This is what Microsoft staff distributes to attendees in FOSS events:

Photo credit: Neil McAllister
Summary: Microsoft's relentless attacks on GNU/Linux and Free software in general (even if it runs on Windows) are so evident that claims of 'love' remain laughable at best (if not infuriating)
MICROSOFT JUST CANNOT HELP itself. It's like a scorpion riding a tortoise over a river. It keeps attacking GNU/Linux while claiming that it "loves Linux". The truth is, Microsoft loathes Linux with a deep passion, but it doesn't want to show this because it needs to infiltrate Linux events such as LinuxCon. It's a strategy of entryism. It's really ugly.
Imagine Microsoft having Linux folks as its keynote guests/speakers in its developers’ events, preaching passionately in favour of Free software (GPL for instance). Microsoft keeps infiltrating every single Linux event that matters. Microsoft is paying for it and it knows that it's annoying people who pay a lot of money to attend (or whose employers are sponsors). Microsoft runs many developers’ events. Imagine Linux ‘infiltrating’ these. That would be entryism in reverse. But FOSS doesn’t play dirty. We leave the crimes and the unethical deeds to Microsoft.
Several days ago someone
wrote to point out that Microsoft speaks nonsense and spread FUD again. To quote:
The giant from Redmond must be desperate since it has to use a controversial story from a relatively small Italian city to combat open source software, as in the mean time many larger deployments also in Italy are happy with LibreOffice and the numbers produced by Provincia di Perugia prove the opposite of the Microsoft-publication.
Robert Pogson put it: "Why do they keep spreading it? Every time they get caught lying they destroy their own credibility amongst their loyal followers, if there are any left…"
Microsoft and its goons recently spread some more lies about Munich, using
media partners which
took the words of just two people and
made that seem like the whole of Munich was upset with GNU/Linux. “Most people don’t really realize that they have Linux and they do not really care,” wrote Mr. Heath yesterday [1]. He was the first person who wrote a story about this in English, foreseeing and properly preparing for Microsoft's FUD attacks (Microsoft advocacy sites soon took the story out of context to lie about Munich).
Susan Linton, writing
her daily column, said that "everyone reading of this knew that couldn't be entirely right and today Heath reported, "the bulk of users have not taken issue with the move." He quoted Munich IT developer, Jan-Marek Glogowski, at DebConf15 saying, "Most people don't really realize that they have Linux and they do not really care, they want to do their stuff." That's not to say there aren't issues and growing pains, primarily keeping up with hardware support with LTS Ubuntu-base, but plans are to keep forging ahead. Robert Pogson linked to the actual video from DebConf15."
So basically we have just Microsoft FUD going on. Here is a new article that is just more utter lies, maybe 'prepared' propaganda from Microsoft (misleading, inaccurate) [2]. They have totally made up the 'facts' to sell people the illusion that GNU/Linux is a failure. It's that same old tired Munich lobbying from Microsoft Germany. As
Pogson noted:
Lately, in the news, we read that agitators are still pushing to roll back GNU/Linux desktops.
They really are just "agitators"; there are only 2 of them at the moment, but they are joined by Microsoft spinners who have access to newspapers and/or news sites. "Munich councillors want to return to proprietary software," wrote
Gijs Hillenius in the European press, but we are speaking about just "two councillors [who] have not yet responded to emails seeking their position on interoperability" (if they know what it is at all, as they're non-technical). Maybe they need to ask Microsoft Germany.
This headline, "Munich Officials Who Dumped Windows For Linux Want Microsoft's OS Back" [3], is also a lie because it's not the same officials, there's no change of mind, there are just 2 dissenting voices.
This latest round of anti-GNU/Linux FUD is
not something that we are unfamiliar with. We wrote
dozens of in-depth articles about this. Munich is a large-scale migration and as we showed in previous years, Microsoft usually orchestrates this FUD behind the scenes. Sometimes some information leaks out to the media, showing Microsoft's role in it (occasionally through proxies like HP). All we have here is a PR exercise, not news.
Related/contextual items from the news:
In spite of complaints from a couple of councillors about the Limux OS, the city council said the bulk of users have not taken issue with the move.
"Most people don't really realize that they have Linux and they do not really care," said Jan-Marek Glogowski, a developer in the IT team at the City of Munich told the DebConf Debian developers meeting earlier this month.
Whatever the case, the city of Munich will have to wait it out for another year at least. According to The Inquirer, a review and subsequent response into the future IT policy will not take place until the end of 2016.
2015-08-31 11:12:23