Techrights has spent several years showing that Microsoft UK executives infiltrated the BBC and that the BBC is FOSS/Linux-hostile. It's very blatant sometimes and given that taxpayers fund the BBC, this is outrageous. The BBC even received bribes from Bill Gates several times last year [1, 2]. This criminal is buying/ordering stories, so we know that the BBC is not an independent media entity.
“I wonder who leaned on Judith Burns to censor "open source" from that article?”
--Homer"But the MSBBC's version looked like this: 'From September it will be replaced by a flexible curriculum in computer science and programming, designed with the help of universities and industry.'
"Note the subtle change from "open source" to "flexible".
"At first I assumed bbgruff had merely "embellished" the article a bit to wind-up the trolls, until I checked Google's cache, which clearly showed the phrase "open source" had indeed originally been in the article.
"Google's cached copy of the non-mobile version has unfortunately already been synced, but the mobile copy still shows the original content.
"I also archived both copies for my records [.,.] I wonder who leaned on Judith Burns to censor "open source" from that article?
"But the MSBBC isn't biased. Honest." ⬆
Needs Sunlight
2012-01-13 17:55:15