Two Quick Things - Censorship & SCO (v.)
- Shane Coyle
- 2006-11-18 18:18:28 UTC
- Modified: 2006-12-13 18:31:09 UTC
First, there have been comments and hate mail regarding censorship on this site. Nope. All comments are posted, immediately, I will do some mild moderating if it is spam - all opinions are welcome, if Mr Hovsepian (sp?) would like a login for his own response page, that is cool.
The 'all opinions are welcome' policy also applies to advertisers, some folks complained about SuSE ads showing up on the site, so what? Don't click on it if you don't want to, remember there are pro-ms and pro-novell folks who visit the site too.
The other thing was an absolutely mint posting on the
RedHat Executives blog:
SCO, the VERB:
Main Entry: sco
Pronunciation: sko
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English screw, that is, to stick it to some one
transitive verb
1 : to threaten your customers with IP infringement
2 : to drive your customers to other vendors
3 : to treat your customers with contempt
Novell is SCO-ing the community, do not support them. Boycott Novell.
2006-11-18 23:36:14
Even if Microsoft had said only nice and peaceful things, the community would still be suspicous. But we don't even have to consider that as Ballmer has basically said everyone else running Linux should be worried.
To anyone at Nevel who likes the agreement - please explain your new friend Ballmer's words. You wanted them as a partner, so you have them - and they are saying terrible (if not outright slanderous) things against Linux. Do you agree with these statements? Disagree? Or are you going to keep quiet like a good friend whose drunken partner is offending everyone at a party with his comments and behavior and managing to brake most of the glassware and furniture. The other partygoers might ask "Why are you still friends with this oaf"? What will Microsoft have to do to convince you of the wrongheadedness of this deal?
Speak up - I'm waiting to hear. Not the silly Panglossing of your FAQ about what the agreement might mean. But about what Ballmer is saying which seems to be diametrically opposed.