The Corrupting Influence of Money in the Media: ZDNet Compels Jack Wallen to Advertise and Even Endorse Proprietary Software to GNU/Linux Users (Software He Later Admits Sucks)
Background readings:
- 5 Jack Wallen Features That Might Make Him Microsoft's New Favorite Linux Shill
- Is BlueMail a Client of ZDNet Now?
- ICYMI: ZDNet Financially Controlled by Microsoft
- Wikipedia Demotes CNET Due to Chatbot-Generated Spew as 'Articles'; It Should Do the Same to ZDNet (Also Red Ventures, Also Microsoft Propaganda)
- ZDNet (Red Ventures) Works for Microsoft (Redmond), Many Of Its Pages Are Spam/Advertisements Paid for by Microsoft
- ZDNet, Sponsored by Microsoft for Paid-for Propaganda (in 'Article' Clothing), Has Added Pop-Up or Overlay to All Pages, Saying "813 Partners Will Store and Access Information on Your Device"
After promoting Microsoft Edge and BlueMail (with Microsoft extensions) we see yet more SPAM that is for proprietary stuff and from a company has demoted "Linux" to just a beta:
Notice the part at the top (small fonts):
Wallen's dependence on ZDNet (Red Ventures) for income is corroding his credibility. He is becoming a PR rep.
Later they wonder aloud why so many people have become so cynical about the media.
Also see (hours ago): What Microsoft Staff/GitHub/systemd Hopes to Distract From This Week (as noted before, e.g. [1, 2])