Gemini Links 09/09/2024: ROOPHLOCH and More
Gemini* and Gopher
🔤SpellBinding: CUIKPSH Wordo: ULNAR
PCjr wormhole!!
So as I've hinted in previous posts, a big move for us is coming soon... overseas in fact, and we won't be bringing much with us. This of course has me running mad to consolidate, toss, sell, and give away things. This weekend I turned my attention to a pile of old computers.
It gets busy
With the start of the academic year, I have found my free time vanishing lightning fast. This isn't unusual, but it feels like a shock each year. Right now I'm trying to balance research, personal, projects, professional milestones, and union obligations. It's...more than would be advisable.
I feel quite happy and excited about everything going on in my life. It feels like I'm at or reaching one of those points where things suddenly feel possible in a way they usually don't. Despite how stressful this period is, I welcome it and look forward to what comes next.
ROOPHLOCH 2024 entry
For my inaugural ROOPHLOCH (2024) [1] entry I’m in a park next to the hotel I'm staying, and using a mobile device with a dodgy wifi connection. Not much of a challenge, but my blog/gemlog is hosted on Sourcehut and that is really convenient when you have access to email only. I wrote this post as a git patch and sent it to the Srht mail list. Without git, I had to write the patch text from scratch which was a fun experience. I will apply the patch to the gemlog repo later.
Politics and World Events
The ‘sissy’ community displacing the voices of trans women
There's a widespread kink involving being a ‘sissy’, or being made/forced to be a ‘sissy’ via ‘sissification’. In this context, a ‘sissy’ is an amab person who is insufficiently ‘masculine’, and therefore not a Real Man™; to be ‘sissified’ is to be ‘emasculated’ - such as being made to wear ‘women's‘ clothes - and thus made into a ‘feminine’ being - a woman - which is an regarded as an act of degradation, because a ‘feminine’ being is inherently a ‘lesser’ being.
Technology and Free Software
New ereader field report (kobo clara bw)
i am having fun. it is 6:30pm and i am on top of the hill that passes for a mountain in brooklyn, a pleasant wind sound swaying all of the leafy green branches above my head. the occasional acorn makes a play, knock, whizz, then lands somewhere near my feet or elsewhere. all is well as long as it lands outside the range of my head.
i am a bit cold and have been most of the time i've been here. i'm wearing sandals with socks and jeans, the only acknowledgement to the recent change in weather i've made. not wanting it to be fall yet i had stupidly gone out in my t-shirt and have been half shivering for hours.
today is sunday and in BK from may through september that means it's food cart festival day. besides the fact that the food is overpriced, generally unhealthy, and packed with long lines, i usually enjoy it when i come. i ride up on my bike, survey the options for the day, weigh price and hunger and what the relative healthiness of the food i've eaten over the previous few days and then make a selection. today i picked "Treat Yourself Jerk" where i purchased half a chicken and cooked plantains.
* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.