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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: April 28th, 2009 - Part 3


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DaemonFCuphill both waysApr 28 18:21
DaemonFC:PApr 28 18:21
*Ap0g33 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 28 18:21
_boo_i bought some dvd-rw about 2-3 months agoApr 28 18:21
DaemonFChell, VCRs were $1,000 at one pointApr 28 18:22
DaemonFCnow you can't give them awayApr 28 18:22
DaemonFCthat was only like 25 years agoApr 28 18:22
_boo_vcrs?Apr 28 18:22
_boo_DaemonFC, i live in russiaApr 28 18:22
DaemonFCvideo cassette recorderApr 28 18:22
*_boo_ knowethApr 28 18:22
DaemonFCVHS tapesApr 28 18:22
DaemonFCB-)Apr 28 18:22
_boo_like 25 years agoApr 28 18:23
_boo_i gonna tell yaApr 28 18:23
DaemonFC210 lines of resolution ftw!Apr 28 18:23
DaemonFCw00tage!Apr 28 18:23
_boo_it was all about cassette recordersApr 28 18:23
DaemonFCand BetaMaxApr 28 18:23
DaemonFCdon't forget to love SonyApr 28 18:23
DaemonFC:PApr 28 18:23
DaemonFCbefore that was the video discApr 28 18:23
_boo_idk what's datApr 28 18:23
_boo_not here thenApr 28 18:23
_boo_people shared filmsApr 28 18:23
_boo_idk what's datApr 28 18:24
DaemonFCa record that played a movieApr 28 18:24
_boo_sony???Apr 28 18:24
_boo_SONNYYY?Apr 28 18:24
DaemonFCBetaMax was another magnetic tape formatApr 28 18:24
_boo_it wasn't popular in russiaApr 28 18:24
DaemonFCwasn't popular here eitherApr 28 18:24
_boo_i better buy 1.5tb hdd than hundred of blu-raysApr 28 18:24
_boo_so betamax wasn't popular at allApr 28 18:25
DaemonFCnopeApr 28 18:25
_boo_nope?Apr 28 18:25
_boo_i saw the logo somewhereApr 28 18:25
_boo_but i don't even wanna recall whereApr 28 18:25
_boo_'cause it doesn't make senseApr 28 18:25
DaemonFCI think out of the formats my favorite was the LaserDiscApr 28 18:25
DaemonFC 28 18:26
_boo_my favourite is dvd-hdd1.5tbApr 28 18:26
_boo_once burned to never get inserted againApr 28 18:26
_boo_and in 10 yearsApr 28 18:27
_boo_you wonder what was written in thereApr 28 18:27
_boo_but you already knowApr 28 18:27
_boo_and you will even get pleasure from things written in thereApr 28 18:27
_boo_and yeahApr 28 18:28
_boo_the most funny thingApr 28 18:29
_boo_it will be LINUXApr 28 18:29
_boo_you will be reading ntfs_some_old_versionApr 28 18:29
_boo_outdatesApr 28 18:29
_boo_dApr 28 18:29
*DaemonFC beats _boo_ over the head with a Russian bootleg copy on Windows VistaApr 28 18:29
DaemonFC:PApr 28 18:29
_boo_and windows 15 won't support it anymoreApr 28 18:29
_boo_'cause they released their shit every half a year nowApr 28 18:30
_boo_as a new versionApr 28 18:30
_boo_but noone bought themApr 28 18:30
_boo_so you try to reincarnate it with some older linux version with old ntfs-3gApr 28 18:31
DaemonFCDear Aunt, let's so set the double killer delete select allApr 28 18:31
DaemonFC:PApr 28 18:31
_boo_that you can only dl with some p2p clientApr 28 18:31
_boo_like e-muleApr 28 18:31
DaemonFC 28 18:31
_boo_'cause people love to hateApr 28 18:31
_boo_wtf, DaemonFCApr 28 18:32
_boo_it already looks like a graveApr 28 18:32
_boo_i'm not even watchin thatApr 28 18:32
_boo_i don't like cemeteriesApr 28 18:32
_boo_and will NEVER EVER VISIT themApr 28 18:32
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 28 18:32
_boo_it's cemetery all over the place around that signApr 28 18:34
_boo_people get calmedApr 28 18:34
_boo_but they won't ever fill anything good anywhere itApr 28 18:34
DaemonFC 28 18:35
_boo_lolApr 28 18:36
_boo_DaemonFC it all depends on what kind of speech recognition algorithm you're onApr 28 18:37
_boo_one is better with recognition you _the_only_one_Apr 28 18:37
_boo_the other is too hard and recognizes them allApr 28 18:38
*tessier_ (n=treed@kernel-panic/sex-machines) has joined #boycottnovellApr 28 18:43
DaemonFC 28 19:13
DaemonFClmfaoApr 28 19:13
DaemonFChmmmApr 28 19:40
DaemonFCWindows 7 removed DreamSceneApr 28 19:40
schestowitzGE has just made Bluray obsoleteApr 28 19:41
schestowitz500GB on one CDApr 28 19:41
schestowitzOptimcalApr 28 19:41
PetoKraus?Apr 28 19:41
DaemonFCschestowitz: It doesn't make Blu Ray obsoleteApr 28 19:43
DaemonFCyou'd have to get the movie industry, software companies, a few big hardware makers, and the retailers to agree that this is what the customer will buyApr 28 19:46
DaemonFC:)Apr 28 19:46
*neonfloss ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 28 19:50
schestowitzDaemonFC: I was exaggeratingApr 28 20:01
schestowitztrmanco: my firefox problem is maybe not as severe as I thought. I think it was AIR that leaked my RAM.Apr 28 20:02
Balrogschestowitz: why do you have AIR installed then?Apr 28 20:04
schestowitzPeople lose money and now comes *this*? Ban On Online Gambling Could Be Lifted < >Apr 28 20:04
schestowitzBalrog: there was a program that I triedApr 28 20:04
schestowitzAIR was quite polished on Linux, I'd have to admitApr 28 20:04
Balrogbut if it leaks memory it's not goodApr 28 20:05
Balrogand I think it's proprietaryApr 28 20:05
schestowitzOh, Glyn's gonna love this one: 28 20:07
schestowitzBalrog: it is AFAIKApr 28 20:07
schestowitzThey did some PR Apr 28 20:07
trmancoah, AIR, never tried that appApr 28 20:07
schestowitzAbout a component being OFSSApr 28 20:07
schestowitzAnd there's some problem for thatApr 28 20:07
schestowitztrmanco: not missing anythingApr 28 20:07
schestowitzI don't use it anymoreApr 28 20:07
trmancoI thik of at as bloatApr 28 20:07
schestowitzI was just temped to try something which was recommenedeApr 28 20:07
trmancothink*Apr 28 20:07
schestowitztrmanco: it isApr 28 20:07
schestowitz200-300MB for a twitter client :-)Apr 28 20:08
trmancoah ok :-PApr 28 20:08
trmancopffApr 28 20:08
schestowitz+leaks (can't confirm this yet)Apr 28 20:08
trmancoeven flash has leaksApr 28 20:08
schestowitzYesApr 28 20:08
trmancohuge leaks from time to time, but some people say it fierfox's problem, whe it's notApr 28 20:08
schestowitzMicrosoft has many leaks too: 28 20:09
trmancostart firefox and safe-mode and then start browser, if it leaks, then report a bug and then you can say that it's a firefox memory leakApr 28 20:09
trmancobrowsing*Apr 28 20:09
schestowitzSafe mode?Apr 28 20:10
schestowitzThat sounds so.... WindowsyApr 28 20:10
trmancoif you use third party stuff, then you can't just say the browser sucks because it's full of leaks... it's not the browser's job to manage the third party app's correctlyApr 28 20:10
schestowitzSafe mode="we know our software is kinda shaky, so we already assume you'll need a safety net"Apr 28 20:11
trmancoschestowitz, it's a firefox , with no addons kind of thingApr 28 20:11
schestowitzI know.Apr 28 20:11
schestowitzAnyway, it's more under control nowApr 28 20:11
trmancoit should be something like firefox -nudemodeApr 28 20:11
schestowitzNo AIR piggeryApr 28 20:11
trmancoor nakedmode :-PApr 28 20:11
schestowitzDoes that save all the images in the stash as you go along?Apr 28 20:12
schestowitzj/kApr 28 20:12
trmancohehe, it mightApr 28 20:12
schestowitzApple apologizes over Baby Shaker app < >Apr 28 20:12
trmancoI'm not sure, but for that you can use private modeApr 28 20:12
trmancoworks great, during a 2 month beta test I madeApr 28 20:12
schestowitzDaniel Eran, shilling to make Steve Jobs richerApr 28 20:12
Balrogschestowitz: that's just a link to the AppleInsider articleApr 28 20:13
trmancomostly nightly buildApr 28 20:13
trmancosApr 28 20:13
schestowitzI don't understand why people dedicate their lives to help a company with a 300ml/annum PR budgetApr 28 20:13
Balroglook at the name: if it's 'Prince McLean' it's just a news articleApr 28 20:13
schestowitzYou'd have to be misled or confusedApr 28 20:13
Balrognot a real blog postApr 28 20:13
schestowitzBalrog: I saw thatApr 28 20:13
schestowitzDaniel doesn't write much anymoreApr 28 20:13
schestowitzRoughly Drafted mostly sucks nowApr 28 20:13
schestowitzIt used to be goodApr 28 20:13
schestowitzHe ran out of material, mostly historical POVsApr 28 20:14
Balroghe must be busy or somethingApr 28 20:14
schestowitzOf courseApr 28 20:14
schestowitzI'll see how long /I/ can go on for.Apr 28 20:14
schestowitzI want to do Comes before I turn to something elseApr 28 20:14
schestowitzWe made Reddit's front page yesterday. 420k hits in one day, exc. bots.Apr 28 20:15
schestowitzHuh?Apr 28 20:17
schestowitzHAHAHA!Apr 28 20:17
schestowitzIn my feed reader: "Firefox 3.5 released"Apr 28 20:17
schestowitzIn article:" Firefox 3.5 beta released By Sylvie Barak"Apr 28 20:17
Balrogyes, it's 3.5b4 nowApr 28 20:17
schestowitzThe Inquirer doesn't keep track of the stuff it's covering Apr 28 20:17
schestowitzBalrog: yes, it was corrected by herApr 28 20:17
schestowitzThe editor didn't catch the mistake either.Apr 28 20:18
schestowitzAs I said, the Inquiere is dyingApr 28 20:18
schestowitzNick Farrel is the main person there nowApr 28 20:18
schestowitz*InquirerApr 28 20:18
schestowitz"Please change the title to Firefox 3.5 beta4 released or Firefox 3.5 beta updated"Apr 28 20:18
schestowitz"it's clear you're desperate for getting more clicks. "Firefox 3.5 released". Really?"Apr 28 20:18
Balrog...Apr 28 20:19
schestowitzThe troops are back to work: Ubuntu 9.10 development begins < >Apr 28 20:20
schestowitzThe observation about the INQ is intended to show that so-called press and stuff that's in Google News is very error prone.Apr 28 20:21
schestowitzFirefox 3.0.10 fixes critical vulnerability < >Apr 28 20:21
DaemonFCBaqlrog: Firefox leaks tons of memory :)Apr 28 20:23
DaemonFC* BalrogApr 28 20:24
DaemonFCunfortunately Firefox has the mindshare, so even forking it and fixing it wouldn't necessarily draw usersApr 28 20:25
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Apr 28 20:25
DaemonFCand it's heavily tied in with Mozilla Corp and GoogleApr 28 20:25
DaemonFCso you have your personal information back on the marketApr 28 20:25
schestowitz"An internal document (pdf) of the Global Climate Coalition (GCC) -- an industry front group that disbanded in 2002 -- reveals that when the group chose to promote doubt about the reality of global warming it was ignoring the views of its own scientific advisers." 28 20:25
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 28 20:25
schestowitz'We must destroy the environment in order to save it, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's new campaign against government oversight and what it calls "green tape."' 28 20:26
DaemonFClmaoApr 28 20:27
DaemonFC"Nuclear power is safe and clean" "Damn those Obama people for not letting us dump all this [totally safe byproduct] in ArizonaApr 28 20:28
DaemonFC"It's not like it has a half life of 10,000 years"Apr 28 20:28
DaemonFC"Whats the big deal?"Apr 28 20:28
DaemonFC:PApr 28 20:28
schestowitzFascinating news story about how the spin industry helps the ruining of society: 28 20:29
schestowitzDaemonFC:follow the $$ (Ameros)Apr 28 20:29
DaemonFCyou're not one of those paranoid delusional Ron Paul types are you? :PApr 28 20:30
DaemonFCthe "The government is preparing thousands of concentration camps right under our noses" people?Apr 28 20:31
DaemonFCThe "You'll get black bagged at 3 AM" people?Apr 28 20:31
schestowitzFirefox devs ask navels when to curtail Mac OS support < >. Good. They should pay more attention to Linux.Apr 28 20:32
DaemonFCif you're a Good Christian(R) you'll be persecuted and sent to the gas chambers, don'tcha know?Apr 28 20:32
DaemonFCbull fucking shitApr 28 20:32
DaemonFCI'm sorryApr 28 20:32
DaemonFCbut that's all I can say about thatApr 28 20:32
DaemonFCthey have such a persecution complexApr 28 20:32
schestowitzDaemonFC: I forgot my smiley faceApr 28 20:32
schestowitzThe Amero think was a jokeApr 28 20:32
DaemonFCI hoped soApr 28 20:32
schestowitzYou didn't know so?Apr 28 20:33
DaemonFCthere seem to be a lot of people like thatApr 28 20:33
schestowitzWell, I know some people who believe that. Some at the gym even believe 911 was an 'inside job'Apr 28 20:33
DaemonFCmaybe they're jsut lous and it makes it seem that wayApr 28 20:33
DaemonFC*loudApr 28 20:33
schestowitzThere's too much rubbish out thereApr 28 20:34
DaemonFCconvenient justification for Bush's pet project maybeApr 28 20:34
DaemonFCbut I doubt they did itApr 28 20:34
schestowitzI like the factual partsApr 28 20:34
schestowitzLike Comes vs Microsoft memosApr 28 20:34
schestowitzOr in others' case, count of US military basesApr 28 20:34
schestowitzALl interesting factsApr 28 20:34
DaemonFCI believe Bush was an opportunist and that he took advantage of the situation to justify IraqApr 28 20:34
DaemonFCbut I don't think it was an inside jobApr 28 20:35
schestowitzMe neither, but they didn't need a disasterApr 28 20:35
schestowitzLike Reichstag burningApr 28 20:35
schestowitzFor popular opinion they could just start with the WMoD BSApr 28 20:35
schestowitzAdd some gassing of kurd storyline to the mix and you have an angry publicApr 28 20:35
DaemonFCI doubt many people really ever believed thatApr 28 20:36
schestowitzThat of course except the racism they createdApr 28 20:36
DaemonFCever heard "In for a penny in for a pound"?Apr 28 20:36
DaemonFCthat's how people get with politicsApr 28 20:36
DaemonFCa lot of people went along with that because they were single issue votersApr 28 20:36
schestowitzAs intellectuals say, the outsiders can think of only two things: 1) that USians are so indoctrinated OR 2) they are so racist that they want to just kill any ArabApr 28 20:36
DaemonFCor part of the guns gods and gays crowdApr 28 20:36
schestowitzGuns..Apr 28 20:37
schestowitzHahaApr 28 20:37
DaemonFCthey think that they look weak if they don't fall in lineApr 28 20:37
schestowitzManhood without manhoodApr 28 20:37
schestowitzReplacing one's c*ck with a truck or gun barrelApr 28 20:37
schestowitzI guess watching those Wayne films does this to a personApr 28 20:37
DaemonFCI can't stand themApr 28 20:37
schestowitzBush: "...wanted dead or alive..."Apr 28 20:38
trmancokarmic is going to be based on linux 2.6.30Apr 28 20:38
schestowitzBush: "...I say, bring em on!"Apr 28 20:38
PetoKrauslol @ phorm in UKApr 28 20:38
schestowitztrmanco: what else? :-)Apr 28 20:38
schestowitzPetoKraus: did you see the latest?Apr 28 20:38
schestowitzCollusionApr 28 20:38
schestowitzI posted about it (BBC)Apr 28 20:39
PetoKrausschestowitz: yeah, just reading the /. articleApr 28 20:39
trmancoschestowitz, I was thought it would be 2.6.29Apr 28 20:39
schestowitzamarsh04: Microsoft ropes in EDS to punt online services < >Apr 28 20:39
trmanco-wasApr 28 20:39
schestowitzPhuck PhormApr 28 20:39
schestowitzLosses at Unisys run into Q1 < > Zombie company... like MS in 5 years a from now, hopefully.Apr 28 20:40
schestowitzI remember when Unisys was quite massiveApr 28 20:41
trmancojust look how fast Ubuntu people push security fixes -> 28 20:41
schestowitzRegister: "Mozilla releases final Firefox 3.5 beta"Apr 28 20:41
trmancoless then 24 hours to get firefox 3.10 into the repos :-PApr 28 20:41
schestowitzWhat does FINAL beta mean?Apr 28 20:41
schestowitzIt's pointless to say soApr 28 20:41
trmancohmm, weirdApr 28 20:41
schestowitzMandriva is at 3.0.8 stillApr 28 20:42
trmancothat's weird tooApr 28 20:42
trmancomaybe they need a little reminder?Apr 28 20:42
schestowitzIBM is buying its own shares. "Stacks $6.7bn for share buybacks" 28 20:43
schestowitzYay. Microsoft's FAT is being re-examined for prior art to be found, Maybe OIN kept a promise.Apr 28 20:44
DaemonFCMandriva is not doing real wellApr 28 20:45
DaemonFCthey pushed back 2009.1 a few weeks and they've gotten sloppy with backportsApr 28 20:46
schestowitz 28 20:46
DaemonFCcause they fired all those peopleApr 28 20:46
schestowitzI'll write about it in BN quicklyApr 28 20:46
DaemonFCand Red Hat scooped a few of them up :)Apr 28 20:46
schestowitzDaemonFC: two that I know ofApr 28 20:46
DaemonFCMandriva is falling apartApr 28 20:46
schestowitzMandriva does OKApr 28 20:46
DaemonFCthey even have bugs in their installers anymoreApr 28 20:46
schestowitzTheir latest distro got OK reviews Apr 28 20:47
DaemonFCthat can even stop you from getting it installedApr 28 20:47
schestowitzI'll show you if you are not convincedApr 28 20:47
schestowitzThey just don't have AlanW to advertise itApr 28 20:47
DaemonFCoh, it just depends on your hardware configApr 28 20:47
schestowitzYesApr 28 20:47
schestowitzTrust me, it's OKApr 28 20:47
DaemonFCand several other thingsApr 28 20:47
DaemonFCbut I call those Mandriva bugsApr 28 20:47
schestowitzThey have paying cutopmersApr 28 20:47
schestowitzRussian govt.Apr 28 20:47
DaemonFCcause they only really ever hit me when I try to load MandrivaApr 28 20:47
schestowitzWhere MS is now dumping/bribingApr 28 20:47
schestowitzMandriva does KDE very wellApr 28 20:48
*schestowitz uses Mandriva right nowApr 28 20:48
DaemonFCI wasn't real thrilled with their KDEApr 28 20:48
schestowitz└─(20:48 $)─> uptimeApr 28 20:48
schestowitz 20:48:27 up 55 days,  6:06,  2 users,  load average: 0.64, 0.77, 0.79Apr 28 20:48
DaemonFCbut I doubt anyone has put out a KDE 4.anything I want to useApr 28 20:48
schestowitzMaybeApr 28 20:48
schestowitzYou need to customise itApr 28 20:48
*neonfloss has quit ("Leaving")Apr 28 20:49
schestowitzI can send you adviseApr 28 20:49
schestowitzYou can assimilate it to other desktopsApr 28 20:49
DaemonFCI've tried, usually a bug in KDE or at least what a distro does to it stops meApr 28 20:49
schestowitzLencelot+some setting chnangesApr 28 20:49
schestowitzDaemonFC: then wait for longerApr 28 20:49
DaemonFCI think last time it was mounting CDs that infuriated meApr 28 20:49
DaemonFCand then trying to rip themApr 28 20:49
schestowitzMy Mandriva is only a year oldApr 28 20:49
schestowitzStill some time for patches aheadApr 28 20:49
schestowitzMicrosoft's TomTom patents under scrutiny < >Apr 28 20:50
DaemonFCdidn't they already agree to pay?Apr 28 20:52 Blogs Migrate to WordPress: 28 20:57
DaemonFCmeh, no matter what OS I use on my PCs I always wait for a service pack or at least give it a couple weeks for some last minute patches to landApr 28 21:02
DaemonFCall kinds of bad stuff can happen to people that get it on launch day :PApr 28 21:02
DaemonFClet everyone else have crashes and all other kinds of bugsApr 28 21:03
trmancothat dependsApr 28 21:04
schestowitzThe gist about OIN fighting back against Microsoft patents (those used against TomTom): 28 21:05
schestowitzDaemonFC: yes, but MS wants to go knocking on each door demanding moneyApr 28 21:06
schestowitzMicrosoft Hotmail blocking GMX mail for some in Europe < >. In absence of Windows botnets, problem would not exist.Apr 28 21:11
trmanco 28 21:12
trmancoI use GMXApr 28 21:12
schestowitzThe Mono people started attacking me personally nowApr 28 21:13
schestowitzCalling me serial liar and stuff...Apr 28 21:13
schestowitzDesperateApr 28 21:14
Balrog...url?Apr 28 21:14
schestowitzI'd have to look for it againApr 28 21:14
trmancoeBay restricting Webslices to MSIE users, trashing Firefox users: 28 21:16
Balrogtrmanco: I heard that Webslices is based on IE8 extensionsApr 28 21:17
trmancobased?Apr 28 21:17
Balrogthey were advertising that if you upgrade to IE8 you can take advantage of webslicesApr 28 21:18
trmancoIE is closed, how can it be based on itApr 28 21:18
Balrogthis was back when IE8 just became betaApr 28 21:18
BalrogI meant it relies on IE8 specific tagsApr 28 21:18
trmancook I'm drunkApr 28 21:18
trmancoI thought you were referring to firefox's webchunksApr 28 21:18
Balrog 28 21:18
Balrogno ... :/Apr 28 21:19
Balrogthey should implement thatApr 28 21:19
trmancosorry for the misinterpretationApr 28 21:19
BalrogI hear they are, but it's not widely knownApr 28 21:19
trmancoyeah, the webchunks dev/devs will try to make it compatible if they canApr 28 21:20
Balrogah. webchunks is webslices for firefoxApr 28 21:20
schestowitzBoth Google and Microsoft should be KEPT OUT of people's heath records. I don't understand why companies are given national assets... Consumer Group Goes After Google Over Health Lobbying < >Apr 28 21:20
schestowitzThis is corporate fascismApr 28 21:20
Balrogthey're probably using the browser typeApr 28 21:20
Balroghrm, maybe not :/Apr 28 21:21
Balrogthough the webchunks dev is working on itApr 28 21:21
schestowitzWT# is Intel doing? I (Is Intel trying to squash Linux netbooks? )Apr 28 21:24
Balrogthey're afraid of armApr 28 21:26
schestowitzWhen trademarks too go sick (like sw pats): Using Trademark To 'Privatize The English Language' < >Apr 28 21:27
trmanconice image -> 28 21:28
schestowitzBalrog: : about Mono people, the short story is, Jo hates me and he smears the person with SELECTIVE bits among 6000+ postsApr 28 21:29
schestowitzThere's too much 'stuff' they can charry pick to discreditApr 28 21:29
schestowitzI posted like 50k messages in USENET, 14k comments in Digg, 6000 posts in BN and so on. They string together what suits them to discredit. Heck, they can pick from IRC too :-)Apr 28 21:30
schestowitztrmanco: thanksApr 28 21:31
schestowitzI can do one with your face, TOO !!Apr 28 21:31
trmancono, please don't ... I might not look great with a penguin body :-PApr 28 21:32
schestowitzIn Soviet Russian, penguin Photogimps ballmerApr 28 21:32
schestowitzI can never type Russia for some reasonApr 28 21:32
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 28 21:32
schestowitzI ALWAYS type down "russian". I don't understand why.Apr 28 21:32
trmancoheheApr 28 21:32
schestowitzLike 10 times this yearApr 28 21:33
trmancowtf -> Europe funds search for secure operating system: 28 21:33
BalrogJo ...?Apr 28 21:33
schestowitzJo ShillsApr 28 21:33
schestowitzaka Jo ShieldsApr 28 21:33
schestowitzHe shills for Mono in Debian and UbuntuApr 28 21:33
schestowitztrmanco: yes, I posted it to COLAApr 28 21:33
schestowitzomg linux is obsolete !1Apr 28 21:33
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 28 21:34
schestowitzMasnick wrote about the UK too (no ID cards): 28 21:34
trmancohe also is one of the packagers for monoApr 28 21:35
schestowitzHe isApr 28 21:35
schestowitzshills is not his formal title ;-)Apr 28 21:35
schestowitz*shillApr 28 21:35
Balrogwhy keep funding minix?Apr 28 21:35
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 28 21:39
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 28 21:40
trmancoMicrosoft To Embrace And Extend Twitter, Facebook: 28 21:45
trmancoand then extinguishApr 28 21:45
trmancoOffice 2007 SP2 is released, can indeed save ODF by default: 28 21:46
Balrogreleased! That's big.Apr 28 21:48
Balrogno more need for the Sun ODF Plugin!Apr 28 21:49
trmanco 28 21:52
schestowitzParody about OIN's press release: 28 21:55
schestowitztrmanco: trollish Kevin McLaughlin headlineApr 28 21:56
schestowitzNot newsApr 28 21:56
schestowitzJust another attempt from MS to assimilateApr 28 21:56
schestowitzWorked against ICQ maybeApr 28 21:56
trmancowhich link?Apr 28 21:56
schestowitzNot against WEB SITESApr 28 21:56
trmancoahApr 28 21:56
schestowitztrmanco: yeah, you got itApr 28 21:56
schestowitzThey tried to rip odd DiggApr 28 21:56
schestowitzThey bombedApr 28 21:56
schestowitzThe sites was a disasterApr 28 21:57
schestowitzProbably died quietly by nowApr 28 21:57
schestowitzSo just ingore itApr 28 21:57
schestowitzUnless it's dead, then kick it. Like Zune ! :-)Apr 28 21:57
schestowitzMicrosoft just wants people to write about stuff that HAS NOT FAILED YET. It's free publicityApr 28 21:58
schestowitzWait until it becomes a laughing stock like Hotmail, then write about itApr 28 21:58
schestowitzVis a vis.......Microsoft Hotmail blocking GMX mail for some in Europe 28 21:58
schestowitzSomeone E-mailed me this: Film Director Slams Microsoft as ‘Non-Talent Friendly’ < >Apr 28 21:58
*mmars has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Apr 28 21:59
trmancoApple is sued after pressuring open source iTunes project: 28 22:00
schestowitzEFF?Apr 28 22:01
schestowitzIf so, I wrote about itApr 28 22:01
trmancowhat do you mean by EFF?Apr 28 22:02
Balrogwell, someone at hymn project said that apple is using fairplay for signing the itunesdbApr 28 22:04
Balrogbut fairplay has been cracked for a long time alreadyApr 28 22:05
schestowitzBalrog: is the EFF involved?Apr 28 22:13
schestowitzBecause someone wrote about itApr 28 22:13
Balrogyes, the EFF is suing appleApr 28 22:25
Balrogit's all over the placeApr 28 22:25
BalrogI hope apple recognizes this is futile and backs downApr 28 22:25
Balrog<>Apr 28 22:26
schestowitzGood.Apr 28 22:28
Balrogif they're using the same algorithm for signing the db and for encrypting music, that's their problemApr 28 22:29
Balrogschestowitz: you know there's a working drm stripping tool for itunes currently?Apr 28 22:30
Balrog(and it's foss too)Apr 28 22:30
schestowitzWho needs DRM in the first place?Apr 28 22:31
schestowitzPeople whom Apple locks in using DMCA?Apr 28 22:31
Balrognot on music or video .....Apr 28 22:32
Balrogapp drm is more controversial because independent developers get mad when people 'pirate'Apr 28 22:32
Balrogwell some of them doApr 28 22:32
Balrogit's rather useless anyway ... gdb easily removes the drmApr 28 22:33
Balrog;)Apr 28 22:33
MinceRhas ballmer made a statement on the .net/mono patent trap?Apr 28 22:36
schestowitz"I predicted the death of MySQL. I wrote all that, but I didn't file it. Maybe I thought that if I didn't, it wouldn't come true. I truly hope it doesn't. Time will tell." 28 22:38
schestowitzMinceR: not BallmerApr 28 22:38
schestowitzHe's a car salesman.Apr 28 22:38
schestowitzHe doesn't understand technical stuffApr 28 22:38
MinceRhas anyone else from m$?Apr 28 22:40
schestowitzYes, manyApr 28 22:44
schestowitzThe Mono fans are like those 3 monkeysApr 28 22:44
schestowitzI showed it to themApr 28 22:44
schestowitzMono response: 28 22:45
schestowitzEven When You Have a Choice, Recycling E-Waste Beats Dumping It < >Apr 28 22:46
schestowitzBoring today...... let's check TuxMachinesApr 28 22:46
schestowitzObama's Search for 'Copyright Czar' Continues < > Lessig? RMS? Wait and watch Biden making a p[r]ick.Apr 28 22:47
schestowitzH-P's new laptops are saddled with Ballnux 28 22:49
schestowitzMozilla Delivers Firefox 3.5, Beta 4, and It's Snappy < >Apr 28 22:56
schestowitzAn Open Letter to Larry Ellison about < >Apr 28 22:57
MinceR"Nobody looks at me weird for explaining what it is: 10 years after Sun started making StarOffice available. This is bad."Apr 28 22:59
MinceRi don't understand this train of thought.Apr 28 22:59
schestowitzYesApr 28 22:59
MinceRgnApr 28 22:59
schestowitzI read your first lineApr 28 22:59
schestowitzThen though, WHAT?Apr 28 22:59
schestowitzMaybe she meant the oppositeApr 28 23:00
schestowitzCreating an invoicing system with < >Apr 28 23:00
MinceR:)Apr 28 23:00
schestowitzOOo is not for me anywayApr 28 23:00
schestowitzI'm a Latex personApr 28 23:00
MinceRso am i, except for spreadsheetsApr 28 23:00
schestowitzYesApr 28 23:00
schestowitzbeat me to it!Apr 28 23:00
schestowitzCause I do slides in latex alsoApr 28 23:01
schestowitzKSpread for sheetsApr 28 23:01
schestowitzUnless I need graphingApr 28 23:01
schestowitzMandriva clarifies the Microsoft/Mandriva situation (there is none): Mandriva and Microsoft < >Apr 28 23:03
MinceRi use gnumeric for spreadsheetsApr 28 23:03
schestowitzIf it works, it works. But, but... no ribbon... no need for 500 MB of run (+preloader for cache)?Apr 28 23:04
schestowitzLet me find somethingApr 28 23:04
schestowitzActually, I'd need to fetch it from GroklawApr 28 23:04
schestowitzSomething from CRN about Microsoft partners admitting that people get all that they need in simpler office suitesApr 28 23:05
schestowitzEVEN THEY admit thisApr 28 23:05
schestowitzI think of the Naked EmperorApr 28 23:05
schestowitzThe legend of the indispensable Microsoft Office.Apr 28 23:06
schestowitzOf the intuitive/familiar/easy Windows GUI(tubby)Apr 28 23:06
schestowitz*OrApr 28 23:06
schestowitzThe Oracle open source credibility gap < > Blakenhorn has not trolled FOSS for a long time. I can forgive him almost... pardon phase :-)Apr 28 23:07
trmancotwitter is downApr 28 23:07
trmancobut the api section doesn't seem toApr 28 23:07
trmancothe api is also offlineApr 28 23:09
trmancoTwitter is over capacity.Apr 28 23:10
trmancoToo many tweets! Please wait a moment and try again.Apr 28 23:10
trmancoah, at least I get this, for nowApr 28 23:10
schestowitzThis one spin's Java's lead against it, using the shills: 28 23:11
schestowitztrmanco: Linux overload at leastApr 28 23:11
schestowitzWhat distro do they use?Apr 28 23:11
trmancoback online, but slowApr 28 23:11
trmancoschestowitz, not sureApr 28 23:12
trmancoI don't even know if they use linuxApr 28 23:12
trmancoServer: hiApr 28 23:12
trmanco:|Apr 28 23:12
trmancothey even obscure there webserverApr 28 23:13
trmancoschestowitz, apache and linuxApr 28 23:16
trmancodon't ask which distro, I don't know yetApr 28 23:16
schestowitzIf it's not RHEL, expansion is cheapApr 28 23:17
schestowitzDigg used DebianApr 28 23:17
trmancoused, and usesApr 28 23:17
schestowitz I had to redo my mixing today because my amplifier went titsup, so I have just 2 speakers left (my stereo)Apr 28 23:17
schestowitzGNOME mixer looks neatApr 28 23:18
schestowitzbut KDE and Qt always outdo it in my eyesApr 28 23:18
DaemonFCthat would be adam williamson's websiteApr 28 23:18
trmancojust wait until gnome 3.0 :-PApr 28 23:18
schestowitzGNOME makes me feel stupid sometimes when I use it. Sort of like Linus once said it....Apr 28 23:18
trmancohave you seen screencasts about it?Apr 28 23:18
DaemonFCI'm waiting til 2009.1 to put that on the computer I'm giving my brotherApr 28 23:18
DaemonFC:PApr 28 23:18
schestowitzDaemonFC: yes, he's in Red Hat now. Nice man.Apr 28 23:18
DaemonFCspeaking of MandrivaApr 28 23:18
schestowitzDaemonFC: well, not MandrivaApr 28 23:19
DaemonFCyeah, I knowApr 28 23:19
schestowitzAlthougn Mandriva wrote about Adam's disclaimerApr 28 23:19
schestowitzAbout MS and MandrivaApr 28 23:19
DaemonFCbut I wouldn't put Fedora on a system meant for a human beingApr 28 23:19
DaemonFC:)Apr 28 23:19
DaemonFClolApr 28 23:19
trmanco 28 23:19
schestowitzIt's good that nothing came out from the Manbo infection vector (RPM with Microsoft's grubby hands)Apr 28 23:19
DaemonFC???Apr 28 23:20
schestowitzNever mind, old storyApr 28 23:20
DaemonFCFedora is a bit too technical for most people, it's easy to run into troubleApr 28 23:20
trmancoFedora is always bleeding edgeApr 28 23:20
schestowitzIt's targeted for a particular crowdApr 28 23:21
DaemonFCyes, and there are always lots of bugsApr 28 23:21
DaemonFCusually nothing that munches your dataApr 28 23:21
DaemonFCbut certainly some pains in the assApr 28 23:21
schestowitzIf Microsoft burns down with its patents, that'll speed things up for Fedora desktopsApr 28 23:21
schestowitzThis quarter, MS' profits were down 32%Apr 28 23:21
trmancoI don't really like rpm's thoughApr 28 23:21
schestowitzSo they go down at a good steady paceApr 28 23:21
schestowitzKickbacks (bribes) of netbooks-making OEMs is not cheapApr 28 23:22
trmancothey are a bit slower compared to debian's packagesApr 28 23:22
trmancoIMOApr 28 23:22
schestowitzI just install things in desktop 7Apr 28 23:22
DaemonFCI hate building RPMs, but passive consumers of them shouldn't notice a lot of difference between that and DEB packagesApr 28 23:22
schestowitzThen I move away from itApr 28 23:22
schestowitzSo I forget about this stuffApr 28 23:22
schestowitzOOo updates can take a whileApr 28 23:22
schestowitz100+ MBApr 28 23:22
DaemonFCMost distros pull from Go-OO anymoreApr 28 23:23
trmancothe dependency resolving part is slower than DEBsApr 28 23:23
trmancowhich distros either than ballnux use go oo?Apr 28 23:23
DaemonFCDebianApr 28 23:23
DaemonFCUbuntuApr 28 23:23
DaemonFCMandrivaApr 28 23:23
DaemonFCmaybe Fedora, not sure about them thoughApr 28 23:24
trmancoI've heard that OOo may be leading into a different directionApr 28 23:24
trmancoDaemonFC, I don't see any go oo brandingApr 28 23:24
DaemonFCthey change itApr 28 23:24
schestowitzESR owned! "Error establishing a database connection" just load issue :-)Apr 28 23:24
DaemonFCbut it is Go-OOApr 28 23:24
trmancoand the packages still say openoffice.orgApr 28 23:24
DaemonFCyesApr 28 23:24
trmancoand the descriptions still are openoffice.orgApr 28 23:24
schestowitzYesApr 28 23:25
DaemonFCthey change it to say it's OpenOffice.orgApr 28 23:25
schestowitzAlso Sun logoApr 28 23:25
trmancoso how can that be go-ooApr 28 23:25
schestowitzEven in Ubuntu (older versions)Apr 28 23:25
trmancothats shitApr 28 23:25
trmancoI though I was using the originalApr 28 23:25
DaemonFCthey change the branding, but the compiled source is Go-OOApr 28 23:25
trmancoare you guys sure about this?Apr 28 23:25
schestowitzESR's apprent attack on RMS is producing errors: 28 23:25
DaemonFCabsolutelyApr 28 23:25
schestowitzibiblio evenApr 28 23:25
trmancoany proof?Apr 28 23:25
schestowitzGroklaw worrksApr 28 23:25
trmancoI mean real proofApr 28 23:25
schestowitzLet ESR stick to his guns, literallyApr 28 23:25
trmancoproof at source code levelApr 28 23:26
DaemonFC1. It's in their Bazaar commentingApr 28 23:26
trmancoI'll have a peak on launchpadApr 28 23:26
schestowitzIt's common knolwdgeApr 28 23:26
DaemonFC2. The developers will tell you if you askApr 28 23:26
trmancoyeah I'll check thatApr 28 23:26
schestowitzDesktop Linux: Where Art Thou? < >Apr 28 23:27
DaemonFCI always tell people that have a problem with CDDL to stop using Mozilla stuffApr 28 23:27
DaemonFCcause it was ased on the MPLApr 28 23:27
DaemonFCbased that isApr 28 23:27
DaemonFCIf you use Firefox binaries, then you actually agree to be bound by three thingsApr 28 23:28
DaemonFCGPL/LGPL, MPL, and the Mozilla End User License AgreementApr 28 23:28
trmanco  * Resynchronise with ooo-build-3-0-1 (0eebe32b70e8f54605f474f26cd50c8b3ccf845c).Apr 28 23:29
trmanco:|Apr 28 23:29
DaemonFCthe latter disqualifies Firefox as free softwareApr 28 23:29
DaemonFCand the MPL is free software but can't be linked to GPLApr 28 23:29
trmancoooo-build?Apr 28 23:29
trmancoI'll check this better tomorrow, time for a good night sleep, cyaApr 28 23:30
DaemonFCfrom what I can gather it's based on OOO with some Go-OO patchesApr 28 23:30
DaemonFCincluding Go-OO's OOXML filtersApr 28 23:31
schestowitztrmanco: here's one to investigate: The Wire: Ubuntu Launch Week, CD Request Site Signs Off…For Now < >Apr 28 23:31
DaemonFCbesides, I know they applied the I/O performance patchesApr 28 23:31
DaemonFCcause OOO is slow as shitApr 28 23:31
DaemonFCto start upApr 28 23:31
DaemonFCthe CD request site is useless to me anywayApr 28 23:31
DaemonFCthey stopped distributing my archApr 28 23:32
trmancotime to reduce costs?Apr 28 23:32
DaemonFC(X86-64)Apr 28 23:32
trmancoah, patchesApr 28 23:32
trmancoso it's not the hole go-oo repoApr 28 23:32
trmancoI'm out ...Apr 28 23:33
DaemonFC 28 23:37
schestowitzUbuntu becomes SUPER OS: 28 23:37
DaemonFCHow to fuck over your Vista, part 1Apr 28 23:37
DaemonFCdisable services with msconfig is a real bad ideaApr 28 23:37
DaemonFC:PApr 28 23:37
schestowitzmsconfigApr 28 23:38
schestowitzI remember toying with it in win98Apr 28 23:38
schestowitzthat's still around, eh?Apr 28 23:38
schestowitzDoes it still need 'hidden' entry?Apr 28 23:38
DaemonFCyesApr 28 23:38
DaemonFCit's also in Windows 7Apr 28 23:38
schestowitzMicrosoft WIndowsApr 28 23:38
schestowitzWith dark alleysApr 28 23:38
schestowitzAnd secret back doorsApr 28 23:38
schestowitzSee if you find CIPAV compatibilityApr 28 23:39
DaemonFCAntivirus companies actually go their way in Vista SP1 and reduced security in WindowsApr 28 23:39
schestowitzMicrosoft: we make it easier for youApr 28 23:39
schestowitzWe hide diagnosis toolsApr 28 23:39
DaemonFCthey were bitching cause Microsoft had "Patch Guard" on the 64-bit kernel, which refuses to let anything into the kernelApr 28 23:39
schestowitzThen, when you encouter issueApr 28 23:39
DaemonFCthey were getting ready to sue MS for locking them out of the kernel as wellApr 28 23:40
schestowitzWe'll have some engineer halgf way across the world asking you to open a command lineApr 28 23:40
schestowitzHiding complexity does not always means eliminating itApr 28 23:40
DaemonFCschestowitz: My point is if they let antivirus have access into the kernelApr 28 23:40
DaemonFCdoesn't that also let viruses in?Apr 28 23:40
DaemonFCmeh, the way I remember it though they found undocumented ways to hook their antivirus into the kernel and Microsoft simply gave them a documented API with SP1Apr 28 23:41
schestowitzThis guy tried Ubuntu. then Mandriva, than PCLOS: PCLinuxOS comes to my rescue < >Apr 28 23:43
DaemonFCPC Linux OS is an incompetent Mandriva forkApr 28 23:46
DaemonFCbut last time I tried it was 2006Apr 28 23:46
DaemonFCso who knows?Apr 28 23:46
schestowitzDaemonFC: yes, some people don't know thisApr 28 23:48
schestowitzMandriva is greatApr 28 23:48
schestowitzPCLOS is well, just inheriting lotsApr 28 23:48
schestowitzBut it adds lots of stuff driva' won't includeApr 28 23:49
DaemonFCthe guy forked it, then countn't maintain the forkApr 28 23:49
DaemonFCso he reforked itApr 28 23:49
DaemonFC 28 23:49
DaemonFCMicrosoft responds to the fact that Windows mEdia Player 12 blocks third party codecsApr 28 23:50
DaemonFCcalls everyone that wants them piratesApr 28 23:50
DaemonFCniceApr 28 23:50
DaemonFC"As we move toward the release of Windows 7, we have worked to add more codecs and file types to allow for a better user experience. We also allow Microsoft experiences to use codecs and other format technologies from third-party companies, just as we always have.  Third party applications can use the Microsoft codecs or their own.  Microsoft does not restrict the use of third-party codecs. – Microsoft Spokesperson"Apr 28 23:51
*neonfloss ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 28 23:55
DaemonFCschestowitz: The only performance tweaks slated for Windows 7 are also in Vista SP2 and Windows Server 2008 R2Apr 28 23:56
DaemonFChehApr 28 23:56
schestowitzThey'll have Vista still to maintainApr 28 23:58
schestowitzPatches and allApr 28 23:58
schestowitzLess engineers, sinking profits.Apr 28 23:58
schestowitzNot goodf.Apr 28 23:58
schestowitzThey'll carry on cutting down divisions like Cringely suggestedApr 28 23:58
schestowitzUntil only a few products of substance remainApr 28 23:59
DaemonFCschestowitz: I was comparing Windows 7 features and kernel tweaks and such and pretty much everything slated for Windows 7 is being backported to Vista either in SP2 or stand alone updatesApr 28 23:59

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