In 2023 Linux Has Spread 'Like a Cancer'
THIS PAST YEAR GNU/Linux grew a great deal - a subject mostly covered this past week in the sister site, e.g. [1, 2, 3, 4] (growth by continent). In that respect, 2023 was a strong and maybe historic year.
As we noted the other day, the mass layoffs at Microsoft were also good news. No company attacks Software Freedom as much as Microsoft does. No other company comes even near!
The FUD against GNU/Linux may continue unabated (this is the latest; we debunked it fast), but it lacks 'teeth' and Microsoft lacks budget to spread it as far as it did in prior years. Microsoft made cuts to its AstroTurfing department earlier this year [1, 2, 3].
Is it fair to expect 2024 to be an even finer year for GNU/Linux growth? Will that usher in Free software too? Or mostly DRM-laden computer games? This partly depends on what people choose to advocate. █
"Linux is a cancer that attaches itself in an intellectual property sense to everything it touches."
--Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO