Do-No-Evil Saturday - Part III: Novell's Channel, Legacy and Many Partners
Dr. Roy Schestowitz
2008-02-09 14:37:07 UTC
Modified: 2008-02-09 14:37:07 UTC
Presented below are headings and articles that demonstrate various business relationships Novell has got with other companies. These might prove handy in the future and they may also serve as an example of Novell's progress in the past week alone.
Ron Hovsepian's GWAVA talk should be available for download/viewing fairly soon (if it is not somewhere among the links already).
GWAVA, Novell’s largest Collaboration partner for GroupWise and Teaming + Conferencing, announced today the release of Vertigo 1.1, an email management tool that lets GroupWise administrators centrally manage their GroupWise systems.
Gwava's global partner of the year turns out to be Inetra. Here again is an eerily familiar description of Gwava's relationship with Novell. You can see quite clearly that they are reusing words, maybe recycling old press releases (compare to the text above).
Gwava, Novell s largest Collaboration partner for GroupWise and Teaming + Conferencing, announced at GwavaCon Americas that German-based Inetra was awarded the 2008 Global Partner of the Year.
Novatium reviewed several solutions for the central server operating system, user login management and user software packages. The central servers would need to manage thousands of user logins, with tailored user profiles and permissions to use particular services. Unlike most corporate systems, peak workload for Novatium would be concentrated into a few hours between noon and evening time, and the system would need to scale up quickly as more subscribers joined.
Chakrabarti added, “We found that the combination of Novell’s SUSE Linux Enterprise Server and eDirectory were able to provide enterprise-class scalability and integrated user authentication, management and security.” The implementation was done in October 2007. Novatium implemented the solution at its data center and two NOC sites.
Hewlett Packard
SUSE Linux is now at the centre (or the bottom) of a solutions stack involving NDS and H-P.
Following Hewlett Packard's alliance with NDS Technologies, HP products would now have the option of Novell's Suse-Linux O/S for their desktops and servers.Sharing his insights on the alliance, NDS Technologies Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Pervez Hanif said the NDS Technologies (Private) Limited are the sole distributors of Novell Incorporated USA in Pakistan.
Eric Schmidt's past experiences with Microsoft (betrayal while serving Sun and Novell) did not escape the attention of the press. With a Yahoo bid (maybe even deal) looming, Schmidt seems concerned on behalf of Google.
The fast, forceful response from Google is a product of Schmidt's history and personality. Schmidt, 52, had spent much of his career battling Microsoft at Sun Microsystems and Novell, before joining Google in 2001.
All the latest features are compatible with Microsoft Exchange as well as Lotus Notes and Novell Groupwise. Prices will range from $3 per user to $25 per user, depending on how much protection and data retention a customer wants.
that they’ve added some new security products to their Google Apps offerings for message filtering, encryption and archiving that will work with any mail system – which they say includes Lotus Notes, Microsoft Exchange and Novell Groupwise.
The new service from Google's Postini subsidiary doesn't require businesses to use enterprise Gmail as their e-mail client, and includes support for Lotus Notes, Microsoft Exchange and Novell Groupwise.
This makes the big three IBM, Microsoft and... Novell.
Google is selling the features a la carte and they can be used for any email system you use: from Lotus Notes (IBM) to Microsoft Exchange to Novell’s Groupwise.
CAMPBELL, CA--(MARKET WIRE)--Feb 4, 2008 -- APTARE€®, Inc., a provider of Web-based storage reporting and management software, today announced that its APTARE StorageConsole€® Backup Management has helped Novell, a leader in enterprise infrastructure software, to manage, protect and recover the high volume of data generated by its Information Services and Technology (IS&T) Operations group. By utilizing APTARE's solution, the company has been able to better forecast its storage needs and expedite the recovery of data.
With this entrance into Novell's server market for live archiving, electronic discovery, and server storage management, MessageSolution will add more revenue streams to its solid market presence in Exchange, Domino, and Unix/Linux-based server environments.
This time the deal is with Avada Software, which will OEM WAS CE Version 2.0 with its messaging management software. It’s no blockbuster deal, but shows that WAS CE still has a heartbeat. Novell did an OEM deal with WAS CE some time ago with its SUSE Linux server.
Sadly, all the blogs that used to talk about those issues have been infiltrated and then completely hijacked by the very perpetrators of the illegality
Microsoft axing more services/features may mean that now they scrape the bottom of the barrel and Skype will simply die, discontinuing service (like ICQ) in a matter of years