Gemini Links 06/07/2024: Usenet Comeback, Web Economics
Gemini* and Gopher
🔤SpellBinding — BNEGHIC Wordo: VISIT
Everyone must see everything
Alex kindly replied to my confusing Usenet essay and then even more kindly allowed me to try to clarify by hosting my reply right there in his blog. Thank you for that. When I sent to him I said that I was also gonna post the last li’l bit of it here since I thought it had some ideas that I wanted to say even outside of the original context.
morning news on the side of a Midwest highway
Where I'm at, a place called Farmington Manor, in a "crisis bed" at an old folks home (until my apartment is ready, Monday, the day after tomorrow) is just off the highway here in SE Missouri. The apartment I am to be leasing starting Monday is in downtown Farmington proper, but this senior center that I am at currently, is directly off Highway 67, across from a TAG truck center (to rent 18-wheeler cabs?) and a couple of various storage units. Also, a ranch next door. Big bountiful horse (Clydesdales, I think) with leather canvas over their back, to protect them from the UV searing sun. They graze and trot in the horizon as I smoke in the "smoking shed" next to the building I'm at.
Technology and Free Software
Web economics
Who do these people think they are? Do they actually think their "content" is worth shit? Most of the time, they bring nothing of value whatsoever. All they do is rehash some old stuff, perhaps get chatgpt to throw in a bunch of filler, and then place a bunch of ads between each paragraph of filler. And then they add megabytes of javascript for analytics, for them so-called FRAMEWERKS, ad-blocker-blockers, and overlays to keep you from being able to see the website to try to force you to "accept all cookies", so that the actual content that you come here for accounts for probably less than 1% of the megabytes that they force upon you on each visit, not to mention the self-DDOSing practice of using cloudflare which prevents anyone with less than a full-fledged 5G connection in order to access what in principle is a text document.
Open submissions for "My smol life" zine!
Hey all! Thanks for joining me in this thread :)
This is the zine for "my smol life" published by l0tek (,, l0tek,press live soon)
The goal of this project is to explore the fringes of tech, the web, and this expanded ecosystem of protocols called smolweb, smallnet, etc
We're accepting open submissions at this moment. The deadline for this first issue is the 15th of July as we aim for an August - September release.
👻 Serving Gemtext Files From Caddy
I developed a Caddy plugin for rendering gemtext files to HTML, which is useful for those of us wanting to serve our capsules over both protocols without introducing some middle service to do the translation. The post has more links and details, but I figured I'd drop it here in case it might be useful to anyone.
"Geography" is a two-player in which players take turn naming cities. The city that a player names must start with the last letter of the previously named city, and it cannot repeat a previously named city. For example, if Player 1 starts with "New York", Player 2 could then say "Kolkata", after which Player 1 could say "Amsterdam", etc. A player loses if they cannot name any city.
* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.