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IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Saturday, July 16, 2022

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*GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@2qgtgt44enunu.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 00:03
MinceR(cat) 16 00:11
*psymin has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jul 16 00:17
*psymin has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jul 16 00:17
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR], I'm glad I'm finally learning how to use Lynx.Jul 16 00:32
schestowitz[TR]ooh, I likle this new CSSJul 16 00:32
DaemonFCThis is actually a huge improvement when it works.Jul 16 00:32
schestowitz[TR]some advanced css generations can make you a nice site without a single imageJul 16 00:32
DaemonFCMaybe I can toss Firefox to the side for some shitty banks and other horribleness.Jul 16 00:32
DaemonFCJust use Lynx most of the time.Jul 16 00:32
schestowitz[TR]DaemonFC: it's good when you value informatiolnJul 16 00:32
DaemonFCLynx has tabs because my GNOME Terminal has tabs.Jul 16 00:32
DaemonFC:)Jul 16 00:32
schestowitz[TR]not some boobs and dicks in sidebarsJul 16 00:32
schestowitz[TR]which distract from newsJul 16 00:33
schestowitz[TR]lagrange with newswaffle is OKJul 16 00:33
DaemonFCSince it doesn't support JavaScript and most things I sign into are broken, I can have Lynx ignore cookies.Jul 16 00:33
schestowitz[TR]you can also configure it to show images as you scroll downJul 16 00:33
DaemonFCKeep Firefox around for some unpleasantness.Jul 16 00:33
schestowitz[TR]there's an option for thatJul 16 00:33
DaemonFCYou know, they could extend Lynx to handle Gemini too.Jul 16 00:33
DaemonFCIt is a Gopher browser already.Jul 16 00:33
schestowitz[TR]newewaffle still needs to retreive and scam/process wab pagesJul 16 00:34
schestowitz[TR]so it is not fastJul 16 00:34
schestowitz[TR]betteer to use nature capsulesJul 16 00:34
schestowitz[TR]techrights is gemini-nativeJul 16 00:34
schestowitz[TR]tuxmachines will be tooJul 16 00:34
schestowitz[TR]I'm working on itJul 16 00:34
schestowitz[TR]tuxmmachines will have httpsJul 16 00:34
schestowitz[TR]not decided yet if self-signedJul 16 00:34
schestowitz[TR]tor has a new releaseJul 16 00:34
DaemonFC"I am not fast." -BayMax (Big Hero 6)Jul 16 00:34
schestowitz[TR]with SSL-ONLY (HTTPS) on BY DEFAULTJul 16 00:35
SomeH4x0rit should be self-signedJul 16 00:35
SomeH4x0rdon't worsen thingJul 16 00:35
SomeH4x0r*thingsJul 16 00:35
DaemonFC"We jumped out a windowwwwwwwww!!!!!"Jul 16 00:35
schestowitz[TR]and those still whinme when GulagZilla sees it's not in some Pentagon repo (CAs)Jul 16 00:35
SomeH4x0rif they don't want to read it, so be itJul 16 00:35
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR], If I could figure out how to get Lynx to open Magnets.Jul 16 00:35
schestowitz[TR]SomeH4x0r: rightJul 16 00:35
schestowitz[TR]while the browser still let you cop outJul 16 00:35
schestowitz[TR]something like Tor is compeomisedJul 16 00:36
schestowitz[TR]Tor pushing MicrosoftJul 16 00:36
schestowitz[TR]aka DDGJul 16 00:36
SomeH4x0rthey will push HSTS eventuallyJul 16 00:36
SomeH4x0rfor everythingJul 16 00:36
schestowitz[TR]after DDG (Microsoft) bribed Tor projectsJul 16 00:36
DaemonFC"Fucking Magnets, How Do They Work?" -ICPJul 16 00:36
schestowitz[TR]sdo I regard Tor as a jokeJul 16 00:36
schestowitz[TR]at this pointJul 16 00:36
DaemonFCSorry, had to.Jul 16 00:36
DaemonFCMinceR, ^Jul 16 00:36
schestowitz[TR]compromised, bribes, boughtJul 16 00:36
schestowitz[TR]*bribedJul 16 00:36
schestowitz[TR]SomeH4x0r: they can drown in their shitty webJul 16 00:36
DaemonFCI set Lynx to number all links and text boxes.Jul 16 00:37
schestowitz[TR]I'll be moving on by thenJul 16 00:37
DaemonFCMakes getting around easier.Jul 16 00:37
schestowitz[TR]the web has been around too long anywayJul 16 00:37
schestowitz[TR]since cvs daysJul 16 00:37
schestowitz[TR]we need something newer and betterJul 16 00:37
DaemonFCGNOME has obviously been around too long.Jul 16 00:37
DaemonFCThe first thing it does now is say sign into Google, Facebook, and Microsoft.Jul 16 00:38
DaemonFC*barf*Jul 16 00:38
SomeH4x0r - things are WORSENINGJul 16 00:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | draft-suchan-acme-onion-00 - Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) Onion Identifier Validation ExtensionJul 16 00:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Support for FQDNs under .onion · Issue #4620 · letsencrypt/boulder · GitHubJul 16 00:38
DaemonFCMust be Molly de Blanc again.Jul 16 00:38
DaemonFC:)Jul 16 00:38
DaemonFCOutreach to Nasty WomenJul 16 00:38
MinceRDaemonFC: magic.Jul 16 00:38
DaemonFCThey never get nice ones. You notice that?Jul 16 00:38
schestowitz[TR]but I have black hairJul 16 00:38
SomeH4x0ronce onion becomes big enough, it will be complete shitJul 16 00:39
DaemonFCBankrupt GNOME.Jul 16 00:39
DaemonFCCancel StallmanJul 16 00:39
SomeH4x0rdon't be popularJul 16 00:39
schestowitz[TR]onion is OK in theoryJul 16 00:39
DaemonFCICBM BailoutJul 16 00:39
schestowitz[TR]but made by the navyJul 16 00:39
schestowitz[TR]foir the navy and beyondJul 16 00:39
schestowitz[TR]it was controlled by untrustworthy actors from the startJul 16 00:39
schestowitz[TR]they don't want revolutionariesJul 16 00:39
schestowitz[TR]they want eff typesJul 16 00:39
DaemonFCI mainly use GNOME out of habit at this point.Jul 16 00:39
schestowitz[TR]i.e. political hacksJul 16 00:39
schestowitz[TR]GNOME can be OKJul 16 00:39
schestowitz[TR]but not for meJul 16 00:40
DaemonFCIt's not horrible once you tell it to never send crash reports and get this "Online Accounts" out of my face.Jul 16 00:40
schestowitz[TR]riannne likes KDEJul 16 00:40
schestowitz[TR]KDE is GermanJul 16 00:40
schestowitz[TR]gnome was hispanicJul 16 00:40
schestowitz[TR]and now leaning to SUlandJul 16 00:40
DaemonFCI do check my GMail with a desktop program.Jul 16 00:40
schestowitz[TR]due to funding from Gulag and ICBMJul 16 00:40
schestowitz[TR]the nationalistsJul 16 00:40
DaemonFCSylpheedJul 16 00:40
schestowitz[TR]DaemonFC: it won't last longJul 16 00:40
schestowitz[TR]gmail is phasing outr supportJul 16 00:41
schestowitz[TR]soon it'll be justJul 16 00:41
schestowitz[TR]a) appJul 16 00:41
schestowitz[TR]b) some web-based thingJul 16 00:41
schestowitz[TR]browser as "app"Jul 16 00:41
schestowitz[TR]or just browserJul 16 00:41
schestowitz[TR]and forgot about E32EEEJul 16 00:41
schestowitz[TR]that's "terrorism"Jul 16 00:41
techrights-newsOnline Negativity Is A Form of Virus gemini:// well, the world ain't perfect, right? The oligarchs's publishers like to pretend new jobs are everywhere and oligarchs are heroesJul 16 00:43
techrights-news"Reddit, I'm convinced, is one of the worst websites ever created" gemini:// 16 00:43
techrights-newsGlad to see OCD stereotypes being broken up gemini:// 16 00:46
techrights-news"AuraGem Music is a free music hosting service that will let you upload mp3's via Titan to your own private library so that you can play them from the capsule using your identity certificate. Because of limited storage, there is a quota system, which you can find more information about on the capsule." gemini:// 16 00:46
techrights-news"Lastly, AuraGem Music will always remain free to use. However, because this service is run solely by one individual, it cannot be guaranteed that the service will not shut down in the future due to financial issues, server issues, etc. I do not ever intend to sell this service to any companies unless they are FOSS-Oriented and non-profit." gemini:// 16 00:47
techrights-news"So because of Ingress, and because my brain was probably not functioning, I've walked the most in a day yesterday. [...] we should also have the mentality of "suck less", so that we can have the mindset for improving yourself." gemini:// 16 00:49
*darwin has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jul 16 00:49
techrights-news"So a little while back, I applied for and was accepted to a conference about youth work!" gemini:// 16 00:50
DaemonFCI'm reading through the New York Times in Lynx.Jul 16 00:55
DaemonFCI use Lynx now. Lynx is cool.Jul 16 00:55
DaemonFCBuilt-in Mr. Goolag block.Jul 16 00:55
DaemonFCNo need for an ad blocker.Jul 16 00:55
DaemonFCNo paywalls and shit popping up.Jul 16 00:56
DaemonFCNo temptation to check what's happening on Fakebook and Shitter, because they won't load.Jul 16 00:57
DaemonFCIf I want to use my bank, chat apps, and GulagTube, or Reddit, it still loads in Firefox.Jul 16 00:57
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▆▅▆▅▅▃▆▅▆▅▆▁▄▅▄▄▅▆▄▇▅▅▅▆▆▅▄▆▄▅▆▅▁ avg(k/sec) 25.26 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▁▁▁▂▁▁▂▁▁▁▁▂█▁▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▂▁▁▁▁▂▁▂▁▁ avg(k/sec) 15.46▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Jul 16 00:59
schestowitz[TR]reddit?Jul 16 01:20
schestowitzgemini:// 16 01:20
schestowitzpublished hours ago.Jul 16 01:20
schestowitz"Jul 16 01:21
schestowitzReddit, I'm convinced, is one of the worst websites ever created, and for the past three years of pure Hell it has been used by these people in order to blackmail me, harass me, rile up mobs against me, and threaten my life and family. Reddit does not only allow this harassment to continue, they endorse it, banning anyone who goes against the narrative these bad actors wish to present. It is a farce, a kangaroo court, a crime against everything the Jul 16 01:21
schestowitzInternet should represent. Jul 16 01:21
schestowitzReddit is doing this, I'm sure, to save face, as they are currently one of the most disliked websites of all time. They are known for having hosted vile and reprehensible material on their website throughout much of the early 2010s- potentially illegal material, even- all under the guise of "free speech," and now in the later 2010s and early 2020s have done a complete 180 to save face and now ban and censor the least offensive content imaginable Jul 16 01:21
schestowitzwithout a second thought or any form of justification. I arrived on the site at an interesting period in its history- during the transitional phase, when it went from a no-holds-barred anarchist chaos arena to an authoritarian police state. As such, I was able to witness, firsthand, in a microcosm, the transformation of the Internet. Jul 16 01:21
schestowitzI predicted, in 2019, that the public's opinion toward the site would soon shift and Reddit would be viewed for what it has become- an outright circus. At the time, the general public's opinion was mostly positive. However, as the years went on, my prediction came to fruition. Reddit became embroiled in multiple scandals which would put the follies of Facebook to shame- for instance, the debacle during which they knowingly hired a sex offender and Jul 16 01:21
schestowitzthen banned anyone who dared post about it. They are now one of the most censorship-heavy websites on the Internet, deleting a huge fraction of all content submitted. Programmers have wasted hours trying to create facsimiles of the website without censorship, such as "Removeddit," all to no avail. Jul 16 01:21
schestowitzThe case of Reddit is a good example of just how quickly negativity can spread. What exists on Reddit today is a false sort of toxic positivity to counteract the outright negativity which persists in groups such as the one which has targeted me. Reddit has become nothing more than 90% pictures of adorable cats with no substance and 10% hate groups which masquerade as righteous causes while spewing ableist and racist rhetoric. The people who attack Jul 16 01:21
schestowitzme do so with no checks, no balances, no restraint, and they are, for no reason whatsoever, hellbent on seeing my failure, to a compulsive, even sociopathic, degree.Jul 16 01:21
schestowitz"Jul 16 01:21
schestowitz[TR]"10% hate groups which masquerade as righteous causes"Jul 16 01:22
schestowitz[TR]I know this...Jul 16 01:22
schestowitz[TR]"the debacle during which they knowingly hired a sex offender and  the debacle during which they knowingly hired a sex offender and "Jul 16 01:22
schestowitz[TR]MS PoeterJul 16 01:22
schestowitz[TR]ArsJul 16 01:22
schestowitz[TR]Same owner as Reddit Jul 16 01:22
schestowitz[TR]Conde NASTYJul 16 01:23
schestowitz[TR]some people say they would never read comments in "hacker" "noise" and "reddit"Jul 16 01:23
schestowitz[TR]even if it's about their articlesJul 16 01:23
schestowitz[TR]and other social control mediaJul 16 01:23
schestowitz[TR]that are full of corporate trollsJul 16 01:23
schestowitz[TR]those sites ar ehives for corporate PR operationsJul 16 01:24
schestowitz[TR]running interferenceJul 16 01:24
schestowitz[TR]and discouragiing those who expose corporate abuseJul 16 01:24
schestowitz[TR]the sites won't perish as long as those corporations prop them upJul 16 01:24
schestowitz[TR]to bully and censor criticsJul 16 01:24
schestowitz[TR]in the boycottnovell days reddit was already like thisJul 16 01:25
schestowitz[TR]Microsoft and Novell staff throwing insultsJul 16 01:25
schestowitz[TR]and trying to ban critics of the companiesJul 16 01:25
schestowitz[TR]which they succeeded at doing!Jul 16 01:25
schestowitz[TR]in more recent years red hat and IOBM staff did the sameJul 16 01:25
schestowitz[TR]to make those "evil tongues" go awayJul 16 01:25
schestowitz[TR]true is a coc violation nowJul 16 01:25
schestowitz[TR]"community guidelines"Jul 16 01:25
schestowitz[TR]helping Jeffrey Epstein" OKAY!Jul 16 01:26
schestowitz[TR]Condeming gates? now you are just being TOXICJul 16 01:26
techrights-news[cat] gemini:// 16 01:27
schestowitz[TR]BTW, those cat pictures?Jul 16 01:27
schestowitz[TR]he used to post them in redditJul 16 01:27
schestowitz[TR]but alex quit itJul 16 01:27
schestowitz[TR]and now popsts them in his gemini capsule every dayJul 16 01:27
schestowitz[TR]cat per dayJul 16 01:27
techrights-news[cat] gopher:// 16 01:28
schestowitz[TR]gemini is sfull of people who quit social control media, inc. reddit, in protestJul 16 01:28
*darwin (~darwin@7d3n498busjrn.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 01:35
chunkyahhJul 16 01:45
britney<schestowitz[TR]> those sites ar ehives for corporate PR operations   <--- arc hives, alludes to the neanderthaller, which exists in a hive mindJul 16 01:51
MinceRactivelow, is that you?Jul 16 01:52
schestowitz[TR]I think it's brandonJul 16 01:52
*MinceR goesJul 16 01:52
britney<schestowitz[TR]> gemini is sfull of people who quit social control media, inc. reddit, in protest   <--- what is gemini?Jul 16 01:52
schestowitz[TR]MinceR: lolJul 16 01:53
MinceRbritney: 16 01:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Gemini (protocol) - WikipediaJul 16 01:53
britneyMinceR, thanksJul 16 01:54
MinceRnpJul 16 01:54
britneyi tried viewing the links in brave but it didnt workJul 16 01:54
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▆▅▆▅▅▃▆▅▆▅▆▁▄▅▄▄▅▆▄▇▅▅▅▆▆▅▄▆▄▅▆▅▁ avg(k/sec) 25.26 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▁▁▁▂▁▁▂▁▁▁▁▂█▁▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▂▁▁▁▁▂▁▂▁▁ avg(k/sec) 15.46▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Jul 16 01:59
britneysome people say im eccentricJul 16 01:59
schestowitz[TR]they are the polite onesJul 16 02:02
MinceR:>Jul 16 02:02
britney:OJul 16 02:03
schestowitz[TR]let's go, britney Jul 16 02:07
techrights-newsThe Wine development release 7.13 is now available. • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 02:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Wine development release 7.13 is now available. | Tux MachinesJul 16 02:07
britneyschestowitz[TR], whats upJul 16 02:07
schestowitz[TR] 16 02:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Let's Go Brandon - WikipediaJul 16 02:08
britneyare you deadnaming me?Jul 16 02:08
schestowitz[TR]noJul 16 02:08
schestowitz[TR]but I think you obfuscate Jul 16 02:08
schestowitz[TR]I remember all this hive and neanderthal thingsJul 16 02:09
schestowitz[TR]from a decade backJul 16 02:09
schestowitz[TR]and I doubt anyone believes thisJul 16 02:09
britneyyeah I talked about it beforeJul 16 02:09
schestowitz[TR]it's a way to poison forumsJul 16 02:09
schestowitz[TR]Tim from OpenBytes responded to thatJul 16 02:09
britneyGoblin?Jul 16 02:09
schestowitz[TR]yeahJul 16 02:10
britneyI rememberJul 16 02:10
schestowitz[TR]you were on the first episodeJul 16 02:10
britneythats when I was a fedora ambassador, I have no affiliation with them anymoreJul 16 02:10
britneyI use arch btwJul 16 02:11
schestowitz[TR]fedora is not doing wellJul 16 02:11
schestowitz[TR]even people who used fedora for a lopng time agree with meJul 16 02:11
schestowitz[TR]ibm did a lot fo damageJul 16 02:11
britneyprobably a good reason to switch distrosJul 16 02:12
schestowitz[TR]yeahJul 16 02:12
schestowitz[TR]the site tuxmachines will move to alpineJul 16 02:12
schestowitz[TR]from RHELJul 16 02:12
britneyi found out about archinstall and used that to install archJul 16 02:12
schestowitz[TR]wellJul 16 02:12
schestowitz[TR]from centosJul 16 02:12
schestowitz[TR]but no more rhel clonesJul 16 02:12
techrights-newsReporting Progress on Our New CMS Developmemt | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 16 02:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Reporting Progress on Our New CMS Developmemt | TechrightsJul 16 02:13
britneythere is rocky and alma linuxJul 16 02:13
chunkyhey schestowitz[TR] and britneyJul 16 02:13
schestowitz[TR]Ariadne said she'd help set up the OSJul 16 02:13
schestowitz[TR]britney:  maybe ibm will do something against themJul 16 02:13
schestowitz[TR]like keeping some 'secret sace' away from themJul 16 02:13
schestowitz[TR]to keep rhel competititve Jul 16 02:13
schestowitz[TR]icbm does not know what the heck it's doingJul 16 02:13
schestowitz[TR]it has no understanding of the communityJul 16 02:14
schestowitz[TR]or those whom it promoted don't know the basis of the gplJul 16 02:14
schestowitz[TR]so they spent 2018 attacking torvaldsJul 16 02:14
schestowitz[TR]then rmsJul 16 02:14
schestowitz[TR]tryint to wrest control of their workJul 16 02:14
britneyit might be a good time to switch to BSD thoughJul 16 02:14
britneymicrosoft controls systemd, icbm controls the biggest commercial distrosJul 16 02:15
britneythats why the other day I spoke about making an openindiana fileserver, thats solarisJul 16 02:16
schestowitz[TR]oracleJul 16 02:17
techrights-newsReporting Progress on Our New CMS Developmemt • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 02:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Reporting Progress on Our New CMS Developmemt | Tux MachinesJul 16 02:17
britneyschestowitz[TR], its technically somewhat affiliated with oracleJul 16 02:18
britneythey take the solaris kernel and bundle gnuJul 16 02:18
britneyso you could call it GNU/SolarisJul 16 02:18 - Blog Archive - Announcing git-cinnabar 0.5.9 ⚓ ䷉ Source: glandium | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 16 02:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ » Blog Archive » Announcing git-cinnabar 0.5.9Jul 16 02:18
schestowitz[TR]being slaves iof Ellison is no goodJul 16 02:19
schestowitz[TR]he's a Trump boosterJul 16 02:19
schestowitz[TR]and affililiates with other frauds and sc"***bagsJul 16 02:19
britneywhat OS is safe?Jul 16 02:20
britneyopenbsd is kinda coolJul 16 02:20
britneyit even comes with fvwm which is lightweightJul 16 02:20
MinceRdunno what OS is safeJul 16 02:21
MinceRi'm testing out a few, but i'm proceeding very slowlyJul 16 02:21
techrights-newsWhen lawyers write about Free software, or people who used to work for Microsoft, they don't have much positive to say 16 02:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Why Open Source is ESG - FOSSAJul 16 02:21
techrights-newsFedora Community Blog: Friday’s Fedora Facts: 2022-28 16 02:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Friday's Fedora Facts: 2022-28 – Fedora Community BlogJul 16 02:23
techrights-news"GNOME HIG CSS Library project aims to design, develop and publish a unified CSS library incorporating the revised Human Interface and Visual Identity Guidelines allowing developers to update the existing GNOME websites and create new ones with a congruent visual identity."️-code-d1667a3e1df1Jul 16 02:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-GSoC’22 @GNOME - Coding Phase 1: Evaluate, Design, Code | by Pooja Patel | Medium | MediumJul 16 02:24
techrights-newsFor slush funds, large corporations pretend to care about ethics. All day long they help the army bomb people but their public-facing Web sites tell us about "inclusion" and "diversity". Clever spin or PR ploy.Jul 16 02:25
techrights-newsCIA: we schemed to torture and assassinate journalists that 'embarrasses' the US with facts. But at least we hired a few gay people after a long history of homophobia in the agency.Jul 16 02:26
techrights-news"Americans have a really hard time talking about so many topics." 16 02:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | What Brits Know About Class That Americans Don’tJul 16 02:28
britney 16 02:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | gemini/lagrange: A Beautiful Gemini Client - lagrange - GiteaJul 16 02:33
britneyvery nice gemini clientJul 16 02:33
schestowitz[TR]sdl2 :/Jul 16 02:33
schestowitz[TR]shithubJul 16 02:33
schestowitz[TR]try kristall tooJul 16 02:33
britneyits gitea not githubJul 16 02:34
MinceRi find kristall and amfora to be much nicerJul 16 02:35
MinceR(amfora probably won't show you pictures though :> )Jul 16 02:35
techrights-news🅸🆁🅲 techpol + social irc ■ Yesterday's #boycottnovell-social and #techpol IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 16 02:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #boycottnovell-social and #techpol @ Techrights IRC Network: Friday, July 15, 2022Jul 16 02:36
techrights-news131 Man City goals... 16 02:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Thank you, Raheem: Sterling's City highlightsJul 16 02:36
techrights-news🅸🆁🅲 techrights irc ■ Yesterday's #techrights IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 16 02:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Friday, July 15, 2022Jul 16 02:37
techrights-news🅸🆁🅲 boycottnovell irc ■ Yesterday's #boycottnovell IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 16 02:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Friday, July 15, 2022Jul 16 02:38
techrights-news🅸🆁🅲 techbytes irc ■ Yesterday's #techbytes IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 16 02:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Friday, July 15, 2022Jul 16 02:39
britneyI think I like lagrange moreJul 16 02:40
britney 16 02:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Imgur: The magic of the InternetJul 16 02:41
schestowitz[TR] 16 02:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Thursday training: 'Winter is back!'Jul 16 02:41
techrights-news✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐍▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩ Yesterday's bulletin is now ready! 🅷🆃🆃🅿: | 🅶🅴🅼🅸🅽🅸 gemini:// (tentative address, to work an hour from now)Jul 16 02:42
MinceRthen there will be someone who like lagrange :>Jul 16 02:42
britney=)Jul 16 02:43
MinceRs/ke/kes/Jul 16 02:44
*psydroid2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jul 16 02:53
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▆▅▆▅▅▃▆▅▆▅▆▁▄▅▄▄▅▆▄▇▅▅▅▆▆▅▄▆▄▅▆▅▁ avg(k/sec) 25.26 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▁▁▁▂▁▁▂▁▁▁▁▂█▁▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▂▁▁▁▁▂▁▂▁▁ avg(k/sec) 15.46▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Jul 16 02:59
DaemonFC<schestowitz[TR]> I know this...Jul 16 02:59
DaemonFCMostly leftist hate groups.Jul 16 02:59
DaemonFCThose are the ones they never do anything about.Jul 16 02:59
DaemonFCLeftist hate groups, pro-Microsoft trolls, and porn.Jul 16 02:59
*GNUmoon has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 16 03:00
*GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsJul 16 03:01
*oarion7 has quit (Quit: Running IRC on a charmed medieval abacus.)Jul 16 03:01
MinceR"it's a unix system!"Jul 16 03:02
techrights-ipfs-bot☞ Gemini requests since start of month:  147407 total • Total number of pages in capsule: 41683 •     Active: active (running) since Fri 2022-05-27 10:17:06 BST; 1 months 19 days agoJul 16 03:07
techrights-ipfs-bot☞ IPFS local node stats (bandwidth since last reset) calculated.  TotalIn: 11 MB  •  TotalOut: 2.4 MBJul 16 03:08
techrights-ipfs-bot☞ New daily bulletin is now being generated and assembled.Jul 16 03:09
*techrights-news has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jul 16 03:10
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jul 16 03:11
techrights-ipfs-botQmdVCZ22xUbZkpsSDmSDMrnFTMypCGWw1f2punvumLq2NJJul 16 03:11
techrights-ipfs-bot☞ New daily bulletin has just been added to IPFS, hereon retrievable with the CID above.Jul 16 03:11
*rianne (~rianne@hcdms2vr9hu9e.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 03:11
*schestowitz has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jul 16 03:12
*schestowitz (~roy@hcdms2vr9hu9e.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 03:12
* sets mode +q #techrights schestowitzJul 16 03:12
DaemonFC<MinceR> "it's a unix system!"Jul 16 03:23
DaemonFCOh, the SGI file browser?Jul 16 03:23
DaemonFCThe crazy thing is that it was the real file browser.Jul 16 03:23
DaemonFCThey didn't just make shit up for the movie.Jul 16 03:23
*oarion7 (~anonymous@user/oarion7) has joined #techrightsJul 16 03:29
*britney has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jul 16 03:32
MinceRyeahJul 16 03:33
MinceRthey did make shit up for the movie, that just wasn't part of it :>Jul 16 03:33
*oarion7 has quit (Quit: Running IRC on a charmed medieval abacus.)Jul 16 03:35
DaemonFC 16 03:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Crypto lending company Celsius Network has filed for bankruptcy - The VergeJul 16 03:41
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▆▇▅▇▆▃▄▅▆▆▆▅▄▅▅▇▅▅▆▅▅▆▄▅▅▆▅▇▄▅▅▄▄▄▅▁ avg(k/sec) 28.60 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▁▂▂▁▁▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▂▂▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▁▂▁▁▁▁ avg(k/sec) 4.75▕ swarm size (avg): 302.25  ⟲Jul 16 03:59
*oarion7 (~anonymous@user/oarion7) has joined #techrightsJul 16 04:07
*GNUmoon has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jul 16 04:19
*GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsJul 16 04:19
*britney (~britney@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 04:42
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR], I'm writing another post.Jul 16 04:57
DaemonFCThis time about the Windows Store cutting off open source developers from donations.Jul 16 04:58
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▄▆▆▅▅▆▆▆▃▅▆▅▅▆▆▅▅▆▅▆▁▆▅▆▇▅▅▄▅▆▅▂▄▅▁ avg(k/sec) 28.33 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▂▁▁▂▁▂▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▂▁▁▂▁▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▁▂▂▁▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 4.73▕ swarm size (avg): 308.63  ⟲Jul 16 04:59
*bnchs has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jul 16 05:05
*bnchs (~bnchs@fyp8274wxqgn8.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 05:09
DaemonFC 16 05:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft cuts off Free and Open Source Software from using the Windows Store for donations. – BaronHK's RantsJul 16 05:11
psydruidwhy are people in North America so reluctant to use GNU/Linux when there are several countries in Europe and Asia where it already has 5-10% market share?Jul 16 05:13
*Skywave (~SkywaveC3@6788f9kgkv53i.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 05:14
DaemonFCI don't know. They treat software like they treat everything else.Jul 16 05:17
DaemonFCIf you didn't pay some stupid amount of money for it, what good is it?Jul 16 05:18
DaemonFCI asked MARISOL if she tried a Chromebook and she told me no but they must not be any good if they sell for a low price.Jul 16 05:18
DaemonFCThere's a lot of "THOSE" types floating around this place. Jul 16 05:18
DaemonFCYou can sell people anything if you make the price high. As odd as it sounds, the more they got ripped off for it, the happier they say they are.Jul 16 05:19
DaemonFCThe cars that have the worst reliability ratings are the most expensive, and most of the people who bought one say they're very happy with it and will get another one someday.Jul 16 05:19
DaemonFCHow do you sell a $50,000 Rolex?Jul 16 05:20
DaemonFCIt must be good. If it wasn't good it wouldn't be $50,000.Jul 16 05:20
DaemonFCPeople associate high prices with quality, whether it's true or not.Jul 16 05:20
DaemonFCIf you lower the price, you run the danger of no longer being "perceived" to be a luxury item and watching your customers storm out.Jul 16 05:21
DaemonFCBut what's ridiculous is that poor people buy "luxury" brands. I mean, you see trash walking around with iPhones in one hand and Starbucks in the other.Jul 16 05:21
DaemonFCThey "perceive" it to be high quality because it's expensive.Jul 16 05:21
DaemonFCI can make a mean cup of auto drip, you know.Jul 16 05:22
DaemonFCDoesn't have the name on it. Doesn't cost $7 a cup.Jul 16 05:22
DaemonFCTastes almost exactly the same.Jul 16 05:22
DaemonFCIt's all about optics.Jul 16 05:22
DaemonFCThe New York Times cracked me up today.Jul 16 05:23
DaemonFCThey did a story on the impact of hyperinflation on real Americans.Jul 16 05:23
DaemonFCSo of course they CNN'd the shit out of this and found some woman with a do nothing patronage job at a University in New Jersey who said she was barely eeking by on six figures, in her apartment building that has a pool on the roof.Jul 16 05:24
psydruidIt makes me think those people don't live in the real world but some fantasy version of itJul 16 05:25
britney   <--- openbsd screenshotJul 16 05:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Imgur: The magic of the InternetJul 16 05:54
britneyDaemonFC, it might even taste better if you use high quality beansJul 16 05:56
britneyI figured out the secret to fast food coffee. High amounts of caffeine. A normal home brewed cup of coffee is 40mg caffeine. Starbucks, Tim Hortons, McDonalds, etc are all around 300mg. They get you addicted to it.Jul 16 05:57
britneyThat's why people are walking around sipping $7Jul 16 05:58
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▄▃▆▃▄▅▆▂▅▆▃▄▆▇▅▆▄▇▆▅▆▃▄▅▅▃▄▅▄▅▅▅▆▆▄▄▅▆▅▆▁ avg(k/sec) 24.35 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▁▁▁▁▂▂▁▂▁▁▂▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▁▂▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▁ avg(k/sec) 28.18▕ swarm size (avg): 306.23  ⟲Jul 16 05:59
*techrights-news (~techrights-news@hcdms2vr9hu9e.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 06:03
techrights-news#Techrights Bulletin for Friday, July 15, 2022 full archive: #gnu #linux #freesw #plaintextJul 16 06:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bulletin ArchivesJul 16 06:03
*techrights-news has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jul 16 06:06
*techrights-news (~techrights-news@hcdms2vr9hu9e.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 06:08
techrights-news#Techrights full #IPFS index updated just now available as plain text @ #dweb #sharingJul 16 06:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Techrights Full IPFS IndexJul 16 06:08
techrights-newsxkcd: Minkowski Space ⚓ ䷉ Source: xkcd | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 16 06:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-xkcd: Minkowski SpaceJul 16 06:09
techrights-newssmolZINE - Issue 30 gemini:// 16 06:16
techrights-newsToday’s #HowTos | #UNIX • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 06:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJul 16 06:19
DaemonFC<britney> I figured out the secret to fast food coffee. High amounts of caffeine. A normal home brewed cup of coffee is 40mg caffeine. Starbucks, Tim Hortons, McDonalds, etc are all around 300mg. They get you addicted to it.Jul 16 06:21
DaemonFCYeah, I used to go by Tim Horton's a bit.Jul 16 06:21
DaemonFCThey had that one, what was it? The half hot chocolate and half coffee? And the Timbits? Fucking evil man.Jul 16 06:22
DaemonFCI don't know how Starbucks is a thing though.Jul 16 06:22
britneyCafe MochaJul 16 06:23
techrights-newsMicrosoft Cuts Off Free and Open Source Software From Using the Windows Store for Donations | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 16 06:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Cuts Off Free and Open Source Software From Using the Windows Store for Donations | TechrightsJul 16 06:29
schestowitz[TR]DaemonFC: no typosJul 16 06:29
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 16 06:30
schestowitz[TR]none foundJul 16 06:30
schestowitz[TR]I'd say get-togethersJul 16 06:30
schestowitz[TR]with dashJul 16 06:30
schestowitz[TR]but it' a matter of twasteJul 16 06:30
schestowitz[TR]informal termJul 16 06:30
techrights-newsAdvertising Is Psychological Warfare gemini:// 16 06:30
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR], It was pretty widespread to make pirate copies of movies back in the 90s. Especially ones you couldn't easily get in the US because they weren't released here.Jul 16 06:42
DaemonFCWhen we went to the Inconjunction Science Fiction Convention in Indianapolis each year, it wasn't uncommon to see movies for sale that the guy had ran off copies off with his home VCR. Things like that.Jul 16 06:42
DaemonFCThere was a guy named Steve Jackson who had a small video game company that kept opening up a booth there. His company made board games too.Jul 16 06:43
DaemonFCHe made a decent living off of it, I think. I enjoyed the games he had ported to DOS and the Commodore.Jul 16 06:43
DaemonFCI had both systems at one point.Jul 16 06:44
DaemonFCThe Commodore should have continued, I think. It was clearly the best home computer of the 1980s in the US market at least. In that it was actually quite useful and capable for the price point that it sold for.Jul 16 06:45
DaemonFCI never had an Amiga though. Just the C64.Jul 16 06:45
DaemonFCThe C64 was getting pretty old by the time dad gave it to me and got himself a PC.Jul 16 06:45
DaemonFCThe interesting thing about the Commodore was how much the programmers managed to do with it for as limited as the hardware was.Jul 16 06:46
DaemonFCThe system didn't really claim a lot of resources for itself. Didn't get in the way of the program you were running.Jul 16 06:46
DaemonFCWhat we really need is a renascence of efficient operating system software. By modern standards, I was managing to do this with GNU/Linux up to about 8 years ago.Jul 16 06:47
DaemonFCLong after anyone would have given up on that 2004 budget Compaq I was still using GNU/Linux on it. A distribution that not only lived in 1 GB of RAM but did so comfortably.Jul 16 06:48
DaemonFCWith a single core processor, barely over 1 Ghz. Not even a good one in 2004.Jul 16 06:49
DaemonFCThe reason it managed so well was the OS got the hell out of the way so there was actually something left to run programs with.Jul 16 06:49
DaemonFCWhen I bought this computer, I was running into low memory situations on Windows 10 just running Firefox.Jul 16 06:50
DaemonFCI mean, it's horrible. I don't know how people don't see it. If you don't care about anything else, why not care that it's a real pig.Jul 16 06:51
DaemonFCHow do you guzzle 16 GB of RAM running a stupid Web browser and doing not much else?Jul 16 06:51
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR], I was talking to mom about in 1963, my great-grandmother still didn't have an electric refrigerator.Jul 16 06:57
DaemonFCShe sent my mom to the store across the street to pay the man at the store 10 cents for a block of ice and put it in an an icebox.Jul 16 06:58
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▆▃▄▅▆▂▅▆▃▄▆▇▅▆▄▇▆▅▆▃▄▅▅▃▄▅▄▅▅▅▆▆▄▄▅▆▅▆▄▅▁ avg(k/sec) 24.25 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▂▂▁▂▁▁▂▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▁▂▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▂▁▁ avg(k/sec) 28.15▕ swarm size (avg): 19.51  ⟲Jul 16 06:59
DaemonFCI got to thinking, 1963 wasn't like, a long long LONG time before I was born. Only like 21 years.Jul 16 06:59
DaemonFCAnd getting an electric refrigerator meant you were moving up in the world, apparently, even then.Jul 16 06:59
DaemonFCShe said my grandparents bought new Mercury in the 1950s. It didn't come standard with air conditioning or a heater. If you wanted either one, you had to pay extra and have someone install it for you. A Mercury has always been a pretty nice brand of car, at least until Ford stopped making them.Jul 16 07:01
britneyDaemonFC, openbsd is pretty efficient, the installer is 600MB and you can run it on really old hardwareJul 16 07:01
britneyfvwm is also quite lightweightJul 16 07:01
DaemonFCI was looking at the sales pitch for a new Chevy. The funny part is the dealer Web site that praises the CVT transmissions.Jul 16 07:01
DaemonFCWhich are the ones that fail every 35,000 miles or so and cost more than the whole damned car is worth to replace once the warranty ends.Jul 16 07:02
DaemonFCYou basically have to buy a factory extended warranty on one of these things if you go that route, because otherwise it's going to start eating transmissions while you're still making payments.Jul 16 07:03
DaemonFCI don't know how GM is going to make it much longer unless we're forced to bail them out again.Jul 16 07:03
schestowitz[TR]ohJul 16 07:04
schestowitz[TR]link?Jul 16 07:04
DaemonFCTo what?Jul 16 07:04
schestowitz[TR]gmJul 16 07:04
DaemonFC 16 07:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | General Motors Company (GM) Stock Price, News, Quote & History - Yahoo FinanceJul 16 07:05
DaemonFCThe stock price has fallen by half in just six months.Jul 16 07:05
DaemonFCThe Federal Reserve is getting ready to do a 100 basis point hike this month. The largest they've ever done at once.Jul 16 07:06
DaemonFCThey're just going to keep hiking until GM fails.Jul 16 07:06
DaemonFCFord has a lot of debt, but they're in a better place with profit margins and satisfied customers and so on.Jul 16 07:07
DaemonFCThey took on debt to grow the business, you know. They even expanded in Illinois.Jul 16 07:07
techrights-newsThe EPO Bubble — Part IV — A Cashflow Problem Looming on the Horizon? | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 16 07:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The EPO Bubble — Part IV — A Cashflow Problem Looming on the Horizon? | TechrightsJul 16 07:08
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR], I've had GMs and Fords. I can tell you that at least with the 90s and 2000s models, the Fords tend to have fewer serious problems as they age. But GM can make decent stuff if they feel like it.Jul 16 07:09
DaemonFCThe problem tends to happen when they make downmarket versions of their powertrains to hit a price point.Jul 16 07:09
DaemonFCMy aunt was buying a new Chevy every 2 years, and then bragging about it.Jul 16 07:09
DaemonFCShe wasn't trading them in because she wanted to. She was buying the cheapest model that didn't have any options.Jul 16 07:10
DaemonFCThen when the transmission wasn't shifting right or it would rain and flood the car and the dealer couldn't fix it right, they'd trade it right back in.Jul 16 07:10
techrights-news#HowTo Install Metasploit Framework on Android Using Termux Without Root • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 07:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Install Metasploit Framework on Android Using Termux Without Root | Tux MachinesJul 16 07:12
DaemonFC 16 07:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Should You Now Consider Disposing Your General Motors (GM) Stake?Jul 16 07:13
DaemonFCGM isn't a good investment right now. They're not in a good place. I've been to the Chevy dealer and they can't get any inventory.Jul 16 07:13
DaemonFCThe Buick dealer is well stocked though.Jul 16 07:13
DaemonFCI see that going on a lot. Chevy lot, 10% full, Buick lot, packed.Jul 16 07:14
DaemonFCThey're prioritizing Buick. I would. They sell for more money.Jul 16 07:14
DaemonFCIf I was them I'd probably just give up on Chevy and close down the brand and just do Buick, GMC, and Cadillac.Jul 16 07:15
DaemonFCThese supply chain issues aren't going to resolve with the computer chips and stuff for a while.Jul 16 07:17
DaemonFCWith Cadillac and Buick going all electric, they're not going to need compliance cars they don't want to build to get their CAFE fines down.Jul 16 07:18
DaemonFCDad's brother-in-law retired from GM last year with a pretty big pension.Jul 16 07:18
DaemonFCThe federal government will take it over and pay it if GM goes under.Jul 16 07:19
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jul 16 07:23
*oarion7 has quit (Quit: Running IRC on a charmed medieval abacus.)Jul 16 07:24
britneyFreeBSD: 16 07:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Imgur: The magic of the InternetJul 16 07:48
techrights-news[Meme] Grinning at Immunity | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 16 07:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] Grinning at Immunity | TechrightsJul 16 07:57
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▆▃▄▅▆▂▅▆▃▄▆▇▅▆▄▇▆▅▆▃▄▅▅▃▄▅▄▅▅▅▆▆▄▄▅▆▅▆▄▅▁ avg(k/sec) 24.25 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▂▂▁▂▁▁▂▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▁▂▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▂▁▁ avg(k/sec) 28.15▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Jul 16 07:59
*GNUmoon has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 16 08:12
*GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsJul 16 08:13
*coo (~5656e450@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 08:15
schestowitz[TR]hiJul 16 08:15
*coo has quit (Quit: Connection closed)Jul 16 08:15
schestowitz[TR]it's a coupJul 16 08:15
*GNUmoon has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 16 08:17
*GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsJul 16 08:17
techrights-newsIllegally Monetising an Attack on the European Patent Convention (or How National Delegates Participate in a Coordinated Patent Collusion, a Form of Organised Crime) | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 16 08:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Illegally Monetising an Attack on the European Patent Convention (or How National Delegates Participate in a Coordinated Patent Collusion, a Form of Organised Crime) | TechrightsJul 16 08:35
techrights-news𝘛𝘦𝘤𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 IRC Proceedings: Friday, July 15, 2022 • Techrights ⚓ ䷉ Source: Techrights | GNU | Linux | FreeSW | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 16 08:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC Proceedings: Friday, July 15, 2022 | TechrightsJul 16 08:36
techrights-news"The Windows Store already makes it impossible to comply with Copyleft Free Software licenses, such as the GPL." 16 08:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Cuts Off Free and Open Source Software From Using the Windows Store for Donations | TechrightsJul 16 08:40
techrights-news6 Best Free and Open Source JavaScript-Based Web Content Management Systems • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 08:42
techrights-newsThis week in KDE: some nice improvements! • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 08:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 6 Best Free and Open Source JavaScript-Based Web Content Management Systems | Tux MachinesJul 16 08:42
techrights-news13 Ways to Tweak Nautilus File Manager in Linux to Get More Out of it • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 08:42
techrights-newsDebix Model A packs i.MX 8M Plus and mirrors RPI form factor • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 08:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | This week in KDE: some nice improvements! | Tux MachinesJul 16 08:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 13 Ways to Tweak Nautilus File Manager in Linux to Get More Out of it | Tux MachinesJul 16 08:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Debix Model A packs i.MX 8M Plus and mirrors RPI form factor | Tux MachinesJul 16 08:43
techrights-newsToday in #Techrights • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 08:44
techrights-newsGoogle #Android Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 08:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJul 16 08:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesJul 16 08:45
techrights-news"In my circles there's been an increasing interest in "Links" pages as a way to help people discover interesting content by looking at what people you like like. For a long time I've had a "favourites.gmi" page on my capsule" gemini:// 16 08:46
techrights-news"Old computers along with old CPUs, are becoming a better offer by the day, not only because of consumerism and planned obsolescence, but because of security." Ask Herr Sixel gemini:// 16 08:47
techrights-news"Now yet another backdoor is coming, Microsoft Pluton. Obviously being touted as a "security enclave" that's built into the CPU, it's a bright idea by Microsoft to secure computers, when they haven't even resolved the malware issue on their own operating system." gemini:// 16 08:48
techrights-news"Last week, an article on Phoronix reportedly showed that one of the laptops with Pluton cannot boot GNU/Linux, all because of it not being "secure."" gemini:// 16 08:48
techrights-newsGNU/Linux IS secure. Windows (all versions) is NOT secure. But in the eyes of "national security" NSA, "security" is code for BACK DOORS. This is what Mr. Matthew GAFAM is promoting and being paid for.Jul 16 08:49
techrights-newsToday in #Techrights • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 08:50
techrights-newsThe EPO has become unsustainable since the days of Benoît Battistelli as suitably-qualified examiners left in droves, new suitably-qualified examiners are impossible to recruit, and quality of patents plunged along with compliance rates 16 08:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The EPO Bubble — Part IV — A Cashflow Problem Looming on the Horizon? | TechrightsJul 16 08:54
techrights-newsThe Hubris of EPO management is quite a spectacle 16 08:55
techrights-newsA sort of “patent racket” based around Germany* is threatening Europe; to make matters worse, it’s creating a financial calamity, but few actors profit from this calamity and coordinate the agenda 16 08:55
techrights-newsWhy promote proprietary malware of Microsoft, which spies on users and their systems, in a system that deleted itself from Microsoft GitHub and is providing an alternative to increasingly evil IBM? 16 08:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-How to Install Visual Studio Code on Rocky Linux 9 - LinuxCapableJul 16 08:56
techrights-news#Privacyofthepeople: 91 problems but this ain’t one ⚓ ䷉ Source: internetfreedom | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 16 08:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | #Privacyofthepeople: 91 problems but this ain’t oneJul 16 08:57
techrights-newsThis one is not proprietary, it does not let Microsoft spy on users, but it helps Microsoft's proprietary malware/spyware (VS Code) gain foothold 16 08:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-How to Install VSCodium on Rocky Linux 9 - LinuxCapableJul 16 08:58
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▆▃▄▅▆▂▅▆▃▄▆▇▅▆▄▇▆▅▆▃▄▅▅▃▄▅▄▅▅▅▆▆▄▄▅▆▅▆▄▅▁ avg(k/sec) 24.25 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▂▂▁▂▁▁▂▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▁▂▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▂▁▁ avg(k/sec) 28.15▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Jul 16 08:59
*matey (~matey@6x2rcs4xfi89e.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 09:12
britneyschestowitz[TR], whats a coup?Jul 16 09:13
techrights-news"I want to love the “Linux Desktop”. I really do." ☛ | Source: Bradley TauntJul 16 09:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Linux Desktop is Hard to LoveJul 16 09:13
schestowitz[TR]look it upJul 16 09:14
schestowitz[TR]french wordJul 16 09:14
schestowitz[TR]you are canadianJul 16 09:14
schestowitz[TR]you are a french speaking nation ;-)Jul 16 09:14
britneyquebec speaks frenchJul 16 09:14
schestowitz[TR]yeahJul 16 09:14
schestowitz[TR]but it's taught in schools tooJul 16 09:14
britneyI know what coup means but what is the coup?Jul 16 09:14
mateyit depends who you askJul 16 09:14
britneyup until grade 9 yeahJul 16 09:14
britneyi barely remember any of itJul 16 09:15
mateybut really the coup is when open source took over the fsfJul 16 09:15
matey/me waits for itJul 16 09:15
britneymatey, what do you mean open source took over the fsf?Jul 16 09:15
britneyfsf is still aroundJul 16 09:15
mateythere are other takes on this, they simply fail to explain what happened (in a way that this way does)Jul 16 09:15
techrights-news"Today I learned something that I could have noticed if I'd paid enough attention" ☛ | Source: uni TorontoJul 16 09:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chris's Wiki :: blog/linux/IptablesOutputAndInterfacesJul 16 09:15
mateyyeah, usually when things get taken over, they stay aroundJul 16 09:16
mateyfor example, when the usa took over california and texasJul 16 09:16
mateytheyre still aroundJul 16 09:16
mateycalifornia still exists-- texas still existsJul 16 09:16
techrights-news"IMAP is deliberately a high level protocol; it gives you abstract access to your mailboxes." ☛ | Source: uni TorontoJul 16 09:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chris's Wiki :: blog/sysadmin/IMAPIOTrafficImbalanceJul 16 09:16
britneyok i get itJul 16 09:16
mateyused to be mexicoJul 16 09:16
britneyhow was the fsf taken over?Jul 16 09:16
mateyfsf used to be free softwareJul 16 09:16
mateyit was taken over by introducing additional authorities that overrode the leadershipJul 16 09:17
mateyfor example, lieplanet controls all fsf events. Jul 16 09:17
mateythey wanted to ban the former fsf councilJul 16 09:17
techrights-news"CP/M was special because it separated the physical I/O system (now called BIOS – Basic I/O System) " ☛ | Source: Matt RickardJul 16 09:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Story of CP/MJul 16 09:17
mateythe president defended himJul 16 09:17
mateyso they wanted to ban the president from fsf events.Jul 16 09:17
mateytheyre idiots, for startersJul 16 09:17
techrights-news"In a statement, the IBM-owned company says Hicks" ☛ | Source: IT WebJul 16 09:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Matt Hicks appointed as Red Hat CEO amid leadership changes | ITWebJul 16 09:17
mateyopportunists, corporate shills, traitorsJul 16 09:18
mateyin some versions of this story it ended thereJul 16 09:18
mateyit hasnt ended. what was a coup is now an occupationJul 16 09:18
mateythe fsf has entirely cavedJul 16 09:18
techrights-newsOpen Hardware ☛ | Source: Björn WärmedalJul 16 09:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | I Built a Video Game Console - Björn WärmedalJul 16 09:18
mateyagainst its principles, against freedom, against users, and to the demands of the coup from even years agoJul 16 09:18
mateynot to mention that stallman is/will always be closer to silentJul 16 09:19
techrights-news"PDAs — especially early models — were much more limited than smartphones." ☛ | Source: ArduinoJul 16 09:19
mateyjust like linus (i predicted this)Jul 16 09:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A PDA-style mini pocket computer | Arduino BlogJul 16 09:19
mateythey did the same thing to torvaldsJul 16 09:19
techrights-news"Typically one installs whiny siren-like server fans that spin at 5000+ rpm, and don't worry much about noise." ☛ | Source: Jeff GeerlingJul 16 09:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Making Noctua fans work (quietly) with a Supermicro motherboard | Jeff GeerlingJul 16 09:19
mateytorvalds would have had tso take overJul 16 09:19
mateytso gave a shit about usersJul 16 09:19
mateywith torvalds sackless, gkh (a complete shill) now owns linux so to speakJul 16 09:20
mateymicrosoft controls the kernel, microsoft and ibm control the gnu projectJul 16 09:20
mateywelcome to hell, the free software versionJul 16 09:21
techrights-newsrpki-client 7.9 released ☛;sid=20220714121915 | Source: UndeadlyJul 16 09:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | rpki-client 7.9 releasedJul 16 09:21
techrights-newsOpenBGPD 7.5 released ☛ | Source: Mailing list ARChivesJul 16 09:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 'OpenBGPD 7.5 released' - MARCJul 16 09:21
mateyyou have the four freedoms on paper, just like the american constitution is on paperJul 16 09:21
mateythey mean less in practice at leastJul 16 09:21
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jul 16 09:22
mateygkh doesnt care if microsoft takes a giant shit in the linux kernel, and the fsf leadership doesnt care if lieplanet takes a giant shit in the free software movementJul 16 09:22
mateywhich theyve been doing for years Jul 16 09:22
mateynext years keynote speaker: joe earlyJul 16 09:23
techrights-news"Leaf Node Monitoring is my own open source (GPLv3)" ☛ | Source: Remy Van ElstJul 16 09:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-What's coming in the next version of Leaf Node Monitoring? - Raymii.orgJul 16 09:23
matey 16 09:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | UHF (5/12) Movie CLIP - Saw Demonstration (1989) HD - InvidiousJul 16 09:24
techrights-newsWeb Browsers: "The modern Web is crap, because it’s unusable if you value your sanity" ☛ | Source: DaemonFC (Ryan Farmer)Jul 16 09:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Lynx: For a Matthew Garrett-free Web browsing experience. Bonus: Which news sites are worth reading? (Not the Bill Gates ones.) – BaronHK's RantsJul 16 09:24
mateyLatest PostsJul 16 09:25
matey⚓ Post #0:Jul 16 09:25
mateyPosted on Thursday January 01, 1970Jul 16 09:25
matey⚓ Post #1:Jul 16 09:25
mateyPosted on Thursday January 01, 1970Jul 16 09:25
matey⚓ Post #2:Jul 16 09:25
mateyPosted on Thursday January 01, 1970Jul 16 09:25
matey⚓ Post #3:Jul 16 09:25
techrights-news"sqlite3 is a fantastic embedded database for rapid prototyping and resource-constrained environments" ☛ | Source: Ruben SchadeJul 16 09:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Rubenerd: Making interactive sqlite3 more usefulJul 16 09:25
mateyPosted on Thursday January 01, 1970/me refreshesJul 16 09:25
techrights-news"SQLite has two equality operators: = and IS (= can also be written as ==)." ☛ | Source: Evan HahnJul 16 09:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The difference between "=" and "IS" in SQLiteJul 16 09:25
schestowitz[TR]matey: the rss feed timed outJul 16 09:25
mateyand time goes back 50 years?Jul 16 09:26
techrights-news"The CrowPi L is a Raspberry Pi-powered laptop built to educate" ☛ | Source: Tom's HardwareJul 16 09:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | CrowPi L Raspberry Pi Laptop Review: A Lean Mean STEM Learning Machine | Tom's HardwareJul 16 09:26
mateyits a harmless bug, but its funny Jul 16 09:26
techrights-news"Before I started my research for writing this entry, I would have said that kernel support for '#!' was added in 4.2 BSD." ☛ | Source: uni TorontoJul 16 09:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chris's Wiki :: blog/unix/ExecAndShebangHistoryJul 16 09:26
matey/me refreshes againJul 16 09:27
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@5tcc2vuaj9aks.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 09:27
mateyobviously i know how to get the latest 4 stories from the old/real indexJul 16 09:27
mateybut i strongly prefer this thingJul 16 09:28
techrights-news"Recently I've been working with simple/trivial scripting languages" ☛ | Source: Steve KempJul 16 09:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | So we come to LispJul 16 09:28
britneymatey, thanks for the informationJul 16 09:28
mateystill 1970Jul 16 09:28
techrights-news"When that happens, teams face two choices: cut scope or cut corners." ☛ |Jul 16 09:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | To build successful software, don't make the plan better. Make it shorter.Jul 16 09:28
britneymatey, to be clear, we can't trust GNU or FSF anymore?Jul 16 09:28
mateybritney: the free software will rebuild eventuallyJul 16 09:28
mateymovement ^Jul 16 09:29
mateyi DONT trust the fsf. Jul 16 09:29
mateyi consider the new fsf a scamJul 16 09:29
mateythey dont stand for what they say. open source never did.Jul 16 09:29
techrights-news"For people who suffer from hearing loss or other auditory issues, maintaining situational awareness can be vital for keeping safe and autonomous." ☛ | Source: ArduinoJul 16 09:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | This device detects different household sounds through tinyML | Arduino BlogJul 16 09:29
mateygnu... will fall apartJul 16 09:29
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 16 09:30
mateyrms half-retired from it 11 years ago. with no one steering, it drifts toward microsoft githubJul 16 09:30
mateyif i wanted microsoft and ibm to control my computing, i could have just stayed with windowsJul 16 09:30
techrights-news"The pattern matching feature is, on the whole, pretty reasonably designed, and people will expect it to behave in reasonable ways." ☛ | Source: ButtondownJul 16 09:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sneak Peek: Crimes with Python's Pattern Matching • ButtondownJul 16 09:30
mateygnu and fsf are farcicalJul 16 09:30
techrights-news"zshbrev allows you to mix zsh code and brev code." ☛ | Source: IdiomdrottningJul 16 09:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | zshbrevJul 16 09:30
mateyive stopped using gnu/linux. and no, i didnt go back to dos or windows (nor can i stand apple)Jul 16 09:30
britneymatey, what are you running?Jul 16 09:31
mateybsdJul 16 09:31
mateyusually openbsdJul 16 09:31
britneyI was playing around with freebsdJul 16 09:31
mateybut first i spent about half a decade trying to salvage gnu/linux-- i finally gave upJul 16 09:31
mateyfreebsd is the most popular bsd i guessJul 16 09:32
mateyi tried it, it wasnt all abdJul 16 09:32
mateybadJul 16 09:32
schestowitz[TR]matey: thanks for spotting that, thanks a lotJul 16 09:33
schestowitz[TR]fixed nowJul 16 09:33
schestowitz[TR]the issue was rss validationJul 16 09:33
schestowitz[TR]a shitty non-utf8 char snuck inJul 16 09:33
schestowitz[TR]when I copied something from xchatJul 16 09:33
mateythey should just call it unisuckJul 16 09:34
britneythe only thing missing in freebsd was element and discord, but i can use a browser for thoseJul 16 09:34
mateyas far as i know, the move from baudot to ascii never made everything break for decades at a timeJul 16 09:34
mateybut unicode is FANCY (and bullshit)Jul 16 09:35
mateygranted there are some things i love about itJul 16 09:35
mateybut they only count when its not breaking!Jul 16 09:35
mateywhich it does-- ALL THE FUCKING TIMEJul 16 09:35
mateyhow the fuck do you make ascii unstable?Jul 16 09:35
mateyunicode! hooray!Jul 16 09:35
mateytext will now suck FOREVERJul 16 09:36
schestowitz[TR]but we have many kinds of hands in many coloursJul 16 09:38
schestowitz[TR]latyest unicode/emojiJul 16 09:38
mateyits funny becauseJul 16 09:38
mateyunicode breaks your indexJul 16 09:38
schestowitz[TR]war is over, ladsJul 16 09:38
mateyand the unicode in this chat also breaks thingsJul 16 09:38
schestowitz[TR]we have hands in 10 different skin shadesJul 16 09:38
mateyall fapping to various encodings that break everythingJul 16 09:39
mateyJOI-8, JOI-16Jul 16 09:39
mateyand soon, JOI-32 and 64, because why notJul 16 09:40
mateyunicode, the universal standard that never was and never will beJul 16 09:40
mateya standard made of standards, with non-standard availability and non-existing compatibilityJul 16 09:41
mateyutf stands for "youre texts fucked"Jul 16 09:41
mateyalso yourJul 16 09:42
mateybut really, that could be an "r" that looks like a "re" in bold or ghotic typeJul 16 09:43
mateyyou think i meant gothic-- no, i meant ghoticJul 16 09:43
mateygh as in rough, o as in women, ti as in friction-- "ghoti" is pronounced "fish"Jul 16 09:44
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Jul 16 09:45
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jul 16 09:45
*schestowitz (~roy@hcdms2vr9hu9e.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 09:45
* sets mode +q #techrights schestowitzJul 16 09:45
*schestowitz (~schestowi@freenode/user/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJul 16 09:45
techrights-newsStoring information on paper using the Pen ☛ | Source: Data SwampJul 16 09:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Solene'% : Storing information on paper using the Pen To Paper protocolJul 16 09:46
matey□□□ □□□ □□□□ □□□□ □□□□□□□□□Jul 16 09:47
techrights-news"The resulting observation is called Hotelling's law" ☛ | Source: Matt RickardJul 16 09:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hotelling's Law and DifferentiationJul 16 09:47
techrights-news"In a 2021 national survey of 1,200 classroom teachers conducted by the Teacher Salary Project" ☛ |Jul 16 09:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Teachers often work a second job outside of the classroom | EdSourceJul 16 09:47
matey□□□□ □□□□ "□□□ □□□ □□□□ □□□□ □□□□□□□□□"Jul 16 09:47
techrights-news"Microsoft MVP" = reward for lying, promotion of crime, or bothJul 16 09:48
matey□□□□□□□ □□ □□□□□□□□Jul 16 09:48
mateythat says "try and read this arseholes"Jul 16 09:48
mateythe next one says "that says 'try and read this arseholes'"Jul 16 09:49
mateythen the last one says "unicode is bullshit"Jul 16 09:49
mateybut its spelled wrongJul 16 09:49
mateyi meant to use □□ not □□Jul 16 09:50
techrights-newssocial control media addiction ☛ | Source: ABCJul 16 09:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | California social media addiction bill drops parent lawsuits - ABC NewsJul 16 09:50
techrights-newsChromeOS is Proprietary-But-Based-on-Gentoo ☛ | Source: The VergeJul 16 09:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | It’s ChromeOS now, not Chrome OS - The VergeJul 16 09:50
techrights-news"More people, more often, are finding themselves dealing with the output of Machine-Learning (ML) software." ☛ | Source: Tim BrayJul 16 09:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ongoing by Tim Bray · Living With ModelsJul 16 09:50
matey"ghoti" is pronounced "fish" <- but its spelled y-a-b-l-o-n-s-k-iJul 16 09:51
techrights-news"The findings, which NJIT researchers will present at the Usenix Security Symposium in Boston next month" ☛ | Source: WiredJul 16 09:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-A New Attack Can Unmask Anonymous Users on Any Major Browser | WIREDJul 16 09:51
techrights-newsSurveillance ☛ | Source: Bruce SchneierJul 16 09:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-San Francisco Police Want Real-Time Access to Private Surveillance Cameras - Schneier on SecurityJul 16 09:51
mateythe yablonskis are my favourite band. morrissey ftwJul 16 09:53
techrights-newsNobody inside the CIA was punished for it, except the one who exposed a disgusting programme ☛ | Source: IT WireJul 16 09:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-iTWire - Former CIA engineer convicted of espionage in Vault 7 caseJul 16 09:53
mateyhe changed though, from steven morrissey to mmoorriisseeyyJul 16 09:53
techrights-news"The report found that official information had been shared through 29 WhatsApp accounts" ☛ | Source: Computer WorldJul 16 09:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-UK government ministers urged to not conduct business using WhatsApp | ComputerworldJul 16 09:53
techrights-newsFAKING THEIR SIZE AGAIN: "As part of the test, some Facebook users will have the ability to create up to four additional profiles tied to their original account." ☛ | Source: The VergeJul 16 09:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Facebook’s new test allows people to have up to five profiles - The VergeJul 16 09:53
techrights-news2022: doing bad things is OK if the rich people like it. Doing GOOD things is a crime... if that embarrasses rich people.Jul 16 09:55
mateyin a man page its M MM MO OO OR RR RI II IS SS SE EE EY YYJul 16 09:55
mateyif you arrange all the letters of MICKEY MOUSE alphabetically, you get MORRISSEYJul 16 09:56
mateya number of people dispute this, but theyre doing it wrongJul 16 09:57
mateyit works for me every timeJul 16 09:58
mateyM-O-R-I-S-E-Y-A-B-C-D-F-G-H-J-K-L-N-P-Q-T-U-V-W-X-ZJul 16 09:59
mateyjust like the keyboardJul 16 10:00
mateygranted MORISE keyboards are pretty rareJul 16 10:00
mateyand theyre only available for british layouts obviouslyJul 16 10:00
mateyaaannnd when you tyyyyype on theeeem, they aaaaalwayyys tyyyype like thiiiiiisJul 16 10:01
techrights-newsWatch as the "Microsoft + Open Source" apologists push a narrative ☛ | Source: Bryan LundukeJul 16 10:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Watch as the "Microsoft + Open Source" apologists push a narrativeJul 16 10:10
techrights-newsUsing Log4j to distract from BACK DOORS in proprietary software ☛ | Source: The HillJul 16 10:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | DHS review board says it could take years to fix government software vulnerability | The HillJul 16 10:14
techrights-news"Two telecoms firms will be eligible to bid." ☛ | Source: Eesti RahvusringhäälingJul 16 10:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Outgoing IT minister announces details of third and final 5G auction | News | ERRJul 16 10:14
techrights-newsAfter CoC comes DoD. The DoD deciding who can and cannot contribute to Free software, e.g. you cannot give patches if you oppose US war crimes. ☛ | Source: MIT Technology ReviewJul 16 10:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The US military wants to understand the most important software on Earth | MIT Technology ReviewJul 16 10:15
techrights-newsNowadays the term "toxic" can mean someone who opposes crime and "SJW" is someone who helps corporations distract from their crimes.Jul 16 10:16
mateytodays lesson: ALL ROMAN LETTERS are arranged alphabetically.Jul 16 10:20
mateyhow the fuck else are you going to arrange them? numerically? by colour? by weight? now, some of them may not be arranged consecutively...Jul 16 10:20
techrights-newsListen to music on Linux with Rhythmbox • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 10:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Listen to music on Linux with Rhythmbox | Tux MachinesJul 16 10:20
techrights-newsIMAP servers can have significant imbalances between disk and network IO • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 10:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IMAP servers can have significant imbalances between disk and network IO | Tux MachinesJul 16 10:22
mjg59_schestowitz: Can you be more explicit about what I'm being paid for, and who's paying me?Jul 16 10:24
techrights-news"went viral and as a result caught the eye of the federal government" ☛ | Source: Mexico News DailyJul 16 10:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 503 @ )Jul 16 10:25
techrights-news"For decades, Central Asian governments have kept a tight grip over information." ☛ | Source: RFERLJul 16 10:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 'I Crossed Some Red Lines': What It's Like To Work As A Journalist In Central AsiaJul 16 10:26
mateyhe cant, because hes using the new string method in python 3Jul 16 10:26
matey .sortof()Jul 16 10:26
techrights-news"As part of Creative Commons’ key strategic goal of Better Sharing, we have taken a firm stance against mandatory content filtering on the internet." ☛ | Source: Creative CommonsJul 16 10:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | CC still opposes mandatory filtering and so should you - Creative CommonsJul 16 10:26
mateyand "paid" is a 4th dimensional term-- if you ever worked for x and did y, youre paid by x to do yJul 16 10:29
techrights-news"The report reveals that government-backed [crackers] used various tools to target journalists" ☛ | Source: The HillJul 16 10:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | State-backed hackers targeted US-based journalists in widespread spy campaigns: report | The HillJul 16 10:29
mateynot anymore, but you were-- and the proof is you did it (maybe)Jul 16 10:29
matey"youre" being a contraction of you and are and were and mayb'eJul 16 10:30
schestowitz[TR]a bit of a red herring, as the payslip does not say on it "awarded for implementing machine lockdown inside Linux... for Microisoft"Jul 16 10:31
schestowitz[TR]or, as a slaary from torvalds (the Microsoft Foundation) might put is, "awarded for "dick-sucking contest"Jul 16 10:31
schestowitz[TR]that was before Microsoft bought the LFJul 16 10:32
schestowitz[TR]and it was acceptable to criticise crimesJul 16 10:32
schestowitz[TR]from the criminalsJul 16 10:32
schestowitz[TR]MSFT Corp.Jul 16 10:32
*SkywaveC3 (~SkywaveC3@kmujm4s8xqrtu.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 10:32
techrights-news"Proofpoint data since early 2021 shows a sustained effort by APT actors worldwide attempting to target or leverage journalists and media personas" ☛ |Jul 16 10:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Above the Fold and in Your Inbox: Tracing State-Aligned Activity Targeting Journalists, Media | Proofpoint USJul 16 10:33
*Skywave has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jul 16 10:33
techrights-news"Eight new petitions were published on Wednesday morning. If a proposal gathers a minimum of 4,500 signatures" ☛ | Source: RTLJul 16 10:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | RTL Today - 4,500 signatures in hours: Petition calling for two home office days per week reaches thresholdJul 16 10:34
mateyit was never acceptable, we have always been at war with micronesiaJul 16 10:35
techrights-news"Many lawyers advise their Social Security clients to either delete Facebook and Twitter" ☛ | Source: DaemonFC (Ryan Farmer)Jul 16 10:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Participation in Facebook and Twitter can and will be used against you. You have no right to remain silent after you’ve already spoken. If you need an attorney, good luck with that. – BaronHK's RantsJul 16 10:35
schestowitz[TR]matey: we know who were sent to therapiustsJul 16 10:35
schestowitz[TR]and what forJul 16 10:35
mateyas opposied to ibmnesia, which is the convenient forgetting of your own companies war crimes and crimes against humanityJul 16 10:35
schestowitz[TR]the crzazies calim to be victimsJul 16 10:35
schestowitz[TR]anbd get a forced apologistsJul 16 10:35
schestowitz[TR]because of blackmail from MIcrosoft-controlled orgJul 16 10:35
schestowitz[TR]this is not acceptableJul 16 10:35
mjg59_Huh and I went to therapy on my ownJul 16 10:36
mateyforced apologists is a good typo, because its also trueJul 16 10:36
schestowitz[TR]this is why people warned about CoC, which will soon have DoDJul 16 10:36
schestowitz[TR]DoD will say people who oppose crimes against humanity are "toxic"Jul 16 10:36
schestowitz[TR]and cannot make a livingJul 16 10:36
schestowitz[TR]so that only monsters and mobsters can control the digital realmJul 16 10:36
mjg59_schestowitz: Who is currently paying me to promote fake security?Jul 16 10:36
mateyimaginationland:  clown editionJul 16 10:37
schestowitz[TR]Jo Shields said he went to therapyJul 16 10:37
schestowitz[TR]and then went to MicrosoftJul 16 10:37
schestowitz[TR]after pushbackJul 16 10:37
schestowitz[TR]he was pushing Microsoft Mono into Debiuan and UbuntuJul 16 10:37
schestowitz[TR]didn't like the pushbackJul 16 10:37
mjg59_schestowitz: Also, why do you keep calling me "Mr"? I have a doctorate.Jul 16 10:37
schestowitz[TR]went to see shrinksJul 16 10:37
schestowitz[TR]mjg59_:  so use itJul 16 10:37
schestowitz[TR]not in CSJul 16 10:37
mjg59_Is your doctorate in CS?Jul 16 10:38
schestowitz[TR]at least I work in the discipline I studiedJul 16 10:38
mateymr roy is very progressive, he doesnt believe in titlesJul 16 10:38
schestowitz[TR]my doctorate was done with the head of the CS school hereJul 16 10:38
schestowitz[TR]my phd meetings were i his office, head of CS dept.Jul 16 10:38
schestowitz[TR]friend of Ffarber BTWJul 16 10:38
mjg59_How much CS is there in your thesis?Jul 16 10:38
schestowitz[TR]the man who inventoed/started AMRJul 16 10:38
schestowitz[TR]Amulet GroupJul 16 10:38
schestowitz[TR]*ARMJul 16 10:39
schestowitz[TR]mjg59_: my thesis is onlineJul 16 10:39
schestowitz[TR]go read itJul 16 10:39
mjg59_As is mineJul 16 10:39
schestowitz[TR]I also worked for the Amulet Group foir a yearJul 16 10:39
mjg59_Have you read it?Jul 16 10:39
schestowitz[TR]frontend debugger for xilinx boardsJul 16 10:39
schestowitz[TR]to be used by CS studentsJul 16 10:39
matey <schestowitz[TR]> I also worked for the Amulet Group foir a year <- and netscapeJul 16 10:40
mjg59_Yeah uh I've literally been paid to write Linux kernel code, used by CS students in quite a lot of placesJul 16 10:40
techrights-news"Netflix is in major financial crisis." ☛ | Source: DaemonFC (Ryan Farmer)Jul 16 10:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Netflix thinks that the solution to its financial woes is a deal with Microsoft to put ads into your TV shows. – BaronHK's RantsJul 16 10:40
mateyits true, the pamela jones wikipedia page lists mjg as a kernel authorJul 16 10:40
mateytheres about 8 people listed and hes one of themJul 16 10:40
techrights-newsGulag Delists Hundreds of Pirate Bay Domains From UK Search Results.... NOT a search engine... a censorship motor, pumped by oligarchs ☛ | Source: Torrent FreakJul 16 10:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Google Delists Hundreds of Pirate Bay Domains From UK Search Results * TorrentFreakJul 16 10:41
mateythen after that, the 4 sad sacks that wrote gnu, part of the "linux operating system" (thats what it says)Jul 16 10:41
mjg59_In any case surely the entire point of free software is that we don't set artificial barriers to participationJul 16 10:41
techrights-news"A Las Vegas company and its owner have been named in a DISH Network lawsuit targeting pirate IPTV service VNest TV." ☛ | Source: Torrent FreakJul 16 10:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-VNest IPTV Faces US Piracy Lawsuit After Failing to Cease-and-Desist * TorrentFreakJul 16 10:41
matey/me isnt implying that mjg controls what silly wp editors doJul 16 10:41
mjg59_People are able to contribute based on what they know, not which qualifications they haveJul 16 10:41
schestowitz[TR]a lot of code you wrote forLinux is already obsoleteJul 16 10:41
schestowitz[TR]old hardware, outdated specsJul 16 10:41
mateyknowledge is a qualification (just not like that)Jul 16 10:42
mjg59_A lot of code Linus wrote for Linux is already obsoleteJul 16 10:42
schestowitz[TR]the shim work continues to do MASSIVE harmJul 16 10:42
mjg59_But stillJul 16 10:42
schestowitz[TR](and you know it)Jul 16 10:42
mjg59_Simple questionJul 16 10:42
mateylinus himself is obsoleteJul 16 10:42
mjg59_Who is currently paying me to put fake security in Linux?Jul 16 10:42
schestowitz[TR]in soime senseJul 16 10:42
schestowitz[TR]he become release managerJul 16 10:42
schestowitz[TR]every sunday afternoonJul 16 10:42
mateywe tried adding more cores but it violated the code of conduct (and probably the geneva convention)Jul 16 10:42
schestowitz[TR]the mascot types some proseJul 16 10:42
schestowitz[TR]and presses releaseJul 16 10:42
mjg59_Or ok even simpler question:Jul 16 10:42
schestowitz[TR]the media doesn't careJul 16 10:42
mjg59_Am I currently being paid to put fake security in Linux?Jul 16 10:42
schestowitz[TR]they only care whether he wears a robeJul 16 10:42
schestowitz[TR]he already saiid he writes no codeJul 16 10:43
mateybetter a robe than nothingJul 16 10:43
schestowitz[TR]maybe some pseudocode from his email clientJul 16 10:43
mateyrobeless is the new serverlessJul 16 10:43
schestowitz[TR]mjg59_: fake security is not just in LinusJul 16 10:43
schestowitz[TR]*LinuxJul 16 10:43
mjg59_Well I'd hope I'm not in LinusJul 16 10:43
schestowitz[TR]it's prevalent an d pervasive nowJul 16 10:44
mjg59_OkJul 16 10:44
schestowitz[TR]real security is mockedJul 16 10:44
mjg59_That doesn't answer my question, thoughJul 16 10:44
schestowitz[TR]x and s are nearJul 16 10:44
schestowitz[TR]QWERFTYJul 16 10:44
mateyMORISEJul 16 10:44
schestowitz[TR]the work you did at red hat still haunts youJul 16 10:45
schestowitz[TR]so you wrote that blog postJul 16 10:45
schestowitz[TR]out of guilt, partlyJul 16 10:45
schestowitz[TR]to change the narrativeJul 16 10:45
mjg59_Am I currently being paid to put fake security in Linux? It's a yes or no question.Jul 16 10:45
schestowitz[TR]I have some long article about mIcrosoft media moles comingJul 16 10:45
schestowitz[TR]it's related to all thisJul 16 10:45
schestowitz[TR]it's very very longJul 16 10:45
mateyroy has another dr in psycholegosJul 16 10:45
schestowitz[TR]from a microsoft whiesleblowerJul 16 10:45
mateyso hes technically dr mr royJul 16 10:45
schestowitz[TR]maybe by US stgandards almost professorsJul 16 10:46
schestowitz[TR]in the US they call people prof too easilyJul 16 10:46
schestowitz[TR]like, if you lecture a littleJul 16 10:46
schestowitz[TR]assoc. and asst. profJul 16 10:46
mateyeven random people on the streetJul 16 10:46
matey"hows it goin prof?"Jul 16 10:46
mjg59_Yeah, they call me professorJul 16 10:46
schestowitz[TR]in germany they chain the titleJul 16 10:46
schestowitz[TR]in the uk you suck dick for andrew and his mom liz and they give you another titleJul 16 10:47
mjg59_So I guess I'm more reputable than your whistleblowerJul 16 10:47
schestowitz[TR]my hpd supervisor got CBEJul 16 10:47
mateybugs bunny used to call elmer fudd "doc" and i dont think he even finished high schoolJul 16 10:47
matey<schestowitz[TR]> in the uk you suck dick for andrew and his mom liz and they give you another title <- i always wondered how that workedJul 16 10:47
mateywho is dick though? is he a duke?Jul 16 10:48
mjg59_But:Jul 16 10:48
mjg59_Am I currently being paid to put fake security in Linux? It's a yes or no question.Jul 16 10:48
schestowitz[TR]he's a client of epsrteiJul 16 10:48
schestowitz[TR]and prootectorJul 16 10:48
schestowitz[TR]part of the circleJul 16 10:48
schestowitz[TR]also see: bill clinton and bill gatesJul 16 10:48
matey/me has played this game beforeJul 16 10:48
schestowitz[TR]matey: you might hve alzheimerJul 16 10:49
schestowitz[TR]you keep saying the same thingJul 16 10:49
schestowitz[TR]oopsJul 16 10:49
mateyhe cant hear you, hes on another plane than we areJul 16 10:49
schestowitz[TR]mjg59_: Jul 16 10:49
schestowitz[TR]wrong autocomplete,l sorryJul 16 10:49
schestowitz[TR](same questionJul 16 10:49
mjg59_schestowitz: You keep not answering the questionJul 16 10:49
britneywhat drugs are you guys on, i need some of thatJul 16 10:49
mjg59_Or do you disagree that it's a yes or no question?Jul 16 10:49
schestowitz[TR]yo are a boring personJul 16 10:49
mateybritney: several years of well-organised bullshit fumesJul 16 10:49
techrights-news"Here are several excellent GUI-based tools to help you understand how your storage capacity is used" ☛ | Source: OpenSource.comJul 16 10:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-3 open source GUI disk usage analyzers for Linux | Opensource.comJul 16 10:50
mjg59_My friends would disagree with you, but I understand that that's a difficult thing to provide quantitative values forJul 16 10:50
mateyyes theyre toxic. but they make you very cynicalJul 16 10:50
mateybrbJul 16 10:50
*matey has quit (connection closed)Jul 16 10:50
techrights-newsThanks to Raegan and his cult? 16 10:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Conservatives Respond to Child Rape Arrest by Vilifying Doctors - Rolling StoneJul 16 10:50
mjg59_schestowitz: What is your answer to the question?Jul 16 10:50
techrights-news"Pro" "life" 16 10:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raped 10-Year-Old Shouldn't Have Had Abortion, Says Anti-Choice Group - Rolling StoneJul 16 10:50
schestowitz[TR]mjg59_: send me your payslipsJul 16 10:51
schestowitz[TR]I might be able to tellJul 16 10:51
schestowitz[TR]need to check company's site and public filingsJul 16 10:51
schestowitz[TR]doign fake security on cars is really badJul 16 10:51
schestowitz[TR]for once thing, they're not secureJul 16 10:51
schestowitz[TR]"self-driving" means remote controlJul 16 10:51
schestowitz[TR]even most plane don't implement such lunacyJul 16 10:51
mjg59_My only source of income for the past year has been from Aurora, so my payslips wouldn't show you anything you don't already knowJul 16 10:51
schestowitz[TR]see vault8 and 7Jul 16 10:51
schestowitz[TR]the CIA does stockpile methods of taking over carsJul 16 10:51
schestowitz[TR]I don't know what Aurora does and which clioents it hasJul 16 10:52
schestowitz[TR]I assume it has lincensing clientsJul 16 10:52
mjg59_My payslips aren't going to show you thatJul 16 10:52
schestowitz[TR]and custom-makes things for themJul 16 10:52
mjg59_OkJul 16 10:52
mjg59_So it sounds like what you're saying is that you don't know whether or not I'm currently being paid to put fake security in LinuxJul 16 10:52
mjg59_Does that seem like a reasonable assessment?Jul 16 10:53
techrights-news"I've tried a variety of music players on Linux, but I keep coming back to Rhythmbox." ☛ | Source: OpenSource.comJul 16 10:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Listen to music on Linux with Rhythmbox | Opensource.comJul 16 10:53
schestowitz[TR]mjg59_: I don't know if you still peddle fake securityJul 16 10:53
schestowitz[TR]but when you lecture people you do a shitty joibJul 16 10:53
schestowitz[TR]and that's why you gotr this jobJul 16 10:53
schestowitz[TR]to tell liesJul 16 10:53
schestowitz[TR]or semi-truthsJul 16 10:53
mjg59_08:49 < techrights-news> GNU/Linux IS secure. Windows (all versions) is NOT secure. But in the eyes of "national security" NSA, "security" is code for BACK DOORS. This is what Mr. Matthew GAFAM is promoting and being paid for.Jul 16 10:53
schestowitz[TR]about "security"Jul 16 10:53
*matey (~matey@4vr8jix6sz7uu.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 10:53
mjg59_"being paid for"Jul 16 10:53
schestowitz[TR]while wearing a "security" hatJul 16 10:53
mjg59_What tense is that?Jul 16 10:53
schestowitz[TR]when I was 22 I lectures hospitals here on real securityJul 16 10:53
mjg59_Is that present tense or is it past tense?Jul 16 10:53
mjg59_10:53 < schestowitz[TR]> but when you lecture people you do a shitty joibJul 16 10:54
schestowitz[TR]you still shill shim and stuffJul 16 10:54
schestowitz[TR]that's inhernetly fake securityJul 16 10:54
schestowitz[TR]worse yet,Jul 16 10:54
schestowitz[TR]the trust is outsourced to MicrosoftJul 16 10:54
schestowitz[TR]I told you 9 years ago it would turn out badlyJul 16 10:54
matey> schestowitz >> Bye, DT.                                           Dec 12 08:00Jul 16 10:54
schestowitz[TR]and I was rightJul 16 10:54
mjg59_I have a certificate that says Berkeley's School of Information gave me a distinguished faculty awardJul 16 10:54
matey> schestowitz >> Can you give some context?                         Dec 12 08:02 16 10:54
schestowitz[TR]we're 100% vindicated on thisJul 16 10:54
mjg59_So not everyone thinks I do a shitty job at lecturingJul 16 10:54
schestowitz[TR]many nations move to gnu/linuxJul 16 10:55
schestowitz[TR]you are impeding themJul 16 10:55
schestowitz[TR]you save Microsoft billionsJul 16 10:55
mjg59_Am I currently being paid to put fake security in Linux?Jul 16 10:55
matey> schestowitz > Honestly, I lost my excitement when I saw him trash Stallman Jul 16 10:55
matey during                                                             Dec 12 08:02Jul 16 10:55
matey> schestowitz > cancellation in Sept 2019. I didn't find that video until I'dJul 16 10:55
matey been                                                               Dec 12 08:02Jul 16 10:55
matey> schestowitz > watching him for a while, or I probably wouldn't have startedJul 16 10:55
mateywatching                                                            Dec 12 08:02Jul 16 10:55
matey> schestowitz > in the first place.                                 Dec 12 08:02Jul 16 10:55
schestowitz[TR]mjg59_: you are too smart to not understand how "the systen" worksJul 16 10:55
schestowitz[TR]in the US you do not get prkmotion for truthJul 16 10:55
mateyTechrights-sec By the way, what about DT?  He was off to a good start with the Jul 16 10:55
matey first few episozed but is appear                                   Dec 12 03:08Jul 16 10:55
mateyTechrights-sec *ing like he's manipulated or o=therwise falling for Jul 16 10:55
matey the M$ trap.                                                       Dec 12 03:08Jul 16 10:55
schestowitz[TR]you get promotions for toeing the lineJul 16 10:55
mjg59_I'm smart enough to be able to tell the difference between the present and past tenseJul 16 10:55
matey 16 10:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #techbytes @ FreeNode: Saturday, December 12, 2020Jul 16 10:55
schestowitz[TR]and in the case of security, it's stuff like back-doored encrypttion and BS 'security;Jul 16 10:55
mjg59_OkJul 16 10:56
mjg59_LookJul 16 10:56
schestowitz[TR] 16 10:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Citation/Atlas ‘Security’ Exam is a Total Farce, But It’s Still Good for Entertainment Purposes | TechrightsJul 16 10:56
schestowitz[TR]like this shitJul 16 10:56
mateyTechrights-sec He may also be projecting his own civility onto M$ Jul 16 10:56
matey even if it is an inappropriate                                     Dec 12 03:08Jul 16 10:56
mjg59_This is an *extremely* easy questionJul 16 10:56
mjg59_Am I currently being paid to put fake security in Linux?Jul 16 10:56
matey schestowitz fig threw a tantrum over something people said in IRCJul 16 10:56
matey about nutrition                                                    Dec 16 07:02Jul 16 10:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: Wednesday, December 16, 2020Jul 16 10:56
mateyschestowitz *I need to think how to approach this. He's a goodJul 16 10:56
matey person, but taking time to think how to respond would be better. Jul 16 10:56
matey To me, personally, this really came out of nowhere, and not for Jul 16 10:56
matey the first time. IIRC, the first time was, I argued that a BSD Jul 16 10:56
matey licence would be a regression. (Because it's what companies that Jul 16 10:56
matey exploit "free labour" code prefer us to use)                       Dec 21 18:39Jul 16 10:56
schestowitz[TR]matey: I never fully understood thisJul 16 10:56
mjg59_And, if you don't know the answer, what did you mean when you said "This is what Mr. Matthew GAFAM is promoting and being paid for."Jul 16 10:56
schestowitz[TR]it bothered me that I didn't grasp why it was such a huge dealJul 16 10:57
schestowitz[TR]given that I did not even know what that substance/chemical even wasJul 16 10:57
schestowitz[TR]mjg59_: joins us now and secure the softwareJul 16 10:58
mjg59_I meanJul 16 10:58
schestowitz[TR]*joinJul 16 10:58
schestowitz[TR]what you do is the oppositeJul 16 10:58
schestowitz[TR]you help companies that undermine itJul 16 10:58
schestowitz[TR]or put back doors inside carsJul 16 10:58
mateyschestowitz__  rage directed at everyone at the same time           Jan 13 19:48Jul 16 10:58
mjg59_Saying that someone's being paid to do something bad when they're not actually being paid to do that thing seems like a lie?Jul 16 10:58
mateyschestowitz__  including distrotube, derek taylor                   Jan 13 19:48Jul 16 10:58
schestowitz[TR]instead of letting drivers be  in controlJul 16 10:58
schestowitz[TR]mind you, I did work as a postdoc on car image detectiobn stuffJul 16 10:58
schestowitz[TR]it's free software, runs on AndroidJul 16 10:58
schestowitz[TR](old versions of Android anywasy, opencv)Jul 16 10:58
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▆▃▄▅▆▂▅▆▃▄▆▇▅▆▄▇▆▅▆▃▄▅▅▃▄▅▄▅▅▅▆▆▄▄▅▆▅▆▄▅▁ avg(k/sec) 24.25 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▂▂▁▂▁▁▂▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▁▂▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▂▁▁ avg(k/sec) 28.15▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Jul 16 10:59
mateyschestowitz__  I hope he decided to come back              Jan 13 19:47Jul 16 10:59
mateyschestowitz__  he insulted Oliva and myself, sort of...    Jan 13 19:48Jul 16 10:59
schestowitz[TR]mjg59_: you're grasping at straws and have reading comprehension skilsl thereJul 16 10:59
schestowitz[TR]the second sentence does not necessarily relate entirely to the firstJul 16 10:59
schestowitz[TR]you still do promote shitJul 16 10:59
schestowitz[TR]like pluton and stuffJul 16 10:59
schestowitz[TR]and belittle the harmsJul 16 10:59
schestowitz[TR]and then you're proven wrongJul 16 11:00
schestowitz[TR]figuratively handed your own arseJul 16 11:00
mjg59_Am I paid to do that?Jul 16 11:00
matey used to get a tad upset if I didn't read Jul 16 11:00
matey his emails on the same day                                         Jan 27 12:01Jul 16 11:00
schestowitz[TR]and you rare still denying itJul 16 11:00
schestowitz[TR]and downplaying the attacksJul 16 11:00
matey> schestowitz *he got very upset at everybody*                      Jan 27 00:04Jul 16 11:00
matey> schestowitz *oliva, rms, me, derek taylor*                        Jan 27 00:04Jul 16 11:00
matey> schestowitz__ *vZS1_2: he keeps deleting his email addresses*     Feb 02 16:15Jul 16 11:00
matey> schestowitz__ *even the ones he created to scoff at people*       Feb 02 16:15Jul 16 11:00
matey> schestowitz__ rms, oliva, me...                                   Feb 02 16:16Jul 16 11:00
schestowitz[TR]yeah, oliva was confused at why you had evnted out at him tooJul 16 11:00
mateybecause hes full of shitJul 16 11:01
schestowitz[TR]since he was pretty much on the same side of you, except re copyrightsdJul 16 11:01
mateynopeJul 16 11:01
schestowitz[TR]matey: you agree on maybe 95% of thingsJul 16 11:01
mjg59_schestowitz: Do you have evidence that I am paid to promote security that you consider to be fake?Jul 16 11:01
mateyhe wants unity with traitorsJul 16 11:01
mateyschestowitz I know he's still around                Mar 24 22:18Jul 16 11:01
mateyschestowitz but he broke up with everyone           Mar 24 22:18Jul 16 11:01
mateyschestowitz and then he sort of wants to come back  Mar 24 22:18Jul 16 11:01
mateyschestowitz but it would refute the breakup wish    Mar 24 22:18Jul 16 11:01
schestowitz[TR]mjg59_: we chatted about it last monthJul 16 11:01
matey<mjg59_> schestowitz: Do you have evidence that I am paid to promote security that you consider to be fake? NO HE JUST MAKES SHIT UP WHEN HE WANTSJul 16 11:01
schestowitz[TR]I asked you if you teach them the snowden stuffna Jul 16 11:01
schestowitz[TR]and you admitted you were apprehensiveJul 16 11:01
schestowitz[TR]the "plitically-correct" lecturing is not helpingJul 16 11:01
schestowitz[TR]it's safer for your jobJul 16 11:01
mateyno he said he legally cantJul 16 11:02
schestowitz[TR]but it leaves people lkess well ifnromedJul 16 11:02
schestowitz[TR]matey: rightJul 16 11:02
schestowitz[TR]and why?Jul 16 11:02
matey/me isnt here to defend mjg but at the same time, why not stick to shit he actually said/didJul 16 11:02
schestowitz[TR]because redbricks unis in the us (still called "colleges") are in nbed with the stateJul 16 11:02
schestowitz[TR]and work with DARPA etc.Jul 16 11:02
schestowitz[TR]matey: going by memory hereJul 16 11:02
schestowitz[TR]and he was hellbent on attacking and silencing people who did talk a lotm about Snowden and other revelationsJul 16 11:03
mateydishonest or delusional... pick one or twoJul 16 11:03
schestowitz[TR]they want to keep those at the marginsJul 16 11:03
matey(one or both)Jul 16 11:03
schestowitz[TR]brbJul 16 11:03
schestowitz[TR]want to make calls to familyJul 16 11:03
mateymafia?Jul 16 11:03
mjg59_schestowitz: So you don't think I'm paid to promote Pluton?Jul 16 11:04
schestowitz[TR]no, parentsJul 16 11:04
mateyi once told roy i was going to stop watching distrotubeJul 16 11:04
schestowitz[TR]they say I phone them the mostJul 16 11:04
psydruid> What we really need is a renascence of efficient operating system software. By modern standards, I was managing to do this with GNU/Linux up to about 8 years ago.Jul 16 11:04
psydruidI think there should be something like POSIX but for windowing systems and GUI toolkits, so anyone can write new ones according to some specification. GNU/Linux wasn't the first OS and won't be the last one. It has a life cycle like everything else does.Jul 16 11:04
mateyhe spent months saying i was "enraged" at himJul 16 11:04
mateyive already posted what i said about him when he askedJul 16 11:04
mateythere was no ragJul 16 11:04
mjg59_schestowitz: You think I'm merely paid not to tell my students to read classified material that they'd be obliged to report to the government?Jul 16 11:04
schestowitz[TR]and my uncle whom I love is in hiospital in FLJul 16 11:05
mateybut it became a sort of running theme in irc for MONTHSJul 16 11:05
schestowitz[TR]I was told 30 mins agoJul 16 11:05
mateyanytime someone mentioned me, i was angry at dt (nope, didnt give two shits) Jul 16 11:05
mateynever expressed anger at himJul 16 11:05
mateysimply stopped watching him on ytJul 16 11:05
mjg59_And 30 minutes ago you decided to spend time complaining about Linus seeing a therapistJul 16 11:05
mateyno angry letters, no angry articles, not even an angry explanationJul 16 11:05
mateycomplaining about Linus seeing a therapist <- allegedly he was "sent" to one, like in stalinist russiaJul 16 11:06
mjg59_Linus is notable for having no agency whatsoeverJul 16 11:06
mjg59_I chatted to Linus in 2019Jul 16 11:06
mjg59_After all this happenedJul 16 11:06
mjg59_(In person, at LCA in Christchurch)Jul 16 11:06
mateystill your word against roysJul 16 11:07
matey/me gets a crystal ball outJul 16 11:07
mjg59_I said that I really appreciated the work he was doing, and that I knew it was hard, and that I'd been critical of him in the past but he was doing more than I could legitimately have asked him to doJul 16 11:07
mjg59_And he told me that he'd been pretty sure he was right up until the point where he realised that most of the people who were taking his side were MRAs or far-right peopleJul 16 11:08
mateytechnically there should be mrasJul 16 11:08
mjg59_And then he realised that if those were the people defending him, then maybe he was wrongJul 16 11:08
schestowitz[TR]I got the news at 10:19Jul 16 11:08
mateynot necessarily THESE mrasJul 16 11:08
mjg59_So he went to therapy and he's genuinely a lot fucking better nowJul 16 11:08
schestowitz[TR]50 mins agoJul 16 11:09
mateywhat kind of therapist changes your politics?Jul 16 11:09
matey/me legitimately doesnt know what newsJul 16 11:09
mjg59_Oh, I think he means his uncleJul 16 11:09
mateyit must have tripped a filterJul 16 11:10
mjg59_Anyway, Roy, I genuinely hope your uncle is okJul 16 11:10
mjg59_And that you get good news quicklyJul 16 11:10
matey/me geniunely doesnt think roy has feelings about his family (and i wouldnt say this unless i was nearly fucking certain-- but its less than 100% of course)Jul 16 11:11
mateyi have minor evidence tooJul 16 11:11
mateynot that its importantJul 16 11:11
mateyof course thats no reason to wish ill on a strangerJul 16 11:11
mateyjust that it wont emotionally affect anyone here (unless its on someone elses behalf)Jul 16 11:12
matey/me bears no ill will towards roys family of courseJul 16 11:13
mateySo he went to therapy and he's genuinely a lot fucking better now <- except hes more of a pushover tooJul 16 11:14
mateywhen someone guarding the gate becomes a pushover, guess what happens to the gateJul 16 11:15
mateynot that it shouldnt have all been up to him, but he was the only one botheringJul 16 11:15
mateyyou dont necessarily have to be an arsehole to not be a pushover of course, i never said you didJul 16 11:16
mateybut when he became "better" he also became more of a pushover as wellJul 16 11:16
mateyand linux is less of a kernel for it (and more of a dumping ground)Jul 16 11:16
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@a3e5aaz3t69u4.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 11:17
mateytrotsky probably would have died a couple years later anywayJul 16 11:17
mateybut he certainly got less accomplished with that ice pick in his headJul 16 11:17
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR], mjg59_ be like......Jul 16 11:17
mateylinus was going to retire eventually, but he might have kept his sack attached in the interimJul 16 11:18
DaemonFC"TRUTH Social releases version with changelog 'bugs fixed'."Jul 16 11:18
DaemonFCNew systemd lands in Fedora, changelog, "Latest bugfix release".Jul 16 11:18
mateystallman wasnt really doing anything anymore (no, really) but he might have retained some dignity/influence (relatively)Jul 16 11:18
mateythese are the same story, they look (very, importantly) differentJul 16 11:19
mateytheyre really not differentJul 16 11:19
mateyall were attacked, all were effectively disabled (or killed) by itJul 16 11:19
mateyand great things suffered as a resultJul 16 11:19
mateythough tbh, gnu had already been wrested from his handsJul 16 11:20
mateyand the fsf was already uselessJul 16 11:20
mateynow its much moresoJul 16 11:20
mateyand we dont know when they coup actually STARTED, we only know back to 2018Jul 16 11:20
mateywhen it popped its turtlehead outJul 16 11:20
mateyi find it difficult to believe that only "mras and the far right" gave a shit about not becoming a corporate dumping groundJul 16 11:21
*Despatche has quit (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by deer)Jul 16 11:21
mateyi didnt know tso was a far right mraJul 16 11:21
mateyhe stood up to a lot of the same bullshit torvalds didJul 16 11:22
mateybut when they took out torvalds, they knocked tso out of successiionJul 16 11:22
mateyand put in gkhJul 16 11:22
mateyand how the fuck are you going to stop them when youre a disgraced pushover who used to matterJul 16 11:22
mateysorry linus, god mode expiredJul 16 11:23
matey(he was a petty god anyway-- petty and dishonest)Jul 16 11:23
matey(just not as bad as gkh)Jul 16 11:23
DaemonFC"C11 with GNU extensions (aka "gnu11") is now used to build ourJul 16 11:23
DaemonFC          components. Public API headers are still restricted to ISO C89."Jul 16 11:23
DaemonFC:)Jul 16 11:23
DaemonFCWhy would you restrict the headers to C89 if the compiler will proceed to fail because the .c files are C2011?Jul 16 11:25
techrights-news"The Debix Model A was designed by Polyhex Technology and it’s based on the NXP NPU i.MX 8M Plus industrial processor" ☛ | Source: Linux GizmosJul 16 11:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 520 @ )Jul 16 11:25
mateywhen you replace the aresholes running things like gnu and linux with hypocrites and douchebags, you get a former os and a shitty kernel to show for itJul 16 11:25
techrights-newsDARPA stands for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Is DoD renamed from Department of WAR to "Defense" (narrative reversal), then DARPA is really WARPA! War or Weapons Advanced Research Projects AgencyJul 16 11:25
mateyi wouldnt call it an upgrade, more like a death warrent for two projects that used to be really importantJul 16 11:25
mateybut as i said, gnu was already...Jul 16 11:26
techrights-news"Find solutions for your modernization and migration challenges" = help us add vendor lock-in through unfamiliar, new complexities ☛ | Source: Red Hat OfficialJul 16 11:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Modernization: Why is it hard?Jul 16 11:26
mateyim sure the fact that microsoft runs the lf is a coincidence tooJul 16 11:26
mateyits weird, but that doesnt make it meaningfulJul 16 11:26
techrights-news"This tutorial will explain in step by step how you can install Kubuntu 22.04 LTS "Jammy Jellyfish"." ☛ | Source: UbuntubuzzJul 16 11:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How To Install Kubuntu 22.04 with Dualboot, UEFI and External Disk MethodJul 16 11:26
mateythey were probably just in the neighbourhood and thought "gee, why dont we try to help out?"Jul 16 11:27
techrights-newsUbuntu 22.04 Review ☛ | Source: UbuntubuzzJul 16 11:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu 22.04 Review, A Future of FOSS ComputingJul 16 11:27
matey"oh look, seems like torvalds-- ehh, lets leave it alone, its really not our business to get involved"Jul 16 11:27
techrights-news"IPTraf-ng is a console-based Linux network statistics monitoring program that shows information about IP traffic" ☛ | Source: TecMintJul 16 11:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IPTraf-ng - A Network Monitoring Tool for LinuxJul 16 11:27
techrights-news"the[s]hill" distracting from Microsoft and its back doors. The "Fake security" mill is at it... 16 11:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | DHS review board says it could take years to fix government software vulnerability | The HillJul 16 11:27
mateyim sure they only watched with puzzled looks on their facesJul 16 11:28
matey"huh, who knew?"Jul 16 11:28
techrights-newsFacebook Is Receiving Sensitive Medical Information from Hospital Websites - neritam ⚓ ䷉ Source: neritamJul 16 11:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Facebook Is Receiving Sensitive Medical Information from Hospital Websites – neritamJul 16 11:28
matey"" <- its not like they interfere with companies and organisations (and governments)Jul 16 11:28
mateyi mean thats the OLD microsoftJul 16 11:29
mateythey went to therapy and honestly, theyre just a great company nowJul 16 11:29
mateyall that dagger and cloak and dagger and dagger and dagger stuff-- microsoft was young and stupidJul 16 11:29
mateytheyre grownups nowJul 16 11:29
mateyjust look at steveJul 16 11:29
mateythey have a kinder gentler machine gun handJul 16 11:30
matey"are we talking about knifing the baby?"Jul 16 11:30
matey"no, lets just go watch the clippers"Jul 16 11:30
mateythe most hilarious part thoughJul 16 11:31
mateyis that torvalds went from being supported by the alt-right (nazis) and mras (right wing usually)Jul 16 11:31
mateyto being supported by ibm (nazis) and microsoft (founded by a friend of jeff epstein)Jul 16 11:32
mateythank god for therapy! he used to hang out with a bad crowdJul 16 11:32
mateyand ibm doesnt like stallmanJul 16 11:32
mateywell duhJul 16 11:32
mateyim surprised they didnt say they wish they could "give him a shower"Jul 16 11:33
mateyif he had been around a few decades earlier, they would haveJul 16 11:33
mateymake his hair nice and clean and... blue tintedJul 16 11:33
mateythen he could say "i dont code anymore, but i do have blue hair"Jul 16 11:34
techrights-newsWatch as the "Microsoft + Open Source" apologists push a narrative • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 11:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Watch as the "Microsoft + Open Source" apologists push a narrative | Tux MachinesJul 16 11:34
matey"well, hes dead"Jul 16 11:34
techrights-newsBSD: UNIX History, rpki-client 7.9, and OpenBGPD 7.5 • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 11:34
techrights-newsAYANEO to have their own AYANEO OS based on Linux • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 11:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BSD: UNIX History, rpki-client 7.9, and OpenBGPD 7.5 | Tux MachinesJul 16 11:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AYANEO to have their own AYANEO OS based on Linux | Tux MachinesJul 16 11:35
mateythey could get torvalds out of his robe, and into...Jul 16 11:36
mateyi mean, hes scandinavian, so probably a uniformJul 16 11:36
mateythank god torvalds went from being supported by wannabe nazis to being supported by actual nazi war criminalsJul 16 11:36
mateyi mean he really mustve taken a good look in the mirror to change like thatJul 16 11:37
mateywhy the fuck does ibm even exist?Jul 16 11:37
mateyi guess cancel culture saves the best for lastJul 16 11:37
techrights-news"The company has provided videos to law enforcement, without a warrant or device owner consent, 11 times already this year." ☛ | Source: EFFJul 16 11:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ring Reveals They Give Videos to Police Without User Consent or a Warrant | Electronic Frontier FoundationJul 16 11:38
matey"mein kampf though" yeah yeah adolf, get in line buddy-- we still have some autistic coders to lynchJul 16 11:38
mateycancel culture: "ableist!"Jul 16 11:39
mateyalso cancel culture: *plays video of stallman playing with his feet for the 500 millionth time*Jul 16 11:39
mateys/community/bullshit/gJul 16 11:41
mateyits not that everyone is full of shit, technicallyJul 16 11:41
mateythe people who arent have figured out its not wise to speak upJul 16 11:41
mateythough imo in a lose-lose situation you can do what you wantJul 16 11:42
mateyyoure still fuckedJul 16 11:42
britneymatey, you should write a bookJul 16 11:42
psydruidmein dehomagJul 16 11:42
matey <britney> matey, you should write a book <- i didJul 16 11:43
mateybut this is more funJul 16 11:43
techrights-news[Solved] Termux Package Management Issue • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 11:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Solved] Termux Package Management Issue | Tux MachinesJul 16 11:44
*GNUmoon has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 16 12:00
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techrights-newsWTO and buzzwords, not actual solutions ☛ | Source: The RevelatorJul 16 12:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | WTO Agreement Boosts Efforts for a Sustainable Ocean • The RevelatorJul 16 12:08
*kiki_ (~KiKi@txkdaiuveepza.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 12:11
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techrights-newsCriminals for Microsoft do this for nefarious, self-serving reasons ☛ | Source: TechdirtJul 16 12:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Microsoft Mapped Broadband Affordability Gaps Because The U.S. Government Couldn’t Be Bothered To | TechdirtJul 16 12:14
techrights-newsArizona thinks cops would not walk into you? And then use this BS to arrest you? ☛ | Source: TechdirtJul 16 12:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Arizona Makes It Illegal To Record Cops From Less Than Eight Feet Away | TechdirtJul 16 12:15
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrightsJul 16 12:16
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techrights-newsOne America News (OAN) ☛ | Source: TechdirtJul 16 12:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-OAN Starts Attacking Verizon, The Last Cable Giant Willing To Platform Its Conspiratorial Gibberish | TechdirtJul 16 12:17
schestowitz[TR]TIL, m y dad cannot distinguish between people who run criminal businesses, people who work for criminal businesses, and people who purchase from criminal businessesJul 16 12:20
schestowitz[TR]when people mix all the categories moral relativism is out the windowJul 16 12:20
techrights-newsRepublican politicians = SPAMMERS ☛ | some of their SPAM is STILL getting throughJul 16 12:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Why The GOP Wants To Break Your Spam Filter: GOP Candidate Tricked Gullible Voters Into Funding Him With Misleading Spam Emails | TechdirtJul 16 12:22
*psydroid2 (~psydroid@memzbmehf99re.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 12:22
techrights-newsBlackmail ☛ | Source: TechdirtJul 16 12:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Would Meta Really Shut Down Facebook And Instagram In The EU Over Data Transfer Rules? | TechdirtJul 16 12:25
techrights-newsTime to quit GulagTube, folks... ☛ | Source: TechdirtJul 16 12:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-More Issues With Copyright Enforcement At Scale: YouTube Reinstates Videos After False Claims | TechdirtJul 16 12:29
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 16 12:30
*matey has quit (connection closed)Jul 16 12:30
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techrights-news"The latest Jan. 6 committee hearing on Tuesday examined the role of conspiracy theory communities like 8kun[.]top and TheDonald[.]" ☛ | Source: Krebs On SecurityJul 16 12:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why 8kun Went Offline During the January 6 Hearings – Krebs on SecurityJul 16 12:40
*phobos (~phobos@freenode-8o6.2md.iiqroa.IP) has joined #techrightsJul 16 12:40
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techrights-newsSSD1306 OLED 128x64 I2C current consumption gemini:// 16 12:42
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techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▆▃▄▅▆▂▅▆▃▄▆▇▅▆▄▇▆▅▆▃▄▅▅▃▄▅▄▅▅▅▆▆▄▄▅▆▅▆▄▅▁ avg(k/sec) 24.25 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▂▂▁▂▁▁▂▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▁▂▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▂▁▁ avg(k/sec) 28.15▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Jul 16 12:59
XRevan86DaemonFC: "Why would you restrict the headers to C89 if the compiler will proceed to fail because the .c files are C2011?" <- To allow software that uses the library to build with -std=c89.Jul 16 13:05
MinceR 16 13:09
MinceR 16 13:18
*SomeH4x0r has quit (connection closed)Jul 16 13:23
*SomeH4x0r (~someh4xx@77ji9rtgsrhts.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 13:23
*phobos has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jul 16 13:32
techrights-news"Here's a neat little feature of git that I just learnt about. It turns out that git branches can have associated descriptions, although they are local only. All you have to do to set one is to run the command `git branch --edit-description` which will open your editor, just like writing a commit message." gemini:// 16 13:32
*techrights-news has quit (Received malformed line)Jul 16 13:34
schestowitzUnconditional Basic Income gemini:// "I’ve long seen UBI as maybe more of a short-term “patch” solution (it doesn’t fix all externalites and environmental problems of market economies), but a desperately needed one.Jul 16 13:34
schestowitz"Jul 16 13:34
*techrights-news (~techrights-news@hcdms2vr9hu9e.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 13:35
techrights-news"movement dedicated to preserving St. Petersburg’s cultural heritage" ☛ | Source: MeduzaJul 16 13:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEJul 16 13:36
techrights-news"When announcing the February invasion of Ukraine, Vladolf Putler said that one of Russia’s aims was to “denazify” the country." ☛ | Source: MeduzaJul 16 13:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEJul 16 13:36
techrights-news"For two decades, Judge Donna Scott Davenport oversaw the illegal arrests and detentions of more than a thousand children in her Rutherford County courtroom." And Pro Publica "sponsor" Bill Gates oversaw the trafficking of thousands of underage people for sex. ☛ 16 13:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Who Will Replace Judge Donna Scott Davenport? — ProPublicaJul 16 13:38
techrights-news"NASA released revolutionary new images of the cosmos this week that were taken by the James Webb Space Telescope" ☛ | Source: Democracy NowJul 16 13:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A Look Back in Time: How NASA’s Webb Telescope Gives Humanity a Revolutionary New View of Cosmos | Democracy Now!Jul 16 13:39
techrights-news"When building electronic assemblies there is quite often the need to construct custom cables to hook things up." ☛ | Source: HackadayJul 16 13:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-A Simple Web-Based Wiring Harness Tool | HackadayJul 16 13:42
techrights-news"The average person’s perception of a ham radio operator, assuming they even know what that means, is more than likely some graybeard huddled over the knobs of a war-surplus transmitter in the wee small hours of the morning." ☛ | Source: HackadayJul 16 13:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Helping Secure Amateur Radio’s Digital Future | HackadayJul 16 13:42
techrights-newsJeff Geerling ☛ | Source: HackadayJul 16 13:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Stratum 1 Grandmaster Time Server On A Budget | HackadayJul 16 13:50
MinceR 16 13:50
techrights-news"Monopolies are slowly killing rural America—and driving up the price you pay for food." ☛ | Source: Common DreamsJul 16 13:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Opinion | Why Food Prices Are Rising Even More | Robert ReichJul 16 13:53
*includeals has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jul 16 13:55
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techrights-news"Post Covid"??? Gee, I didn't know it just ended! 16 13:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Post Covid, South Africa is back in business | CitypressJul 16 13:58
*psydroid2 has quit (connection closed)Jul 16 13:59
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techrights-newsBig Business Plot to Overthrow Democratic Rule ☛ | Source: Common DreamsJul 16 14:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Opinion | Behold: The Big Business Plot to Overthrow Democratic Rule | Thom HartmannJul 16 14:17
MinceR 16 14:40
*KiKi has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jul 16 14:55
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▆▃▄▅▆▂▅▆▃▄▆▇▅▆▄▇▆▅▆▃▄▅▅▃▄▅▄▅▅▅▆▆▄▄▅▆▅▆▄▅▁ avg(k/sec) 24.25 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▂▂▁▂▁▁▂▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▁▂▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▂▁▁ avg(k/sec) 28.15▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Jul 16 14:59
techrights-newsLinks 16/07/2022: OpenBGPD 7.5 and AYANEO Adopts GNU/Linux | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 16 15:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 16/07/2022: OpenBGPD 7.5 and AYANEO Adopts GNU/Linux | TechrightsJul 16 15:05
techrights-newsProgramming Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 15:09
techrights-newsHardware/Modding: Raspberry Pi CM4 and More • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 15:09
techrights-newsToday’s 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 15:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Programming Leftovers | Tux MachinesJul 16 15:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hardware/Modding: Raspberry Pi CM4 and More | Tux MachinesJul 16 15:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's leftovers | Tux MachinesJul 16 15:10
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 16 15:30
*CParadoxum___ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jul 16 16:07
techrights-news[Meme] The EPO’s Kangaroo Tribunals Explained | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 16 16:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] The EPO’s Kangaroo Tribunals Explained | TechrightsJul 16 16:21
techrights-newsNew FUD Examples • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 16:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New FUD Examples | Tux MachinesJul 16 16:22
*CParadoxum___ (~quassel@9xkr6pdp2c5xu.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 16:23
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MinceR(cat) 16 16:34
techrights-news"Arduino libraries are particularly egregious when it comes to coupling. The SPI code is mixed in with the device logic. I'm also lukewarm to the "abstract interfaces" approach." gemini:// 16 16:37
*CrystalMath (~coderain@bpt8ahexsxgqc.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 16:47
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▆▃▄▅▆▂▅▆▃▄▆▇▅▆▄▇▆▅▆▃▄▅▅▃▄▅▄▅▅▅▆▆▄▄▅▆▅▆▄▅▁ avg(k/sec) 24.25 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▂▂▁▂▁▁▂▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▁▂▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▂▁▁ avg(k/sec) 28.15▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Jul 16 16:59
psydroid2this Bill and Lolita Foundation funded online supermarket called Picnic had another building destroyed 6 months agoJul 16 17:00
psydroid2 16 17:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Picnic building in Roosendaal completely destroyed by fire: ‘Thousands of orders need to be canceled’ | InlandJul 16 17:00
*Despatche (~desp@u3xy9z2ifjzci.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 17:13
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*matey (~matey@3rvvjfuixts2k.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 17:18
matey<schestowitz[TR]> TIL, m y dad cannot distinguish between people who run criminal businesses, people who work for criminal businesses, and people who purchase from criminal businessesJul 16 17:18
mateythis is where it begins reallyJul 16 17:18
mateyyour parents really dont care about anything at all. they taught you how to care about people. your mother is apathetic and your fathers ideal is of sheer competitionJul 16 17:19
mateyi think freud is way overrated. pioneering maybe, too easy sometimes, not wrong alwaysJul 16 17:20
mateyits nature vs nurture, which genetics have proven is really more about nurture than nature (mostly)Jul 16 17:21
mateyand some parents would know how to nurture if their lives depended on itJul 16 17:21
mateywouldntJul 16 17:21
mateyyour mother is apathetic and your fathers ideal is of sheer competition <- and youve spent your entire life so far trying to impress themJul 16 17:22
mateyand while theres probably a dawning of awareness that theres no reaching them, the mould is now setJul 16 17:22
mateycan one break a lifetime of bad habits beginning in youth? i believe so. do people generally bother? no. could it possibly be easy? of course not. nothing short of lifelong dedication (the real thing, not the appearances-based version) would make any real differenceJul 16 17:24
mateybut im pretty confident in saying your mother is apathetic and your fathers ideal is of sheer competitionJul 16 17:24
mateyeverything youve ever said about them gives me this impressionJul 16 17:25
mateyincluding when she was sick and your first (public) reaction was to rant (briefly) about how careless she isJul 16 17:25
mateyof course, with text-- one can ALWAYS be wrongJul 16 17:26
MinceRthey mostly come at night. mostly.Jul 16 17:26
mateyi mean, to be fair, sometimes when people are upset or concerned they can seem anything but. as some sort of coping mechanismJul 16 17:27
XRevan86 "Russian Defence Ministry confirms strikes on Dnipro and Mykolaiv"Jul 16 17:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Новая газета. ЕвропаJul 16 17:27
mateyso theres never really "proof"Jul 16 17:27
matey<MinceR> they mostly come at night. mostly. <- thats what she said?Jul 16 17:27
XRevan86 16 17:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Shelling of Nikopol: two dead bodies removed from under the rubble | Ukrainska PravdaJul 16 17:28
mateyabout how careless she is <- a reasonable point, and at the same time, nothing else was really said about itJul 16 17:30
mateythat was the "whole thing"Jul 16 17:30
mateylike "you had one job!"Jul 16 17:30
mateypaired with some body language in a photo i saw a year or two agoJul 16 17:31
mateyand the setting of that photo Jul 16 17:31
mateysoem families just seem "staged"-- de facto, not like they did it on purpose per seJul 16 17:32
mateybut you know how it is. individually, none of these things could possibly hold upJul 16 17:32
mateytoo subtleJul 16 17:32
mateyyoud have to exploit someone for a couple years, throw them under a bus and then have them spend an entire year trying to figure out just what the fucking deal is.Jul 16 17:33
mateyotherwise they probably wouldnt even noticeJul 16 17:34
mateya raised eyebrow and they would think nothing more of itJul 16 17:34
mateyand even then, the bias it would naturally produceJul 16 17:35
mateyyou know. i mean, think nothing of it.Jul 16 17:35
XRevan86> Major Windows update is coming in 2024, could be Windows 12 < >Jul 16 17:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Major Windows update is coming in 2024, could be Windows 12 - newsJul 16 17:39
XRevan86Constant entertainment.Jul 16 17:39
mateywhats the russian near-equivalent of schaudenfreude, except that (being russian) its a bit less about just enjoying someone else suffering and (of course) as much about being vindicated as anything else?Jul 16 17:45
matey"you see, its all like this!"Jul 16 17:46
mateywait thats just cynicism. whats the russian word for cynicism?Jul 16 17:46
matey"russian"Jul 16 17:46
matey/me gigglesJul 16 17:46
mateyi wondered if i was russian at one pointJul 16 17:47
mateyi would have to be the product of an affair then, which due to timing im about 99% sure wouldnt have happenedJul 16 17:47
mateyother than that its plausible enough :)Jul 16 17:47
XRevan86matey: The Russian word for cynicism is цинизм :)Jul 16 17:48
XRevan86So cynism.Jul 16 17:48
mateythough i would be blood related to a bolshevik then (specifically, not as some kind of witticism)Jul 16 17:48
mateyto be cynical is no cynJul 16 17:49
mateyi would have to be the product of an affair then <- this wouldnt bother me, it is implausible though under the circumstancesJul 16 17:50
mateyit would also rob me of a german heritage, which would bother me even less, while doing nothing to the likelihood that im in fact jewish (which is a long story, but unrelated to why my family fled germany during or before the rise of hitler)Jul 16 17:52
*psydroid3 has quit (connection closed)Jul 16 17:52
XRevan86> whats the russian near-equivalent of schaudenfreude, except that (being russian) its a bit less about just enjoying someone else suffering and (of course) as much about being vindicated as anything else?Jul 16 17:52
XRevan86I think I know what ye mean, but no word is coming to me.Jul 16 17:52
*psydroid2 (~psydroid@memzbmehf99re.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 17:53
mateyit may suffice to say that the russian version of schadenfreude refers to something a little more palatable / understandableJul 16 17:53
mateymaybe freud was just feeling nasty about his fellow man that day, or maybe he was referring to sociopathsJul 16 17:53
XRevan86злорадство#RussianJul 16 17:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | злорадство - WiktionaryJul 16 17:54
matey(or maybe we are all really horrible people, though somehow i dont think thats what he was getting at)Jul 16 17:54
mateyзлорадство#Russian <- wiktionary is amazing sometimesJul 16 17:54
mateyeven when im down on wikipedia i cant knock itJul 16 17:55
XRevan86What Wiktionary tells me here is that English doesn't have a simpler word for this concept.Jul 16 17:55
mateyi couldve told you thatJul 16 17:55
XRevan86Definitively :)Jul 16 17:55
mateythough i would consider wiktionary inconclusiveJul 16 17:55
mateyenglish is missing a lot of words that would be tellingJul 16 17:56
mateyfor some reason europeans have them :)Jul 16 17:56
XRevan86The Russian word is pure Slavic, a compound of evil and being happy.Jul 16 17:56
mateymaybe because theyuve been around longer than the usaJul 16 17:56
mateybut englands been aroundJul 16 17:56
mateybut its still sort of imperial, sort ofJul 16 17:56
mateyand i think thats the distinction (but its a guess)Jul 16 17:57
mateyThe Russian word is pure Slavic, a compound of evil and being happy. <- niceJul 16 17:57
matey"a compound of evil and being happy."Jul 16 17:57
XRevan86A compound analogous to "зловоние", which would be an evil smell.Jul 16 17:57
mateyisnt it a bit funny that the west came from siberia?Jul 16 17:59
mateyi mean, the same west that plagues putin so?Jul 16 17:59
XRevan86People move around.Jul 16 17:59
mateyof courseJul 16 17:59
XRevan86Ultimately we all came from Africa.Jul 16 17:59
mateyultimately there was no need for transcontinental flights once upon a timeJul 16 18:00
mateythough... my guess is that was before humans showed upJul 16 18:00
XRevan86"i mean, the same west that plagues putin so?" <- There are a lot more connections than that.Jul 16 18:01
mateysure but this is the funny oneJul 16 18:01
XRevan86matey: There's some superficial Soviet revanchism going on, that stuff is kind of based on German philosophy, which is inherently Western.Jul 16 18:04
XRevan86It's more of a means to an end, a tool to rally up the older patriotic population.Jul 16 18:05
XRevan86But still.Jul 16 18:05
matey There's some superficial Soviet revanchism going on, that stuff is kind of based on German philosophy Jul 16 18:06
mateythe relationship between russia and germany, particularly when "good", has generally been a disasterJul 16 18:07
mateyi side with the internationalists. but germany still sucks a lot.Jul 16 18:07
mateysomeday perhaps it will improveJul 16 18:07
mateyit almost has to :/Jul 16 18:08
XRevan86matey: The current reputation Germany has is more good than bad.Jul 16 18:08
mateyhistory is written by the victorsJul 16 18:09
XRevan86Not really.Jul 16 18:09
XRevan86Not anymore anyway.Jul 16 18:09
mateygermany may have lost decades ago, but presently it is doing wellJul 16 18:09
mateyimo the eu is accomplishing much of what hitler really wanted-- not in exactly the same fashion at leastJul 16 18:10
mateya french and german europeJul 16 18:10
mateyof course a french and german europe will fall apart as sure as a british america did Jul 16 18:10
mateybut most things look good to enough people on the way "up"Jul 16 18:11
mateyimo the eu is accomplishing much of what hitler really wanted <- not intended as a compliment, nor am saying theyre as bad as hitlerJul 16 18:11
mateybut its a source of entertainment, as you put itJul 16 18:11
XRevan86matey: I have a Russian/Ukrainian analogy, but it's too boring to give the whole back-story for it. So just know there is one :DJul 16 18:11
mateyand i consider it vindication, though id prefer to be wrongJul 16 18:11
mateythe eu is a nasty piece of work in practice, imoJul 16 18:12
mateymaybe its better than some thingsJul 16 18:12
mateyim not sure leaving has helped britain at allJul 16 18:12
matey"independence" is a strange conceptJul 16 18:13
mateythe best reason to leave the eu is their oppressive kowtowing to corporate rule, imoJul 16 18:13
mateybritain can do all of the worst on its own, without the eus helpJul 16 18:13
mateyso what was the point of leaving then?Jul 16 18:13
mateywhy flee the oppression of a union if youre only going to recreate all the same conditions?Jul 16 18:14
XRevan86Eh, I'll try. So there's this Russian dissident Maxim Katz, and he caught a lot of bad press in the Ukraine blog-o-sphere for saying that the Russian World could've been a good thing if it were based on economical influence, like a regional centre of influence, but in a good way.Jul 16 18:14
mateynow they have two problemsJul 16 18:14
matey(more than two but you get the idea)Jul 16 18:14
mateyand britain and the usa are hilariousJul 16 18:15
mateytechnically the usa makes all its own rules-- theres a lot of truth to thatJul 16 18:15
XRevan86"imo the eu is accomplishing much of what hitler really wanted" <- So what I'm saying is, in some way Germany gaining influence is what Hitler wanted, but the connection is not really there.Jul 16 18:15
XRevan86It's like seeing the connection between Russia becoming the centre of the region by making everyone rich and Russia trying to be the centre of the region by making war.Jul 16 18:16
mateyi think germany has too much european influence, which the eu reinforces or createsJul 16 18:16
matey It's like seeing the connection between Russia becoming the centre of the region by making everyone rich and Russia trying to be the centre of the region by making war. <- this assumes we understand each other, and im not sure we do (on this)Jul 16 18:16
XRevan86Basically, there's a nuance.Jul 16 18:17
mateyof course when it comes to european politicsJul 16 18:17
mateyBasically, there's a nuance. <-Jul 16 18:17
mateyhaJul 16 18:17
mateywhen it comes to european politics, i put more stock in your understanding than mineJul 16 18:17
mateybut it would be incredibly lazy of me to throw out everything ive considered so farJul 16 18:17
mateyand just say "well, this is what xrevan says, so it must be true"Jul 16 18:18
XRevan86I'm pretty narrow focused on the more Eastern part though.Jul 16 18:18
mateyeven if it increased the frequency of me being right :) it would be incredibly sloppy and lazy to be right by such meansJul 16 18:18
mateytheres that as wellJul 16 18:18
XRevan86From here the EU looks all right, but my bar may be way lower.Jul 16 18:20
mateyyeah i think it would have to beJul 16 18:20
XRevan86Some free press? That's already a win.Jul 16 18:20
mateyfree to agree with corporations Jul 16 18:21
mateyfree to say whatever you like to people who dont listen, and have it drowned out by corporate nonsenseJul 16 18:21
mateyrussia uses the state to control informationJul 16 18:21
mateythe west uses multi-billion-dollar bullshit instead.Jul 16 18:21
mateyits a different sort of oppressionJul 16 18:21
mateybut it can achieve similar outcomesJul 16 18:21
techrights-newsChromeOS Flex now available to run on aging Macs and PCs 16 18:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-ChromeOS Flex now available to run on aging Macs and PCs | AppleInsiderJul 16 18:22
mateyim not saying that i prefer russias means, at allJul 16 18:22
mateyputlin is one of the creepiest people aliveJul 16 18:22
techrights-newsGoogle #Android Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 18:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesJul 16 18:22
mateybut the west has its own creeps, and many of themJul 16 18:22
techrights-newsThe Graphics Special Edition, Volume 3 of the PCLinuxOS Magazine • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 18:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Graphics Special Edition, Volume 3 of the PCLinuxOS Magazine | Tux MachinesJul 16 18:22
mateyputin kills high ranking individuals to keep the narrative under controlJul 16 18:23
mateyboth putin and the west will invade entire countries to keep a narrative goingJul 16 18:23
mateyand the west does it more oftenJul 16 18:23
mateyreferring to this as "free press" is accurateJul 16 18:24
mateybut a little bit cynicalJul 16 18:24
mateyyoure free to say whatever you want, but if enough people notice you may have your country invaded.Jul 16 18:24
mateythats the western free pressJul 16 18:25
XRevan86matey: Not always kills, there's a whole spectrum of measures.Jul 16 18:25
mateyof courseJul 16 18:25
mateybut you may make too much of the differencesJul 16 18:25
mateyeven though i dont deny they existJul 16 18:26
mateyan improvement on putins regime may not be enough to break out the champagne overJul 16 18:26
mateystallman has a life-long boycott of coca cola because they murdered farmers who tried to form a unionJul 16 18:27
techrights-newsAdvice for the next dozen Rust GUIs | Raph Levien’s blog ⚓ ䷉ Source: raphlinusJul 16 18:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Advice for the next dozen Rust GUIs | Raph Levien’s blogJul 16 18:27
XRevan86matey: And I think your look is a bit too grim, there's definitely a collective push in the West.Jul 16 18:27
mateykillercoke.orgJul 16 18:27
Ariadneschestowitz[TR]: will have time to fix the XFS issues tonight.  also thinking about an infrastructure redesign.Jul 16 18:27
mateyAnd I think your look is a bit too grim, there's definitely a collective push in the West. <- no, im aware of this Jul 16 18:27
mateyhell if anything gives me hope, its thatJul 16 18:27
schestowitz[TR]Unconditional Basic Income gemini:// "I’ve long seen UBI as maybe more of a short-term “patch” solution (it doesn’t fix all externalites and environmental problems of market economies), but a desperately needed one.Jul 16 18:27
schestowitz[TR]"Jul 16 18:27
schestowitz[TR]Unconditional Basic Income gemini:// "I’ve long seen UBI as maybe more of a short-term “patch” solution (it doesn’t fix all externalites and environmental problems of market economies), but a desperately needed one.Jul 16 18:27
schestowitz[TR]"Jul 16 18:27
schestowitz[TR]excellent!Jul 16 18:27
schestowitz[TR]oopsJul 16 18:27
schestowitz[TR]Ariadne: excellentJul 16 18:28
Ariadnewhen the NAS fucked up, i moved all of my critical services to linode, but this is costing me hundreds per month, so it is time to properly fix this stuffJul 16 18:28
XRevan86matey: There is something I can't say about Russia, where introspection is dead, accountability is dead, reflection is dead.Jul 16 18:28
matey "I’ve long seen UBI as maybe more of a short-term “patch” solution (it doesn’t fix all externalites and environmental problems of market economies), but a desperately needed one. <- yeahJul 16 18:28
Ariadneno reason to pay hundreds when i have coloJul 16 18:28
mateyubi would be a good step forwardJul 16 18:28
*britney (~britney@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 18:28
mateybut only a stepJul 16 18:28
AriadneUBI stops the bleeding at leastJul 16 18:28
mateyubi is even more interesting when libertarians support itJul 16 18:29
schestowitz[TR]at one point you also tried oracleJul 16 18:29
matey(im not sure how many do)Jul 16 18:29
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 16 18:30
matey<XRevan86> matey: And I think your look is a bit too grim, there's definitely a collective push in the West. <- i focus on the problems, its trueJul 16 18:30
mateybut at the same level of the problems, the solutions have proven ineffectiveJul 16 18:30
mateylike trying to solve systemd with devuan Jul 16 18:31
XRevan86matey: Everyone's used to the idea that the Vietnam War was actually a bad thing.Jul 16 18:31
mateywar crimes are a bad thingJul 16 18:31
mateywhat was good about the vietnam war?Jul 16 18:31
XRevan86But that was fought for, and in Russia this reflection is not exactly there.Jul 16 18:32
XRevan86matey: Not the point.Jul 16 18:32
mateyi was trying to understand your point in mentioning it. i still dont get it.Jul 16 18:32
XRevan86matey: That the US at least admitted that it made an oopsie.Jul 16 18:32
XRevan86And the population understands that.Jul 16 18:33
mateymaybe the majority of the population understands thatJul 16 18:33
mateythey tried to give henry kissenger a nobel peace prizeJul 16 18:33
mateyhe wouldnt accept itJul 16 18:33
mateyand its nice to admit a mistakeJul 16 18:34
XRevan86It's very nice.Jul 16 18:34
Ariadneschestowitz[TR]: i still have some running on oracleJul 16 18:34
mateyeven nicer to learn from it, which iraq proved hasnt happened.Jul 16 18:34
Ariadnebut honestly i want to ditch wordpressJul 16 18:34
mateyit wont learn from iraq either.Jul 16 18:34
XRevan86One of the annoying aspects of this war is that Russia is literally not admitting mistakes.Jul 16 18:34
mateyin fairness wordpressJul 16 18:35
Ariadnerussia invading ukraine at all is a mistakeJul 16 18:35
mateythey did a spectacular job of branding "dumpster fire"Jul 16 18:35
Ariadnewordpress has a lot of nice automationJul 16 18:35
techrights-news"The following content is brought to you by ZDNet partners." ZDNet posting spam as 'articles' for CompTIA today. 16 18:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IDG, ACT, CompTIA and the Rest of the Microsoft AstroTurf | TechrightsJul 16 18:35
mateyso will world war iiiJul 16 18:35
mateyits a shame what they did to itJul 16 18:36
mateylots of short term gains, plunged the whole thing into the toiletJul 16 18:36
techrights-newsVulkan 1.3.221 is out, but outsourced to Microsoft proprietary prisonJul 16 18:36
matey One of the annoying aspects of this war is that Russia is literally not admitting mistakes. <- america did the same in iraqJul 16 18:37
XRevan86Ariadne: Indeed.Jul 16 18:37
mateymuch of the public knew it was a mistake BEFORE the invasian happenedJul 16 18:37
XRevan86And if Russia had any accountability, maybe a small group of people wouldn't have been able to make such a horrible decision. That's the big difference.Jul 16 18:37
mateyduring, and for years afterJul 16 18:37
mateyThat's the big difference. <- thats not a difference.Jul 16 18:37
mateylook at iraq instead of vietnam, and youll understand the west better.Jul 16 18:38
mateyyoure giving it too much credit, even where a little credit is dueJul 16 18:38
mateyiraq was sheer imperialism, based on complete lies, and people knew it was bullshit from day -100 (before it even happened)Jul 16 18:39
mateyand it went on for more than a fucking decade, and they called it "mission accomplished" in the first yearJul 16 18:39
techrights-newsThis smart lock uses voice recognition to control access | Arduino Blog ⚓ ䷉ Source: Arduino | Hardware | OpenHardware | Hacking | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 16 18:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | This smart lock uses voice recognition to control access | Arduino BlogJul 16 18:39
XRevan86matey: Even the mainstream admits that the nuclear justification was a lie.Jul 16 18:40
mateyamerican forces fired a tank at western journalists. in a hotel.Jul 16 18:40
mateythis is not NOT-RUSSIA.Jul 16 18:40
Ariadnethe mission (generating a lot of spend for the military industrial complex) was accomplished thoJul 16 18:40
Ariadnewhere is the lieeeeeeJul 16 18:40
mateyimo the real purpose was making sure that iraqi oil was enumerated in american dollarsJul 16 18:40
Ariadnethat mission was a failureJul 16 18:41
mateythey still installed a puppet in charge of the iraqi government Jul 16 18:41
mateymaybe its a consolation prizeJul 16 18:41
techrights-newsToday’s #HowTos | #UNIX • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 18:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJul 16 18:42
mateyand halliburton did get a lot of business out of it, but you sort of already said thatJul 16 18:42
mateyamerican forces fired a tank at western journalists. in a hotel. <- this sort of thing does happen more often in russiaJul 16 18:42
mateybut please witness the depths to which the west is willing to stoop when it suits themJul 16 18:42
mateyeven if it does do it less often, or as i would prefer "by different means, usually"Jul 16 18:43
techrights-newsBest Linux distributions to revive an ancient laptop ⚓ ䷉ Source: mybroadband | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 16 18:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Best Linux distributions to revive an ancient laptopJul 16 18:43
mateythey can always poison someones coffee it it pleases themJul 16 18:43
mateyonly when you have the resources of the west, i guess you have more options.Jul 16 18:44
techrights-news"We were using the mailman2 instance provided by Dreamhost for many years as the mailing list for dgplug. But, over the years many participants had trouble with receiving emails. In the last few years, most emails were landing in spam." 16 18:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | dgplug mailing list has a new homeJul 16 18:44
mateyi do think there was an effort towards a level of integrity that is admirableJul 16 18:44
mateyi dont think that applies to the military situation howeverJul 16 18:44
mateyeisenhower said beware the micJul 16 18:45
mateyso i dont think theres been a "western ideal" militarily since the mid 20th centuryJul 16 18:45
mateyand before that it was a mess too, only less soJul 16 18:45
techrights-newsIntel Meteor Lake Integrated Graphics Gets Initial Support 16 18:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Initial Intel Meteor Lake iGPU Support Queued for Linux 5.20 | Tux MachinesJul 16 18:45
mateyadmit vietnam was a mistake, and thenJul 16 18:46
matey"we move on"Jul 16 18:46
mateyamerica can join aa, even say it has a problemJul 16 18:46
mateyit will keep drinking and waking up not knowing where it is or who its fightingJul 16 18:47
mateythats progressJul 16 18:47
mateybut fwiwJul 16 18:47
mateyi see the people fighting this trendJul 16 18:47
mateyive watched them since nearly 20 years agoJul 16 18:47
mateytheyre good peopleJul 16 18:47
mateyif they win ill be happy. i havent given up.Jul 16 18:48
techrights-news"Currently I am developing a form for the website which allows users to easily create profiles and add themselves to the website. Since the site is based on Jekyll, a static site generator, the challenge here was how to make it easier for the newcomers to add themselves easily and save the fuss of navigating through the file system" 16 18:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-GSoC’22 Update — Coding Phase 1. Some time has passed since I wrote my… | by Asmit Malakannawar | Jul, 2022 | MediumJul 16 18:48
mateywe gain nothing from surrendering to thisJul 16 18:48
techrights-newsCANDuino v3 - A Microchip ATmega168PA board with CAN bus, Arduino Nano form factor - CNX Software ⚓ ䷉ Source: Linux | GNU | Hardware | cnxsoftwareJul 16 18:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | CANDuino v3 - A Microchip ATmega168PA board with CAN bus, Arduino Nano form factor - CNX SoftwareJul 16 18:49
XRevan86matey: "american forces fired a tank at western journalists. in a hotel." <- "this sort of thing does happen more often in russia" <- And speaking about it is outlawed.Jul 16 18:50
XRevan86The definition of a fake is a fake is something that is not sourced from the War Ministry.Jul 16 18:51
XRevan86(that's not an exaggeration)Jul 16 18:51
techrights-newsSalvaging Old Laptops With GNU/Linux (or ChromeOS) • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 18:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Salvaging Old Laptops With GNU/Linux (or ChromeOS) | Tux MachinesJul 16 18:52
mateyThe definition of a fake is a fake is something that is not sourced from the War Ministry. <- america toys with protecting people from fake news, obama even talked about itJul 16 18:56
mateyputin just puts his dick inJul 16 18:56
mateyamerica will spend decades on foreplayJul 16 18:56
XRevan86Ilya Yashin talked about what happened in Bucha and now has criminal charges on dissemination of fakes.Jul 16 18:57
mateyi understand the distinctionJul 16 18:57
mateybut i dont think it is a difference of characterJul 16 18:57
XRevan86He will likely catch 10 years.Jul 16 18:57
mateyi think it is a differnce of choice of tacticsJul 16 18:57
mateyas you said, there are other meansJul 16 18:58
XRevan86Gorinov, a Moscow MP, called the war a war, said that children died, and caught 7 years.Jul 16 18:58
mateyokay, how about this oneJul 16 18:58
mateywait for itJul 16 18:58
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▆▃▄▅▆▂▅▆▃▄▆▇▅▆▄▇▆▅▆▃▄▅▅▃▄▅▄▅▅▅▆▆▄▄▅▆▅▆▄▅▁ avg(k/sec) 24.25 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▂▂▁▂▁▁▂▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▁▂▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▂▁▁ avg(k/sec) 28.15▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Jul 16 18:59
mateythe american military has psy-op peopleJul 16 18:59
mateytheyre expressly forbidden from working on politicians (and probably their own civilians, but either way they cant work on their own brass)Jul 16 18:59
mateyat one point, colin powell... anyway...Jul 16 19:00
mateya journalist for rolling stone reported on this incredible scandalJul 16 19:00
mateyof the military using psy-ops to push a politician towards a warJul 16 19:00
mateyhis car started doing something like 200 mph and he was killed while drivingJul 16 19:01
mateyprobably a coincidence thoughJul 16 19:01
mateyi mean accidents are commonJul 16 19:02
XRevan86* 322 kmphJul 16 19:02
XRevan86That's one beefy engine.Jul 16 19:02
mateyits been years since i read the storyJul 16 19:02
mateyand youre probably not missing the point even though to the untrained eye, you could beJul 16 19:02
XRevan86I'm not.Jul 16 19:03
mateyfor at least 20 years, america has been doing its best to catch up to china and russiaJul 16 19:03
mateyrussia is run by a proud stalin wannabe, and china is a monstrous thing like it is today because of direct inspiration by stalinJul 16 19:04
XRevan86Not wrong.Jul 16 19:04
mateyand america eats it upJul 16 19:04
mateygranted, theres a nuanceJul 16 19:04
mateybut most of the time, neither the fake left or the fake right (because theyre real things-- the republican and democratic parties embody neither) put any sort of stop to "big government" or war crimes, or exploitation of the poorJul 16 19:05
mateythey only argue about how we get there and how its presentedJul 16 19:06
mateypeople like obama come in, talk about standing up to corporations, then create an enormous fleet of drone assassinsJul 16 19:06
mateypoison in coffee would be caveman shitJul 16 19:06
mateyhillary clinton talks about killing assange with a droneJul 16 19:07
mateyfor what? Jul 16 19:07
mateyfor showing footage of a helicopter firing on civiliansJul 16 19:07
mateyin iraqJul 16 19:07
XRevan86She actually said that?Jul 16 19:07
mateyi think even roy mentioned it on trJul 16 19:08
matey<XRevan86> She actually said that? <- actually, there seems to be very little evidence she said thatJul 16 19:09
matey 16 19:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Did Hillary Clinton Try To Order A Drone Strike Against WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange? Controversial Conspiracy Theory Site Makes Bombshell Claim - InquisitrJul 16 19:09
mateycontroversial-conspiracy-theory-site-Jul 16 19:09
matey/me shrugsJul 16 19:09
mateystill, if you look at what happened to assangeJul 16 19:10
schestowitz[TR]there was a plan to assasssinateJul 16 19:10
schestowitz[TR]the CIA did not deny the reportsJul 16 19:10
mateytheyre torturing him to death anywayJul 16 19:10
mateywhile he waits to see if he will be extradited so they can torture him to death even worseJul 16 19:10
mateyi havent heard anything about that in a yearJul 16 19:11
schestowitz[TR]they did that to manning tooJul 16 19:11
schestowitz[TR]forced to sleep naked and stuffJul 16 19:11
schestowitz[TR]messing with people's heads to the coreJul 16 19:11
mateywith constant light on her faceJul 16 19:11
schestowitz[TR]or causing heart conditionbsJul 16 19:11
mateysleep deprivationJul 16 19:11
schestowitz[TR]inflamed joints, severe loss of weight.Jul 16 19:11
mateyi imagine the west tortures more people than russiaJul 16 19:12
mateybut its a guess, nothing moreJul 16 19:12
XRevan86matey: I seriously doubt that.Jul 16 19:12
mateyim not saying one is better, though maybe you can argue the west is betterJul 16 19:12
schestowitz[TR]"special operations"Jul 16 19:12
mateyboth have many choices about how they do evilJul 16 19:12
schestowitz[TR]not just yet... "enhanced" interrogationJul 16 19:12
mateyand they make different choicesJul 16 19:12
XRevan86matey: Torture is incredibly widespread in Russia.Jul 16 19:12
schestowitz[TR]and belarusJul 16 19:13
XRevan86It's not even a dissident thing, it's everywhere.Jul 16 19:13
mateyyou wont be too surprised that its the first ive heard of itJul 16 19:13
schestowitz[TR] 16 19:13
mateythats some epo thing i gatherJul 16 19:13
schestowitz[TR]yeahJul 16 19:13
mateyyeahJul 16 19:13
schestowitz[TR]epo outsources to minsklJul 16 19:13
schestowitz[TR]epo president had a breakdown over our seriesJul 16 19:14
schestowitz[TR]starting shouting curse words at everyoneJul 16 19:14
schestowitz[TR]we have 2 upcoming series on MicrosoftJul 16 19:15
mateyim half inclined to believe that Jul 16 19:15
mateyits certainly possibleJul 16 19:15
*GNUmoon has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 16 19:15
*GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsJul 16 19:15
techrights-newsThe Graphics Special Edition, Volume 3 of the PCLinuxOS Magazine [pdf] 16 19:15
mateywe have 2 upcoming series on Microsoft <- if only... there was... some way... to get... away from them </shatner>Jul 16 19:15
schestowitz[TR]EPO refuses to release the recordingJul 16 19:16
mateytoo many elipses, thats just the wheelchair kid from malcolm in the middleJul 16 19:16
schestowitz[TR]they were asked by staffJul 16 19:16
schestowitz[TR]in a survey 94% said they wanted the recording releasedJul 16 19:16
mateyif only there was... some way... to get away from them </shatner> fixedJul 16 19:16
mateythe other 6% said they wanted a pay riseJul 16 19:16
schestowitz[TR]noJul 16 19:17
schestowitz[TR]neutralJul 16 19:17
schestowitz[TR]i think 1 or 2% were inclined to say, no, forget abouyt itJul 16 19:17
schestowitz[TR]but the epic tantrums became office jokesJul 16 19:18
mateyat any rate, i think the world in general knows that russia is worse than the usaJul 16 19:18
mateyi only think you underestimate the ambition of the latter to be more and more like russia and china-- even if it always lags behindJul 16 19:18
schestowitz[TR]the only people moving from usa to russia do so to escape usaJul 16 19:18
mateyim not even sure about always, but it seems more than likely that it wont get as bad as russia or chinaJul 16 19:19
schestowitz[TR]many russians move to usa not to flee for their livesJul 16 19:19
XRevan86matey: I think ye underestimate just how big the distance is.Jul 16 19:19
schestowitz[TR]but searching for a better lifeJul 16 19:19
mateyI think ye underestimate just how big the distance is. <- oh thats possible tooJul 16 19:19
mateybut for me, the distances is not the pointJul 16 19:19
mateythe point is the ambition to become worse and worseJul 16 19:19
mateyand learn from the worst examples-- and then emulate themJul 16 19:19
mateyeven if its only gulag-lite(tm)Jul 16 19:19
mateyeven if its 1000 times better (which i doubt)Jul 16 19:20
mateymaybe 100, who knowsJul 16 19:20
mateythese things arent easy to quantify-- some people try, its impressiveJul 16 19:20
XRevan86The way I see it, the politics are all about checks and balances, there's always the tendency to go bad, and that should be pushed against.Jul 16 19:20
techrights-newsSpellBinding: ABILUSR Wordo: CORNU gemini:// 16 19:21
mateyi think youre mixing up the marketing with the productJul 16 19:21
*britney has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jul 16 19:21
matey 16 19:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | US Imperialism from Manifest Destiny to the New American Century | Dissident VoiceJul 16 19:21
techrights-news"In my humble opinion paying cash is a nice puzzle piece of resistance. I routinely pay cash for almost everything, that I buy locally. I have bought a number of fairly expensive things (for my personal definition of fairly expensive, that is) and payed several of them cash, e.g. a new motorcycle" gemini:// 16 19:22
mateyLOL 16 19:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Without American imperialism and its evils, the world faces anarchyJul 16 19:22
XRevan86Russia has bad tendencies, Ukraine has bad tendencies, the US has bad tendencies.Jul 16 19:22
mateyfree press (free to agree) Jul 16 19:22
mateywithout-american-imperialism-and-its-evils-the-world-faces-anarchy BAHAHAHAJul 16 19:22
mateypax romana!Jul 16 19:22
XRevan86If the activism is weak or oppressed, then they will spread unchecked and wreak havoc.Jul 16 19:22
techrights-news"I've been, stupidly, using an email account that came with a free web page account. I figured - what harm could it be, it's free, it's been around... Now I want to get rid of it, but I am away from home, and there are some accounts I can't access to update the email address... So I am stuck." gemini:// 16 19:23
XRevan86Russia is oppressed and went mad… again.Jul 16 19:23
*britney (~britney@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 19:23
matey The Pax Romana (Latin for "Roman Peace") is a roughly 200-year-long timespan of Roman history which is identified as a period and as a golden age of increased as well as sustained Roman imperialism, relative peace and order, prosperous stability, hegemonial power and regional expansion, despite a number of revolts and wars, and continuing competition with Parthia. Jul 16 19:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pax Romana - WikipediaJul 16 19:23
mateya roughly 200-year-long timespanJul 16 19:24
techrights-news"Top shows that, running in the background with automatic email fetching shut off -- in other words, doing absolutely nothing -- it eats up about 5% CPU and 5% memory. That is a ridiculously large fraction of my machine -- for doing absolutely nothing. I have 8GB RAM), so the sleeping beauty needs 400 MB to do nothing. Is this a bad joke?" gemini:// 16 19:24
mateywelp, that was funJul 16 19:24
XRevan86And checks and balances is something that democracies tend to have figured out significantly better than dictatorships, and as such more successful as nations.Jul 16 19:24
mateyThe prominence of the concept of the Pax Romana led to historians coining variants of the term to describe other systems of relative peace that have been established, attempted, or argued to have existed. Some variants include:[1]  /   /     Pax Americana  /     Pax Britannica  /     Pax Europaea  /     Pax Hispanica  /     Pax Mongolica  /     Pax Ottomana  /     Pax Sinica  /     Pax Khazarica  /     Pax Syriana  /     Pax Sovietica  /     Pax MafiosaJul 16 19:25
mateyand as such more successful as nations.Jul 16 19:25
mateythe purpose of evolution was to create the jellyfishJul 16 19:26
XRevan86Pax Putina would be roughly 10 years.Jul 16 19:26
mateyi wouldnt give it that longJul 16 19:26
*matey has quit (connection closed)Jul 16 19:26
schestowitz[TR]<matey> the purpose of evolution was to create the jellyfish<matey> the purpose of evolution was to create the jellyfishJul 16 19:39
schestowitz[TR]in iraq they now have what they called "jelly babies"Jul 16 19:40
schestowitz[TR]they say depleted uranium in the American invasion played a role in many of these birthsJul 16 19:40
schestowitz[TR]US liberated Iraq and brought jelly paradiseJul 16 19:40
schestowitz[TR]women taking out jelly babies from their genitals while Bush II says "mission accomplished"Jul 16 19:41
XRevan86The purpose of software evolution was to create GNU Emacs, it's all downhill from there.Jul 16 19:41
schestowitz[TR]software evolution was maintained by team monoJul 16 19:43
schestowitz[TR]and novellJul 16 19:43
schestowitz[TR]it dodn't get farJul 16 19:43
schestowitz[TR]thunderbird id still better than evolutionJul 16 19:43
schestowitz[TR]a lot of companies abandoned native email software altogetherJul 16 19:44
psydroid2there is this narrative that has been peddled lately that evolution has improved and is now better than thunderbirdJul 16 19:44
psydroid2I don't believe it at allJul 16 19:45
techrights-newsGulag cannot wean itself off Linux and GPL, but it keeps trying 16 19:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Android removes Fuchsia code as Starnix project progresses - 9to5GoogleJul 16 19:46
techrights-newsAMD RDNA 3 GPUs Get SubVP Feature In AMDGPU For Linux 5.20 ⚓ ䷉ Source: wccftech | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 16 19:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AMD RDNA 3 GPUs Get SubVP Feature In AMDGPU For Linux 5.20Jul 16 19:48
techrights-newsChairman Sir Paul Mahoney (OBE) explains the workings of the EPO‘s Internal Appeals Committee to a new member 16 19:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] The EPO’s Kangaroo Tribunals Explained | TechrightsJul 16 19:50
MinceR16 182742 < matey> <MinceR> they mostly come at night. mostly. <- thats what she said?Jul 16 19:55
MinceRyes it isJul 16 19:55
MinceR(she's Newt, iirc)Jul 16 19:55
techrights-newsBreath Lets You Run Regular Ubuntu on Modern Intel Chromebooks • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 20:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Breath Lets You Run Regular Ubuntu on Modern Intel Chromebooks | Tux MachinesJul 16 20:00
techrights-newsRuss Allbery: INN 2.7.0 16 20:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Eagle's Path: INN 2.7.0 (2022-07-16)Jul 16 20:00
techrights-news"GNU rush version 2.3 is available for download. This is a bug-fixing release." 16 20:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNU Rush - News: GNU rush version 2.3 [Savannah]Jul 16 20:01
britneyclaws-mail master raceJul 16 20:01
britneythunderbird is bloated afJul 16 20:02
britneyyou also need an addon to export to mboxJul 16 20:02
schestowitz[TR]thunderbird gotr very bloatedJul 16 20:03
britneythunderbird now comes with a matrix clientJul 16 20:03
schestowitz[TR]I need to allocate like 2.5 GB of RAM to start itJul 16 20:03
schestowitz[TR]then it takes half a gig Jul 16 20:03
schestowitz[TR]since around 20017Jul 16 20:03
britneyyou should try out claws-mail, its lightweightJul 16 20:03
schestowitz[TR]I used to run thunderbird on a laptop with 32 gb of ram for the whole systemJul 16 20:04
schestowitz[TR]1990s laptopJul 16 20:04
britney32gb ram on a 1990s laptop? wthJul 16 20:04
schestowitz[TR]oopsJul 16 20:04
schestowitz[TR]32mbJul 16 20:04
britneyi liked it better when it was netscape mailJul 16 20:04
schestowitz[TR]now laptops exist with 32gbJul 16 20:04
schestowitz[TR]and they're not necessary SO high endJul 16 20:05
schestowitz[TR]*necessarilyJul 16 20:05
schestowitz[TR]programmers used to have practical contraintsJul 16 20:05
schestowitz[TR]toolkits alsoJul 16 20:05
schestowitz[TR]now you have gnome tryint to force you to use openglJul 16 20:06
schestowitz[TR]for very basic thingsJul 16 20:06
schestowitz[TR]because of gtk4 or 5Jul 16 20:06
schestowitz[TR]masybe even some of gtk3Jul 16 20:06
schestowitz[TR]the move you give them, the more they tkeJul 16 20:06
schestowitz[TR]never caring about old computersJul 16 20:06
britneyclaws-mail is gtk+Jul 16 20:06
schestowitz[TR]*more you give them... takeJul 16 20:06
britneyI use evolution because its less bloated than thunderbird and supports dark modeJul 16 20:07
britneyclaws-mail would be ideal but I hate light modeJul 16 20:07
britneyat least hexchat lets me change the colour schemeJul 16 20:08
schestowitz[TR]:-)Jul 16 20:08
britneyevolution also supports mbox export without an addon that might randomly get disabled in an updateJul 16 20:09
britneymy laptop is a beast for 2013Jul 16 20:10
britneyIntel(R) Core(TM) i5-4310M CPU @ 2.70GHz, Mesa Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600, 16GB ram, 240GB mSATA SSDJul 16 20:11
britneyeverything runs super fastJul 16 20:11
schestowitz[TR]sounds like itJul 16 20:13
schestowitz[TR]how about power usage?Jul 16 20:13
schestowitz[TR]i mean, don't get me wonr [enter pause]Jul 16 20:13
schestowitz[TR]butmost of the time our PCs are idleJul 16 20:13
schestowitz[TR]maybe 95% of the time, depends on the personbJul 16 20:13
britneyits probably pretty good, i dont really have a way to measure itJul 16 20:13
schestowitz[TR]there are tools for thisJul 16 20:14
schestowitz[TR]but never mindJul 16 20:14
techrights-newsToday’s #HowTos | #UNIX • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 20:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJul 16 20:17
britneydamn baloo file extractorJul 16 20:21
britneyi use gnome, not sure how that turned itself onJul 16 20:22
MinceR16 201622 < matey> too many elipses, thats just the wheelchair kid from malcolm in the middleJul 16 20:22
MinceRuse commas insteadJul 16 20:22
britneymaybe when i ran kristalJul 16 20:22
MinceR 16 20:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | William Shatner Syndrome - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopediaJul 16 20:22
MinceR(no audio) 16 20:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- 16 20:26
psydroid2baloo, tracker and more of that crapJul 16 20:30
psydroid2I don't know why they keep forcing itJul 16 20:30
schestowitz[TR]yeahJul 16 20:30
schestowitz[TR]it's not goodJul 16 20:30
schestowitz[TR]for two reasonsJul 16 20:31
schestowitz[TR]1) it's bloatJul 16 20:31
schestowitz[TR]2) many people don't want or need itJul 16 20:31
techrights-newsAmazon’s Alexa is wiretapping; better aim for something that processes data locally, if at all 16 20:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | This smart lock uses voice recognition to control access | Arduino BlogJul 16 20:34
techrights-newsAMD RDNA 3 GPUs Get SubVP Feature In AMDGPU For Linux 5.20 • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 20:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AMD RDNA 3 GPUs Get SubVP Feature In AMDGPU For Linux 5.20 | Tux MachinesJul 16 20:40
*AdmFubar has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jul 16 20:43
*AdmFubar (~mradmin@ngqaam7baxnug.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 20:46
techrights-newsPop OS 22.04 LTS - New Features and Release Updates • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 20:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pop OS 22.04 LTS - New Features and Release Updates | Tux MachinesJul 16 20:50
techrights-newsQuanta Magazine: The Computer Scientist Who Parlays Failures Into Breakthroughs ⚓ ䷉ Source: quantamagazine | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 16 20:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Quanta MagazineJul 16 20:52
techrights-newsMany companies scam their own staff by tricking them into "investing" their salaries (savings) in the company, artificially inflating a fake valuation that's bound to collapse, along with financial rewards supposedly having been given to staff. It's like companies buying back their own shares -- a form of embezzlement.Jul 16 20:54
techrights-newsHow do you like your "smart" car now, PUNK? 16 20:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hackers Say They Can Unlock and Start Honda Cars RemotelyJul 16 20:55
*oarion7 (~anonymous@user/oarion7) has joined #techrightsJul 16 20:55
techrights-news"Tiny robots made of metallic powder stuck to plastic tape and controlled by magnetic fields could one day crawl inside internal organs and repair injuries" 16 20:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Robot made of sticky tape and metal powder could crawl on your organs | New ScientistJul 16 20:56
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▆▃▄▅▆▂▅▆▃▄▆▇▅▆▄▇▆▅▆▃▄▅▅▃▄▅▄▅▅▅▆▆▄▄▅▆▅▆▄▅▁ avg(k/sec) 24.25 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▂▂▁▂▁▁▂▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▁▂▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▂▁▁ avg(k/sec) 28.15▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Jul 16 20:59
techrights-news"Lately I have been feeling that now that my only sibling is dead I'm more alone in the world." gemini:// 16 21:11
techrights-newsLinks 16/07/2022: Recycling Old PCs With GNU/Linux, GNU Rush 2.3 | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 16 21:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 16/07/2022: Recycling Old PCs With GNU/Linux, GNU Rush 2.3 | TechrightsJul 16 21:12
britneypsydroid2, schestowitz[TR], it was using cpu and making my laptop heat upJul 16 21:12
britneyi don't even use KDEJul 16 21:13
techrights-newsApparently Nat Friedman lost a sibling to suicide and there's more to it... not touching it though, very sensitive subjectJul 16 21:13
britneyi killed the process and then found a command to disable itJul 16 21:13
schestowitz[TR]ballo? tracker? akonadi?Jul 16 21:13
schestowitz[TR]*balloJul 16 21:13
britneybalooJul 16 21:13
schestowitz[TR]>balooJul 16 21:13
schestowitz[TR]it gives people bad initial experience of kdeJul 16 21:14
schestowitz[TR]it starts scanning all their filesJul 16 21:14
schestowitz[TR]slowing everything downJul 16 21:14
britney"balooctl disable"Jul 16 21:14
schestowitz[TR]nepumok used to do the sameJul 16 21:15
schestowitz[TR]in fedora it caused me lots of  troubleJul 16 21:15
schestowitz[TR]untill I killed it off forciblyJul 16 21:15
psydroid2sometimes the behaviour of these daemons makes me think they are backdoors into the systemJul 16 21:15
psydroid2no one ever asked for themJul 16 21:16
techrights-newsStrange No weekend edition for CounterPunch this weekend. Rather unusual.Jul 16 21:16
psydroid2and even if there is a use for them, they shouldn't be enabled by defaultJul 16 21:16
psydroid2britney, yes, it's terribleJul 16 21:17
schestowitz[TR]they study your filesJul 16 21:20
schestowitz[TR]and make summariesJul 16 21:20
schestowitz[TR]dossiers of sortsJul 16 21:20
schestowitz[TR]"deep-mining"Jul 16 21:20
britneyand what if it crashes? does it send your personal data to someone in the bug report?Jul 16 21:20
britneyat least it was easy to turn offJul 16 21:22
britneymy bigger question is how it got enabled in the first place when I use gnome and its a KDE thingJul 16 21:22
techrights-newsBill C-11 Now a Trade Issue: U.S. Warns Canada About Online Streaming Act Concerns - Michael Geist ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 16 21:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bill C-11 Now a Trade Issue: U.S. Warns Canada About Online Streaming Act Concerns - Michael GeistJul 16 21:22
techrights-newsThe early battle of the Pascals left Microsoft an opening • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 21:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The early battle of the Pascals left Microsoft an opening | Tux MachinesJul 16 21:22
britneythere was that KDE Gemini client I recently installed, kristal?Jul 16 21:22
psydroid2Kristall, yesJul 16 21:23
schestowitz[TR]qtJul 16 21:23
britneymaybe loading kristall caused baloo to start upJul 16 21:24
britneyi have no ideaJul 16 21:24
psydroid2maybe Baloo got installed as a dependency of KristallJul 16 21:24
psydroid2which is one of the ways in which KDE rubs me the wrong wayJul 16 21:25
techrights-newsUniversal USB Installer - Neowin ⚓ ䷉ Source: neowin | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 16 21:25
psydroid2not just thatJul 16 21:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Universal USB Installer - NeowinJul 16 21:25
britneyits not a dependencyJul 16 21:25
schestowitz[TR]kristall is qtJul 16 21:26
schestowitz[TR]it won't bring in the whole of kde and balooJul 16 21:26
schestowitz[TR]unless some depsn chain is very utterly brokenJul 16 21:26
techrights-news"Up front, CodeMirror 6 is a great piece of software. But holy hell it's hard to wrap my head around this paradigm. I understand the _why_ of this approach, but learning _how_ to interact with it is rough. This is a combo of my own inexperience here and a lack of content." gemini:// 16 21:28
britneyits a mysteryJul 16 21:28
britneyim looking at the package in the arch database and nothing i have installed requires balooJul 16 21:28
britneyits probably safe to just remove itJul 16 21:28
schestowitz[TR]baloo is necessity of lifeJul 16 21:29
britneyi can't remove it, plasma-desktop requires itJul 16 21:29
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 16 21:30
schestowitz[TR]so you have plasmaJul 16 21:30
schestowitz[TR]it's not kristall that brought in the whole of plasma5Jul 16 21:30
britneytrue, i did have kde installedJul 16 21:30
britneybut i didnt use itJul 16 21:30
schestowitz[TR]some kde sofdtware like kmail needs akonadiJul 16 21:30
schestowitz[TR]hence balooJul 16 21:30
britneynow its goneJul 16 21:30
britneyi never ran kmailJul 16 21:30
schestowitz[TR]and kalendar is chained to kmailJul 16 21:30
schestowitz[TR]korganiser tooJul 16 21:30
britneythe only kde apps i still use is kleopatra and k3bJul 16 21:31
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@u584dpn9buscs.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 21:32
DaemonFC<schestowitz[TR]> baloo is necessity of lifeJul 16 21:33
DaemonFCThe Jungle Book joke?Jul 16 21:33
britneymaybe k3b made baloo start upJul 16 21:34
psydroid2for Windows they promote installing KDE applications through the Microsoft Store and only make nightlies available for download via the siteJul 16 21:34
britneyanyway, all KDE has been removed from my systemJul 16 21:34
psydroid2that's what I wanted to say in relation to DaemonFC's blog articleJul 16 21:35
britneypsydroid2, does the KDE for Windows installer still exist? I remember using that to install KDE apps on Windows.Jul 16 21:35
psydroid2britney, I don't think it doesJul 16 21:36
schestowitz[TR]<psydroid2> for Windows they promote installing KDE applications through the Microsoft StoreJul 16 21:36
schestowitz[TR]microsoft shut down ALL the storesJul 16 21:36
schestowitz[TR]2020Jul 16 21:36
psydroid2I just wanted my sister to be able to download a Krita build for WindowsJul 16 21:36
psydroid2Windows Store is now called Microsoft StoreJul 16 21:37
DaemonFCThe Windows Store.Jul 16 21:37
DaemonFCThat's not confusing.Jul 16 21:37
schestowitz[TR]psydroid2: Surface never diedJul 16 21:37
schestowitz[TR]it turned from "big ass tablle"Jul 16 21:37
DaemonFCThey still sell them at Best Buy.Jul 16 21:37
schestowitz[TR]to failing "ms"-branded chinese hardwareJul 16 21:38
schestowitz[TR]good luck finding artilces on the REAL surfaceJul 16 21:38
schestowitz[TR] 16 21:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Negative Review of MS Surface Published, Microsoft Contacts Blogger and Has It Removed | TechrightsJul 16 21:38
psydroid2so now it's small enough to fit under or perhaps even in your ass?Jul 16 21:38
psydroid2something's hiding under the surfaceJul 16 21:38
schestowitz[TR]"so Microsoft, how about that EPIC failure with Surface?"Jul 16 21:38
schestowitz[TR]Microsoft: "oh, surgface is STILL around"Jul 16 21:39
MinceRis that the itanium version?Jul 16 21:39
schestowitz[TR]just like Microsoft Store"Jul 16 21:39
MinceR 16 21:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- 16 21:39
techrights-news"As the name is self-explanatory, pascal strings are an essential constituent of the PASCAL programming language. Pascal is a computer programming language that Niklaus Wirth of Switzerland created around 1970 to teach organized programming." 16 21:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | What are Pascal Strings ? - GeeksforGeeksJul 16 21:46
techrights-newsLight PDF Editing is coming to Firefox • Tux Machines ⇨ 16 21:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Light PDF Editing is coming to Firefox | Tux MachinesJul 16 21:47
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR], 16 21:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Skin Deep Usability — First Experience with Microsoft's "Surface" Touch ComputerJul 16 21:47
schestowitz[TR] /f-chat/2237430/postsJul 16 21:48
schestowitz[TR]afterwards comes f-smokeJul 16 21:48
schestowitz[TR]I assume forum chatJul 16 21:49
techrights-news"In this edition of "From Noob To Power User" I will be taking MX Linux and customizing it slightly to fit my workflow. This will include theming, some software installations, setting keybindings, shell aliases and some other essential changes (in my opinion)." 16 21:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | From Noob To Power User With MX Linux - InvidiousJul 16 21:50
techrights-newsPetter Reinholdtsen: Automatic LinuxCNC servo PID tuning? ⚓ ䷉ Source: people | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 16 21:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Petter Reinholdtsen: Automatic LinuxCNC servo PID tuning?Jul 16 21:51
techrights-newsThomas Goirand: My work during debcamp 16 21:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | My work during debcamp – Zigo's blogJul 16 21:52
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR], I put it in archive.orgJul 16 21:52
schestowitz[TR]goodJul 16 21:59
schestowitz[TR] 16 22:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Inside City 400: A fan-tastic welcome, new deals and the return of pre-season!Jul 16 22:05
techrights-newsROS2 Easy-to-Adopt Perception and Manipulation Modules Open Sourced " ROS-Industrial ⚓ ䷉ Source: rosindustrial |Jul 16 22:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ROS2 Easy-to-Adopt Perception and Manipulation Modules Open Sourced — ROS-IndustrialJul 16 22:07
techrights-news"Today we published release 4.6.3 of the Authoritative Server. It contains two bug fixes, and marks the arrival of Ubuntu Jammy packages for the 4.6 branch." 16 22:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PowerDNS Authoritative Server 4.6.3 | PowerDNS BlogJul 16 22:09
MinceR 16 22:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- 16 22:16
schestowitz[TR]Ariadne: will be back in 2.5 hours, need to take nap before workJul 16 22:20
schestowitz[TR]we made another round of backup in case any file system issue results in lossJul 16 22:21
techrights-news"All of this is well known to old Lisp nerds; move along, move along. And it might come across as gatekeepy or complicated to new folks. So I'm looking at you medium-experienced peeps for this one!" gemini:// 16 22:21
britneyschestowitz[TR], whats being migrated?Jul 16 22:22
schestowitz[TR]tuxmachinesJul 16 22:22
schestowitz[TR]static siteJul 16 22:22
britneyyou run tuxmachines?Jul 16 22:22
schestowitz[TR]bblJul 16 22:22
schestowitz[TR]my wife and I and other peopleJul 16 22:23
schestowitz[TR]it's a very old siteJul 16 22:23
britneycool, i wont tie you up any longerJul 16 22:23
schestowitz[TR]170000 pagesJul 16 22:23
britneyoh wow!Jul 16 22:23
britneyim gonna link to it on my siteJul 16 22:25
britney 16 22:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Cerberus InvestigationsJul 16 22:29
britneyNeoCities is pretty cool, they support IPFSJul 16 22:29
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▆▃▄▅▆▂▅▆▃▄▆▇▅▆▄▇▆▅▆▃▄▅▅▃▄▅▄▅▅▅▆▆▄▄▅▆▅▆▄▅▁ avg(k/sec) 24.25 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▂▂▁▂▁▁▂▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▁▂▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▂▁▁ avg(k/sec) 28.15▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Jul 16 22:59
MinceR(cat) 16 23:02
*britney has quit (connection closed)Jul 16 23:11
*britney (~britney@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 23:12
DaemonFC 16 23:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today, Walmart Grocery Pickup gave my order to someone else, billed me, and then had to go pick it again while I waited in my car. Bonus: Lawyer says away from self-checkouts or you risk jail. – BaronHK's RantsJul 16 23:12
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR], ^Jul 16 23:12
britneyDaemonFC, you have a pretty good blogJul 16 23:12
DaemonFCThanksJul 16 23:19
britneyDaemonFC, "but in reality they just arrest people and arm wrestle the guilty and the innocent alike into plea deals." this is so trueJul 16 23:20
britneyi got arrested for harassment because I served my ex employer legal papersJul 16 23:20
britneythey didn't drop the charge until i started charging people for obstructing justiceJul 16 23:20
britneyand im a paralegalJul 16 23:21
britneythats pretty close to being a lawyerJul 16 23:21
britneyi guess i could have hired a lawyer to serve papers, but i was self repJul 16 23:21
britneyi had every right to do so and it was required by the rules of the courtJul 16 23:21
britneythey tried to get me to take all kinds of deals but i wouldn't budgeJul 16 23:22
britneyworst yet, they were dragging me into a jurisdiction 4 hours away from where i lived at the timeJul 16 23:22
*scientes (~d839d5c2@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrightsJul 16 23:22
scientes XRevan86 <---Jul 16 23:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEJul 16 23:22
britneyso i charged people in my jurisdiction Jul 16 23:22
britneyi dropped the charges once they didJul 16 23:22
scientesNO TITLE?Jul 16 23:22
scientes‘A special operation against city preservation advocates’ How commercial interests in St. Petersburg are using the ‘political situation’ to demolish historic buildingsJul 16 23:23
XRevan86"How commercial interests in St. Petersburg are using the ‘political situation’ to demolish historic buildings"Jul 16 23:23
britneyso there you go, a story from a legit legal professionalJul 16 23:23
XRevan86scientes: Full destruction of activism in Russia has opened some doors.Jul 16 23:24
scientesXRevan86, opened? Looks more like they just break down the doorsJul 16 23:25
XRevan86Completed the process.Jul 16 23:25
scientesThey should dismantle the hermitage and St Peter the Great's small personal homeJul 16 23:26
DaemonFCYeah, never open the door for police.Jul 16 23:26
DaemonFCTalk to them through the door. If they can't hear you, tell them to have their dispatcher call you, but just figure out what it's about. Don't admit to anything, don't agree to anything.Jul 16 23:27
DaemonFCIf they have to ask to come in, then they don't have a warrant and can only come in if you let them in.Jul 16 23:27
DaemonFCThey'll break the door down if they have a warrant.Jul 16 23:27
DaemonFCAsking to come in is asking for a fishing expedition. They want to come in, see something that's illegal, get you on that, start a search....Jul 16 23:28
DaemonFCThe problem is that anyone who is in the house can open up and let them in.Jul 16 23:28
DaemonFCSo if you're at a big party or something and one drunk asshole opens the door, they can see that there's underage drinking or something, come in, and arrest everybody.Jul 16 23:29
DaemonFCOr if your spouse or roommate lets them in, they can come in.Jul 16 23:29
DaemonFCYou ought to have a safe that is locked. They can't just bust it open without a warrant.Jul 16 23:29
DaemonFCIf it has a $2 lock on it, doesn't matter. They can't open it without a warrant.Jul 16 23:29
britneyi used to worry about that because i smoked marijuana but it became legal so im not longer doing anything illegalJul 16 23:30
britneyDaemonFC, do you think you can link the lawyer video on your blog?Jul 16 23:31
*scientes has quit (Quit: Connection closed)Jul 16 23:36

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