LAST YEAR we saw Russian dissidents arrested after Microsoft software has been used as an excuse [1, 2]. Microsoft did a lot of PR to distance itself from the truth, but Cablegate's latest disclosure may return to haunt the abusive monopolist. As one interpreter put it, "Microsoft conducts regional training programs & has trained over 1200 Russian police officers" and the diplomatic cable says:
ۦ9. (SBU) Representatives from Microsoft and the Baltic Law firm (representing the Business Software Alliance) provided case studies of best practices for working with Russian law enforcement on IPR. With 30 IP lawyers in 27 regions across Russia, Microsoft works closely with both federal and regional law enforcement on IPR protection. In 2007, Microsoft brought over 1500 cases to the MVD for investigation. Microsoft also conducts regional training programs and has trained over 1200 Russian police officers and investigators. Baltic Law also backed-up the MVD's argument that enforcement of IPR only works when rights holders take initiative, by citing an example of a case in which Baltic Law reported to the local MVD in Novosibirisk that a Russian company was using illegal software. The investigation led to a court decision in Baltic Law's favor and damages paid to the BSA member.