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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: Boxing Day 2008


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trmancoproblem solved :-PDec 26 00:00
trmancotime to goDec 26 00:00
trmancosee ya'll laterDec 26 00:00
schestowitzCyaDec 26 00:02
MinceRwell, now even the formerly working version of google earth stopped workingDec 26 00:44
schestowitznew version of gadgets released.Dec 26 00:45
schestowitzWhat's GE good for anyway. Toy for mapping that can be done in 2d?Dec 26 00:45
MinceRa faster version of google mapsDec 26 00:46
MinceRmainlyDec 26 00:46
schestowitzWhat's it used for?Dec 26 00:48
schestowitzOther than leisure?Dec 26 00:48
MinceRcurrently nothing, as it fails to show even the planetDec 26 00:48
schestowitzWhen I installed it (2 older machine), then I run it once... that's it.Dec 26 00:48
schestowitz*LOL* you can spin the vacuum.Dec 26 00:49
MinceRso it pretty much is just a grim form of entertainment, seeing how brutally google fails at software engineeringDec 26 00:49
schestowitz:-)Dec 26 00:49
MinceRyes, at least i can spin itDec 26 00:49
MinceRas root it did show the globe thoughDec 26 00:49
MinceRif that really was rootDec 26 00:49
schestowitzThey forget to uncomment "drawGlobe()" before compiling the finalDec 26 00:49
MinceRoh, and it refuses to use antialiased fontsDec 26 00:49
MinceRbleeding-eyed users must be so funnyDec 26 00:50
schestowitzYes, they were bad with Qt when I last tried it.Dec 26 00:50
schestowitzAt Google, it's Windows first.Dec 26 00:50
schestowitzThey have come a long way since 'designing' their logo in GIMPDec 26 00:51
MinceRServer Login just flashes a dialog boxDec 26 00:51
MinceRit's like photoshop 5.5 all over againDec 26 00:51
schestowitzLet me try it.Dec 26 00:53
schestowitzI'll 'taint' me box.Dec 26 00:53
MinceRit works as rootDec 26 00:53
schestowitz4.3Dec 26 00:53
MinceRhasn't anyone told these retards that linux isn't windows?Dec 26 00:53
schestowitzWell, it's a win apps then.Dec 26 00:54
schestowitzHaha.Dec 26 00:54
schestowitzYou beat me to it.Dec 26 00:54
*schestowitz installing GEDec 26 00:55
schestowitz56MB?!?!?!Dec 26 00:55
MinceRmincer@stormwind(pts/8) % sudo /opt/google-earth/uninstallDec 26 00:55
MinceRCould not open product information for -LDec 26 00:55
schestowitzOMGDec 26 00:56
schestowitzNo globeDec 26 00:56
schestowitzOh waitDec 26 00:56
schestowitzIt came now.Dec 26 00:56
schestowitzyuck, what did they do to qt?Dec 26 00:56
MinceRthey've raped itDec 26 00:57
MinceRif this is Qt at allDec 26 00:57
schestowitzUgly fonts, colours not inheritedDec 26 00:57
MinceRcolors worked for meDec 26 00:57
MinceRbut not the fontsDec 26 00:57
schestowitzThe scrollbar is like bl00dy Windows XP.Dec 26 00:57
schestowitzIt looks like WineDec 26 00:57
schestowitzBut it's not PicasaDec 26 00:57
schestowitzIt's OGL/QtDec 26 00:57
MinceRi don't know how these idiots even manage to break otherwise working tools such as the loki installer and Qt.Dec 26 00:58
schestowitzIt's out of dateDec 26 00:59
schestowitzI found my houseDec 26 00:59
MinceRdoesn't work if it's installed into /home eitherDec 26 00:59
schestowitzI can see it 'pre'-destruction (of green areas)Dec 26 00:59
schestowitzThe resolution is astoundingDec 26 01:00
schestowitzbetter than the last time I tried it.Dec 26 01:00
MinceRwell, i can't use it anymoreDec 26 01:01
MinceRunless i intend to run it as rootDec 26 01:01
schestowitzit's funDec 26 01:01
schestowitzBut I'm sure I won't run it again.Dec 26 01:01
schestowitzOK< doneDec 26 01:02
schestowitz.You do realise that Google spies on you as you use it.Dec 26 01:03
schestowitz'Spies'Dec 26 01:03
MinceRi knowDec 26 01:03
MinceRi'm back to running google maps in firefoxDec 26 01:03
schestowitzIt knows your every motionDec 26 01:03
MinceR(as it doesn't support opera anymore)Dec 26 01:03
schestowitzIf they could store that, then they could accuse 'terror~1' os using GE to do their job.Dec 26 01:03
schestowitzThen people can attack GE instead of people.Dec 26 01:04
schestowitzSilverlight won't support Opera, either.Dec 26 01:04
schestowitzIt's in the news.Dec 26 01:04
schestowitzI'll write about it tomorrow.Dec 26 01:04
MinceRnow i'll have to manually clean up after this software failure.Dec 26 01:11
MinceRit vomited all over the filesystem and the uninstaller refuses to even startDec 26 01:11
schestowitz*LOL* vomited.Dec 26 01:11
schestowitzSoftware inheriting human traits and behaviours.Dec 26 01:11
MinceRmy only luck is that it has "google" in the name of at least some of the crudDec 26 01:12
schestowitzfind | grep googleDec 26 01:12
MinceRi'm so pissed off i think i'll switch default search engines.Dec 26 01:12
schestowitzTurning things aroundDec 26 01:12
MinceRfuck google and fuck the horse they rode in on.Dec 26 01:12
schestowitzgoogle.find()Dec 26 01:12
schestowitzThere is no othert search engineDec 26 01:13
schestowitzYahoo is for people who just use their mail there and then search for Britney Sprears (number 1 query there in 2008)Dec 26 01:13
MinceRwell, there's yahoo, mozdex, there might even still be YaCy (or however it's spelt)Dec 26 01:13
schestowitzYandex?Dec 26 01:13
MinceRat least yahoo understands boolean queriesDec 26 01:14
schestowitzYesDec 26 01:14
schestowitzBut it could be sold to the VoleDec 26 01:14
schestowitzLikely soDec 26 01:14
MinceRgoogle just tries to be smarter than the userDec 26 01:14
schestowitzThe search partDec 26 01:14
MinceRgnDec 26 03:20
*anivar (n=anivar@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 26 04:01
schestowitzSite id down againDec 26 08:56
schestowitzIt routinely happens in mornings. I don't know why.Dec 26 08:57
schestowitz"Small" Change in Bailout Language Preserves Executive Pay < >Dec 26 09:01
schestowitz "Police arrested and held shadow immigration minister Green for nine hours last month in connection with a Home Office leak inquiry. It prompted Tory accusations of "heavy-handed tactics" by Scotland Yard and piled pressure on the officer in charge of the probe, Assistant Commissioner Bob Quick."Dec 26 09:05
tessierMinceR: What's wrong with google?Dec 26 09:13
*Omar87 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Dec 26 10:15
*kapipi__ ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 26 10:54
*kapipi_ has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))Dec 26 10:54
*anivar has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Dec 26 11:12
schestowitzUnhappy chaps: 26 11:12
schestowitz"Roy Schestowitz from the Boycot Novell site takes a different approach and blames us for a “Microsoftication of open source”, I guess without even reading what the event is all about and who is organising it."Dec 26 11:13
trmancomehDec 26 11:15
trmancowhat can we do about it...Dec 26 11:15
schestowitzNot much.Dec 26 11:15
*anivar (n=anivar@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 26 11:16
schestowitzVixta renamed Simplis? (from Portugal BTW) 26 11:22
schestowitzNice new release and graphics.. KDE4Dec 26 11:22
*kapipi__ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Dec 26 11:23
*kapipi_ ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 26 11:24
schestowitz"The strange thing about this episode is that it looks like the FOSS community seemingly doesn't want to know about it." < >Dec 26 11:25
schestowitzUbertroll Beeb is still on a  tour against BN: Why does he not link to the original post that shows a screenshot that contradicts his? Oh, that's right. His only goal is to say we are not correct < >. Judge for yourselves.Dec 26 11:33
schestowitz 26 11:36
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 26 12:00
MinceRtessier: a lot, starting from disrespecting privacy and human rights while claiming to be Good to that all their products except the search engine suckDec 26 12:41
schestowitzGoogle is a Public Company(R), so doing good is not a mode of operating. That said, some such companies don't break the law, unlike say... Intel, Microsoft and Enron.Dec 26 12:42
schestowitzPublic looting: "But despite Treasury's promise back then that they would release the figure the government is paying the Bank of New York Mellon (BoNYM) to manage and distribute cash from the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), they still have refused to make the information public." < >Dec 26 12:43
MinceRj0Dec 26 12:44
MinceRwhen did they outlaw ethics for public companies?Dec 26 12:44
MinceRalso, who forced google to do an IPO?Dec 26 12:44
schestowitzNational culture (corporate sense)Dec 26 12:57
*kapipi_ has quit (Connection timed out)Dec 26 13:27
schestowitzDo you know the feeling when something fails to work, then you work around it and the solution turns out to be better than that old 'broken' solution? A lot of this has happened to me recently. Sometimes things must fail miserably for people to move on to better solutoons.Dec 26 13:44
trmancoyes that happens to me tooDec 26 13:53
schestowitzI'd stop working remotely on PDF stuff. LyX works nicely on my boxDec 26 13:55
*kapipi_ ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 26 13:59
*kapipi_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Dec 26 14:51
*kapipi__ ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 26 14:51
schestowitzbblDec 26 15:33
*kapipi__ has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Dec 26 16:07
*kapipi_ ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 26 16:31
*mib_lfsdpg (i=7dad5341@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellDec 26 17:25
mib_lfsdpgholaDec 26 17:25
trmancoHiDec 26 17:28
mib_lfsdpgchecking out /. on the RIM story. Check out the letter to congress and the signatoriedsDec 26 17:29
*mib_lfsdpg has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Dec 26 17:36
*kapipi_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Dec 26 17:53
schestowitztwitter made a /. front-pager: 26 17:54
schestowitzHere's the RIM story: 26 17:55
schestowitz"BlackBerry maker Research in Motion sued Motorola over claims the mobile phone maker is improperly blocking it from offering jobs to laid-off Motorola workers, Bloomberg said." 26 17:56
schestowitz 26 17:57
schestowitz"Steven A. BallmerDec 26 17:57
schestowitzChief Executive OfficerDec 26 17:57
schestowitzMicrosoft CorporationDec 26 17:57
schestowitzCraig BarrettDec 26 17:57
schestowitzChairmanDec 26 17:57
schestowitzIntel Corporation"Dec 26 17:57
*mib_8hcva2 (i=57e439b3@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellDec 26 18:00
*Stargrave (n=stargrav@fsf/member/stargrave) has joined #boycottnovellDec 26 18:00
*mib_8hcva2 has quit (Client Quit)Dec 26 18:01
schestowitzHey, Stargrave Dec 26 18:01
schestowitzbrbDec 26 18:02
StargraveHelloDec 26 18:05
trmancojust posted some more experiences on COLADec 26 18:06
*kapipi_ ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 26 18:07
schestowitztrmanco: you're hurting the trolls's feelings.Dec 26 18:14
schestowitz*troll'sDec 26 18:14
trmancooopsDec 26 18:15
trmancothat is a side effectDec 26 18:15
trmancohmmDec 26 18:20
schestowitzThe trolls are. These are there to disrupt -- the side effect of having impact in COLA. For similar reasons they ruin any decent site that has positive effect, be it Digg or Slashdot or whatever.Dec 26 18:20
trmancomy audacious went crazyDec 26 18:20
trmancoI had to delete my config file and start over, everthing back to normal againDec 26 18:20
trmancoa now digg for a whileDec 26 18:20
trmancoit is note the same as the day I've joined itDec 26 18:21
trmancoknow*Dec 26 18:21
schestowitzDid you manage to find a blockquote tool?Dec 26 18:21
schestowitzI joined in 2006 after lurking for a while.Dec 26 18:22
trmancothat quote thingy like yours?Dec 26 18:22
schestowitzFor a while I was dominating the UNIX/Linux section. :-)Dec 26 18:22
trmanco... until the trolls cameDec 26 18:22
schestowitzYes, I use ALT+T+B after highlighting the text. It saves lots of time.Dec 26 18:22
schestowitzI used to do this with the mouse, but I'm faster with the keyboard now.Dec 26 18:23
trmancome, I use emacsDec 26 18:23
trmancoits an emacs thingDec 26 18:23
trmancoM-x boxquote-yankDec 26 18:23
trmancoM-x boxquote-titleDec 26 18:23
trmancoTitle: QuoteDec 26 18:24
trmancoand then I copy it to thunderbirdDec 26 18:24
schestowitzCool. Maybe the KNode thing was inherited from emacsDec 26 18:24
trmancoI have no idea, but it's GPL so :-PDec 26 18:24
schestowitzThe Knode implementation seems slow though. You can see the drawing as though the algo moves the cursor.Dec 26 18:24
trmancoon emacs it is instantDec 26 18:25
trmancolety me try with 20 000 lines of lorem ipsumDec 26 18:25
trmancolet*Dec 26 18:25
schestowitzI was worse in older version of KNode.Dec 26 18:25
trmanco"Generated 150 paragraphs, 13446 words, 91186 bytes of Lorem Ipsum"Dec 26 18:26
trmancocan do more :(Dec 26 18:26
trmancocan'tDec 26 18:26
trmanco:ODec 26 18:27
trmancoI forgot to say that I use another el to wrap the textDec 26 18:28
trmancoyanking it to emacs is instantDec 26 18:28
trmancowrapping takes about 1 secondDec 26 18:28
trmanco:DDec 26 18:28
schestowitzProbably same in KNode. Dec 26 18:29
*anivar has quit ("Ex-Chat")Dec 26 18:29
*smith (i=54dccee2@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellDec 26 18:29
*smith has quit (Client Quit)Dec 26 18:30
*Stargrave (n=stargrav@fsf/member/stargrave) has left #boycottnovellDec 26 18:38
schestowitzMathWorks is part of that letter/stunt: "John N. LittleDec 26 18:39
schestowitzCEODec 26 18:39
schestowitzThe MathWorksDec 26 18:39
schestowitzTod LoofbourrowDec 26 18:39
schestowitzPresident & CEODec 26 18:39
schestowitzAuthoria"Dec 26 18:39
*trmanco is going to try slrn outDec 26 19:11
Omar87schestowitz: lol, guess what. :)Dec 26 19:20
Omar87schestowitz:  I have finally decided it's time for me to pull the plug on my facebook account.Dec 26 19:21
Omar87schestowitz: Enough feeding Bill Gates' lust for money.Dec 26 19:21
schestowitzWhat was the last straw?Dec 26 19:21
Omar87I'm not sure..Dec 26 19:22
*schestowitz gets inviated to a cuasDec 26 19:23
*schestowitz gets invited to a causeDec 26 19:23
Omar87Lot's of thinks, some of which are not related to FOSS.Dec 26 19:23
*schestowitz check his 'precious' WALLDec 26 19:23
schestowitzFB is close to Microsoft. I wanted about it like 2 years ago in publicDec 26 19:24
Omar87schestowitz: Yeah, that's right, and that part of why I decided to deactivate my  profile on it.Dec 26 19:27
schestowitzYour 'buddy' made the same decision: 26 19:28
Omar87schestowitz: Plus, it started become more of a pain in the neck for me, and a waste of time too.Dec 26 19:28
Omar87schestowitz: Can that be true?Dec 26 19:28
schestowitzIt's the same for me.Dec 26 19:30
schestowitzI already have a stack of 'friends' (yeah... 'friends' with scare quotes) in Digg (over 3000) and in Propeller/NetscapeDec 26 19:31
schestowitzI don't need to build a virtual 'portfolio' of friends in the thousands of sites that have a virtual 'friend' facility (i.e. some code that make binary connection between UID).Dec 26 19:32
schestowitzSpeaking of quiting, I decided to quit the whole 'posh' (BS) elements of one's lifestyle... versus things like culture, Freedom, sunny places.Dec 26 19:34
Omar87posh?Dec 26 19:34
schestowitzThe education spoiled a lot of people for decades and the price will be paid over the next several years, maybe decade.Dec 26 19:35
schestowitzOmar87: British word mostly.Dec 26 19:35
schestowitzI'd rather be in a beach than in some dark 'posh' place, which is an ego/status trip for people who prefer the former (or or too old for the latter).Dec 26 19:35
schestowitzI had a conversation about it today at the gym... some woman who I haven't seen 2001 in another gym. Dec 26 19:35
trmanco 26 19:45
schestowitz 26 19:45
schestowitzThis guy? 26 19:45
trmancoWindows crap on the iphone -> 26 20:00
trmancoalmostDec 26 20:01
MinceRlolDec 26 20:01
MinceRit's still not windows mobileDec 26 20:02
schestowitzVista boots on the iPhone: 26 20:02
trmancoFirefox and Chrome Run Gmail Twice as Fast as IE, Says Google [Google]: 26 20:03
trmancoNice GoogleDec 26 20:03
trmancoschestowitz, LOL, that made my dayDec 26 20:03
MinceRschestowitz: ow.Dec 26 20:04
MinceRthe question is, why would anyone want to run gfail at all?Dec 26 20:05
schestowitz*LOL* gfialDec 26 20:06
schestowitzGu'ouldDec 26 20:06
trmancosome people doDec 26 20:07
MinceRthose people need to realize that imap clients exist :>Dec 26 20:07
trmancothey are probably seeing to many internet exploder hits  on gmail, and now they do thisDec 26 20:07
trmancoMinceR, you can configure some stuff on gmail for imap accounts :-PDec 26 20:08
schestowitz"Hey, Googie, let's share a mailbox... you give me ads.. and some mail around it... and share my comms with govt. and advertisers...mmmkay?"Dec 26 20:08
MinceRand what happens the day google decides that not even firefox is cool enough for them?Dec 26 20:08
schestowitzIn television they call it "fill" (the mail equivalent).Dec 26 20:08
MinceRthere's no native chrome for linuxDec 26 20:08
schestowitztrmanco: what for? Why put your mail on Googie?Dec 26 20:09
MinceRand google has already decided that opera isn't cool enough for themDec 26 20:09
trmancobetter be on Googie than on hotfrail and microhooooooDec 26 20:09
schestowitzSame with MicrosoftDec 26 20:09
MinceRbtw, i'm in the marked for a better free email account providerDec 26 20:10
MinceRs/ked/ket/Dec 26 20:10
schestowitzWhy Silverlight does not support Opera < >Dec 26 20:10
schestowitzDon't forget that it doesn't support Linux, either.Dec 26 20:10
MinceRi've kind of had enough with fucking google.Dec 26 20:10
trmancohopefully a Linux Chromie will come in timeDec 26 20:10
trmancoI read that silylight thing earlierDec 26 20:10
schestowitzMinceR: people should get their own domainDec 26 20:10
schestowitzIf you hire an address, then you risk losing it when $company goes downDec 26 20:11
schestowitzIf it's a large company, you get fed junk.Dec 26 20:11
schestowitzIt's the whole 'cloud' risk.Dec 26 20:11
MinceRi eventually plan to run my own mail serverDec 26 20:11
schestowitzPeople need to own the domain of their mail. They can even move it between hostsDec 26 20:11
MinceRbut until then it would be nice to find something safer than gfail.Dec 26 20:11
schestowitzMinceR:  don't, it's not a good ideaDec 26 20:11
MinceRwhy?Dec 26 20:12
*schestowitz looks for Venn articeDec 26 20:12
schestowitzFound it: 26 20:14
schestowitz*Veen article I meanDec 26 20:14
MinceRif i had someone else do it, i'd have to pay themDec 26 20:15
schestowitzYes, that's OKDec 26 20:15
schestowitzI pay my Web host for itDec 26 20:16
schestowitzI get Web mail via Horde, Squirrel and NeomaiDec 26 20:16
schestowitzI can also POP it from anywhere or SSH to my PCs at home for access that's fastDec 26 20:16
schestowitzI have about 22 E-mail accounts.Dec 26 20:16
MinceRit would also mean that i'm not root on my serverDec 26 20:18
schestowitzYou could always seize control of your domain.Dec 26 20:20
schestowitzHosting is the equivalent is saying "hey, do you mind managing this thing for me? Thanks, I'll pay you a few bucks to take it off my back"Dec 26 20:20
MinceRi'd actually want to run a few apps on the serverDec 26 20:21
MinceRan irc client, an irc<->im gateway, getmail, stuff like thatDec 26 20:21
schestowitzYou can install someDec 26 20:24
schestowitzI have lots of PHP-based s/w on schestowitz.comDec 26 20:24
MinceRalso, doing it myself gives me not only control, but also experienceDec 26 20:24
schestowitzAnd you can negotiate with the host. For example, I once needed Pear for a references manager that's interactiveDec 26 20:25
schestowitzMinceR: why not go LFS then.Dec 26 20:25
MinceRi'll try that when i set out to make my own distro :>Dec 26 20:25
schestowitzReasonable abstractions help.Dec 26 20:25
schestowitzBased on..?Dec 26 20:26
schestowitzCNN technology 'news': 26 20:26
trmanco 26 20:31
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))Dec 26 20:33
MinceRbased on LFSDec 26 20:33
MinceRuntil others do everything i wanted until then; or i can develop it on top of gobolinux or nixos or something like thatDec 26 20:34
schestowitzGobo?Dec 26 20:35
schestowitzprogram_files?Dec 26 20:36
schestowitzHungary has KiwiDec 26 20:37
schestowitz" Police in Logan say they have received confirmation that the Nov. 21 death of Utah State University student was the result of alcohol poisoning." 26 20:39
schestowitz"The 18-year-old freshman's death resulted in the suspension of Sigma Gnu and Chi Omega sorority by USU." << Sigma GNUDec 26 20:40
schestowitz"Usually I agree with Sam, as I did in our interview with him, but I can't go along with him here. Microsoft competes with open source, Sam. Ask the Internet Explorer team." 26 20:43
MinceRno, not program_filesDec 26 20:45
MinceRthat would be /optDec 26 20:45
schestowitz < New Hungarian website on GoboLinux >Dec 26 20:47
schestowitz"In GoboLinux you don't need a package manager because the filesystem is the package manager: each program resides in its own directory, such as /Programs/Xorg/7.2/ and /Programs/KDE-Libs/3.5.8. Like it?"Dec 26 20:47
schestowitzI think it's Portuguese or Brazilian, IIRCDec 26 20:47
MinceRi know what gobolinux is :>Dec 26 20:51
schestowitzOK, cause you complained about GE WIndowsisation yesterday.Dec 26 20:52
schestowitz Open Source Plus Microsoft: A Christmas System Overhaul < >. This site does a fair deal of Microsoft/Mono marriage thingies...the top guy also AstroTurfed for Microsoft beforeDec 26 20:53
MinceRgobolinux isn't windowsisationDec 26 20:53
MinceRin windows, files aren't only placed in program files, they're spread all over the file system, including common files and windows\systemDec 26 20:54
MinceRgobolinux avoids exactly thatDec 26 20:54
MinceRprogram files are symlinked to their proper placeDec 26 20:54
schestowitz"Hi Folks. Well, a lot of you seem to be disappointed about the site shutting down, and several people have offered to keep it going. I've turned down those offers."Dec 26 20:55
schestowitz"Technocrat was intended to get technology experts (us) involved in technology policy. It didn't succeed in that, although it was a good discussion site. The goal of getting people involved in tech policy is still a good one.Dec 26 20:55
schestowitzThus, Technocrat will be re-launched with a new format. It will not be a discussion site any longer. Instead, it will offer tech stories and legislation alerts to be syndicated by other web sites, including discussion sites. There will also be some other features that I'll keep quiet about until the new site is on the air."Dec 26 20:55
schestowitzThe goal is still to get more technology experts involved in setting technology policy. Thanks, Bruce < >Dec 26 20:55
schestowitzHad twitter not put it in FP, maybe he would not have reversed course. I mailed Bruce Dec 26 20:56
schestowitzMinceR: what about LSB?Dec 26 20:56
MinceRtheir focus on rpm might be unfortunateDec 26 20:57
*Omar871 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 26 20:57
schestowitzRPM works well for me now.Dec 26 20:58
schestowitzGot LyX installed smoothly this morning and had no trouble with it since setup in JulyDec 26 20:58
schestowitz "Bruce Perens: "Well, it's been about a year and a half, and unfortunately has not flourished. I take the blame, I've not had enough time to run the site, and plans to fund a professional staff for the site fell through. Readership has gone low enough that there's no longer much reason to keep the site alive. Thus, I will no longer be accepting new articles or comments, and will take thDec 26 20:59
schestowitze site down in a week or so.""Dec 26 20:59
schestowitzThat was 2001!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Dec 26 20:59
schestowitz"I had been reading Technocrat daily for I guess 9 or 10 years, I can't really comment on what facets of the community that Bruce objected to, so I will comment only on my observations." True, true.Dec 26 21:00
schestowitzAsay talks lawyer nonsense again: 26 21:02
schestowitzHow To: Install regular Ubuntu on a 2g Surf < >Dec 26 21:02
*Omar87 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Dec 26 21:16
tessiertrmanco: My emacs does not seem to have boxquote-yank. Is it something you added?Dec 26 21:38
trmanco1 secDec 26 21:38
trmancoyesDec 26 21:38
trmancoI added emacs goodies with contains some version of boxquote.elDec 26 21:40
trmanco 26 21:40
trmancowhich*Dec 26 21:40
trmancoping tessierDec 26 21:52
tessierThanksDec 26 21:52
*tessier looksDec 26 21:52
tessierAh, I see. That's a lot of emacs code for just fancy quoting. I think I'll stick with >Dec 26 21:53
trmanco> is the normal thingyDec 26 22:05
trmancoI like the boxquote thing, I always wanted the quote style schestowitz had on usenet, and I found it on emacs by accidentDec 26 22:06
trmancoit also has a bubble quoteDec 26 22:07
trmancoit is called "Thinks"Dec 26 22:08
trmanco 26 22:17
tessierI think I thunk a thoughtDec 26 22:41
trmancololDec 26 22:42

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Imagine choosing a law firm that borrows money in the same year just to avoid overdraft in the bank!
Hype Watch: Weeks After Microsoft Disappointed Investors With "Hey Hi" It's Trying Some "Quantum" Hype (Adding Impractical Vapourware to Accompany This Hype and Even LLM Slop in 'News' Clothing)
Remember "metaverse"? What happened to media hype about "blockchain" and "IoT"?
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Thursday, February 20, 2025
IRC logs for Thursday, February 20, 2025
Gemini Links 20/02/2025: Law of Warming and Cooling, Health, and Devlog
Links for the day
Links 20/02/2025: Microsoft Infosys Layoffs and IRS Layoffs (Good News for Rich Tax Evaders)
Links for the day
IBM Layoffs in Europe Already Happening or Underway (UK and Spain). They Try Not to Call These "Layoffs".
"CIO" in particular was repeatedly mentioned lately, as was Consulting
Possibly a Third Round of Mass Layoffs at Microsoft in 2025 ("Cloud Solution Architects, Customer Roles"), Report Removed or Censored
This is literally the top story for "microsoft layoffs" right now
Instead of 'DoS Protection' Cloudflare is Allegedly Conducting 'DoS Attacks' on Users of Browsers Other Than Firefox and GAFAM's DRM Sandboxes (Chrome, Safari and Others)
If you value the Web, you will avoid Cloudflare
Mixing Real With Fake in One 'Article' (by "Director of Content, Help Net Security")
From what we can gather, he got machines to generate some slop for him
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Wednesday, February 19, 2025
IRC logs for Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Gemini Links 19/02/2025: FreeDOS abd Botfloods
Links for the day
Microsoft Has "Made the Customer the Product."
it's very likely this comment was made by a Microsoft employee
GNU/Linux and Android Trump Microsoft in Saudi Arabia, Bing Down Since the LLM Hype/Hysteria Began
Microsoft leaves a lot of money on the table
The Interplay Between Free Software and Journalism Based on Truths, Suppressed Facts
Honest people can be transparent. Dishonest, rogue people rely on a lack of it.
FSF Talk: "Free Software Teaching Materials" by Dr. Miriam Bastian
Software Freedom is rooted in philosophy but it's about technical solutions
IBM's CEO Has Become a Stochastic Buzzword-Generating Machine
The current CEO is extremely unpopular
Chicago Transit Authority Has Dumped Twitter (X), As Did Many Others Without Announcing It (Due to Fear of Right-Wing Mobs)
If you don't have an account in Gab, then you probably should not have one in "X", either
How-To Geek Sort of Supersedes MakeUseOf (MUO) for GNU/Linux Coverage
some writers from MakeUseOf (MUO) have been migrated to a sister publication
New Year's Resolutions Scoreboard
The goal is to improve clarity, accessibility, speed, and accuracy
Sites Reporting Crimes and Getting Harassed for Reporting Crimes
you cannot just ignore those who constantly seek to harass
Links 19/02/2025: Science, Hardware, and Digital Restrictions (DRM) Striking Again at eBooks
Links for the day
Zizian, transgender, Google & Debian open source extremist cult phenomena
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Links 19/02/2025: The Forgotten USB Competitor and Pope's Bilateral Pneumonia
Links for the day
Gemini Links 19/02/2025: AuraRepo and Offpunk
Links for the day
Slopwatch: Wayne Williams is Making Up for His Workers' Slop Party, Still Publishes Fake Articles
We must identify and call out the culprits
“Open Source” Really Does Miss the Point, We Can Do Better Than That
We need to reject groups of people who promote Microsoft GitHub (proprietary) and call that "Open Source"
Red Hat's Bluewashing to be Further Completed This Year
Do not wait for some announcement from - it's already covered by IBM
Links 19/02/2025: Organisations Quitting Social Control Media, Windows TCO Illustrated Some More
Links for the day
The Free Software Foundation is More Financially Independent From Large Corporations Right Now
Money that comes with strings attached to it is always problematic
The Free Software Foundation's Position on IBM Taking Red Hat Enterprise Linux 'Private' is Articulated Almost 2 Years Late
The Free Software Foundation finally spoke out about this issue
Techrights Publication Topics
One thing we'd like to do more of is Software Freedom advocacy
Springtime Layoffs at IBM (2025) and Statement From IBM European Works Council
It's about cost-cutting, even if such cuts doom the company
Microsoft Paying People Who Harass and SLAPP Techrights, Demanding Censorship
At this point the money trail leads directly to Microsoft
It's Not Even Hidden Anymore: Microsoft is Passing Bribes for Media to Publish Puff Pieces About Itself
GeekWire is paid by Microsoft to publish many puff pieces (even outright lies) about Microsoft
Dr. Andy Farnell on a Death to Efficiency and Cash
Cash is not the same as "digital cash", which isn't even remotely the same
Links 19/02/2025: Political Roundup and Halifax Wants to Dump Twitter ("X")
Links for the day
Gemini Links 18/02/2025: Beginning Meditation, Poison as Praxis, and Blogging
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, February 18, 2025
IRC logs for Tuesday, February 18, 2025