOct 12 00:29
DaemonFCI don't know how the "coffee marinade" will work out, but it was cheap to whip up.Oct 12 00:29
DaemonFCMostly just leftover coffee from this morning.Oct 12 00:29
*includeals has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Oct 12 00:31
*includeals ( has joined #techrightsOct 12 00:35
MinceR:)Oct 12 00:36
techrights-news#Google #Android Leftovers • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 00:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesOct 12 00:39
techrights-news#MatrixChat Adoption by Community in 2021 • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 00:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Matrix Chat Adoption by Community in 2021 | Tux MachinesOct 12 00:40
techrights-news#Seahorse : Manage Your Passwords & #Encryption Keys in Linux • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #freesw #gnu #linuxOct 12 00:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Seahorse: Manage Your Passwords & Encryption Keys in Linux | Tux MachinesOct 12 00:40
techrights-news#Gaming on #Fedora • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 00:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Gaming on Fedora | Tux MachinesOct 12 00:41
techrights-newsToday in #Techrights • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines #EPOOct 12 00:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesOct 12 00:41
schestowitz>  Re: Delta Variant specialist busy at work (not PhotoShopped)Oct 12 00:43
schestowitzI remember this photo.Oct 12 00:43
schestowitzThe sociopaths who govern FL refuse to even reveal how many it kills; like North Korea and China they worry more about their image than about reality.Oct 12 00:43
DaemonFC"But he also remembers printing out the entirety of Linux’s kernel code. “I don’t recommend doing this today.”"Oct 12 00:45
DaemonFCschestowitz, Linux Foundation published an article about Walmart today.Oct 12 00:46
DaemonFCI had no idea what any of it even meant.Oct 12 00:46
DaemonFCThat's how bad the bullshit is getting.Oct 12 00:46
DaemonFCThey use codewords now to describe relatively simple computing concepts so they sound trendy.Oct 12 00:46
DaemonFCI'm sure it means something if you translate it.Oct 12 00:46
schestowitz-TRyes, LF is "poo"Oct 12 00:47
schestowitz-TRsaid one who worked thereOct 12 00:47
schestowitz-TRCarla SchroderOct 12 00:47
DaemonFCOther than a few bugs here and there which really are hardly worth mentioning, Debian 11 works well.Oct 12 00:47
schestowitz-TRcool :-)Oct 12 00:47
DaemonFCI've had more trouble from that damned T-Mobile router and NordVPN.Oct 12 00:47
schestowitz-TR"I move to 11"Oct 12 00:48
schestowitz-TRDebian, not Service Pack 11Oct 12 00:48
DaemonFCI'm considering opening up the router and splicing in an external antenna.Oct 12 00:48
schestowitz-TRyoiu can run gemini from homeOct 12 00:48
schestowitz-TRfrom your debian laptopOct 12 00:48
schestowitz-TRit's very easyOct 12 00:48
schestowitz-TRif you keep it turned on, it'll serve pagesOct 12 00:49
DaemonFCI can't believe it takes megabytes to load CNN.Oct 12 00:49
DaemonFCMegabytes, so I can read an article!Oct 12 00:49
schestowitz-TRthat's not the main bottleneckOct 12 00:50
schestowitz-TRCPU isOct 12 00:50
schestowitz-TRand RAMOct 12 00:50
schestowitz-TRdo a benchmakOct 12 00:50
schestowitz-TRfor one articleOct 12 00:50
DaemonFCIt's much worse with the ad blocker off.Oct 12 00:52
DaemonFC 12 00:52
altlink_c37📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 00:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Gas prices skyrocket as the global energy crisis worsens - CNNOct 12 00:52
altlink_c37🙆 Alternative: 12 00:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Gas prices skyrocket as the global energy crisis worsens - CNNOct 12 00:52
DaemonFCThey don't mention that Biden is issuing oil drilling permits faster than Trump was.Oct 12 00:53
techrights-news[Meme] Extreme Views About #SoftwareFreedom #freesw #fudOct 12 00:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] Extreme Views About Software Freedom | TechrightsOct 12 00:53
schestowitz-TRDaemonFC: Biden is "good cop"Oct 12 00:54
schestowitz-TRthey both run a police stateOct 12 00:54
schestowitz-TRwith vaccine MANDATESOct 12 00:54
schestowitz-TRfor a rather weak vaccineOct 12 00:54
techrights-newsThe EPO’s Overseer/Overseen Collusion — Part IX: More Holes Than Swiss Cheese #europe #corruption #iloat #patentsOct 12 00:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The EPO’s Overseer/Overseen Collusion — Part IX: More Holes Than Swiss Cheese | TechrightsOct 12 00:54
DaemonFC 12 00:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Illinois' eviction moratorium is over. What's next?Oct 12 00:55
DaemonFCI'm no expert, but I'd say evictions, logically.Oct 12 00:55
DaemonFCMinceR, ^Oct 12 00:55
schestowitz-TRthey need to buy more time from the 'peasants'Oct 12 00:55
schestowitz-TRthe people will revolt soonOct 12 00:55
schestowitz-TRso they can pass more laws with pandemic as fig leafOct 12 00:55
DaemonFCI'm hearing stories of landlords refusing the state grant money to keep people paid up.Oct 12 00:55
DaemonFCTHey just want you out now if you can't pay. They know the program will run out of money eventually and they'll have to take you back to court in a few months.Oct 12 00:56
techrights-newsBetrayal Not Only of Swiss Workers But All European Workers, Courtesy of #RolandGrossenbacher and #ChristianBock #europe #corruption #iloatOct 12 00:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Betrayal Not Only of Swiss Workers But All European Workers, Courtesy of Roland Grossenbacher and Christian Bock | TechrightsOct 12 00:56
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR, The landlord raised our rent $25.Oct 12 00:56
schestowitz-TRyayOct 12 00:56
DaemonFCBut he's back at advertising units in this building for $20 more than that.Oct 12 00:56
schestowitz-TRbecause things are booming anywayOct 12 00:57
schestowitz-TRnext: energy pricesOct 12 00:57
schestowitz-TRthen food pricesOct 12 00:57
schestowitz-TRthey'll say it's because of "transport cost"Oct 12 00:57
schestowitz-TRwelcome Greater Great DepressionOct 12 00:57
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR, That's fine. I don't think he knows I got a small washer so I don't have to use his expensive broken down shit.Oct 12 00:57
DaemonFCYou have to do your laundry in smaller loads. 3 loads is about 1 full size washer.Oct 12 00:58
techrights-newsThe 168th Meeting of the #EPO Administrative Council as a Test of the EPO's Oversight Mechanisms #europe #corruption #iloat #patentsOct 12 00:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The 168th Meeting of the EPO Administrative Council as a Test of the EPO’s Oversight Mechanisms | TechrightsOct 12 00:58
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR, I opened a money market checking account just to pay the rent out of.Oct 12 00:58
DaemonFCI get 6 checks or debit card purchases per month, but that's fine because I only write one check on it, to him.Oct 12 00:58
schestowitz-TRbrb, handover at workOct 12 00:58
DaemonFCThat way it sits there and earns interest until he cashes it, and the checks are free.Oct 12 00:59
DaemonFCSo no buying money orders.Oct 12 00:59
*techrights-ipfs-bot (~techrights-ipfs-bot@88r255v3cjkdy.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 01:01
*inky (~inky@ has joined #techrightsOct 12 01:03
*inky_ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Oct 12 01:05
techrights-newsBuilding a Retro GNU/Linux #Gaming Computer - Part 7: The Arena Eternal | GamingOnLinux ⚓ ䷉ #GamingOnLinux #GNU #Linux #GamesOct 12 01:10
altlink_c37📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 01:10
altlink_c37🙆 Alternative: 12 01:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Building a Retro Linux Gaming Computer - Part 7: The Arena Eternal | GamingOnLinuxOct 12 01:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Oct 12 01:10
techrights-newsBook of Travels is a thoroughly strange take on an online RPG now in Early Access | GamingOnLinux ⚓ ䷉ #GamingOnLinux #GNU #Linux #Games 🐧 | more in 12 01:11
altlink_c37📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 01:11
altlink_c37🙆 Alternative: 12 01:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Book of Travels is a thoroughly strange take on an online RPG now in Early Access | GamingOnLinuxOct 12 01:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Social Control Media PostsOct 12 01:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Oct 12 01:11
techrights-newsDestination Linux 247: Is Firefox Slowly Dying? Can Mozilla Save It? ⚓ ䷉ #destinationlinux #gnu #linuxOct 12 01:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 247: Is Firefox Slowly Dying? Can Mozilla Save It? - Destination LinuxOct 12 01:12
techrights-newsDD Is Useless: Just Use CAT Instead - Invidious ⚓ ䷉ #video #invidious #gnu #linuxOct 12 01:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | DD Is Useless: Just Use CAT Instead - InvidiousOct 12 01:13
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▂▅▆▄▇▂▆▅▇▅▇▃▇▄▄▆▆▆▆▅▃▅▁▂▄▂▃▇▅▄▅▆▇▁ avg(k/sec) 27.03 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▂▃▁█▂▃▄▅▄▅▁▆▃▂▂▃▃▄▃▃▁▁▄▁▄▃▄▃▃▁▃▃▁ avg(k/sec) 16.40▕ swarm size (avg): 260.73  ⟲Oct 12 01:18
techrights-newsRMS: "Although I revile what people wish to say nowadays, I don't believe censorship can lead to anything but tyranny." 12 01:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 2021: July - October Political Notes - Richard StallmanOct 12 01:25
MinceRgood luck zeroing out only the start of a block device with catOct 12 01:25
techrights-news"In this video, we are looking at how to install #Debian 11.1, the #KDE edition." #gnu #linuxOct 12 01:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Debian 11.1 Run Through - InvidiousOct 12 01:26
techrights-news#linuxfoundation #openwashing #walmart now, i.e. the usual PR services 12 01:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Foundation - TechrightsOct 12 01:27
techrights-news"Poland is headed for a confrontation with the EU about whether the EU courts are superior to Polish courts, as the EU requires of member countries." #upc #teamupc #unitarypatent #unifiedpatentcourt #epo 12 01:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 2021: July - October Political Notes - Richard StallmanOct 12 01:28
*altlink_c37 has quit (connection closed)Oct 12 01:29
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*schestowitz-TR has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 01:29
*immibis_ (~hexchat@acad4bt9wne9w.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 01:29
*schestowitz-TR (~acer-box@88r255v3cjkdy.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 01:29
*psydruid has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 01:29
*immibis has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 01:30
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*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 01:31
*rianne_ (~rianne@88r255v3cjkdy.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 01:31
*GNUmoon2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 01:33
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 01:33
techrights-news"Some of those minors were children; others were adolescents. The article lumps them together, so we can't tell how many were in each age range. Please do not call adolescents "children"; that tends to infantilize them." 12 01:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 2021: July - October Political Notes - Richard StallmanOct 12 01:34
*GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@j7sw6ffz4gfv8.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 01:34
*libertybox has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 01:34
*libertybox (~schestowitz_log@88r255v3cjkdy.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 01:36
techrights-newsRescuing a Frozen #GNU Linux System With Some Magic - Boiling Steam ⚓ ䷉ #boilingsteam #howtosOct 12 01:38
*schestowitz-TR has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 01:38
*schestowitz-TR (~acer-box@88r255v3cjkdy.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 01:39
*TechrightsBot-tr has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 01:39
*activelow has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 01:39
*activelow (~activelow@w4ctnmabnemdw.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 01:40
techrights-news#microsoft #windows is a legacy OS 12 01:40
techrights-news#Games: Building a Retro Linux Gaming Compute, Book of Travels, and The Room • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 01:42
techrights-news#OSCAL, Open Labs, #Mozilla & grooming women for Outreachy • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 01:42
techrights-newsToday’s #HowTos | #UNIX • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 01:42
techrights-newsLinux Can Now Run on Apple’s M1 Chipset 12 01:44
*CrystalMath has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 01:45
*psydruid has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 01:45
techrights-news#phoronix shilling #wsl again. Sign. Nobody uses this crap, Michael, and it's an ATTACK on #gnu #linux don't help #Microsoft #googlebombingOct 12 01:46
*CrystalMath (~coderain@hdqpa5tfmmibi.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 01:46
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 01:48
techrights-news"Wow, what nice guys micro$oft :P They are starting to make more and more stuff only available through their store something no one asked for but a more apple move." 12 01:48
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 01:49
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 01:49
*rianne (~rianne@88r255v3cjkdy.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 01:49
techrights-newsThings To Consider When Filing Bug Reports - Invidious ⚓ ䷉ #video #invidiousOct 12 01:50
DaemonFCschestowitz, 12 01:52
techrights-newsI'm taking note of who's shilling #microsoft attack on #gnu #linux to googlebomb our news with #vista11 spamOct 12 01:53
techrights-news#Q4OS 4.6 Quick overview #Shorts - Invidious ⚓ ䷉ #video #invidious #gnu #linuxOct 12 01:54
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 01:55
techrights-newsRichard Stallman links to a #billgates -bribed paper that is responsible for the murder of journalists e.g. 12 01:56
*TechrightsBot-tr (~TR@ju4kayhrhsm6a.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 01:57
TechrightsBot-trHello World! I'm TechrightsBot-tr running phIRCe v0.77Oct 12 01:57
DaemonFCschestowitz, The maintainer of Better sounds an awful lot like me as a teenager.Oct 12 01:58
DaemonFCI tried to disentangle the ads and tracking mess from the web as it existed then with a HOSTS file.Oct 12 01:59
techrights-news#zdnet is shilling #vista11 in the "LINUX" section. #boycottZDNet 12 01:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ZDNet - TechrightsOct 12 01:59
DaemonFCUnfortunately, Windows 9x had a bug that was never fixed where if the HOSTS file was more than I think 150 KB, it would be horribly slow and your applications would start giving you random lookup errors.Oct 12 01:59
DaemonFCSo I ended up trying to figure out how prevalent the most common pests were and putting them into a slimmer HOSTS file, and then I noticed that lookups to failed faster and the file was smaller than with 12 02:01
DaemonFCIt was crude, but sufficient, to use a HOSTS file that way back then. I even started installing spyware into a scratch copy of Windows to see what ad servers it would perform lookups to, and then I added them in an adware/spyware section because I had room left.Oct 12 02:02
techrights-newsNo, #deleteWindows and other software with #backdoors in it 12 02:02
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 02:02
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 02:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Is a Firewall Box All You Need for Home and Small Office Security? - kifarunix.comOct 12 02:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @ )Oct 12 02:02
DaemonFCToday, Windows Defender will pop up and warn you that something tried modifying the HOSTS file and then reset it if you try to modify it.Oct 12 02:03
schestowitz-TR:-)Oct 12 02:03
DaemonFCSo you have to exclude it from being monitored. Then if you add any of the Microsoft Telemetry or ad networks to it, Windows will disregard those entries.Oct 12 02:03
schestowitz-TRWindows is legacy to usOct 12 02:03
schestowitz-TRlet's hope it dies fastOct 12 02:03
schestowitz-TRnot the WSL shills are out in full forceOct 12 02:03
schestowitz-TRinc. zdnet, brad linder, and michael larabelOct 12 02:04
techrights-newsLatest #Openwashing by #LinuxFoundation • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #walmart #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 02:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Latest Openwashing by Linux Foundation | Tux MachinesOct 12 02:09
*GNUmoon2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 02:11
*GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@r7zq4q2ys63yk.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 02:11
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR, I guess Mozilla doesn't really want people using ESR releases of Firefox.Oct 12 02:11
DaemonFCSo why do they even have them?Oct 12 02:11
DaemonFCTHey hide "Linux" from the download page now.Oct 12 02:14
DaemonFCJust Mac and Windows.Oct 12 02:14
schestowitz-TRwell...Oct 12 02:14
schestowitz-TRmany gnu/linux distros COME with FirefoxOct 12 02:14
*activelow didn't touch any modern browser in weeksOct 12 02:14
schestowitz-TRby defaultOct 12 02:14
schestowitz-TRand some can install it with package managerOct 12 02:14
schestowitz-TRI doubt many gnu/linux users get binaries from mozOct 12 02:15
schestowitz-TRactivelow: mayeb do an essay about itOct 12 02:15
schestowitz-TRI read about people who went no GUI for weeksOct 12 02:15
DaemonFCThe Flatpak and Snap versions are probably more popular than the tarbalss.Oct 12 02:16
DaemonFC*tarballsOct 12 02:16
techrights-newsThis is NOT competitive with #gnu #linux SBCs and moreover it comes with #malware ... a FAILURE in the making for sure. 12 02:17
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 02:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Morefine M6 is a tiny PC powered by Intel Jasper Lake (Crowdfunding) - LiliputingOct 12 02:17
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 02:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Morefine M6 is a tiny PC powered by Intel Jasper Lake (Crowdfunding) - LiliputingOct 12 02:17
DaemonFCYou can just deploy it as an application image and get the latest version and completely bypass Debian if you want.Oct 12 02:17
techrights-news"Here at FOSSlife, we stand with this global effort and aim to remove barriers to learning..." and promote #microsoft / #proprietarySoftware with #openwashing of that criminal firm 12 02:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Recognizing International Day of the GirlOct 12 02:18
DaemonFCDuckDuckGo now puts Microsoft's browser extension store ahead of Google's.Oct 12 02:18
techrights-newsNew GNU/Linux Screencasts and Videos • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 02:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New GNU/Linux Screencasts and Videos | Tux MachinesOct 12 02:19
techrights-news#pgAdmin 4 v6.0 Released • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 02:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | pgAdmin 4 v6.0 Released | Tux MachinesOct 12 02:19
schestowitz-TRDaemonFC: they're a Micreosoft frontOct 12 02:20
schestowitz-TRthey use Bing and AzureOct 12 02:20
schestowitz-TRhosted by MicrosoftOct 12 02:20
schestowitz-TRqueries MicrosoftOct 12 02:20
schestowitz-TRyou gotta facedesk when you see gnu/linux users shilling ddgOct 12 02:20
activelowdon't intend to, google blocks tor exitsOct 12 02:21
schestowitz-TRthey get so badly and deeplt offended if you point this out to themOct 12 02:21
activelowi am not shilling this, it is a factOct 12 02:22
schestowitz-TR"damn you, i was enjoying ddg illusion"Oct 12 02:22
schestowitz-TR"now all the fun is gone and microsoft knows many bad things about me"Oct 12 02:22
schestowitzDaemonFC: 12 02:23
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 02:23
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 02:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Walmart Pushes Open-Source L3AF To Help Out eBPF Ecosystem - PhoronixOct 12 02:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Walmart Pushes Open-Source L3AF To Help Out eBPF Ecosystem - PhoronixOct 12 02:23
DaemonFC 12 02:24
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 02:24
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 02:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | No charges will be filed against officers in the fatal shooting of Winston Smith : NPROct 12 02:24
DaemonFCWhen asked, the government said there was no Winston Smith, and therefore it couldn't file charges.Oct 12 02:24
DaemonFCAnd then it deleted its own statement too.Oct 12 02:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 504 @ )Oct 12 02:25
techrights-news#Lutris out to #deletegithub #microsoft #proprietarySoftware #monopoly 12 02:27
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 02:27
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 02:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Lutris 0.5.9 Released With Support For The Epic Games Store, New Options - PhoronixOct 12 02:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Delete Github - TechrightsOct 12 02:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Lutris 0.5.9 Released With Support For The Epic Games Store, New Options - PhoronixOct 12 02:27
DaemonFC"However, while Mozilla describes Firefox Suggest contextual suggestions as opt-in, in BleepingComputer's tests and from what users have reported [1, 2], the feature is on by default."Oct 12 02:27
DaemonFCIt's on by default in the Flatpak.Oct 12 02:27
DaemonFCIt doesn't even ask or tell you what it is.Oct 12 02:28
activelowI did create a custom build for seamonkey, and firefox/mozilla sources and config was full with call-to-home URLsOct 12 02:29
activelowindependent from Firefox Suggest featureOct 12 02:29
MinceR12 031714 < DaemonFC> You can just deploy it as an application image and get the latest version and completely bypass Debian if you want.Oct 12 02:32
MinceRi completely bypass debian by not even installing debianOct 12 02:32
techrights-news#suse is boosting the #fraud which is #gartner 'ratings' a bunch of charlatans and scammers 12 02:34
activelowchecking this: "safebrowsing" feature, "phishing protection", "telemetry info", search url, "update service", another "version check" url, "addons", "plugin finder" (for pdf), "crash stats", "geolocation api" for google, Oct 12 02:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Achieves Rating of 4.5 out of 5Oct 12 02:34
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 02:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Gartner Group - TechrightsOct 12 02:34
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 02:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @ )Oct 12 02:34
activelowi pointed all of those URLs to and firefox continued flawlessOct 12 02:34
activelowthis was firefox 52.4; which i was maintaining a custom build for up until recently, and not sure anymore if or how to continueOct 12 02:36
techrights-newsFewer liabilities for #pension giants 12 02:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Monday, October 11, 2021Oct 12 02:36
activelowthe main reason to quit this entirely is... javascript, because such browsers (all of them) are merely a proprietary malware host nowadaysOct 12 02:37
techrights-news#Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 704 12 02:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Fridge | Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 704Oct 12 02:38
techrights-news▌║█║▌│║▌│║▌║▌█║ techpol + social irc ▌│║▌║▌│║║▌█║▌║█ Yesterday's #boycottnovell-social and #techpol IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI: gemini:// 12 02:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #boycottnovell-social and #techpol @ Techrights IRC Network: Monday, October 11, 2021Oct 12 02:38
activelowthe only solution to this: boycott mozilla, boycott apple, boycott google, boycott facebook and any other involved with thisOct 12 02:39
techrights-news▌║█║▌│║▌│║▌║▌█║ techrights irc ▌│║▌║▌│║║▌█║▌║█ Yesterday's #techrights IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI: gemini:// 12 02:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Monday, October 11, 2021Oct 12 02:39
techrights-newsThings Are Looking Brighter! But Not The Stars | Hackaday ⚓ ䷉ #hackadayOct 12 02:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Things Are Looking Brighter! But Not The Stars | HackadayOct 12 02:39
activelowthe alternatives: text console browsers such as links or lynx or w3m; or netsurfOct 12 02:39
schestowitz-TRactivelow: yes,Oct 12 02:39
schestowitz-TRthe browser used to be a canvasOct 12 02:40
schestowitz-TRnow it's just a platform to run tons of untrusted codeOct 12 02:40
schestowitz-TRwith latched onto the systemOct 12 02:40
schestowitz-TRdrm, video etc.Oct 12 02:40
techrights-news▌║█║▌│║▌│║▌║▌█║ boycottnovell irc ▌│║▌║▌│║║▌█║▌║█ Yesterday's #boycottnovell IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI: gemini:// 12 02:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Monday, October 11, 2021Oct 12 02:40
techrights-news▌║█║▌│║▌│║▌║▌█║ techbytes irc ▌│║▌║▌│║║▌█║▌║█ Yesterday's #techbytes IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI: gemini:// 12 02:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Monday, October 11, 2021Oct 12 02:41
activelowproblem is, there is not option available, to at least navigate online banking for example, or wikipedia authoringOct 12 02:41
activelowi think netsurf doesn't suffice anymoreOct 12 02:42
activelownot blaming gnu/fsf, i think it is impossible to win anything anymore at the web browser frontOct 12 02:43
techrights-newsContrary to the misleading image that says "LINUX", along with the headline, the root cause has nothing to with Linux 12 02:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Trend Micro: Linux Malware Targets Huawei CloudOct 12 02:44
schestowitz-TRactivelow: so get APPSOct 12 02:44
schestowitz-TRget a "PHONE"Oct 12 02:44
schestowitz-TRfor banking etc.Oct 12 02:44
schestowitz-TRchrome or androidOct 12 02:44
schestowitz-TRthat's the optionOct 12 02:44
schestowitz-TRwe got rid of WindowsOct 12 02:44
techrights-news✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐍▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩ Yesterday's bulletin is now ready! 🅷🆃🆃🅿: | 🅶🅴🅼🅸🅽🅸 gemini:// (tentative address, to work an hour from now)Oct 12 02:44
schestowitz-TRnow we still wrestle with malicious codeOct 12 02:45
DaemonFC 12 02:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Firefox takes another step in the direction of being malware with “Firefox Suggest”. – BaronHK's RantsOct 12 02:45
schestowitz-TRfrom the company that funded FSFOct 12 02:45
schestowitz-TRDaemonFC: goodOct 12 02:45
schestowitz-TRI mentioned that weeks agoOct 12 02:46
DaemonFC"How much longer will “Free” operating systems like Debian continue ignoring their own Free Software Guidelines to package this? It already had a grabber that’s on by default to download Google DRM blobs, and now this.Oct 12 02:46
DaemonFCIt’s bad enough that Fedora chucked its own Free Software policy out the door when IBM took them over, and started pushing Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Microsoft Edge.Oct 12 02:46
DaemonFCHow is it that Debian says the firmware to run my wifi, SSD, and graphics chip isn’t allowed but Widevine DRM blobs and a malicious keylogger in Firefox are fine?Oct 12 02:46
schestowitz-TRwhen they first mentioned "Suggest"Oct 12 02:46
DaemonFCSounds like someone at Debian should explain this."Oct 12 02:46
schestowitz-TRBTWOct 12 02:46
schestowitz-TRFirefox had Microsoft keylogger in 2014Oct 12 02:46
schestowitz 12 02:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla Will Relay Firefox User Input (Even Keystrokes) to Microsoft and the NSA Through Yahoo in the US | TechrightsOct 12 02:46
activelowmozilla only? all modern browsers are horrible by design.Oct 12 02:47
activelow*all* of themOct 12 02:47
techrights-news#RaspberryPi CM4 Used in Custom Nintendo Switch Lite Replica • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 02:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raspberry Pi CM4 Used in Custom Nintendo Switch Lite Replica | Tux MachinesOct 12 02:47
DaemonFCschestowitz, I updated that.Oct 12 02:48
DaemonFC"How is it that Debian says the firmware to run my wifi, SSD, and graphics chip isn't allowed (in the official image, which will lead some people to think Debian is broken and not bother figuring out why....while others have to know there's a real installer that has firmware that is semi-hidden) but Widevine DRM blobs and a malicious keylogger in Firefox are fine?"Oct 12 02:48
techrights-newsBest #GNULinux Distro for #Programming • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 02:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Best Linux Distro for Programming | Tux MachinesOct 12 02:48
schestowitz-TRDaemonFC: can we reproduce later?Oct 12 02:48
schestowitz-TRtry to mention 2014Oct 12 02:48
DaemonFCYeahOct 12 02:48
schestowitz-TRit is not unprecedentedOct 12 02:49
schestowitz-TRbut back then Mozilla was not widely condemned yetOct 12 02:49
schestowitz-TRi need sleep nowOct 12 02:49
DaemonFCI think a lot of the reason why there are so many downstream Debian-based distributions is that their official policies are kind of all over the place on this sort of stuff.Oct 12 02:50
DaemonFCAnd you can't get your computer working with the default image, but when you figure it all out, at least Firefox wil lbe waiting with adware and DRM.Oct 12 02:50
MinceR12 034609 < DaemonFC> "How much longer will “Free” operating systems like Debian continue ignoring their own Free Software Guidelines to package this? It already had a grabber that’s on by default to download Google DRM blobs, and now this.Oct 12 02:50
MinceRforeverOct 12 02:51
MinceRdebian is now a systemd distributionOct 12 02:51
MinceRsystemd is nonfreeOct 12 02:51
MinceRLinux and most of its distributions are now dumping grounds for microsoft and ibm where they put their shitOct 12 02:51
MinceRalso, debian is digging the hole they're in deeper and deeperOct 12 02:52
MinceRthe more time passes the more difficult it would be to remove the proprietary crapOct 12 02:53
activelowit is impossible already; because if the crap is removed then any system is effectively exclude from economic, political, social and technical participationOct 12 02:54
activelowMinceR: try to participate with authoring on wikipedia with netsurf browserOct 12 02:54
activelowneedless to say, i don't accept libreoffice for wikipedia authoring eitherOct 12 02:54
*immibis_ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 02:55
activelowor, remove all pdf and office document format support from your system in favor of TeX... have funOct 12 02:55
MinceRi'm not sufficiently fond of wikipedia to try thatOct 12 02:56
MinceRit's a battleground of political interests and also they're way too eager to delete articlesOct 12 02:57
*immibis_ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Oct 12 02:57
activelowjust an example, try to watch any youtube video insteadOct 12 02:57
MinceRdoes netsurf support the html5 video element?Oct 12 02:57
activelownoOct 12 02:57
MinceR:>Oct 12 02:57
MinceRyoutube does a heap of mostly unnecessary stuff on top of thatOct 12 02:58
activelowor try to publish any video on youtube, because, any target audience mostly resides on youtube, or facebookOct 12 02:58
activelowalthough it is possible to remove the malicious toxic shit from gnu/linux distros, then any developer or user is effectively excluded from participation everywhereOct 12 02:58
activelowand politics? they are praising this as "innovation" and "progress"Oct 12 03:00
activelow"internet"? criticial infrastructure? doomsdayOct 12 03:01
*techrights-ipfs-bot (~techrights-ipfs-bot@88r255v3cjkdy.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 03:01
activelowstudents aren't at least lectured the relevant stuff anymore, beginning in schools.Oct 12 03:01
samiamsamthe browsers are out of controlOct 12 03:03
samiamsamwait how do you mean systemd is nonfree?Oct 12 03:06
samiamsamMinceR: Oct 12 03:06
XRevan86Хто про що, а MinceR про невільність systemd.Oct 12 03:10
XRevan86 12 03:10
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 03:10
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 03:10
DaemonFCLOLOct 12 03:10
DaemonFCThey pushed an update to the Super Tux Kart Flatpak that was 1.2 KB.Oct 12 03:11
DaemonFCIt said no change update except to add the permission fallback-x11Oct 12 03:11
DaemonFC"Oct 12 03:14
DaemonFCLeft the computer running overnight with locked screen and in the morning, gnome-software is using 3 GB of RAM."Oct 12 03:14
DaemonFC:/Oct 12 03:14
DaemonFC 12 03:15
techrights-ipfs-bot☞ Gemini requests since start of month:  156285 total • Total pages: 37691 •   Active: active (running) since Sun 2021-10-10 09:33:45 BST; 1 day 17h agoOct 12 03:15
techrights-ipfs-bot☞ IPFS local node stats (past 23 hours) calculated.  TotalIn: 4.0 GB  •  TotalOut: 2.1 GBOct 12 03:15
techrights-ipfs-bot☞ New daily bulletin just generated. It is about to be added to IPFS, hereon retrievable with CID Oct 12 03:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | gnome-software sometimes has high memory usage (#191) · Issues · GNOME / gnome-software · GitLabOct 12 03:15
DaemonFC Philip Withnall @pwithnall · 5 months agoOct 12 03:16
DaemonFCMaintainerOct 12 03:16
DaemonFCThere have been a number of improvements to memory usage in gnome-software for version 40.0, which is the currently supported version.Oct 12 03:16
DaemonFCThere’s no additional actionable information to go on in this issue, so I’m going to close it. If there are still memory usage issues with gnome-software 40.0 (and there might well be), please open a new issue about it and provide details about what you were doing in gnome-software.Oct 12 03:16
DaemonFCThank you.Oct 12 03:16
DaemonFC:)Oct 12 03:18
DaemonFCThat reminds me of JWZ complaining of Apple closing a bug like this 15 years later by saying many things had changed in Mac OS.Oct 12 03:18
DaemonFCAnd something like that happening between GNOME 1 and GNOME 2.Oct 12 03:18
*techrights-ipfs-bot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 03:19
DaemonFC 12 03:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | jwz: Why I use Safari instead of FirefoxOct 12 03:20
DaemonFCCan't figure out one program that looks different than the rest. Calls Firefox "Linux".Oct 12 03:20
DaemonFCMinceR, ^Oct 12 03:20
activelowmaybe anyone could help me? trying netsurf-fb now on framebuffer console... the binary executes, and nothing but regular blinking cursor is shown :(Oct 12 03:21
activelowin case anyone had installed netsurf with netsurf-fb available, to try on text console if this works?Oct 12 03:21
DaemonFC Sergey Bugaev @bugaevc · 5 months agoOct 12 03:22
DaemonFCRight now on my machine running GNOME 40, gnome-software --gapplication-service is running in the background and consuming 186.4 MB (as reported by GNOME System Monitor) or 239 MB (RSS as reported by htop). Note that it's running in the background and is not displaying any UI.Oct 12 03:22
DaemonFCShould I open a new issue?Oct 12 03:22
DaemonFC---Oct 12 03:22
DaemonFCSo not only is the maintainer saying update your GNOME, which won't happen in Debian for a couple of years, but then the current version does the same thing.Oct 12 03:22
DaemonFC---Oct 12 03:23
DaemonFC Philip Withnall @pwithnall · 5 months agoOct 12 03:23
DaemonFCMaintainerOct 12 03:23
DaemonFCSure, open a new issue. It’s unlikely there’ll be any further progress on reducing memory consumption in the GNOME 41 cycle, though, as we have other things to prioritise this cycle.Oct 12 03:23
DaemonFC---Oct 12 03:23
DaemonFCBut it won't be fixed in GNOME 41 either and they have other priorities.Oct 12 03:23
DaemonFCLike Trump during Vietnam.Oct 12 03:23
activelowso, after excluding modern browsers since these failed minimum acceptance testing, digging elsewhere yielded this:Oct 12 03:25
activelowlinks is buggy and the source code is, uhm, special... failed.Oct 12 03:26
activelownetsurf-fb has unacceptable limitations (no tabbed browsing) and it isn't showing anyting on /dev/fb0 here... failed.Oct 12 03:27
activelowlynx browser remains, it is what it is, limited; w3m is clumsy, and neither lynx nor w3m show images on framebuffer consoleOct 12 03:29
*aprates (~aprates@sourcehut/users/aprates) has joined #techrightsOct 12 03:33
*aprates has quit (Client Quit)Oct 12 03:33
*aprates (~aprates@sourcehut/users/aprates) has joined #techrightsOct 12 03:34
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Oct 12 03:39
*Now talking on #techrightsOct 12 03:39
*Topic for #techrights is: IRC discussions @ localhost | Channel #techrights for [logged online] :: please also join channels #boycottnovell-social #techbytes and #boycottnovell for related discussions. For scrollback see 12 03:39
*Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~roy@22e8m8t4gqjin.irc at Fri Jun 18 16:51:47 2021Oct 12 03:39
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Oct 12 03:40
MinceRsamiamsam: it does not qualify per the Free Software Definition >> 12 03:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | What is Free Software? - GNU Project - Free Software FoundationOct 12 03:41
*libertybox (~schestowitz_log@62vhapicsw4ds.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 03:41
*Now talking on #techrightsOct 12 03:41
*Topic for #techrights is: | Unofficial channel #techrights for http://TechRights.orgOct 12 03:41
*Topic for #techrights set by superkuh!~superkuh@user/superkuh at Thu May 20 20:25:48 2021Oct 12 03:41
MinceR> “Free software” means software that respects users' freedom and community.Oct 12 03:41
MinceRsystemd is the opposite of thatOct 12 03:41
samiamsamhow soOct 12 03:42
samiamsampretty sure w3m and lynx are breaking for ipv6Oct 12 03:42
MinceRit was designed by rh/ibm so they could usurp control over people's computersOct 12 03:42
MinceRtheir behavior shows clearly that they have no respect for what users wantOct 12 03:43
MinceRsystemd forces policy poettering happens to like or what rh/ibm was paid to enforce, against users' wishesOct 12 03:43
activelowAdmFubar: had not seen nyxt in gentoo tree yet, it is written in lisp (rare), and seems part of guix; depends on what nyxt dependencies are (rendering backend, don't know yet)Oct 12 03:43
samiamsamwhat policyOct 12 03:43
MinceRand they took over distributions and forced it as a dependency on software including gnome so that it would be difficult for people to get rid of itOct 12 03:44
MinceRlibsystemd is part of thatOct 12 03:44
MinceRpolicies like killing all processes you started from your session on logoutOct 12 03:44
MinceRwhich breaks screen, tmux, dtachOct 12 03:44
samiamsamwell you need to enable lingerOct 12 03:44
*rianne (~rianne@62vhapicsw4ds.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 03:44
MinceRno, i need to use a free software OSOct 12 03:44
MinceRwhich debian used to be, before rh/ibm took overOct 12 03:45
samiamsamyou can enable linger by default for the whole systemOct 12 03:45
*immibis (~hexchat@acad4bt9wne9w.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 03:45
activelow"which breaks screen, tmux" ... fascinating. is this true MinceR ? cannot believe this.Oct 12 03:45
MinceRyupOct 12 03:45
*immibis (~hexchat@ has joined #techrightsOct 12 03:45
MinceRthis particular sort of brain damage was even copied into elogindOct 12 03:45
*activelow is rolling on the floorOct 12 03:45
*liberty_box (~liberty@62vhapicsw4ds.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 03:45
MinceRand someone i know personally suffered because of thatOct 12 03:45
samiamsami've got no problems using tmux or screenOct 12 03:45
MinceRneither have iOct 12 03:45
MinceRi also don't boot into an emergency prompt hidden on an inactive virtual consoleOct 12 03:46
MinceRand my machines don't hang forever instead of shutting down, eitherOct 12 03:46
MinceRthe underlying motivation of systemd appears to be making everything that used to be GNU/Linux dependent on something only a few people at rh/ibm understand and churn the code at a high rate to make maintaining forks impracticalOct 12 03:47
samiamsamsystemd user interface is tops bro i love it so muchOct 12 03:47
MinceRso that they can get as many people to buy support contracts as possibleOct 12 03:47
MinceRand so that they can sabotage competing distrosOct 12 03:47
samiamsami do have the emergency prompt enabled though to deal with shutdown though lolOct 12 03:47
MinceRsamiamsam: i can recommend to you a system you'll love even moreOct 12 03:47
MinceRsystemd copied a lot from itOct 12 03:47
MinceRand the whole attitude will also be familiarOct 12 03:48
MinceRit's called microsoft windowsOct 12 03:48
samiamsamlet me show you a shell script i wrote using systemd bro you tell me if it looks like windowsOct 12 03:48
MinceRthough it's even better -- you aren't merely pretending that the design of the kernel is so poor that processes are expensive and it makes sense to stuff unrelated functionality together in one processOct 12 03:48
MinceRbecause the design of the NT kernel really is that badOct 12 03:49
samiamsam 12 03:49
MinceRyou should already know that writing shell scripts is heresyOct 12 03:49
MinceRthere's a reason systemd moves a lot of functionality from shell scripts to poorly written undocumented C codeOct 12 03:49
samiamsamthe shell scripts suckedOct 12 03:52
MinceRand yet here you are, showing off one of themOct 12 03:52
MinceRthere was also some mountspace policy that was changed because one of rh's clients paid them to do itOct 12 03:52
MinceRand so it was changed for every systemd userOct 12 03:52
samiamsami'm showing you how the script uses systemdOct 12 03:52
samiamsamduno if you actually looked at itOct 12 03:52
activelowto remain honest with systemd/logind: killing all processes on logout can be configured, seems doing so is defaultOct 12 03:53
MinceRit's a stupid, non-unix defaultOct 12 03:54
MinceRbut it's there because poettering likes itOct 12 03:54
samiamsambut it's a settingOct 12 03:54
activelowand there are reasons for this MinceROct 12 03:55
MinceRcherish thatOct 12 03:55
MinceRbecause the cult doesn't like letting the user chooseOct 12 03:55
samiamsamdude i don't have to cherish itOct 12 03:55
samiamsami enable linger and then don't think about itOct 12 03:55
MinceRthis site is run by the same cult >> 12 03:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is Linux About Choice?Oct 12 03:55
MinceRnot thinking about it is indeed appropriate when using systemd, windows or macosOct 12 03:55
samiamsamsystemd is better software than te crap it replacedOct 12 03:55
MinceRno, it is notOct 12 03:55
samiamsamwell i love itOct 12 03:55
MinceRgoodOct 12 03:55
MinceRthat's why i'm telling you you're going to love windows even moreOct 12 03:56
samiamsamglad debian adopted itOct 12 03:56
MinceRthere was no point in debian adopting itOct 12 03:56
samiamsamit makes it so much easierOct 12 03:56
samiamsamfor debianOct 12 03:56
activelowsamiamsam: systemd didn't replace any predecessor (only some parts); it is a new designOct 12 03:56
MinceRthe cult is officially against all forms of variety and diversityOct 12 03:56
activelowsystemd introduces a layer in between kernel-space/user-space -> sort of a system-layer in between kernel and userOct 12 03:56
MinceRthey should have just all used fedora or rHELLOct 12 03:56
samiamsamclean beautiful interfaces omg they so goodOct 12 03:56
samiamsamsystemd is really the osOct 12 03:57
MinceRlolOct 12 03:57
MinceRnice baitOct 12 03:57
activelowand this didn't exist before, and i do not want thisOct 12 03:57
MinceR"clean beautiful interfaces" according to random systemd cultist: having to specify a DNS-based path three times in 2 different formats to send a messageOct 12 03:57
samiamsamah well don't use it i guessOct 12 03:57
MinceRalso having to reboot to restart the dbugs daemonOct 12 03:57
MinceRyeah, that was the ideaOct 12 03:58
MinceRuntil your cult took over debian and tried to force that malware on me anywayOct 12 03:58
MinceRnot that it matters anymore, as they also got to Linus and started shitting into Linux as wellOct 12 03:58
MinceRand if i'm replacing the kernel, i might as well use the userland that comes with the new kernelOct 12 03:58
MinceRwith a lot less bloatOct 12 03:58
samiamsami just upgraded debian until systemd took over, but man, it's so much better when you read the manual pages and learn all the shit you can do omfg so goodOct 12 03:59
MinceRit's so great to look at horribly written C code with no comments in itOct 12 03:59
samiamsami didn't look into that but i have no problems with the cOct 12 03:59
MinceRalso to dereference null pointers in pid1 (running as root) without checking for nullnessOct 12 03:59
MinceRbecause lennart thought it wasn't necessaryOct 12 04:00
samiamsamactually i did look into it once to try to fix the problem with the rescue terminal being taken over by output to /dev/consoleOct 12 04:00
samiamsamthey should port it to rust probablyOct 12 04:00
MinceRobviously you didn't look into the topic too deeplyOct 12 04:00
MinceRyeahOct 12 04:00
MinceRor .NETOct 12 04:00
samiamsamhahaOct 12 04:00
activelowmaybe it wasn't debian who decided, it was mainly Gnome/KDE, because with systemd/dbus Gnome and KDE are gone (at best only gtk and qt widget toolkits remain, and even this requires patching and heavy intervention by recompiling the entire system from source, only possible with gentoo and similar)Oct 12 04:00
MinceRmore microsoft dependencies are always good for themOct 12 04:00
MinceRyeah, it was gnome controlling debian like a puppetOct 12 04:00
MinceRKDE didn't decide anything, they're just following gnome wherever gnome goesOct 12 04:01
samiamsamsystemd is solving technical problems that i dealt with years before systemd came alongOct 12 04:01
samiamsamlove itOct 12 04:01
MinceRagain, the cult doesn't want you to have a choice of DEs so they'll kill KDE once it has served its purposeOct 12 04:01
*techrights-ipfs-bot (~techrights-ipfs-bot@62vhapicsw4ds.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 04:01
MinceRyay, systemd is solving technical problems that didn't even exist before systemdOct 12 04:01
samiamsamproblems debian had before systemdOct 12 04:02
samiamsambeing solved by systemdOct 12 04:02
MinceRplease don't quote all the talking points at me, i'll be bored into sleepOct 12 04:02
MinceRi've read all of them years agoOct 12 04:02
MinceRback when your cult killed off the OS i was usingOct 12 04:02
samiamsami'm talking about my experience of using systemdOct 12 04:02
MinceRbecause they wanted it to be more like fedora, which they could have already used, as it was availableOct 12 04:03
MinceRyeah, i'm talking about my experience of using systemd as wellOct 12 04:03
samiamsamyou are saying i am repeating 'talking points'Oct 12 04:03
MinceRthe hidden emergency prompts, the waiting forever on shutdown because the NFS server was shut down before the client machine wasOct 12 04:03
samiamsamthe emergency prompt is disabled by defaultOct 12 04:03
MinceRwell, the alleged "problems" that were made up to justify a "solution" nobody asked for are typical talking pointsOct 12 04:04
MinceRalso ancient talking pointsOct 12 04:04
MinceRyeah, well, your favorite OS enables it for some reasonOct 12 04:04
samiamsamnoOct 12 04:04
samiamsamdudeOct 12 04:04
MinceRprobably because it's brokenOct 12 04:04
samiamsamthere were multiple competing solutions because of the problemOct 12 04:04
samiamsamand still areOct 12 04:04
MinceRyeah, and your people pretended there were only 2Oct 12 04:04
samiamsami don't have any peopleOct 12 04:04
MinceRthe "solution" already existed, all you had to do was somehow justify forcing systemd on people who didn't ask for itOct 12 04:05
samiamsamduno what you're talking aboutOct 12 04:05
MinceRagain, forcing malware on people, not exactly what "respecting users' freedom and community" means.Oct 12 04:06
samiamsamduno what malwareOct 12 04:06
MinceRi'm talking about the lies poettering's followers posted to justify turning GNU/Linux distributions into systemd/Linux distributionsOct 12 04:06
MinceReven as they kept preaching that the existence of multiple distros was heresy in the first placeOct 12 04:07
MinceRthe malware is called systemdOct 12 04:07
samiamsamsystemd/linux is good software though it's not malwareOct 12 04:07
MinceRthe one that insists on running on your computer from boot until shutdown, with root privileges, with carelessly written code full of vulnerabilities, and code that listens to network connectionsOct 12 04:07
samiamsamit has flaws okOct 12 04:07
MinceRthey even put a webserver in there so you could read logs from that atrocity called systemd-journaldOct 12 04:08
samiamsameverything has flawsOct 12 04:08
MinceRit is a fractal of flawsOct 12 04:08
samiamsamwebserver to read log files is goodOct 12 04:08
MinceRit is a massive flaw with smaller flaws growing off itOct 12 04:08
samiamsamit's a joy to work withOct 12 04:08
MinceRwebserver integrated into what is supposed to be an "init system" is utterly idioticOct 12 04:08
MinceRit is something only dave cutler's followers could come up withOct 12 04:08
DaemonFC 12 04:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Firefox 93 disables Triple DES and doesn’t mention NSA backdoors. Windows 11 continues degrading VPNs with it if they use the native APIs. – BaronHK's RantsOct 12 04:08
samiamsamit's pure joy, like haskell to cOct 12 04:09
samiamsamsystemd to what came beforeOct 12 04:09
MinceRyeah, i feel the joy too, when i wondered why ubuntu hasn't managed to boot in 15 minutes, and i check around the virtual consoles and find an emergency prompt from systemd on one of themOct 12 04:09
activelowproblem is systemd being enforced to everyone even when it is totally inappropriateOct 12 04:09
MinceRalso pure joy when i have to forcibly power down the machine because systemd decided to wait for something foreverOct 12 04:10
activelowthe alternative to systemd isn't any other, it is NONE at all (sysvinit/openrc aren't some systemd architecture type component)Oct 12 04:10
samiamsamthat's the most conservative thing so it's qiute reasonableOct 12 04:10
MinceR:~# rebootOct 12 04:10
MinceRWrite failed: Broken pipeOct 12 04:11
MinceRpure joy.Oct 12 04:11
MinceR 12 04:11
MinceRalso pure joy.Oct 12 04:11
samiamsamif you were to judge systemd solely by shutdown experience, i would have to say, it's worseOct 12 04:11
samiamsami don't ever shut anything down and don't care so, shrugOct 12 04:11
MinceRyour friends are selling systemd as an "init system", remember?Oct 12 04:11
MinceRshutting down is one of the _very few_ things it's supposed to do, and to do wellOct 12 04:12
samiamsaman init system being conservative lets shit hang foreverOct 12 04:12
MinceRsystemd utterly fails at itOct 12 04:12
samiamsamthen you go and check what's holding it up in the rescue terminal and kill itOct 12 04:12
samiamsamthat's reasonable enough, fineOct 12 04:12
MinceRand displaces any properly written piece of software which would do itOct 12 04:12
activelowlet me explain my approach again: nilfs2. sync. reset-buttonOct 12 04:12
samiamsamno, you can run any code you watn on shutdown to do itOct 12 04:12
MinceRno, "an init system being conservative" doesn't let "shit hang forever"Oct 12 04:12
samiamsamyou can now hit ctrlatldlt a bunch of times real quick to force it tooOct 12 04:12
MinceRit sends SIGTERM to all processes, waits a bit, then sends SIGKILL to all processes, then halts or reboots or powers offOct 12 04:13
MinceRthis isn't rocket scienceOct 12 04:13
MinceRit's just something poettering hasn't managed to implement, or even understandOct 12 04:13
samiamsamyes it does if it has data to write to a remote filesystem that's going to get lost on shutdown it is losing data not to wait forever for the machine to come backOct 12 04:13
MinceRyay, i can hit ctrl+alt+del a lot!Oct 12 04:13
MinceRdo you know what OS i would be running if i was addicted to hitting ctrl+alt+del like the deaf person presses the doorbell?Oct 12 04:14
MinceRwindows.Oct 12 04:14
samiamsamwell you can do that shit in your own unit file on shutdownOct 12 04:14
samiamsami don't mind looking at the rescue terminalOct 12 04:14
MinceR 12 04:14
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 04:14
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 04:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-The rest of the story: Control-Alt-Delete inventor didn’t expect it to be widely used - GeekWireOct 12 04:14
samiamsamthis is some petty gripe about how it works then you're calling it malwareOct 12 04:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The rest of the story: Control-Alt-Delete inventor didn’t expect it to be widely used - GeekWireOct 12 04:15
MinceR“But I have to share the credit. I may have invented it, but I think Bill made it famous.”Oct 12 04:15
MinceRi do mind having to _hunt down_ the rescue terminal that isn't shownOct 12 04:15
MinceRthere are many gripes about how it "works"Oct 12 04:15
samiamsamthe rescue terminal isn't enalbed by default and has other issuesOct 12 04:16
MinceRhaving a massive bloated hairball coded by idiots, running as root all the time, from a company that used to brag about NSA being one of their clients, is a massive red flagOct 12 04:16
activelowlogin-shell == rescue terminal here, because root.squashfs is read-only anywayOct 12 04:17
DaemonFC 12 04:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | jwz: Somehow macOS 11.6 broke HDMIOct 12 04:17
MinceRand many security issues have already been publicized in it, _after_ it was rubberstamped as "stable" by fedora and debian, and foisted onto their usersOct 12 04:17
activelowi even patched kernel to prevent replacing rc.init script with anything eles, to *always* enforce /bin/loginOct 12 04:17
activelowhence, no need for "secure boot"Oct 12 04:18
MinceRthere never was any need for "Secure Boot"Oct 12 04:18
MinceRexcept by microsoftOct 12 04:18
activelowok, sure. i wanted something else then them, and have it.Oct 12 04:18
activelowthanOct 12 04:18
MinceRwho were afraid that if users got to choose an OS to run on computers they owned, microsoft would lose their precious and lucrative market positionsOct 12 04:18
samiamsamsecure boot is needed to control the users of a machine completelyOct 12 04:18
MinceRsimilar story to systemdOct 12 04:19
MinceRyeah, that's what microsoft is trying to doOct 12 04:19
activelowproblem now is, i won't support UEFI, and if legacy BIOS support is dropped then my amd64.iso won't boot anymore.Oct 12 04:19
MinceRunfortunately for them, their code is so shit, even if "secure boot" worked as designed, people could just exploit one of the many holes in windows to boot something else anywayOct 12 04:19
activelowdoubt itOct 12 04:19
DaemonFCRyan Farmer says:Oct 12 04:20
DaemonFC2 seconds ago at 8:19 pmOct 12 04:20
DaemonFCSips coffeeOct 12 04:20
DaemonFCGlad to see that Mac's still Just Working(R) for you.Oct 12 04:20
DaemonFC"Make cannot be verified! Make might be a virus!" Jesus fuck. The hell is this crap?Oct 12 04:20
activelowi mean, try to replace BIOS/UEFI with something else, because, BIOS/UEFI are the *real* operating systemOct 12 04:20
MinceRsimilar things have already been done to gaming consolesOct 12 04:20
DaemonFCMinceR, ^Oct 12 04:20
MinceRDaemonFC: lolOct 12 04:20
samiamsamno, systemd is the real operating systemOct 12 04:20
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▅▅▅▆▃▅▆▅▅▃▄▄▃▄▅▅▅▆▇▅▆▇▁▄▅▆▂▃▃▄▅▃▇▆▅▅▁ avg(k/sec) 22.65 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▄█▁█▁█▂▁▂▁▁▃▁▇▇▂▃▃▄▅█▄▄▁▁▁▃▂▁▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 52.25▕ swarm size (avg): 261.03  ⟲Oct 12 04:20
MinceRperhaps the real operating system was the masters we've gained along the way?Oct 12 04:20
MinceR(they won't let you use the word "master", though.)Oct 12 04:21
samiamsambootloading code is still just bootloadingOct 12 04:21
activelowin german language Master/Meister, it translates to skilled craftsmen, who instructs Lehrling (trainee, not slave)Oct 12 04:22
MinceRif it's "just bootloading", how come TianoCore is about as big as Linux, sans drivers?Oct 12 04:22
samiamsamit does suck when it does a bunch of stuff in the biosOct 12 04:22
activelowneedless to say, i reject traineesOct 12 04:22
MinceRwhat the hell does "just a bootloader" need so much damn code for?Oct 12 04:22
activelowand let them be their own masters nowOct 12 04:22
samiamsamsame reason you'd use linux as a bootloader, because it can do  a lotOct 12 04:22
samiamsamlike yeah it can be a whole osOct 12 04:22
MinceRyay, it can do a lot! too bad it doesn't work.Oct 12 04:23
samiamsambut it's _the_ os because it hands over the systemOct 12 04:23
MinceRdoes it, though?Oct 12 04:23
MinceRiirc in uefi (not legacy) boot, some crap is left behind in memoryOct 12 04:23
MinceRand then the alleged OS gets to call it sometimesOct 12 04:23
samiamsamthat's not the same thing as being the osOct 12 04:23
MinceRlike when something decides to use that filesystem systemd mounts read-write for you and bricks your alleged computer with itOct 12 04:23
MinceRbecause poettering is an idiotOct 12 04:24
samiamsami definitley want any crap like that disabled by the kernelOct 12 04:24
AdmFubar 12 04:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Ampere Altra Max Review: Pushing it to 128 Cores per SocketOct 12 04:27
samiamsamif you want to make flour you have to tolerate some bugsOct 12 04:28
MinceRno, i don'tOct 12 04:28
activelowAdmFubar: i would prefer to tailor software, development, and dependencies, to NOT depend on 128core system; although it is nice to have, i do not want development to depend on itOct 12 04:29
samiamsamwhere's the flour broOct 12 04:29
activelowAdmFubar: because, free and opensource software depends on ordinary homebrew hackers can develop softwareOct 12 04:29
activelowadd to this, the price for a cortex a53 quadcore is ~50$, not sure what the altra ampere costs are, besides excess electricityOct 12 04:30
samiamsami think 128 cores is for ordinary hackers of the futureOct 12 04:30
MinceRit will be for "ordinary hackers" when hackers actually get to control the 128-core SoC-s they ownOct 12 04:30
samiamsami bet more than 8 is normal nowOct 12 04:30
MinceRwhen they aren't locked out of it by corporations with questionable agendasOct 12 04:31
samiamsamdo you feel locked outOct 12 04:31
MinceRlocked down bootloaders, malware running on its own built-in core and shit like thatOct 12 04:31
MinceRyes i doOct 12 04:31
activelowreminder: fuzixOS requires 8KiB, and is available with Z80 systems... such as zeta v2 boardOct 12 04:31
MinceRfor a while i thought i could have one brand of ARM SBC which was reasonably openOct 12 04:31
MinceRand then i found out it was running malware called "ThreadX", owned by microsoft, on the gpu, all alongOct 12 04:32
MinceRthe others tend to have locked bootloaders, documentation being kept secret from OS developers, and piss poor OS supportOct 12 04:32
MinceRthough i guess i can safely say that raspberry pi has joined the pack of "piss poor OS support" latelyOct 12 04:32
samiamsamhaha it's crazy all the little things in a modern computer that have their own cpusOct 12 04:32
activelowwith a z80(or some other) fuzixOS systems, the operating system is the bios iteself (needs review what type of ROM loaders there are)Oct 12 04:33
MinceRconsidering how much trickery i needed just so i could get a kernel that would actually boot on the damned thingOct 12 04:33
samiamsamsome guy put linux on a hard drive's cpuOct 12 04:33
activelowand this is how far back in time one must travel, to find some 100% fully free and opensource system (if at all)Oct 12 04:33
samiamsamthe cpu in the hard drive could run linuxOct 12 04:33
MinceRfuzixOS is hardly a travel back in timeOct 12 04:35
samiamsambut that shit although it is creepy and bad, doesn't stop software developersOct 12 04:35
activelowMinceR: i would say it was abandoned and forgotten for decades, doesn't mean it didn't exist beforeOct 12 04:36
MinceRhow much RAM can fuzixOS handle anyway?Oct 12 04:36
activelowMinceR: depends on both hardware (MMU) and fuzixOS itself.. 512KiB is a common limit with Z80Oct 12 04:37
activelowsome extensions exist, for MMU, and more RAMOct 12 04:37
MinceRi seeOct 12 04:37
MinceRbeing able to use an MMU is promisingOct 12 04:38
activelowdependsOct 12 04:38
MinceRi don't want buggy applications writing garbage into kernel memory and over other applicationsOct 12 04:38
activelowdo not write buggy applications to begin with?Oct 12 04:38
MinceRnice ideaOct 12 04:39
MinceRwhat planet are we going to start a society that does not write buggy applications on?Oct 12 04:39
MinceRalso, what species of beings are they going to be?Oct 12 04:39
activelowno need to argue, some benefits exist with MMU, nonetheless, z80 by design didn't have at least DRAM (and dram controller), z80 uses SRAMOct 12 04:39
activelowwhich is remarkable for the following reason: the CPU can be fully HALTed, and single-step debugged (without any jtag voodoo anywhere)Oct 12 04:40
activelowsome lattice FPGA board with 512KiB SRAM exists, which can be clocked to a few dozen MHz ... just saying... 30Euros iircOct 12 04:41
samiamsami got a $3 arduinoOct 12 04:42
activelowsamiamsam: which isn't an FPGA, and 512KiB SRAM is alotOct 12 04:42
activelowsamiamsam: and arduino isn't self-sufficient, self-hosting for develoment, you need a gnu/linux and bloated arduino ide nearbyOct 12 04:43
samiamsamyou don't need the ideOct 12 04:43
MinceRwhat tools do you need for the lattice FPGA board?Oct 12 04:43
samiamsami don't use itOct 12 04:43
samiamsambut anyway.  is this fpga more powerful tha nthe arduino?Oct 12 04:43
MinceRwith the FPGA you can _probably_ have more confidence in the CPU you implement on it not being backdooredOct 12 04:44
activelowsamiamsam: yes, and it is 100% free and opensource, a z80 soc can be deployed, or mos6502 or similarOct 12 04:44
activelowalthough... there is other aspects, to think about... anyway, why think at allOct 12 04:45
activelowMinceR: my scratchpad notes for z80 and required tooling is two sheets of paper already... cannot summarize this in a few sentences on ircOct 12 04:45
MinceRouchOct 12 04:46
activelowshort version: 100% free and opensource system requires a softcore FPGA SoC (not necessarily z80, currently not any RISC-V)Oct 12 04:46
MinceRalso, afaik arduinos have only microcontrollers on them, which tend to be severely limited compared to general purpose CPUsOct 12 04:46
samiamsamz80 isn't more powerful than the arduino though ?Oct 12 04:46
MinceRwell, the microcontroller i wrote code for (PIC) was certainly a lot less capable than a Z80Oct 12 04:47
MinceRiirc it didn't even have a real stackOct 12 04:47
activelowpowerful how? 512KiB SRAM to begin with (and no mmu), and some FPGA board i knew can be clocked up to a few dozen MHz, which is alot faster than any original z80 clocked at 4MHzOct 12 04:47
activelowMinceR: i got a list of required parts, required tools, as said it is too much to summarize hereOct 12 04:48
activelowand add to this, i cannot afford tiOct 12 04:48
activelowitOct 12 04:48
MinceR:(Oct 12 04:48
samiamsampowerful from a user perspectiveOct 12 04:48
activelowsamiamsam: the design is scalable, both in size and complexityOct 12 04:48
activelowi had seen z80 clocked up to 100MHz, however, designing a SoC to include various peripheral i/o isn't trivial, in particular when it shall remain 100% free and opensourceOct 12 04:49
samiamsamthe design, ok, but what about the hardwareOct 12 04:50
activelowdepends on what you mean with hardware... semiconductor manufacturing is outside my realm and field of expertiseOct 12 04:50
samiamsamno i mean the particular piece of hardware you were taling aboutOct 12 04:51
activelowdepending an what is desired, i cannot manufacture any of it: ttl 7400 parts, fpga, z80 parts, real manufacturingOct 12 04:51
activelowok, just saying, real manufacturing Oct 12 04:51
activelowsamiamsam: i got different optionsOct 12 04:51
samiamsamis it going to run crypto streaming just fineOct 12 04:52
samiamsamjust like httpsOct 12 04:52
activelowz80 era was X.25... Oct 12 04:53
samiamsamnot gonna run https on a z80Oct 12 04:53
activelowwhich btw. is another huge issue, x.25 dying, because it was deployed to critical infrastructure... airfield control, railwayOct 12 04:53
activelowsamiamsam: i don't know yet, however tcp/ip was demonstrated on z80/fuzix too... yesOct 12 04:54
activelowbut it is, something different, somehowOct 12 04:54
samiamsamon this arduino i've got tcp/ip, it advertises itself over mdns tooOct 12 04:56
samiamsamgets ip through dhcpOct 12 04:56
samiamsamusing lwipOct 12 04:56
*leah has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 04:58
*leah (~leah@wrh2nipuzrd3y.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 04:58
activelowsamiamsam: arduino is not free and opensource, bloated arduino ideOct 12 04:59
samiamsami duno man, i don't use the ide, the go source for the build tool is availableOct 12 04:59
activelowwhat was it, the microcontrollers of arduino? atmega risc. which is proprietary. Oct 12 04:59
activelowi was thinking of free and opensource, atmega risc isn't, and an arduino isn't an FPGA. not saying arduino is bad, it is something different than i was thinking of.Oct 12 05:00
activelowif you want free and opensource systems, arduino isn't to my knowledge.Oct 12 05:01
samiamsamyou mean just the cpu though rightOct 12 05:01
DaemonFC 12 05:02
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 05:02
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 05:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Jamie Zawinski Calls Cinnamon Screensaver Lock-Bypass Bug 'Unconscionable' - SlashdotOct 12 05:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Jamie Zawinski Calls Cinnamon Screensaver Lock-Bypass Bug 'Unconscionable' - SlashdotOct 12 05:02
activelowCPU, peripheral I/O (such as ftdi usb), requirements for develoment... arduino is not free and opensourceOct 12 05:02
*techrights-ipfs-bot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 05:02
samiamsamwhat requirements for developmentOct 12 05:03
samiamsamanyway the arduino is a pretty impoverished runtime systemOct 12 05:03
activelowschematics to begin with, digital circuit description, and tooling to deploy circuit description to FPGAOct 12 05:03
activelowas said, it is too much to discuss hereOct 12 05:04
samiamsamyou're talking about the cpu tho rightOct 12 05:04
samiamsamon the arduinoOct 12 05:04
samiamsamschematics of taht?Oct 12 05:04
activelowno, i am talking about an entire SoC including peripheral i/oOct 12 05:05
activelowand no, a digital circuit description isn't the PCB designed with KiCad for exampleOct 12 05:05
activelowit is somewhat ironic, even ESA with their Leon SPARC seems they hadn't fully realized, what a free and opensource SoC would beOct 12 05:06
samiamsamperipheral ioOct 12 05:06
samiamsamyou mean the usb/serial ?Oct 12 05:06
samiamsamserial over usb really i guess it isOct 12 05:06
activelowperipheral i/o includes everyting: an s100 type bus, storage, dram controller (if any), serial ... Oct 12 05:07
activelowa CPU without peripherals is uselessOct 12 05:07
activelowand often, even when a CPU is opensource (such as RISC-V, arduino/atmega isn't opensource at all), then peripheral I/O controllers are maliciousOct 12 05:08
activelowsuch as USB, HDMI, ethernet, serial, storage, whatever elseOct 12 05:08
activelowand then, if any free and opensource SoC shall be deployed ... then altera/xilinx await almost always, which is unacceptable for meOct 12 05:09
samiamsamall that stuff is on the chip from atmega?Oct 12 05:11
activelowatmega offers different chips, and arduino offers different boardsOct 12 05:12
samiamsam 12 05:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ESP8266 - WikipediaOct 12 05:13
*aprates has quit (Quit: WeeChat 3.3)Oct 12 05:14
samiamsamthat's actually the one i haveOct 12 05:14
samiamsamProcessor: L106 32-bit RISC microprocessor core based on the Tensilica Xtensa Diamond Standard 106Micro running at 80 MHz[5]Oct 12 05:14
activelowsamiamsam: and it is a proprietary closed source systemOct 12 05:15
activelowi am not aware of any circuit description of this one being available (stumbled upon it before)Oct 12 05:15
samiamsamESP8266 BASIC — An open-source BASIC-like interpreter specifically tailored for the Internet of Things (IoT). Self-hosting browser-based development environment.Oct 12 05:16
samiamsamhahaOct 12 05:16
MinceRlolOct 12 05:16
samiamsamman that would be awesome on one of theseOct 12 05:16
activelowwell then, have fun with the basic interpreter, if this suffices to meet criteria of free and opensource systems of yoursOct 12 05:17
MinceRfor masochists onlyOct 12 05:17
samiamsamya this shit is no good for general purpose computingOct 12 05:17
samiamsamactivelow: i don't think the low level hardware is really part of the system, it's like a disposable substrateOct 12 05:20
activelowlowlevel hardware AND software, in this realm hardware and software aren't really distinctOct 12 05:21
samiamsamit's distinct pragmaticallyOct 12 05:21
samiamsambecause i can take my software and recompile it for some other hardware vendorOct 12 05:21
activelowgood luck to compile your software with a sane and clean compiler and toolchainOct 12 05:22
samiamsamumOct 12 05:22
samiamsamit usees gccOct 12 05:22
activelowdidn't review sdcc yet...; tinycc, pcc, and some othersOct 12 05:23
samiamsamanyway arduino-cli is kind of annoying, but it just wraps gcc and handles cross compiling for the userOct 12 05:23
samiamsamand installing libraries and whatnot.  kind of like a distributionOct 12 05:23
samiamsamlike it has its own shitty package managerOct 12 05:24
MinceRit's the "disposable substrate" where all the spooks want their code to run on your computersOct 12 05:24
samiamsamMinceR: arduino?Oct 12 05:24
MinceRwhicheverOct 12 05:24
samiamsami mean that'd be totally crazy rightOct 12 05:24
MinceR(though lately they're pretty insistent on putting their crap in every single layer there is)Oct 12 05:24
MinceRwell, if you can read/write RAM from it, it can be useful for a backdoorOct 12 05:24
samiamsamone thing i was thinking to do with arduino was make my own smart cardsOct 12 05:24
MinceRunless RAM is encrypted and you can't access the key from there, i supposeOct 12 05:25
samiamsamMinceR: how are they going to get the data out?Oct 12 05:25
MinceRsome trace on the chip could act as a radio antennaOct 12 05:25
MinceRthey might be able to use some sort of piezoelectric effect or a speaker that's on the board to exfiltrate via ultrasoundOct 12 05:25
MinceRor just blink an LED (quickly so the human operator won't be able to tell it's happening)Oct 12 05:26
samiamsamthere's no speakerOct 12 05:26
samiamsamthe led stays offOct 12 05:26
samiamsamit does have wifiOct 12 05:26
MinceRlolOct 12 05:26
MinceR"how are they going to get the data out?", he asks about a device that has wifiOct 12 05:26
samiamsamthey're just gonna put it on the wifiOct 12 05:26
samiamsamlike have their own implementation of dhcp in there?Oct 12 05:27
samiamsamthen send that shit right out on the internet i guessOct 12 05:27
samiamsamya?Oct 12 05:27
samiamsami should check my dhcpd logsOct 12 05:28
samiamsamya think?Oct 12 05:28
MinceR¯\_(ツ)_/¯Oct 12 05:28
MinceRwhat if their dhcp client implementation is on the wifi chip?Oct 12 05:28
samiamsamthe secret radio transmitter made more senseOct 12 05:28
samiamsamya, it can beOct 12 05:28
samiamsami just said thatOct 12 05:28
samiamsam00:27 <samiamsam> like have their own implementation of dhcp in there?Oct 12 05:29
MinceRthough it doesn't even have to be wifiOct 12 05:29
samiamsamso how close do the vans have to be to this shitOct 12 05:29
MinceRit has access to a nice antenna, it probably has all the side channels it could possibly wantOct 12 05:29
samiamsamand it's just going to transmit the full value of ram on a regular basis rightOct 12 05:29
samiamsamor does it scan the memory for keywords?Oct 12 05:30
MinceR¯\_(ツ)_/¯Oct 12 05:30
MinceRwhatever the authors of the backdoor or their clients wantOct 12 05:30
samiamsami guess the iphone image hash search is the idealOct 12 05:32
samiamsampedo hash searchOct 12 05:33
samiamsammaybe the cpu can store a bunch of hashes and continuously scan memory for matches on these hashesOct 12 05:33
samiamsami don't think any clients going to pay to put this shit into arduinos that sell on amazon for $3 tho, on iphones it's worth it yesOct 12 05:34
samiamsamon these embedded systems it wouldn't even be workableOct 12 05:35
MinceRyeah, for now arduinos seem to have a less stupid target audienceOct 12 05:35
samiamsamsmaller audience more importantlyOct 12 05:35
activelowsomehow, it is good particular systems are not touched by particular entitiesOct 12 05:35
samiamsameffecitvely zeroOct 12 05:35
activelowwhich, wehenever they touch anything, they clusterfuck and ruin itOct 12 05:35
MinceRcase in point: samiamsam's favorite OSOct 12 05:36
samiamsamdebian gnu/systemd/linuxOct 12 05:36
activelowparticular systems aren't sold anywhereOct 12 05:36
activelowand do not rund gnu/linux eitherOct 12 05:36
*DaemonFC has quit (connection closed)Oct 12 05:36
activelowso, this is a neat precaution, intentional or notOct 12 05:37
activelowit keeps away some certain type of people and mindset, naturallyOct 12 05:37
samiamsamnormal people don't even keep data on their computers anymoreOct 12 05:39
samiamsamit belongs to the appsOct 12 05:40
samiamsamwho store it in the cloudOct 12 05:40
samiamsamnormies lolOct 12 05:42
*techrights-ipfs-bot (~techrights-ipfs-bot@62vhapicsw4ds.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 06:01
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*aprates (~aprates@sourcehut/users/aprates) has joined #techrightsOct 12 06:15
psydruid> you gotta facedesk when you see gnu/linux users shilling ddgOct 12 06:15
psydruidA professor for my "web and data" course was shilling ddg, I wonder how much she was offered for doing soOct 12 06:15
psydruid> it's a stupid, non-unix defaultOct 12 06:17
psydruid> but it's there because poettering likes itOct 12 06:17
psydruidlennart putering and butchering while looking out of his windowsOct 12 06:17
psydruid> maybe it wasn't debian who decided, it was mainly Gnome/KDE, because with systemd/dbus Gnome and KDE are gone (at best only gtk and qt widget toolkits remain, and even this requires patching and heavy intervention by recompiling the entire system from source, only possible with gentoo and similar)Oct 12 06:33
psydruidI use GNOME nowhere and KDE only on my main laptop, so I guess both are becoming irrelevant for my purposes. Even XFCE was acting weird for me last night so on that lower-end laptop I switched to MATE. Next step will be to run a window manager because everything has just become too bloated and slow Windows-style.Oct 12 06:33
psydruidOr just live in the consoleOct 12 06:34
psydruidI guess I should look more into TUI applicationsOct 12 06:34
activelowpsydruid: you're studying? whatever it is you are studying, be cautious to not waste time with openwashed nonsense.Oct 12 06:35
psydruidactivelow, I know it pretty well, I'm cautious with the university and the professors and only retain and use what I consider usefulOct 12 06:37
psydruidI mean I'm skeptical towards them, but it could be much worseOct 12 06:38
samiamsami'm just using xmonadOct 12 06:43
activelowhaskell, not sure what to think of this... another programming languageOct 12 06:46
samiamsamhaskell is really amazing to use hard to learn thoughOct 12 06:47
activelowmore difficult than perl or c?Oct 12 06:48
samiamsamxmonad is just a tiling wmOct 12 06:48
activelowwritten in haskellOct 12 06:49
activelownot saying this is a bad choice, i reject any new programming languageOct 12 06:49
samiamsamit's probably not more difficult than perl or c except that perl and c are basically the same thing and if you already know that thingOct 12 06:49
samiamsamwhat do you mean new?Oct 12 06:50
activelowwell, Hasekell is both new to me, and it appeared rather late in comparison to perl or c or fortranOct 12 06:50
activelowi blacklisted haskellOct 12 06:51
activelowand do not miss anything so farOct 12 06:51
samiamsamhaskell and perl came around the same timeOct 12 06:51
samiamsamlate 1980sOct 12 06:52
samiamsambut today haskell is a lot more powerful than perl Oct 12 06:52
activelowhasekell appeared 1990, perl appeared 1988Oct 12 06:52
samiamsamhaskell 1.0 released in 1990Oct 12 06:53
samiamsamis 1.0 appearance?Oct 12 06:53
samiamsam38. ^ Wadler, Philip (October 1988). "How to make ad-hoc polymorphism less ad hoc".Oct 12 06:53
activelowif you want to split hairs over thisOct 12 06:53
samiamsamfirst paper published about haskell implementation ?Oct 12 06:53
activelowmy argument is this: too many different programming languages, libraries, without any benefitOct 12 06:54
activelowsince i can blackist haskell without loosing anything relevant here, i cannot do this with perlOct 12 06:54
samiamsamthey mostly all have benefitsOct 12 06:54
samiamsamhaskell is lovely tohughOct 12 06:54
samiamsamany kind of stuff i used to do with perl, now i do it with haskellOct 12 06:55
activelowi rather blacklist both, however cannot with perl, because it is required for thingsOct 12 06:55
activelowideally, i could blacklist bash, and replace it with some ksh compliant interpreter, but gentoo ... wants bashOct 12 06:56
samiamsamwhat shell do you use?Oct 12 06:57
activelowbashOct 12 06:57
samiamsamwhat do you mean blacklistOct 12 06:57
activelowremove itOct 12 06:57
activelowon gentoo some listings exist, to remove malwareOct 12 06:58
samiamsamyet you're using it as your interactive shellOct 12 06:58
activelowyes, because i need gentoo toolingOct 12 06:58
activelowpackage.mask, use flags, all this; i spare you the details; i need gentoo for blacklistingOct 12 06:59
activelowand gentoo loves bashOct 12 06:59
samiamsamthat doesn't mean you need to use it as your interactive shell thoughOct 12 06:59
activelowexport POSIXLY_STRICT=1 ... breaks thingsOct 12 07:00
activelowups, POSIXLY_CORRECT it isOct 12 07:00
samiamsamzsh and fish look niceOct 12 07:01
*techrights-ipfs-bot (~techrights-ipfs-bot@62vhapicsw4ds.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 07:01
psydruidall of this looks fishy to meOct 12 07:18
*GNUmoon2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 07:19
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▂▄▄▆▄▅▅▇▅▅▄▅▄▅▆▅▇▄▅▅▅▃▁▃▄▅▃▂▅▅▅▃▁ avg(k/sec) 23.88 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▂▂▁▂▃▁▁▂▁▂▁▁▂▁▂▁▂▂▂▂▁▂▂▁▁▁▂▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▁ avg(k/sec) 6.01▕ swarm size (avg): 261.02  ⟲Oct 12 07:20
*GNUmoon has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)Oct 12 07:21
*psydroid2 (~psydroid@cqggrmwgu7gji.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 07:27
*aprates has quit (*.net *.split)Oct 12 07:34
*gde35 has quit (*.net *.split)Oct 12 07:34
*techrights-news (~techrights-news@62vhapicsw4ds.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 07:48
techrights-news#Techrights Bulletin for Monday, October 11, 2021 full archive: #gnu #linux #freesw #plaintextOct 12 07:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bulletin ArchivesOct 12 07:48
techrights-news#Techrights full #IPFS index updated just now available as plain text @ #dweb #sharingOct 12 07:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Techrights Full IPFS IndexOct 12 07:48
*aprates (~aprates@sourcehut/users/aprates) has joined #techrightsOct 12 07:56
*gde35 ( has joined #techrightsOct 12 07:56
techrights-news● NEWS ● #CJEU ☞ JUDGMENT OF THE COURT (Fifth Chamber) 6 October 2021 [...] Case C-13/20;text=&amp;dir=&amp;doclang=EN&amp;part=1&amp;occ=first&amp;mode=DOC&amp;pageIndex=0&amp;cid=10751201Oct 12 07:57
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 07:57
altlink_051🙆 Alternative:;text=&amp;dir=&amp;doclang=EN&amp;part=1&amp;occ=first&amp;mode=DOC&amp;pageIndex=0&amp;cid=10751201Oct 12 07:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | CURIA - DocumentsOct 12 07:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @;text=&amp;dir=&amp;doclang=EN&amp;part=1&amp;occ=first&amp;mode=DOC&amp;pageIndex=0&amp;cid=10751201 )Oct 12 07:57
techrights-news● NEWS ● #CarlSvensson ☞ Fleeting Memories of Youth and the Increasing Impermanence of Culture 12 07:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Fleeting Memories of Youth and the Increasing Impermanence of Culture | datagubbe.seOct 12 07:57
techrights-news● NEWS ● #WhichUK #microsoft #ProprietarySoftware ☞ Fake ads rife on #Bing as investment scams jump 84% 12 08:04
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 08:04
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 08:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fake ads rife on Bing as investment scams jump 84% – Which? NewsOct 12 08:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fake ads rife on Bing as investment scams jump 84% – Which? NewsOct 12 08:04
techrights-news#Microsoft #Windows TCO: ● #ITWire #ProprietarySoftware ☞ Cyber insurance should not cover ransoms: #Australia officials 12 08:04
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 08:04
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 08:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-iTWire - Cyber insurance should not cover ransoms: Australian officialsOct 12 08:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @ )Oct 12 08:05
techrights-newsOnce again, without any warning or notification, #bt decided to remotely change 'my' router and reboot it at 4AM, changing my IP address and leaving services down until I woke up. #proprietarySoftware is hostile junk. They also did this 6 months ago and will do it in the future. You can't opt out or be notified. 12 08:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Proprietary Software (BT Hub) Has Ruined My Whole Day | TechrightsOct 12 08:07
techrights-news● NEWS ● #ScreenRant #ProprietarySoftware ☞ How A #Chromebook Is Different To A Windows Laptop (And Which Is Best) 12 08:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How A Chromebook Is Different To A Windows Laptop (And Which Is Best)Oct 12 08:07
techrights-news● NEWS ● #GizmoChina #ProprietarySoftware ☞ Google’s Fuchsia OS to support more devices and other form factors 12 08:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Oct 12 08:07
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 08:07
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 08:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @ )Oct 12 08:07
techrights-news● NEWS ● #PCWorld #Privacy #Surveillance ☞ What is a #TPM and why isn’t mine working? 12 08:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-What is a TPM, and how do I find it and turn it on? | PCWorldOct 12 08:08
techrights-news● NEWS ● #Bloomberg #Privacy #Surveillance ☞ #Facebook Changes the Way It Measures Accounts for Advertisers 12 08:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Bloomberg - Are you a robot?Oct 12 08:08
*GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gti7y64ngicmn.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 08:09
techrights-news● NEWS ● #EDRI #Privacy #Surveillance ☞ The terrifying expansion of #Sweden ’s state surveillance 12 08:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The terrifying expansion of Sweden’s state surveillance - European Digital Rights (EDRi)Oct 12 08:09
*GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsOct 12 08:09
*CrystalMath has quit (Quit: Leaving)Oct 12 08:10
schestowitz__[TR]Tue 02:26:46  │ 〖activelow〗 │ links is buggy and the source code is, uhm, special... failed.Oct 12 08:11
schestowitz__[TR]Tue 02:27:29  │ 〖activelow〗 │ netsurf-fb has unacceptable limitations (no tabbed browsing) and it isn't showing anyting on /dev/fb0 here... failed.Oct 12 08:11
schestowitz__[TR]Tue 02:29:20  │ 〖activelow〗 │ lynx browser remains, it is what it is, limited; w3m is clumsy, and neither lynx nor w3m show images on framebuffer consoleOct 12 08:11
schestowitz__[TR]Tue 02:37:59  │ 〖AdmFubar〗 │ how about nyxt?Oct 12 08:11
schestowitz__[TR]Tue 02:41:16  │ 〖MinceR〗 │ samiamsam: it does not qualify per the Free Software Definition >> 12 08:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | What is Free Software? - GNU Project - Free Software FoundationOct 12 08:11
schestowitz__[TR]turns out I missed only one line of these logsOct 12 08:11
schestowitz__[TR]the server still logged itOct 12 08:11
schestowitz__[TR]sorry for the rantOct 12 08:11
schestowitz__[TR]all the machines went offline around 4amOct 12 08:11
schestowitz__[TR]gemini was then offline for 4 hours because IP address had changedOct 12 08:12
schestowitz__[TR]this is the pain of stupid proprietary routerOct 12 08:12
schestowitz__[TR]silently got new firmware last nightOct 12 08:12
schestowitz__[TR]half a day later rebooted itselfOct 12 08:12
schestowitz__[TR]Same as last time: 12 08:13
schestowitz__[TR]some services were not restored until I woke upOct 12 08:13
*schestowitz__[TR] is now known as schestowitz[TR]Oct 12 08:13
*activelow didn't noticeOct 12 08:13
schestowitz[TR]for me it's a major problemOct 12 08:14
schestowitz[TR]only this line was missed:Oct 12 08:14
schestowitz[TR][08:11] <schestowitz__[TR]> Tue 02:37:59  │ 〖AdmFubar〗 │ how about nyxt?Oct 12 08:14
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▂▂▁▂▅▅▆▇▃▅▅▆▇▇▅▆▅▄▅▄▆▆▅▅▆▇▆▅▅▃▆▁ avg(k/sec) 24.08 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▁▃▁▁▂▂▂▂▁▁▂▅▁▂▁▂▂▃▇▂▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 6.78▕ swarm size (avg): 261.01  ⟲Oct 12 08:20
techrights-news● NEWS ● #RFERL #Energy ☞ #Iran 's Power Company Warns Of Cuts Due To Illegal #Cryptocurrency Mining 12 08:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Iran's Power Company Warns Of Cuts Due To Illegal Cryptocurrency MiningOct 12 08:22
techrights-news● NEWS ● #EestiRahvusringhääling #Politics ☞ E-voting glitch which gave first 900 voters inaccurate information fixed 12 08:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | E-voting glitch which gave first 900 voters inaccurate information fixed | 2021 Elections | ERROct 12 08:24
techrights-news● NEWS ● #TheVerge #Politics ☞ #Facebook #whistleblower Frances #Haugen to speak to its Oversight Board 12 08:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen to speak to its Oversight Board - The VergeOct 12 08:24
techrights-news● NEWS ● #TheHill #Misinformation #Disinformation ☞ Throttling #freespeech is not the way to fix #Facebook and other social media 12 08:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Throttling free speech is not the way to fix Facebook and other social media | TheHillOct 12 08:25
techrights-news● NEWS ● #TheNewArab #Censorship ☞ Iranian women on TV banned from eating pizza because it's too provocative 12 08:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Iranian women on TV banned from eating pizza because it's too provocativeOct 12 08:26
techrights-news● NEWS ● #CPJ #Censorship ☞ #Tanzania #police arrest cartoonist, journalists on cybercrime and illegal assembly allegations 12 08:26
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 08:26
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 08:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tanzania police arrest cartoonist, journalists on cybercrime and illegal assembly allegations - Committee to Protect JournalistsOct 12 08:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tanzania police arrest cartoonist, journalists on cybercrime and illegal assembly allegations - Committee to Protect JournalistsOct 12 08:26
techrights-news● NEWS ● #IsraelNationalNews #Censorship ☞ In #France “justice” serves Islamism 12 08:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | In France “justice” serves Islamism - Israel National NewsOct 12 08:27
techrights-news● NEWS ● #TheHindu #Censorship ☞ #Australia mulls measures making social media giants responsible for defamatory postings 12 08:27
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 08:27
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 08:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Australia mulls measures making social media giants responsible for defamatory postings - The HinduOct 12 08:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Australia mulls measures making social media giants responsible for defamatory postings - The HinduOct 12 08:27
techrights-news● [Old] ● #TheConversation #Censorship ☞ #Facebook or #Twitter posts can now be quietly modified by the government under new surveillance laws 12 08:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Facebook or Twitter posts can now be quietly modified by the government under new surveillance lawsOct 12 08:28
techrights-news● NEWS ● #StockholmCenterForFreedom #Censorship ☞ Exiled journalist establishes publishing house to print books banned in #Turkey 12 08:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Exiled journalist establishes publishing house to print books banned in Turkey - Stockholm Center for FreedomOct 12 08:29
schlockFrances Haugen Oct 12 08:34
*schlock spitsOct 12 08:34
schestowitz-TR2why?Oct 12 08:38
techrights-news● NEWS ● #Stundin #PressFreedom ☞ Key witness in #Assange case jailed in #Iceland after admitting to lies and ongoing crime spree 12 08:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Key witness in Assange case jailed in Iceland after admitting to lies and ongoing crime spree - StundinOct 12 08:38
techrights-news● NEWS ● #NationalPost #PressFreedom ☞ Does #Canada consider #WikiLeaks a terrorist group, Chelsea Manning's lawyer asks at immigration hearing 12 08:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Does Canada consider WikiLeaks a terrorist group, Chelsea Manning's lawyer asks at immigration hearing | National PostOct 12 08:38
gustafnot hot enough for you schlock ? Oct 12 08:38
techrights-news● NEWS ● #RSF #PressFreedom ☞ 2021 Nobel Peace Prize – “an extraordinary tribute to #journalism ,” says #RSF 12 08:39
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 08:39
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 08:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 2021 Nobel Peace Prize – “an extraordinary tribute to journalism,” says RSF | RSFOct 12 08:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 2021 Nobel Peace Prize – “an extraordinary tribute to journalism,” says RSF | RSFOct 12 08:39
techrights-news● NEWS ● #AtlanticCouncil #PressFreedom ☞ When Nobel Peace Prize winner Maria #Ressa appeared at the #AtlanticCouncil 12 08:39
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 08:39
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 08:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | When Nobel Peace Prize winner Maria Ressa appeared at the Atlantic Council - Atlantic CouncilOct 12 08:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | When Nobel Peace Prize winner Maria Ressa appeared at the Atlantic Council - Atlantic CouncilOct 12 08:39
techrights-news● NEWS ● #RSF #PressFreedom ☞ Indian TV reporter found dead after covering violence at farmers’ protest 12 08:40
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 08:40
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 08:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Indian TV reporter found dead after covering violence at farmers’ protest | RSFOct 12 08:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Indian TV reporter found dead after covering violence at farmers’ protest | RSFOct 12 08:40
techrights-news● NEWS ● #Bloomberg #Monopolies ☞ #Microsoft Says Pact Lets Ex-Amazon Executive Begin New Role evil companies sharing pools of sociopaths for similarly bad objectives which harm societyOct 12 08:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Bloomberg - Are you a robot?Oct 12 08:43
techrights-news● NEWS ● #TorrentFreak #copyright #copyrights ☞ #VPN Service 'Agrees' to Block #BitTorrent and Keep Logs to Settle [file sharing] Lawsuit (Updated) 12 08:45
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 08:45
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 08:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-VPN Service 'Agrees' to Block BitTorrent and Keep Logs to Settle Piracy Lawsuit (Updated) * TorrentFreakOct 12 08:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | VPN Service 'Agrees' to Block BitTorrent and Keep Logs to Settle Piracy Lawsuit (Updated) * TorrentFreakOct 12 08:45
techrights-news● NEWS ● #TorrentFreak #copyright #copyrights ☞ Don't Believe Nitro #IPTV 'Lies', We Need Access to Their Millions, Hollywood Says 12 08:46
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 08:46
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 08:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Don't Believe Nitro IPTV 'Lies', We Need Access to Their Millions, Hollywood Says * TorrentFreakOct 12 08:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @ )Oct 12 08:46
techrights-newsToday and tomorrow #techrights will be focused on #switzerland againOct 12 08:48
techrights-news#linuxhint has been pushing too much #microsoft stuff, #windows stuff, and the company's #proprietarySoftware lately. I cannot recommend that site. It wasn't this bad until this year.Oct 12 08:52
activelowfound a compromise to cope with gtk/qt/x11, because i didn't want to maintain two different profiles for their inclusion/exclusionOct 12 08:54
psydruidno Intel Alder Lake stuff to go with the #Microsoft stuff?Oct 12 08:55
activelowto keep dependency graph against the undesired gtk/qt/x11 things minimal, i do this now: set -X11 -gtk -qt use flags globally, and then then enable those flags per individual packages which require those , which is only a few dozenOct 12 08:56
activelowso, now i can do both, drop the separate x11/noX11 profiles, and keep the dependency graph against x11/gtk/qt minimal.Oct 12 08:57
activelowsorry psydruid. ok, next topic. how are intel alder lake and microsoft related?Oct 12 08:58
psydruidactivelow, Microsoft and Intel are interwined compagnies, Intel Alder Lake is also being used to push Windows 11, because onder versions of Windows supposedly can't properly make use of the processorOct 12 09:06
psydruidcompanies*Oct 12 09:06
techrights-news##JavaScript (JS) Programming • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 09:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | JavaScript (JS) Programming | Tux MachinesOct 12 09:10
psydruidother*Oct 12 09:11
techrights-newsTechrights #IRC Proceedings: Monday, October 11, 2021 • 𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤 ⚓ ䷉ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 12 09:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC Proceedings: Monday, October 11, 2021 | TechrightsOct 12 09:11
psydruidlet me rewrite that, I had Dutch spellcheck onOct 12 09:12
psydruidactivelow, Microsoft and Intel are interwined companies, Intel Alder Lake is also being used to push Windows 11, because older versions of Windows supposedly can't properly make use of the processorOct 12 09:12
techrights-news● NEWS ● #CommonDreams ☞ 'Waive the #Patents ': #Moderna Still Refuses to Share #Covid19 #Vaccine Recipe 12 09:13
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 09:13
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 09:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 'Waive the Patents': Moderna Still Refuses to Share Covid-19 Vaccine RecipeOct 12 09:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 'Waive the Patents': Moderna Still Refuses to Share Covid-19 Vaccine RecipeOct 12 09:13
techrights-news● NEWS ● #CommonDreams ☞ 24 More Nations Join Global #Methane Pledge Welcomed as 'Great Start' But Inadequate 12 09:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 24 More Nations Join Global Methane Pledge Welcomed as 'Great Start' But InadequateOct 12 09:13
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 09:13
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 09:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 24 More Nations Join Global Methane Pledge Welcomed as 'Great Start' But InadequateOct 12 09:13
techrights-news● NEWS ● #Tor #torproject ☞ New Release: #TorBrowser 11.0a8 (Android Only) 12 09:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Release: Tor Browser 11.0a8 (Android Only) | Tor BlogOct 12 09:15
schlockMinceR: bravo on truth talk about systemd. everything you've spoken about including the hanging and having to log in to other prompts to shut down has happened to me. Oct 12 09:15
schlockand everyone who has been stucking using arch linux with system d.Oct 12 09:16
schestowitz-TR2we call it systemdehomag sometimesOct 12 09:16
activelowpsydruid: no problem. thinking of "Intel" again... the original engineers founded their own company: Zilog (including lattice semiconductor)Oct 12 09:16
schestowitz[TR] 12 09:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dehomag - WikipediaOct 12 09:16
schlockschestowitz-TR2: yep it has another name here but i forget at the moment.Oct 12 09:16
activelowpsydruid: meaning the real intel guys are ... zilog, while the intel branding is something elseOct 12 09:17
schlockschestowitz-TR2: apologies just saw your question: Frances Haugen isn't a real whistleblower i'm afraid.Oct 12 09:17
schlockshe'a a plant.Oct 12 09:17
schestowitz-TR2I'm a seedOct 12 09:17
schestowitz-TR2she is a plantOct 12 09:17
schlockand her going about begging for more censorship should be the big tip off.Oct 12 09:17
schestowitz-TR2you are a treeOct 12 09:17
schestowitz-TR2schlock: this is not what she doesOct 12 09:17
schestowitz-TR2she complains about the platformOct 12 09:17
schestowitz-TR2and its impact on healthOct 12 09:17
schestowitz-TR2I don't know yet if she is ALSO the same as the leaker of FBIngstaram impact on young womenOct 12 09:18
schestowitz-TR2maybe the articles state so, but I did not read closely enoughOct 12 09:18
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▅▃▅▆▅▇▃▄▆▄▅▅▆▄▆▅▆▅▇▄▃▄▄▅▅▆▄▅▂▃▄▅▅▆▄▁ avg(k/sec) 26.03 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▂▂▂▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▂▂▄▅▂▂▁▁▄▁▂▂▁▂▁▂▆▁▂▃▁ avg(k/sec) 7.51▕ swarm size (avg): 261.01  ⟲Oct 12 09:18
schlocki've seen a lot of skullduggery in the past 5+ decades, i'll just sit back and watch it all come out in the wash.Oct 12 09:18
schestowitz-TR2the net effect of what she does right now is positiveOct 12 09:18
schestowitz-TR2because we need people to get OFF these platformsOct 12 09:18
psydruidactivelow, Federico Faggin left early from what I've read and went on to invent many other technologies that have become commonplace in our "modern" worldOct 12 09:19
schlocki am the "i told you so" of the people usually. :)Oct 12 09:19
techrights-newsUploading extreme material? Blame Free software. Hosting a Web site with #Freesoftware h Blame Free software for serving extremist content. #freesw #censorshipOct 12 09:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] Extreme Views About Software Freedom | TechrightsOct 12 09:20
schestowitz-TR2schlock: we need these defectorsOct 12 09:20
schestowitz-TR2I could go on and call her hypocriteOct 12 09:20
schestowitz-TR2for working in FBOct 12 09:20
schestowitz-TR2pursuing a job thereOct 12 09:20
schestowitz-TR2and earning big salaries, which she keptOct 12 09:20
schestowitz-TR2but that would help FBOct 12 09:21
schlockschestowitz-TR2: we can agree to disagree and see how things fall out in hindsight. Oct 12 09:21
schestowitz-TR2and those looking to demonise herOct 12 09:21
schestowitz-TR2we need these "pentagon tech" defectors"Oct 12 09:21
schestowitz-TR2When Stamos did that to FB I called him out on itOct 12 09:21
schestowitz-TR2Alex StamosOct 12 09:21
schestowitz-TR2he ten blocked me in TwitterOct 12 09:21
schestowitz-TR2we have some Microsoft defectorsOct 12 09:21
schestowitz-TR2and they give us valuable information on bad things Microsoft doesOct 12 09:21
schestowitz-TR2even if they made money from Microsoft, now they're causing Microsoft very major damageOct 12 09:22
schestowitz-TR2EPO workers tooOct 12 09:22
schestowitz-TR2they work for an evil orgOct 12 09:22
schestowitz-TR2but they help expose itOct 12 09:22
schestowitz-TR2the FB fallout is not much to do with censorshipOct 12 09:22
schestowitz-TR2it's more about how harmful it is, in general, to societyOct 12 09:23
schestowitz-TR2what will gain at FB's expense is a blank slateOct 12 09:23
schestowitz-TR2we need to make sure it's not other social control 'media'Oct 12 09:23
techrights-newsThe Administrative Council of the European #Patent Organisation is having its 168th meeting tomorrow and we expect no expression of remorse for illegally crushing #EPO staff (almost 7,000 individuals and their families) for nearly a decade 12 09:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The 168th Meeting of the EPO Administrative Council as a Test of the EPO’s Oversight Mechanisms | TechrightsOct 12 09:24
schlocki'm well aware of how evil the shenanigans of that lot are. i don't need any convincing on that, i'm also seeing patterns that are making me trust my gut.Oct 12 09:24
schestowitz-TR2you don't need to be enamored with the WBersOct 12 09:25
schestowitz-TR2but don't think condemning them helps anyone but bad peopleOct 12 09:25
schestowitz-TR2like people who attack Thunberg because of how corporate media uses herOct 12 09:25
activelowpsydruid: federico among others, the orignal intel staff founded zilog; and best of it they are in business still, with lattice semi and their fpga offerings (which some hackers prefer, couldn't try myself)Oct 12 09:25
activelowwished i was 20years younger and had available what lattice semi and zilog and fuzixos offer nowadaysOct 12 09:26
techrights-newsThe #EPO ‘s “alpha male” who was not #BenoîtBattistelli and not French like #AntónioCampinos , either, was #RolandGrossenbacher ; today we take a closer look at Roland Grossenbacher, Christian Bock, and #CatherineChammartin 12 09:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The EPO’s Overseer/Overseen Collusion — Part IX: More Holes Than Swiss Cheese | TechrightsOct 12 09:26
activelowand, the gigatron ttl too, which was released 2019Oct 12 09:26
schlockschestowitz-TR2: it all will come out in the wash. :)Oct 12 09:27
techrights-newsFollowing the release of Part 9 in the EPO series about Benoît Battistelli‘s unlawful (anti-) “strike regulations” we discuss the role (or Swiss roll) of #Switzerland in crushing #EPO workers #europe #iloatOct 12 09:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Betrayal Not Only of Swiss Workers But All European Workers, Courtesy of Roland Grossenbacher and Christian Bock | TechrightsOct 12 09:27
schlocki'm definitely not against whistle blowers but real ones usually end up in jail.Oct 12 09:27
schestowitz-TR2it depends Oct 12 09:28
schestowitz-TR2from what I heard, she faces legal actionOct 12 09:28
schestowitz-TR2but she didn't truck out a lot of documentsOct 12 09:28
schestowitz-TR2she uses verbal testimonyOct 12 09:28
schestowitz-TR2that's the "Safe" channelOct 12 09:28
schestowitz-TR2Reality Winner leaked some documentsOct 12 09:28
schestowitz-TR2put it in her pantyhose and mailed it to Omidyar publicationOct 12 09:29
schlocki'm all about remaining on good terms with good people. i'll agree to disagree until i find information that changes my mind or yours or anybody elses. Oct 12 09:31
schlockthis is a channel full of passionate people who want to see crooks fall and help make that happen.Oct 12 09:32
schlockthat's material.Oct 12 09:32
schestowitz-TR2we need substantial proofOct 12 09:32
schestowitz-TR2I saw nothing on Frances that suggests she's not good-intentionedOct 12 09:32
schestowitz-TR2but I don't trust easily people who pursued a job at Google and then FBOct 12 09:32
schestowitz-TR2they're money worshipersOct 12 09:33
schestowitz-TR2or power trippersOct 12 09:33
schlockyep understood. Oct 12 09:33
techrights-news● NEWS ● #CommonDreams #patent #patents #monopolies ☞ 'Reckless': Doctors Without Borders Slams US for Hoarding 500 Million #Vaccine Doses 12 09:34
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 09:34
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 09:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 'Reckless': Doctors Without Borders Slams US for Hoarding 500 Million Vaccine DosesOct 12 09:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @ )Oct 12 09:34
schestowitz[TR] 12 09:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OSCAL, Open Labs, Mozilla & grooming women for Outreachy | Tux MachinesOct 12 09:35
schlocki'm just the lowly janitor but if i can help with graphics, videos, research, whatnot at least there's that. :)Oct 12 09:35
schestowitz-TR2yes, thank youOct 12 09:36
schestowitz-TR2we need lots of thatOct 12 09:36
schlockschestowitz-TR2: and just to make sure that it's dead clear i have the utmost respect for what everyone here is doing. we may disagree on things or come from different paradigms but we're obviously all on the parallel path to freedom.Oct 12 09:36
*acer-box (~acer-box@62vhapicsw4ds.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 09:37
*schestowitz-TR2 has quit (connection closed)Oct 12 09:37
*inky_ (~inky@ has joined #techrightsOct 12 09:41
techrights-news#Google #Android Leftovers • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 09:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesOct 12 09:41
activelowgtk3 ebuild defined opengl/mesa (for proprietary malicious hardware) as a dependency, however, it seems to compile just fine without it when hackedOct 12 09:41
techrights-newsWhy pre-installation is so important • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 09:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why pre-installation is so important | Tux MachinesOct 12 09:41
activelowcannot verify all distros, suspect nonetheless mesa/opengl are pulled in everywhere although not required for a gui/desktopOct 12 09:42
techrights-newsFOSS #Torrents Is Your Gate For Linux Distributions Torrents • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 09:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | FOSS Torrents Is Your Gate For Linux Distributions Torrents | Tux MachinesOct 12 09:42
*inky has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Oct 12 09:42
activelowin parallel "tech" news are flooded with announcements how awesome malcious AMD/Intel/Nvidia are supported on GNU/LinuxOct 12 09:42
techrights-news#Ubuntu 21.10: What’s New? [Video] 12 09:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu 21.10 is upon us, and it's small changes for major improvements | Tux MachinesOct 12 09:43
acer-boxactivelow: yes, exactlyOct 12 09:43
acer-boxbut!!!!Oct 12 09:43
acer-boxto some people it does matterOct 12 09:43
acer-boxthey don't think like youOct 12 09:43
acer-boxI'm in the middleOct 12 09:43
acer-boxwe need to eradicate WindowsOct 12 09:44
activelowthen, silently, all codepaths which did not require any of this wre deactivated (directfb, simd-optimized software-renderers, mplayer dvd playback which is possible without any nvidia voodoo)Oct 12 09:44
acer-boxso all that Steam DRM and blobs for GPU helpOct 12 09:44
activelowInstalling (30 of 32) x11-libs/gtk+-3.24.22::hotfix -> WITHOUT mesa/openglOct 12 09:44
schlockis opengl compromised?!Oct 12 09:45
activelowyes, by designOct 12 09:45
schlockoh damn my partner has been using that.Oct 12 09:46
schlockand there's no real alternative is there?Oct 12 09:46
activelownot anymore, not really, noOct 12 09:46
*schlock sighsOct 12 09:47
activelowi did revive directfb, and cleaned the dependency graph here, which is somewhat limited, but good enough for meOct 12 09:47
*blitzed has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 09:48
acer-boxactivelow: directfb is not an alternativeOct 12 09:49
acer-boxit is just something differentOct 12 09:49
acer-boxopengl is a language for rendering things at another levelOct 12 09:49
acer-boxafaik, rendering by the pixel isn't the same at allOct 12 09:49
schlockthis is so frustrating. so many good projects have died and we're left using compromised everything, literally.Oct 12 09:49
acer-boxhe means compromised in the freedom senseOct 12 09:50
acer-boxin the sense we cannot access all the "tech" sans the "AYE PEE" (IP)Oct 12 09:50
activelowacer-box: yes, the software-stack for software-only rendering is slightly different when opengl (among other vendor-specific nonsense) is completely removedOct 12 09:50
acer-boxand secrecy/onfuscationOct 12 09:50
acer-boxso we get a 'Linux' with lots of blobsOct 12 09:50
techrights-newsToday’s #HowTos | #UNIX • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 09:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesOct 12 09:51
schlockacer-box: ah yes understood now thank you. still dodgy then. yeah my partner actually had to explain to me a few weeks back why it was gnulinux and then when i read your article on the linux foundation's mechinations for fooling people i understood how i had been hoodwinked, myself.Oct 12 09:52
activelowinstead of questioning opengl, for example, if it should be opensource, the question should have been if it should be included into gnu/linux at allOct 12 09:53
schlockit's funny because i was the one who got her on to linux from windows but she is the one who has been the brains ever since.Oct 12 09:53
schlockyes, that's a good point. understood.Oct 12 09:53
acer-boxkhronos group uses shithubOct 12 09:54
schlocki'm still learning so i'm not at any level near you lot in here. will catch up though. :) i'm old and falling apart but i have a few braincells left.Oct 12 09:54
acer-boxproprietaryOct 12 09:54
acer-boxmonopolyOct 12 09:54
acer-boxmicrosoftOct 12 09:54
acer-boxbut I think they now realise it and make baby steps awayOct 12 09:54
schlockby the way i use blender, inkscape, ffmpeg for media related things.Oct 12 09:55
schlocki'm obviously compromised because i didn't learn from the original stallman days. rather late to the game so to speak.Oct 12 09:56
acer-boxRMS still plays ballOct 12 09:57
acer-boxschlock: will find you a videoOct 12 09:57
schestowitz[TR] 12 09:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Happy GNU Year: Richard Stallman on Meeting Goals of GNU | TechrightsOct 12 09:57
schestowitz[TR]I think that's the oneOct 12 09:57
schestowitz[TR]always remember the goalsOct 12 09:57
schestowitz[TR]or the missionOct 12 09:57
schestowitz[TR]if you don't, you end up with 'Linux' FoundationOct 12 09:58
schestowitz[TR]shilling Microsoft and FBOct 12 09:58
schlockacer-box: thanks very much appreciated.Oct 12 09:58
techrights-newsI WASN’T rejected after all! 😃 ⚓'t-rejected-after-all!-%F0%9F%98%83:5 ䷉ #rossmanngroupOct 12 09:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | I WASN'T rejected after all! 😃Oct 12 09:58
schlockyeah we call systemd microsuck in hour home, we're at least on to that.Oct 12 09:59
schlockis that louis rossman?Oct 12 09:59
*schlock clicksOct 12 09:59
acer-boxit isOct 12 09:59
schestowitz[TR] 12 09:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Right To Repair: What It’s About and How That Relates to Software | TechrightsOct 12 09:59
*acer-box is now known as schestowitz-TR2Oct 12 10:00
schestowitz-TR2I didn't notice I was using a fallback nickname on this box :/Oct 12 10:00
schlockschestowitz-TR2: yeah luckily i saw the quit/join so i was able to follow you.Oct 12 10:00
schlockrighto stallman vid.nuOct 12 10:00
schestowitz-TR2that RMS video I did with him in LincolnOct 12 10:01
schestowitz-TR2I am assuming you're English 'expat' (immigrant)Oct 12 10:01
schestowitz-TR2but won't inquire about personal livesOct 12 10:01
schestowitz-TR2you miss all the 'fun' like petrol shortages and freedom (for covid to spread) dayOct 12 10:02
techrights-news#Moodle | Open Source Learning Management System (LMS) ⚓ ䷉ #KeepItTechieOct 12 10:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Moodle | Open Source Learning Management System (LMS)Oct 12 10:02
gustafwe have petrol but it's getting expensive Oct 12 10:03
techrights-news#facebook wants you to stay dumb, misinformed, and manipulated see and 12 10:04
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 10:04
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 10:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Facebook censors a tool that will make you waste less time on FacebookOct 12 10:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Facebook emotion experiment sparks criticism - BBC NewsOct 12 10:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Facebook reveals news feed experiment to control emotions | Facebook | The GuardianOct 12 10:04
gustafrecent ~750mi trip was not well timedOct 12 10:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @ )Oct 12 10:04
schestowitz-TR2gustaf: good to live near a biug town nowOct 12 10:04
schestowitz-TR2less petrol neededOct 12 10:04
schlockschestowitz-TR2: yeah i've lived all over now. i've been lucky in avoiding the anglosphere getting slaughtered, essentially.Oct 12 10:04
schestowitz-TR2gustaf: I heard that in some nordic countries they try toeradicate the suburbsOct 12 10:04
schestowitz-TR2making everything metroOct 12 10:04
gustafnews to me Oct 12 10:05
schestowitz-TR2in .fiOct 12 10:05
gustafwell those crazies Oct 12 10:05
schestowitz-TR2and it's done by removing servicesOct 12 10:05
schestowitz-TR2and making it hard to live away from high-density areasOct 12 10:05
activelowno, they try to prevent settlements in natural reserves with costly infrastructure required (roads, water, etc.)Oct 12 10:05
gustafpretty sure that's just the invisible hand of the free market Oct 12 10:05
schestowitz-TR2activelow: yes, I took that too into accountOct 12 10:06
schestowitz-TR2but the human condition worsensOct 12 10:06
gustafthe smallish town where we have a vacation place (1hr from Stockholm) is grown rapidly Oct 12 10:06
schestowitz-TR2do they want a dozen tokyos in Europe?Oct 12 10:06
gustafnew construction, wider roads Oct 12 10:06
gustafsupposed to be a high-speed train station in the area too, we'll see how that goes Oct 12 10:06
schestowitz-TR2canada is basely settledOct 12 10:07
schestowitz-TR2big country, underutilisedOct 12 10:07
schestowitz-TR2worse than RussiaOct 12 10:07
schestowitz-TR2gustaf: trains can carry more people per unit pollutionOct 12 10:07
schestowitz-TR2rails, inertia, no traffic sighsOct 12 10:07
schestowitz-TR2*signsOct 12 10:08
gustafyeah sure Oct 12 10:08
schestowitz-TR2it's the acceleration that causes pollutionOct 12 10:08
techrights-news#DNA databases are a #privacy nightmare. ⚓ ䷉ #TheLinuxGamerOct 12 10:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | DNA databases are a privacy nightmare.Oct 12 10:09
schestowitz[TR]x 12 10:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Oct 12 10:09
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 10:09
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 10:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google Censors Global Warming Deniers – Kills Free Speech | Marcellus Drilling NewsOct 12 10:09
schestowitz[TR]# trying to equate freedom of speech with promoting lies or illegal actionOct 12 10:09
schestowitz[TR]x 12 10:10
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 10:10
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 10:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Frances Haugen just wants more Facebook censorship of conservativesOct 12 10:10
schestowitz[TR]# tries to give equal valence to lies or opinions as to factsOct 12 10:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Frances Haugen just wants more Facebook censorship of conservativesOct 12 10:10
schestowitz[TR]Murdoch publicationOct 12 10:10
schestowitz[TR]what swineOct 12 10:10
gustafthis town had a peak population of ~43k in the 30s, 18k nowOct 12 10:11
techrights-news#assange #wikileaks #iceland 12 10:11
gustaf 12 10:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Key witness in FBI case against Assange held in custody to stop his ‘crime spree’ in Iceland – media — RT World NewsOct 12 10:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kramfors – WikipediaOct 12 10:11
gustafclassic Swedish "bruksort" (company town)Oct 12 10:11
gustaftimber production Oct 12 10:11
schestowitz-TR2gustaf: iirc, lots of stock' is apartmentsOct 12 10:11
schestowitz-TR2I recently saw a walkthrough video from googletubeOct 12 10:12
schestowitz-TR2gustaf: 'production'Oct 12 10:12
schestowitz-TR2didn't know people could "PRODUCE" timberOct 12 10:12
schestowitz-TR2they mostly cut things down and then carve itOct 12 10:12
schestowitz-TR2more like processing than productionOct 12 10:12
gustaftimber as in the finished product Oct 12 10:12
schestowitz-TR2and ikea uses lumber from places in east eurpeOct 12 10:13
schlockschestowitz-TR2: thanks much for the vid link, it falls entirely within my own life practise and confirms being on the better path.Oct 12 10:13
gustafyah the stuff from Sweden mostly goes to pulp nowOct 12 10:13
techrights-news"but only amongst those who don’t understand how the #Internet works" 12 10:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Squid Game’s success reopens debate over who should pay for rising internet traffic - but only amongst those who don't understand how the Internet worksOct 12 10:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Squid Game’s success reopens who pays debate over rising internet traffic | Telecommunications industry | The GuardianOct 12 10:14
schestowitz-TR2schlock: the lincoln video?Oct 12 10:15
schlockgustaf: and by the way "not hot enough for you" don't sink so low dude. ;)Oct 12 10:15
gustaflol schlock Oct 12 10:15
schlockschestowitz-TR2: yes, "goals of gnu"Oct 12 10:15
schestowitz[TR]more here: 12 10:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Richard Stallman interviews in Techrights/TechBytes - TechrightsOct 12 10:15
schlockschestowitz-TR2: also thank you for your hard work meeting with people and making these vids. people haven't a clue how difficult that is. i made a few tutorials and it was hell.Oct 12 10:16
schlockgreat will be watching those!Oct 12 10:16
schestowitz-TR2schlock: :-)Oct 12 10:17
schlockit's better than hearing he's a paedo from people who have never listened to the man.Oct 12 10:17
schestowitz-TR2tell them about GatesOct 12 10:17
schestowitz-TR2see what they sayOct 12 10:17
schlockright?!Oct 12 10:17
schestowitz[TR] 12 10:17
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 10:17
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 10:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bill Gates Met With Jeffrey Epstein Many Times, Despite His Past - The New York TimesOct 12 10:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bill Gates Met With Jeffrey Epstein Many Times, Despite His Past - The New York TimesOct 12 10:18
schestowitz[TR] 12 10:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mansion of Pedophilia – Part II: Dr. Stallman Defamed in the Media One Day After Request Made for King County Sheriff’s Office to Divulge Information About Pedophilia in Home of Bill Gates | TechrightsOct 12 10:18
schestowitz[TR] 12 10:18
schlocki was going to make a meme image about: "we really do have a white man problem" showing faces of gates, epstein, soros, rockerfeller, etc. ;)Oct 12 10:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | What is Known for a Fact (Not Speculation) About Bill Gates, Jeffrey Epstein, and Rick Allen Jones | TechrightsOct 12 10:18
schlocktake some of the steam out of the "woke" fuckers.Oct 12 10:19
schestowitz-TR2schlock: R. KellyOct 12 10:19
schlockug. :)Oct 12 10:19
schestowitz[TR] 12 10:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OSCAL, Open Labs, Mozilla & grooming women for Outreachy | Tux MachinesOct 12 10:20
schestowitz[TR]16 year oldsOct 12 10:20
schestowitz[TR]not codingOct 12 10:20
schestowitz[TR]just used as trophiesOct 12 10:20
schestowitz[TR]by GoogleOct 12 10:20
schestowitz[TR]or their 'offshoot'Oct 12 10:20
schestowitz[TR](Mozilla)Oct 12 10:20
schestowitz[TR]employer of  mjg59Oct 12 10:20
schlocki once lived in an area where some nation of islam folks were - this guy yusuf bey was keeping little girls in his home and enslaved and getting them all pregnant.Oct 12 10:20
schestowitz[TR] 12 10:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GCreep: Google Engineer Stalked Teens, Spied on Chats (Updated)Oct 12 10:21
schlocki'm not fooled by colour, political party, anything. they're all scum and blood suckers.Oct 12 10:21
schlockanybody with that kind of power didn't get there because they're good people.Oct 12 10:21
techrights-newsKey Witness in #Assange Case Jailed in Iceland After Admitting to Lies and Ongoing Crime Spree - SoylentNews ⚓ ䷉ #soylentnews #wikileaks #icelandOct 12 10:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Key Witness in Assange Case Jailed in Iceland After Admitting to Lies and Ongoing Crime Spree - SoylentNewsOct 12 10:22
techrights-newsiophk:# missing the real first step: remove #microsoft products from production environments see e.g. 12 10:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Real responses to repel cyberattacks on utilities, IT News, ET CIOOct 12 10:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Index of the Series About Windows Inside Hospitals (Causing Hospitals to Become Disaster Zones) | TechrightsOct 12 10:23
schlockgoogle maps? there's a wiki page saying google acquired a business from australia. that's a complete lie, i know the people who started what is now known as google maps personally. so many lies out there. Oct 12 10:23
schestowitz[TR]# omitting lots of WSL spam Oct 12 10:23
schlockapologies what is WSL?Oct 12 10:23
schlocki need to learn the lingo.Oct 12 10:23
schlockOHOct 12 10:24
schlockmicro$suck.Oct 12 10:24
schestowitz[TR]x 12 10:24
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 10:24
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 10:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Facebook's oversight board to meet with whistleblower Frances Haugen By ReutersOct 12 10:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Facebook's oversight board to meet with whistleblower Frances Haugen By ReutersOct 12 10:25
schlockbloody cloudflare.Oct 12 10:25
techrights-newsDD Is Useless: Just Use CAT Instead ⚓ Is Useless: Just Use CAT Instead ⚓ ䷉ #BrodieRobertson #gnu #linuxOct 12 10:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-OdyseeOct 12 10:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | DD Is Useless: Just Use CAT InsteadOct 12 10:25
schestowitz-TR2schlock: silent takeover of wwwOct 12 10:25
schestowitz-TR2routed via US companiesOct 12 10:25
schestowitz-TR2lots of power to spy and censorOct 12 10:26
schestowitz-TR2the media never talks about thatOct 12 10:26
schestowitz-TR2DC cancerOct 12 10:26
schestowitz-TR2or CF canceerOct 12 10:26
schestowitz-TR2imagine if it was a Chinese companyOct 12 10:26
schlockyes, same old thing isn't it? silently creating bottlenecks until the last moment when they switch the lights off.Oct 12 10:26
schestowitz-TR2then there would be an unroarOct 12 10:26
schestowitz-TR2US courts can get to decide what is "allowed" on the 'global' wwwOct 12 10:26
schlockyeah people and their cognitive dissonance.Oct 12 10:26
schestowitz-TR2happened with youtuveOct 12 10:27
schestowitz-TR2first it was YOUOct 12 10:27
schestowitz-TR2not it is THEMOct 12 10:27
schlockyep.Oct 12 10:27
schlockgoolagtubeOct 12 10:27
schestowitz-TR2and Gulag gets to shut down or 'hide'/'shadowban' some channels nowOct 12 10:27
schestowitz-TR2for 'your safety'Oct 12 10:27
schestowitz-TR2not oligarchs'Oct 12 10:27
schlockso when everything totalitarian was going down in Australia i had a lot of australians begging for help and i told them there were ways to fight back by setting up their own servers and creating neighbourhood networks by themselves. not one of them lifted a finger to do it because they want to remain eternal children looking for somebody else to save them.Oct 12 10:29
schlocki really don't suffer that.Oct 12 10:29
schlocki grew up in grinding poverty and don't have time for people who had it far easier and cave in because they got a hang nail.Oct 12 10:30
schestowitz-TR2hang nail?Oct 12 10:30
schlockthe history BEFORE we got to where we are now is riddled with failure on the part of people who ha the time and resources to fix things and take back their power.Oct 12 10:31
techrights-news● NEWS ● #PIA promotes a misunderstanding of the work "hacking" 12 10:31
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 10:31
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 10:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hacking the World – Part 2: What's Being Hacked (And What Changed with Covid)Oct 12 10:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Oct 12 10:31
schlockand i'm not talking about shite i read in the news.Oct 12 10:31
techrights-news● NEWS ● #ProPublica ☞ A Secretive Counterterrorism Team Interrogated Dozens of Citizens at the Border, Government Report Finds 12 10:31
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 10:31
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 10:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A Secretive Counterterrorism Team Interrogated Dozens of Citizens at the Border, Government Report Finds — ProPublicaOct 12 10:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A Secretive Counterterrorism Team Interrogated Dozens of Citizens at the Border, Government Report Finds — ProPublicaOct 12 10:31
schlocki'm talking about growing up with and living with people who practised behaviours that allowed for things to continue on until what is happening world wide now.Oct 12 10:32
schlocki got to see things from the outside in and it was a blessing in disguise.Oct 12 10:32
schestowitz-TR2are you in aus now?Oct 12 10:33
schlocki'm not no. Oct 12 10:33
schestowitz-TR2it copies usOct 12 10:33
schestowitz-TR2like patriot act 20 years laterOct 12 10:33
schlocki moved away from the anglosphere many years ago because i knew some bad stuff was going to happen and i didn't want to be around anglophones when it all happened.Oct 12 10:33
schestowitz-TR2we're still here...Oct 12 10:34
schlockthe anglosphere has a special kind of conformism based on that old protestant work ethic that created a kind of psychological api so folks are easily manipulatable in certain ways. just look at how freakish the population of california has become in enforcing things for the oligarchs.Oct 12 10:35
schestowitz-TR2some people drown or go underOct 12 10:35
schestowitz-TR2california is a mixOct 12 10:35
schlockyeah it's going to be even more tough as the supply chain is broken and folks can't get things they are accustomed to getting.Oct 12 10:35
schestowitz-TR2there is a lot of poverty in californiaOct 12 10:35
gustafexcpt there are a hell of a lot of people who speak English and are Roman Catholic but w/e Oct 12 10:35
schlocki know newsome personally, i hate that guy so much. :)Oct 12 10:35
schestowitz-TR2iirc, LA alone has like 50k homlessOct 12 10:35
schestowitz-TR2*homelessOct 12 10:35
schlockyeah it's disgusting. Oct 12 10:36
schestowitz-TR2and those numbers are PRE-pandemicOct 12 10:36
schlocki know.Oct 12 10:36
schlocki lived in SF for a time.Oct 12 10:36
schlocki used to cook food for the homeless.Oct 12 10:36
schlocki risked being arrested to feed people.Oct 12 10:36
schestowitz-TR2SF is expensiveOct 12 10:36
schestowitz-TR2the locals there cannot keep up with rentOct 12 10:36
schlocki don't have time for pepole who had more money than me and didn't lift a finger to help the less fortunate.Oct 12 10:36
schestowitz-TR2they don't enjoy the "tech" 'boom' thereOct 12 10:36
schlocknot anymore now. :)Oct 12 10:36
schestowitz-TR2it boomed their estateOct 12 10:36
schlockyeah i watched it happen.Oct 12 10:37
gustafdue to adtechOct 12 10:37
gustafobscene profits Oct 12 10:37
schestowitz-TR2so they sayOct 12 10:37
schestowitz-TR2lots of that is a bubbleOct 12 10:37
schestowitz-TR2companies faking 'engagements'Oct 12 10:37
schlocki'm glad i'm out of there.Oct 12 10:37
schestowitz-TR2so other companies get scammedOct 12 10:37
schestowitz-TR2into overpaying for adsOct 12 10:37
schestowitz-TR2Google, Twitter, FB MS LinkedIn..Oct 12 10:38
schestowitz-TR2they all fake itOct 12 10:38
schlockbut i won't forget the homeless folks i tried to help. breaks my heart.Oct 12 10:38
*psydruid enjoys the tech going boom over hereOct 12 10:38
schestowitz-TR2psydruid: nl?Oct 12 10:38
psydruidschestowitz-TR2, just figuratively speaking contrasting with 'there'Oct 12 10:39
schestowitz-TR2tech now is shiteOct 12 10:39
schestowitz-TR2sorryOct 12 10:39
psydruidI mean implode or explode, whatever suits bestOct 12 10:39
schestowitz-TR2I'm being bluntOct 12 10:39
schestowitz-TR2appsOct 12 10:39
schestowitz-TR2clownOct 12 10:39
schestowitz-TR2wtf is THAT?Oct 12 10:39
schestowitz-TR2now we have one-button 'software'Oct 12 10:39
schestowitz-TR2like banking 'apps'Oct 12 10:39
psydruidso it had better go *boom* and disappearOct 12 10:39
schestowitz-TR2how is that better than 20 years ago?Oct 12 10:39
psydruidit isn'tOct 12 10:40
schestowitz-TR232 MB Web browsers with 1024 px acrossOct 12 10:40
psydruidit's all crapOct 12 10:40
schestowitz-TR2we need to decrapify techOct 12 10:40
schestowitz-TR2i have this 'theory'Oct 12 10:40
schestowitz-TR2bear with me:Oct 12 10:40
psydruidbut people allowed it to become crap because they don't understand it well enoughOct 12 10:40
schestowitz-TR2the oligarchs and their monopolies want us less empoweredOct 12 10:40
schestowitz-TR2so they push time-wasting to usOct 12 10:40
psydruidcompanies will try to get away with itOct 12 10:40
schestowitz-TR2"liking", scrolling, "apps"Oct 12 10:40
schestowitz-TR2meanwhile, Bloomberg terminals are 4 or 6 screensOct 12 10:41
schestowitz-TR2and they take away all the capitalOct 12 10:41
schestowitz-TR2with real computingOct 12 10:41
schestowitz-TR2and treat the typical youngesters like a click farmOct 12 10:41
schestowitz-TR2it generallybenefits them when all computer users are turned into usedsOct 12 10:41
schestowitz-TR2with FB accounts, FBInstagram, YouTubeOct 12 10:42
psydruidthe youngsters, even those working at 'big tech' don't understand they are being farmedOct 12 10:42
schestowitz-TR2the younger people swallow it upOct 12 10:42
schestowitz-TR2and are shamed in schools if they don't play ballOct 12 10:42
schestowitz-TR2I use 7 screens at the momentOct 12 10:42
schestowitz-TR2most are 1920px acrossOct 12 10:42
schestowitz-TR2I could not do this on a 'phoneOct 12 10:42
psydruidI have my laptop and 2 screens just a few metres away from meOct 12 10:42
schestowitz-TR2I have a professor/lecturer mate with does email over phoneOct 12 10:43
psydruidthis is another oneOct 12 10:43
schestowitz-TR2I tell him, go home, do it properly there...Oct 12 10:43
schestowitz-TR2he had a quad setup at work, 4-headedOct 12 10:43
schestowitz-TR2but he doesn't know how to use it, that runs on WIndowsOct 12 10:43
schlocki have my box and a monitor, haha. i'm small beans. :)Oct 12 10:43
schestowitz-TR2depends on your tasksOct 12 10:44
psydruidused screens are cheap nowadays :)Oct 12 10:44
schlockbut i use all my awesome tags nd tmux and whatever Oct 12 10:44
schestowitz-TR2very cheapOct 12 10:44
schlockpsydruid: yeah i'm broke man. :DOct 12 10:44
schestowitz-TR2my 24 incher is in good condition, cost me 29 poundsOct 12 10:44
schlocki am literally couch surfing.Oct 12 10:44
schestowitz-TR2a friend gave me a larger one for freeOct 12 10:44
schlockall of my hardware is donated.Oct 12 10:45
schlocka mate bought me a laptop bless him.Oct 12 10:45
schestowitz-TR2coolOct 12 10:45
psydruidschlock, I was a homeless person with a job back in Ireland after getting kicked out of my apartment because someone else was willing to pay even more :)Oct 12 10:46
schlockpsydruid: yep i been homeless now for over 10 years after illness destroyed my life.Oct 12 10:46
schestowitz-TR2NHS reduces the chance of it happeningOct 12 10:46
schlocksomebody on irc i met said i could come live with them and ever since it's been insane.Oct 12 10:46
schestowitz-TR2but Tories wreck itOct 12 10:47
schlocki'm lucky though, didn't end up on the street.Oct 12 10:47
schlockonce you're there it's the end.Oct 12 10:47
schestowitz-TR2usually family is first fallbackOct 12 10:47
schlockthey're all dead/alienated for various reasons not of my doing.Oct 12 10:47
schestowitz-TR2schlock: unless the gov. has some programmesOct 12 10:47
schlockschestowitz-TR2: i have never used one.Oct 12 10:47
schlocki don't trust them for shite.Oct 12 10:47
schlockthe one time i did try, the ONLY time, i ended up being told i had to get finger printed. no.Oct 12 10:48
techrights-news● NEWS ● #CounterPunch ☞ Awakening: #MartinLutherKing and the Poor People's Campaign 12 10:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Awakening: Martin Luther King and the Poor People's Campaign  - CounterPunch.orgOct 12 10:48
schestowitz-TR2schlock: how would biometrics help?Oct 12 10:48
schlocki've had a series of miracles keep me from being homeless.Oct 12 10:48
schestowitz-TR2seems like a pretext to bio-catalogue "plebs"Oct 12 10:48
schestowitz-TR2they are desperateOct 12 10:49
schestowitz-TR2likely to surrender to anythingOct 12 10:49
schlockschestowitz-TR2: biometrics just sounds like eugenicist control to me.Oct 12 10:49
schestowitz-TR2without them being listed to by human rights groupsOct 12 10:49
schestowitz-TR2they lack accessOct 12 10:49
schlockthing is no group has ever had my literal well-being at heart.Oct 12 10:49
schlockthe churches want you to convert.Oct 12 10:49
schestowitz-TR2they don't do eugenicist stuff anymoreOct 12 10:50
schestowitz-TR2now it's class basedOct 12 10:50
schestowitz-TR2so you need another worldOct 12 10:50
schlockthe government programmes want you to submit and become fully documented.Oct 12 10:50
schestowitz-TR2femicide was one in mexicoOct 12 10:50
schestowitz-TR2when you drive the poor out of life it's a class-based systemOct 12 10:50
schestowitz-TR2but we lack a word for itOct 12 10:50
schestowitz-TR2killing the "weak"Oct 12 10:50
schestowitz-TR2Germany killed the disabled firstOct 12 10:50
schestowitz-TR2well before death campsOct 12 10:50
schlocki'm sorry i'm going to disagree with you on "they don't do eugenicist stuff anymore".Oct 12 10:51
schestowitz-TR2British gov. not doing enough re COVIDOct 12 10:51
schestowitz-TR2and that kills "unproductive" peopleOct 12 10:51
schestowitz-TR2"let the bodies pile up high"Oct 12 10:51
schlockthe black women in my neighbourhood were all sterilised illegally when they ended up in jail.Oct 12 10:51
schestowitz-TR2don't forget thatOct 12 10:51
schestowitz-TR2he's still our head of stateOct 12 10:51
schestowitz-TR2"let the bodies pile up high"Oct 12 10:51
schestowitz-TR2StalinismOct 12 10:51
schestowitz-TR2BorisOct 12 10:51
schestowitz-TR2that name alone is a warningOct 12 10:51
schlockand they were sterilised recently, not 100 years ago or 50 or even 20.Oct 12 10:51
schestowitz-TR2family from Lithuania area IIRCOct 12 10:51
schestowitz-TR2or estoniaOct 12 10:51
schlockBoris, AKA Alexander, has a eugenicist father. wrote a book on eugenicist ideas in fact.Oct 12 10:52
schestowitz-TR2hence the blode hair of Jo Johnson and 'Boris'Oct 12 10:52
schlocki don't call him boris.Oct 12 10:52
schestowitz-TR2not even his real nameOct 12 10:52
schlocki call him alexander.Oct 12 10:52
schlockhe's not a chummy fellow - he's not human.Oct 12 10:52
schestowitz-TR2I did tooOct 12 10:52
schlockhe's not one of us.Oct 12 10:52
schestowitz-TR2but it confuses peopleOct 12 10:52
schestowitz-TR2there are many Alex JonhnsonsOct 12 10:52
schlockyeah we can call him what he really is in here at least. :)Oct 12 10:52
schlockyeah he's "alexander" haha.Oct 12 10:53
schestowitz-TR2I call him BorisnaroOct 12 10:53
schestowitz-TR2since his "Freedom Day" planOct 12 10:53
schlocki noticed. :DOct 12 10:53
schestowitz-TR2so what if 300k old people dieOct 12 10:53
schestowitz-TR2good write-off for Aviva et alOct 12 10:53
schestowitz-TR2nothing to payOct 12 10:53
schlockyep.Oct 12 10:53
schestowitz-TR2"man up, people"Oct 12 10:53
schestowitz-TR2Bolsonaro came from the armyOct 12 10:54
schestowitz-TR2a brutal armyOct 12 10:54
techrights-news<li>Oct 12 10:54
techrights-news● NEWS ● #TheNation ☞ #Pandemic Solidarity Transformed Our Society. Now We Need It Again. 12 10:55
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 10:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pandemic Solidarity Transformed Our Society. Now We Need It Again. | The NationOct 12 10:55
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 10:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pandemic Solidarity Transformed Our Society. Now We Need It Again. | The NationOct 12 10:55
schlockstanley johnson wrote: life without birth. fucking transhumanist scum.Oct 12 10:55
schestowitz-TR2whenever I see the word "transhumanist" I go oh ohOct 12 10:55
schestowitz-TR2usually the k00ky thingOct 12 10:55
schestowitz-TR2like the stuff Corbet panders toOct 12 10:55
schlockhey i understand but it's very real. so the question is do you think that transhumanism isn't a real thing?Oct 12 10:56
schestowitz-TR2when I see trans I think transport of transfatsOct 12 10:56
schestowitz-TR2schlock: doesn't matter, the term is unhelpfulOct 12 10:56
schestowitz-TR2even "deep state" is a toxic term nowOct 12 10:56
schestowitz-TR2it came to mean "those against Trump"Oct 12 10:57
schlocki see what you mean, co-opted terms.Oct 12 10:57
schestowitz-TR2"Fake news" alsoOct 12 10:57
schestowitz-TR2because Trump hijacked those termsOct 12 10:57
schlockyeah, a lot of co-opting has happened.Oct 12 10:57
schlockbut that goes way back sadly.Oct 12 10:57
schestowitz-TR2and k00ks hijack other terms, which are no longer usableOct 12 10:57
schlockinvalid -> handicapped -> disabled -> whatever other PC term because Maoist practises in the current era.Oct 12 10:57
schestowitz-TR2"special"Oct 12 10:58
schlocki respect where you're coming from and i feel the same way because i've seen it myself BUT when i'm around folks who are on the same page i rather expect you know where i'm coming from. :)Oct 12 10:58
schlockand i sure as hell am not coming from lizard territory.Oct 12 10:59
schestowitz[TR] 12 10:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-George Carlin Political Correctness is fascism pretending to be Manners (archived mirrored vid) - YouTubeOct 12 10:59
schlockwords still have meaning.Oct 12 10:59
schlocklike "woman".Oct 12 10:59
schestowitz[TR]skip to 1:50Oct 12 10:59
schestowitz[TR]"physically-challenged"Oct 12 10:59
schlocki've heard carlin repeated over and over for decades thanks. :DOct 12 10:59
schestowitz[TR]differently-abledOct 12 10:59
schlockand i've lived that shite as well.Oct 12 10:59
schlockbeen there done that!Oct 12 10:59
schestowitz[TR]as if they can give people tlimbs backOct 12 10:59
schlocki'm over it! Oct 12 10:59
schestowitz[TR]by moving around wordsOct 12 10:59
schlock:DOct 12 11:00
schestowitz[TR]IBM says don't say masterOct 12 11:00
schestowitz[TR]they still say masterOct 12 11:00
schlockpython -> remove master/slaveOct 12 11:00
schestowitz[TR]and they do evil things, tooOct 12 11:00
schlockfucking freaks. Oct 12 11:00
schlockwhen you remove the language you remove people's ability to identify.Oct 12 11:00
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@fqrrh2umx2a56.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 11:00
schlockDOUBLE PLUS BADOct 12 11:00
schlockno way.Oct 12 11:00
schlocki hold onto my language tooth and nail.Oct 12 11:01
DaemonFCNo, it's doubleplusungood.Oct 12 11:01
schlocki don't watch netflix because i guard my mind jealously.Oct 12 11:01
techrights-news"Mixed": a mixed of government propaganda (lies) and bad reality 12 11:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-A Mixed Jobs Report - CounterPunch.orgOct 12 11:01
techrights-news● NEWS ● #CounterPunch #assange #wikileaks ☞ #DanielEllsberg On The #CIA Plan To Kidnap And Possibly Kill Julian Assange, The End Of The Afghanistan Occupation, And The Ongoing Us Drone War 12 11:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Daniel Ellsberg On The CIA Plan To Kidnap And Possibly Kill Julian Assange, The End Of The Afghanistan Occupation, And The Ongoing Us Drone War - CounterPunch.orgOct 12 11:02
schlockfunny thing is i haven't found stanley johnson's book "life without birth" anywhere online.Oct 12 11:02
schlocknot even a torrent yet.Oct 12 11:02
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR2, There is no more "firefox" executable with Firefox 93, in the Task Monitor.Oct 12 11:03
schestowitz-TR2DaemonFC: Torvalds joked about it months agoOct 12 11:03
DaemonFCThey changed it to "GeckoMain".Oct 12 11:03
schestowitz-TR2because he's getting some sub-perfect patchesOct 12 11:03
schestowitz-TR2DaemonFC: I'm sure Gecko Slaves were relievesOct 12 11:03
schlocki sure hope i can get rid of firefox for something usable soon before i have to update to the newest spy version.Oct 12 11:03
DaemonFCThe Flatpak version is using Bubblewrap on top of the regular browser sandbox.Oct 12 11:03
schestowitz-TR2the gecko colony will be eaten by jungle dwellers regardlessOct 12 11:03
schestowitz-TR2*relivedOct 12 11:04
schestowitz-TR2*relievedOct 12 11:04
schestowitz-TR2DaemonFC: they call it WebOct 12 11:04
schestowitz-TR2and Supervisor and stuffOct 12 11:04
schestowitz-TR2it's very confusingOct 12 11:04
schlockMinceR: mentioned some but the only feasible one seemed to be qutebrowser until i was educated it dials home to M$.Oct 12 11:04
schestowitz-TR2and to some people it can make it seem like Firefox takes a lot less resources than it actually doesOct 12 11:05
schestowitz-TR2I remember that one browser was one processOct 12 11:05
schlocki see i got ranty again so i'll calm down. Oct 12 11:05
schestowitz-TR2the same happens with blink/chromium-based shitesOct 12 11:05
schestowitz-TR2it's processes all over the placeOct 12 11:05
activelowschlock: nothing available anymore. for a decade at least.Oct 12 11:05
schestowitz-TR2schlock: in Debian 10 at leastOct 12 11:05
schestowitz-TR2qutebrowser is packaged tyo phone MicrosoftOct 12 11:06
activelowanyone claiming their browser was any different or clean (including tor-browser), is lyingOct 12 11:06
schestowitz-TR2through ddgOct 12 11:06
schestowitz-TR2and it's very hard to change thatOct 12 11:06
schestowitz-TR2I tried for ages to no availOct 12 11:06
schlockactivelow: thanks - good to know now at least instead of wasting time.Oct 12 11:06
schlockactivelow: sonds like i need to get on my iptables for outgoing crap perhaps?Oct 12 11:07
schestowitz-TR2activelow: here's a task for you(for fun)Oct 12 11:07
schlockschestowitz-TR2: yeah i can never go back to debian again so that's out.Oct 12 11:07
schestowitz-TR2check how many open files netsurf usesOct 12 11:07
schestowitz-TR2then compare to falkon and firefoxOct 12 11:07
schestowitz-TR2I did some videos and posts about it, but IIRC Firefox can be like 20,000-30,000 open filesOct 12 11:07
schestowitz-TR2for netsurf it's under 100 iircOct 12 11:08
schlockis that why firefox is such a memory hog?Oct 12 11:08
schestowitz-TR2so-called 'web' so-called 'browsers' are spawning crap all over the placeOct 12 11:08
schlockyep.Oct 12 11:09
schestowitz[TR]TWO tabs open:Oct 12 11:09
schestowitz[TR]roy@vonick:~$ lsof | grep firefox | wc -lOct 12 11:09
schestowitz[TR]37630Oct 12 11:09
schestowitz[TR]That's 20,000 open files per tabOct 12 11:09
schlockfifteen firefox "containers"Oct 12 11:09
schlockeach 2gbOct 12 11:09
schestowitz[TR]zero tabs, only empty one open:Oct 12 11:09
schlocki'm only slightly exaggerating.Oct 12 11:10
schestowitz[TR]roy@vonick:~$ lsof | grep firefox | wc -lOct 12 11:10
schestowitz[TR]34233Oct 12 11:10
schestowitz[TR]woo! 3,000 lessOct 12 11:10
schlockhahOct 12 11:10
activelowschestowitz-TR2: granted, i do like netsurf, however it isn't what some might expect from a web browser to navigate online banking, any multimedia, whateverOct 12 11:10
schestowitz[TR]close two tabsOct 12 11:10
schestowitz[TR]kill off 3000 open filesOct 12 11:10
schestowitz[TR]'only' 34,000 leftOct 12 11:10
schestowitz[TR]I'm so relivedOct 12 11:10
schestowitz[TR]*relievedOct 12 11:10
schlockhell i should try netsurf for what its worth i reckon.Oct 12 11:10
schestowitz[TR]it's getting worse as each release comes outOct 12 11:10
schestowitz[TR]I want to try some 2001 distro and see what a browser opened back thenOct 12 11:11
schestowitz[TR]or firefox in 2004Oct 12 11:11
schlocki loved firefox then. was light and configurable up the wazoo.Oct 12 11:11
schestowitz[TR]activelow: go to the bankOct 12 11:11
schestowitz[TR]it might even give some locals jobs, tooOct 12 11:11
schestowitz[TR]they work for YOUOct 12 11:11
schestowitz[TR]or are they?Oct 12 11:11
schlockcash fridays.Oct 12 11:11
schlockrighto here goes netsurf dive.Oct 12 11:12
activelow 12 11:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-dpaste: netsurf-anonymous.patchOct 12 11:12
schlockactivelow: hey do i need to instal that patch then?Oct 12 11:13
schlocklooks like a yes.Oct 12 11:13
activelowschlock: not necessarily, it's only a reminder, to be aware.Oct 12 11:13
schlockdamn you elite folks. :D i'll ask my partner for help hopefully she knows, i'm lost htere.Oct 12 11:14
schlockactivelow: hey, that's good imho.Oct 12 11:14
schlockwhen you get tired and run down good practise goes out the window.Oct 12 11:14
schlockaaaah, i'll miss my umatrix/ublockorigin here. hmmOct 12 11:17
techrights-news"EXCLUSIVE: Capcom allows #Facebook to Deface & Modify Resident Evil 4 for Oculus VR Remake " 12 11:17
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 11:17
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 11:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | EXCLUSIVE: Capcom allows Facebook to Deface Resident Evil 4 in VR Remake for Oculus - by Peter "The Pete" Pischke 😎 - The Happy WarriorOct 12 11:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | EXCLUSIVE: Capcom allows Facebook to Deface Resident Evil 4 in VR Remake for Oculus - by Peter "The Pete" Pischke 😎 - The Happy WarriorOct 12 11:17
techrights-news#microsoft #widows TCO Windows kills. 12 11:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Datatilsynet: Mindst 31 danske virksomheder ramt af ransomware i 2021 | Version2Oct 12 11:18
DaemonFCHmm, playing around with MTU settings.Oct 12 11:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Index of the Series About Windows Inside Hospitals (Causing Hospitals to Become Disaster Zones) | TechrightsOct 12 11:18
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▅▂▆▃▃▄▅▆▆▄▅▅▃▇▅▅▅▃▅▇▆▄▅▃▄▅▆▆▆▅▃▄▁ avg(k/sec) 24.56 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▃▂▅▄▁▁▅▇▂▁▂▁▁▂▁▂▃▁▂▁▂▃▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▂▂▂▁▂▁▁ avg(k/sec) 7.21▕ swarm size (avg): 261.00  ⟲Oct 12 11:18
DaemonFCGot good results by setting MTU to 1420 on my wifi and VPN interfaces.Oct 12 11:18
DaemonFCLinux defaults to 1500 like Windows does. Don't know why I forgot to check.Oct 12 11:18
techrights-news"The Open 3D Engine — being developed by The #LinuxFoundation — was not available for Linux. It was available for #Microsoft #Windows only." 12 11:19
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 11:19
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 11:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Linux Foundation's 3D Game engine... still doesn't support Linux - by Bryan Lunduke - The Lunduke Journal of TechnologyOct 12 11:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Foundation - TechrightsOct 12 11:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Linux Foundation's 3D Game engine... still doesn't support Linux - by Bryan Lunduke - The Lunduke Journal of TechnologyOct 12 11:19
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)Oct 12 11:19
schlockheh, that headline is interesting.Oct 12 11:19
techrights-news"Every financial barrier to factual information impedes the development of thought." 12 11:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-The Blockchain Socialist ⬛🟥⬛: "RT Nor should she. …" - social.coopOct 12 11:20
techrights-news"If governments of the world realised (as I've often suggested) that they should be funding critical digital #FOSS infrastructure, instead of OAuth run by mega corporations, slurping our data with their surveillance capitalism bizmodels" 12 11:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Aral Balkan: "Please donate to Mozilla Corporation, their CEO i…" - Aral’s MastodonOct 12 11:20
techrights-news"If governments of the world realised (as I've often suggested) that they should be funding critical digital #FOSS infrastructure, instead of OAuth run by mega corporations, slurping our data with their surveillance capitalism bizmodels" 12 11:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dave Lane: "If governments of the world realised (as I've oft…" - Mastodon - NZOSSOct 12 11:22
techrights-news"My employer, a tertiary academic institution, has short-sightedly thrown its chips in with Microsoft. To request leave via the institution's system, I have to use a Microsoft Live login. I consider it an incredible insult that my employer requires me to accept" 12 11:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dave Lane: "My employer, a tertiary academic institution, has…" - Mastodon - NZOSSOct 12 11:22
*Despatche has quit (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by deer)Oct 12 11:23
techrights-news"Please donate to Mozilla Corporation, their CEO is trying to scrape by on just a little over $3,000,000/year. I’m sure you can all relate to how hard that can be so, please, dig deep this giving season." #mozilla #firefox 12 11:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Firefox Cannot be Trusted at the Hands of Today’s Mozilla Management | TechrightsOct 12 11:23
techrights-news"Once Tor's MetricsPort gets unix socket support I'll add support for it to relayor." 12 11:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | nusenu: "Once Tor's MetricsPort gets unix socket support I…" - MastodonOct 12 11:24
*activelow has quit (connection closed)Oct 12 11:25
*activelow (~activelow@sctsjmg96zkru.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 11:25
techrights-news#deletegithub #microsoft #proprietarySoftware #ibm #ansible 12 11:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | nusenu: "I've just released ansible relayor v21.1.0 for to…" - MastodonOct 12 11:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Delete Github - TechrightsOct 12 11:25
schlockthis netsurf is wonderfully light.Oct 12 11:31
schestowitz-TR2does not work with hostile sitesOct 12 11:33
schestowitz-TR2i see that as a plusOct 12 11:33
schlocksame.Oct 12 11:33
schestowitz-TR2if you like me, OKOct 12 11:33
schestowitz-TR2if you don't like me, go AWAYOct 12 11:34
schestowitz-TR2(to sites that are treating visits like subjects to be lied to)Oct 12 11:34
schlockyepOct 12 11:34
schlocki said quite some years ago that javascript was an intentional destruction of the internet. "for your good" "for your ease of use" - no it's just another social credit system of compliance.Oct 12 11:36
schlocki can't have a bank account so i'm locked out of society.Oct 12 11:36
schestowitz-TR2move to geminiOct 12 11:37
schlockeverything is mostly phone apps now - digital currency. Oct 12 11:37
schlockyeah don't worry i will do but as always it takes time to adjust and whatot and i'm already dealing with a lot on my plate. :)Oct 12 11:37
schestowitz[TR] 12 11:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ » Blog Archive » Ongoing Investigation: Does the UK Home Office ‘Force’ EU Citizens to Carry Around Tracking Devices?Oct 12 11:37
schlockdear headline: DUHOct 12 11:38
schlockwhat's a smart spy for?Oct 12 11:38
schlockschestowitz[TR]: oh whoops that wasn't meant to be a direct attack on you. :DOct 12 11:38
schestowitz-TR2I knowOct 12 11:39
schestowitz-TR2but those things still need to be documentedOct 12 11:39
schlocki'm literally a tinderbox after literal decades of dealing with complicity and cognitive dissonance.Oct 12 11:39
schestowitz-TR2and the officials need to be confrontedOct 12 11:39
schestowitz-TR2which is what I do when it is possible at a personal capacityOct 12 11:39
schestowitz-TR2it's still possible to pay with cash in most placesOct 12 11:39
*inky (~inky@ has joined #techrightsOct 12 11:39
schestowitz-TR2people protestOct 12 11:39
*inky_ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Oct 12 11:40
schlockschestowitz[TR]: no i understand what you're talking about and i understand why headlines are worded as such due to the fact that most people won't let things through to the braincells unless you get around certain "security features" put in place by mainstream media and other institutions.Oct 12 11:40
schlockyeah but i still can't have a bank account.Oct 12 11:40
schlockso social credit has been working for a very long time.Oct 12 11:40
schlockso i can't get paid to do work remotely.Oct 12 11:41
schlockit means cleaning toilets.Oct 12 11:41
schestowitz-TR2i see...Oct 12 11:41
schlockas slave labour i really do object. :)Oct 12 11:41
schestowitz-TR2IBM objects to the wordOct 12 11:41
schlockthey can end up in the gas ovens for all i care. Oct 12 11:41
schlockthe ones they fed.Oct 12 11:42
schestowitz[TR]IBM is all about the ethics 12 11:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Full Story (With References) of IBM’s Role in a Purge of Black People and Mixed-Race Couples | TechrightsOct 12 11:42
schlockin fact the populace should have erradicated them directly after the war.Oct 12 11:42
schlockand every other complicit person/business.Oct 12 11:43
schestowitz-TR2who?Oct 12 11:43
schestowitz-TR2GM and Ford are still aroundOct 12 11:44
schestowitz-TR2IBM alsoOct 12 11:44
schlockall of them.Oct 12 11:44
schlockevery single one.Oct 12 11:44
schestowitz-TR2and now it rebrands as "woke"Oct 12 11:44
schlockofcourse it does.Oct 12 11:44
schestowitz-TR2schlock: what them?Oct 12 11:44
schlockschestowitz-TR2: you just named a few of "them".Oct 12 11:44
schlocki'm not going to give you a whole list - isn't it obvious at this point?Oct 12 11:44
schestowitz-TR2noOct 12 11:44
schestowitz-TR2different people see the issues differentlyOct 12 11:45
schestowitz-TR2I see it as class issueOct 12 11:45
schlockprescott bush was caught doing business with nazi germany during wwii - for example - and his son and grand son became presidents of america - that alone is massive.Oct 12 11:45
schestowitz-TR2so you need to be clearerOct 12 11:45
schlockah right.Oct 12 11:45
schestowitz-TR2yesOct 12 11:45
schestowitz-TR2thanks for clarifyingOct 12 11:45
schlocki only have so much energy and time so please bear with me.Oct 12 11:46
schestowitz-TR2many of the augenicists are still aroundOct 12 11:46
schlocki've been ill for quite some time.Oct 12 11:46
schestowitz-TR2but they upped their act and languageOct 12 11:46
schlocki have a short temper. Oct 12 11:46
schestowitz-TR2so the agenda is still thereOct 12 11:46
schestowitz-TR2the eugenics isn't genicsOct 12 11:46
schestowitz-TR2"eu" =goodOct 12 11:46
schlocki know that's why i speak of the eugencists all the time.Oct 12 11:46
schestowitz-TR2but genics became "poor"Oct 12 11:46
schestowitz-TR2"stupid"Oct 12 11:46
schestowitz-TR2"retarded"Oct 12 11:46
schestowitz[TR] 12 11:46
schestowitz-TR2or, "the weak"Oct 12 11:47
schestowitz[TR] 12 11:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Oct 12 11:47
schlockthat will be a great links to read (your site) thanks.Oct 12 11:47
schlockdamn 403.Oct 12 11:48
schestowitz-TR2I have the full book as PDF Oct 12 11:48
schestowitz-TR2about 1500 pages iircOct 12 11:48
schestowitz[TR] 12 11:48
schlockholy crap i haven't the time sadly - that's something ild love to read.Oct 12 11:48
schestowitz[TR]amazon :/Oct 12 11:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race-Expanded Edition : Black, Edwin: BooksOct 12 11:48
schestowitz-TR2we posted many portions of that book in techrightsOct 12 11:48
schestowitz-TR2mostly the bits about IBMOct 12 11:48
schestowitz[TR] 12 11:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IBM - TechrightsOct 12 11:49
schlocksince you see things as class then i am of the lowest class - the class that was kept around as cannon fodder and factory fodder - the middle classes are delusional about "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps" when the whole system is rigged in the first place.Oct 12 11:49
schlockthe system needs the poor and the homeless and fodder to run.Oct 12 11:49
techrights-newsLinks 12/10/2021: Jörg Schilling Passes Away, Tor Browser 11.0a8 • 𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤 ⚓ ䷉ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 12 11:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 12/10/2021: Jörg Schilling Passes Away, Tor Browser 11.0a8 | TechrightsOct 12 11:49
schlockthe middle classes have grown up on the backs of the lowers.Oct 12 11:49
techrights-news#Security , FUD, and #ProprietarySoftware • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 11:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security, FUD, and Proprietary Software | Tux MachinesOct 12 11:50
schestowitz-TR2schlock: the middle too is shrinkingOct 12 11:50
schestowitz-TR2it's cannibalismOct 12 11:50
schestowitz-TR2or bottom-feedingOct 12 11:50
schlockokay getting a copy just to have it but i am turning into a donkey carrying books which is disappointing.Oct 12 11:50
schestowitz-TR2the capital gets amassed by few peopleOct 12 11:50
schestowitz-TR2and that also begets political controlOct 12 11:50
schlockschestowitz-TR2: yeah the oligarchs are wiping out everybody below them.Oct 12 11:50
*gde35 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria 12 11:51
techrights-newsToday’s 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 Leftovers • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 11:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's leftovers | Tux MachinesOct 12 11:51
schestowitz-TR2schlock: you can read portions of itOct 12 11:51
schestowitz-TR2or find the file-shared book on the WebOct 12 11:51
schestowitz-TR2it's not too hardOct 12 11:52
schestowitz-TR2I doubt he'd opposeOct 12 11:52
schlockgetting a copy now. :)Oct 12 11:52
schestowitz[TR] 12 11:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Interview With Edwin Black: IBM Has Never Apologised, Instead It Hid Its Role in Nazi Germany | TechrightsOct 12 11:52
schlockof the war gasint th e weakOct 12 11:52
schlockeh Oct 12 11:52
schestowitz[TR] 12 11:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Edwin Black Explains Why IBM Was the Worst and the Only One to Obstruct His Research (Into IBM’s Dark Past) | TechrightsOct 12 11:52
schestowitz[TR]video/ogg/webmb 12 11:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Documentary: IBM Founder (Watson) Gave a Nazi Salute, Admired Hitler, Said Hitler Was Doing the Right Thing | TechrightsOct 12 11:53
schestowitz-TR2bbiabOct 12 11:53
schestowitz-TR2need to post some articles nowOct 12 11:53
schlocki'm grateful to those of edwin black's ilk - so many people tried to warn us and other times it was the oligarchs themselves who published what they were up to in plain sight such as edward bernays and carroll quigley.Oct 12 11:53
schlockall good at least somebody is being productive around here. :DOct 12 11:54
schestowitz-TR2he does gather a lot of evidenceOct 12 11:54
schestowitz-TR2and references to books and old manuscripts at the endOct 12 11:54
schestowitz-TR2those are suppressedOct 12 11:54
schlockso much is.Oct 12 11:54
schestowitz-TR2you need to travel to the remaining physical copiesOct 12 11:54
schestowitz-TR2like the eugenics literatureOct 12 11:54
schestowitz-TR2like british torture of kanyansOct 12 11:55
schestowitz-TR2they destroyed a lot of recordsOct 12 11:55
schlockyeah the guy who runs this site has spoken a lot about it: 12 11:55
schestowitz-TR2blaming water damage etc.Oct 12 11:55
schlock 12 11:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Technocracy News & TrendsOct 12 11:55
schestowitz-TR2very funny excusesOct 12 11:55
schestowitz-TR2the "dog ate my homework" kindOct 12 11:55
schestowitz-TR2but from Number 10Oct 12 11:55
schlockhe's the son of a woman sterilised by her parents because they were technocracists.Oct 12 11:55
schestowitz-TR2the British Bulldog excusesOct 12 11:56
schlockhe was adopted by her later in life after she got away from her parents.Oct 12 11:56
schestowitz-TR2 sterilised:Oct 12 11:57
schestowitz[TR] 12 11:57
schlockand his mum was sterilised because her brother had been born with an umbilical cord around his neck choking off the oxygen and all the technocrats and the doctor thought it was genetic error so they sterilised the sister.Oct 12 11:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Chapter 1 | The Eugenics Crusade - YouTubeOct 12 11:57
schestowitz[TR]local copy: 12 11:57
schestowitz[TR]it was all the rage back thenOct 12 11:57
schestowitz[TR]got a dumb kidOct 12 11:57
schestowitz[TR]sterilise themOct 12 11:57
schestowitz[TR]for society's "better good"Oct 12 11:57
schestowitz[TR]that was before ww2Oct 12 11:58
schestowitz-TR2eugenics: made in USAOct 12 11:58
schlockit's funny because after i escaped america the movie shown on the plane was an old eugenics movie. how prescient.Oct 12 11:58
schestowitz-TR2the germany either copied or made "parallel discoveries"Oct 12 11:58
schestowitz-TR2*germansOct 12 11:58
schlockamericans were all about eugenics and hitler loved that stuff. Oct 12 11:58
schlocki blame the americans for being the root of so many world problems.Oct 12 11:59
schlockthat fucking transhumanism "transwomen are women" crap came from there.Oct 12 11:59
*Despatche (~desp@u3xy9z2ifjzci.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 11:59
schlockanybody willing to believe men are women - my trust right out the window we can have any sane dialogue.Oct 12 12:00
schestowitz-TR2those are a distractionOct 12 12:00
schestowitz-TR2those people are not the cause of problemsOct 12 12:00
schestowitz-TR2don't scapegoat themOct 12 12:00
schlocki'm not scapegoating anybody so don't reframe me.Oct 12 12:00
schestowitz-TR2but the oligarchs trot this out as a distraction from real issuesOct 12 12:00
schestowitz-TR20.01% or less of the poulation is a proble,Oct 12 12:00
schlocki'm well aware of that but there's a line i draw.Oct 12 12:00
schestowitz-TR2not trans, but oligarchsOct 12 12:01
schestowitz-TR2the right-wing media slant of the oligarchs scapegoated gaysOct 12 12:01
schlockthe thing is that you haven't seen what i have, you haven't endured what i have.Oct 12 12:01
schestowitz-TR2not it does the same with trans and "brexit"Oct 12 12:01
schlockokay you think i'm being like that and the problem is you're wrong there but you don't know who i am hence you can only see me through a certain paradigm.Oct 12 12:02
schlockyou misunderstand but in time you'll see what i'm getting at.Oct 12 12:02
schestowitz-TR2maybe a misinterpretation, yesOct 12 12:02
schestowitz-TR2happens a lot over text-only chatOct 12 12:02
schlockyes exactly.Oct 12 12:02
schlocki'm not some religious zealot or political cretin who is about bashing folks - i know exactly what's happening with all of the distractions - the point i was tring to make is that i have actually met folks who tried to bully me into that stuff and accepting lies as truth and then trying to get me to perpetuate that - it's part of massive psychological trick and i refuse to be a part of it.Oct 12 12:03
schlockit's why there is the same "inclusive" ToC everywhere.Oct 12 12:04
schestowitz-TR2we think it helps the powerfulOct 12 12:04
schestowitz-TR2it gives disproportionate power t o tyrantsOct 12 12:04
schestowitz-TR2you can never file a CoC complaint about IBM for exampleOct 12 12:05
schlockit's like what went down in maoist china with turning the whole populace into a slavish, thoughtless force willing to do anything based on lies and shaming and intimdation.Oct 12 12:05
schestowitz-TR2you would be laughed outOct 12 12:05
schlockyep, it's all part of the current paradigm.Oct 12 12:05
schlockit's all intentional, just like any corruption.Oct 12 12:05
schestowitz-TR2anyway, we wrote about those things many timesOct 12 12:06
schestowitz-TR2I will repost some Mozilla articles nowOct 12 12:06
schestowitz-TR2Mozilla is killed by this nonsenseOct 12 12:06
schlockanybody saying it's "incompetence" is giving cover to criminality - people don't realise by short-circuiting their critical thinking and calling it "incompetence" they're only giving intentional criminality an excuse to continue.Oct 12 12:06
schlocki might be the janitor but i'm not stupid. :)Oct 12 12:06
*schlock is now known as the_janitorOct 12 12:07
schestowitz-TR2some people equate salary with wisdomOct 12 12:07
schestowitz-TR2though the world's most celever people work in unisOct 12 12:07
the_janitora lot of people do. look at the folks who love steve jobs. hehOct 12 12:07
schestowitz-TR2with relatively meager salariesOct 12 12:07
*activelow needs a rebootOct 12 12:09
techrights-news#microsoft is still #googlebombing the #linux brand to promote #vista11 #malware while 'Linux' Foundation stands by, smiling foolishly.Oct 12 12:09
*activelow has quit (Quit: leaving)Oct 12 12:09
the_janitorinfuriating.Oct 12 12:09
schestowitz-TR2yes, but old news in a senseOct 12 12:10
the_janitoryep.Oct 12 12:10
schestowitz-TR2this is how they attack usOct 12 12:10
schestowitz-TR2Windows is LinuxOct 12 12:10
schestowitz-TR2Linux is WIndowsOct 12 12:10
schestowitz-TR2you don't know what's wahtOct 12 12:11
the_janitormen are womenOct 12 12:11
the_janitorit's all over.Oct 12 12:11
schestowitz-TR2the trademark is not being enforcedOct 12 12:11
the_janitorit's the same tactics everywhere.Oct 12 12:11
the_janitorin every aspect of life.Oct 12 12:11
the_janitorback in the 90's i lived in a town that had 3 electronics shops. they were major corporate ones, can't remember the names now. anyways they sold completely different elecronics from each other. all very expensive stuff, not one shop had what the other 2 had in order to have any price competitiveness.Oct 12 12:12
schestowitz-TR2I don't agree that product names and genders are the sameOct 12 12:12
schestowitz-TR2The Linux situation is one of certain natureOct 12 12:13
schestowitz-TR2being a free software projectOct 12 12:13
the_janitoryou don't have to but that's what i've seen happen, same patterns everywhere in every aspect of life.Oct 12 12:13
schestowitz-TR2they already removed the GNU Oct 12 12:13
schestowitz-TR2so people don't talk about the system's freedomOct 12 12:13
schestowitz-TR2and they focus only on brandsOct 12 12:13
the_janitorclassic example with the electronics shops of false scarcity - they were owned all by the same company with no genuine competitiveness and this was in the 90's.Oct 12 12:13
schestowitz-TR2rc componentsOct 12 12:14
schestowitz-TR2the upside is, there are extensive visual cataloguesOct 12 12:14
the_janitorso it's all been happening for a long time in various ways.Oct 12 12:14
the_janitorscience is funded by oligarchs and is fully corrupted - same patterns.Oct 12 12:14
the_janitorbut cognitive dissoance that somewhere it's not and it's okay to believe whatever said by whomever.Oct 12 12:15
the_janitorno awareness of "the long con"Oct 12 12:15
the_janitorpeople need more street smarts - they'd fall for things a hell of a lot less.Oct 12 12:15
the_janitorlike the [gnu]linux trick.Oct 12 12:16
*activelow (~activelow@4wr2j48cc8cmq.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 12:18
the_janitor 12 12:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-YouTubeOct 12 12:18
the_janitorthis guy had some great points about what was happening at the time but because of how he framed it folks didn't want to know - it doesn't matter how accurate and full of truth when folks don't like the framing.Oct 12 12:19
the_janitorfunny how that works. :)Oct 12 12:19
the_janitorit's an interesting war: the masses have allowed to happen, just like spam mail, what is coming down now. how do we educate them but also hold back the criminal activities of the globalists?Oct 12 12:20
the_janitoroligarchs if you will.Oct 12 12:21
the_janitorthere's a massive psychological manipulation component literally underwriting all of this.Oct 12 12:21
GNUmoon2schestowitz: "some people equate salary with wisdom". Sadly most people believe wealth / salary are equal to merit / human worth thanks to 100's of years of propaganda. Oct 12 12:22
the_janitoramen.Oct 12 12:23
schestowitz-TR2trueOct 12 12:24
schestowitz-TR2even dumber people believe thatOct 12 12:24
techrights-newsFirefox 93 Disables Triple DES and Doesn’t Mention #NSA Backdoors. Windows 11 Continues Degrading VPNs With It If They Use the Native APIs. • 𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤 ⚓ ䷉ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 12 12:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Firefox 93 Disables Triple DES and Doesn’t Mention NSA Backdoors. Windows 11 Continues Degrading VPNs With It If They Use the Native APIs. | TechrightsOct 12 12:24
schestowitz-TR2like saying how good a vehicle is based on its net weightOct 12 12:25
GNUmoon2If you are poor, it's your own fault because you are lazy, dumb or just not a good person.Oct 12 12:25
the_janitoryep, i've been told that my entire life.Oct 12 12:25
schestowitz-TR2smart enopugh people know life is temporaryOct 12 12:25
schestowitz-TR2and hoarding lots of money can be pointlessOct 12 12:25
schestowitz-TR2you need not hoard more than you can feasibly use to keep happyOct 12 12:25
schestowitz-TR2and happiness comes from freedom partlyOct 12 12:26
schestowitz-TR2not being stressed or bossedOct 12 12:26
schestowitz-TR2stress kills easrlyOct 12 12:26
schestowitz-TR2apropos steve jobsOct 12 12:26
schestowitz-TR2or paul allenOct 12 12:26
schestowitz-TR2I hope they enjoy their money 'down under'Oct 12 12:26
activelowapropos DES, triple or none... it is a lie this wasn't secure; block ciphers are weakened by their block mode of operation and block key generationOct 12 12:29
activelowor, to rephrase this, i would feel brave enough to encrypt with xor, if the block mode of operation and block key hashing is strongOct 12 12:29
*m___ (~Adium@ph4anndkq8npe.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 12:30
activelowinsofar, all the "news" RC4 or DES or whatever where weak, it is a distraction from the real issuesOct 12 12:30
GNUmoon2schestowitz: "stress kills easily" just been heard about that, stress causes increased expression in genes related to inflammation. Leading to increased prevalence of heart attacks, cancer, etc.Oct 12 12:31
activelowwereOct 12 12:31
techrights-newsDeveloper of the “Better” App, Which Provides a Content Blocker for Safari, Considers Quitting Due to #Apple ’s Plans to Invade Users’ #Privacy With #CSAM Scanner. • 𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤 ⚓ ䷉ #Techrights | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 12 12:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Developer of the “Better” App, Which Provides a Content Blocker for Safari, Considers Quitting Due to Apple’s Plans to Invade Users’ Privacy With “CSAM” Scanner. | TechrightsOct 12 12:33
schestowitz-TR2GNUmoon2: weakens the immune  syetemOct 12 12:34
schestowitz-TR2lesser stressed people get ill less frequentlyOct 12 12:34
schestowitz-TR2but you could argue that more stressed people also eat less healthilyOct 12 12:34
schestowitz-TR2because of statusOct 12 12:34
schestowitz-TR2but if you isolate that as a factorOct 12 12:34
schestowitz-TR2you may still find that stressed people develop health issuesOct 12 12:35
schestowitz-TR2their money cannot always compensate for it (medical treatments|)Oct 12 12:35
GNUmoon2yep. It's normal for short periods during fight-or-flight responses. However, it's toxic if someone is in constant stress.Oct 12 12:35
schestowitz-TR2I found that stress changes gut patternsOct 12 12:36
schestowitz-TR2I think it's an evolutionary defend systemOct 12 12:36
schestowitz-TR2or adrenaline rushes, rage..Oct 12 12:36
schestowitz-TR2they're only useful temporarilyOct 12 12:36
schestowitz-TR2I'm told Steve Jobs, for example, had lots of rage and stressOct 12 12:36
schestowitz-TR2Recently the media reported that Gates had faintedOct 12 12:37
GNUmoon2This looks interesting, also has references to other research. 12 12:37
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 12:37
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 12:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Social stress up-regulates inflammatory gene expression in the leukocyte transcriptome via β-adrenergic induction of myelopoiesis | PNASOct 12 12:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Social stress up-regulates inflammatory gene expression in the leukocyte transcriptome via β-adrenergic induction of myelopoiesis | PNASOct 12 12:37
schestowitz-TR2when people in the media reported about his Epstein connectionsOct 12 12:37
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@n38aa2y6qw87e.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 12:37
schestowitz-TR2I just use those two examplesOct 12 12:37
schestowitz-TR2as we were discussing related areasOct 12 12:37
schestowitz-TR2not because those two sociopaths are gods or anythingOct 12 12:37
the_janitorall this talk about stress and gut and immune systems - i can attest to it all personally. my life of abject poverty is proof positive that stress destroys and kills.Oct 12 12:40
GNUmoon2 12 12:40
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 12:40
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 12:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Gut microbiota’s effect on mental health: The gut-brain axisOct 12 12:40
the_janitori don't get to talk about it in abstract terms, i just live it every moment.Oct 12 12:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NCBI - WWW Error Blocked DiagnosticOct 12 12:40
the_janitorit's a miracle i'm still alive.Oct 12 12:40
the_janitori don't use that word lightly.Oct 12 12:40
*activelow grabs a cigaretteOct 12 12:40
activelowwhat a joyOct 12 12:41
GNUmoon2the_janitor: sorry to hear that. I hope you are keeping well.Oct 12 12:41
the_janitorGNUmoon2: cheers - i'm just subsisting but i do my best. all the best to you.Oct 12 12:41
the_janitorwouldn't wish this on anybody on the oligarchs.Oct 12 12:41
the_janitors/on/but/Oct 12 12:41
GNUmoon2Most people don't have a clue what's happening or why. But they do know they have to blame immigrants, single parents and Russia :)Oct 12 12:42
the_janitoryep, all the distractions. amen to that.Oct 12 12:42
the_janitori always ask folks "why aren't you blaming the politicians and the political system?" crickets.Oct 12 12:42
the_janitorit's like they can't see anything abstract - only what's literally in front of their eyes.Oct 12 12:43
the_janitorso they go and attack what's in front of their eyes rather than the puppet masters.Oct 12 12:43
schestowitz-TR2DaemonFC: gmOct 12 12:43
DaemonFCMorningOct 12 12:43
DaemonFCTrying to figure out numlock in GNOME.Oct 12 12:44
schestowitz-TR2you left out the bit about salariesaOct 12 12:44
schestowitz-TR2and layoffsOct 12 12:44
GNUmoon2the_janitor:  "why aren't you blaming the politicians and the political system?"  exactly. Or better yet, corporations or oligarchs.Oct 12 12:44
DaemonFCSeems it doesn't work with its own "remember NumLock status" setting.Oct 12 12:44
the_janitorschestowitz-TR2: i don't really leave anything out - thing is there's too much to cover. :)Oct 12 12:44
schestowitz-TR2also, are those mint spins coming with vivaldi?Oct 12 12:44
schestowitz-TR2or just monjaro/arch?Oct 12 12:44
GNUmoon2* corporations, billions orOct 12 12:44
schestowitz-TR2*manjaroOct 12 12:44
the_janitorGNUmoon2: yep i bring them up all the damn time but again crickets.Oct 12 12:44
DaemonFCOh crap.Oct 12 12:45
DaemonFCI goofed.Oct 12 12:45
GNUmoon2the_janitor: yep, I get crickets too.Oct 12 12:45
the_janitorGNUmoon2: yep. i guess that's why we ended up here. :DOct 12 12:45
schestowitz-TR2there are some other points left outOct 12 12:46
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR2, This is why I shouldn't post while I'm tired.Oct 12 12:46
DaemonFCI fixed that.Oct 12 12:46
schestowitz-TR2and might be nice to addOct 12 12:46
GNUmoon2the_janitor: YesOct 12 12:46
schestowitz-TR2but I lost track of them all while I read because ideas pop up in my headOct 12 12:46
DaemonFCFirefox is getting damned annoying.Oct 12 12:46
schestowitz-TR2aside for their lies about "privacy"Oct 12 12:47
schestowitz-TR2did you mention (maybe next post/article|)Oct 12 12:47
schestowitz-TR21) in 2014 they had Microsoft keyloggerOct 12 12:47
schestowitz-TR22) they now experiment doing the sameOct 12 12:47
schestowitz-TR2january 2022 likely to be decision timeOct 12 12:47
schestowitz-TR2or maybe they play hard to get with GoogleOct 12 12:47
schestowitz-TR2to up the sumOct 12 12:47
schestowitz-TR2maybe we need a wiki pageOct 12 12:48
schestowitz-TR2reasons to avoid firefox Oct 12 12:48
schestowitz-TR2then list/enumerate with linksOct 12 12:48
schestowitz-TR2it can be effective, like our pages about Mono and DDGOct 12 12:48
schestowitz-TR2Mozilla "diversity" is a fig leafOct 12 12:48
schestowitz-TR2they try to distract from the real scandalOct 12 12:49
schestowitz-TR2like mister robot or whateverOct 12 12:49
schestowitz-TR2all thos privacy gaffesOct 12 12:49
schestowitz-TR2then people attack them over politicsOct 12 12:49
schestowitz-TR2and they say, "SEE? People who hate us are just bigots"Oct 12 12:49
schestowitz-TR2same spiel as Big Blue IBMOct 12 12:49
*techrights-ipfs-bot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 12:49
DaemonFC 12 12:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Missing content type. Ignoring.Oct 12 12:50
schestowitz-TR2""Oct 12 12:51
schestowitz[TR]"When Ubuntu briefly implemented a keylogger that sent your Shell searches to Amazon in their now-abandoned Unity Shell, Richard Stallman called Ubuntu malware.'Oct 12 12:51
schestowitz[TR]After I had asked him to :-)Oct 12 12:51
*activelow has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 12:51
the_janitorschestowitz-TR2: alert techrights-ipfs-bot [~techrights-ipfs-bot@62vhapicsw4ds.irc] has quit [Ping timeout: 2m30s]Oct 12 12:51
*activelow (~activelow@uq8vqszfv73ew.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 12:51
schestowitz-TR2the_janitor: it will recoverOct 12 12:51
schestowitz-TR2it runs a recovery script several times per dayOct 12 12:52
the_janitorschestowitz-TR2: i saw there were some tech issues ealier and things hadn't fully recovered until you had to come manually fix them so i was concerned. thanks for heads up.Oct 12 12:52
schestowitz-TR2I've just run it manuallyOct 12 12:53
*techrights-ipfs-bot (~techrights-ipfs-bot@62vhapicsw4ds.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 12:53
schestowitz-TR2DaemonFC: well done checking the latest firefox buildOct 12 12:53
schestowitz-TR2this is importantOct 12 12:54
the_janitorokay wasn't sure if something had stopped working fully.Oct 12 12:54
schestowitz-TR2it'll encourage users to pressure them to remove the keyloggerOct 12 12:54
schestowitz-TR2or turn off by defaultOct 12 12:54
schestowitz-TR2surely they will say it was 'accident'Oct 12 12:54
schestowitz-TR2another 'gaffe'Oct 12 12:54
schestowitz-TR2like sending or relaying DNS from your ISP in your country to Pentagon ClownFlareOct 12 12:54
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR2, "As an aside, Mozilla is also considering changing the default search engine to Bing.Oct 12 12:54
DaemonFCEvery few years, they come in and decide which crappy privacy-violating mess with worse search results than Google to switch all their users to as part of a cynical ploy to ultimately get Google back to the table for more money.Oct 12 12:54
DaemonFCMicrosoft has never offered any browser vendor more money than Google, which is whyGoogle is the default search engine on almost every browser, and the iPhone/Safari, even though Apple pretends they’re bitter enemies (over 60% of Apple iOS apps have Google tracking libraries in them).Oct 12 12:54
DaemonFCI’m not a big fan of Google, but Bing is much worse. Instead of Google violating your privacy, it will be Microsoft, and then the search results often won’t even be usable."Oct 12 12:54
schestowitz-TR2where do I merge it in?Oct 12 12:55
DaemonFCerrrOct 12 12:55
DaemonFC"whyGoogle"Oct 12 12:55
DaemonFCneed to fix that now...Oct 12 12:55
schestowitz-TR2ok, I already edit a copy from 20 mins agoOct 12 12:55
schestowitz-TR2we don't version-control the textOct 12 12:55
schestowitz[TR]"It’s bad enough that Fedora chucked its own Free Software policy out the door when IBM took them over, and started pushing Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Microsoft Edge. "Oct 12 12:56
schestowitz[TR]LOLOct 12 12:56
schestowitz[TR]DID they?Oct 12 12:56
*techrights-ipfs-bot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 12:56
DaemonFC"When will Mozilla learn to stop manipulating its remaining users? Never?"Oct 12 12:56
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR], Refresh.Oct 12 12:56
DaemonFCI added the Bing stuff to the bottom.Oct 12 12:56
the_janitori'm trying to jump ship from firefox right now.Oct 12 12:56
the_janitori wanted to years ago but couldn't find anything.Oct 12 12:56
the_janitornow i'm desperate.Oct 12 12:57
DaemonFC<schestowitz[TR]> "It’s bad enough that Fedora chucked its own Free Software policy out the door when IBM took them over, and started pushing Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Microsoft Edge. "Oct 12 12:57
the_janitori'm the demographic you are talking about.Oct 12 12:57
DaemonFCFedora now ships a "filtered" Flathub repo full of proprietary software.Oct 12 12:57
the_janitornobody is going to want to run to netsurf even though it's great for a start.Oct 12 12:57
DaemonFCThe only exclusions are things that may be legally dangerous for Red Hat to recommend.Oct 12 12:57
schestowitz-TR2flatpak and snaps are about proprietary "apps"Oct 12 12:57
schestowitz-TR2pushing them in as binariesOct 12 12:57
the_janitorwe shun them here in this home.Oct 12 12:58
schestowitz-TR2goodOct 12 12:58
schestowitz-TR2an act of resistanceOct 12 12:58
schestowitz-TR2it'll get worseOct 12 12:58
the_janitorwe are elements of resistance.Oct 12 12:58
the_janitori know. :/ Oct 12 12:58
schestowitz-TR2now they want a centralised "signature" millOct 12 12:58
schestowitz-TR2where they get to tell you what you can and cannot run in 'Linux'Oct 12 12:59
the_janitorursula von der leyden was talking about a digital ID just so you can get online.Oct 12 12:59
the_janitorif that happens what do you think a lot of folks will do?Oct 12 12:59
activelowsorry, seems i was in error, netsurf too claims to support html5, not sure about video someone had asked me aboutOct 12 12:59
the_janitoractivelow: oh i didn't see you post on the html5 part. i just assumed that would work there.Oct 12 12:59
activelowjust wanted to correct an error if i had made any, didn't mean to interrupt the conversationOct 12 13:00
schestowitz[TR]DaemonFC: "Well, I what I suggest"Oct 12 13:00
schestowitz[TR]typoOct 12 13:00
the_janitordamn, everything needs js.Oct 12 13:00
the_janitorah i'll stop making noise in here as well apologies.Oct 12 13:01
DaemonFCCrapOct 12 13:02
schestowitz-TR2added missing paras at the endOct 12 13:02
DaemonFCFixed.Oct 12 13:02
schestowitz-TR2remove the "what"Oct 12 13:03
schestowitz-TR2or add "is"Oct 12 13:03
schestowitz[TR]Well, what I suggest is that Mozilla CEO Mitchell Baker does with Firefox Suggest and Pocket is probably anatomically impossible, but that’s outside the scope of this post.Oct 12 13:03
the_janitorWhat I suggest Mozilla CEO Mitchell Baker does with Firefox Suggest and Pocket is probably anatomically impossible, but that’s outside the scope of this post.Oct 12 13:04
DaemonFCInstalling Kubuntu 21.10 on the old laptop.Oct 12 13:05
DaemonFCI took the Minimal option because KDE has a lot of bloatware that few people are going to use.Oct 12 13:05
schestowitz-TR2maybe a couple of years from now Baker can still make $3 million a year selling a book about how "cancel culture" finished her carreerOct 12 13:06
DaemonFCAkonadi and KDE PIM in particular don't work well and use a lot of resources and clutter things up.Oct 12 13:06
schestowitz-TR2co-edited with Brendan EichOct 12 13:06
schestowitz-TR2DaemonFC: I always kill all akonadi processesOct 12 13:06
schestowitz-TR2if you use kmail, it will start or restart themOct 12 13:07
schestowitz-TR2they're just a dragOct 12 13:07
DaemonFCIt's nice that Kubuntu includes that post-install script where they figured out where all the junk is. Not everything is something you don't want.Oct 12 13:07
techrights-news#Mozilla #Firefox Takes Another Step in the Direction of Being Malware With “Firefox Suggest” • 𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤 ⚓ ䷉ #Techrights | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 12 13:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla Firefox Takes Another Step in the Direction of Being Malware With “Firefox Suggest” | TechrightsOct 12 13:07
DaemonFCBut you can put back just the applications you like later.Oct 12 13:07
*CParadoxum_ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 13:08
*schestowitz-TR2 gemifying the articles nowOct 12 13:08
schestowitz-TR2oh, wowOct 12 13:08
schestowitz[TR]"…16' class='wp-smiley emoji' draggable='false' alt=':/' src='…"Oct 12 13:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @… )Oct 12 13:08
schestowitz[TR]wordpress serves images for emojisOct 12 13:08
schestowitz[TR]instead of letting the client side use some, if anyOct 12 13:08
psydruidAkonadi and KDE PIM should just be killed and removedOct 12 13:09
schestowitz[TR]<img width='16' height='16' class='wp-smiley emoji' draggable='false' alt=':/' src='' style='height: 1em; max-height: 1em;' />Oct 12 13:09
psydruidI've never used them and never willOct 12 13:09
schestowitz-TR2it's not even valid xhtmlOct 12 13:10
schestowitz-TR2psydruid: they even run a DATABASEOct 12 13:10
schestowitz-TR2your KDE system uses mysql iircOct 12 13:10
schestowitz-TR2for that thing you do not even useOct 12 13:10
schestowitz-TR2CTRL+ESCOct 12 13:11
schestowitz-TR2"ako"Oct 12 13:11
schestowitz-TR2ctrl+a, "End process"Oct 12 13:11
schestowitz-TR2they all die until or unless you open the applications few people bother usingOct 12 13:11
psydruidi should check it when I get on that laptopOct 12 13:11
schestowitz-TR2that used to be with nepomuk or whatever, I forgot the spellingOct 12 13:11
schestowitz-TR2it gave me hell in old KDEOct 12 13:11
schestowitz-TR2using up all the system's resources for dataOct 12 13:12
schestowitz-TR2before I tracked down this culpritOct 12 13:12
schestowitz-TR2the only thing I enjoyed back then was force-killing itOct 12 13:12
psydruidit's the only one I use KDE Plasma on as it handles multiple screens decently compared to XFCE, MATE or CinnamonOct 12 13:13
psydruidYes, Nepomuk was a disaster tooOct 12 13:13
*m___ has quit (connection closed)Oct 12 13:13
psydruidAnd these days you have something called BalooOct 12 13:13
psydruidTracker on GNOMEOct 12 13:13
psydruidI don't know why they force these things onto peopleOct 12 13:14
the_janitorcontrol.Oct 12 13:14
psydruidIf I want such a thing, I will enable it myselfOct 12 13:14
schestowitz[TR]my kde has tracker alsoOct 12 13:14
schestowitz[TR]maybe flatpak brought it?Oct 12 13:14
psydruidI honestly don't know where these things are coming from anymoreOct 12 13:15
schestowitz-TR2they ask us to buy new machinexOct 12 13:15
schestowitz-TR2expensive machinesOct 12 13:15
schestowitz-TR2throw the old onesOct 12 13:15
psydruidbut I know I won't run KDE on any lower-end hardware, as it's just too slowOct 12 13:15
schestowitz-TR2to use SOMEONE ELSE'S programsOct 12 13:15
schestowitz-TR2that spy and mine dataOct 12 13:15
schestowitz-TR2like WIndowsOct 12 13:15
psydruidhere MATE is just the last step before I switch to a window managerOct 12 13:15
schestowitz-TR2why doesn't Microsoft ship machines to people free of charge?Oct 12 13:15
schestowitz-TR2it controls these machines anywayOct 12 13:16
psydruideverything else is more bloated and slowerOct 12 13:16
schestowitz-TR2like spy meters and BT Home SpiesOct 12 13:16
schestowitz-TR2Now it's "Smart" Spy IIOct 12 13:16
psydruidthey want you to pay but want to retain controlOct 12 13:16
schestowitz-TR2it rebooted on its own last nightOct 12 13:16
psydruidthey can't have it both waysOct 12 13:16
schestowitz-TR2after a silent firmware update yesterday eveningOct 12 13:16
psydruidI can use Vista, but you'll have to pay me a lot of money for itOct 12 13:17
schestowitz-TR2techrights gemini capsule was down 4+ hours as a resultOct 12 13:17
psydruidand it will never be used at homeOct 12 13:17
schestowitz-TR2a device in our home, remotely controlled by BTOct 12 13:17
schestowitz-TR2at least they don't yet have microphones and camerasOct 12 13:18
psydruidfor a few jobs I had to use Vista, but then I just ran whatever software was needed for the job on it and the rest in a VM with GNU/LinuxOct 12 13:18
schestowitz-TR2they might use "Smart" 'assistant" to peddle thoseOct 12 13:18
schestowitz-TR2like so-called smart TVsOct 12 13:18
*m___ (~Adium@ph4anndkq8npe.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 13:18
schestowitz-TR2then you go openwrtOct 12 13:18
schestowitz-TR2and then say, NO! No service!Oct 12 13:18
schestowitz-TR2so basically, no home connectionOct 12 13:18
psydruidso I never actually experienced the various ways in which Vista messed up, because I was only using like 5% of its (dis)functionalityOct 12 13:18
schestowitz-TR2unless you consent to CCTV and state-connected microphones inside your homeOct 12 13:19
schestowitz-TR2maybe 5 years from nowOct 12 13:19
psydruidwelcome to a brave new world!Oct 12 13:19
schestowitz-TR2for your safety!Oct 12 13:19
schestowitz-TR2there's a "virus" out thereOct 12 13:19
schestowitz-TR2"I know, I knowOct 12 13:19
schestowitz-TR2Alexander JohnsonOct 12 13:19
schestowitz-TR2he gave us brexitOct 12 13:19
schestowitz-TR2instead of petrolOct 12 13:20
schestowitz-TR2he gave covid freedom to spread back in julyOct 12 13:20
schestowitz-TR2covid enjoys this freedomOct 12 13:20
schestowitz-TR21:20pm hereOct 12 13:20
schestowitz-TR2at 4pm we'll see home many "freedoms" covid found todayOct 12 13:20
schestowitz-TR2roughly 40k I reckonOct 12 13:20
schestowitz-TR2"what doesn't kill you make you stronger"Oct 12 13:20
schestowitz-TR2"FREEDOM1"Oct 12 13:21
schestowitz-TR2covid can infect you half a dozen timesOct 12 13:21
schestowitz-TR2until it does in fact kill you or leaves you permanently disableOct 12 13:21
schestowitz-TR2*ledOct 12 13:21
schestowitz-TR2in the US, this celeb called "Fedora Guy" was left disabled by COVIDOct 12 13:21
schestowitz-TR2he's only about 30 Oct 12 13:21
schestowitz-TR2obesity contributed to thisOct 12 13:21
psydruidso far it's been one serious case lasting two months for me and then two "vaccines" messed me up for several more weeksOct 12 13:22
gustaf 12 13:22
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 13:22
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 13:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Covid: UK's early response worst public health failure ever, MPs say - BBC NewsOct 12 13:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Covid: UK's early response worst public health failure ever, MPs say - BBC NewsOct 12 13:22
schestowitz-TR2Over 10 years ago RMS predicted "Smart" microwavesOct 12 13:22
schestowitz-TR2he was rightOct 12 13:22
schestowitz-TR2but ridiculed for it back thenOct 12 13:22
gustafthe recent Let's Encrypt root CA change revealed that ~8yr old "smart" TVs won't work with TLSOct 12 13:23
*CParadoxum_ (~quassel@m4gsqtdgyy73q.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 13:23
gustafbecause no-one is bothering to update them Oct 12 13:23
schestowitz-TR2gustaf: or the computer I type from right nowOct 12 13:23
schestowitz-TR2I had to delete tons of things to stop the constant naggingOct 12 13:24
gustafand that;s just hte first of a number of root CA expirations Oct 12 13:24
*activelow has quit (connection closed)Oct 12 13:24
schestowitz-TR2it's also a design mistakeOct 12 13:24
schestowitz-TR2'security' where certs expire without any consideration given to firewalled devices that can otherwise become broken windowsOct 12 13:24
gustafPKI is hard, man Oct 12 13:25
schestowitz-TR2planned obsolescene by FAKE securityOct 12 13:25
schestowitz-TR2gustaf: it's hardOct 12 13:25
psydruidnot shipping source code and making it easy to replace whatever is running on your device should be considered a crimeOct 12 13:25
schestowitz-TR2which makes it worseOct 12 13:25
schestowitz-TR2raises access barrierOct 12 13:25
schestowitz-TR2less self-hostingOct 12 13:25
schestowitz-TR2more centralisationOct 12 13:25
schestowitz-TR2and more breaches as a resultOct 12 13:25
gustafpsydruid: why? planned obsolescense ;)Oct 12 13:25
schestowitz-TR2bigger breaches each timeOct 12 13:25
gustafmo' money Oct 12 13:25
schestowitz-TR2like 2-billion headcount breachesOct 12 13:25
schestowitz-TR2gustaf: when people start eating people they stop caring much about man-made "money"Oct 12 13:26
schestowitz-TR2there are many reports lately of water shortagesOct 12 13:26
schestowitz-TR2in almost every continentOct 12 13:26
schestowitz-TR2I hardly saw such reports 10-20 years agoOct 12 13:26
*activelow (~activelow@vf9uspfbqtzpu.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 13:26
schestowitz-TR2EVEN HERE IN MANCHESTEROct 12 13:26
schestowitz-TR2we get alarming emails each weekOct 12 13:27
schestowitz-TR2that water is running lowOct 12 13:27
schestowitz-TR2like half what it should be this time of yearOct 12 13:27
*m___ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Oct 12 13:28
*m___ (~Adium@ph4anndkq8npe.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 13:29
GNUmoon2schestowitz: might be of interest: 12 13:30
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 13:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Oct 12 13:30
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 13:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GRAIN | How the Gates Foundation is driving the food system, in the wrong directionOct 12 13:30
schestowitz-TR2GNUmoon2: we covered it many timesOct 12 13:30
DaemonFCWell, Kubuntu 21.10 is pretty nice.Oct 12 13:30
schestowitz-TR2over a decade agoOct 12 13:30
DaemonFCThe Wayland session seems to work.Oct 12 13:30
techrights-newsPowerful Linux laptop RTX 3080 Kubuntu Focus Gen 3 M2 workstation • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 13:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Powerful Linux laptop RTX 3080 Kubuntu Focus Gen 3 M2 workstation | Tux MachinesOct 12 13:30
*aprates has quit (Quit: WeeChat 3.3)Oct 12 13:30
GNUmoon2schestowitz: I had a search through techrights, but I could not find a link for it, so I posted here.Oct 12 13:31
*m___ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 13:31
GNUmoon2Just for a reference.Oct 12 13:32
schestowitz-TR2thanks, I'll shareOct 12 13:32
techrights-news#Top 5 Most Stable Linux Distributions in 2021 • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 13:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Top 5 Most Stable Linux Distributions in 2021 | Tux MachinesOct 12 13:33
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR2, I may review Kubuntu later.Oct 12 13:35
gustaf80 more deaths until 15K deaths here in Sweden Oct 12 13:35
DaemonFCIt seems to be a better option than KDE on Debian.Oct 12 13:35
gustaflast round 1,000 was in Apr 24Oct 12 13:35
schestowitz[TR]you use masksOct 12 13:36
schestowitz[TR]unlike the covidiots here?Oct 12 13:36
gustafnot any more , all restrictions lifted since 2 weeks back Oct 12 13:36
gustafbut I still see people wearing them Oct 12 13:36
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR], No masks are a big problem there?Oct 12 13:37
techrights-news[Older] How the #GatesFoundation is driving the food system, in the wrong direction criminal foundation 12 13:37
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 13:37
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 13:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Gates Foundation Critique - TechrightsOct 12 13:37
techrights-news"Another update to Proton Experimental has landed as of October 11 bringing with it more fixes and even more Windows games are now working on Linux." 12 13:38
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 13:38
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 13:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Proton Experimental sees GreedFall, Eve Online and Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl working | GamingOnLinuxOct 12 13:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Oct 12 13:38
schestowitz-TR2[13:36] <gustaf> but I still see people wearing them Oct 12 13:39
schestowitz-TR2they ought toOct 12 13:39
techrights-newsHelping to keep your game library tidy #Lutris 0.5.9 is out supporting Epic Games Store | GamingOnLinux ⚓ ䷉ #GamingOnLinux #GNU #Linux #GamesOct 12 13:40
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 13:40
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 13:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Helping to keep your game library tidy Lutris 0.5.9 is out supporting Epic Games Store | GamingOnLinuxOct 12 13:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Oct 12 13:40
*activelow has quit (connection closed)Oct 12 13:50
*activelow (~activelow@yaf5revuadim4.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 13:50
techrights-newsTill Jaeger +++ Youth Hacking 4 Freedom +++ SFScon 2021 free labour or #slavery for corporate PR 12 13:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Till Jaeger +++ Youth Hacking 4 Freedom +++ SFScon 2021 - FSFEOct 12 13:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google, FSFE & Child laborOct 12 13:51
techrights-newsAnkush Das should really know better than to participate in #microsoft #googlebombing attack against #gnu #linux (also, #wsl is NOT FOSS). #itsfossOct 12 13:53
techrights-newsDon't help #microsoft attack #gnu #linux ... that is EXACTLY what #wsl2 functions as and you're not helping anybody but Microsoft when you give it publicity 12 13:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Edge on “Linux” Puff Pieces and WSL2 Fake “Linux” | TechrightsOct 12 13:55
techrights-newsxkcd: New #NobelPrizes ⚓ ䷉ #xkcdOct 12 13:55
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 13:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-xkcd: New Nobel PrizesOct 12 13:55
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 13:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | xkcd: New Nobel PrizesOct 12 13:55
techrights-newsYou're dreaming, Richard. Just because #biden is "not Trump" doesn't mean he'll put down the military-industrial complex 12 13:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 2021: July - October Political Notes - Richard StallmanOct 12 13:59
techrights-newsThe developer of the Better app may quit and remove the app from the #Apple store due to Apple’s #privacy violations. 12 14:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Developer of the “Better” App, Which Provides a Content Blocker for Safari, Considers Quitting Due to Apple’s Plans to Invade Users’ Privacy With “CSAM” Scanner. | TechrightsOct 12 14:00
techrights-newsYesterday I was surfing the web when I found out that #LKML , a centralized place to see what’s going on in #Linux #kernel development, was attempting to load an ad script from a company called #BuySellAds dot com 12 14:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla Firefox Takes Another Step in the Direction of Being Malware With “Firefox Suggest” | TechrightsOct 12 14:01
techrights-newsChild labout and PR for Google? 12 14:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google, FSFE & Child labor | Tux MachinesOct 12 14:02
techrights-newsThis should be based on skills and experience, not quotas based upon skin colour 12 14:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Lack of black councillors in Middlesbough | The Northern EchoOct 12 14:04
techrights-newsSad but not shocking to see #CNXSoftware helping #microsoft with #googlebombing of #linux ... as they already take sponsorships to push Windows #malware every now and then :/Oct 12 14:05
techrights-news#microsoft INNOVA~1: we make even PENS not work. 12 14:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to fix Surface Pen not writing on Surface TabletOct 12 14:07
the_janitora question to all of my new, tech savvy camarades: how the hell do i set feh to work inside of lynx? Oct 12 14:08
the_janitorsearch results are bunk.Oct 12 14:08
schestowitz-TR2feh the wallpaper tool?Oct 12 14:08
schestowitz-TR2lynx is CLI softwareOct 12 14:08
schestowitz-TR2feh will run in the canvasOct 12 14:09
schestowitz-TR2kde, openbox etc.Oct 12 14:09
the_janitorfeh is an image viewer but yeah i should be able to set feh inside the lynx cfg file so that when i hit an image link it opens inside of feh but the way to do that is insanely archane and beyond my savvy.Oct 12 14:09
schestowitz[TR] feh --bg-fill --randomize /media/roy/c3fd5b6e-794f-4f24-b3e7-b4ead3722f11/home/roy/Main/Graphics/Wallpapers/Single\ Head/natgeo/* &Oct 12 14:10
schestowitz[TR]to use one exampleOct 12 14:10
the_janitorin the lynx cfg?!Oct 12 14:11
schestowitz[TR]no ideaOct 12 14:11
schestowitz[TR]you can run lynx in konsoleOct 12 14:11
schestowitz[TR]and set console to use background pictureOct 12 14:11
the_janitorrighto cheers.Oct 12 14:12
schestowitz-TR2does techrights look ok in  lynx?Oct 12 14:13
schestowitz-TR2I've not tried in agesOct 12 14:13
the_janitorwill give that a try now :)Oct 12 14:13
techrights-news#wsl2 is an awful "product". Stop spamming it for #microsoft ... leave that to the Microsoft paid-for propaganda sites of Microsoft. Even the #WSL devs are deserting. 12 14:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Death of WSL and WSL2 | TechrightsOct 12 14:14
the_janitorschestowitz-TR2: it's grand - easily readable even for somebody with dyslexia.Oct 12 14:15
techrights-news2020: Only About 150,000 People Worldwide Use #WSL2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux) • 𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤 ⚓ ䷉ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 12 14:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Only About 150,000 People Worldwide Use WSL2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux) | TechrightsOct 12 14:15
techrights-newsThose are #GNU programs (many of them). They're not "LINUX" at all. 12 14:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Oct 12 14:18
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 14:18
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 14:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @ )Oct 12 14:18
*m___ (~Adium@ph4anndkq8npe.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 14:19
techrights-news#redhat #ibm outsourcing code to #microsoft #proprietarySoftware #monopoly again 12 14:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Create a timer on Linux | Opensource.comOct 12 14:20
techrights-news#Debian 11.1 Bullseye and 10.11 Buster Available 12 14:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Debian GNU/Linux 11.1 "Bullseye" Released with 24 Security Updates and 75 Bug Fixes | Tux MachinesOct 12 14:23
techrights-newsJust added Update #3: The latest #Microsoft reputation laundering by #MicrosoftTim this week. #theregister #deletegithub #plunder 12 14:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft GitHub is for Theft by Microsoft (Stealing Other People’s Work) | TechrightsOct 12 14:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Delete Github - TechrightsOct 12 14:25
techrights-news" #Mozilla disappoints again, a beacon of hope in the mobile world, whether the future of the Internet really is a dystopian nightmare, and the usual #KDE goodness in the Korner." #gnu #linuxOct 12 14:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Late Night Linux – Episode 146 – Late Night LinuxOct 12 14:27
techrights-news"Most of the Emacs integrated environment is written in the #programming language called #Emacs #Lisp ." 12 14:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Excellent Free Tutorials to Learn Emacs Lisp - LinuxLinksOct 12 14:29
techrights-news#Games: Proton Experimental, Lutris, and More • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 14:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games: Proton Experimental, Lutris, and More | Tux MachinesOct 12 14:30
techrights-newsToday’s #HowTos | #UNIX • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 14:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesOct 12 14:30
techrights-newsCome on, Red Hat, IBM killed people, not only jobs ⚓ ䷉ #RedHat #IBM #GNU #Linux 12 14:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Will IT automation kill my job? | Enable SysadminOct 12 14:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IBM - TechrightsOct 12 14:33
techrights-news#ibm should know this because there's a major staff #exodus inside IBM and even #redhat 12 14:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The great resignation: 14 stats on the state of the IT career market | The Enterprisers ProjectOct 12 14:34
*psymin (~psymin@me3biw7mdts84.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 14:34
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techrights-news#Fatdog64 811 works real nice ⚓ ䷉ #bkhome #gnu #linux #puppylinuxOct 12 14:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fatdog64 811 works real niceOct 12 14:35
techrights-newsHa! Coming from #ibm #redhat which imposes #proprietarySoftware #surveillance like #slack on workers who are home. Why not rootkit them, too? 12 14:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tools and practices for remote development teams | Red Hat DeveloperOct 12 14:37
techrights-news#redhat is already Bluewashed and that's why many people are leaving. They also don't want to wait for #ibm to formally lay them off...Oct 12 14:38
techrights-news#Linux Developers Push Urgent Patches... 12 14:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kernel: NVDEC and x86 | Tux MachinesOct 12 14:44
techrights-news#Python Takes First Place in #TIOBE Programming Languages ​​Ranking - ⚓ ䷉ #ProgrammingOct 12 14:47
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 14:47
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 14:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Python Takes First Place in TIOBE Programming Languages ​​Ranking - itsfoss.netOct 12 14:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @ )Oct 12 14:47
techrights-news#IBM / #RedHat Leftovers • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 14:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IBM/Red Hat Leftovers | Tux MachinesOct 12 14:49
*DaemonFC has quit (connection closed)Oct 12 14:50
techrights-news#Qubes OS 4.1-rc1 has been released! • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 14:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Qubes OS 4.1-rc1 has been released! | Tux MachinesOct 12 14:50
MinceR(cat) 12 14:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (5905736)Oct 12 14:50
techrights-news#RaspberryPi Minitel Project Adds Portability to Retro Computer • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 14:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raspberry Pi Minitel Project Adds Portability to Retro Computer | Tux MachinesOct 12 14:50
schestowitz[TR]MinceR: 12 14:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Hungarian-Style Soft Fascism is the GOP’s Ruthless New Brand - CounterPunch.orgOct 12 14:52
techrights-news#sony and #gplcompliance 12 14:52
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 14:52
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 14:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Sony accelerates on OpenSource and Linux in particular - itsfoss.netOct 12 14:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 500 @ )Oct 12 14:53
MinceRschestowitz[TR]: i just finished reading itOct 12 14:54
techrights-newsLinux #x86 FPU Code Getting Reworked In Preparation For Intel AMX - Phoronix ⚓ ䷉ #Phoronix #Kernel #Linux 🐧Oct 12 14:55
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 14:55
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 14:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Linux x86 FPU Code Getting Reworked In Preparation For Intel AMX - PhoronixOct 12 14:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux x86 FPU Code Getting Reworked In Preparation For Intel AMX - PhoronixOct 12 14:55
techrights-news#Intel Posts Latest DG2/Alchemist Linux Patches In Requiring 64K Page Size Handling - Phoronix ⚓ ䷉ #Phoronix #Kernel #Linux 🐧Oct 12 14:56
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 14:56
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 14:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Intel Posts Latest DG2/Alchemist Linux Patches In Requiring 64K Page Size Handling - PhoronixOct 12 14:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Intel Posts Latest DG2/Alchemist Linux Patches In Requiring 64K Page Size Handling - PhoronixOct 12 14:56
techrights-news#Gnome 40: A Look Into the Upgraded Desktop Environment • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 14:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Gnome 40: A Look Into the Upgraded Desktop Environment | Tux MachinesOct 12 14:59
techrights-newsAutomate image processing with this Bash script | ⚓ ䷉ #FreeSW #RedHat #IBM #GNU #LinuxOct 12 15:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Automate image processing with this Bash script | Opensource.comOct 12 15:00
techrights-news"We're wrapping up another great week with the following activities from the #Apache community..." 12 15:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Apache News Round-up: week ending 8 October 2021 : The Apache Software Foundation BlogOct 12 15:01
techrights-news#Intel Tiger Lake Performance Across Five Autumn 2021 Linux Distributions • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines #benchmarkOct 12 15:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Intel Tiger Lake Performance Across Five Autumn 2021 Linux Distributions | Tux MachinesOct 12 15:01
techrights-news#Rakudo Weekly News: 2021.41 Different Patterns #rakulang #programmingOct 12 15:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 2021.41 Different Patterns – Rakudo Weekly NewsOct 12 15:03
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@swdc7insvgbjg.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 15:03
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR2, Both my laptops run Kubuntu 21.10 fine.Oct 12 15:03
schestowitz-TR2should beOct 12 15:03
DaemonFCThe KDE Wayland session even works properly.Oct 12 15:03
schestowitz-TR2and you know how to configure the routerOct 12 15:03
DaemonFCDebian 11's KDE just isn't where it needs to be on that.Oct 12 15:03
schestowitz-TR2wayland is not compatible with many things I doOct 12 15:04
schestowitz-TR2so IBM and Intel are just messing about and breaking thingsOct 12 15:04
schestowitz-TR2Debian 11 is x11Oct 12 15:04
schestowitz-TR2or xorg/xserverOct 12 15:04
schestowitz-TR2you try to make it do something it's not trying toOct 12 15:04
DaemonFCNonetheless, KDE stopped bothering to fix issues with the KWin on X11 session.Oct 12 15:04
DaemonFCDebian 11 uses Wayland on the GNOME edition.Oct 12 15:05
schestowitz-TR2works fine for me in Debian 11Oct 12 15:05
schestowitz-TR2*10Oct 12 15:05
schestowitz-TR2so Debian 11 becomes more like an LTS Fedora cloneOct 12 15:05
schestowitz-TR2at least we have alternatives readyOct 12 15:05
DaemonFCI think that either Debian 11 or Ubuntu 21.10 should work fine with GNOME.Oct 12 15:05
DaemonFCBut with KDE, Kubuntu 21.10 is preferable.Oct 12 15:05
DaemonFCThe setup program is better, the Wayland support is better, there's been a major GUI overhaul that I think is better, and it uses less memory now.Oct 12 15:06
DaemonFCWell, the KDE Remote Desktop program should work under Wayland.Oct 12 15:07
schestowitz-TR2it's based on DebianOct 12 15:07
DaemonFCIt doesn't have any hard dependencies on X.Oct 12 15:07
schestowitz-TR2some things doOct 12 15:07
schestowitz-TR2like various x-specific commandsOct 12 15:07
DaemonFCYes, Kubuntu is _based_ on Debian, but it's not Debian. I don't even think there is a way to run current KDE packages on Debian.Oct 12 15:07
schestowitz-TR2maybe not the GUIs that you useOct 12 15:07
DaemonFCUnless you use some Testing version I guess.Oct 12 15:08
DaemonFCGNOME is sort of boring. It's there, it works, it doesn't look bad (anymore).Oct 12 15:08
DaemonFCI suppose as far as workstation roles go, it makes sense for Debian to default to it.Oct 12 15:09
DaemonFCX11 is rotting away terribly, and Ubuntu defaults to it in GNOME, but that's just a default.Oct 12 15:09
schestowitz-TR2how is x11 rotting away?Oct 12 15:09
schestowitz-TR2it's stableOct 12 15:09
schestowitz-TR2and still patched when it needs patchesOct 12 15:10
schestowitz-TR2I think you fell for IBM FUDOct 12 15:10
schestowitz-TR2and propaganda tacticsOct 12 15:10
schestowitz-TR2systemd is rejected by ChromeOSOct 12 15:10
schestowitz-TR2so alternatives for init and other parts will still existOct 12 15:10
schestowitz-TR2and some distros will use themOct 12 15:10
schestowitz[TR] 12 15:11
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 15:11
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 15:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kubuntu Focus unveiled powerful M2 Linux laptop - Geeky GadgetsOct 12 15:11
DaemonFCWell, KDE hasn't bothered to fix any of their issues on X11 for a very long time now.Oct 12 15:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @ )Oct 12 15:11
schestowitz-TR2like, what?Oct 12 15:11
DaemonFCAll of the heavy development has been on the Wayland session, which has finally paid off.Oct 12 15:11
DaemonFCBut it just doesn't work well on HiDPI displayes with X11.Oct 12 15:11
DaemonFCThere's weird and inconsistent scaling problems.Oct 12 15:12
DaemonFCFonts look bad, the mouse cursor changes sizes depending on what you're hovering over, icons are too small.Oct 12 15:12
DaemonFCIn the latest KDE, you log into Wayland, hit scale to 200%, and BAM, everything looks good.Oct 12 15:13
DaemonFCDone.Oct 12 15:13
MinceRi doubt itOct 12 15:13
MinceRphosh uses HiDPI by default, and it has some rough edgesOct 12 15:13
MinceRlike stuff using some other toolkit than GTK+ tends to end up being pixelatedOct 12 15:13
DaemonFCKWin's X11 session is usable on HiDPI, but it's inconsistent to the point of jarring.Oct 12 15:13
MinceRand would work better without magnificationOct 12 15:13
DaemonFCEither way works on a 1920x1080 display though.Oct 12 15:14
MinceRbut if i turn it off, GTK apps become a pain to use with a touchscreenOct 12 15:14
DaemonFCI think schestowitz-TR2 was wondering why I learned to just install GNOME and be done with it.Oct 12 15:14
DaemonFCA lot of it was THAT laptop.Oct 12 15:14
DaemonFCI'd look at any other desktop and go "Ugh, it's <year>....Why is this still a problem?".Oct 12 15:15
MinceR   ( )Oct 12 15:15
altlink_051📣 is Cloudflare domain.Oct 12 15:15
altlink_051🙆 Alternative: 12 15:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Cyanide & Happiness ( 12 15:15
DaemonFCBut Kubuntu 21.10 is great with a couple of tweaks.Oct 12 15:15
DaemonFCI generally tend to rate desktops as good or crap based on several initial impressions. Are they consistent? Do they have jank when I go to pull down a menu or move a window? Is it relatively easy to use? What's the resource consumption like?Oct 12 15:16
DaemonFCThe Explorer Shell on Windows is probably the lowest in my opinion.Oct 12 15:17
DaemonFCThe latest KDE or GNOME are good.Oct 12 15:17
DaemonFCAs far as depending on some sort of hardware acceleration, why not?Oct 12 15:18
DaemonFCEvery PC since Windows Vista has a good enough graphics chip to run KWin with the OpenGL 2 backend, on Wayland.Oct 12 15:18
MinceRbecause they tend to depend on hw acceleration for fancy effects that hinder usage of the systemOct 12 15:19
DaemonFCI'd be disappointed if they weren't trying to leverage the hardware that's there anyway.Oct 12 15:19
MinceRanimations that waste the user's time and things like thatOct 12 15:19
MinceRand they can trigger GPU driver bugsOct 12 15:19
DaemonFCThen the bugs should be fixed.Oct 12 15:19
*blitzed (~blitzed@8nsxk9ybwst9i.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 15:20
MinceRyesOct 12 15:20
MinceRand i would like to have a ponyOct 12 15:20
DaemonFCAlso, there was a debate about this a while back and GTK actually performed better using llvmpipe than framebuffer.Oct 12 15:21
DaemonFCSo it's not like it's doing something worse than it was before, even with llvmpipe as the fallback.Oct 12 15:21
*CrystalMath (~coderain@hdqpa5tfmmibi.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 15:23
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DaemonFC 12 15:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla Firefox Takes Another Step in the Direction of Being Malware With “Firefox Suggest” | TechrightsOct 12 15:25
*psydroid3 (~psydroid@cqggrmwgu7gji.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 15:25
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR2, ^ I messed that up a little.Oct 12 15:25
DaemonFCI meant to say Manjaro.Oct 12 15:26
DaemonFC 12 15:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Vivaldi is the default browser on Manjaro Linux Cinnamon | Vivaldi BrowserOct 12 15:26
DaemonFCVivaldi is less overtly hostile to the user than Firefox.Oct 12 15:26
*psydroid2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 15:26
*GNUmoon2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 15:26
DaemonFCAnd it manages to keep resource comsumption down.Oct 12 15:26
*schestowitz[TR] has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 15:26
DaemonFCRunning Wordpress in Writer mode really causes Firefox to spin up the CPU.Oct 12 15:27
*GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@bsgdwgkyty4d4.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 15:27
DaemonFCIt does on Vivaldi too and then it seems to realize something's wrong and rate limit the page.Oct 12 15:27
*schestowitz (~roy@62vhapicsw4ds.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 15:27
* sets mode +q #techrights schestowitzOct 12 15:27
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DaemonFCschestowitz-TR2, I don't suppose there's much in the way of long term gain by using Ubuntu. They're clearly in trouble.Oct 12 15:46
DaemonFCThey hawk WSL, and while I suppose that doesn't affect Kubuntu a lot day to day, eww.Oct 12 15:46
DaemonFCNice message there.Oct 12 15:47
DaemonFC"Why even bother installing our OS? Get a Linux simulator for Windows that uses some of our binaries!"Oct 12 15:47
schestowitz-TR2they get paid to not competeOct 12 15:49
schestowitz-TR2Zemlin alsoOct 12 15:49
schestowitz-TR2the whole thing is soldOct 12 15:49
*mib_rgph8p (~5198ef1a@kjvq8jm9s83qu.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 15:50
DaemonFCThere's all sorts of hacks around bugs in WSL itself where something in "Linux" just doesn't line up properly with the Windows Host and disaster ensues.Oct 12 15:51
techrights-news#Multiboot USB Creator Ventoy Adds a GUI Mode to Its Live ISO Image • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 15:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Multiboot USB Creator Ventoy Adds a GUI Mode to Its Live ISO Image | Tux MachinesOct 12 15:52
schestowitz-TR2DaemonFC: WSL failedOct 12 15:52
schestowitz-TR2the devs leftOct 12 15:52
schestowitz-TR2they just use it for googlebombing nowOct 12 15:52
DaemonFC 12 15:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Linux Fu: WSL Tricks Blur The Windows/Linux Line | HackadayOct 12 15:52
schestowitz-TR2to signal to gnu/linux people that windows=windows+1Oct 12 15:52
DaemonFC"Given the choice, we’ll just use Linux. Honestly, if your workflow is mostly Web-based, it hardly matters anymore. You load Chrome or your choice of browser and everything works. Of course, our Linux boxes tend to be way more efficient and also stay running better than Windows.Oct 12 15:52
DaemonFCHowever, if you find yourself using Windows, Cygwin has long been a big help. Now WSL is another tool to get your Linux tools on a Microsoft-controlled box."Oct 12 15:52
schestowitz-TR2Microsoft-controlledOct 12 15:53
DaemonFCLOLOct 12 15:53
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR2, Sometimes it's the simple things that get you.Oct 12 15:53
DaemonFCSo, uh, I figured out the numlock thing with GNOME.Oct 12 15:53
DaemonFCIt turns it on but doesn't make the light come on.Oct 12 15:53
DaemonFCSo the numpad works, but there's no light, then if you press it, the light comes on and it doesn't work.Oct 12 15:54
DaemonFCWhatever.Oct 12 15:54
DaemonFCNow that I know that GNOME just don't activate the light and the numerical keys work, I can stop messing with it going what the hell is wrong with this thing.Oct 12 15:54
DaemonFCI probably should have checked what the keys were actually doing.Oct 12 15:54
techrights-newsHigh-performance embedded #DBMS #libmdbx 0.10.4 and #libfpta 0.3.9 released - ⚓ ䷉ #ItsFOSSOct 12 15:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-High-performance embedded DBMS libmdbx 0.10.4 and libfpta 0.3.9 released - itsfoss.netOct 12 15:55
DaemonFCIf that wasn't bad enough, some Arch Linux users say that the systemd service that Arch made for turning on your numlock key at boot turns on the light, but then the buttons don't work.Oct 12 15:56
DaemonFCBut a couple of them say that it totally messed up their computer.Oct 12 15:56
techrights-newsIt's Ada Lovelace Day! Learn the #Ada #programming language in 2021 | ⚓ ䷉ #FreeSW #RedHat #IBMOct 12 15:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-It's Ada Lovelace Day! Learn the Ada programming language in 2021 | Opensource.comOct 12 15:56
*inky_ (~inky@ has joined #techrightsOct 12 15:56
DaemonFC" GarySeven21 commented on 2020-07-15 10:34Oct 12 15:57
DaemonFCJust tried out of curiosity and doesn't work. Upon installation it "semi-broke" my Arch Cinnamon DE install by also uninstalling the following (output from Pamac log): [2020-07-15T10:49:50+0200] [ALPM] removed systemd-numlockontty (0.1-12) [2020-07-15T10:49:50+0200] [ALPM] removed vulkan-icd-loader (1.2.146-1) [2020-07-15T10:49:50+0200] [ALPM] removed dhcpcd (9.1.4-1) [2020-07-15T10:49:50+0200] [ALPM] removed dav1d (0.7.1-1) [2020-07-15T10:49:50Oct 12 15:57
DaemonFC+0200] [ALPM] removed ffmpeg (2:4.2.3-2) [2020-07-15T10:49:50+0200] [ALPM] removed chromaprint (1.5.0-1) [2020-07-15T10:49:50+0200] [ALPM] removed gst-plugins-bad (1.16.2-13) [2020-07-15T10:49:50+0200] [ALPM] removed libplacebo (1.29.1-3) [2020-07-15T10:49:50+0200] [ALPM] removed gstreamer-vaapi (1.16.2-2) [2020-07-15T10:49:50+0200] [ALPM] removed vlc (3.0.11-1) [2020-07-15T10:49:50+0200] [ALPM] removed ffmpegthumbnailer (2.2.2-2) Oct 12 15:57
DaemonFC[2020-07-15T10:49:50+0200] [ALPM] removed firefox (78.0.1-1) [2020-07-15T10:49:50+0200] [ALPM] removed gst-libav (1.16.2-2) [2020-07-15T10:49:50+0200] [ALPM] removed guvcview-common (2.0.6-5) [2020-07-15T10:49:50+0200] [ALPM] removed mencoder (38157-2) [2020-07-15T10:49:50+0200] [ALPM] removed transcode (1.1.7-33) [2020-07-15T10:49:50+0200] [ALPM] removed xine-lib (1.2.10-4) [2020-07-15T10:49:50+0200] [ALPM] removed guvcview (2.0.6-5) Oct 12 15:57
DaemonFC[2020-07-15T10:49:50+0200] [ALPM] removed quodlibet (4.3.0-2) [2020-07-14T10:37:46+0200] [ALPM] installed systemd-numlockontty (0.1-12)Oct 12 15:57
DaemonFC"Oct 12 15:57
DaemonFCAnd you thought the dependency matrix on Debian was fucked.Oct 12 15:57
DaemonFC:/Oct 12 15:57
techrights-news#mozilla puts a "Sheriff" in #firefox 12 15:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Performance Sheriff Newsletter (August 2021) – Mozilla PerformanceOct 12 15:58
techrights-newsTriaging #Debian build failure logs with collab-qa-tools - Antonio Terceiro ⚓ ䷉ #terceiro #ruby #programmingOct 12 15:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Triaging Debian build failure logs with collab-qa-tools - Antonio TerceiroOct 12 15:59
*inky has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Oct 12 16:00
techrights-news"SUSE Enterprise Storage, SUSE’s software-defined storage product based on Ceph, doesn’t appear to have made the cut. According to their support pages, it is scheduled for End of Life with milestones in January 2021 and 2022." 12 16:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-SUSE Enterprise Storage: What next? | UbuntuOct 12 16:01
*techrights-ipfs-bot (~techrights-ipfs-bot@62vhapicsw4ds.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 16:01
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▂▃▄▆▇▅▅▆▄▅▆▇▅▆▄▅▆▅▁▂▄▅▅▅▄▅▂▅▆▃▅▇▅▅▆▄▅▁ avg(k/sec) 24.63 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▂▂▁▂▁▂▃▄▁▁▂▂▂▁▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▁▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▄▁▂▂▁ avg(k/sec) 6.83▕ swarm size (avg): 261.00  ⟲Oct 12 16:01
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▂▃▄▆▇▅▅▆▄▅▆▇▅▆▄▅▆▅▁▂▄▅▅▅▄▅▂▅▆▃▅▇▅▅▆▄▅▁ avg(k/sec) 24.63 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▂▂▁▂▁▂▃▄▁▁▂▂▂▁▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▁▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▄▁▂▂▁ avg(k/sec) 6.83▕ swarm size (avg): 261.00  ⟲Oct 12 16:01
techrights-news#Arkime 3.1 network traffic indexing system is available - ⚓ Apache 2.0 licenseOct 12 16:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Arkime 3.1 network traffic indexing system is available - itsfoss.netOct 12 16:01
DaemonFC /home/ryanf/Music/Bob Marley/[2002] Legend [Deluxe Edition]/10-I Shot the Sheriff.opusOct 12 16:02
techrights-newsThe latest Linux release candidate... 12 16:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kernel: NVDEC and x86 | Tux MachinesOct 12 16:03
schestowitz-TR2DaemonFC: did you???Oct 12 16:04
techrights-news#suse : your data. For the Pentagon. In the name (or buzzword) of #clowncomputing 12 16:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Ready to Solve for What's Next? Join SUSE at Google Cloud Next! | SUSE CommunitiesOct 12 16:06
DaemonFC:)Oct 12 16:07
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR2, I was talking to that T-Mobile support lady. She asked what operating system I was using.Oct 12 16:07
schestowitz-TR2tell herOct 12 16:07
schestowitz-TR2I shot the sherriff OSOct 12 16:07
DaemonFCSo I had to explain Debian shortly, and then she asked what VPN I was using.Oct 12 16:07
schestowitz-TR2*sheriffOct 12 16:07
DaemonFCI like how they're all like why do you use a VPN at most ISPs.Oct 12 16:08
schestowitz-TR2DPIOct 12 16:08
DaemonFC"Becuase it's none of your business what I am doing."Oct 12 16:08
schestowitz-TR2it harms their farming of dataOct 12 16:08
schestowitz-TR2they charge you moneyOct 12 16:08
schestowitz-TR2and then sell youOct 12 16:08
schestowitz-TR2DaemonFC: [15:58] <techrights-news> #mozilla puts a "Sheriff" in #firefox 12 16:09
schestowitz-TR2SheriffOct 12 16:09
schestowitz-TR2creepy name, imhoOct 12 16:09
schestowitz-TR2what next?Oct 12 16:09
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR2, This has been around forever.Oct 12 16:09
schestowitz-TR2but the name?Oct 12 16:10
DaemonFCIt's Mozilla jargon.Oct 12 16:10
DaemonFCYes.Oct 12 16:10
techrights-newsAn alternative search tool for #LibreOffice Writer - Linux Magazine ⚓ ䷉ #LinuxMagazine #FreeSW #GNU #LinuxOct 12 16:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AltSearch » Linux MagazineOct 12 16:10
schestowitz-TR2DaemonFC: they're bakering lots of spyware into FirefoxOct 12 16:10
schestowitz-TR2mind the punOct 12 16:11
schestowitz-TR2there's is "Glean"Oct 12 16:11
schestowitz-TR2in Microsoft GitHubOct 12 16:11
schestowitz-TR2they do... "BIG DATA"!!Oct 12 16:11
schestowitz-TR2Ha!!Oct 12 16:11
schestowitz-TR2Hey, Mozilla!!Oct 12 16:11
schestowitz-TR2"SUCK MY BIG DATA!!"Oct 12 16:11
techrights-news#Debian: Error Logs, Fatdog64, and EasyOS • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 16:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Debian: Error Logs, Fatdog64, and EasyOS | Tux MachinesOct 12 16:14
techrights-news#SUSE: Clown Computing and Rancher News • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 16:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SUSE: Clown Computing and Rancher News | Tux MachinesOct 12 16:14
techrights-news#Intel: DG2, AMX, and MPX • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 16:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Intel: DG2, AMX, and MPX | Tux MachinesOct 12 16:19
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR2, Still plodding along on this comparison of Debian and Ubuntu with KDE.Oct 12 16:20
techrights-newsMore #surveillance such as #listeningDevices or #bugs around the home this should be regulated if not BANNED. Many non-consenting people affected.Oct 12 16:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sonoff NSPanel - A 3.5-inch HMI display for home automation (Crowdfunding) - CNX SoftwareOct 12 16:20
DaemonFCI'm saying that while I like the newer KDE a lot more, the whole point of Debian is to be more reliable and stick with older software that's a known factor and to stabilize it.Oct 12 16:21
techrights-newsCompetitive Compatibility: Let’s Fix the #Internet , Not the Tech Giants • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #standards #TuxMachinesOct 12 16:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Competitive Compatibility: Let's Fix the Internet, Not the Tech Giants | Tux MachinesOct 12 16:21
DaemonFCThere will never be "no bugs", but I've noticed that the prevalence of serious bugs in these six month releases is much worse.Oct 12 16:22
techrights-news#DFI chose boards with #nsa #backdoors 12 16:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 520 @ )Oct 12 16:22
DaemonFCUpstream sees them as something they don't have to live with for a while, which is sort of a disposable beta for the next LTS.Oct 12 16:23
DaemonFCSo the mentality is it doesn't have to work quite right.Oct 12 16:23
schestowitz-TR2DaemonFC: here's the thingOct 12 16:23
schestowitz-TR2I kept asking you for examplesOct 12 16:23
schestowitz-TR2which you did not giveOct 12 16:23
schestowitz-TR2like x11-related bugs in debian 11Oct 12 16:23
schestowitz-TR2debian is not perfectOct 12 16:23
schestowitz-TR2but..Oct 12 16:24
schestowitz-TR2the likelihood of it breaking is not highOct 12 16:24
schestowitz-TR2and you can fix itOct 12 16:24
DaemonFCThe scaling problems on that laptop, forgetting I have a touchpad when it resumes from suspend, etc.Oct 12 16:24
schestowitz-TR2for people who want to do risky stuff, go rolling or Vista SP11 Rolling EditionOct 12 16:24
DaemonFCI mean, aside from gross hacks like running scripts to rmmod the touchpad and slap it back in....Oct 12 16:24
schestowitz-TR2I want to not mess around with my PC for yearsOct 12 16:24
DaemonFCMy God, X11 is shit.Oct 12 16:24
schestowitz-TR2use external miceOct 12 16:25
schestowitz-TR2so much betterOct 12 16:25
schestowitz-TR2unless you're in some airportOct 12 16:25
schestowitz-TR2I hate all those devices for mousingOct 12 16:25
schestowitz-TR2because movements are imprecideOct 12 16:25
schestowitz-TR2you're better off just memorising keyboard shortcutsOct 12 16:25
DaemonFCI would have used Wayland sooner except that XWayland was having big performance issues.Oct 12 16:26
DaemonFCNow it's not.Oct 12 16:26
DaemonFCAnyway, bbiab. Lunch.Oct 12 16:26
techrights-newsClean Up in the Digital Aisle: #Privacy Concerns with #Sobeys Inc. “Caper Carts” System - The Citizen Lab ⚓ ䷉ #citizenlab on mass #surveillance inside storesOct 12 16:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Clean Up in the Digital Aisle: Privacy Concerns with Sobeys Inc. “Caper Carts” System - The Citizen LabOct 12 16:26
schestowitz-TR2DaemonFC: okOct 12 16:27
*DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 16:28
techrights-newsPeople worry about getting 'chipped'. Then go about ranting about it on their "mobile" (tracking) devices while buying "apps" with their chipped "credit" card. If you value #privacy of the self (or the body), you will use cash and a landline at home.Oct 12 16:28
techrights-newsWhat's more crazy? Resisting the #surveillance state or accepting it? Taking for granted oppressive measures seems crazy and even reckless to me...Oct 12 16:29
techrights-news#swpats weaponised against #freesw (sort of) even when those software #patents are clearly #fakepatents 12 16:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | $2,000 for Phoji prior art — Unified PatentsOct 12 16:30
psydruid 12 16:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [TUHS] RIP Jörg SchillingOct 12 16:37
MinceR12 172446 < DaemonFC> My God, X11 is shit. Oct 12 16:37
techrights-news#china granting #swpats to #patentTrolls and their #patent pools? INVALID! 12 16:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Another ETRI AV1/HEVC patent held invalid in China — Unified PatentsOct 12 16:37
MinceRand what is more shit than X11? every other windowing system.Oct 12 16:37
schestowitz-TR2X is very matureOct 12 16:38
schestowitz-TR2I can run it for a yeartOct 12 16:38
schestowitz-TR2without having to rebootOct 12 16:38
psydruidI think we can see Wayland for what it is nowOct 12 16:38
schestowitz-TR2it's not perfect of infallible Oct 12 16:38
schestowitz-TR2but usually it just sits there in the background and worksOct 12 16:38
schestowitz-TR2I can ssh -XOct 12 16:38
schestowitz-TR2I use many x toolsOct 12 16:38
schestowitz-TR2for automation, for special keyboard shortcuts etc.Oct 12 16:39
psydruidbut when they started talking about it, it was supposed to be the thing that made X obsoleteOct 12 16:39
schestowitz-TR2wayland offers nothing to meOct 12 16:39
schestowitz-TR2shallow appeal to noveltyOct 12 16:39
psydruidand now it's slower and still doesn't work for many people and applicationsOct 12 16:39
psydruidso what was the entire point of that thing?Oct 12 16:39
psydruidcontrol?Oct 12 16:39
schestowitz-TR2they will make life hard for people like meOct 12 16:39
schestowitz-TR2I'd have to study workarounds and stuffOct 12 16:40
schestowitz-TR2wontfixOct 12 16:40
schestowitz-TR2X code is famously neatOct 12 16:40
schestowitz-TR2well orgaised Oct 12 16:40
schestowitz-TR2stable matureOct 12 16:40
schestowitz-TR2unlike wayland and systemd I hearOct 12 16:40
schestowitz-TR2so why rebuild thisOct 12 16:40
schestowitz-TR2because it's not IBM?Oct 12 16:40
schestowitz-TR2because they find a "sily" variable name in XOct 12 16:40
psydruidit has its limitations, but making a giant hairball of code to replace is not the way to go for actual users of these systemsOct 12 16:41
schestowitz-TR2silly with "crazy" values?Oct 12 16:41
psydruidsometimes I'm wondering if IBM/RH people even use this stuff that they code upOct 12 16:41
psydruidI wonder*Oct 12 16:41
activelowi remain sceptical about the security model of X11 (sniffing on xinput circuumventing /dev/tty)Oct 12 16:41
schestowitz-TR2the support peopleOct 12 16:41
schestowitz-TR2maybe not their codersOct 12 16:41
schestowitz-TR2they sell support, for when things breakOct 12 16:41
schestowitz-TR2if things break more, than more supportOct 12 16:41
psydruiddogfooding was a big thing at Sun MicrosystemsOct 12 16:42
psydruidI doubt it is at IBM/RHOct 12 16:42
schestowitz-TR2Good thing Allowhurst uses it allOct 12 16:42
schestowitz-TR2oh waitOct 12 16:42
schestowitz-TR2he uses a FUCKING MACOct 12 16:42
schestowitz-TR2jim, tell us about flatfakOct 12 16:43
psydruidRH developer: developing and running Fedora in a VM on my MacOct 12 16:43
schestowitz-TR2ah, erm..Oct 12 16:43
schestowitz-TR2"exactly"Oct 12 16:43
activelowthen, lately, xorg chose to implement a different driver model of keyboard input, depending on evdev, which again circuumvents /dev/ttyOct 12 16:43
schestowitz-TR2psydruid: DaemonFC says the Fedora 'community' in IRC get infested with Windows/EDGE type peopleOct 12 16:43
schestowitz-TR2i.e. people who 'care' for FedoraOct 12 16:44
schestowitz-TR2but don't use itOct 12 16:44
schestowitz-TR2activelow: it was not being replaced for security reasons thoughOct 12 16:44
schestowitz-TR2nobody claimed systemd was a security merit thing, eitherOct 12 16:44
psydruidwho care for Fedora like they 'care' for the elderly or their petsOct 12 16:44
schestowitz-TR2usually they just say, well.... let's make something newsOct 12 16:44
schestowitz-TR2*newOct 12 16:44
schestowitz-TR2OSS and alsa could be improved with a lot less effort than 2 million LOCs in Microsoft shithubOct 12 16:45
psydruidschestowitz-TR2, that much was clear to me, the few times I filed bug reports for Fedora, I was wondering why no one else caught those bugsOct 12 16:45
psydruidalthough admittedly I also only ran Fedora in QEMUOct 12 16:45
psydruidbecause there is no way I would run that crap directly on my machineOct 12 16:45
schestowitz-TR2Fedora is a sandbox to themOct 12 16:45
schestowitz-TR2to some users it's a production machineOct 12 16:45
psydruidnot since Fedora Core 1Oct 12 16:45
schestowitz-TR2I used that in a macine at university for workOct 12 16:46
schestowitz-TR2big mistakerOct 12 16:46
schestowitz-TR2even installing some packages like gnu octave or gnu plot was  not possibleOct 12 16:46
schestowitz-TR2hours spent dealing with their messOct 12 16:46
psydruidI moved my own machine and those of my parents and siblings to Slackware after a month or two of constant bugs and crashes in Fedora Core 1Oct 12 16:46
schestowitz-TR2IBM stopped getting slave time off of FedoraOct 12 16:46
schestowitz-TR2much of the community was scuttled and dismantledOct 12 16:46
schestowitz-TR2the developers contribute to other distros nowOct 12 16:47
schestowitz-TR2I used Core 1 and 2Oct 12 16:47
schestowitz-TR2for their time, they were not badOct 12 16:47
schestowitz-TR2SuSE worked beforeOct 12 16:47
schestowitz-TR2that was before opensuseOct 12 16:47
techrights-news#ipkat advertising #upc liars and extremists. #unifiedpatentcourt is dead, but #teamUPC weaponises connections to spread lies. 12 16:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Monday Miscellany - The IPKatOct 12 16:49
psydruidSuSE was good until it became buggy and unstable around 2010Oct 12 16:49
psydruidit's better again now, but with strings attachedOct 12 16:49
psydruidI don't see it as a viable alternative anymoreOct 12 16:49
psydruidmaybe for business desktopsOct 12 16:49
psydruidwith a limited set of applicationsOct 12 16:49
techrights-newsThis 'article' (LIES) did NOT age well :-) when is it coming, Margot? Next year? As in 2015??? 12 16:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Newsmaker] ‘Europe’s unitary patent system will bring benefits to Korean firms’Oct 12 16:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] Margot Forgot UPC Facts | TechrightsOct 12 16:51
schestowitz-TR2psydruid: suse is a liability for ethical reaosnsOct 12 16:52
schestowitz-TR2unless you just need a very exensive OS for SAPOct 12 16:52
schestowitz-TR2with "clown" offeringOct 12 16:52
psydruidthat's what I meantOct 12 16:52
schestowitz-TR2ask the suits and the shiny brochure under their elbowOct 12 16:52
psydruidI wouldn't install it for anyone in a home settingOct 12 16:52
psydruideven though it's not badOct 12 16:52
psydruidbut that ship has sailedOct 12 16:52
techrights-news"...’363 patent was invalid" #uspto #fakepatents #patentMill #patents #swpatsOct 12 16:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Federal Circuit Affirms Dismissal of Bot M8 Patent ClaimsOct 12 16:54
techrights-newsIt's hard to determine what proportion of granted #patents is just #fakepatents waiting to be challenged. In courts we see landing only some of the 'stronger' ones. What if 3 out of 4 #patent #monopolies were in fact possible to dismantle in court? Are we protecting a BUBBLE by making challenges too expensive?Oct 12 16:56
activelowone crucial question is this: should a gnu/linux distribution encourage a fully source based work flow or not (regardles of binary drops available)Oct 12 16:56
*techrights_guest|19 (~5198ef1a@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 16:56
schestowitz“We find that the Samsung, Xiaomi, Huawei and Realme Android variants all transmit a substantial volume of data to the OS developer (i.e. Samsung etc) and to third-party parties that have pre-installed system apps (including Google, Microsoft, Heytap, LinkedIn, Facebook). #LineageOS sends similar volumes of data to #Google as these proprietary #Android variants” Oct 12 16:58
schestowitz 12 16:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Study reveals scale of data-sharing from Android mobile phones - Trinity News and EventsOct 12 16:58
techrights-news#TomsHardware shilling a #microsoft ATTACK on #gnu #linux or helps Microsoft's #googlebombing campaign to promote malware via WSL/2Oct 12 17:00
techrights-news#proprietarySoftware 12 17:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Advantech WebAccess SCADA | CISAOct 12 17:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Advantech WebAccess | CISAOct 12 17:02
techrights-newsBelow the Surface: An Interview with #WhitneyWebb ⚓ 12 17:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Below the Surface: An Interview with Whitney WebbOct 12 17:02
*sepsinn (~sepsinn@c9nu4ummhfn7e.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 17:06
techrights-news#PostmarketOS v21.06 Service Pack 3 12 17:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | postmarketOS Release: v21.06 Service Pack 3 | Tux MachinesOct 12 17:07
techrights-newsThe latest #ECT #openwashing puff piece for "Linux" Foundation and its clients 12 17:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Enterprises Embrace Open Source To Tackle Data Management ChallengesOct 12 17:09
techrights-newsSeems apt that Linux [sic] Foundation calls its #marketing "research" (same lie as #Microsoft ) and "SODA" because it basically junk, unhealthy see 12 17:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Foundation Research and SODA Foundation Release New Data and Storage Trends for the EnterpriseOct 12 17:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today’s Linux Standing for the Opposite of What Linux Users Stand for | TechrightsOct 12 17:11
techrights-news#Kdenlive 21.08.2 is out • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 17:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kdenlive 21.08.2 is out | Tux MachinesOct 12 17:11
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@y4xqbx2nsfp9w.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 17:15
DaemonFC<schestowitz-TR2> OSS and alsa could be improved with a lot less effort than 2 million LOCs in Microsoft shithubOct 12 17:16
DaemonFCMost of the BSDs just kept extending their implementation of OSS.Oct 12 17:17
DaemonFCschestowitz, The point of all of this new stuff is mostly to create pointless differences with the other POSIX operating systems.Oct 12 17:18
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▄▅▅▄▄▅▅▃▄▃▃▆▅▆▂▄▅▆▄▅▄▅▁▂▃▄▅▃▁▂▅▃▅▆▃▅▁ avg(k/sec) 18.56 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▃▂▂▂▂▁█▁▂▁▄▅▃▁▁▃▂▃▄▂▁▁▁▁▂▁▂▂█▂▂▂▁▂▂▁▁ avg(k/sec) 38.06▕ swarm size (avg): 260.98  ⟲Oct 12 17:18
DaemonFCIn a way that they either can't keep up with or will struggle to adapt to.Oct 12 17:18
schestowitz-TR2wayland alsoOct 12 17:19
schestowitz-TR2no more ssh -XOct 12 17:19
schestowitz-TR2wtf???Oct 12 17:19
schestowitz-TR2such a basic featureOct 12 17:19
DaemonFCThere's a lot of NIH here stuff in Linux, but ALSA was really the first big one I can think of.Oct 12 17:19
schestowitz-TR2since 20+ years agoOct 12 17:19
MinceR 12 17:19
schestowitz-TR2if wayland is so nice and clean, why can't they re-add such basic support?Oct 12 17:19
DaemonFCJamie Zawinski was mocking it as "Advanced" Linux Sound Architecture.Oct 12 17:19
DaemonFCWhen he couldn't get his sound card to work.Oct 12 17:19
MinceRwas this before his brain stopped working?Oct 12 17:20
DaemonFCI've built Linux kernels that used OSSv4 before and didn't have ALSA.Oct 12 17:20
psydruidso the defining feature of Linux is NIH?Oct 12 17:20
psydruidand they extended that to more and more of the userland?Oct 12 17:20
psydruidthat's amazingOct 12 17:20
MinceRthe defining feature of Linux is corporate takeoverOct 12 17:20
DaemonFCLinux is becoming more like proprietary vendor UNIX was.Oct 12 17:20
DaemonFCOnly it's IBM and it's all "open source" this time.Oct 12 17:20
MinceRexcept it's becoming less and less capable of being the kernel of a Unix systemOct 12 17:21
psydruidthat's what I've been saying for quite some timeOct 12 17:21
psydruidI also consider it proprietary UNIX 2.0 (3.0? 4.0?)Oct 12 17:21
DaemonFCOut of the old proprietary vendor UNIX systems, most were crap except IRIX and Solaris.Oct 12 17:21
DaemonFCHumorously, IE for UNIX was never targeted at IRIX. It only barely worked on the systems Microsoft did port it to.Oct 12 17:22
schestowitz-TR2IBM will dieOct 12 17:22
DaemonFCIt had to be the correct "patch level" or it would segfault and maybe panic the kernel too on the way out.Oct 12 17:22
psydruidI had IRIX installed on my SGI Origin 2000Oct 12 17:22
MinceRLinux will probably die before IBM doesOct 12 17:22
MinceRmaybe so will the FSFOct 12 17:22
MinceRand the GNU ProjectOct 12 17:22
MinceR(except of course for GNOME)Oct 12 17:23
schestowitz-TR2FSF does not need IBMOct 12 17:23
schestowitz-TR2in recent years IBM only attacked FSF Oct 12 17:23
schestowitz-TR2IBm is NovellOct 12 17:24
MinceRthe FSF has capitulated to IBM's hordeOct 12 17:24
schestowitz-TR2they faced SCO togetherOct 12 17:24
schestowitz-TR2let IBM rock back and forth a few more timeOct 12 17:24
schestowitz-TR2they'll fallOct 12 17:24
schestowitz-TR2[17:24] <MinceR> the FSF has capitulated to IBM's hordeOct 12 17:24
schestowitz-TR2in 2019Oct 12 17:24
schestowitz-TR2now they pushed backOct 12 17:24
schestowitz-TR2and put back the loyalists in the boardOct 12 17:24
psydruidthe thing is if they are content taking GNU and Linux and doing their own thing in a vacuum and leave others aloneOct 12 17:24
schestowitz-TR2ousted the infestorsOct 12 17:24
psydruidleaving*Oct 12 17:25
MinceRalso when they decided to host their communications where IBM's drones can control themOct 12 17:25
psydruidor if they will also try to infect the BSDs and new and upcoming operating systemsOct 12 17:25
DaemonFCI do get why KDE NEON is riding on top of Ubuntu.Oct 12 17:25
MinceRalso continually by refusing to address the death of GNU and the encroachment of systemdOct 12 17:25
DaemonFCUbuntu PPAs make it pretty easy to shuffle things around and back them out if you cause a crapalanche.Oct 12 17:25
DaemonFCDebian just isn't built to do that.Oct 12 17:26
schestowitzRMS told me there's no CoC in GNUOct 12 17:26
schestowitzbut there is one in their IRC networkOct 12 17:26
MinceRwhich networkOct 12 17:26
schestowitzLCOct 12 17:27
schestowitzwhere they are guestsOct 12 17:27
schestowitzor "slaves"Oct 12 17:27
MinceR:>Oct 12 17:27
schestowitzthey can be blacklistedOct 12 17:27
schestowitzby white peopleOct 12 17:27
MinceRguests of their masters at IBMOct 12 17:27
schestowitzi.e. 100% of the adminsOct 12 17:27
activelowreally? LC is IBM?Oct 12 17:28
libertyboxtyrannyOct 12 17:28
schestowitzoopsOct 12 17:28
schestowitzwrong pasteOct 12 17:28
schestowitzRMS said censorship is tyrannyOct 12 17:28
schestowitza day ago in his siteOct 12 17:28
DaemonFCI don't know why but when I booted Kubuntu 21.10 on this computer (new one), it caused the uEFI firmware to say "backing up self-healing BIOS" until I shut the PC down and cold started it.Oct 12 17:29
schestowitz[17:28] <activelow> really? LC is IBM?Oct 12 17:29
XRevan86activelow: systemd is non-free, LC is IBM, ye know the drill.Oct 12 17:29
DaemonFCProbably something to do with Lenovo's shit firmware.Oct 12 17:29
schestowitzno, MinceR sort of insinuated thisOct 12 17:29
*wallacer has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 17:29
DaemonFCThere is just no telling what's in there or what could set it off. Even OpenSUSE writes an entire book on why uEFI can't be trusted to do the most basic tasks it claims to do.Oct 12 17:30
*gde33 ( has joined #techrightsOct 12 17:31
DaemonFCI agree with OpenSUSE. It's better to avoid using any of uEFI's "features" beyond what's needed to make the machine boot up.Oct 12 17:32
DaemonFCIf you do, you'll eventually brick someone's computer.Oct 12 17:32
DaemonFCSince I have no idea how Ubuntu is building their kernels, I don't know what's to blame. I know Debian kernels don't have this issue.Oct 12 17:33
activelowdisagree, no UEFI at all, and with legacy BIOS, most parts BIOS implemented belonged into kernel as opensourceOct 12 17:33
activelowthat's why, alot of duplication existed, with device drivers implemented in BIOS (or nowadays uefi) and again in kernelOct 12 17:33
DaemonFCMARISOL "loaned" Mandy her Macbook.Oct 12 17:34
DaemonFCIt's missing keys and Chrome is stuck at version 46 and says it doesn't support OS X 10.6 anymore.Oct 12 17:34
techrights-newsLinks 12/10/2021: Qubes 4.1 RC and Kdenlive 21.08.2 • 𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤 ⚓ ䷉ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 12 17:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 12/10/2021: Qubes 4.1 RC and Kdenlive 21.08.2 | TechrightsOct 12 17:34
DaemonFCI checked About This Mac and it said Core 2 Duo and 2 GB of RAM.Oct 12 17:34
techrights-news#Programming Leftovers • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ 12 17:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Programming Leftovers | Tux MachinesOct 12 17:34
MinceRactivelow: illibera is controlled by staff that includes several people who signed the anti-RMS petition, some of whom have connections to the GNOME Foundation and other tentacles of IBMOct 12 17:34
DaemonFCSo mid 2000s, I guess.Oct 12 17:34
MinceRs/petition/letter/Oct 12 17:35
CrystalMathMinceR: exactly, it's a terrible placeOct 12 17:35
MinceRthough the whole letter seems to come from ibm and microsoft peopleOct 12 17:35
CrystalMathand it is the result of THEIR actions, not Andrew Lee's, why most free software development is now done on mattermostOct 12 17:35
CrystalMaththere would be no need for Andrew Lee to intervene if they weren't such horrible staffersOct 12 17:36
techrights-newsToday’s 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 Leftovers • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 17:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's leftovers | Tux MachinesOct 12 17:36
MinceRwell, it was freenode's fucking up that made it possible to buy/sell the network in the first placeOct 12 17:36
activelowconceptually, this is how i understand it: similar to systemd, between userspace and kernel space the system layer of systemd was fiddled into, to hook and hijack in between thereOct 12 17:36
techrights-newsSoftware: Apache, LibreOffice Writer, Arkime, and More • 𝖳𝗎𝗑 𝖬𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesOct 12 17:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Software: Apache, LibreOffice Writer, Arkime, and More | Tux MachinesOct 12 17:36
MinceRand they fucked up againOct 12 17:36
MinceRthey haven't learned from itOct 12 17:36
CrystalMathMinceR: no, not reallyOct 12 17:36
XRevan86CrystalMath: Nice revisionism. Also mattermost is decentralising, so it's a win?Oct 12 17:36
CrystalMathXRevan86: ReactOS left freenode in 2018Oct 12 17:36
activelowsame with BIOS and UEFI, which hook into in between kernel and hardware, although kernel is by design what interfaces with hardware, which it doesn't anymore directlyOct 12 17:36
CrystalMaththat was not Lee, that was all old staffOct 12 17:36
activelowit is sort of virtualized/supervisedOct 12 17:37
MinceRthe old staff was horribleOct 12 17:37
CrystalMathMinceR: exactlyOct 12 17:37
CrystalMaththey may never be forgivenOct 12 17:37
CrystalMaththey have also not changed their ways one bitOct 12 17:37
CrystalMaththey still sit on channelsOct 12 17:37
CrystalMathevery channel on illibera with 50+ people has a staffer sitting thereOct 12 17:37
activelowso instead of hardware-kernel-userspace we've got hardware-bios/uefi-kernel-systemd-userspaceOct 12 17:38
*wallacer (~quassel@6bsu33ajs4zs4.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 17:38
CrystalMathactivelow: well, firmware-kernel-userspace is historicOct 12 17:38
MinceRtheir term is "obsolete"Oct 12 17:38
MinceRor even "deprecated"Oct 12 17:38
XRevan86 weird, no mention of issues with the staff.Oct 12 17:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Discussion Platform | ReactOS ProjectOct 12 17:39
DaemonFCMinceR, I put this in my blog.Oct 12 17:39
CrystalMathif you run a sane OS you will not have a "system layer"Oct 12 17:39
DaemonFC"<!-- wp:paragraph -->Oct 12 17:39
DaemonFC<p><strong>It bears repeating..... DO NOT buy a HiDPI display. You will only live to regret it. They're a power-hogging monstrosity that demands a lot of the GPU, and they're not practical.</strong></p>Oct 12 17:39
DaemonFC<!-- /wp:paragraph -->Oct 12 17:39
DaemonFC<!-- wp:paragraph -->Oct 12 17:39
DaemonFC<p>Leave them for Mac fanboys who are watching kiss anime at 240p on Safari.</p>Oct 12 17:39
DaemonFC<!-- /wp:paragraph -->"Oct 12 17:39
DaemonFCOops.Oct 12 17:39
DaemonFCFormatting.Oct 12 17:39
CrystalMathXRevan86: right, but i know what happened regarding off-topic stuffOct 12 17:39
XRevan86What they do mention is that they… don't like limitations of IRC?Oct 12 17:39
DaemonFC"It bears repeating….. DO NOT buy a HiDPI display. You will only live to regret it. They’re a power-hogging monstrosity that demands a lot of the GPU, and they’re not practical.Oct 12 17:39
activelowbtw. those extra layers (systemd, bios/uefi) are controlled by... IBM Wintel corp.Oct 12 17:39
DaemonFCLeave them for Mac fanboys who are watching kiss anime at 240p on Safari."Oct 12 17:39
CrystalMathXRevan86: oh that is trueOct 12 17:39
CrystalMathXRevan86: there's plenty of reactos developers with right-ish opinionsOct 12 17:39
CrystalMathXRevan86: and we had a staffer monitor us as well, tomawOct 12 17:40
CrystalMathReactOS always kept a backup channel on OFTC, called the "K-Line bunker", specifically because of concern that important develoers may get K-linedOct 12 17:40
MinceRsounds futile, considering that the same cult controls OFTCOct 12 17:41
activelowcult?Oct 12 17:41
XRevan86CrystalMath: Almost as scary as the deadliest pandemic of 2018.Oct 12 17:41
CrystalMaththe danger, of course, is that ReactOS is literally associated with Putin directly, and that many of its developers are not really into any left-wing stuff, not even stallmanOct 12 17:41
MinceRactivelow: neil mcgovern, matthew garrett and other SJWs aligned with IBM and microsoftOct 12 17:42
XRevan86"associated with Putin directly" – directly? :DOct 12 17:42
CrystalMathyeah, we presented it to Putin, there are pictures of itOct 12 17:43
CrystalMath 12 17:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ReactOS Presented to President Putin | ReactOS ProjectOct 12 17:43
XRevan86That's not exactly "associated", but indeed closer than I expected.Oct 12 17:43
XRevan86Ah, yes, Seliger, I remember that happening.Oct 12 17:44
CrystalMathXRevan86: for years we were trying to get the status of Russia's replacement for western technologyOct 12 17:44
CrystalMathbut we didn't get itOct 12 17:45
CrystalMathinstead, a linux distro wonOct 12 17:45
XRevan86CrystalMath: importozamescheniye is a pretty weird pickle.Oct 12 17:45
MinceRrussia doesn't mind being dependent on a kernel controlled by microsoft?Oct 12 17:46
activelowwashington/redmondOct 12 17:46
XRevan86CrystalMath: ReactOS being an independent project meant that this was unlikely from the start.Oct 12 17:47
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the_janitordoes anyone here have to work extra hard to do web searches that don't include wikipedia information?Oct 12 17:52
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DaemonFCOMG MSFT! Joey at it again.Oct 12 18:12
DaemonFC 12 18:12
DaemonFCschestowitz, GNOME's Web browser is unsafe according to GNOME, because it has network access and can write to the Downloads folder.Oct 12 18:13
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DaemonFC 12 18:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 1635451 - (semi-headless) Limit number of client connections to X for fission to avoid xclient exhaustion (fission)Oct 12 18:32
DaemonFC"In fission, we may have a large number of content processes. In linux, each currently opens 2 xclient connections. Xorg code defaults to a max number of clients from all programs of 256, though it can be manually increased to either 512 or 2048. Running fission with ~100 content processes, I've run out of xclient connections multiple times."Oct 12 18:33
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XRevan86 12 19:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [IRC/Freenode] "This is not a hostile takeover", says Andrew, as he takes over hostile-ly - r/HobbyDramaOct 12 19:11
XRevan86 12 19:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEOct 12 19:11
MinceR 12 19:21
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DaemonFCschestowitz-TR2, I'm mentioning Calligra Office.Oct 12 19:34
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DaemonFCGNOME has an official "suite", but it's really just a bundle of small applications that are usable on their own.Oct 12 19:35
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*Topic for #techrights is: IRC discussions @ localhost | Channel #techrights for [logged online] :: please also join channels #boycottnovell-social #techbytes and #boycottnovell for related discussions. For scrollback see 12 19:49
*Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~roy@22e8m8t4gqjin.irc at Fri Jun 18 16:51:47 2021Oct 12 19:49
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* gives channel operator status to MinceROct 12 19:51
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techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▄▅▅▂▂▄▅▇▂▂▂▃▅▆▆▆▂▃▄▅▅▂▃▆▄▅▆▄▁▂▃▅▅▅▁ avg(k/sec) 20.40 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▂▂▆▇▁▇▂▂▁▁▂▂▂▂▂▁▂▃▁▂▁▅▂▁▂▂▁▁▁▂▅▆▁ avg(k/sec) 8.10▕ swarm size (avg): 260.97  ⟲Oct 12 20:01
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techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▁▅▄▅▃▄▅▅▅▄▅▅▅▅▃▃▂▅▅▄▅▃▅▄▅▃▄█▅▅▆▄▁ avg(k/sec) 23.06 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂█▂▂▁▁▁▂▂▂▂▂▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▂▂▅▁▂▁▁▁▂▂▁▂▂▁▁ avg(k/sec) 21.75▕ swarm size (avg): 260.96  ⟲Oct 12 21:19
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XRevan86MinceR: That's an old one.Oct 12 21:52
XRevan86schestowitz: It's so quiet over here. Probably because techrights-news is off-line.Oct 12 21:52
schestowitz-TR2ohOct 12 21:53
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XRevan86 12 21:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEOct 12 21:53
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XRevan86 12 21:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEOct 12 21:53
schestowitz-TR2I'm also 'at work'Oct 12 21:54
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XRevan86I sent a PRIVMSG to scientes two days ago, he didn't reply.Oct 12 21:58
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schestowitzTue 18:34:50  │ 〖DaemonFC〗 │ schestowitz-TR2, I'm mentioning Calligra Office.Oct 12 22:25
schestowitzTue 18:35:14  │ 〖DaemonFC〗 │ GNOME has an official "suite", but it's really just a bundle of small applications that are usable on their own.Oct 12 22:25
schestowitzI seem to still have some connection issuesOct 12 22:25
schestowitzmissed that oneOct 12 22:25
DaemonFC 12 22:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Details of SGI's Windows NT workstations emerging - CNETOct 12 22:26
DaemonFC"They've put a lot of money in these products and [SGI] is expecting them to do well for the company," said Keren Seymour, senior workstation analyst with International Data Corporation.Oct 12 22:26
DaemonFC 12 22:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft man's shadow over bankrupt SGI • The RegisterOct 12 22:26
DaemonFCGot $18m to spare? That's the market capitalization of one of Silicon Valley's most glamorous companies this morning, after Silicon Graphics Inc. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.Oct 12 22:26
DaemonFCThe size of SGI's debt - at $664m it's twice the value of its assets - is enough to deter all but the most determined bargain hunter. Apart from a ragbag of trademarks - such as OpenGL - what growth has SGI left to offer?Oct 12 22:26
DaemonFC---Oct 12 22:26
immibisSGI exists?Oct 12 22:26
DaemonFCMicrosoft "partnerships".Oct 12 22:26
immibisoh. 2006Oct 12 22:26
DaemonFCNo.Oct 12 22:26
DaemonFCBetween 2002 and 2006, they went from thriving business, to signing a Microsoft deal, to collapsing and filing bankruptcy and firing everyone.Oct 12 22:27
immibiswelcome to capitalism, enjoy your stay. capitalism stresses out capitalists too. one misstep away from not necessarily homelessness, but losing their statusOct 12 22:27
DaemonFCDespite not existing anymore, there are still people backporting current (or at least newer) open source software to IRIX.Oct 12 22:28
DaemonFC*Despite SGI not existing anymoreOct 12 22:28
DaemonFCThe OS is still capable of running quite a bit of software.Oct 12 22:28
DaemonFC 12 22:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Patch Tuesday bug harvest festival comes to town • The RegisterOct 12 22:29
DaemonFCWindows is a mess to try to patch. On top of Microsoft's broken patches and endless patch re-issues, you have dozens if not hundreds of programs that Windows Update doesn't even cover because you got them elsewhere.Oct 12 22:30
DaemonFCVivaldi and Firefox have their own system services to watch for updates and install them without setting off security alerts.Oct 12 22:30
DaemonFCIn Debian, Vivaldi just sets up an Apt repo and updates like everything else with an Apt repo.Oct 12 22:31
DaemonFCThere's a lot of people in Vivaldi that actually seem to use GNU/Linux distros as their daily driver, including Ruarí Ødegaard (former Opera employee), who says he likes Slackware.Oct 12 22:33
DaemonFCSo they actually bother to do a real port and keep it in sync with all the same features as Mac and Windows.Oct 12 22:33
DaemonFCWhich is something not even Mozilla bothers to.Oct 12 22:33
DaemonFCIn fact, the attitudes at Vivaldi and Mozilla are striking.Oct 12 22:34
DaemonFCMozilla says they're open source, and treat GNU/Linux ("Linux") as the unloved port that doesn't get supported properly.Oct 12 22:34
DaemonFCAnd Vivaldi (mostly open source, but proprietary bits) treats "Linux" as priority 1 because THEY use it on GNU/Linux themselves instead of releasing Bitch to Boss extensions, giving Comcast privacy awards, stuffing it like a thanksgiving turkey with adware, and redirecting their users to Cloudflare.Oct 12 22:36
DaemonFCThey're in there digging around sorting out bugs.Oct 12 22:37
DaemonFCIn the software.Oct 12 22:37
DaemonFCNot a political party.Oct 12 22:37
DaemonFCLike I said before, I can't fault Manjaro too much. Firefox has become a real shit sandwich.Oct 12 22:37
DaemonFCI mean, it was never the fastest or most efficient program, but it's turned into what it is today out of pure greed and neglect.Oct 12 22:38
psydruidAs of 2010, while mainframe technology represented less than 3% of IBM's revenues, it "continue[d] to play an outsized role in Big Blue's results".'Oct 12 22:39
psydruid 12 22:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Usage share of operating systems - WikipediaOct 12 22:40
psydruidSo it's pretty much dead and so is IBMOct 12 22:40
DaemonFCschestowitz, MinceROct 12 22:41
psydruidI really think Firefox should just die, so people can fork its engine and improve it to build better browsersOct 12 22:41
DaemonFC"I don't think you're missing much if you don't get a booster. I got a third Pfizer shot and spent the next month kind of wishing I hadn't. Just all kinds of bizarre things, and it eventually went away, but I wouldn't have taken it if I knew what a bad month it would be.Oct 12 22:42
DaemonFC"It's safe, it's effective, and it's free!" - Joe BidenOct 12 22:42
DaemonFCAlso Trump, actually, if you listen to him.Oct 12 22:42
DaemonFCAnd I'm starting to wonder how they could be telling us the truth if the situation now is twice as bad as it was this time last year when there was no vaccine, and this despite the fact that the people running Florida are making things up to make it look like there's no COVID there, like something out of North Korea or China's state media.Oct 12 22:42
DaemonFCThis is starting to look an awful lot like an Olive Garden never ending pasta bowl of bullshit. Oct 12 22:42
psydruidIf there is anything worth salvaging of the codebaseOct 12 22:42
DaemonFCYou know, they just keep bringing you more and more. Here's some more breadsticks. Have another COVID shot. Did we tell you about the VERY INFECTIOUS DELTA VARIANT for the 14th time today? By the way, because America is a land of freedom and choices, you'll lose your job if you don't take this weird vaccine Trump told the lab boys to come up with over the course of a few days.Oct 12 22:42
*GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@cpwbc8bf6sq3g.irc) has joined #techrightsOct 12 22:42
DaemonFCMake sure to get three doses now, Bill Gates gets patent royalties.Oct 12 22:42
DaemonFCI think my life has honestly become a full time damage control. Right? Limiting the damage that the government does while telling me it's helping. We're wearing masks, most of us have gotten the vaccine. If it's a great vaccine, why hasn't it slowed the virus down at all? Why is it twice as bad as last year?Oct 12 22:42
DaemonFCI'm not going to take any more of these shots and they can just do what they will about that. I feel that the shots themselves are becoming a bigger risk to my health than that damned thing is. And I have to wonder if the vaccines are even working at this point."Oct 12 22:42
DaemonFCI wrote this on Facebook when WGN said they're studying "boosters" for J&J and Moderna.Oct 12 22:42
*GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsOct 12 22:42
DaemonFC<psydruid> I really think Firefox should just die, so people can fork its engine and improve it to build better browsersOct 12 22:44
DaemonFCIt already is effectively dead.Oct 12 22:44
DaemonFCThe ShitHub churn shows that about two-thirds of their activity on Firefox is adding spam and spyware, and about 1/3rd is actual development work going on somewhere in the application.Oct 12 22:45
DaemonFCmjg59 also uses ShutHub to play around with his broken hibernation and kernel handcuffs.Oct 12 22:45
psydruidI only use Shithub when I really have to, which is almost neverOct 12 22:46
DaemonFCIt's just ridiculous what this guy does. It's fake security, and he hangs out with a bunch of MicroShit people and then takes digs at things I've never even said instead of quoting me on the really good insults.Oct 12 22:46
psydruidHe's been faking his career and his lifeOct 12 22:47
DaemonFCAnd of course he's gay (not that there's anything wrong with that before he tries to take that out of context).Oct 12 22:47
psydruidNo substance to add whatsoeverOct 12 22:47
DaemonFCUsually saying "my partner" means you're gay and you're embarrassed about it.Oct 12 22:47
DaemonFCAlso, afraid of actually getting married or at least a civil union.Oct 12 22:48
DaemonFCLack of morals. Doesn't want committment.Oct 12 22:48
DaemonFCGets in the way of looking through his meat market apps at the open source conference.Oct 12 22:48
DaemonFCThe way you get over being embarrassed about being gay is by not being embarrassed about it.Oct 12 22:49
DaemonFCYou know, "Fuck you and the horse you rode in on!". You take that attitude with people who don't like you, you'll develop better self-esteem.Oct 12 22:50
psydruid 12 23:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | VMware vSphere vs Proxmox: Which is best for your business? | IT PROOct 12 23:10
psydruidwhy do companies still deploy VMware Vsphere for mission-critical servers?Oct 12 23:11
MinceRbecause they're managed by suits who know nothing about ITOct 12 23:11
MinceRthe only things they know are control freakery, doing harm, greed and pushing responsibility on other peopleOct 12 23:12
schestowitz-TR2exactlyOct 12 23:12
schestowitz-TR2they buy these to pass blameOct 12 23:12
schestowitz-TR2that's why they also pay Red Hat/IBMOct 12 23:12
schestowitz-TR2a throat to chokeOct 12 23:12
schestowitz-TR2at what cost?Oct 12 23:12
schestowitz-TR2it's the "SLA" mindsetOct 12 23:13
schestowitz-TR2paying tons of money to protect yourself from accusationsOct 12 23:13
schestowitz-TR2seems like a "management skill" these daysOct 12 23:13
psydruid"our company was uncompetitive, but at least we had a throat to choke while we went under!"Oct 12 23:14
schestowitz-TR2yesOct 12 23:15
schestowitz-TR2and they put that in their CVOct 12 23:15
schestowitz-TR2we went into "successful bankruptcy"Oct 12 23:15
schestowitz-TR2or bankruptciesOct 12 23:15
schestowitz-TR2pluralOct 12 23:15
schestowitz-TR2they get another jobOct 12 23:15
schestowitz-TR2destroy another companyOct 12 23:15
schestowitz-TR2another "successful bankruptcy"Oct 12 23:15
schestowitz-TR2as a friend recently told meOct 12 23:16
schestowitz-TR2only partly as a jokeOct 12 23:16
MinceR(cat) 12 23:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (5900919)Oct 12 23:18
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▅▅▄▄▃▅▆▃▅▃▅▆▅▆▄▃▄▄▂▅▄▆▆▅▆▅▄▅▇▅▆▁ avg(k/sec) 23.05 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▃▁▁▂▁▁▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▁█▂▂▁▂▁▂▅▂▁▃▂▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▂▂▁ avg(k/sec) 7.45▕ swarm size (avg): 260.94  ⟲Oct 12 23:18
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)Oct 12 23:37

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