WALLCLIMBER, one of our big contributors, was kind enough to make that graphic from the previous post. She's professional at that.
“If attribution is preferred, we will add one too.”"Pictures are visual methods to share information…"
If anyone is willing to create a cartoon that advocates Free software, please send it to us for sharing (copyleft). We are always glad to receive and share funny or educational imagery, as we already did earlier this week. If attribution is preferred, we will add one too.
The same reader who suggested cartoons has also sent us material from the book "Barbarians Led by Bill Gates". It was written by someone who is close to Gates and we can quote portions of the book (fair use). This ought to be interesting! ⬆
"Stolen's a strong word. it's copyrighted content that the owner wasn't paid for."
--Bill Gates, June 2006
Needs Sunlight
2010-02-04 13:12:36
Some people and products just aren't ever going to be any good. It's possible and the data backs it. Get over it.
Needs Sunlight
2010-02-04 12:59:27
It's mostly material from the many, many court cases against Microsoft prior to Netscape and gives insight as to why anyone in technology "hates" the company and its people, not just the shoddy products. Sometimes hate is truly earned through great prolonged effort.