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2009-07-16 12:30:58
The Schlesinger troll is rating his own comments somehow.
The Schlesinger troll is now too busy attacking readers who do and say nothing wrong (Jose)
"Lefty" BTW is a Mac user
Pretending to be a Linux guy
And he hates the GPL and RMS
WELLLLL.... Not afraid of getting sued anymore, are we?
You do know that you can also be held accountable for what your chat-partners said afterr you published that log. Here's a jewel from your friend Diablo:
I mean, miguel has probably slept with microsoft provided women of the night
Ng: well, miguel has money and is married to a super model chick
what else could microsoft tempt him with?
Of course you could always claim insanity when it comes to it:
Within 2 minutes of leaving the comment I am rated 4 time
The Mono fans are gaming the system
They must be nervous
That looks deranged enough for me. But to round off the insanity-claim, how about this, your crazy rant of the day:
If you look at history
The reason empire can expand so much is partners
And regimes that are puppets
Like the Roman empire, the Nazi expansion etc.
Microsoft just needs enough people like Richars Steel for example
To give them control of London for example
Each city has its 'MS constables'
People whom Microsoft can bribes in all sorts of ways to ensure the tax goes to Microsofgt
How patents are used to buy lives
And to colonise more countries
2009-07-16 12:49:25
...and here is a little reminder of the promise that you made to prevent getting sued and which you now are breaking:
I made statements that Mr. Schlesinger was attacking Richard Stallman over disagreements about Mono, rather than over Mr. Stallman’s sexist remarks at the Gran Canaria Desktop Summit, as well as suggesting that he used false names. This was wrong of me. I retract these statements unreservedly and offer Mr. Schlesinger a full apology for having made them. I will endeavor to avoid making such irresponsible statements in the future.
Could the FSF not find any law firm that, in addition to talking about or for Free software, does not use .NET, OOXML, and almost everything Microsoft?
2009-07-16 12:30:58
You do know that you can also be held accountable for what your chat-partners said afterr you published that log. Here's a jewel from your friend Diablo:
Of course you could always claim insanity when it comes to it:
That looks deranged enough for me. But to round off the insanity-claim, how about this, your crazy rant of the day:
2009-07-16 12:49:25