International Troll Alert by Helen Plews
Helen Plews and Andy Farnell presenting last year
Helen Plews from Cybershow has this new article about notorious oligarchs trolling us, if not over "cow farts" and toilets then over insults to countries with vastly lower crime rates than South Africa and the US: (where he boosts a convicted criminal)
Guess who was CEO of Tesla at the time of the privacy violations? Yep, you guessed it Elon himself. Tesla were caught watching in car camera footage from over 20 cameras in and around a standard Tesla, mostly hidden and pointing right at the inside. It seems Tesla was a tyrannical voyeur with their private CCTV network. It seems when given the chance to break privacy and cybersecurity laws in multiple countries, they took it. What Elon might be suggesting is CCTV data is fine when they are on his servers, but not our police servers in the UK when he visits.
These are not the actions of a tyrannical state. So long as we continue to uphold the institutions our country is built on and avoid outside influence on our democratic process, we stand a good chance of not quite becoming one. I may not have said that 4 years ago, so already I see progress in the right direction.
Can we say that about the US Mr. Musk would like to see built, does a man who paid people to vote his way in a general election uphold the values of democracy or is it he who is a tyrant? Que Alanis Morissette.
Plews did a good job debunking the lies of clown computing a year ago. Power to her. █