“For those who do not know, this is a back door to software patents in Europe.”ACT is located/based only in Washington and Brussels where manipulation and 'soft bribery' are easier to apply to politics. And boy, does Microsoft love to mess about with politicians, via proxies. It's the industry's 'leader' in that respect, judging by expenditure.
Watch the leader of this movement, Jonathan Zuck, as he is once again speaking 'on behalf' of small businesses. He did this before despite the fact that he represents just large companies seeking to hijack the voice of small ones, thus suiting themselves.
Here is the latest example.
A key element in the Commission's new strategy, according to the President of the Association for Competitive Technology Jonathan Zuck, is the suggestion that small businesses would be able to avoid costly legal proceedings in court to resolve patent disputes. Instead, the Commission says it will look into the establishment of "alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms," which it acknowledges could "substantially improve" the settlement of disputes.
Such a mechanism would be "key for smaller players", allowing all parties to settle disputes more efficiently, said Zuck.
The Commission's draft also stresses the need to set up an EU-wide jurisdiction system for patents. But up till now this has been a major stumbling block in the negotiations on a Community patent, and the strategy offers no new solutions as to how to move forward on the issue.