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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: February 1st, 2009 - Part 3


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lar2a few tests'd have to be run to see which is more appropriateFeb 01 16:28
schestowitzThanks!Feb 01 16:30
schestowitzBN is still hit hard todayFeb 01 16:32
schestowitzDespite those 6+4 hours of downtime we got a quarter of s million hits, excluding CoralFeb 01 16:33
schestowitzHad we not had those downtimes (last night until the morning) and 11-4 this afternoon, that would be more than twice that, probably with similar #s in CoralFeb 01 16:34
schestowitzThis got us many visitors: 01 16:35
schestowitzSome from /. too.. 01 16:36
schestowitzAdamW mailed me about it yesterday..Feb 01 16:36
schestowitzWasn't happy with the part about KempinFeb 01 16:36
lar2i do wish intel would drop x86 and move on...Feb 01 16:37
lar2it's that damn windows legacy that's been keeping that antiquated architecture out of retirement years agoFeb 01 16:37
schestowitzLT is trolled by a Hotmailer/shill over it.. 01 16:38
schestowitzCell.... Feb 01 16:38
schestowitzBut apps aren't built for it.. not the important ones.Feb 01 16:38
lar2i beg to differFeb 01 16:39
lar2 01 16:39
schestowitzAtom is a Geode wannabe... AMD could consume an _order of magnitude_ less in terms of energy. I don't know how ARM is doing compared to AMD.Feb 01 16:39
lar2(no connection to ydl or fixstar)Feb 01 16:39
lar2geode is eolFeb 01 16:39
lar2arm is doing well afaikFeb 01 16:39
lar2it's overdue for use in netbooksFeb 01 16:39
schestowitzlar2: yes, I know, but does that run Apache and all? how well? Does Apache optimise for it?Feb 01 16:39
schestowitzFedora Cells are sold by IBM, but who to? I haven't seen a single PR/article about it since 2007, I think.Feb 01 16:40
lar2yeah there seems to be a moratorium on even talk about non-drm'd chipsFeb 01 16:40
schestowitzIntel has begun FUDing ARM... no ignoring no more.Feb 01 16:40
schestowitzIntel's Otellini is like the Big Bully that goes into a knitting class (mobile devices)Feb 01 16:41
lar2yeah but arm is in most of the mobile devicesFeb 01 16:41
schestowitzHe breaks the table in anger while the skilled women class him.Feb 01 16:41
lar2and i'm waiting for arm / dual arm to be on the net booksFeb 01 16:41
schestowitzWinCE is chopped liverFeb 01 16:42
schestowitzWindows Mobile tooFeb 01 16:42
schestowitzLast night: 01 16:42
schestowitzI was gonna post to BN about it, but can't right now until things settle downFeb 01 16:42
lar2i would't have remembered wince & co if you hadn't brought them up..Feb 01 16:42
schestowitzI also have some Comes lined up line canon balls. It's a treasure troveFeb 01 16:43
schestowitzWinceFeb 01 16:43
schestowitz..Feb 01 16:43
schestowitzWaitFeb 01 16:43
schestowitz 01 16:43
schestowitzMS: "Customer visit evidence that 50% plus is Linux"Feb 01 16:43
schestowitzMS: "I guess the net of it from DMD’s perspective is only 6% of the world is going to be CE based we must license onto the competing OSes."Feb 01 16:43
schestowitzThat's why they put Mono in itFeb 01 16:44
lar2MS : business :: flat-earthers: scienceFeb 01 16:44
schestowitz"must license onto the competing OSes" = make other license from us or Microsoft pays other for a licence (to whom??? Wind River?)Feb 01 16:44
lar2ricoFeb 01 16:45
lar2R.I.C.O.Feb 01 16:45
schestowitzAlex was the main man thereFeb 01 16:45
schestowitzHe left MS a while agoFeb 01 16:45
schestowitzThe crimes stayFeb 01 16:45
schestowitzComesFeb 01 16:45
schestowitzrests in peace :-)Feb 01 16:45
schestowitz           ^^^^^^^^^^^Feb 01 16:45
schestowitzHuman Error Caused Google Search Bug < >. Let's hope it's "error", not "vandalism"Feb 01 16:47
lar2"oops sorry bout that"Feb 01 16:47
lar2if they've got too many softers then the incompetence is hard to tell from the intentional vandalismFeb 01 16:47
lar2IMHO it's strategy for being able to deny charges laterFeb 01 16:48
schestowitz Does Kollar-Kotelly.need an apron when giving Microsoft 'scrutiny'?Feb 01 16:48
schestowitzThis Google error was used to vilify MEFeb 01 16:48
schestowitz 01 16:49
lar2what coverage has there been of MSIE's "security" error message when accessing gmail?Feb 01 16:49
schestowitzAlso this: 01 16:49
schestowitzThe Turfers do the same thing in DiggFeb 01 16:49
schestowitz"don't visit this site, it'll do horrible things"Feb 01 16:50
schestowitzGmailed 'pulled an Opera'Feb 01 16:50
schestowitzIt had to pretend to be something else to have Micfrosoft serve its usersFeb 01 16:50
schestowitzMicrosoft borks MSN/Hotmail, user blamed Chrome/Linux/Opera and goes back to IEFeb 01 16:51
schestowitzI saw my parents 'ditching' Firefox because the bank was IE-onlyFeb 01 16:51
schestowitzThe bank sniffed headersFeb 01 16:51
schestowitzTo make matters worse, it gave buttons that do nothingFeb 01 16:51
lar2i remember back when opera was new and MSDN would never return useful search results to itFeb 01 16:51
schestowitzSort of to say... look... we won't tell you "we have firefox" but give you a  pseudo-gui to click on.Feb 01 16:52
schestowitzI phone the bastards Feb 01 16:52
schestowitzIt turned out they knew what it was about even before I told 'emFeb 01 16:52
schestowitzMany people complainFeb 01 16:52
lar2speaking of banks, there's a consortium including danske banken which was clobbered for months and months due to ideology trumping profitFeb 01 16:52
schestowitzBut being bankers they can't give a tossFeb 01 16:52
schestowitz 01 16:52
lar2change banks , get better ratesFeb 01 16:52
schestowitz 01 16:52
schestowitzShannon VanWagner: "Until then, you can kindly kiss my browser stamp."Feb 01 16:53
lar2how about softers doing hard time and or paying for the damages they have been causingFeb 01 16:53
schestowitzLiability?Feb 01 16:54
lar2yepFeb 01 16:54
lar2vandalism == liabilityFeb 01 16:54
lar2throwing nails in the highway or busting shop windows would get you arrested, the digital equivalent should, tooFeb 01 16:54
schestowitzLinks here: 01 16:54
schestowitzIncluding Cox' POVFeb 01 16:54
schestowitzI see you that Needs Sunlight commented on this tooFeb 01 16:55
lar2actually hospitals keep tight enough records that if made available analysis would show hard evidence that many deaths resultedFeb 01 16:56
schestowitzGASP Google Bug Vexes Saturday Morning Searches < >Feb 01 16:57
lar2this is an area of white collar crime well trodden outside of computingFeb 01 16:57
schestowitz"A glitch that apparently occurred in Google's "Stop Badware" program led to what Verizon's security blog called a "self-inflicted denial of service" Saturday morning"Feb 01 16:57
schestowitz"According to Verizon, as well as various bloggers who write about security issues, the warnings came from, which is a domain registered by Google, which uses bots to identify sites that may contain malicious software and then warns users to stay away from them."Feb 01 16:57
schestowitzBut wait... if I use Linux, then I don't worry about this malwarz thingie Feb 01 16:58
lar2google's error could have been a keybounce, but if the individual has a 'softer background, then if I were boss, he'd be out the door without his keys and waiting for the lawyersFeb 01 16:58
lar2it's part of the windoze==computers/ windozemalware == computer malware disinformation themeFeb 01 17:00
schestowitzMicrosoft Charges Employee With Spying < > Google should do the sameFeb 01 17:00
lar2ok the MS charges are probably a smoke screen, look if a 'softer got caught again...Feb 01 17:01
schestowitzAre HR ex-Microsoft employees? That would scare me the mostFeb 01 17:02
schestowitzIt's like handing over the lever and the bridge of French towns to RomansFeb 01 17:03
schestowitzVMware->EMC->Tucci->Maritz becomes CEO->ex-Microsofter becomes COOFeb 01 17:04
lar2it is possible for them to though graft and incompetence to collapse the world's economyFeb 01 17:05
lar2japan and us are already on life supportFeb 01 17:05
schestowitzCommunism rising thereFeb 01 17:05
lar2yes MS == comunismFeb 01 17:05
schestowitzI read the youths there are angry and frustrated with capitalismFeb 01 17:05
schestowitzBTW, re BNFeb 01 17:06
lar2central, top-down, command economyFeb 01 17:06
schestowitzI'll leave it aside for nowFeb 01 17:06
schestowitzIt gets many visits anywayFeb 01 17:06
schestowitzI worry more about spending of time rebutting smears and libelFeb 01 17:06
schestowitzDigg has plenty (see comments above from yesterdday)Feb 01 17:06
schestowitzTwo libel threads in USENET in one day, LinuxToday trolled with libel also..Feb 01 17:06
lar2back in a bit...Feb 01 17:07
schestowitz"She's just a paralegal" type attacks are benign compared to "BN serves malware"Feb 01 17:07
schestowitzOKFeb 01 17:07
schestowitzWTF.Feb 01 17:08
schestowitz Microsoft adds in Linux articles now in itwire too.. "Microsoft TechNet What's New in Mobility and Anywhere Access with Office Communications Server 2007 R2"Feb 01 17:08
schestowitz*AdsFeb 01 17:08
*NeonF|oss has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Feb 01 17:10
schestowitzITwire sells out with ads and garbage.. 01 17:10
*NeonFloss ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 17:16
lar2backFeb 01 17:19
lar2yes itwire has been writing well , so the salvo will now focus on them until they stopFeb 01 17:19
schestowitzno action from host yetFeb 01 17:20
lar2i recall when thereg sold outFeb 01 17:20
schestowitz /.Feb 01 17:20
lar2yeah them tooFeb 01 17:20
lar2i'm not sure what goes on in the heads of the remaining original staffFeb 01 17:20
schestowitzStan Beer does the trolling nowFeb 01 17:20
schestowitzHe bosses the place (cofounder)Feb 01 17:20
schestowitzlots of ant-LinuxFeb 01 17:21
schestowitzI left datamation in a asense for same reasonsFeb 01 17:21
schestowitzms adsFeb 01 17:21
schestowitzi can still write for themFeb 01 17:21
*schestowitz types with one hand (food)Feb 01 17:22
lar2yeah but back in the day, before ms started its jihad / political movement / faith, being high tech was synonymous with having a ban on ms and its trollsFeb 01 17:22
schestowitz'ms hater'Feb 01 17:23
schestowitzShades of "anti-Americanism"Feb 01 17:23
schestowitzIn the USSR, "anti-Soviet" was a serious crimeFeb 01 17:23
lar2yeah and the ad-hominems always came out when they got run over by the technical argumentsFeb 01 17:23
schestowitzYou just need to establish the labelFeb 01 17:23
schestowitzMcCarthyismFeb 01 17:23
twitterM$ is unAmerican.Feb 01 17:24
schestowitzAndy Updegrove was flagged "Microsoft hater" in a blog!Feb 01 17:24
schestowitzBecause, you know, he's SOOO rude.Feb 01 17:24
schestowitzHe's so rudeFeb 01 17:24
lar2ms goes against everything I had heard was "american"Feb 01 17:24
schestowitzHe points out that a company commits crime for OOXMLFeb 01 17:24
schestowitzThat "hater"Feb 01 17:24
lar2ms uses name calling cause it worksFeb 01 17:24
schestowitzAmerrica is similar actuallyFeb 01 17:25
schestowitzI disgree with yiouFeb 01 17:25
schestowitzMS is /very/ AmericanFeb 01 17:25
lar2updegrove pointed out not only the crime but also called into question ms activities which some could consider seditionFeb 01 17:25
schestowitzLike, you know.. if Chavez calls America/Bush colonialist up rises the press against himFeb 01 17:25
lar2no, according to the pre-bush propaganda it was about hard work, innovation and profitFeb 01 17:25
twittertreason too ... remember them swearing that revealing Windows source code would jeopardize US National security?  Just a few months later, they sold China their source code.  hmph.Feb 01 17:25
schestowitzSome other leaders were overthrown by US-backed coups or assassinated with CIA assiatanceFeb 01 17:25
schestowitzYou can't hate the regime up north for 'just' giving the guns and media aid (brainwash) Feb 01 17:26
schestowitzBlame the coupFeb 01 17:26
schestowitzDisgusing motives or looting one's resources as "promoting democracy" or defending value of Christianity from the very same people they daemoniseFeb 01 17:26
lar2actually the coup detat could not have occured without the help of the broken crap ms passes off in place of programming languages, databases and operating systemsFeb 01 17:27
schestowitzThey used to feed and give weapons to Saddam, you know?Feb 01 17:27
lar2yeah i rememberFeb 01 17:27
schestowitzThen they needed to daemonise him to justify the recapture of energy reservoir (even if it costs the lives of over a million)Feb 01 17:27
lar2and back to the point about individuals vs insitutionsFeb 01 17:28
schestowitzOKFeb 01 17:28
lar2individuals  can tolerate nearly anythingFeb 01 17:28
schestowitzSorry, gone OT there...Feb 01 17:28
lar2institutions are reliant on interaction between the individuals and below a certain threshold of interaction or efficiency collapseFeb 01 17:28
schestowitz"Those Microsoft haters" = "those people who hate us"Feb 01 17:29
schestowitzOne question never asked: "WHY?"Feb 01 17:29
schestowitzAn MS lackey asked the other day...Feb 01 17:29
lar2not about hate or opinion.  the facts hurt ms, so the attempts to turn the conversations always to opinion.  opinions are like assholes...Feb 01 17:29
schestowitzI put the comment here: 01 17:29
schestowitz"cj"...Feb 01 17:29
lar2yeah the point is "why" - it's called brand recognitionFeb 01 17:30
schestowitzHe lurks here in IRC (#boycottnovell) sometimesFeb 01 17:30
schestowitzOpenChange, KDE bring Exchange compatibility to Linux < >Feb 01 17:31
*schestowitz ponders BillG murmuring something about Exchange patents and how it must be stoppedFeb 01 17:32
lar2exchange exists to lose mailFeb 01 17:32
schestowitzThat too I wrote aboutFeb 01 17:33
schestowitzIt can get 99% maybe. That's like 99 in 100... not good enough?Feb 01 17:33
schestowitzLike, you know, 100 flight that take off... 99 land safely.Feb 01 17:33
lar2gives heads of the companies plausible deniability, while at the same time causing a crisis stateFeb 01 17:33
lar2the crisis makes it easy to push decisions throughFeb 01 17:33
schestowitzThis lad asked MS to give him a job (in public): 01 17:35
lar2 01 17:35
schestowitzSo I keep an eye on what he writes about Linux (provocations and the like)Feb 01 17:35
lar2is it deicaza under a pseudonym?Feb 01 17:36
schestowitzConference Date/Place: May 15-17, 2007 Feb 01 17:36
lar2read the themeFeb 01 17:36
schestowitzWhere?Feb 01 17:36
schestowitzAnother lackey: Stu CohenFeb 01 17:37
schestowitzStuart used to head OSDL, but he was a Microsoft apologist, defended the Novell deal, recently attacked the FOSS model in BusinessWeek and he said Microsoft Office for Linux was inevitable (2006). He's not reliableFeb 01 17:37
lar2what broke in stu's head?Feb 01 17:39
schestowitzNo useful news in LXer since the useful sites took a nap (GL, Technocrat, etc): fun with Linux: Installing ubuntu 8.10 on asus u6s dual boot with vista < >. Not news, just some howto on harmony with the mafiawareFeb 01 17:39
schestowitzlar2: I dunnoFeb 01 17:39
lar2technocrat took a nap last yearFeb 01 17:39
schestowitzOh wait!Feb 01 17:39
schestowitzIn 2008 I caught something that made me take noteFeb 01 17:39
schestowitzIt was an adverticle of him and his group in Microsoft PressFeb 01 17:39
lar2there was also Durusau who went southFeb 01 17:40
schestowitzTime Magazine.. of those that brought "Microsoft takes over the free world" (patent FUD) seminal piece and host the husband of B&M Foundry.. for him to sing praises about BillGFeb 01 17:40
lar2what broke in his head or morals?Feb 01 17:40
schestowitzThe CSI article (Stu et al) was very MS-ified 'open source' IIRCFeb 01 17:41
schestowitzLet me find itFeb 01 17:41
schestowitzHere: 01 17:41
schestowitzKeywords: stuary cohen time magazune csiFeb 01 17:41
lar2 01 17:42
lar2 01 17:42
schestowitz Open Source: The Model Is Broken By Stuart CohenFeb 01 17:42
schestowitz 01 17:43
schestowitzScroll down to "Herman" interviewFeb 01 17:43
schestowitzI've been studying this stuff recently. It helps me understand the tech cultsFeb 01 17:44
schestowitzI've got go now (gym closes in 2 hrs)Feb 01 17:44
lar2okFeb 01 17:45
*lar2 (wonderland) has left #boycottnovellFeb 01 17:46
trmanco 01 17:55
*flyback has quit ("Leaving")Feb 01 18:12
*Goblin (i=95fe3354@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 18:33
Goblinhi all, logging in from another locationFeb 01 18:33
Goblinwhat happened to the andre da costa post?Feb 01 18:34
twitterS is at the gym.  He can explain DB problems when he gets back.Feb 01 18:35
GoblinahFeb 01 18:35
Goblinits just Ive been linked to it and someone informed me it doesnt existFeb 01 18:35
twitterSomething funny happened.  Things should be back by now.Feb 01 18:35
GoblinI am typing from my parents machine so when I came to have a look it was gone.Feb 01 18:36
Goblin:(Feb 01 18:36
twitterIs it still gone?Feb 01 18:36
GoblinIll talk to roy later when i get homeFeb 01 18:36
GoblinyeahFeb 01 18:36
twitterhmmm.  There might be bigger problems than he thought.  Thanks for the warning.  Got a link to what should be there?Feb 01 18:37
Goblin 01 18:37
Goblinjust checked my site for the linkFeb 01 18:37
Goblin 01 18:38
twitterAh yes, today's stories might be missing.Feb 01 18:39
*tanderson (n=gentoofa@gentoo/developer/gentoofan23) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 18:41
GoblinProbably Andres lucky day!Feb 01 18:43
GoblinGot a cracker of a next person to expose.......just collating the evidence nowFeb 01 18:44
Goblinif Im right, this one has alot more than a laptop in giftsFeb 01 18:44
*Goblin has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Feb 01 18:52
*jsluvslinux (i=ce484e45@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 19:00
jsluvslinuxwhat an awesome websiteFeb 01 19:00
twitterRoy is good, you can helpFeb 01 19:02
twitterI have to thank Roy for remembering the TechCrunch "people ready" thing. 01 19:02
jsluvslinuxhow can I help?Feb 01 19:23
jsluvslinuxI'm a slashdotr, an LXER, a LinuxLeak 'er on and on...persecuted by all my microsuck friends constantly...want to help  :-)Feb 01 19:24
trmanco 01 19:40
*jose ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 19:40
*jose has quit (Client Quit)Feb 01 19:40
*schestowitz backFeb 01 19:58
schestowitzI've been thnking... maybe the host manually disabled the DB because of all the trafficFeb 01 19:58
schestowitzIn which case it would explain what I was seeingFeb 01 19:58
schestowitzBut would they shoot first, tell us later?Feb 01 19:58
schestowitzI don't know..Feb 01 19:58
schestowitzLet me check it again.Feb 01 19:58
schestowitzDB still not there.. :-SFeb 01 19:59
schestowitzgoblin is gone nowFeb 01 20:00
schestowitzAll the posts are fine. I have them on another DB and local backupsFeb 01 20:00
schestowitzHi, jsluvslinux Feb 01 20:01
schestowitzWe're sort of out of biz in the blog until the host gets back to checking the DB or re-enabling itFeb 01 20:02
schestowitzI'm starting to suspect that after they took down the whole thing they decided to just disable the DB... without telling meFeb 01 20:02
schestowitzAt least I learned some DB backup tricks... 'tleaseFeb 01 20:02
schestowitzbrbFeb 01 20:04
*jsluvslinux has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Feb 01 20:06
*jsluvslinux (i=ce484e45@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 20:07
*mulander ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 20:19
*Robert1 (i=4b6c1365@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 20:20
Robert1Hi RoyFeb 01 20:20
schestowitz "In fact, both boycottnovell and groklaw have performed and are performing a tremendous public service. "Feb 01 20:21
schestowitzHey, Robert1 Feb 01 20:21
schestowitzWe have hosting issues.Feb 01 20:21
Robert1i guess you are still having server issues?Feb 01 20:21
schestowitzYes. Struggle between staying up and the host not disabling things.Feb 01 20:21
schestowitzI'm not sure why the DB was made unavailableFeb 01 20:22
schestowitzBut I brought up a replica of itFeb 01 20:22
Robert1do you think it could be from zombied windows boxes?Feb 01 20:22
schestowitzNoFeb 01 20:22
schestowitzUnlikelyFeb 01 20:22
schestowitzLet me check..Feb 01 20:22
schestowitzBut we turned away heaps of requestsFeb 01 20:22
schestowitzWhich is a shameFeb 01 20:22
Robert1where is all of the traffic coming fromFeb 01 20:22
schestowitzI told people to make copies and republishFeb 01 20:22
schestowitzLet me checkFeb 01 20:23
schestowitzIt's the usual Windows/Linux ratio, so no zombiesFeb 01 20:23
schestowitzWindows under 50%Feb 01 20:23
schestowitzWhen I was attacked by zombies before, it's just MSIE/Win noiseFeb 01 20:23
Robert1oh, just a lot of interested readersFeb 01 20:23
schestowitzWhich also happens to explain all that market share hoi polloiFeb 01 20:23
schestowitzRobert1: we got referenced by some 'big' sitesFeb 01 20:24
schestowitzI used cacheFeb 01 20:24
schestowitzBut no good...Feb 01 20:24
schestowitzI don't know what else to doFeb 01 20:24
Robert1probably groklawers, nothings been posted on groklaw for some timeFeb 01 20:24
schestowitzOne person says I should put it on ibiblioFeb 01 20:24
schestowitzBut Groklaw too is fragile on itFeb 01 20:24
schestowitzThey have ONE AMD serverFeb 01 20:24
Robert1i visit your site almost every day nowFeb 01 20:24
schestowitzAnd Groklaw went bonkers when SCO filed Chapter 11Feb 01 20:24
schestowitzThe whole sitres was broken by excessive trafficFeb 01 20:25
Robert1i knowFeb 01 20:25
schestowitzThe DB probably went insaneFeb 01 20:25
schestowitzYou saw that?Feb 01 20:25
schestowitzBut our DB seems OKFeb 01 20:25
schestowitzIt's just sort of disabledFeb 01 20:25
schestowitzI spent over 2 hours on this last nightFeb 01 20:25
Robert1no, i did not see the database breakdown because i did not get a chance to visit BN yesterdayFeb 01 20:25
schestowitzAnd about 4 hours todayFeb 01 20:26
schestowitzHad we had good hosting, I'd get more posts done instead.Feb 01 20:26
schestowitzYesterday the site was down for 4-8 hoursFeb 01 20:26
schestowitzI don't know how long because I was asleepFeb 01 20:26
*mulander ( has left #boycottnovellFeb 01 20:26
schestowitzBut it's spike time, which is a shameFeb 01 20:26
schestowitzThat's when you can reach people outside the 'choir' so to speakFeb 01 20:26
Robert1i will tell you that i appreciate BN because of the news that you gather every dayFeb 01 20:27
schestowitzWe're still doing 50,000-100,000 hit/hour at the moment (I don't know how much Coral handles)Feb 01 20:27
Robert1i have been following MS dirty tricks since the late 90'sFeb 01 20:27
schestowitzRobert1: how do we resolve hosting though?Feb 01 20:27
schestowitzCNET has clusters for example.Feb 01 20:27
schestowitzShane has upgraded us to the highest hosting packageFeb 01 20:28
schestowitzIt's quad coreFeb 01 20:28
schestowitzThe host might take us down again... then I need to apologise to them.Feb 01 20:28
Robert1the best that i can suggest is change webhost to one that is set up for high traffic to begin withFeb 01 20:28
schestowitzI've never seen so many pageviews on LT.. 01 20:29
Robert1that type of hosting is not cheap, so you will also have to consider placing banner ads as well to pay the differenceFeb 01 20:29
schestowitz They have trolls there too now.. like in Digg ... and Carla lets it past moderation which she shouldn'tFeb 01 20:30
schestowitzRobert1: that's the issueFeb 01 20:30
schestowitzAds pay Shane, who pays the hosting bill right (since like forever)Feb 01 20:30
Robert1i know, it's a "catch 22"Feb 01 20:30
schestowitzSo I never needed to pay to run BN, unlike and other sites where ads don't even cover hosting billsFeb 01 20:31
trmanco 01 20:31
schestowitztrmanco: thanks, got it stored for postingFeb 01 20:31
Robert1the problem is with your current hosting, they are not really big enough to handle BN since it is now growing in popularityFeb 01 20:32
trmancoit was just releasedFeb 01 20:32
schestowitzHehe.. "Good job BoycottNevell. Keep it up. It is working. Daryl is getting annoyed. "Feb 01 20:32
schestowitzRobert1: I use CoralFeb 01 20:32
schestowitzI probably should use it moreFeb 01 20:33
schestowitzAs it, assign it to more pagesFeb 01 20:33
Robert1i would really like to see microsoft get really annoyed, that is when they screw up the worstFeb 01 20:33
schestowitzBut I have to stay vigilant to check what hammers on the server.. the other option being to trim down pagesFeb 01 20:33
schestowitzRobert1: they already get annoyedFeb 01 20:33
Robert1how many hits are you getting on the serverFeb 01 20:34
schestowitzRobert1: see the "vista7 will kill Linux" roadshowFeb 01 20:34
Robert1no, not yetFeb 01 20:34
schestowitzBTW, Microsoft actually uses this phrase, "roadshow" (internally)... like when they orchestrate the "NC is dead tour"Feb 01 20:34
schestowitzRobert1: I use Coral nowFeb 01 20:34
schestowitzBut the site still seemt to do about 50000/hourFeb 01 20:35
Robert1what is coral?Feb 01 20:35
schestowitz 01 20:35
schestowitz"Coral is a free peer-to-peer content distribution network, comprised of a world-wide network of web proxies and nameservers. It allows a user to run a web site that offers high performance and meets huge demand, all for the price of a $50/month cable modem.Feb 01 20:35
schestowitz"Feb 01 20:35
Robert1noted, i will check it out shortlyFeb 01 20:36
schestowitzI found out thanks to Rick LehrbaumFeb 01 20:36
schestowitz((DeviceGuru)Feb 01 20:36
Robert1do you have any root access to your serverFeb 01 20:36
schestowitz 01 20:36
schestowitzRobert1: noFeb 01 20:36
schestowitzNot even SSHFeb 01 20:36
schestowitzMy stalker (MS 'buddy') is attacking me again.. 01 20:38
Robert1not good, if you were to be able to get access to the systems server logs & block off some of the traffic from well known trolls, that would helpFeb 01 20:38
schestowitzThankfully I see this in RSS (logged off) mode... these people keep throwing slimeFeb 01 20:38
schestowitzRobert1: I can I ban, but I don;tFeb 01 20:38
schestowitz*IP banFeb 01 20:39
schestowitzI thought about disabling comments altogether and make discussion IRC onlyFeb 01 20:39
schestowitzBut people won't like thatFeb 01 20:39
Robert1it's a shame that you can't initiate lawsuites against themFeb 01 20:39
schestowitzRobert1: maybe I could, but who would botherFeb 01 20:39
schestowitzThat's like PJ collecting evidence just in case she sues one dayFeb 01 20:40
Robert1ip ban was what i was talking aboutFeb 01 20:40
schestowitz(and encouraging me to do the same, which I don't)Feb 01 20:40
schestowitzThe guy you saw in Dig........Feb 01 20:40
schestowitzIt's this guy:Feb 01 20:40
Robert1i do not go to diggFeb 01 20:40
schestowitz 01 20:40
schestowitzThere's lots moreFeb 01 20:40
Robert1i know about GSFeb 01 20:40
schestowitzI made  a post this morning with another exampleFeb 01 20:41
schestowitzRobert1: how do you know him?Feb 01 20:41
schestowitzHarassment from his reaches Slashdot tooFeb 01 20:41
Robert1btw, i lurk in COLA & i post by the name "none of your buisnessFeb 01 20:41
schestowitzHe tried stalking me in Netscape, they banned himFeb 01 20:41
schestowitzIn Digg they terminated 4 accounts of his that abused me or impersonated meFeb 01 20:42
Robert1i have been lurking in cola since 2001Feb 01 20:42
schestowitzAh, okay, cool..Feb 01 20:42
schestowitztrmanco hangs out in COLA also.Feb 01 20:42
Robert1i read a lot of your post there tooFeb 01 20:42
schestowitzThe trolls have gone quieter there compared to last yearFeb 01 20:43
Robert1trmanco probably post with another nymFeb 01 20:43
schestowitzThat Carla article that Gary Stewart is trolling is a good oneFeb 01 20:43
Robert1yes, but the stupid ones like hadron & dfs just dont know when to quitFeb 01 20:44
schestowitzGoes along the lines of, Microsoft turns writers into mere readers... consumers of the Microsoft Message, which is trueFeb 01 20:44
schestowitzCoders need to control code... sysadmin likewise.Feb 01 20:44
trmancoRobert1, I'm not a nym, nor a trollFeb 01 20:44
schestowitzBut Microsoft turns this to an NSA|soft joint ventures where mere mortal are box booters on very flaky and virus-prone platformsFeb 01 20:44
schestowitzRobert1: he posts with a real nameFeb 01 20:45
trmancoAnd I don't have no nyms, at least that I am aware ofFeb 01 20:45
schestowitztrmanco: it wasn't intended to be offensiveFeb 01 20:45
Robert1yes, microsoft has done more damage globally than any thing everFeb 01 20:45
schestowitzthe mapping between name and nickname is hardFeb 01 20:45
schestowitzWe get more answers now with ComesFeb 01 20:46
trmanconon taken, maybe I should have included some smilies :-PFeb 01 20:46
schestowitzI should have done this 2 years agoFeb 01 20:46
Robert1the only reason i was forced to use a nym was because of the stocker trolls like clogwogFeb 01 20:46
schestowitzBut 2 years ago I was finishing my studies (actually that was more like 3 years ago)Feb 01 20:46
schestowitzThat's what they try to doFeb 01 20:47
trmancoRobert1, just ignore themFeb 01 20:47
schestowitzThey scare peopleFeb 01 20:47
schestowitzDon't let them win...Feb 01 20:47
trmancoplonking usually works like a charmFeb 01 20:47
Robert1oh, i wont let them winFeb 01 20:47
schestowitzThey post addresses as if to say , "I could come over to you house"Feb 01 20:47
Robert1yes, i use KNodes filtering exclusivelyFeb 01 20:48
schestowitzThat's like the mafia don showing you the wife handcuffed or something.Feb 01 20:48
schestowitzwith a bandage over the mouth.Feb 01 20:48
schestowitzAnd he says, "respects, my son, respect... do as I say"Feb 01 20:48
Robert1i am not scared of the trolls, however, i don't like someone posting personal info in usenet about meFeb 01 20:49
schestowitzCriminals see no laws, let alone ethicsFeb 01 20:50
Robert1rightFeb 01 20:50
schestowitz 01 20:51
schestowitz"Roy, et al., You’re right. Some of the evangelism practices that I taught and executed at Microsoft in the 1990’s were unethical. I didn’t think so at the time — I thought that they were just hyper-competitive — but I agree now. "Feb 01 20:51
schestowitz"I am trying to change the error of my ways. I trust that you will agree that even the most hardened sinner can be redeemed."Feb 01 20:51
Robert1not to mention that our (the us government) is full of themFeb 01 20:51
schestowitzIOW: I was a criminals. I realise now that crime is wrong.Feb 01 20:51
schestowitz http://www.bermanexposed.orgFeb 01 20:52
schestowitz""Richard Berman has been a regular front man for business and industry in campaigns against consumer safety and environmental groups. Through his public affairs firm, Berman and Company, Berman has fought unions, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, PETA and other watchdog groups in their efforts to raise awareness about obesity, the minimum wage, the dangers of smoking, mad cow disease, drunk driving,  and other causes."Feb 01 20:53
schestowitzRobert1: the US government is no standardFeb 01 20:53
schestowitzNeither is the UN I guess.Feb 01 20:53
Robert1that just goes to show how unethical some people in society areFeb 01 20:54
schestowitzMoneyFeb 01 20:54
schestowitzSee Carla's articleFeb 01 20:54
schestowitz"Money is not Wealth"Feb 01 20:54
Robert1ok, i will check carlas article outFeb 01 20:55
Robert1btw, i like this chat clent, works great in konqyFeb 01 20:56
schestowitzExcellentFeb 01 20:58
schestowitzIs it full screen-ed?Feb 01 20:58
Robert1noFeb 01 20:58
schestowitzI put a link to it, just in caseFeb 01 20:59
schestowitzThe visible borders in the site are narrow, so..Feb 01 20:59
schestowitzI've just been thinking..Feb 01 21:00
Robert1roy, what Linux distros do you use on a regular basisFeb 01 21:00
schestowitzOne of the pages that are requested most is the front pageFeb 01 21:00
schestowitzAbout 3000 requests per dayFeb 01 21:00
schestowitzI could Coral-ise thatFeb 01 21:00
schestowitzThat would take some pressure off the serverFeb 01 21:00
schestowitzIssue: front page is very much NOT static (comments on the right, new posts)Feb 01 21:00
Robert1i have placed a icon for BN on my desktopFeb 01 21:01
schestowitzSo in mayday scenario it might be practical, but not regularly.Feb 01 21:01
schestowitzRobert1: I use Mandriva most of the timeFeb 01 21:01
Robert1i even use the BN favicon, try using favicons in windowsFeb 01 21:01
schestowitzI did some Fedora today to restore the site (thanks, Opera!) and I have Ubuntu at workFeb 01 21:01
schestowitzI think favicons are a Windows thing actually.Feb 01 21:02
schestowitzI might be wrongFeb 01 21:02
Robert1i use Mepis on my main computer & debian on the othersFeb 01 21:02
schestowitz 01 21:02
schestowitzMepis is Debian-driven again.Feb 01 21:02
schestowitz*derivedFeb 01 21:03
Robert1yes, they may be, but you cannot use a favicon on the windows desktop for a link to a webpageFeb 01 21:03
Robert1yes, i know, i am currently using Mepis 7, the debianised oneFeb 01 21:04
schestowitz8 is Debian-basedFeb 01 21:04
schestowitzWas Warren going to make /_8_/ Ubuntu based before he said "toss it"Feb 01 21:04
Robert1i know, but a final release is not out yet, (last time i checked)Feb 01 21:04
schestowitzI thought 7 was the Ubuntu -based one..Feb 01 21:05
schestowitzRC2, IIRCFeb 01 21:05
Robert1noFeb 01 21:05
schestowitzMaybe Beta2Feb 01 21:05
Robert1mepis 7 is debian, not ubuntuFeb 01 21:05
Robert1yes, the RC's are still considered betaFeb 01 21:06
Robert1i will probably still be using Mepis7 this time next yearFeb 01 21:07
schestowitzAt Microsoft, according to analysts, RC is BETA and RTM is RCFeb 01 21:07
schestowitzIt's Released to Candidates (RC)Feb 01 21:07
schestowitzI.e. released to some guinea pigsFeb 01 21:07
schestowitzRTGP=RTMFeb 01 21:08
Robert1since when did microsoft ever get it right as far as analogiesFeb 01 21:08
schestowitzOwellian langauage ratherFeb 01 21:08
schestowitzWill Vista7 have more genuine advantage? ;-)Feb 01 21:08
Robert1yes,Feb 01 21:08
schestowitzWill there be more /trusted/ computing?Feb 01 21:08
jsluvslinuxgreat timeline link here:Feb 01 21:09
jsluvslinux 01 21:09
Robert1most likelyFeb 01 21:09
schestowitzMore security (DRM)?Feb 01 21:09
schestowitz[for Hollywood]Feb 01 21:09
schestowitzI think I saw a more expanded timelineFeb 01 21:09
Robert1i am willing to bet that "vista 7" will also be a flopFeb 01 21:09
schestowitzI'm not feelin' myself todayFeb 01 21:10
schestowitzWhen sites and services are down, I can't concentrateFeb 01 21:10
jsluvslinuxlink?Feb 01 21:10
schestowitzWhether it's USENET or a site of mine (, OM, BN, Iuron) or something like the ISPFeb 01 21:10
schestowitzDNS was being hammered by Win32 zombies last weekFeb 01 21:10
schestowitzI couldn't use the Web, so I fled to the gym]Feb 01 21:11
schestowitzRobert1: Vista7 will be less than expectedFeb 01 21:11
schestowitzAs in.... WOW... WOW (Vista sense)... hey, wait... it's just kind of like... well,, better than XP... fewer programs though... more bugsFeb 01 21:11
schestowitzBut HEYFeb 01 21:12
schestowitzIt's better than VistaFeb 01 21:12
schestowitzYou feed people snail in prisonFeb 01 21:12
jsluvslinuxmy guess is the conflicker botnet, once it arrives at 30 to 40 million  is going to take out all DNSFeb 01 21:12
schestowitzFinally you see them begging for breadFeb 01 21:12
schestowitzjsluvslinux: yes, i's that oneFeb 01 21:12
schestowitzjsluvslinux: I don't know where the timeline isFeb 01 21:12
Robert1i just don't see why government is not stepping up to the plate & addressing the fact that the problems are "windows" problems & doing somthing about itFeb 01 21:13
jsluvslinuxno problem...Feb 01 21:13
jsluvslinuxthanksFeb 01 21:13
schestowitzI ranted about this last week: 01 21:13
Robert1i saw that articleFeb 01 21:13
jsluvslinuxour govt makes too much tax revenue from MS...they are scaredFeb 01 21:13
schestowitzYesFeb 01 21:13
schestowitzBut MS does not pay taxFeb 01 21:13
jsluvslinuxI saw that...and imho you are right on trackFeb 01 21:13
schestowitzIt's about controll,  not moneyFeb 01 21:13
Robert1in fact, i bookmarked it & sent the link to some people i knowFeb 01 21:13
jsluvslinuxbut all the customers who buy it do...Feb 01 21:14
schestowitzMany militaries still run Windows (they move to Linux)... so US has back doorsFeb 01 21:14
schestowitzAnd it DOES use them... it won't say this in pub licFeb 01 21:14
schestowitzIn a war it'll be able to suspend everything behind enemy lines.Feb 01 21:14
jsluvslinuxlikely..yes good pointFeb 01 21:14
schestowitz75 pc developers employ open source in APAC < >Feb 01 21:15
schestowitzjsluvslinux: see the linkFeb 01 21:15
Robert1i knew about the back doors in windows installations on .mil domains in 1998, when spammers were using exchange servers to send spam withFeb 01 21:15
schestowitz 01 21:15
schestowitz "The last thing on earth we want is some semi-educated person on the night shift seeing a red light go on on his PC that says 'attack' and launching real bombs."Feb 01 21:16
schestowitz"What would happen next? The RIAA, a major campaign donor, calls up the Pentagon screaming 'Cyber attack'. Next thing you know, in the name of national security, an apartment building in Brooklyn, 17 cows in Iowa, half of the middle east, and a cheese factory outside Lyon all go up in glowing smoke. "Feb 01 21:16
schestowitzThat's why they call it MAFIAAFeb 01 21:16
schestowitz 01 21:17
jsluvslinuxthanks...nice link...Feb 01 21:18
jsluvslinuxyou have a place to donate to your website?Feb 01 21:18
jsluvslinuxpaypal..Feb 01 21:18
schestowitzNo donations yetFeb 01 21:18
schestowitzThanks a lot thoughFeb 01 21:18
Robert1well, all of this crap is happining & will continue to do so as long as we people let the coporations control the governmentFeb 01 21:19
jsluvslinuxok...but I think you are a savior....Feb 01 21:19
schestowitzSome people offered this before, but I'm not ready for this. Had it not been for Shane paying the bills, I'd remove the ads too. They harm the site's credibility, making it seem like a pro-profit, which is ain't.Feb 01 21:19
schestowitzjsluvslinux: I just link to people's stuffFeb 01 21:19
schestowitzThe ones doing the hard work are Helios et al.Feb 01 21:20
jsluvslinuxhelios is awesome..I have dontated to him..wish I could help moreFeb 01 21:20
schestowitzThere are out there every day putting Linux on people's boxes and arguing with silly pedagogues..Feb 01 21:20
Robert1well, roy, your work ain't easy ether. but it is really appreciatedFeb 01 21:21
schestowitzHelios respects what I do a lotFeb 01 21:21
schestowitzSome other in LXer are very hostileFeb 01 21:21
jsluvslinux<--- boss teaches at crafton hills, and he is doing great work iwith students also, in helping them understand LinuxFeb 01 21:21
schestowitzPeople in LinuxToday are far more supportive thoughFeb 01 21:21
schestowitzjsluvslinux: seen the helios videos yet?Feb 01 21:21
jsluvslinuxyes, some of them..Feb 01 21:22
schestowitz Look under "cali"/"Helois"/othersFeb 01 21:22
Robert1i actively install GNU/Linux on all of my freinds & neighbors computersFeb 01 21:22
schestowitzI put many of them in BN around August, one or two per dayFeb 01 21:22
Robert1roy, what is your local time there now?\Feb 01 21:24
schestowitzAggressive headline from Michael Larabel... very odd.. (Intel's Poulsbo Driver A Bloody Mess?)Feb 01 21:24
schestowitzI'll go to #phoronix and tell himFeb 01 21:24
schestowitzIt's 9:30 hereFeb 01 21:25
schestowitzThe weekend's sort of ruined cause of the host/site, but it's not because it's truly badFeb 01 21:25
schestowitzI mean, many people read the stuff, but it has a toll... emotional and cost of time..wrestling with the host or dbFeb 01 21:26
schestowitzI'm starting to suspect that mysql is just FINE... as it's always been.Feb 01 21:26
schestowitzThe DB was disabled for no reasonFeb 01 21:26
schestowitzI was editing a postFeb 01 21:26
schestowitzAll was responsive. I save it... wrote some more words... saved again and bang! No DBFeb 01 21:26
schestowitzThe  server was not stressedFeb 01 21:27
trmancoyou should get a VPS or somethingFeb 01 21:28
schestowitzIt's $$eyFeb 01 21:29
Robert1just went to the link i wonder why they would require the use of this driver anywayFeb 01 21:29
schestowitz 01 21:30
schestowitzPrice  €£199/month  €£299/month  €£399/monthFeb 01 21:30
schestowitzI don't even know if it's multi-serverFeb 01 21:30
trmancono not dedicatedFeb 01 21:31
schestowitz"We exclusively use Dell PowerEdge servers, built to order, allowing each server to be tailored specifically to your requirements. This allows us to offer the latest technologies such as quad-core processors and SAS before many of our competitors."Feb 01 21:31
schestowitz 01 21:31
Robert1could this mean that intel may be folding to some of the pressure that microsoft is putting on intelFeb 01 21:31
trmancoschestowitz, something like this 01 21:32
trmanco    *  Intel Dual Xeon HarpertownFeb 01 21:32
trmanco    * 384MB Guaranteed SLM RAMFeb 01 21:32
trmanco    * 40GB RAID-10 Disk SpaceFeb 01 21:32
trmanco    * 600GB BandwidthFeb 01 21:32
trmanco    * 4 Dedicated IPsFeb 01 21:32
schestowitzBTW, that's the host that very well handles all my sites, other than BN which Shane is managing on the host side although we both have privilegesFeb 01 21:32
trmanco    * cPanel / WHM (VPS Optimized)Feb 01 21:32
trmanco    * Virtuozzo 4 with Power PanelFeb 01 21:32
trmanco    * Fantastico, RVSkin, WHMCS AvailableFeb 01 21:32
trmanco    * Starting at: $44/monthFeb 01 21:32
schestowitz4 IPs?Feb 01 21:32
schestowitzMeaning  what...?Feb 01 21:33
schestowitzHow does that compare to Coral options?Feb 01 21:33
trmancoI have to idea about h IP thingsFeb 01 21:33
trmancowhat caught my eyes was the ram, the disk space and the bandwidthFeb 01 21:34
schestowitzThat's what we use for BN: 01 21:34
schestowitzAnd he has several domains on the same account, so it's cheapFeb 01 21:34
Robert1there is another important issue that you need to take into consideration when looking for a webhostFeb 01 21:34
schestowitzSupport?Feb 01 21:35
Robert1you need to check out who the webhost upstram providor isFeb 01 21:35
Robert1you also need to see if the webhost is "multihomed"Feb 01 21:36
Robert1you also need to check & see if any of the ip addresses that they are going to asign you in not in any of the DNSBL blocklistFeb 01 21:37
trmancoschestowitz, but yours is sharedFeb 01 21:37
schestowitzYeah...Feb 01 21:37
schestowitzBut I don't think we'll moveFeb 01 21:37
schestowitzWe'll come with what we haveFeb 01 21:37
schestowitzI wonder if Helios moved to blogspot because of hosting simplicityFeb 01 21:38
trmanco 01 21:38
schestowitzThere's an article on Wine myths in LWNFeb 01 21:38
schestowitzNot advocacy related, but still..Feb 01 21:38
trmancoyesFeb 01 21:38
trmancothe person who wrote it is a Wine contributerFeb 01 21:39
schestowitzI still worry about BNFeb 01 21:40
schestowitzI guess though that changing is: 1) not simple; 2) priceyFeb 01 21:40
schestowitzSo it's better to cope with what we have?Feb 01 21:40
schestowitzTuxMachines is back!Feb 01 21:41
schestowitz61 unreadFeb 01 21:41
schestowitzWow! She barely postedFeb 01 21:41
schestowitzOnly like 10 a dayFeb 01 21:41
schestowitzUsually she does 30Feb 01 21:41
trmancoyepFeb 01 21:41
trmancoit works fine nowFeb 01 21:42
Robert1yes, it would, but up untill the point that BN becomes really popular & gives you no choice but to move or get more bandwidthFeb 01 21:42
*GoblinRFD ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 21:43
GoblinRFDHi Roy! You there?Feb 01 21:43
schestowitzHeyFeb 01 21:44
schestowitzGoblinRFD: I have your comment and postFeb 01 21:44
schestowitzNo less of dataFeb 01 21:44
schestowitzDon't worryFeb 01 21:44
GoblinRFDcool!Feb 01 21:44
schestowitzLink again when the post is brought up againFeb 01 21:44
GoblinRFDI had linked you on my siteFeb 01 21:44
*kapipi ( has left #boycottnovell ("Oh noh!")Feb 01 21:44
schestowitzWe have hosting issues, that's all.Feb 01 21:44
GoblinRFDRoy.  Excellent article by the way.Feb 01 21:45
schestowitzRobert1: traffic doubled last monthFeb 01 21:45
GoblinRFDIm not surprised.Feb 01 21:45
schestowitzAnd based on this 1st day of February, despite two major uptime, we double it again.Feb 01 21:45
Robert1it will probably go up even moreFeb 01 21:45
GoblinRFD:)Feb 01 21:46
schestowitzRobert1: what to do then?Feb 01 21:46
GoblinRFDand you do it all without recieving any freebies from anyone!Feb 01 21:46
GoblinRFDunlike other bloggersFeb 01 21:46
schestowitzGoblinRFD: the only gain here is credibilityFeb 01 21:46
schestowitzIt would be a lie to say that BN doesn't open some doors because people recognise what we doFeb 01 21:46
GoblinRFDI was talking to the wife about this todayFeb 01 21:46
schestowitzBut there is no monetrary gainsFeb 01 21:46
schestowitzIt's like MJF and her Windows books.. or Ed BoughtFeb 01 21:47
Robert1just be proud that you have a website that is worthy of readingFeb 01 21:47
schestowitzThey defend what they knowFeb 01 21:47
schestowitzRobert1: I'm thinking.. indeed..Feb 01 21:47
GoblinRFDRoy Ive been meaning to ask......Feb 01 21:47
schestowitzBut Shane won't like the idea.Feb 01 21:47
schestowitzThe idea of me moving to another hostFeb 01 21:47
schestowitzMaybe his host can do VPS..Feb 01 21:48
GoblinRFDhave you ever compiled a list of companies that have "XXXXX Recommends Windows Vista"Feb 01 21:48
schestowitzThey all doFeb 01 21:48
schestowitzTHe ones that surviceFeb 01 21:48
MinceRi doubt system76 does :>Feb 01 21:48
GoblinRFDnot all..I noticed when I saw a few that didntFeb 01 21:48
schestowitzTht razor-thin marguns Microsoft gives for bulk discount (Windows OEM) forced them to sell Windows only or go out of bizFeb 01 21:48
schestowitzMust read...hold on.Feb 01 21:48
GoblinRFDMicromart has many that dontFeb 01 21:49
GoblinRFDokFeb 01 21:49
schestowitz 01 21:49
schestowitzSkip to part 2Feb 01 21:49
schestowitzIt explains how Microsoft forces OEMs to do Windows onlyFeb 01 21:49
schestowitzNo BeOS /DUAL boot/ even.Feb 01 21:49
schestowitzI have yet to cover the exhibits which put names and faces on these crime.Feb 01 21:50
Robert1over here in the states, i don't ever recall seeing one that did not have that statementFeb 01 21:50
schestowitz*rimesFeb 01 21:50
schestowitzDid you see the "recoomends" post?Feb 01 21:50
schestowitzThis one is read a lot: 01 21:51
schestowitzThis shows that they still do these crimesFeb 01 21:51
Robert1it does not surprise me. the current administration will not do anything to fix this problem etherFeb 01 21:52
GoblinRFDI wont buy DellFeb 01 21:54
GoblinRFDTheir ads are the ones where I first noticed.Feb 01 21:54
GoblinRFDIm sure the EU will have something to say on "Microsoft forcing OEM's"Feb 01 21:55
GoblinRFDin time.Feb 01 21:55
Robert1i am anxiously awaiting for the EU to address this issue. the U.S. D.o.J will notFeb 01 21:58
schestowitzIve just opened tuxmachines in Firefox.. 100+ tabs :-)Feb 01 21:59
schestowitzGoblinRFD: yes, unbundlingFeb 01 21:59
schestowitzIt's strong in France. They have a whole movement for itFeb 01 22:00
GoblinRFDRoy.  Just found something on twitter.  The following user appears to be trying to inform MS about a Win7 exploit to which they are not listening.Feb 01 22:00
GoblinRFD 01 22:00
GoblinRFDIve followed it to his page:Feb 01 22:00
schestowitzGoblinRFD: yes, I have a post about itFeb 01 22:00
schestowitzI posted it this morningFeb 01 22:01
schestowitzBut it will return later along with the restFeb 01 22:01
GoblinRFDdohFeb 01 22:01
GoblinRFDahjFeb 01 22:01
GoblinRFDi though I hadnt seen it.Feb 01 22:01
GoblinRFDright....thats me done for the night....Feb 01 22:02
GoblinRFDim off. see you all monday...Feb 01 22:02
GoblinRFDtake careFeb 01 22:02
Robert1have a good oneFeb 01 22:02
GoblinRFDSmoke me a kipper, Ill be back for breakfast.Feb 01 22:02
*GoblinRFD has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 01 22:02
Robert1speaking of eating, it's my dinner timeFeb 01 22:03
Robert1i will be joining in again sometime soonFeb 01 22:04
Robert1roy, you take it easy, & don't worry, BN will be okFeb 01 22:04
Robert1ttylFeb 01 22:05
schestowitzI'll have dinnerFeb 01 22:05
*Robert1 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Feb 01 22:09
schestowitz 01 22:10
schestowitzDoesn't inspire confidence :-SS 01 22:31
*Ziggyfish ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 22:49
Ziggyfishgood morningFeb 01 22:49
schestowitzHeyFeb 01 22:50
schestowitzI managed to upload the DB as a placeholderFeb 01 22:50
ZiggyfishgoodFeb 01 22:50
schestowitzI reckon the host (and I'm guessing here) took the old DB down deliberatelyFeb 01 22:50
schestowitzNo mysql error I thinkFeb 01 22:50
schestowitzIt occurred to while at the gym...Feb 01 22:51
schestowitzI mean, the night before they took the whole thing offlineFeb 01 22:51
Ziggyfishoh, ok, the host should keep backups of data anywayFeb 01 22:51
schestowitzLater they just separated the DB.. that would make sense, but no notification to customer?Feb 01 22:51
schestowitzZiggyfish: I don't think they need DBsFeb 01 22:51
schestowitzIt's still there in pristine conditionFeb 01 22:51
schestowitzIt's almost as though they fliped a switch to disable itFeb 01 22:52
schestowitz*flippedFeb 01 22:52
schestowitzSo I made a new one :-)Feb 01 22:52
schestowitzBut that's just a theoryFeb 01 22:52
schestowitzAnd example of bad service if it's trueFeb 01 22:52
ZiggyfishI agree with youFeb 01 22:52
schestowitzThe other option, however, would be to live the server to rotFeb 01 22:52
schestowitzSo I don't know..Feb 01 22:52
Ziggyfishanyway found a nice some link for youFeb 01 22:53
Ziggyfish 01 22:53
schestowitzI got itFeb 01 22:53
schestowitzPosted it yesterday/2 days ago in BNFeb 01 22:54
ZiggyfishI hate Monday morningsFeb 01 23:00
schestowitzHeh. Monday over there.Feb 01 23:01
schestowitzRainy days and Mondays always get you downFeb 01 23:01
ZiggyfishyesFeb 01 23:04
Ziggyfishall so true (;Feb 01 23:04
*DarkUranium has quit ("Leaving")Feb 01 23:21
*kapipi ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 23:21
*PetoKraus is now known as PeterKrausFeb 01 23:22
*kapipi has quit (Client Quit)Feb 01 23:23
MinceRgnFeb 01 23:45

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Germany's Incoming Leader Said He'd Seek More Independence from the US, GNU/Linux Soars to 6%
Last month it was 5%
Over 2 Years of LLM Hype and Nothing to Show for It
People still use search, not chatbots
Apple's iOS Almost Bigger Than Windows Now (Internationally), Windows Falls to 22% According to statCounter
Without Windows domination, there's not much left going for Microsoft
Putin's Loyal DOGE
We hereby crown Arvind Krishna "Putin's DOGE"
The Media Barely Reported This (Late Friday): IBM Lays Off About 2,000 More Workers, Effective Hours Ago
Maybe some diversity programs can help IBM recruit slaves or grossly-underpaid staff
Microsoft Money Being Spent to Bully Techrights Only Legitimises Techrights
The longer it goes on for, the greater the Streisand Effect
Suing One's Way Out of Real Trouble Won't Work (It Merely Increases the Trouble)
"Guns for hire" in London can only issue "legal" threats
Microsoft Writing Articles About Microsoft, Using Microsoft LLMs
Right now there are many articles about Microsoft Outlook being down completely
Gemini Links 02/03/2025: OFFLFIRSOCH 2025 and Programming
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Saturday, March 01, 2025
IRC logs for Saturday, March 01, 2025
Another Day and Another LLM Slopfest From Madame Day at the Slopfarm
Can't take a break, can she?
Sucking Up to Fascists (Like IBM's Watson Sucked Up to Adolf Hitler in the 1930s) Did Not Help IBM
IBM could stick to better principles, but instead it treats the Free software community and even its own staff like trash
Links 01/03/2025: GB News Loses Over 100 Million Pounds, Zelensky Wins World's Sympathy
Links for the day
Getting Serial Sloppers to Knock the Habit of Plagiarism by LLM Slop
All in all, the fewer the slop objects, the better
As Prices Soar and Services Shut Down (Even YouTube Starts Demanding Money for the Original or a Tolerable Experience) It's Time to Explore the Real Alternatives is the most viable instance of Invidious these days
Gemini Links 01/03/2025: Amends and GNU/Linux
Links for the day
Links 01/03/2025: Scam Altman's Latest Excuse, Google Price Hikes
Links for the day
Justice Will Find Its Way at the End
We deserve an award, not SLAPP, for what we've done
March Already, Rumours of IBM Layoffs in Brazil
Red Hat might be impacted too
Links 01/03/2025: Squashing Software Patents, USPTO Facing Additional Cuts
Links for the day
Links 01/03/2025: UNM Gopher and Getting One's Pages on gemini://
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Friday, February 28, 2025
IRC logs for Friday, February 28, 2025