EPO Staff to March to British Consulate to Protest Against the Administrative Council (AC)
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2015-02-12 02:09:19 UTC
- Modified: 2015-02-12 02:09:19 UTC

Sean Dennehey
Image credit: UK Patent Office "Technical Contribution" Workshop - London 2005
Summary: Sean Dennehey and John Alty from the Board of the Administrative Council will see their consulate in Germany occupied by EPO staff
FOLLOWING some very large protests against EPO management, including a recent staff protest around the Danish Consulate (about 1,000 people in attendance, yielding mainstream press coverage), there is another protest being organised.
"Actions continue at the European Patent Office," said a statement today. "On Wednesday 25 February 2015 a demonstration will take place in Munich (Germany) starting from the EPO Isar building (Bob-van-Benthem-Platz 1) at 12.10h and ending at the British consulate (Möhlstrasse 5).
"The United Kingdom is represented in the Administrative Council by Mr John ALTY (Chief Executive and Controller General of the UK IPO) and Mr Sean DENNEHEY (Deputy Chief Executive UK IPO). Mr Dennehey is also member of the Board of the Administrative Council ("Board 28") which is currently discussing the future of the EPO Boards of Appeal. Mr Dennehey was recently re-elected Chairman of the Patent Law Committee. Mr Dennehey apparently supported the Office in trying to suppress public discussion about the suspension of a Member of the Boards of Appeal while at the same time leaving space for Mr Battistelli to express his view of the events."
This ought to yield press coverage in English -- not Danish -- hence it would be readable by a broad audience and raise awareness of the EPO scandals.
previously published Dennehey's contact details (after the EPO's management had removed these), so those who wish to be diplomatic about it can eloquently express their concerns about the Administrative Council to him (or to John Alty, who is also in the list). As we have shown over the past half a year, the Administrative Council has become more of an extension of Battistelli's regime; it's not independent. The Administrative Council lost credibility not only in the eyes of EPO workers but also outsider who depend on EPO services and pay taxes that EPO receives.