What Comes After Printer DRM? A Mouse That 'Phones Home' (Clicklogger) and Maybe Storage Devices That 'Phone Home' With Hashes of All Your Files to Calculate Bills Based on Usage?
This is totally insane! Sure, it is! They've already thought about it:
We've covered what Adobe is doing, too.
Trying to 'monetise' people's poverty, or folks being unable to - or struggle to - make ends meet.
Remember that some peripheral drivers got caught [1, 2] keylogging or event-logging to a file (in essence surveillance in hidden or secret files).
When is it "enough is enough"?
What next? Will Seagate, WD and others (oligopoly of conglomerates) sell us drives that charge us by how many TBs (or GBs) we use, and in the process keep files (dossiers) on what files are stored? Don't laugh, Apple moved a step closer towards this already (in the name of "protecting kids"). Microsoft has also made "Recall", which is a horrifying screenlogger disguised as "AI" "innovation". █