“Mandriva is very certain that there are no issues.”Our thoughts and writings in the past were based on conversations in forums like Groklaw and a response from Mandriva's community leader. An interview that LinuxToday had with Mandriva's CEO was another.
Brian from LinuxToday, as well as Pamela Jones from Groklaw, challenged and addressed the fact that Turbolinux gains visibility of Microsoft source code. Pamela must be thinking about SCO-like allegations. Again, as you are aware, Turbolinux signed a patent deal with Microsoft and it now gets access to Microsoft's so-called IP (not just a case of software patents in this case because there are copyrights also).
People out there are divided when it comes to interpretation of the future effect on Mandriva. I personally do not believe there is any trouble associated with the Mandriva deal, but Pamela Jones and Brian from LinuxToday remain a little suspicious. Meanwhile, this question disappeared into the darkness (it's old news), but definite answers are not quite out there. Mandriva is very certain that there are no issues. Microsoft's take on this would be interesting (watch the LinuxToday interview). ⬆