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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: March 17th, 2009 - Part 2


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Balrog<< quoteMar 17 17:06
schestowitzzer0c00l: thanks for mentioning us < >Mar 17 17:07
zer0c00lschestowitz: :-)Mar 17 17:07
zer0c00lno problemMar 17 17:07
BalrogiPhone 3.0 now has a standard system for finding other devices in the same area - no WiFi network needed. Automatic discovery performed over Bluetooth. No pairing.Mar 17 17:08
Balrog<<quoteMar 17 17:08
Balroghopefully that quiets the bluetooth whinersMar 17 17:08
BalrogiPhone OS 3.0 can talk directly to an accessory.Mar 17 17:10
Balrog<< quoteMar 17 17:10
Balrogkeyboards maybe???Mar 17 17:10
BalrogAlso enabling some of this over Bluetooth. "We support all the standard built-in protocols."Mar 17 17:11
Balrog<< quoteMar 17 17:11
BalrogFINALLYMar 17 17:11
Balroglooks like the iBluetooth project got them moving :PMar 17 17:12
Balrog "We're taking the heart of the Maps application and making it a public API so developers can embed that map in their apps."Mar 17 17:13
Balrog<< quoteMar 17 17:13
Balrogturn-by-turn apps allowed nowMar 17 17:14
schestowitzRed Hat "defensive" patent has chilling effect < >Mar 17 17:14
BalrogSo I hear. (about redhat)Mar 17 17:14
schestowitzBalrog: but why promote this proprietary phone?Mar 17 17:14
schestowitzApple already spends $0.3 billion/annum deceiving the publicMar 17 17:15
schestowitzYou don't need to help themMar 17 17:15
Balrogadvertising isn't necessarily deceivingMar 17 17:16
Balrogit often is, but not alwaysMar 17 17:16
schestowitzext4 vs fsync, my take < >Mar 17 17:21
*harrytuttle (i=528c0ab2@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 17 17:21
schestowitzHey, harrytuttle Mar 17 17:21
schestowitzBalrog: it isMar 17 17:21
schestowitzBy definitionMar 17 17:21
schestowitzPR anywayMar 17 17:22
Balrogyou can have honest advertisingMar 17 17:22
schestowitzExample...?Mar 17 17:23
harrytuttlehello everyoneMar 17 17:23
harrytuttlewhat about this censorship?Mar 17 17:24
harrytuttle 17 17:24
schestowitzToo much for themMar 17 17:24
harrytuttlei know it has been discussed on slashdotMar 17 17:24
schestowitzThey can't cope with realise, so need to impose illusionsMar 17 17:24
schestowitzThe Internet gets in their way. Too open...Mar 17 17:24
schestowitzDiscouraging Software Patent Lawsuits < >Mar 17 17:32
*trmanco1 ( has left #boycottnovellMar 17 17:34
*harrytuttle has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Mar 17 17:37
schestowitzTechRadar Linux: Economic plight boosts Linux adoption < >. It's a shame that IDC is the source, though.Mar 17 17:39
schestowitzA bit old but someone mailed me this: U.S. Food Reserves Tapped Out < >Mar 17 17:48
schestowitzBalrog: Friend says that "ComputerWorld is loyal to the MS party line by parroting the 'high prices' mantra." . Gregg Keizer is no MS puppet, but I've shared many links about NPD, haven't I?Mar 17 17:50
schestowitz"The reality is that Apple's tend to be comparable to similarly spec'ed Dells: 2006: 2007:"Mar 17 17:50
schestowitzLogical step, no? Alan Schaeffer: Alliance for the Separation of School and State < >Mar 17 17:55
Balrogwell, expect to pay for a fully-guaranteed server-class system.Mar 17 17:55
schestowitzYour money @ 'work: Basket Case Insurer Gets $170 Billion from Taxpayers, Still Pays Huge Bonuses < >Mar 17 17:55
schestowitz"What *is* different is that the hot sellers, the macbooks and macbook pros, have come burdened with DRM: It seems that either the management at Apple was steamrolled by MS, or else they forgot the demographics keeping them in business.  I know I ain't getting one till the DRM is gone."Mar 17 17:56
BalrogHDCP wan known there for a while.Mar 17 17:57
BalrogNO other way to get bluray support 'legally' (note the quotes)Mar 17 17:57
Balrogyes, there's copy-paste in iphone OS 3.0Mar 17 17:58
Balrogglobal.Mar 17 17:58
schestowitzNew iPods have DRM on the headphone interface -- UPDATED < >Mar 17 17:58
schestowitz"Update: We did a quick test in the gadget dungeon: existing inline headphone control adapters for the iPhone and other iPods won't work in the new Shuffle. -- Rob. "Mar 17 17:59
Balroglet's just wait and see.Mar 17 17:59
schestowitz"Update 2: We took one apart and found a mysterious chip inside the new Shuffle's headphones. Have no idea if it's DRM or not -- Rob. "Mar 17 17:59
BalrogThat doesn't tell me anything about the protocolMar 17 17:59
schestowitzBono Blasts Illegal Downloading < > Fair enough, but who needs his music anyway?Mar 17 18:01
schestowitz"The Internet and file-sharing networks like BitTorrent have shifted music promotion from the labels to the people. Increasingly, record labels are losing control over what music the masses are listening to, and according to some musicians this is is actually a good thing." 17 18:02
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellMar 17 18:07
schestowitzHere's a good video: How British cops are criminalising peaceful protest < >Mar 17 18:07
schestowitzBalrog: iPod headphones aren€´t DRMed, just controlled by a proprietary chip that you have to license < >Mar 17 18:09
schestowitzGuns N' Roses Leaker Faces 6 Months In Prison < >. But inside-traders like Robert Bach stay out of jail?Mar 17 18:10
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 17 18:11
*conley ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 17 18:12
schestowitzLast year the LF paid IDC to conduct some 'study' and this time it's Novell and LF staff promotes it too: They should instead just acknowledge that IDC is a shill-for-hire and stop feeding it. 17 18:15
schestowitzDarren Waters  of the MSBBS is advertising Microsoft for free again. *sigh*Mar 17 18:17
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 17 18:18
schestowitzNokia to fire 1,700 staff < >Mar 17 18:23
schestowitzNokia supported Microsoft DRM.Mar 17 18:23
schestowitz"Waite, who since his release in 1991 has become a human rights and police campaigner, argues that the US military should thank McKinnon for exposing security holes in its systems." 17 18:24
schestowitzSam nails IDC and Novell: 17 18:36
schestowitzMicrosoft vapourware (5k lines of code) leads to silly sensationalist headlines: Will IE8 Be Microsoft's Last Explorer? < >Mar 17 18:45
schestowitzChoromium on GNU/Linux: Almost there yet?Mar 17 18:48
schestowitz"Without being told that it’s Linux, you’d never know it.)" 17 18:49
schestowitzhealthy adoption of GNU/Linux in South Africa: 17 18:50
schestowitzBBC Botnet 'Reckless,' May Inspire Copycats < >. Why is it OK for BBC and not McKinnon?Mar 17 18:51
schestowitzReminder of the need to scrub off personal information:  Leaked Comcast User Data Found Online < >Mar 17 18:53
schestowitzSigns of lobbying in new US Admin: Obama and HCAN Marginalize Single Payer Health Care  < >Mar 17 18:57
schestowitzUbuntu/Canonical makes it easier to move away from brown/orangce: 17 18:58
*mib_npmszt (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 17 19:04
*mib_npmszt has quit (Client Quit)Mar 17 19:05
schestowitz"PJ: The MSPL is incompatible with the GPL. Natch." Good to know.Mar 17 19:06
schestowitz@brunomiguel: the MSPL is a licence...   to kill the GPL. Microsoft hopes to pollute the pool of FOSS and exclude the 4 freedomsMar 17 19:13
balzacBill Gates can't stand GNUMar 17 19:16
balzacBill Gates fears one man and one man only - Richard Mathew StallmanMar 17 19:16
schestowitz"which we disagree with" (April 2008,, Gates"Mar 17 19:16
schestowitz*", Gates)Mar 17 19:16
schestowitz"Linux is a cult that captures the best-and-brightest kids." Jim Gray (Microsoft Research)Mar 17 19:17
balzacRichard Matthew Stallman, the one man who can deflate Bill Gates' ego by toppling him from his kingly perch on top of the software mountain.Mar 17 19:17
schestowitzRead the whole thing. Microsoft wants this "cult" too --> 17 19:17
schestowitz"4. Open Source Software: The use of open source keeps growing. It is not just about Linux. There are software packages available for just about every corporate need. The cost savings can be dramatic when you make smart choices." 17 19:22
schestowitzMicrosoft again: "While this is incompatible with the GPL, it's still a good licence, just with weaker copyleft provisions. " 17 19:24
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 17 19:28
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellMar 17 19:28
*amarsh04__ is now known as amarsh04Mar 17 19:29
schestowitzzer0c00l: Microsoft is sort of bribing Indian officials now: 17 19:31
zer0c00lthats badMar 17 19:31
balzacschestowitz: that's funny how they're deliberately setting about to use cult-like psychologyMar 17 19:31
schestowitz"Incidentally, the government had also signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with software giant Microsoft to set up institutes for training teachers in IT. But the government is not clear as to how teachers trained in Microsoft products will be able to teach students in schools, which will use open source software. "Mar 17 19:32
schestowitzMOU=project MarshallMar 17 19:32
balzacRMS is only joking around with his "Church of Emacs"Mar 17 19:32
schestowitzSearch BNMar 17 19:32
schestowitzMake a complaintMar 17 19:32
schestowitzSome cronies receive dumping offers to derail decisions and directions from ITMar 17 19:32
zer0c00lschestowitz: the same party's prime ministerial  candidate L.K advani published IT vison which cares about foss, but it seems like microsoft has definitely bribed officials in politicsMar 17 19:37
zer0c00lits just a u-turnMar 17 19:37
zer0c00lconflict of interest between IT-department and Education departmentMar 17 19:37
zer0c00lNIIT is microsofts puppetMar 17 19:38
zer0c00lthese politicians dont know a heck about FOSSMar 17 19:42
zer0c00lif some thing gives them money and publicity they go beyond itMar 17 19:42
schestowitzMSZNET is already spreading some negatives thing about it : Class war and open source < >Mar 17 19:42
zer0c00lMOU with M$ is publicity also behind there's lot of money involved :DMar 17 19:43
zer0c00lso double mango with single stone :PMar 17 19:43
zer0c00l*behindMar 17 19:44
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 17 19:44
schestowitz"The UK's first national conference on open source software in local government is taking place on 1st April 2009 in Manchester." 17 19:47
schestowitzIt's predatory pricingMar 17 19:48
schestowitzSee EDGI memos on MOuMar 17 19:48
schestowitzzer0c00l: I found moreMar 17 19:54
schestowitz 17 19:54
schestowitzI'll seam it together and come up with some remarkMar 17 19:54
zer0c00lyeahMar 17 19:55
schestowitzSomeone from Portugal has just told me that one of the big bosses from MS Portugal 'shot' at him.Mar 17 19:55
zer0c00lshot?Mar 17 19:55
schestowitzThese incidents get commonMar 17 19:55
trmancoschestowitz, who?Mar 17 19:55
schestowitzWell, I'll write about it laterMar 17 19:55
schestowitz"shot back" rather, I thinkMar 17 19:56
schestowitzMS just can't keep its big mouth shut anymoreMar 17 19:56
schestowitzI heard from another whose national MS CEO tried to get him sackedMar 17 19:56
schestowitzCornered animals and all :-)Mar 17 19:56
zer0c00lwhat the heck is this http://economictimes.indiatimes...Mar 17 19:56
schestowitzMicrosoft is on FIRE :-)Mar 17 19:56
schestowitzBizSPARKMar 17 19:56
zer0c00lyeahMar 17 19:56
zer0c00l:(Mar 17 19:56
schestowitzDreamSPARKMar 17 19:56
zer0c00l:DMar 17 19:56
schestowitzBURN the competitionMar 17 19:56
schestowitzSpark em!Mar 17 19:57
schestowitzSpark em!Mar 17 19:57
zer0c00lLOLMar 17 19:57
zer0c00l:DMar 17 19:57
*_Hicham_ has quit ("Leaving.")Mar 17 19:57
trmancoI wonder why nobody is replying to me anymoreMar 17 19:59
trmanco...Mar 17 19:59
*mib_fofy06 (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 17 20:00
*mib_fofy06 has quit (Client Quit)Mar 17 20:00
schestowitztrmanco: me neither, almostMar 17 20:01
trmancoalmost?Mar 17 20:02
schestowitzzer0c00l: 17 20:03
schestowitztrmanco: I post there what I post in IRC most of the time.Mar 17 20:03
zer0c00lsee wotesMar 17 20:03
zer0c00l4?Mar 17 20:03
schestowitzI hope people share the information; if it's read, replies don't matter much.Mar 17 20:03
schestowitzzer0c00l: yes, I don't know that site, but it's not like DiggMar 17 20:04
schestowitzSame with FSDailyMar 17 20:04
trmancoschestowitz, I'm talking in generalMar 17 20:04
schestowitzThere are some BN fans there who link sometimesMar 17 20:04
trmancoin COLA for exampleMar 17 20:04
schestowitztrmanco: where?Mar 17 20:04
schestowitztrmanco: maybe the killfiles are set? ;-)Mar 17 20:05
zer0c00li am preparing mail on that links you gave to post them in Linux user groupsMar 17 20:05
trmancomaybe it's the newserverMar 17 20:05
trmancoschestowitz, I mean, people like Terry don't have me killfilled, I thinkMar 17 20:05
schestowitzBlech: 17 20:06
schestowitztrmanco: no, I mean the trolls try to ruin the groupMar 17 20:07
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 17 20:07
schestowitzReplying with insultsMar 17 20:07
schestowitzzer0c00l: thanksMar 17 20:07
schestowitztrmanco: you mean you might not receive all messages?Mar 17 20:07
zer0c00llol i stopped watching Winged creatures movie :PMar 17 20:07
schestowitzI use Google Groups sometimes, to check troll replies for example... get a sampleMar 17 20:07
zer0c00l /me feels its a pretty serious movieMar 17 20:08
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellMar 17 20:08
zer0c00l:PMar 17 20:08
trmancoschestowitz, yes I do, but I'm have this feeling that advocates are not replying to me like they use too, maybe e need to post some advocacy like I did a couple of months agoMar 17 20:08
trmancoI ave*Mar 17 20:09
trmancohave*Mar 17 20:09
schestowitztrmanco: maybe so. Lots of the 'discussions' are trolls talking to trolls or troll feedersMar 17 20:11
trmancoyeah, I can see that tooMar 17 20:11
schestowitzReplies are not indicative of readership. Troll blogs like Beranger of LinuxHaters get many replies becausse they aggravateMar 17 20:14
schestowitzIn BN I know I do well when people don't reply much. They usually agree when they don'r reply or add much. Since I see my Web stats, I see there's no read/reply ratioMar 17 20:14
schestowitzSometime I'd get 5 times more comments on a day when pageviews are only half. Strange, but true.Mar 17 20:15
trmancoheheMar 17 20:15
schestowitzLike the Wikipedia Jim Hugh postMar 17 20:15
schestowitzOr Mono stuff that gets the MS fanbois up the ceilingMar 17 20:15
trmancopollen is killing me :|Mar 17 20:16
schestowitzIt has gotten hot here too. No pollen.Mar 17 20:17
trmancomy car is all dirty and yellow (it's red) :-PMar 17 20:18
trmancojust in 2 days ...Mar 17 20:18
trmanco 17 20:24
schestowitzGmail Outage Follows Google Docs Glitch < >Mar 17 20:25
schestowitz#0000ff?Mar 17 20:25
trmanco 17 20:25
schestowitzOr #ff0000?Mar 17 20:26
schestowitztrmanco: yes, seen it Mar 17 20:26
trmancoah okMar 17 20:26
schestowitzBut the trolls will ask for people to change default, just like changing diapersMar 17 20:26
schestowitzThey'll insist that GNOME is brown. Period.Mar 17 20:26
schestowitzMy 2 computers that have Ubuntu on them not only have no brown... they have KDE 3.5.9Mar 17 20:27
trmanco 17 20:27
trmancoI don't get the trolls, they are use to having a blue desktop in which you can't change muchMar 17 20:28
trmancowhat do they have to say about that?Mar 17 20:28
schestowitzRecommended: How to install Amarok 2 on Ubuntu 8.10 < >Mar 17 20:31
schestowitzext4 is not out yetMar 17 20:31
trmancoamarok is pretty advancedMar 17 20:31
schestowitzNot quite in preinstalled modeMar 17 20:31
schestowitzSome people experiment with it, which is GOODMar 17 20:32
trmancoa used 1.x something, long time agoMar 17 20:32
schestowitzThey find the bug before it's out thereMar 17 20:32
schestowitzUnlike, say... WIndows Home ServerMar 17 20:32
trmancoI will put ext4 on my data disc...Mar 17 20:32
schestowitzkill your data... WITHOUT patch for like 8 months!!Mar 17 20:32
trmancojust have to wait until AprilMar 17 20:32
trmancothat's minimumMar 17 20:32
schestowitzAnd they sell it as critically faulty.. killing DATAMar 17 20:32
schestowitztrmanco: I still use 1.4Mar 17 20:33
schestowitz2.0 looks nice, but I hardly view the platerMar 17 20:33
schestowitz*playerMar 17 20:33
trmancopff, alpha software, they sell alpha software to the public, and then they charge for itMar 17 20:33
schestowitzI mostly just use global accelerators and search. xmms gave me the same power.Mar 17 20:34
schestowitztrmanco: they get no volunteers otherwise. Apple's the same.Mar 17 20:34
trmancoschestowitz, I use Audacious for music nowMar 17 20:34
trmancocomplete rewrite of xmmsMar 17 20:35
schestowitz (How does Ubuntu's Upstart system initialization compare with runit?)Mar 17 20:35
schestowitztrmanco: xmms is asleeepMar 17 20:35
schestowitzI watched my xmms mailbox the other day. Very empty and dead for 2 yearsMar 17 20:35
schestowitzxmms-develMar 17 20:35
trmancoyeah, that's why Audacious had to comeMar 17 20:35
schestowitzGoodbye XMMS, Hello Audacious? < >Mar 17 20:36
*schestowitz still has xmms at workMar 17 20:36
MinceRthe audacious devs kept whining because audacious is considered the successor to xmms :>Mar 17 20:37
trmancoand it isMar 17 20:37
MinceRapproximately back when this article was written :>Mar 17 20:38
schestowitzDid you see the DaVinci video from the LF?Mar 17 20:38
schestowitzHe uses xmms :-)Mar 17 20:39
schestowitzThat video made Linux look very archaic. Let me find itMar 17 20:39
schestowitzHere: 17 20:41
schestowitzMaybe it was submitted by Microsoft to make Linux look bad. ;-)Mar 17 20:46
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 17 20:49
zer0c00lDaVinci code video i hate itMar 17 20:54
zer0c00lwhy they made it into top 7?Mar 17 20:54
*mib_lrimq6 (i=5acbfd68@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 17 20:54
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schestowitzPaul is still pimping Mono toyz: 17 20:57
schestowitzASUS became somewhat of a shill for Microsoft after their 'deals': ASUS Eee Top Fails With Linux < >Mar 17 21:02
trmancoschestowitz, I know who you were talking aboutMar 17 21:02
trmancothe portuguese person that got shot today by a ms employeeMar 17 21:03
trmanco:DMar 17 21:03
balzachappy st paddy's dayMar 17 21:04
trmancooh rightMar 17 21:05
trmancowe don't celebrate that hereMar 17 21:05
balzacwhere?Mar 17 21:05
trmancoin my countryMar 17 21:05
trmancololMar 17 21:06
trmancoBalrog, I can almost get 0wN3d by SpainMar 17 21:06
trmancocrapMar 17 21:06
zer0c00lwhat is saint paddy's day :-) ?Mar 17 21:06
trmancobalzac, I can almost get 0wN3d by SpainMar 17 21:06
balzacin your country, yes, that much was assumed, but which country?Mar 17 21:07
balzacportugalMar 17 21:07
*zer0c00l thinks this discussion could be made in #boycottnovell-socialMar 17 21:07
trmancobalzac, yesMar 17 21:07
*trmanco zer0c00l has a good ideaMar 17 21:07
balzacThis is a day for people of Irish descent to celebrate ourselves and god damn everyone else!Mar 17 21:08
balzacjk, that was my personal twist on itMar 17 21:08
schestowitzThe guys who loves to hate Boycott Novell has just quit LinuxMar 17 21:09
balzacfeel free to join ##bawdMar 17 21:09
MinceRthere's a #boycottnovell-social?Mar 17 21:09
balzacroy, who's that?Mar 17 21:09
schestowitztrmanco: yes, #boycottnovell-social might as well be usedMar 17 21:10
trmancoMinceR, I don't think so but that may come trueMar 17 21:10
balzacMinceR: it was made necessary by my inane, asinine ramblings...Mar 17 21:10
schestowitzbalzac: bill beebeMar 17 21:10
schestowitzthe man who also dislikes groklaw on the face of itMar 17 21:10
balzacwell, bill beebe deserves to suffer proprietary software if he can't stand freedomMar 17 21:11
balzacgood riddanceMar 17 21:11
balzaclet him use windows milleniumMar 17 21:12
schestowitzHe said bad things about RMS tooMar 17 21:13
balzacon an old gateway with a consumer-grade keyboard, with shopping, email, and help buttons linked to AOLMar 17 21:13
schestowitzBut he's not a bad guyMar 17 21:13
schestowitzHe knows Microsoft's crimesMar 17 21:13
balzaclet him use AOLMar 17 21:13
balzacthen forgive him not, for he knows what he does.Mar 17 21:14
balzaclet him suffer windowsMar 17 21:14
*zer0c00l gonna sleepMar 17 21:14
schestowitzbalzac: I'd rather he didn't switchMar 17 21:15
schestowitzHe uses the Beranger 'modelMar 17 21:15
schestowitzAnd PetoKraus says that Beranger too is going back to Linux, as I anticipatedMar 17 21:16
balzacicMar 17 21:16
schestowitzThey can go to some whore called Billg, but they always come back to momma Linux. ;-) Oh, yeahhhh... j/kMar 17 21:16
balzache's throwing a tantrum and practicing self-harm (using proprietary software) to get attention.Mar 17 21:16
schestowitzHe used opensuseMar 17 21:16
schestowitzSo it can be used against themMar 17 21:17
balzacthere's a pill for that behaviorMar 17 21:17
schestowitzmarcel had similar issuesMar 17 21:17
schestowitzLinux Journal editor IIRCMar 17 21:17
schestowitzpill?Mar 17 21:17
schestowitzPill Bebbe?Mar 17 21:17
balzacecstasy, zanax, prozac ?Mar 17 21:17
balzacxanaxMar 17 21:17
schestowitzYes, he knows... Mar 17 21:17
schestowitzHold on....Mar 17 21:18
balzacwhatever works for themMar 17 21:18
balzacIt's a build-up of angst which results in some form of acting outMar 17 21:18
schestowitz 17 21:19
schestowitzSince you mentioned pillsMar 17 21:20
schestowitzPCLinuxOS 2009 Not Diggworthy < >Mar 17 21:20
balzacAs the catch phrase from Mel Brooks' Dracula goes "Give him an enema!"Mar 17 21:20
schestowitzNo!Mar 17 21:21
balzache's jealous of your egoMar 17 21:21
schestowitzHe's an OK guyMar 17 21:21
schestowitzNo, he's not a bad guyMar 17 21:21
schestowitzTrust me, he wrote some good thingsMar 17 21:21
balzachave you seen that Mel Brooks movie?Mar 17 21:21
balzacit's hilariousMar 17 21:21
schestowitzHe didn't like the fact that I used his bad experiences with SUSE to criticise the projectMar 17 21:22
balzac"Give him an enema!" - that was the doctors perscription for anyone.Mar 17 21:22
schestowitzAnd PJ's blocklist on him...Mar 17 21:22
schestowitzI was helping her with links for like 3 yearsMar 17 21:22
balzacwell, regardless of that, he revealed his ego-enveyMar 17 21:22
schestowitzand beebe is a no-goMar 17 21:22
balzacenvyMar 17 21:22
balzacrather than building up his own ego, he wants to dismantle yoursMar 17 21:22
balzacwhich is counter-productiveMar 17 21:23
schestowitzAsk Pete Gutmann.Mar 17 21:23
schestowitzWatch the picture here: 17 21:24
schestowitzGNU crossed outMar 17 21:24
schestowitz"Thank you, Mr. Stallman, we'll take it from here......."Mar 17 21:24
balzacchecking itMar 17 21:25
balzacIt's funny to see him throwing the "linux" brand under the bus.Mar 17 21:27
balzacNow some "Linux" people can think about how it was when they threw the GNU brand under the bus.Mar 17 21:27
balzacbut he is not aware of the GNU Rennaisance which is ahead.Mar 17 21:27
balzacHow short-sighted they are with these shallow re-branding campaigns.Mar 17 21:28
balzacAmbitious little suckers, aren't they?Mar 17 21:28
balzacSo eager to grab the ball out of the point-guard's hands and hurl it into the air, only to end up with an air-ball or a turn-over.Mar 17 21:29
schestowitzGNU makes a bit of a comeback, I thinkMar 17 21:31
schestowitzI started adding GNU everywhere about 1.5 years agoMar 17 21:31
schestowitzOthers did the same, for whatever reasonMar 17 21:31
balzacthe release of GPLv3, which reminded people of who was still holding the reigns of the GNU chariot after 13 years.Mar 17 21:32
balzacThe once and future king.Mar 17 21:32
*_Hicham_ has quit ("Leaving.")Mar 17 21:32
schestowitz"King"?Mar 17 21:33
balzacit's humorMar 17 21:34
schestowitzWhy make icons of people? Reminds of me religious hierarchies. Mar 17 21:34
schestowitzAh OKMar 17 21:34
balzacLike I used the Godfather imageryMar 17 21:34
schestowitzWell, obviouslyMar 17 21:34
balzacor St IgnuciasMar 17 21:34
schestowitzBut to externals it would look oddMar 17 21:34
schestowitzLinus usually gets all sorts of 'wankabout' remarksMar 17 21:34
balzacRoy, it's ironic, like the St Ignucias shtick.Mar 17 21:34
schestowitzBalrog:  St Ignucias is humour but bad PRMar 17 21:34
schestowitzI saw him do it for realMar 17 21:35
schestowitzIt's quite redundant unless he speaks to the choirMar 17 21:35
balzacAs long as RMS has a sense of humor, he doesn't need to be the one worrying about it.Mar 17 21:36
balzacMy only advice for him has been to be less of a renunciate in the financial sense. Flying coach is too stressful for a guy his age who flies as much as he does.Mar 17 21:37
balzacOthers can handle PRMar 17 21:37
balzacPR meaning, interfacing with those who don't get quite such an eccentric sense of humorMar 17 21:38
schestowitzhaha. Some people don't understand Linux: 17 21:38
schestowitzGotta watch the comments !! :-)Mar 17 21:39
schestowitzI hate "PR"Mar 17 21:39
schestowitzbalzac: if Stallman flew business it would harm his status, not help himMar 17 21:41
schestowitzWhat developes in South America, for example, would follow some man who lives lavishly. Forget /not/ the Jimmy Wales scandals... restaurants and all..Mar 17 21:41
*amarsh04 still runs xmms 1 at homeMar 17 21:45
amarsh04bmp / audacious / xmms2 ... are all too resource-hungryMar 17 21:49
MinceRgnMar 17 21:49
schestowitzamarsh04: that's why I used xmms too. Lean, bug free........ some company (Coverity, IIRC) found it to be one of the most bug-free programsMar 17 21:51
balzacRoy, I think people are too concerned with their own superficial expectations of what an activist is.Mar 17 21:53
balzacStallman should fly business-class and anyone who has a problem with that is free to get a verbal beat-down from yours truly.Mar 17 21:53
balzacThat is if Richard could be convinced, which would be no easy task.Mar 17 21:54
*amarsh04 had two drop-outs after ISP set back profile to adsl 1 1500/256 - ISP has finally agree to a loan replacement modemMar 17 21:54
amarsh04the ISP reported that it picked up 10 AM radio stations on my adsl lineMar 17 21:55
*amarsh04 still has to find for RMS some scientific paper showing that marsupials nearly driven to extinction by feral cats and foxes actually reduce fuel load and bushfire riskMar 17 21:56
amarsh04poteroos and bandicoots help mulch the dead leaves/branches - RMS commented about the recent .au bushfires in his blog and I emailed himMar 17 21:58
trmanco 17 21:59
amarsh04unfortunately, there are no requirements for our telephone lines to behave as twisted pairs instead of radio antennaeMar 17 21:59
schestowitzamarsh04: he spends a lot of time on areas other than s/w now. Maybe he always had.Mar 17 21:59
amarsh04he's a very brilliant mathematician schestowitz... the founder of the Warrawong wildlife sanctuary where they have native animals and plants leading to reduced fire hazard was founded by a guy with a Phd in mathematicsMar 17 22:01
*Balrog_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 17 22:01
schestowitzamarsh04: RMS is a physicist/biologist, IIRCMar 17 22:02
schestowitzI'm in medical biophysicsMar 17 22:02
amarsh04ah right schestowitz... my mum was a zoologist (met David Attenborough once) and dad was a microbiologistMar 17 22:05
schestowitzCrickey.Mar 17 22:06
*[H]omer (n=[H]omer@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 17 22:07
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to [H]omerMar 17 22:07
amarsh04small world in Adelaide... 2 Nobel prizes, one member of the Manhattan project, one NASA astronaut from Adelaide Uni peopleMar 17 22:10
amarsh04where did you do your thesis, schestowitz?Mar 17 22:13
schestowitzManchesterMar 17 22:17
amarsh04ah rightMar 17 22:18
*amarsh04 must get some sleepMar 17 22:21
schestowitzat 7am?Mar 17 22:23
*Slated (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellMar 17 22:25
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to SlatedMar 17 22:25
*[H]omer has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 17 22:27
*Balrog_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 17 22:29
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*Balrog_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 17 22:32
*Guest79105 ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 17 22:45
Guest79105hi allMar 17 22:46
*Balrog__ ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 17 22:46
trmancohelloMar 17 22:48
schestowitzHi, Guest79105 Mar 17 22:49
Guest79105hi thereMar 17 22:49
Balrog__hiMar 17 22:50
Guest79105been reading a lot of COLA stuff over the last few months... big Linux fanMar 17 22:50
trmancocoolMar 17 22:51
schestowitzHave you posted too?Mar 17 22:51
schestowitzGoogle aid COLA has about 2000 subscribers (lurkers), but that includes past people.Mar 17 22:51
Guest79105nar usually read at work so can't postMar 17 22:52
*schestowitz was lurking in some forums as a teenagerMar 17 22:53
Guest79105besides if i posted i'd only get called a liar or summatMar 17 22:55
schestowitzThat's what the AstroTurfers are there for -- to intimidateMar 17 22:55
schestowitzThe Microsoft Hooligans(TM)Mar 17 22:56
Guest79105lolMar 17 22:56
schestowitzFrom the FAQ:Mar 17 22:57
schestowitz7.1 DisinformationMar 17 22:57
schestowitz€ If COLA were a physical location like a building where those who wouldMar 17 22:57
schestowitz€ advocate the growth of the Linux operating systems and the Linux communityMar 17 22:57
schestowitz€ gather, the anti-Linux propagandists would be raiding that building. TheyMar 17 22:57
schestowitz€ would be vandalizing the building, painting graffiti on the walls,Mar 17 22:57
schestowitz€ defecating and urinating on the floors and furniture, breaking down theMar 17 22:57
schestowitz€ doors, setting fire to the building and physically assaulting the residentMar 17 22:57
schestowitz€ Linux advocates and the visitors who happen to be in the building at theMar 17 22:57
schestowitz€ time of the raid.Mar 17 22:57
schestowitz€ COLA is not a physical location, so they have had to adapt their methodsMar 17 22:57
schestowitz€ so that they can do an on-line version of what was described in the priorMar 17 22:57
schestowitz€ paragraph. A key method used by anti-Linux propagandist to attack Linux,Mar 17 22:57
schestowitz€ its users, sysadmins, developers, advocates and those who have come toMar 17 22:57
schestowitz€ COLA to lean about Linux. is a form of propaganda known as disinformation.Mar 17 22:57
schestowitz€ One of their favorite version of disinformation is known as FUD.Mar 17 22:57
Guest79105its done with a script your posts? not that i'm bothered... i find it useful to read up on a says linux newsMar 17 22:58
Guest79105is it*Mar 17 22:58
Guest79105find a lot of it interesting as i'm learning and building up linux computersMar 17 22:59
schestowitzNo, no scriptsMar 17 23:00
schestowitzThat's libel from the AstroTurfersMar 17 23:00
schestowitzI'm surprised people would believe thisMar 17 23:00
*schestowitz posts to COLA ATMMar 17 23:00
Guest79105its just with so many at the same timeMar 17 23:01
schestowitzI post as quickly as I can.Mar 17 23:02
schestowitzManually, of course.Mar 17 23:02
Guest79105lolMar 17 23:02
schestowitzediting in deskop 1, posting in desktop 8. I open 20 windows at a timeMar 17 23:02
Guest79105lol coolMar 17 23:03
schestowitzI could do more before I enabled Compiz. It doesn't like too many open and overlapping windowsMar 17 23:03
trmancowhat is ATM?Mar 17 23:03
trmancothe machine?Mar 17 23:03
Guest79105been getting into ubuntu a lot at the momentMar 17 23:03
trmanco:-PMar 17 23:03
trmancoGuest79105, have you changed the look & feel?Mar 17 23:04
Guest79105been doing assorts... ps3 myth-tv server and arcade machineMar 17 23:04
Guest79105lol aye... hate the brownMar 17 23:04
schestowitzat the momentMar 17 23:05
trmancoGuest79105, was it easy?Mar 17 23:06
Guest79105also like mint tooMar 17 23:06
trmancomint is refreshing (the design)Mar 17 23:06
schestowitz 17 23:06
Guest79105yer surprised how easy it to adapt it allMar 17 23:07
trmancomint would be a good install for todayMar 17 23:07
trmancocool, good to knowMar 17 23:07
Guest79105i'm on mint now.... on a 701 eeepcMar 17 23:07
trmancoschestowitz, look how hard it isMar 17 23:08
trmanco5 stepsMar 17 23:08
schestowitzno reboots?Mar 17 23:08
Guest79105runs ok but sort of "freezes" a second sometimesMar 17 23:08
trmancoI can do it in 2Mar 17 23:08
schestowitzno "clusterfsck?"Mar 17 23:08
Guest79105for mint on a 701? noMar 17 23:08
trmancoschestowitz, I can almost bet, that if you apply a theme, you can't go back to the original theme without breaking stuff, like iconsMar 17 23:09
Guest79105for my workstation... yer... one cos i installed nvidia driversMar 17 23:09
*schestowitz uses keramikMar 17 23:09
trmancoGuest79105, freezes?Mar 17 23:09
trmancohave you checked the cpu usage when that happens?Mar 17 23:10
Guest79105yer sort of sticks some times loading stuffMar 17 23:10
Guest79105aye its at 100% according to conkeyMar 17 23:10
trmancoahh crapMar 17 23:10
trmancoeven at idle state?Mar 17 23:10
Guest79105its not too bad, its only celeron processor in this lolMar 17 23:11
Guest79105yerMar 17 23:11
Guest79105not sure why but its live-able so not too fussedMar 17 23:11
Guest79105getting a new net book tomorrow so its ok lolMar 17 23:11
trmancohmm, I had a similiar problem with tis once on a laptop, I disabled acpid, the acpi service and everything started working alrightMar 17 23:12
Guest79105might give it a tryMar 17 23:12
trmancoyou can always check with top what is hogging your cpuMar 17 23:12
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 17 23:12
trmancoI used this tool to find this problemMar 17 23:12
trmancothat*Mar 17 23:12
trmancowasn't my laptop, a friendsMar 17 23:13
Guest79105getting an aspire one tomorrow... bit more powerfulMar 17 23:13
trmancogood, don't forget to buy the Linux version :-PMar 17 23:14
Guest79105lol it is, well half beMar 17 23:16
Guest79105possibly a 3rdMar 17 23:16
Guest79105not totally free of the grip windowsMar 17 23:19
trmancohave a cup of WINEMar 17 23:20
Guest79105tried but i use cs3Mar 17 23:21
Guest79105a lotMar 17 23:21
Guest79105so kinda need itMar 17 23:21
trmancoyeah, WINE does not support it completely, yetMar 17 23:23
Guest79105aye, i use gimp a bit but use photoshop moreMar 17 23:25
trmancoMicrosoft Office 2007 In Linux With WINE: 17 23:27
Guest79105also can't get my photo printer working right yet under ubuntu... can do basic stuff but not the photosMar 17 23:27
trmancodo you print it trough CUPSMar 17 23:29
trmancohttp://localhost:631/Mar 17 23:29
trmancoclick that linkMar 17 23:29
schestowitzOr virtualise Windows inside LinuxMar 17 23:29
schestowitz 17 23:30
trmancoyeah, that is a good option tooMar 17 23:30
Guest79105i use cups at the moMar 17 23:30
Guest79105never really got on with virtualbox or stuff like it the last time i tryedMar 17 23:31
trmancocyaMar 17 23:34
*Guest79105 has quit ("Ex-Chat")Mar 17 23:36
*[H]omer_ (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellMar 17 23:48
*[H]omer_ is now known as [H]omerMar 17 23:50
*Slated has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 17 23:50
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to [H]omerMar 17 23:50

Recent Techrights' Posts

Crossbow tragedy, bigger than Kyle Clifford, social media culture
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Transcript of Richard Stallman's Interview With Manuel Cuda News in Italy (Debunking Fake "AI")
A rough draft, but checked by two people
Microsoft Collapses While GNU/Linux Rises in Bulgaria, According to statCounter
Microsoft is losing across all sectors
The Fall of the Open Source Initiative (OSI): An Introduction
In a nutshell: there's a massive conflict inside the OSI and the OSI stooges (staff serving Big Sponsors like Microsoft) try to hide it
Paraguay: GNU/Linux Surging to New Usage Levels (7%), According to statCounter
Notice that the gains are at Microsoft Windows' expense
Social Control Media as a Rapid Race to the Bottom - Part I - That Sinking Feeling
When you realise you made an error and things you adopted more than 15 years ago became utterly bad
Microsoft's Entryism as Mortal Risk/Danger: The Example of the Open Source Initiative (OSI)
Microsoft is a cult
FSF Amicus Brief: Aspose.PDF for .NET 24.2.0, OOXML (.docx), and Microsoft Word (Proprietary)
Could the FSF not find any law firm that, in addition to talking about or for Free software, does not use .NET, OOXML, and almost everything Microsoft?
New Interview With Richard Stallman in Italy (Manuel Cuda News)
Due to Google's growing aggression against Free software and proper APIs, this cannot be downloaded and converted to a free format
The UEFI hype and Microsoft's lies
By Sami Tikkanen
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
Luxembourg: GNU/Linux at 8% Based on Estimates
steady increases this year
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Microsoft OSI Apparently Still Reading Techrights Closely, Trying to Make Face-Saving PR Moves
They have long had this reactionary rhythm, wherein it feels like we can 'control' what they publish and when by merely highlighting facts about them
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The Free Software Foundation (FSF) Belatedly Comments on Case That Tests Copyleft in the United States
"The Free Software Foundation (FSF) announced today it has submitted an amicus brief in the case entitled Neo4j"
If They Try to Censor You on Some Topic, Then You Should Cover This Topic Even More
OSI is only a small part of it
IRC Proceedings: Monday, March 03, 2025
IRC logs for Monday, March 03, 2025
Thorsten Glaser & Open Source Initiative (OSI) resignations due to AI whitewashing
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Gemini Links 03/03/2025: Copyrights, GrapheneOS, and SpaceBeans
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Links 03/03/2025: Europe Rallies Behind Ukraine, Measles Flourishes in US Again
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In Central African Republic Windows Has Pretty Much Fallen to Zero
We need to focus on Software Freedom
Microsoft Windows Down to 8.5% in South Africa
South Africa and Egypt are strategic in Africa
After Fund-raising Campaign the Free Software Foundation Still Raises About $13,000 Per Week (Without Campaigning for New Donors/Members)
Richard Stallman in the Board is not a liability
Links 03/03/2025: 'Monetisation' Myth' and Microsoft's LLMs Helping Criminals
Links for the day
The New Series About the Open Source Initiative (OSI) and the Microsoft Entryism in OSI is Closely Related to the SLAPP Against Techrights
Also based on the leading publication that they want removed
New Series: A Deep Dive Into the Severe Corruption of the Open Source Initiative (OSI), Nowadays a Front Group and Lobbyist of Microsoft
There's a lot to show
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3 Out of 4 in Cuba Use Linux to Access the Web
Maybe change does come about...
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Tailoring code to needs is the key
Links 02/03/2025: Day Off, POWER9, Console Challenge
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Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, March 02, 2025
IRC logs for Sunday, March 02, 2025
Microsoft Windows Falls to All-Time Low in Thailand
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Links for the day
According to statCounter, Windows Falls Off a Cliff in Maharlika, GNU/Linux Surges to 5%
But mobile is king
New Video Clip of Richard Stallman's Latest Visit to and Talks in Italy
Richard Stallman or RMS giving his latest talk last week
Windows Used by Only One in Six Asians to Access the Web, According to statCounter
maybe more governments in Asia should move away from Microsoft
GNU/Linux Reaches 5% in Brazil, an All-Time High According to statCounter
There are hundreds of millions of people in that country
Google Already Dominates the Global South (via Android/Linux)
If one puts aside Russia and east Europe, not many countries exist that still connect to the Web from Windows more than from Android
GNU/Linux Widespread in Finland, Sweden, and Norway
Sweden has many Chromebooks in schools3 nations
Germany's Incoming Leader Said He'd Seek More Independence from the US, GNU/Linux Soars to 6%
Last month it was 5%
For the First Time GNU/Linux is Measured at Over 4% in Europe (Not Counting ChromeOS/Chromebooks)
Europe, on average, is now estimated to have GNU/Linux on 1 in 25 Web-connected laptops/desktops
Over 2 Years of LLM Hype and Nothing to Show for It
People still use search, not chatbots
Apple's iOS Almost Bigger Than Windows Now (Internationally), Windows Falls to 22% According to statCounter
Without Windows domination, there's not much left going for Microsoft
Putin's Loyal DOGE
We hereby crown Arvind Krishna "Putin's DOGE"
The Media Barely Reported This (Late Friday): IBM Lays Off About 2,000 More Workers, Effective Hours Ago
Maybe some diversity programs can help IBM recruit slaves or grossly-underpaid staff
Microsoft Money Being Spent to Bully Techrights Only Legitimises Techrights
The longer it goes on for, the greater the Streisand Effect
Suing One's Way Out of Real Trouble Won't Work (It Merely Increases the Trouble)
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Microsoft Writing Articles About Microsoft, Using Microsoft LLMs
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Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Saturday, March 01, 2025
IRC logs for Saturday, March 01, 2025