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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: December 2nd, 2008 - Part 2


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*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 02 06:31
*kentma1 ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 02 06:55
*kentma has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))Dec 02 07:03
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*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 02 07:27
*kevin8675309 ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 02 08:17
MinceRhayDec 02 09:38
schestowitzMorning.Dec 02 09:40
*heizkostenabrech ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 02 09:59
heizkostenabrechhelloDec 02 10:00
*heizkostenabrech is now known as nvbdDec 02 10:00
nvbdcan i read the tape data with linux from a backup that is made under novell?Dec 02 10:00
schestowitzHery there.Dec 02 10:00
schestowitzHeyDec 02 10:01
schestowitzWell, I don't think we do technical questions here.Dec 02 10:01
nvbdyes heyDec 02 10:01
schestowitz*first was a funny typoDec 02 10:01
MinceRnovell what? netware, microsoft linux, or something else?Dec 02 10:02
nvbdnetware 5.11Dec 02 10:03
MinceRdunno about thatDec 02 10:05
nvbdi also don`t know what to doDec 02 10:06
nvbdi never used novellDec 02 10:07
*nvbd has quit ("Ex-Chat")Dec 02 10:10
schestowitz'Jobs&The Gang' make a move: ;-) Apple swings DMCA at Hackintosh maker < >Dec 02 10:56
schestowitzOnly days ago they launched a fraudulent DMCA at Free software and GNU/Linux.Dec 02 10:56
schestowitz 20,000 Strong National Military Police for the USA < >Dec 02 12:05
schestowitzIs it the USA or the NSA?Dec 02 12:06
schestowitzEricsson to shed 100 staff in Australia and NZ < >Dec 02 12:12
Eruaranhai gaise :)Dec 02 12:17
schestowitzThe leak made some big sites.Dec 02 12:18
schestowitzThanks To The Lori Drew Case, I Can Make Each Of You A Criminal < >Dec 02 12:18
schestowitz*LOL*Dec 02 12:18
schestowitzOnly in the US..Dec 02 12:18
EruaranhehDec 02 12:19
schestowitz"An ex-employee of Microsoft has released a new book … on open source software. Titled After the Software Wars, Keith Curtis’ book argues that not only is Microsoft “toast” but that the future of software is open source." < >Dec 02 12:20
EruaranniceDec 02 12:21
kentmaPresumably this is why he is an ex-employeeDec 02 12:23
schestowitzHe's not aloneDec 02 12:23
schestowitzThere's still a fidelity issue.Dec 02 12:23
EruaranIf IBM made advocates for change into ex-employees, IBM probably wouldn't exist today.Dec 02 12:23
schestowitzWhile they realise Microsoft can't compete (bar patents and terrorisation), they have friends back at the old employer, whom they help with Mono, OOXML and other agendas.Dec 02 12:24
schestowitzEruaran: it would exist. Bailout corr^HmoneyDec 02 12:24
schestowitzLike SGIDec 02 12:24
Eruarancorr^Hmoney ?Dec 02 12:27
schestowitzcurruptionDec 02 12:28
EruaranahDec 02 12:28
schestowitzDoing the  crime, getting burned, getting paid by victims.Dec 02 12:29
EruaranSGI got bailed out ?Dec 02 12:29
schestowitzI think they have govt protectionDec 02 12:29
MinceRwhat's a cormoney? :>Dec 02 12:30
schestowitzI reckon Microsoftenters medical data and national libraries for similar reasons.Dec 02 12:30
schestowitzIf it drowns, there will be some crooks sending them money.Dec 02 12:30
schestowitzcurruption/money... by accident it sounds like Carmony, which is not far off.Dec 02 12:31
MinceR:)Dec 02 12:34
MinceRi think ^W would have worked better thoughDec 02 12:34
*kapipi (n=tor@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 02 12:37
schestowitzAsk Mandriva to rehire Adam: 02 12:38
schestowitzGoogle's Windows browser to get plugins < >. What about portability (other platforms)?Dec 02 12:40
MinceRsince when does google care about portability?Dec 02 12:42
*MinceR has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Dec 02 13:17
schestowitzWow. 02 13:18
schestowitzLook what they achieve without anything like Flash... Dec 02 13:18
schestowitzJust JavaScript and CSSDec 02 13:19
macabeWas the Plasmodon "evangelism" courses required training at MS?Dec 02 13:19
schestowitzYesDec 02 13:19
schestowitzHold on.Dec 02 13:19
schestowitzFrom: (2007, James speaks)Dec 02 13:21
macabeI'm discussingg it here n the lab, some here want to give ex-ms-softies a free pass.Dec 02 13:22
schestowitz"This overlooks the fact that my presentation was such a hit with DRG’s management that I gave it in three subsequent internal training sessions at (roughly) six-month intervals. DRG’s management REQUIRED the attendance of all newly-hired evangelists at these presentations, and the attendance & participation of all other evangelists was recommended."Dec 02 13:22
schestowitzIt's for the shills department.Dec 02 13:22
schestowitz 02 13:22
*MinceR (n=mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovellDec 02 13:23
macabeThanks. Won the bet. Too bad can't share the free pizza for lunch with ya.Dec 02 13:25
schestowitz:-) :-)Dec 02 13:26
schestowitzRe: Microsoft open source 'plug' in Linuxpromag: "I'm not senile yet! So why would I even *think* about believing what the title is trying to convey? (No, I didn't click.) Or that line, quoted in the summary, about OOXML being a "model of transparency.!" Puh-lease!" 02 13:34
schestowitzPreston GWindowsalla: "..When he provides his depostion, Ballmer should do something novel when it comes to lawsuits: Tell the truth. He should admit that Microsoft bowed to Intel pressure and in response launched the marketing scheme.." 02 14:02
schestowitzMicrosoft is once again using images of penguins to promote: 02 14:04
twitterPCWorld is without clue.  M$ is already doing the damage control dance by announcing Vista7 will actually work with Intel chips.  Intel was screwed out of the graphics market for making a GPL driver, but no one seems to care about that.Dec 02 14:08
twitterM$ Search Bribery is a rip off in more ways than one. 02 14:12
twitterPeople thought they were getting a 40% discount but got 3% instead, when the thing worked.  Like most M$ services, it was down for a large part of the day.Dec 02 14:13
twitterThe pricing algorithm must have made an error and not raised the price displayed by 50% before offering a discount coupon.Dec 02 14:14
twitterEveryone loves penguins.  They seem to be a symbol of reliability and cool performance under harsh conditions.  M$ will be seeing more of them.Dec 02 14:16
schestowitzYes, downtime yesterdayDec 02 14:16
schestowitz 02 14:16
schestowitztwitter: regarding the penguin, the association with Mcirosoft is harmful.Dec 02 14:17
schestowitzKen Starks complained about another recent incident.Dec 02 14:17
schestowitzIt's an assimilation step like that to open source.. confusing people.. maybe... just maybe.Dec 02 14:17
schestowitzIt's not as though they don't know that the Linux mascot is the penguin (specifically Tux)Dec 02 14:18
twitterI don't think anyone is going to be fooled.  As PJ says, people are not as dumb as M$ needs them to be.Dec 02 14:18
schestowitzYes, I know that one.Dec 02 14:18
schestowitzFB to harvest more data: 02 14:19
twitterOne mistake people will make is to think that M$ is finally using free software themselves (I know, they always have done that).  That would be a good thing.Dec 02 14:19
twitterbblDec 02 14:19
schestowitzThe MSBBC descends to Mirror-level tabloid trash: (this was in the TECHNOLOGY section)Dec 02 14:21
PetoKrausno offence, but that happens when you employ women as technical journalists :PDec 02 14:28
schestowitzNo, it's not about gender.Dec 02 14:28
schestowitzSome guys are like that too.Dec 02 14:28
schestowitzFor contrast, see PJ and how she kicks Microsoft below the belt. It's not as though there's no bold coverage from women.Dec 02 14:29
PetoKrauswell, sure, but men journalists who write things like this don't usually happen to be employed in tech ;)Dec 02 14:30
schestowitzI thought you might find this leak interesting: 02 14:31
schestowitzIt gets many views today. Like 1200 pages/hour today, overal...Dec 02 14:32
schestowitz[for the whole site, not just this page though]Dec 02 14:32
PetoKrausare you kidding me? Does it mean, that 9 of 10 doctors who reccomend Colgate Toothpaste are paid advertisement too?!?Dec 02 14:32
PetoKraus:PDec 02 14:32
schestowitzBad language in Ars: ("Poops")Dec 02 14:33
PetoKrausoh come on, THAT'S bad language??!?Dec 02 14:33
PetoKrausi really should set some key to an interrobangDec 02 14:34
schestowitzI know, I know..Dec 02 14:34
schestowitzBut I doubt you'd see CNN or BBC headlines like this...Dec 02 14:35
schestowitzSome people think that BN headlines are 'strong', but maybe they just misinterpret tone.Dec 02 14:35
schestowitzIf you want to see /ANGRY/ blogs (rants), there's plenty of other places that actually do this.Dec 02 14:35
schestowitzThis is pretty neat.. switch on PC... browse a site or two, write mail.. shut down... like most people do.... ... no need to wait for AV software to load and half a minute for the PC to shut down.Dec 02 14:53
EruaranWould that be an instant-on OS that requires a Windows installer ?Dec 02 14:58
EruaranI wanna see them running without the need for that kind of crap before I start shouting huzzah.Dec 02 15:02
schestowitzSome people  (like one try to downplay the leak. Hard evidence is sometimes needed. I don't claim it's news. The evidence is the news.Dec 02 15:02
schestowitzEruaran: I think they sell it this wayDec 02 15:02
schestowitzI still get comments about that instant-on installer idiocy.Dec 02 15:03
schestowitzOT "LynuxWorks began in 1988 as Lynx Real-Time Systems creating the LynxOS real-time operating system (RTOS), which has been used particularly in industrial, networking, military and aerospace applications." < > So it may have little to do with Linux, despite BlueCat.Dec 02 15:03
*PeterKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 02 15:24
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*PeterKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 02 15:26
PeterKrausgoddamn xorgDec 02 15:26
PeterKrausanyway, I managed to replace the fuse wire without getting killedDec 02 15:26
PeterKrausyay!!!Dec 02 15:26
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Dec 02 15:26
schestowitzIs this why you go on and off?Dec 02 15:26
PeterKrausno, i went off a second ago because my keyboard was not workingDec 02 15:27
*PeterKraus is now known as PetoKrausDec 02 15:27
schestowitzOh, I see.Dec 02 15:27
schestowitzMorphing.Dec 02 15:28
*kentma has quit ("Leaving.")Dec 02 15:28
PetoKrausyeah, finally, after three days of dark ages, back to light.Dec 02 15:30
PetoKraus:)Dec 02 15:31
schestowitzCNN does nothing but 'high-level' drama in the tech section... Dec 02 15:45
PetoKrauswritten by a womanDec 02 15:48
PetoKraus:PDec 02 15:48
PetoKrausyou are not helping it, royDec 02 15:48
PetoKrausi think you're a chauvinist.Dec 02 15:48
PetoKraus;)Dec 02 15:48
schestowitzI didn't noticeDec 02 15:48
schestowitzYou're the one looking at author names.Dec 02 15:48
schestowitzI actually skippped another CNN fluff piece.Dec 02 15:48
PetoKrausit's subconscious :PDec 02 15:48
schestowitzOn that one I did notice a female name... it was about how robots help people.Dec 02 15:49
PetoKrauson the other hand i think it's goodDec 02 15:49
PetoKrausyou can say the article is written in that way because it's written by a woman. And they tend to be more sensitive and feeling-basedDec 02 15:49
schestowitzThe CNN/MSBBC could also do fluffy articles explaining FreedomDec 02 15:49
schestowitzIt's very simply.Dec 02 15:49
PetoKrausif it was written by a man, you'd call him an idiot straightawayDec 02 15:50
schestowitzBut the media has filters... it rids itself from thing it does not want to be said.Dec 02 15:50
schestowitzI saw a video interview about it this morning.Dec 02 15:50
schestowitzThey prerecord people whom they fear might streer off topic on national radio.Dec 02 15:50
schestowitzPress in the west is marketing, not news.Dec 02 15:50
PetoKrausand btwDec 02 15:51
schestowitzEven if the journo is honest, higher up you have editors.Dec 02 15:51
PetoKrausthis article you mentioned was in health sectionDec 02 15:51
PetoKrausnot in techDec 02 15:51
schestowitzThe editors have their biases, which typically involve money (sponsorships and business), so they select what to include and who to hireDec 02 15:51
schestowitzPetoKraus: it showed up in the Tech feedDec 02 15:52
schestowitzTech/Science. There's overlapDec 02 15:52
schestowitzWhat we can do to help the cause of reporting is write about it and telling people.Dec 02 15:52
schestowitzIt's a known issue, but WHO WOULD REPORT IT? See, it's a circular thing. You can't have the press report about is own deficiencies.Dec 02 15:53
schestowitzIt's like asking Bush to sentence himself to prison.Dec 02 15:53
schestowitzWhy Ubuntu Now Beats Vista < >Dec 02 15:54
schestowitzProbably from Jason Brooks.Dec 02 15:54
PetoKraus"There's still no big-league open-source alternative to things like Microsoft Access, for example."Dec 02 15:56
PetoKraushow about ummmDec 02 15:56
PetoKrausmysql?Dec 02 15:56
schestowitzObama unlikely to bring torture charges against interrogators < >Dec 02 15:56
schestowitzHehe.Dec 02 15:56
schestowitzWell, does that say this?Dec 02 15:56
schestowitzAnd if no free ones exist, there's Oracle.Dec 02 15:56
schestowitzWhich is almost matched in terms of performance by postgres (BSD licence)Dec 02 15:57
schestowitzI don't understand your grips with mysql from last night. I never handled very large DBs in mysql (just tens of megabytes in size), but I can see it scaling well in Wikipedia, Digg, even SECOND LIFE.Dec 02 15:58
schestowitz*gripe, not grips (typo)Dec 02 15:58
schestowitz "I visited and supported the proposal for a new investigation of the 9/11 attacks and who was responsible for them, and I posted a note urging others to support it too. The next day I received a message saying that had deleted this proposal, saying that it did not propose a policy change."Dec 02 15:59
PetoKraus"OpenSUSE should be evaluated on technical merit, not some twisted ideological crusade based on distorted and contrived facts."Dec 02 16:06
PetoKrauswait a secondDec 02 16:07
PetoKrausi can evaluate according to any criterion I want toDec 02 16:07
PetoKrausor... did i miss something?Dec 02 16:07
schestowitzWhere from? (the quote)Dec 02 16:09
PetoKraus 02 16:10
PetoKrausthis needs more cokeDec 02 16:10
schestowitzOh!Dec 02 16:14
schestowitzhaha.Dec 02 16:14
schestowitzThis guy is anti-BNDec 02 16:14
schestowitzHe used to link to us... he's also anti-Groklaw for all I can tell.Dec 02 16:14
schestowitzI hope he will rejoin the battle for FreedomDec 02 16:15
schestowitzHe used to be close to OpenSUSE some years ago (many blog posts, IIRC).... the issue is Novell though, not OpenSUSE. It's esp. Novell's ally.Dec 02 16:15
PetoKrausi just don't like statements like thatDec 02 16:16
PetoKraus"you should to it this way" says who?Dec 02 16:17
schestowitzI can't understand this..Dec 02 16:20
schestowitzLXer is always a tough crowd < > and LinuxToday is totally the opposite. It's like two different world's of GNU/Linux users.Dec 02 16:21
schestowitzThey deliberately seem to be escaping what's stated more explicitly: the evidence is news, not the claims.Dec 02 16:22
schestowitzEU defends negotiations over the ACTA anti-piracy treaty < >Dec 02 17:26
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Dec 02 18:01
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schestowitz*LOL* 02 18:21
schestowitzJust left a comment there. "Don't mind it, Bergy. He's also making foes with Groklaw and Boycott Novell. He's direct."Dec 02 18:22
schestowitzSee if you can find news CSI/Stuart Cohen connections to Microsoft... :-DDec 02 18:23
twitterWhenever someone tells me that software should be evaluated on "technical merits alone" I tell them that the details don't matter if the software won't do what you want.Dec 02 18:34
twitterFreedom always matters.Dec 02 18:34
twitterA nice video capture card, for example, is worthless if it won't let you watch and record the shows you are interested in.  Lack of freedom negates all hardware advantages.Dec 02 18:36
twitterMy ten year old all in wonder card has a BT848 chipset that works great with free software.  If I want to record, "American Gladiator," I can.Dec 02 18:39
schestowitzBeebe should know that (about FOSS)Dec 02 18:39
twitterSo why does Beebe get dumbed down by details?Dec 02 18:40
schestowitz 02 18:40
schestowitzIt's 'just' a flagDec 02 18:40
schestowitzSeveral years ago people like Gilmore warned about it.Dec 02 18:40
schestowitzThe MAFIAA threatened to sue Apple and Microsoft and then become friends in the fight against their clients and basic rightsDec 02 18:41
twitterthe flag works in hardware, where your software can't fix it.Dec 02 18:41
schestowitz“DRM is nearly always the result of a conspiracy of companies to restrict the technology available to the public. Such conspiracy should be a crime, and the executives responsible for it should be sentenced to prison.” -- Richard StallmanDec 02 18:41
schestowitzToday: "Previously, observers had levelled sharp criticism at the ACTA process. Above all, the Commission faced criticism of its practice of closed door-negotiations without involving representatives of civil society and without releasing any information about the plan."Dec 02 18:41
schestowitzWhat do they mean by "previously"? Currently! Nothing has changed. This is white-collar crime that pricey and the EC is parroting MAFIAA propaganda.Dec 02 18:42
schestowitz"Currently, according to the Commission, Australia, Canada, South Korea, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand Singapore, and Switzerland participate in the negotiations, along with the talks' initiators the US, Japan, and the EU."Dec 02 18:42
schestowitz"The jobs! The economy! Let's suppress the farme^H^H^Hsumers to increase power of the 'responsible producers'"Dec 02 18:43
schestowitzMore new evidence of police state today:Dec 02 18:43
schestowitz : EFF to Fight Against Telecom Immunity in Tuesday HearingDec 02 18:43
schestowitzPublish and Be Damned? : 02 18:43
schestowitz"Clearly, this law will have a chilling effect not just on people wanting to leak information that is embarrassing to the government - since it becomes even harder to resist exaggerated responses of the kind we have seen recently - but on any kind of journalism or blogging about civil liberties."Dec 02 18:43
twitterOK, I wasted my time looking at Beebe's superficial review of Kubuntu, Ubuntu, OpenSuse and Fedora.  His taste in themes, UI and minor difficulties with non free video drivers hardly qualify as "technical merit." Who is Beebe and why did I bother?Dec 02 18:50
twitter:) Who, me grumpy?Dec 02 18:55
schestowitzBeebe is not the bad guyDec 02 18:56
schestowitzBut he's bluntly criticising others. He deserves to expect the same.Dec 02 18:57
schestowitzSun MySQL drops support for SCO OpenServer < >Dec 02 18:58
schestowitzThe Microsoft moles try to buy love from FOSS companies.... this one had a background story from Walli (Microsoft turncoat for all I can tell)... and now the Galli mole does the PR move... 02 19:02
*Peter_Hoeg (i=52b5a7e9@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellDec 02 19:05
Peter_HoegGood evening!Dec 02 19:08
Peter_HoegI see that Ballmer was here and killed everyone.Dec 02 19:09
*Peter_Hoeg has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Dec 02 19:13
trmanco 02 19:21
schestowitzYes, got it.Dec 02 19:21
trmancookDec 02 19:21
schestowitzI'll be back in 2 hoursDec 02 19:22
trmancookDec 02 19:22
*tacone ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 02 19:27
taconeschestowitz: does Microsoft offers the media codecs for Linux on x86 and Linux x86-64 platforms ?Dec 02 19:27
trmancotacone, he is outDec 02 19:28
trmancowait 2 hours and you will receive a response from himDec 02 19:28
taconenice.Dec 02 19:28
taconei'll blog it myself :)Dec 02 19:29
trmancookDec 02 19:43
trmancobut he will be back in no time, you'l see :PDec 02 19:43
taconeyeah yeah :)Dec 02 19:47
tacone 02 19:48
*mib_6oj8m2 (i=823916c9@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellDec 02 19:50
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*benJIman has quit ("BRB Garbage collecting.")Dec 02 19:54
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twitterM$ Media Codecs.  A better question would be, "Who needs them?"Dec 02 19:59
taconenovellDec 02 19:59
taconefor moonlight.Dec 02 19:59
twitterThere are plenty of free codecs.  Who needs binaries?Dec 02 19:59
taconethose are illegal in some nations, i guess.Dec 02 20:00
twitterDRM should be against the law.Dec 02 20:00
taconedependencies: win32binarycodecs -> moonlight -> silverlight diffusion -> adobe flash take over.Dec 02 20:01
twitterPlan meets reality, fail.Dec 02 20:02
taconesince I am not the author of the plan, thumbs up for fail from me.Dec 02 20:02
twitterI don't see Silverlight doing any better than WMV did.Dec 02 20:03
taconei don't know silverlight. nor i am interested in it in any way.Dec 02 20:05
twitterI can't imagine anyone who's interested in yet another non free video thingy, and yet another download or PC forklift "upgrade"Dec 02 20:06
taconebusiness is often unrelated to customer interestsDec 02 20:08
twitterBusiness is tired of M$ Monkey business too.  They have about as good a chance of replacing Flash as they do PDF.  PDF, because of it's cross platform reliability, is making good inroads on WORD.DOCDec 02 20:08
taconewhat you say applies to some business, not every businessDec 02 20:10
taconeand by the way, there are some racket forms of business that are very difficult to avoid.Dec 02 20:11
taconesee for example the dell website recommending Vista even on Ubuntu computers.Dec 02 20:11
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Dec 02 20:14
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 02 20:14
kevin8675309flash is less evil than wma/silverlight, because flash is not tied to an operating system vendorDec 02 20:46
kevin8675309it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that one shouldn't put control of multimedia in the hands of those that control their operating system :)Dec 02 20:47
twitterDell recommending Vista, Roy just did a write up on that.  I've extracted what I though was important here, 02 21:04
kevin8675309they can recommend vista all they want. i won't be buying itDec 02 21:15
MinceRthey can recommend vista all they want. i won't be buying dell.Dec 02 21:16
MinceR;)Dec 02 21:16
trmancoshitDec 02 21:16
trmancoI just replied to a trollDec 02 21:17
trmanco:|Dec 02 21:17
trmancobetter put him in my kill fileDec 02 21:17
*mib_rdxxr9 (i=524a755e@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellDec 02 21:37
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schestowitztacone: codecs for NovellBLight?Dec 02 22:08
schestowitzOh, I see twitter answered it.Dec 02 22:09
schestowitztrmanco: the trolls were noisy recently, just bin them. Maybe they feel the heat. Microsoft is not doing well (stock down, layoffs, etc)Dec 02 22:11
kevin8675309someone got a link to that story that microsoft is now 89% of pcs?Dec 02 22:12
schestowitzIt's not a storyDec 02 22:12
schestowitzIt's not correctDec 02 22:12
PetoKraus!storyDec 02 22:12
schestowitzIt's some thing based on referrals.Dec 02 22:12
trmancoschestowitz, what do you mean "bin" them?Dec 02 22:12
schestowitzSome company that draws pies and charts.Dec 02 22:12
schestowitztrmanco: don't spend time reading them. Set up filters. It makes it more fun and discourages them from participating.Dec 02 22:13
schestowitzI should really stop replying to BN trolls too, but sometimes they libel people.Dec 02 22:13
trmancookDec 02 22:13
schestowitz - WTF??Dec 02 22:15
schestowitz 02 22:15
kevin8675309i laugh when i sometimes search for information about linux on google and the sponsered ad is "mojave experiment"Dec 02 22:16
kevin8675309"only be available to manufacturers for integration into their products" no thanksDec 02 22:20
taconeschestowitz: ?Dec 02 22:21
taconeecho $WTF;Dec 02 22:22
kevin8675309that just shows that the only reason they would allow windows media to run on embedded devices is to again lock people to windowsDec 02 22:22
kevin8675309     they won't release a version for rival DESKTOP systems. only embedded equipmentDec 02 22:23
schestowitz 02 22:24
taconekevin8675309: that one article is from 2003Dec 02 22:24
schestowitztacone: that winning about Microsoft draping itself in the GNUDec 02 22:25
schestowitzEEEDec 02 22:25
kevin8675309i had never seen it beforeDec 02 22:25
schestowitzNot easy, easy, easy. Embrace...Dec 02 22:25
taconegnu is not contemplated.Dec 02 22:25
taconeand of course the "win" is only about the torvald sentenceDec 02 22:25
taconebrbDec 02 22:25
kevin8675309i figured something like that must be going on though because i have a handheld device that runs linux and supports audibleDec 02 22:25
schestowitzWell.. he said many things.Dec 02 22:25
schestowitzWorld domination in 2000Dec 02 22:26
schestowitzI think he referred to the desktopDec 02 22:26
schestowitzHe's far better than Theo de Raadt anywayDec 02 22:26
taconeschestowitz: i thought you could have been interested about the ms binaries for linuxDec 02 22:26
kevin8675309i don't know what kind of drm infection uses (wma or fairplay)Dec 02 22:26
kevin8675309audible uses*Dec 02 22:26
taconenot really about my post.Dec 02 22:26
*tacone has quit ("Leaving.")Dec 02 22:26
*tacone ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 02 22:27
schestowitzHehe. Dom Joly humour: 02 22:28
schestowitztacone: it depends which binaies.Dec 02 22:28
taconeschestowitz: i have no clue. that's from a de Icaza's post on planet gnome.Dec 02 22:29
taconehe doesn't give any download link afai can seeDec 02 22:29
schestowitzEx-AOL CEO May Have A Mind To Buy Yahoo < >Dec 02 22:30
schestowitzde Icaza in planet GNOME?Dec 02 22:30
schestowitzWaugh had this discussion before.Dec 02 22:30
schestowitzWhen he tried to dissociate the Microsoftism from GNOMEDec 02 22:30
taconeicaza is on planet gnome  from a long time.Dec 02 22:31
schestowitz 02 22:31
schestowitz"While the GNOME Foundation media spokesman Jeff Waugh claimed recently that Miguel de Icaza has no official role in the GNOME project anymore, it is common to see long posts from De Icaza on the Planet GNOME website." 02 22:32
taconemoneyDec 02 22:33
schestowitzno, monoDec 02 22:34
taconemon(ey)oDec 02 22:34
schestowitz 02 22:34
schestowitz 02 22:35
taconeok okDec 02 22:35
trmancololDec 02 22:35
taconecopyright's yoursDec 02 22:35
taconecopyleftDec 02 22:35
taconewhatever.Dec 02 22:35
schestowitzNa...Dec 02 22:36
trmancothey are somewhat gpledDec 02 22:36
schestowitzTrademarks maybe.Dec 02 22:36
schestowitzSlush funds for Microsoft to buy market share for .NET (Novell gets money from Microsoft, then pays it as wages)Dec 02 22:37
schestowitzWhich in essence means that many Novell engineers get their money funneled from Redmond.Dec 02 22:37
schestowitzMySpace ruling could lead to jail for lying online daters < >Dec 02 22:45
schestowitzVirus hits nearly 75% of systems on Afghanistan military base < >Dec 02 22:50
schestowitzSome UK hospital PCs are still down due to viruses.. many days later. Outrageous.Dec 02 22:50
*tacone ( has left #boycottnovellDec 02 22:53
schestowitz "Subject: ban phones, ban cameras, ban everything except Windows"Dec 02 23:15
schestowitzMicrosoft boosters trying to elevate Microsoft guy in the Linux world? 02 23:26
schestowitz"I worked at Microsoft a very long time. I do not believe that Microsoft will disappear in the next decade. But I do believe that to survive, Microsoft will have to think much more intelligently about open source software. Given the leaps forward that Linux distributions have made in usability, the value proposition for Linux as a desktop OS becomes more compelling all the time."Dec 02 23:27
schestowitzOSB: "Brooks really likes the distribution on the desktop -- no surprise, since he's used Ubuntu himself for many years. "Dec 02 23:46
schestowitzDr. Dobbs does some Mono boosting :-| (.NET Development on Linux)Dec 02 23:51
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Dec 02 23:52
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*nonsequitur (i=538d4b1f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellDec 02 23:58
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Recent Techrights' Posts

They Will Never Leave Linus Torvalds Alone, Rust is Just Another Way to Cause Instability and Infighting in Linux
We already identified the Rust "community" as troublemakers more than 5 years ago and we wrote about the evidence
Slopwatch: Anti-Linux Articles Published by Bots, Dominating Google News
So a lot of the Web is Microsoft chatbot-generated anti-Linux FUD
Gemini Links 14/02/2025: Mysterious Friend and "Eight by Eight"
Links for the day
Slopwatch: All Those New 'Articles' Are Fake and Crafted by Chatbots (LLM Slop)
Google News is promoting these as "Linux" news; they're not even made by humans
Apple: Social Justice or Social Nationalism?
Remember to buy Apple, folks
Links 14/02/2025: Mass Layoffs at Sophos, Chatbots Failing Very Badly, "DOGE as a National Cyberattack"
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Moving Away From Certificate Authorities (CAs) Like Let's Encrypt Means Taking Away From the US Government the Power to 'Censor' Sites by Revoking Certificates
Gemini capsule is cheap to run and easy (easier than a Web site) to maintain. More people disillusioned and frustrated with social control media flock to it.
BetaNews' Managing Editor Wayne William Took Charge of GNU/Linux Articles and His Articles Are Real (He Actually Wrote Them)
We are frankly relieved to see that Wayne William recognised the problem and did something about it
Links 14/02/2025: Publicity Rights Violated (ByteDance), Bribes to Trump Passed via Social Control Media 'Settlements' Again
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Gemini Links 14/02/2025: Constitution, Cosmic DE, and More
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Links 14/02/2025: Measles Outbreak in Texas, Zelensky Warns Russia Will Attack a NATO Country
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Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Thursday, February 13, 2025
IRC logs for Thursday, February 13, 2025
Gemini Links 13/02/2025: gwit and Restart
Links for the day
Links 13/02/2025: Algorithm Bots and 'Teleport' Breakthrough
Links for the day
EPO Staff Representatives Confront the President Who Says 'F--king' in Front of Female Workers Over Measurable Discrimination Against Female Colleagues
Central Staff Committee versus Lukashenko's sponsor
IBM Layoffs in 'RTO' Clothing Reported by Thomas Claburn
This "hey hi" (AI) nonsense is just a go-to excuse that IBM and GAFAM (and many others) use
Still Waiting for the EU to Abolish the Illegal and Unconstitutional Court Linked to EPO Corruption and Lobbyism by the Patent Litigation Industry
Sadly, all the blogs that used to talk about those issues have been infiltrated and then completely hijacked by the very perpetrators of the illegality
Social Engineering of the Free Software Movement is a Corporate Takeover With Code of Conduct (CoC) to Drive Out or Expel Dissent
Richard Stallman (RMS) covered "cancel culture"
Links 13/02/2025: Mass Layoffs at Google (Disguised as "Buyouts"), Telecoms Price Hikes as Collusion/Price-Fixing
Links for the day
[Video] Richard Stallman Questions and Answers Session in Google's YouTube or Invidious
From last night
Gemini Links 13/02/2025: Broken Watches and Naming Types
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Corrupt Bill Gates Worming His Way Into Richard Stallman Videos in Google's YouTube
Reputation laundering riding other people's names?
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Wednesday, February 12, 2025
IRC logs for Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Links 12/02/2025: Crytek Layoffs, Security Holes, and Giving Ukraine to Russia
Links for the day
Relaying GAFAM Talking Points and Lies Using GAFAM LLMs, or Slop Pasted in by Brittany Day is relaying slop, i.e. misinformation
Photos From This Evening's Talk by Dr. Richard Stallman in Torino, Maybe a Video Soon
The talk that Dr. Richard Stallman gave today (a few hours ago) was recorded and streamed Covers Richard Stallman's Visit to Give Talks in Italy
The publication is in Italian, the talk was in English
Macho Patent Office
At the EPO there's always room for women in top roles
Gemini Links 12/02/2025: "Bream Gives Me Hiccups", Making Chinese Tea, and More
Links for the day
This is Why Codeberg Issues an Apology Today
This response was clear and relatively swift
The Register Studies (to Affirm) Reports of IBM Layoffs "at the Finance and Operations business unit"
something about that specific unit
Links 12/02/2025: SSL FUD, DEI Phase-out, Felonies Committed by MElon (Data Breaches)
Links for the day
Italian Media Covers Richard Stallman's English Talk Ahead of Tonight's Public Appearance
article in La Stampa
Destruction and Distortion of Information, Including Facts About Linux (Bonus: This is Destroying the Planet)
All that LLMs have going for them is hype, and moreover media that intentionally misrepresents them and their supposed capabilities
Google Seems to Have Just Killed All Instances of Invidious
YouTube is rapidly becoming just "another Neflix"
Microsoft Skype in a Freefall: About 20% Decrease in Site Traffic in 3 Months (Amid Microsoft Phasing Out Credits)
Microsoft axing more services/features may mean that now they scrape the bottom of the barrel and Skype will simply die, discontinuing service (like ICQ) in a matter of years
Gemini Links 12/02/2025: Depression, Gabbro, WikiTok, and More
Links for the day
Links 12/02/2025: Health, Security, and Monopolies
Links for the day
Gemini Protocol is Increasingly Important to the Net
Gemini Protocol will turn 6 this summer
Former EPO Manager Warns That the Illegal 'Court' for "Unitary Patents" Enables “Law Shopping”
Daniel X. Thomas opposed the very existence of the UPC, which any honest person could recognise was both illegal and unconstitutional
Like GAFAM, the EPO is Passing the Financial Pains to Staff
the EPO is operating illegally at this point
Morale at Microsoft Ruined by the Company Labelling Thousands of Workers 'Low Performers', Sacking Them on the Spot and Denying Them Basic Benefits
people laid off as "low performers" go to social control media to bemoan the label
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, February 11, 2025
IRC logs for Tuesday, February 11, 2025